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The Pregnant Womans Moan Thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    Then there were two women (who I thought were friends but I've since learned aren't at all) who were obsessed with my delivery (that was months away at this stage) and my (apparent) need for a C-section.

    I had two people tell me all about how to deal with the epidural that I would invariably need.
    One of them even went behind my back after my daughter was born and told my mother I didn't need to be ashamed of having an epidural and I shouldn't be lying to people by saying I just had gas and air :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    I had two people tell me all about how to deal with the epidural that I would invariably need.
    One of them even went behind my back after my daughter was born and told my mother I didn't need to be ashamed of having an epidural and I shouldn't be lying to people by saying I just had gas and air :mad:

    Ah yes, I'd forgotten about the "did you/ didn't you have pain relief competition".
    It drives me nuts. The optimum outcome is a safe and healthy mum and baby. If you get there with nothing, with only gas and air, pethadine, epidural, the whole lot of them or none doesn't make a blind bit of difference. You get now awards, no extra money in your children's allowance, nothing at all.
    Feck off the whole lot of you and mind your own business and keep your mitts to yourselves too and stop touching my body!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    My aunt said to me today,
    ah you don't even look pregnant you just look fat. Like you haven't lost your baby weight.
    And I immediately thought of this thread. I just kind of smiled and let it go over my head.
    I don't care what you think I look like .I'm busy with a full time job, a ten month old and ten year old and I'm 6 months pregnant .Half of the time I don't care what I look like .

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    Lashes28 wrote: »
    My aunt said to me today,
    ah you don't even look pregnant you just look fat. Like you haven't lost your baby weight.
    And I immediately thought of this thread. I just kind of smiled and let it go over my head.
    I don't care what you think I look like .I'm busy with a full time job, a ten month old and ten year old and I'm 6 months pregnant .Half of the time I don't care what I look like .

    I would have cut her. Like actually.
    Seriously, I'm fuming. If someone said something that intentionally offensive to me, I would actually point it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    I actually didn't give a toss. I'm comfortable,I'll loose the weight when I want to. I've put 8lb on since I've gotten pregnant . Other half ain't complaining. But I couldn't be arsed to explain myself to someone as ignorant to make such a comment!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    I'm 18 weeks now and the leg pains over the last week have been horrendous. They feel like really bad growing pains. Has anyone else had this before? Seriously thinking of going to GP now as it's beginning to freak me out a little.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭pooch90

    Ok, I know it's a very minor whinge but my belly button is starting to pop out and it's really bothering me :( It looks so gross as it's only the top half sticking out and every time I cough it puffs out another bit. Does it retreat post baby??

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    pooch90 wrote: »
    Ok, I know it's a very minor whinge but my belly button is starting to pop out and it's really bothering me :( It looks so gross as it's only the top half sticking out and every time I cough it puffs out another bit. Does it retreat post baby??

    Mine went back in but never looked the same again. It's back out again now and I have to layer up or everyone can see it through my clothes :pac:
    My toddler thinks its a button and she loves pressing it back in :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭pooch90

    It will be goodbye to my bump hugging tops now I reckon.
    On the bright side we are collecting our travel system tomorrow so that will cheer me up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    My baby was born early so my belly button had just gone flat by then, but was totally "out", there was no more innie to it. It went completely back to normal.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,194 ✭✭✭Little Miss Cutie

    I'm back in hospital for what feels like the millionth time with a bleed.
    Thankfully all is great with me and baby but I feel moany cause they can't tell me what is causing the bleed, which means more anti-d and trips to hospital of it happens again.

    I am really thankful that we are both fine but all these trips are getting to be too much!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    I'm back in hospital for what feels like the millionth time with a bleed.
    Thankfully all is great with me and baby but I feel moany cause they can't tell me what is causing the bleed, which means more anti-d and trips to hospital of it happens again.

    I am really thankful that we are both fine but all these trips are getting to be too much!

    Great that you are both okay but I agree, it must be a right pain to have to go in with the same thing over and over and feel like they are looking at you like you are mad! Like would they rather you ignore it? :rolleyes:

    I was sure I was going into labour last night, contractions regular and then got two good ones in a row that wrapped right into my back. Went to bed, and woke up this morning very much still pregnant :pac:
    OH is away on a day-long course and we have guests staying, so I'm trying to clean around everyone (we're doing renovations) so that my girl can potter about on the floor and all I want to do is crawl into bed and hibernate :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    pooch90 wrote: »
    Ok, I know it's a very minor whinge but my belly button is starting to pop out and it's really bothering me :( It looks so gross as it's only the top half sticking out and every time I cough it puffs out another bit. Does it retreat post baby??

    Mine went back in and looked the same as it did before I was pregnant. However, I got lots of skin tags while pregnant and some of those were in my belly button. :eek: I know they're just there lurking and waiting to come out to say hello when my button pops out again this time around.
    I find belly buttons slightly freaky. Am I the only one?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    Mine went back in and looked the same as it did before I was pregnant. However, I got lots of skin tags while pregnant and some of those were in my belly button. :eek: I know they're just there lurking and waiting to come out to say hello when my button pops out again this time around.
    I find belly buttons slightly freaky. Am I the only one?

    My brother-in-law doesn't have a bellybutton... now there's something to freak you out :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭pooch90

    Penny,they freak me out too especially Outies! Which is why it's bugging me so much. ShaSha,how has he none? That's really weird!!!

    LMC,I'm so fed up on your behalf. Few more weeks until lovely little baba comes,it will all be worth it.x

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    pooch90 wrote: »
    Penny,they freak me out too especially Outies! Which is why it's bugging me so much. ShaSha,how has he none? That's really weird!!!

    LMC,I'm so fed up on your behalf. Few more weeks until lovely little baba comes,it will all be worth it.x

    He had to have surgery done (preemie baby) when he was very little, and whatever way it was done 30 odd years ago, they went in through the bellybutton and then stitched it shut after!
    It's utterly horrifying to look at :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭monday monday

    Hi all
    37 weeks preganant on my 2nd and lordy lord am I not enjoying it...
    has anyone experienced lightning pain in groin area? Not just pressure, ive had that a while. Felt like the baby was going to fall out at one stage. This is different...stop you in your tracks painful. Im struggling to walk with the pain but managing to hobble around. Yesterday at some points I literally couldn't walk it was so bad.
    tell me im not alone??
    oh and if one more person says "but its all worth it in the end". Yes of course I will have 2 beautiful kids in a few weeks but F$&K OFF.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Oh my God the exhaustion is killing me. I know it will pass but this is just something else. I'm 10 weeks today (yazers) and feel like I'm 110 years old.
    Being pregnant while already having a 14 month old who is teething with a vengence is no laughing matter. It almost pains me to think back to when I was pregnant with her at this stage- I'd go home from work, have a little nap on the couch, get up and have a little dinner, bath/shower and bed.
    Now, its up early enough to get ready for work before she wakes up and is around to "help" me get ready. Then drop her off with the minder, into work, try to stay awake here and be useful to some degree (no one here knows I'm pregnant yet), then head off again to pick her up and take her home to (try to) spend some quality time with her before bedtime at 7pm.
    Then its either time to try to make some dinner (and not throw up) or decide I'm too tired for dinner and flake out on the couch.
    Then my poor husband comes home and he is under so much pressure at work and having to work late so often I feel bad that I've napped rather than made something to eat (not that he bats an eyelid or ever is anything other than understanding) for us and its bedtime again.
    Throw in having RA too and going through a flare up at the minute and I feel like I could go to bed for a week at least.
    I've booked myself a facial and a luxury pedicure for this Saturday coming and I just cannot wait...... the peace and quiet and people doing nice things to me ......ah bliss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 543 ✭✭✭Cerocco

    Nearly 7 weeks on my first and I feel sick all the time. If I eat I feel sick if I don't eat it's even worse. will the neausea ever go !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    16 weeks and still sick most days... nothing i try is making my skin any better, no pregnancy glow here! And if one more person tells me they were never sick when they were pregnant :mad:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    i'm 18 weeks and have had a chesty cough for weeks. GP has now put me on augmentin and I am sick as a small hospital from it...think I rathered the chesty cough :(

    @Wuffly, I wasn't sick first time around at all but this pregnancy is completely different. Feel like s*it every day and just functioning enough to get through the day and on to the next one. I've forgotten what living and enjoying life is about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    Yellow hen, I hope you feel better soon, i had horrible uti around 6 weeks ended up on augmentin as well its awful on top of generally feeling rubbish! I know what you mean, we're supposed to go away this weekend and I'm dreading it rather than looking forward to it. Going to my Dr on Sunday hopefully she has some ideas besides ginger/tea/biscuits/soft drinks!

    I think its great that lots of women don't get sick, just makes me feel like I am crap at being pregnant! :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,919 ✭✭✭dori_dormer

    I forgot how much I suck at being pregnant! It really is the pits. I mean I remember the numbers from last time, but the reality is completely different. Especially now with a toddler too! I'm writing it all down cos I am not being conned into doing this again! Lol!

    14 weeks of puking at the beginning, 10 weeks of Injury and massiveness at the end. A few weeks of pregnant bump but just look fat. No alcohol or other nice fun things. Going off choc so can't even get that joy either.

    Everyone going for your bump, and all this 'glowing' ****e. Eh that's sweat from puking so much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    38+3 and for the first time ever, over two pregnancies, I have day-time heartburn :(
    Never, ever, EVER had heartburn before I got pregnant with my first, so the first time I had it I assumed I must be dying :pac: Gaviscon/Rennies don't touch it. Milk helps keep it at bay long enough for me to get to sleep at night, but that's it! Not sure how I'm going to cope with it during the day!
    Wee one is still in bed so I decided to get up and get some work done and I've been sat here for ten minutes sniffing the inside of a packet of football gloves because the plastic is heavenly :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 662 ✭✭✭wuffly

    Oh Dori, that sounds brutal!

    What is with the bump touching??! I do not get it! One my friends' husband does it which i find really creepy...!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I didn't glow on number one and it looks like I won't be glowing this time round either!! Feel the exact same as last time, secretly convinced it's another girl. Constantly sick and feel hungover. Not to mention the bad skin!!

    Luckily no one random touched my bump on my last pregnancy. What is with that??? I would literally growl at someone if they came near me!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    I had much worse morning sickness this time than last time. No puking but CONSTANTLY feeling like I needed to puke. I actually wanted to get sick just to have some relief.
    And it is harder with another child, because you can't just take it easy and curl up into a ball.
    So glad that's finished now.
    For me, it's the awful pain in my pelvic joints that is very difficult this time round. It takes me a couple of minutes to get out of a chair (and I'm only 23 weeks, it's not like it's the size of the bump that's causing it). It's ok if I'm moving but once I stop it's very sore!

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭ladylost

    For those with morning sickness I found the Sona pregnancy vitamin with ginger really helped me. I took it in the mornings. It won't make it disappear but one morning I forgot to take it and I felt so much worse. I was never vomit sick though. If you can't keep anything down it won't help I guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I had much worse morning sickness this time than last time. No puking but CONSTANTLY feeling like I needed to puke. I actually wanted to get sick just to have some relief.
    And it is harder with another child, because you can't just take it easy and curl up into a ball.
    So glad that's finished now.
    For me, it's the awful pain in my pelvic joints that is very difficult this time round. It takes me a couple of minutes to get out of a chair (and I'm only 23 weeks, it's not like it's the size of the bump that's causing it). It's ok if I'm moving but once I stop it's very sore!

    Have you been to the doctor about your pelvis, sorry if that's an obvious question! A physiotherapist referal should be able to offer a small bit of relief, the earlier the better and there are belts and things that can help.

    I had terrible spd (pelvic girdle pain) on my last pregnancy to the point I ended up on crutches. The sound of my pelvis popping when I turned in bed I think will stay with me and my husband! Really really hoping I don't get it or at least as severe this time, it really is bloody awful!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Digs wrote: »
    Have you been to the doctor about your pelvis, sorry if that's an obvious question! A physiotherapist referal should be able to offer a small bit of relief, the earlier the better and there are belts and things that can help.

    I had terrible spd (pelvic girdle pain) on my last pregnancy to the point I ended up on crutches. The sound of my pelvis popping when I turned in bed I think will stay with me and my husband! Really really hoping I don't get it or at least as severe this time, it really is bloody awful!!
    I asked the gyny about it, he said "Oh there's nothing you can do, just take your time getting up". I might push him on it the next time.
