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The Pregnant Womans Moan Thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,139 ✭✭✭witchgirl26

    Cash_Q wrote: »
    Throughout my pregnancy I was sick at least a few nights every week. My husband never once asked if I was ok, or offered me water or anything. He must have just thought its part of being pregnant and so be it, suffer on. Men are SO clueless sometimes.

    Oh jaysus that’s a bit bad. I would have lost the rag with him! Although not sure which is worse - the over-cautious or the ignoring. Probably both as bad in their own way.

    They defo are clueless as hell at times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    Oh jaysus that’s a bit bad. I would have lost the rag with him! Although not sure which is worse - the over-cautious or the ignoring. Probably both as bad in their own way.

    It pissed me off so much but sure if I had to tell him to ask if I was ok even once it defeats the purpose like. He once woke me up to tell me I was snoring. Something I never did to him every night for 15 years, when I could have! He doesn't mean to be inconsiderate, he is just clueless at times!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,920 ✭✭✭Cash_Q

    Pretzeluck wrote:
    Don't brewed then, nobody is forcing you to. Bizzare how you complain when most of you chose this. It's like I would shot myself in the foot and then be like "wow, it hurts like hell, why" literally same analogy.

    Mod sort this poster out please

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    And I’ve torn my oesphagus again. Just lovely.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Husbands! Seriously!!
    It’s been a hectic few weeks for everyone I’m sure, being pregnant in the lead up to Christmas is not easy. I’m 29 weeks now and while things are going well I feel enormous, my heartburn and nausea are back with a bang and I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old in tow too.
    Last night / this morning my husband (who must have a death wish) woke me up at 5am to ask if I had any tissues by my side of the bed as his nose was running and he felt like he was coming down with a cold.
    I kid you not!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Last night / this morning my husband (who must have a death wish) woke me up at 5am to ask if I had any tissues by my side of the bed as his nose was running and he felt like he was coming down with a cold.
    I kid you not!

    Is he still alive?!

    Also still puking and am now in serious pain down my back and legs this pregnancy stuff sucks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,337 ✭✭✭Loveinapril

    Still upset that I couldn't eat the pate started yesterday but my nausea stopped by about 2pm which was great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    cyning wrote: »
    Is he still alive?!

    Also still puking and am now in serious pain down my back and legs this pregnancy stuff sucks.

    Still alive? Just about. That’s mostly because he is useful for taking the kids out to the playground and for a walk to allow me either have a nap or just some peace and quiet.
    He did come extraordinarily close to death yesterday though. I’m 30 weeks now and like you and most others have bad back pain, one side in particular down into the hip and leg. We went out for a family lunch yesterday which was very nice and on the way home I asked him to pull into the local Dunnes Stores as I needed to pick up a spare duvet for my daughters bed (she had wet the bed the night before and the duvet she had was soaked and needed a proper cleaning).

    It’s quite close to our house and usually I’d walk home but yesterday I was very sore, had been up since 04:30 (hey just like right now!) due to the bed wetting incident and was exhausted. My lovely specimen of marital bliss said to me “I think you should walk home, get your steps up for the day and you did eat a big lunch after all”!!!
    No, I’m not messing. Those words actually came out of his mouth. Luckily for him I cried instead of killing him. Also luckily for him I know that it was his stupid way of asking if I wanted to walk home rather than him telling me I was a massive oaf who needed to walk home and he genuinely thought walking would help the back and hip issue.
    Still though he got a sharp lesson in how to ask something and how not to.

    I’m having reflexology this morning at 09:30 and I really hope it does something to alleviate the pain in my right side. I also think I might be developing carpel tunnel FFS!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭catrionanic

    Still alive? Just about. That’s mostly because he is useful for taking the kids out to the playground and for a walk to allow me either have a nap or just some peace and quiet.
    He did come extraordinarily close to death yesterday though. I’m 30 weeks now and like you and most others have bad back pain, one side in particular down into the hip and leg. We went out for a family lunch yesterday which was very nice and on the way home I asked him to pull into the local Dunnes Stores as I needed to pick up a spare duvet for my daughters bed (she had wet the bed the night before and the duvet she had was soaked and needed a proper cleaning).

    It’s quite close to our house and usually I’d walk home but yesterday I was very sore, had been up since 04:30 (hey just like right now!) due to the bed wetting incident and was exhausted. My lovely specimen of marital bliss said to me “I think you should walk home, get your steps up for the day and you did eat a big lunch after all”!!!
    No, I’m not messing. Those words actually came out of his mouth. Luckily for him I cried instead of killing him. Also luckily for him I know that it was his stupid way of asking if I wanted to walk home rather than him telling me I was a massive oaf who needed to walk home and he genuinely thought walking would help the back and hip issue.
    Still though he got a sharp lesson in how to ask something and how not to.

    I’m having reflexology this morning at 09:30 and I really hope it does something to alleviate the pain in my right side. I also think I might be developing carpel tunnel FFS!

    Oh dear Lord. I am sorry for laughing. But MEN!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Oh dear Lord. I am sorry for laughing. But MEN!!!!

    Feckin’ eejits. On paper my husband is very clever. Seems he is having difficulty translating that into real life these days!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I have a kidney infection and sinusitis which have flared up my hyperemesis. im dehydrated. My husband asked me would I not just drink more.

    Seriously 3rd baby. 2nd full blown hyperemesis pregnancy. The other one was severe non stop nausea and vomiting from 20 weeks on.

    Drink more? And yes he’s worried but like ya. Clueless is not the name for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Bloody 3rd trimester. My back is killing me. Heartburn is viscious. I’m necking bottles of Gaviscon at this stage to get a modicum of relief. Sleep is elusive from around 2:30am onwards. Baby is doing lots of moving about which is great but for some reason loves to stick her bottom right into my liver or stomach. It’s not comfortable.
    Have had a few rough nights of late and I’m just so tired.
    The icing on the cake is that I’m starting toilet training with my little boy tomorrow the poor pet. Hopefully it will click with him quickly enough as it did with his sister.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    20 weeks and sleep is already going to pot - FML! Got barely any last night due to sore hip and awake 3yo so was exhausted all day. Went to bed at 9.30... slept til 2.30 then had to go for a wee and been awake since. Made worse by the fact I still have bloody hyperemesis and tiredness makes it worse so guaranteed a rubbish day

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    20 weeks and sleep is already going to pot - FML! Got barely any last night due to sore hip and awake 3yo so was exhausted all day. Went to bed at 9.30... slept til 2.30 then had to go for a wee and been awake since. Made worse by the fact I still have bloody hyperemesis and tiredness makes it worse so guaranteed a rubbish day

    It’s really hard isn’t it? I got physio for my hip and back on Monday and it was great. Well it hurt at the time but I felt much better after it. Also the physio showed me so good stretches to do which have helped me during the week to keep things from getting too sore or messed up again.
    Growing humans is hard hard work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    People are driving me mad. Like properly mad. Especially in my wonderfully gossipy mostly full of women work place. So....

    1. I am sick of puking. I am sick of needing fluids. But mostly I am sick of people saying oh you look great. Well clearly as you are saying that as I am coming out of the loo puking you know I’m not so stop talking complete and utter rubbish.

    2. No matter what I puke water. No I don’t know why. No I know water is good for me. No matter how many times I say it you still suggest it.

    3. I now have SPD. I may need crutches. It is not even one tiny bit funny to imitate me walking. I’m in pain and it hurts.

    4. Do not tell me antibiotics are bad for me. Again I know it’s preferable not to need them but I don’t have much choice.

    5. Finally STOP TOUCHING ME. Seriously just stop. Yes I have a bump. That does not mean you can touch me.

    Aaaaand deep breath. I’m going to scream.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    cyning wrote: »
    People are driving me mad. Like properly mad. Especially in my wonderfully gossipy mostly full of women work place. So....

    1. I am sick of puking. I am sick of needing fluids. But mostly I am sick of people saying oh you look great. Well clearly as you are saying that as I am coming out of the loo puking you know I’m not so stop talking complete and utter rubbish.

    2. No matter what I puke water. No I don’t know why. No I know water is good for me. No matter how many times I say it you still suggest it.

    3. I now have SPD. I may need crutches. It is not even one tiny bit funny to imitate me walking. I’m in pain and it hurts.

    4. Do not tell me antibiotics are bad for me. Again I know it’s preferable not to need them but I don’t have much choice.

    5. Finally STOP TOUCHING ME. Seriously just stop. Yes I have a bump. That does not mean you can touch me.

    Aaaaand deep breath. I’m going to scream.

    Poor you. One of those things on its own is either really annoying or difficult to deal with but all of them together is an absolute no!
    How many weeks are you? Is it possible for you to be signed off work from now or even for a little while?
    I had bad SPD on my first pregnancy and it’s really dreadful, just no respite is there? I have it a bit again this time but it’s manageabke compared to the first time.
    The vomiting is awful too. I had that so badly on my last pregnancy I really feel for you. Again looking back on it I don’t know what I was doing by continuing to go to work all the way through.
    As for other humans... well they’re just too much.
    Hope you feel even a tiny bit better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I was off sick for over 2 months at the start with the hyperemesis so I’m out of sick pay so need to try keep working as long as possible so I can take more unpaid leave. Ah could be worse it’s just frustrating... the SPD is awful though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    34+5 now and the baby is big and strong which is wonderful.
    What is not wonderful is how much my back hurts! It is in ribbons and I’m not even that big ..... as it goes. My babies tend to be very long and this one is no exception to that rule.
    She is head down- sometimes it feels like she is so far down she is taking a little peek at the outside world before quickly retracting her head again. My liver and stomach are being pummelled by her feet.
    SPD has kicked in with full force too.

    I know all of this is normal and to be expected at this stage but bloody hell it isn’t easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,423 ✭✭✭Harleen Quinzel

    Heartburn :mad:

    Trying to decide on a name, I have a few on my list and each suggestion has been met with “no”.

    When I ask OH if he has any suggestions or alternatives to offer I get told “no”.

    I’m guessing this baby shall remain nameless, or be called “no”.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,691 ✭✭✭Lia_lia

    Getting a bit sick of it all now! First morning sickness, then awful heartburn, then SPD. Just found out this week I have gestational diabetes. No risk factors at all. My GP tests everyone so I was lucky they caught it. The thoughts of having no Easter egg!

    Also means I'll be knocked off the domino scheme. Really hope it doesn't mean I'll be induced. Almost 28 weeks so a bit more to go...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,172 ✭✭✭cannotlogin

    cyning wrote: »
    But mostly I am sick of people saying oh you look great. Well clearly as you are saying that as I am coming out of the loo puking you know I’m not so stop talking complete and utter rubbish.

    Please don't kill me for this but I really think a lot of women look amazing when pregnant, their skin glows and their hair gets really shiny in a lot of cases. I think there is something lovely about that.

    I would comment on it but guess I should stop! That said, I would never touch a invasive.. who thinks that's ok.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Please don't kill me for this but I really think a lot of women look amazing when pregnant, their skin glows and their hair gets really shiny in a lot of cases. I think there is something lovely about that.

    I would comment on it but guess I should stop! That said, I would never touch a invasive.. who thinks that's ok.

    Believe me when I say I’m not one of them! My skin is dry and blotchy from constant mild dehydration and vomiting everyday, I have roots because I can’t bear the thoughts of the hairdressser touching me, you can actually see flakes of skin on my arms, my nails are brittle and damaged. Ya lots do look great, but after 29 weeks of vomiting and dehydration I am just not one of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 954 ✭✭✭Skybirdjb

    I was waiting the whole 40+6 to get this "glow" everyone was on about
    I just looked a big fat mess 😂 Hobbling around on my crutches with my humongous belly and after getting my husband to help me shower I really did not feel like I was glowing let me tell u that .
    When people kept saying " oh you look great " I was like ..... I know your lying lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    The crutches.... pain in the arse of yokes they are. My arms hurt, my pelvis, my belly, the pressure. There should be a rule that if you get one sh*tty pregnancy thing you shouldn’t get too. I’ve pukef in my hand more times than I’d care to admit lately cause I physically can’t get to bathroom on time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 954 ✭✭✭Skybirdjb

    Oh cyning you poor thing ! I know the pain of them so so well .... And my poor husband trying to get me up the stairs at night .
    Then there is the staring when your out and about .... How long have you left cyning?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    7.5 weeks. What is going to be a very very long 7.5 weeks! I broke my wrist a couple of years ago badly which hadn’t helped, and neither does standing around at soccer matches! I’m just over it all and wish I was 37 weeks and baby would come.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,300 ✭✭✭Gatica

    I noticed no-one has moaned about anything in a while... let me get the ball rolling again :rolleyes:

    29 weeks now, for about 3 weeks now I've been getting comments from lots and lots of people about my enormous bump. I'm usually fairly ok with it, as I do recognise that it's not small and measure big for dates, but it's now starting to bug me and worry me. I've had "is it twins?", "are you SURE it's not twins?" and even "maybe it's triplets", or "wow, didn't realise you had so much to go yet" when I say I'm not due another 3 months (well, just under now).

    I just hope it's not actually a really enormous baby.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 137 ✭✭Saysay19

    Gatica wrote: »
    I noticed no-one has moaned about anything in a while... let me get the ball rolling again :rolleyes:

    29 weeks now, for about 3 weeks now I've been getting comments from lots and lots of people about my enormous bump. I'm usually fairly ok with it, as I do recognise that it's not small and measure big for dates, but it's now starting to bug me and worry me. I've had "is it twins?", "are you SURE it's not twins?" and even "maybe it's triplets", or "wow, didn't realise you had so much to go yet" when I say I'm not due another 3 months (well, just under now).

    I just hope it's not actually a really enormous baby.

    Awww Gatica people love sharing their opinions don’t. Take no notice, if you were tiny they’d still be saying something also.

    My tolerance is gone and I’m only 13 weeks. I snapped at my father in law yesterday.
    I have been in bed rest for 5 weeks due to having asthma attacks low blood pressure HG.
    I couldn’t wait to get pregnant and now I’m miserable.
    I just keep telling myself it will be worth it at Christmas when I meet my little bundle 😊

    I did start clearing out cupboards yday and found my 5 year old sons clothes so that perked me up a bit 😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 85 ✭✭Baby19

    Awh Gatica it's awful isn't it. I'm the opposite though, 31 weeks and keep being told how small my bump can't win!!:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29 manufangirl

    Gatica wrote: »
    I noticed no-one has moaned about anything in a while... let me get the ball rolling again :rolleyes:

    29 weeks now, for about 3 weeks now I've been getting comments from lots and lots of people about my enormous bump. I'm usually fairly ok with it, as I do recognise that it's not small and measure big for dates, but it's now starting to bug me and worry me. I've had "is it twins?", "are you SURE it's not twins?" and even "maybe it's triplets", or "wow, didn't realise you had so much to go yet" when I say I'm not due another 3 months (well, just under now).

    I just hope it's not actually a really enormous baby.

    I had this aswell as my bump is quite big, I've been showing since about 9 weeks. I'm 34 weeks now so the size is sort of settling finally. Note that every time I've been measured or had a scan the size is spot on so it's just how the bump looks!
    However now people are compelled to tell me stories of going early, I don't want to hear them, I feel jinxed!
