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The Pregnant Womans Moan Thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭LadyE

    Congratulations Cap!!!

    Well all, am due on the 21st July, so am 20 weeks on my second.

    Feel bloody mooooosive, feel like Im waddling and am just so uncomfortable in the evenings. The thought of another 20 weeks if just horrible, esp as I am just going to get bigger and bigger!! Arghhhh!! All worth it in the end, wish the end would just hurry up :pac::pac::D

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    Wow Cap what a little stunner! She is totally adorable! Well done to you. All the best for moving over to the parenting forum, we will miss you here but I'll be in and around there anyway until this one arrives.

    23 weeks next wednesday! Wohoo! Energy is back and I feel like cleaning house again at last. Have decided to spend the money I save on a cleaning lady for 2 hours a week on getting myself a 12 week blow-dry every three months to tame the monster on my head. Can't wait!

    LadyE welcome, you are two weeks after me so we are close enough in dates. Hope you enjoy your time in here and just go for it. Never feel the need to modify your urge to moan, just let rip- no one will say a word in here!;)

    And Adrieanne - don't go..... I hope you meant that all is good and you don't feel like moaning... we'd miss you terribly.... sure, how long have you to go yet? Myself and hacked and Swizzles need you! (Not much emotional blackmail at work there at all!):D

    No moan today.... or for the last few days anyway. SPD still brutal but I have just learned to live with it. That belt they give you only feels more uncomfortable so I have ditched it at the back of the wardrobe. I got someone to cover 4 out my 5 and a half days at work. Just that last little bit to sort out now. Am off to MC today to sort out some stuff they overcharged me on. Wish me luck. I think I will buy a glider chair for the room too... they have one in Mollys creche and we both love it. very soothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭LadyE

    TW glad you're getting your energy back. Try not to do too much, Ive had mine back the last week and maybe pushed myself too hard, Wednesday night I was in a heap and was in bed by 9 on Friday night (rock and roll :pac:).

    Ive tried to get a few walks in, feel like Ive sat on my ass for the last 4 months, the house is back to order now (the place was a mess with clothes needing to be sorted and stuff everywhere).

    I went early on my first child, so am like a lunatic now making lists on what I need, have most of the baby stuff for the hospital ready now, will get my bag done in the next week and get a crib. Ive a feeling the next few weeks will fly and Ill have nothing!!

    Adams are closing down btw, got great little vests etc for next to nothing :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    Just decided not to bother with the hour and half round trip to Tralee and bought my glider chair at BellaBaby. One happy camper!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Adams are closing down?? All of them or just one branch?? Now i feel like popping down to Dun Laoghaire to see if i can get any good deals :)

    Targetwindow -- so sorry to hear the SPD is acting up! When I was at your stage i was in bits with it. I'm lucky that mine corrected intself, but the worry is that it will pop back out when im in labour...need ot be careful.
    As for the belt...I found the same. It worked in the early stages, but when my bump got bigger and baby got bigger and more active it was useless as baby used to hate the pressure it created and would start hurting me the way she wriggled around! You should ask the physio about alternative options....I was using the medical tape for a while. I found it was only good for the first day, and after that i wanted a bath, but if you can get some of your own and get the physio to train you partner how to put it on it might work wonderfully. You could reapply it every day or every other day that way. Just a thought :)

    I'm feeling good today. My due date is either yesterday or today. Yesterday was the original due date i was given, and the one Dan would have known about. I text him yesterday to remind him...justa friendly text, i doubt he remembered. He just text me back "ok." Part of me wants to ring him up for a chat. I have no idea why...i just feel so GOOD. My life is pretty awesome these days, and more than anything i just pity him. Oh well, i told him i would let him know when she was born...I never told him it was a girl i guess that was news for him too!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Wow Cap what a little stunner! She is totally adorable! Well done to you. All the best for moving over to the parenting forum, we will miss you here but I'll be in and around there anyway until this one arrives.

    23 weeks next wednesday! Wohoo! Energy is back and I feel like cleaning house again at last. Have decided to spend the money I save on a cleaning lady for 2 hours a week on getting myself a 12 week blow-dry every three months to tame the monster on my head. Can't wait!

    LadyE welcome, you are two weeks after me so we are close enough in dates. Hope you enjoy your time in here and just go for it. Never feel the need to modify your urge to moan, just let rip- no one will say a word in here!;)

    And Adrieanne - don't go..... I hope you meant that all is good and you don't feel like moaning... we'd miss you terribly.... sure, how long have you to go yet? Myself and hacked and Swizzles need you! (Not much emotional blackmail at work there at all!):D

    No moan today.... or for the last few days anyway. SPD still brutal but I have just learned to live with it. That belt they give you only feels more uncomfortable so I have ditched it at the back of the wardrobe. I got someone to cover 4 out my 5 and a half days at work. Just that last little bit to sort out now. Am off to MC today to sort out some stuff they overcharged me on. Wish me luck. I think I will buy a glider chair for the room too... they have one in Mollys creche and we both love it. very soothing.

    Darling, I had my baby nearly two weeks ago :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    Darling, I had my baby nearly two weeks ago :o

    What?! Ah you're joking surely! :o:o:o:o:o

    I tell you faithfully the more pregnant I get the thicker Ive become... at this stage I have house-plants with a higher IQ!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭Vel

    15+3 today and starting to have some slightly better days with little nausea and no sick! I find that I start to get a bad in the evenings but the last few days have definetely been better. Started to feel like myself again at 16 weeks last time so fingers crossed.

    Had my swine flu injection today and going for first visit to hospital on Wednesday, followed by my son's first brithday on Thursday so its all go this week. I haven't been this busy since before Christmas. I think I've nearly forgotten how to cope in the real world. I was totally out of breath going from the car to the clinic today which is upsetting as I'm usually pretty fit as I cycle a lot. I suppose sitting on one's behind eating crap for the past three months doed that to you!

    Just have to decide now when I'm up to going back to work. Not looking forward to it. The thought of sitting at my desk all day and huffing and puffing my way in and out on public transport is horrendous :(

    I'm so glad I have no desire whatsoever to have any more than two kids because I just couldn't go through this again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Hello there girls...bump and i are still here!! The hospital are now telling me to aim for the 12th as my EDD, so hoping baby will be here by the weekend. The CWO is coming around later this afternoon, so i will be handing in eviction notices as soon as she leaves!! I'm thinking of trying to castor oil and OJ cocktail tonight as I've given everything else a shot! Was in Holles Street yesterday and doctor said my lower back discomfort was a great sign. I've also been having braxton hick every 2-5 i think thats a good sign too!

    Feeling very moaney today. The exlandlord is being a prick and trying to screw me out of an extra weeks rent!!! :eek: They have no right to do this, and they were very snotty and condescending with me on the phone. I was not a happy fat lady, let me assure you.

    I was also FURIOUS with TV3's show midday the day before last. They had some elderly politician lady on the panel...I can't even remember her name. Some young girl text in saying that she was 22 and 2 months shy of receiving her university degree, had just found out she was 11 weeks pregnant and lost her job as a result. She was being told that if she wanted social welfare she would have to drop out of college.
    Well this old BAG gets all sarky with this attitude...thinking she was funny or something saying "Has she not heard of abortion??" (The girl clearly wanted her baby) and "Would she not just use contraception??" I was SO pissed. I'm sorry but someone told me to just have an abortion when I was 11 weeks and i was piiiiiiissed. Not to mention, I know contraception wasn't legal in this womans day...but before you comment, do the research. DOESN'T ALWAYS WORK!!!! The girl was texting in for some advice and support, not to be told the world thinks her baby is a huge mistake!
    I text in saying I was extremely offended by the comments made. That i was a 21 year old social care student, and when i found out i was pregnant i had to drop out of college. that birth control does not work 100 percent of the time and that some of us are actually repsonsible enough to have our children and deal with the consequences!! (not to say i am criticisizing people who choose not to have their babies, but i do not feel that woman who want to keep them should be ridiculed either) I mean, it's not like it's the child's fault it wasn't planned!
    They didn't read it out, but i think they saw it as the girl who reads out the comments face dropped at one point and she quickly rushed on saying there was no time left for more texts. lol
    I thought it was a nasty attack on the one commenter, really really bothered me!! :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    Go hacked!!You tell um !:D
    I hate that about people ..Since when have they become judge and jury ,Did somebody suddenly pass everybit of troubles on to this woman who feels she has the right to decide about someone elses future..Grrr:mad:

    Anyway its the acidy feeling is making me feel like this..I think its heartburn or indegestion :(
    I got these things last night called remegel and took one before i red the instructions which say consult your doctor first..:rolleyes:But hey i felt so bad last night and it worked..

    I have counted down and its exactly 4 months on Sunday to my due date :eek: Where the hell did that time go!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    swizzles -- it really does just fly in!! It only feels like yesterday I was being told to have an abortion! :)

    Also -- as for the heartburn I know the doctors usually recomment Gaviscon as the safest option. I have a large bottle of peppermint that I keep next to the bed as most of my severe heartburn happens at night. 2 or 3 spoonfulls and it's gone. I have personally found the liquid to be more effective than the tablets, but i know some people who say the opposite. If you get heartburn frequently, I found the easiest thing to do was a bottle in the house and a pack of the tablets in your can never be caugh off your guard that way! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,071 ✭✭✭gaeilgegrinds1

    Oh sweet Lord will this ever get out? I'm so sick of waddling? Happened as soon as I gave up on the running. I'm fat, sick, grumpy and snappy now. Uh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    Had check up today and apart from being deaf in one ear I seem to be fine. Can't take Sudafed to clear the sinus problem causing the ear problem so I have to try to pop my ears as often as possible. It doesn't unblock my ear but it is supposed to help with the inner ear backup that is causing the whole thing. Driving me mad listening to my own voice in my head though, and very disorienting. Got the staffing all finished up today, so YAY! I now can officially relax. I even booked someone for 5.5 days between here and the middle of june when I knock off work. So I can go get my hair done and go shopping and go relax. Called the famous salon in dublin that does the 12 week blowdry today to check up on it and it appears it can't be done while I am pregnant.:( That makes me very sad. My hair is like a birds nest, so I am off to the usual hairdressers on Tuesday to see if I can get a treatment done to make it lie down a bit. All the bloody blurb I heard about that 12 week blowdry being "entirely natural" and "no nasty chemicals", must be utter tosh if they won't do it on a pregnant woman...;) But the very minute this baby pops/slithers out, I am gonna get me some straight hair!

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Oh I am so tired! So very very tired!

    Woke up last night with painful back spasms/ pain. Not so much fun, and it amounted to nothing.

    I started feeling really sick this morning, and wretching, and after I started having painful contractions. They have stopped now and back to painless ones. I am not getting my hopes up as it could be related to the fact i didnt get breakfast on time, and the wretching created severe cramping. I want to curse! I don't like babies. I've decided.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    that happened me the day my baby was born... the retching and the back pain :eek: maybe..;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    hehe thanks cbyrd :)

    Nope, no baby yet! I bought the castor oil yesterday....and although I was nervous about taking it, it ended up being odorless and tasteless, so I felt that was a sign to go ahead with it!!

    Only took 2 teaspoons, and i don't think it did that much. 5 hours afterwards I upchucked my stomach contents, but it wasn't that bad as once my stomach was empty I was fine, and there was no horrible wretching for hours. My back was so sore all afternoon, and I woke up with non stop contractions last night and painful cramping. Alas, no baby. However bump shifted in the's movements were lower down this morning and i was having cramping low in my pelvic cavity, also feeling really nauseous so i have my finger crossed for sometime today. I kinda like the sound of the 14th of march!!

    C'mon baby!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,174 ✭✭✭bulmersgal

    Hey Girls

    I always on reading but never get around to posting. Fingers cross todays the day for you hacked, seems like your little one loves her mummy to much to leave.

    I'm not due till the end of this month and every day I wake up going oh I hope I meet the baby today but then again I hope I don't. Have tried to prepare as best I could for my little ones arrival have everything you could nearly buy for a baby set up in its little room. But freaking out over the fact I have never ever held a newborn, never fed a baby, never changed one. Everything is so new to me and I'm a bit scared.

    Also I'm not with the father but he's wants to play a active part in babies lift and we get on 50/50. But I no thats going to be hard on both of us when the other person has the baby.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    Hacked good luck :)
    Hope your not going to still be on this time tomorrow and that you having an easy labour instead:DMothers day awww now that would be cute!!
    Hey Mommy im your present:)Awww

    Now gotta stop or ill be crying lol

    keep getting trapped nerves in my leg which is extremeeeely painful:(
    Himself has got a new job and has to go to Dublin for 5 days training and its making me soo weepy :(:(
    Dreamt my mam had a new lil baby last night:eek: she was the size of a 3 year old and had hair down to her behind..Mam laughed when i told her this morning..Dad looked very uncomfortable waiting for her to deny it :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 261 ✭✭elsy

    Hi bulmersgirl,
    I am 15 weeks pregnant on my second on my first i was like you freaking out at the end because no one in my family had babies so i was never really around newborns but honestly i worried for nothing it is true about maternal instinct for some reason when its your own you just seem to know what to do.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭ebmma

    I was never around newborns too and no siblings also.
    I have to say maternal instinct didn't really happen to me (maybe not yet, he's just 2 weeks old), but midwifes show you everything - how to put nappies on, give a bath, feed (breast or bottle - they show you either or both). So you learn on the job.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,174 ✭✭✭bulmersgal

    Ah thats what i'm hoping got some good books with some good pointers so starting to no the basic's but they just so tiny i'm afraid i'll hurt them. But sure i reckon they more sturdy then they look.

    Know just to decide if i should breast feed or not, bought all the bottles, sterlisers and bottle warmers but now I keep thinking of breast feeding even for a couple of weeks and see how I get on. I'm going to the coombe and the restrictions are still on with vistors so I reckon it will be a great time to try as I won't have to worry about people just popping in. IS there any thing I need to buy before baby comes or should I wait and see how I get on.

    Happy Mothers Day also to all the Mothers and Mothers to be:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Yep, you can be prepared for breastfeeding! And even if you do get on well with breast feeding, the bottles and sterilisers can come in handy anyway.

    1. You'll need nursing bra's, for starters. I would only buy 2 before you go into hospital as some people can shoot up a couple of sizes when their milk comes in! And nursing bra's aren't incredibly cheap.

    2. Breast pads.

    3. A lot of women complain about how much it hurts when the breast pads get stuck to the nipples. the best way to get around this, and leak on to your clothes less is to buy nipple sheilds. You can get them in any pharmacy. NUK do a really good silicone set. Whichever ones you decide to buy make sure they are ventilated!

    4. Some women swear by nipple cream, others didn't find it all that helpful. It's an option alright, but something to definately be aware of anyway. Who knows if it could come in handy!

    If anyone else can think of anything else I missed out...please feel free to add.

    Oh...and of course if you exclusively breast feed you can also get a breast pump to put those bottles to use! Whether you want your partner or someone to do a night feed, or if you would like to go out for the night and leave the baby with someone. Most handy!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Just as an above to hacked's post about nipple shields/creams etc, all that is available in the Coombes hospital shop. So if you don't want to buy it before you go in just in case, then you can always get it there.

    You'll love the Coombe by the way, I had a brilliant experience there just two weeks ago :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,174 ✭✭✭bulmersgal

    ah thanks hacked thats a great help. I borrowed a le leche breastfeeding book in the library so going to have good read of that now.Then pop into M&S and get some new bras. How are you feeling today?

    adrieanne thanks as well, i'll prob just get them in the hosp shop see how i get on. Ah I can't wait to go back to the Coombe was there on thurs for a scan and kept thinking oh the next time i'm here i could have baby. How's your little girl getting on? She is gorg

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    oh good call! I got my bra's in marks and sparks, they are super comfy and not badly priced.

    Feeling kinda crummy today actually. Just very tired, way too hot, really crampy. Braxton hicks seem to have just become one giant contraction, so my stomach is permanantly rock solid and it makes do anything hard! The hormones aren't helping either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,174 ✭✭✭bulmersgal

    maybe if you go out for a little walk the fresh air might help, thats what i do when i'm tired or if i'm really tired open the window lol. Ah hopefully this is the start of it, here's hoping you get a easy labour you seem to of had a bad time the last few weeks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭ebmma

    Lansinoh cream is good for cracked nipples.

    Get a good book about breastfeeding and read it before baby shows up, so you have some idea of what's normal and what's not (e.g. that size of your baby doesn't matter for breastfeeding, that milk only comes in on 3rd or 4th day, but baby won't starve on colostrum, etc.)

    But the main thing really is get as much help as possible in hospital, keep at them to check the latch, each hospital also has a lactation consultant if you're having trouble.

    and don't give up too soon. :)

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Don't give up in the middle of the night either. Everything seems so bleak at 4am when you're sleep deprived.

    I'm still using lansinoh as I find my nips still get dry.

    Also be prepared for it to take practice, both you and the baby are learning, try not to get stressed out if you have to keep taking the baby off and relatching, nearly everyone has to until they get it right.

    The best thing the lactation consultant said to me was "just because it's natural is not to say it's easy."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 631 ✭✭✭ebmma

    bulmersgal, can send you some breastfeeding info I got from midwives - day by day description of what to expect when breastfeeding during the 1st week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,174 ✭✭✭bulmersgal

    oh that would be great. Going to see if there any of those le leche classes near me hopefully I will be able to go to one b4 baby comes.
