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The Pregnant Womans Moan Thread.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 Spinach

    Hi Grandadsbear, someone kindly posted a link to a checklist over on the "need a list" thread :)
    I'm also a first-timer, 27 weeks, spent the weekend building the cot and changing table, I also don't see what all the fuss is about moses baskets. We also bought our pram and carseat a couple of weeks ago, not that we have a car, but we'll have to get home from the hospital somehow!
    Am planning on using that checklist to start gradually collecting the rest of the smaller items over the next couple of weeks, then we go on holiday for two weeks, and after that it will seem like the time is nearly upon us I'm sure! It is a bit overwhelming but breaking it down into categories as in that list seems helpful.

    Oh yes, and I gave some friends a shock the other week when I said "no pink please!" despite the fact that we do know ours is a girl :eek:

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 76 ✭✭Grandadsbear

    Once we have everything got ... we'll just have to learn how your meant to feed the wee thing and I'm sure we'll cope with the rest!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 321 ✭✭ani_mal

    I wanted to moan of how happy and unhappy I was in first 3 months.
    horrible 24hrs nausea, pains, hormones running like crazy, arguing.. being a real B**CH was an easy job.
    I was so upset of all the pains that my body causing me, and then when I walked into 4.5 months all is good. Apart from some pains its bearable.

    now.. I have urge for wine,liqueur but I'm non drinker!!! that's weird.

    baby not kicking too much but one good thing.. no stretch marks so far!! and Im 27 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    houseman wrote: »
    How many of the baby bits do i need? as in, vests, baby gro's etc?
    At the mo i've about 5 of each and in a range of sizes (some under 7lb and some over 7lb)

    Do i need to bring nappies and formula etc? Or do the hosp supply them?
    Lastly, any recommendations on formula? Cow and gate, aptimil, SMA, etc.

    I'd say 5 is plenty and you can always get someone to nip into Dunnes/Penneys for some if you get stuck. Or someone can bring them in from home. A great trick I got for my first (and don't laugh - yes Im a bit over the top - I know!) was to get sandwich bags... and into each bag, fold a babygro, a nappy and some cotton wool (they recommend cotton wool and water for the first few days rather than wipes). It was brilliant. Then you can put the used babygros into the sandwich bags to take home and wash. For cotton wool I liked the Irish Breeze large squares (spend an hour with a scissors cutting them in half and you will save a fortune!).

    As for baby food I gave a good go at the breast feeding and when that went wrong I hadn't a clue and ended up on the net at 4am trying to figure out how to sterilize bottles and make up formula. So I got a pressie of a baby routine book (Contented little baby book) and some Aptamil (Because it is supposed to be most like breastmilk) and I was grand after that. It tells you how much and how often to feed based on age and weight. I won't get into the routine/non-routine thing here because the mods prefer we don't but I will say that my personal experience was that it was a god-send because at 38yrs old I had no-one to ask. None of my friends had bottle fed and my mom was dead and mother in law very elderly and full of bull!(Claims to have toilet trained the hubby by two months!). So I felt really clueless and alone, and that book was like having a mam there to guide me, and being the Alpha mam I like to be, suited me down to the ground. But it's not for everyone and some people aren't going to take to that kind of regular routine themselves, nevermind being able to implement it for their kids, some people like winging it as they go along. But you have us anyway, and sure don't ever be stuck, we'll all be here to help with anything that we can.

    Just my tuppence worth about the moses basket thing. I caved at the last minute and bought one and was so very glad I did. She always slept better in her little moses basket than anywhere else and a niggling thought used to worry me that maybe I would damage her back letting her snooze in a bouncer or carseat (they don't recommend them for sleeping in for newborns.) And Baby Elegance do lovely neutral ones in lemon and lime and creams as well as the usual blues and pinks... you will find everything else you need in the line of bedding there as well and they are very helpful. Check out their site.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 Spinach

    Hi TargetWidow, maybe I am just being thick or stubbornly "what was good enough for me and all my sisters in the 70s and 80s..." but I'm planning to put the newborn in the cot to sleep, probably with either a sleeping sack or swaddling, so I don't know why I'd need a second type of bed as well? Although now that I think about it, my flat is all on one floor so the baby will be only down the hall during the day, maybe it's when people don't want to be running up and down the stairs?

    Sorry to harp on, it's just that I was totally oblivious to the existence of moses baskets until I started reading posts here during this pregnancy so I'm obviously just behind the times :) I'm not living in Ireland now anyway so I probably needn't worry about being out of touch with the trend...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    I am sorry Spinach. I seem to have inadvertently caused offence there. You seem neither thick nor stubborn. I didn't explain myself properly. Like you say I live in a two story house and it was convenient for lugging her around without waking her but the primary reason I got it was because I read that for the first few weeks newborns feel more secure in the moses basket because it is a more womblike environment and limits the exposure of their little eyes to light. And after 10 weeks of having her swaddled in her moses basket, we put the moses basket into the cot for a few nights, then got rid of the moses basket altogether and switched from swaddling to a gro-bag, which I can also highly recommend. The swaddling is very calming for them and prevents their moro reflex from startling them as they doze off. The risk of overheating and cot death peaks at 12 weeks so we went first to half swaddle and then gro-bag. The gro bag only went the other night and she is two now. The idea to throw her leg over the side of the cot has never even occurred to her (~YET :)) and I have the gro-bags to thank for that. Apologies again if I upset you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29 Spinach

    Hi Target, gosh no not offended at all! I was just more thinking aloud that I was bewildered at how out of touch I am with all the gear and the reasons for it since I was last around babies! I do see what you mean about the womb-like environment and the light. I will see how it goes, our cot has a - I don't know what it is called, mosquito-net type cloth hanging around it at the head end which I think will help with the light and the swaddling should help with the security feeling so I'm hoping to get away with that - but maybe I'll be back in a few months moaning about why won't she sleep :)
    Thanks for your explanations though and sorry about the crossed wires! I'm learning a lot here!

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    No problem Spinach, and another thing, impractical but true... they look like the most adorable little sausages when they are all swaddled, you could just eat them!

    My moan for today.... Had another good look at the calendar and I am 31 weeks today. Yesterday baby turned and started heading down. It was fairly uncomfortable for most of yesterday, felt like I was crowning at one stage (but I think that was just a bad bit of the auld SPD)

    I had my second night ever having to get up in the night to my little chancer last night so I dug out my book and looked up the controlled crying method because we haven't used it since we got rid of the dodie a year ago, and I couldn't remember quite how to start. Good result. Night one - no controlled crying, 4.5 hours awake (12.30 to 5am) Mommy Zombie next day! Night two - controlled crying implemented after 20 minutes. Total awake time - 1 hour (4-5am) mammy actually almost functional today! So I am ready to pick up where we left off last night if she wakes again tonight but I'm hoping she doesn't. Just in case though I will be hitting the sack at 10 tonight myself. Can't figure out what is causing it, if anything. Some children just go through a little phase at 2 when their imagination starts to kick in and they start to have dreams. This little one is just deciding it's time for everyone to get up though so I doubt it's a fear based thing. I'm wondering if she needs less sleep or more sleep now, because she has almost completely knocked the daytime nap on the head at creche, and it could be over-tiredness from that causing it, or something else. I'm baffled. She is wiped out in the afternoons when she gets home lately so she is definitely feeling the lack of the nap. Hubby says he'll buy me a tranquiliser gun if it persists!:D

    On the plus side she voluntarily asked me to help her take her trousers and nappy off tonight so that she could do a pee in her potty which she immediately did, no messing about! She was as pleased as we were! So I'm letting her take the lead with that because I don't want to push it with a new baby coming and do what only suits me. She'll make the transition when she is ready herself. I'm afraid if I push it to suit myself and she gets a setback when the baby arrives as I often hear happens, that the whole thing will become a negative thing for her. She is so fiercely independent that it could turn very nasty if she took the notion!:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    Target would be brill if she was trained before the baby or over half way there..Would take alot of pressure off you having to start with a new baby aswell...

    I know a girl who seemed way behind me with weeks ..Now it seems like shes catching up with me and im staying the same..No fair :(:(

    Hurry up weeks..Only 8 more to go but jesus ill crack up if i go over i mean it :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    7 weeks to go today. I have never felt so tired in all my life. I am missing the luxury of being able to lie around and feel sorry for myself like the first time around.
    I need to rant a bit,so bear with me.
    Little one is not sleeping in creche all of a sudden (for 3 out of 4 staff members :rolleyes:) and is like a little devil when she gets home. Started using a radio in her room on so she could only barely hear white noise tonight. Am gonna increase the volume every night over two weeks to see if this helps with the creche. My mam did this with me around the same age and thought it was a great idea for light sleepers. I haven't been able to go in and check on her when I go to bed for fear of waking her. Hopefully this will go some way towards the problem in creche too. It can't be easy sleeping in a dorm type room. She sleeps great at home for naps. But give her an inch and ..... a few of the girls in creche haven't much of a clue how to deal with it, and seem prepared to just give up on it, saying things like "well she thinks like a 3yr old"... Yeah but she has the body and sleep needs of a 2 yr old still! I recommended putting her in on her own earlier than the others and using controlled crying technique. They tried it for one day and declared it a failure!:rolleyes: They got her age wrong in a meeting with my husband the other day told husband about plans for her going into the preschool room soon (preschool room is next door to the toddler room), but she is only just gone 2. I think personally because she is tall and chatty they got it wrong, assumed she was 3 not 2, decided to knock the nap on the head because they were gonna move her into the preschool room in September. The woman who runs it even said it to me that she'd be in there in Sept and seemed very surprised when I told her she's only just gone 2 and wont be going in till Sept 2011 if at all. I am mad about this. Sometimes they don't seem to know their ass from their elbow. Hadn't a clue how to do the controlled crying technique properly (childcare professionals should know that), and are making "executive decisions" without consulting us to give up on her daytime naps. I have decided to stick with the radio work for 2 wks at home and see what happens then, if there is no improvement my hubby and I are prepared to pull her out for a week and get this sorted at home, or I might need to go in and observe whats going wrong and maybe even step in and put it right there myself. She comes home at 5 and they recommended we let her sleep in the car on the way home. This makes her wake earlier than 6 which is just not on for us. How a little child should benefit more from 15 minutes in a car seat than they would from her full hour in a proper cot is beyond me.:mad:

    There. I feel much better now. Rant over!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    Lol Target..Hope your doing ok..
    Question time..
    So im meant to be 32 +1 but at a scan recently it turns out im 32 + 5..
    Will my due date change to reflect this or will i still be the date i agreed with the doc??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,257 ✭✭✭Love2love

    They normally change the date to the one that is on the scan. Providing that you had the scan at the hospital and not from a private company. At my anomoly scan they changed the date to 2 weeks later, which if I do say so myself is pretty impossible as I wouldn't have been in the country at the time!!!
    Going by my own dates I am due in a week and a half and going by theirs I'm not due for another 4 but I'm sure baba will come when its ready! My only frustration is that my next appointment with the hospital is not for another 3 weeks! Going well past my own due date.
    I have only had 3 appointments for my entire pregnancy which I find really bad. On my previous pregnancy I was there at least every 6 weeks and that went to every week from 36 weeks onward.
    They are extremely busy at Holles Street at the moment, according to the booking in nurse - the other hospitals in Dublin have started to see people only within their catchment area and everyone else is being sent to Holles Street so maybe that's why.

    My moan for the day is extreme tiredness! I wake up every morning and feel like I never went to bed. I'm not a day sleeper, so I feel like I'm never catching up on my sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    I'm so tired. Neighbours dogs bark all night. Little one spent the day vomiting and had to bring the poor little chicken home from creche and see her thrown down on the sofa all afternoon (she brightened considerably after her first Burts Bees bath though before bed!). Bloody leg cramps and hot hot hot in the bed.

    On the plus side I have bought all my nighties etc tonight for my hospital bag as my ones from 2 yrs ago have all shrunk. Happy days. I hear her vomiting again in her cot. Must go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,937 ✭✭✭implausible

    So, I promised I wouldn't moan until I was a week over..... am now 40+6 and over being pregnant! I had a sweep today, so am sore, uncomfortable and pissed off:eek:

    I don't know if I'm ready for this baby, but I am definitely ready to get a full capacity bladder, a pile-free ass, a pain-free back and a normal-ish size belly back! I can't wait until I can sleep on my belly again:D

    All of this is not helped by 'friends' who keep telling me how huge I am and another one who thinks it's hilarious (I presume she's joking) to tell me I have my dates wrong.

    Will be induced Monday if no move. Am really hoping to go myself, c'mon baby....pleeeeease

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭edellc

    I'm so glad i found this page im at the end of my rope its not that the pregnancy is going bad its not it everything else that is

    1. - im unemployed well on illness benefit due to being bullied by my employer which i am in process of taking to court so says my solicitor

    2. - due to work situation was on anti depressants came off them when i found out i was preggers now im 29 weeks and still finding it hard

    3. - have banks sending me letters every week due to not working telling me they are taking court action against me im a nervous wreck

    4. - had to move out of my lovely apartment as couldnt afford any more due to my employer and now i live in a house which should be better but isnt as my new landlord is a s**t - broken bed so im sleeping on mattress on floor and when you have to pee a million times a night not fun trying to get up, also wake up in agony down my side, hips and knees :-( pipe is broken under kitchen sink so water just empties all over floor cant wash dishes or run water for anything landlord ignores me, PRTB say i have to keep paying my rent grrrrr why if he wont fix stuff, the sofa is broken and uncomfortable so there is no comfort in this house at all and its really getting to me in a major way

    5. - my mother god where to start she wasnt happy when i said i was expecting even though im with my partner 11 years???? she thinks im an idiot and isnt happy unless im working 90 hours a week and giving her money all the time to pay her bills grrrrrrr i know she is sick (emphysema - thats her own fault for smoking 60 a day since she was 13 years old) but man she expects me to bow down and kiss her feet and be her slave and i cant take it, if i do speak to her then i am only allowed lie and say everything is going great even when it isnt as she doesnt want to know otherwise and gets extremely pissed off with you if you actually say how **** everything is

    6.- due to broken bed my partners back is gone and we ended up in a&e over it he now is an invalid and cant move so i have to do everything, i dont drive own a car so have to walk to the shops and drag all the shopping home on my own as due to employer i cant pay my credit card so they cancelled it so cant do on line tesco shopping

    7.-feel completely on my own, stressed all the time sick of ringing landlord begging him to fix stuff sick of going on at my partner to at least help me with landlord but he wont hate living here really dont want to bring my baby into this mess and cant afford to buy anything for him so dont want to drag him into this pauper life :-(

    i know no one can help but thank you for letting me get it out im off to have a good cry for myself and hopefully feel a little better xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    Welcome Edellc. My heart goes out to you. Vent away here as much as you like. This is exactly why I created this thread. Things look really grim for you right now. It's important for you to take good care of yourself mentally and physically, and soon you will have this lovely little chubby pink bundle in your arms and everything else will fade into insignificance. You will be in a better position then to tackle whatever you decide to tackle. ~In the meanwhile, take it easy and keep reaching out. Sending you a hug.:D

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    Is moving house an option?
    That place does not sound suitable for a small baby.
    Go talk to your cwo they might be able to help you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭edellc

    Moonbeam wrote: »
    Is moving house an option?
    That place does not sound suitable for a small baby.
    Go talk to your cwo they might be able to help you.

    welcome Edellc. My heart goes out to you. Vent away here as much as you like. This is exactly why I created this thread. Things look really grim for you right now. It's important for you to take good care of yourself mentally and physically, and soon you will have this lovely little chubby pink bundle in your arms and everything else will fade into insignificance. You will be in a better position then to tackle whatever you decide to tackle. ~In the meanwhile, take it easy and keep reaching out. Sending you a hug.

    My cwo is no help at all she is horrible and i dont want to deal with her any more on a positive note i rang the landlord yesterday every hour on the hour until he came over to fix the kitchen pipes had nothing better to do so started at 9am and eventually he got here at 4pm...however its not fixed properly had to clean the dirt and mould off the press under the sink today and seen that the leak is still there by no means as bad as it was but still there so rang him again will wreck his head again until he fixes it

    also on the plus side we are getting a new bed friday yeah have managed to push the old one down the stairs as landlord said des kelly will take it away so its in the living room waiting to go

    also got strong drugs for the OH so he has stopped moaning about his back he still cant do much but the moaning has stopped
    and went to the council today and put my name on housing list also rang dun laoghaire rath down co co and they are sending me out a housing form for their list so will go on that too

    solicitor is away until tuesday so will speak to her then see if this case can speed up being dragging on since last september and i just want closure and an apology

    oh and a good old cry helped too with a big bar of chocolate and cup of tea :):)
    thank you for support really needed to hear it xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    edellc -- my heart goes out to you! Is there any way you can move? I was having a lot of problems in the last place where i was living, it was infuriating. Very stressful and exhausting and INCONVENIENT for a heavily pregnant woman and definately not suitable for a baby. I think the max rent they are giving out at the moment is 930....if i were you i would start looking now. There are places for 950 out there. Are you on rent allowance at the moment?
    If you run into difficulty you could always try getting an appointment with your maternity hospitals social worker.

    I saw the social worker in holles street for different reasons, and she was really really helpful when it came to dealing with a difficult cwo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    Another little vent from me today.... those of you who have followed the saga of my younger sister and I will know the score already. For everyone else, suffice it to say she has impulse control issues, control issues and a really mean cruel streak. These do not go well with my trust issues and make me want to stay a million miles away from her, so I don't give her any contact details for me other than those available to the public from my job, and also my facebook details. She only ever uses them to abuse me and throw digs at me from afar. She refuses all attempts to mend the relationship or deal with our stuff and just wants what she wants (fine at 2 not so fine when she's pushing 30). Well today she threw another little dig in Facebook and put me to tears at work. Being 34 weeks pregnant I am not as able for her as I would usually be, but it was an unusually cruel dig. I showed it to someone else and asked them for an impartial opinion and they thought it was a definite cruel dig. So I deleted her. And a few other family members that never put any effort in. So now she can't be tormenting me anymore. I am free. A bit sad that this is what it has come to, but already enjoying going into facebook again. It had gotten to the stage when my phone would ping a new message on my facebook and I would dread looking at it. So now I have only people I can trust to be gentle with me as my friends. That feels very good. I would never have had the courage to do this if I weren't pregnant. I really did it to spare my little one the flood of dread and sadness everytime she has a go at me.

    On the physical side I am exhausted and looking at where I will find another €1000 - €1500 to pay wages, so that I can go on leave two to three weeks early. SPD was very intensely painful today. I dont think I will last another 3 weeks at work and I don't want to push it that far.

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  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 10,439 Mod ✭✭✭✭xzanti

    Hi Ladies,

    Not your usual type of moan on this thread but here goes.

    I'm basically at my wits end worrying.. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it having had 2 early miscarriages, the most recent one only last July.

    I only had a scan last week and everything looked fine, doc said it was a "very busy little baby".. I've not had pains or any bleeding but I'm still terrified. I knew I'd feel nervous but this is ridiculous, I never thought it would be this bad :( and we decided to start telling people this weekend.. We told the OHs parents on Thursday night and they were soooo excited and happy and I feel like I just really don't want to let people down now :(

    Also I feel like I should be bigger now, I'm 11 + 6 today and I've been told that you should be showing by week 12, I have a small beer gut on me that feels slightly solid and a little tender to touch at the very bottom of my abdomen but I really feel like I should be bigger.. I haven't told my partner that I'm feeling like this cause I don't want to worry him.

    I don't even know what sort of answers I'm looking for here I just needed to get this out somewhere..

    It also doesn't help that I've had absolutely no sickness at all.. And I'm still waiting for that "heightened sense of smell" which is also worrying me, I'm going around sniffing candles and stuff like a loolaa waiting for them to make me feel sick :o :eek:

    I was almost tempted to head into the hospital and just tell them I was having pains or something so that they'd scan me ( I know that's horrible) I had to snap myself out of that fairly quick.. I wouldn't want to put the mockers on myself :(

    Sorry for the rant I'm just out of my mind here.. :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    It is natural to be petrified - I know that I was - I ended up getting a private scan at 12 weeks for peace of mind but my whole pregnancy was scary. With your previous history they should be more sympathetic. In tems of showing - meh - clothes were feeling tight but I did not look remotely pregnant until the 20's, I think that I wore empire line dresses more for reasurance. Hugs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭LadyE

    Xzanti, dont be worrying chick, everyones pregnancy symptoms are different, you might not get the heightening smell thing (lucky you!!) - as for showing at 12 weeks, that depends on each person so try not to over analyse that!!

    I understand why you'd be weary and worried with your previous history, but take each day as it comes.

    Would you consider going for a private scan? Might make you feel better. I went to Ultrasound Dimensions and the lady was fantastic, really put my mind at ease :)

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 10,439 Mod ✭✭✭✭xzanti

    LadyE wrote: »
    Xzanti, dont be worrying chick, everyones pregnancy symptoms are different, you might not get the heightening smell thing (lucky you!!) - as for showing at 12 weeks, that depends on each person so try not to over analyse that!!

    I understand why you'd be weary and worried with your previous history, but take each day as it comes.

    Would you consider going for a private scan? Might make you feel better. I went to Ultrasound Dimensions and the lady was fantastic, really put my mind at ease :)

    Thanks, I had a private at week 8 and then my official scan at 10 so I only had the 2 weeks to wait.. I think maybe I'm just panicing now cause I don't have another impending scan in the pipeline as a stepping stone to focus on.. I have a hospital apt on the 18th of June but that's just for bloods etc, they told me I will not get scanned on that apt..

    I think I will tell my OH this evening that I'm feeling like this and book another one.. I just hope the waiting times aren't too long :o

    Thanks girls xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Swizzles wrote: »
    Lol Target..Hope your doing ok..
    Question time..
    So im meant to be 32 +1 but at a scan recently it turns out im 32 + 5..
    Will my due date change to reflect this or will i still be the date i agreed with the doc??

    In the Coombe and the Rotunda they wouldn't change dates unless there was over two weeks in the difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,021 ✭✭✭LadyE

    How are you feeling today Xzanti? Hopefully a bit better :)

    What hospital are you attending? If Holles Street you may get a mini scan at your appointment, Ive had a few on normal appointments :)

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 10,439 Mod ✭✭✭✭xzanti

    LadyE wrote: »
    How are you feeling today Xzanti? Hopefully a bit better :)

    What hospital are you attending? If Holles Street you may get a mini scan at your appointment, Ive had a few on normal appointments :)

    I am feeling a little more confident today, I turned 12 weeks today and my belly is starting to really feel more solid at the end lol.. I'm going to just take it at face value and try and enjoy it as much as I can :)

    I'm attending the Rotunda, I will tell them about my concerns and maybe they can do something to put my mind at ease but for the meantime all I can do is keep thinking + + + +

    Thanks hun xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,458 ✭✭✭CathyMoran

    xzanti wrote: »
    I am feeling a little more confident today, I turned 12 weeks today and my belly is staring to really feel more solid at the end lol.. I'm going to just take it at face value and try and enjoy it as much as I can :)

    I'm attending the Rotunda, I will tell them about my concerns and maybe they can do something to put my mind at ease but for the meantime all I can do is keep thinking + + + +

    Thanks hun xx
    Have fond memories of my 12 week scan (I got it privatly) - just think, your baby is a lively little being at the moment. I found that getting more scans really helped. My son was only really noticeable near my c-section scar at this stage where it was a bit harder but I was strugling to find him - nobody noticed my pregnancy until I was in my late 20's of the pregnancy - you may just be having a small bump when the time comes. I used to look online to see what my little guy was doing at different phases - the one that really got to me was when he could feel. You are a great mummy looking after yourself. Hugs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    xzanti wrote: »
    Hi Ladies,

    Also I feel like I should be bigger now, I'm 11 + 6 today and I've been told that you should be showing by week 12, I have a small beer gut on me that feels slightly solid and a little tender to touch at the very bottom of my abdomen but I really feel like I should be bigger.. I haven't told my partner that I'm feeling like this cause I don't want to worry him.

    IIt also doesn't help that I've had absolutely no sickness at all.. And I'm still waiting for that "heightened sense of smell" which is also worrying me, I'm going around sniffing candles and stuff like a loolaa waiting for them to make me feel sick :o :eek:

    I was almost tempted to head into the hospital and just tell them I was having pains or something so that they'd scan me ( I know that's horrible) I had to snap myself out of that fairly quick.. I wouldn't want to put the mockers on myself :(

    Sorry for the rant I'm just out of my mind here.. :mad:

    I was at my antenatal classes and there is a girl there who was 2 weeks ahead of me(Im 34 weeks ) and she made me look like a monster..She literally looked like she had just had a big sandwich and here i am sitting there HUGE!!Everyone is different and their bodies manage it in different ways..Also you might not be big now but you mite (like i did ) have a tummy and wake up one morning with a bump...

    Try not to worry ..I have never suffered a mc but the whole way through this pregnancy i was terrified i was going to have one..I couldnt explain it but i just thought i was going to so i understand what you mean in a way.

    Oh and for the sickness..Well that only set in for me at like 32 weeks :rolleyes: and its not even every living minute either ..I understand that too and i think alot of the books should include in big bold capitals..NOT EVERYONE WILL SUFFER ALL OR EVEN SOME OF THESE SYMPTOMS!!!:)

    Congrats to the rest who have joined :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    In the Coombe and the Rotunda they wouldn't change dates unless there was over two weeks in the difference.

    Noooooooo!I really was hoping i would go in before !!
    Oh well back on the gym ball :p

    Thanks :)
