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The Pregnant Womans Moan Thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭lynski

    my moan for today is being too emotional. so far today i have teared up when i saw the photo on the front of the indo of Micheala Hartes hubbie, listening to the lady taking about IVF on Tom Dunne, listening to the Obama speech from the 9yr olds funeral and seeing my son give my daughter a hug.
    Pregnancy hormones are dangerous I am afraid to go out in public!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 twinmaker

    Hi Girls ,
    mind if i join you ?

    I'm 26w 4days with twins and had to have a glucose tolerance test today - i feel like a pin cushion they tooks 4 blood samples but ive got 8 or 9 needle holes, my hands are bruised and sore and i'm feeling very sorry for myself.

    hormones all over the place tonight and tiredness isnt helping neither is hubby aaaaarrrgh i wish he could be pregnant for a week just so he can understand the tiredness thing.

    so sorry this is my first or second post and im moaning , honestly im usually a pretty happy preson :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    twinmaker, you're pregnant, you're allowed to moan, and to go to bed whenever you feel like it...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 63 ✭✭melsbells

    i need a moan:(

    seriously, am i on my own here or has anyone elses hormones made them want to kill their oh's?!
    i know my last moan was about my husband but he's always at the root of my pain at the min!
    i made the effort to go to the pub with him last nite for his birthday, now he did say he didnt mind if i changed my mind but i felt i should go as i havnt been out since i found out i was pregs. so off i go, was so uncomfy on stupid bar stools, was exhausted as i'd had a busy day at work and on top of all my tummy is doing this weird tightening thing that im sure is normal but im still getting used to it so was dealing with that too. i thought he'd realise this was a big thing for me and appreciate it but oh no, he got really drunk and we ended up not leaving till near 12 after me basically threatening his parental rights to this child, talked crap the whole way home and now today thanks to my night out i dont know which end of me is up, im so sick from being up so late and my ass is sore from the bar stools! and then this morning he wanted to know was he going to get a birthday 'treat'?! my response- your 'treat' is that im not going to divorce you. i've totally gone off sex and that is starting to put a strain on things but god im so close to telling him to go. and now im teary so even thinking about being in the same room as him is making me cry!
    please someone tell me that they have wanted to do some damage to their oh when i normal:D:D

    whew, i feel a bit lighter now!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    melsbells, that sounds awful. My sister suffered such bad morning sickness on both of hers that she couldn't bear her husband to come near her, let alone touch her. It does sound to me like your OH could be a bit more considerate though, I think I'd get fairly annoyed with mine if he was that thoughtless.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 229 ✭✭Butterflylove

    Awh Mesbells Im right there with you my OH was suppose to be going out for a FEW drinks on Thursday lunch time after exams and he didnt get home to wee hrs

    I was up freaking out till he got in because he battery died in early afternoon and he never told me he was going to be staying out so late

    I dont like our nieghbourhood at night (we are moving next month) I do be worried about been at home alone, our door locks from inside so I couldnt lock it till he got in. :mad:

    Hes been paying for it since and will be for a good while yet before Im ready to forgive him. he spent the whole weekend spring cleaning the house :D
    Pisses me off that their lives dont change (noticeably anyway) till baby comes...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 429 ✭✭Jinxi

    melsbells, you are totally in your rights to moan.
    I don't know how far into your pregnancy you are? I am only 6+5 and my annoyance level is dropping daily. The dog is usually the one to get yelled at as the OH works obscure hours.
    I only wish everyone knew i was pregnant. then at least I could get some drinking buddies into the house for OH. He is whining at the mo because I asked him not to drink this saturday night! He has no idea how close he is to death.
    I don't think you are being unreasonable to have a bit of consideration about late nights, seating etc.
    And I def don't think that birthday "treats" are at the top of your list of priorities!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Ah melsbells, it's tough alright. My oh got absolutely p1ssed one night a few months ago. I was livid because of the state of him and it was the first real fight (the next day if course) since we got married last feb.

    My tolerance for drunken bullsh1t has greatly reduced since I got pregnant and stopped drinking. I don't mind tipsy or merry but I can't bear drunkeness. I know that sounds sanctimonious but it's true.

    I suppose those nights have been few and far between for us but he now knows I cant bear them. Otherwise, for the most part, my oh has been great so I can't give out too much about him but seriously they don't get it. You really have to explicitly tell them how you feel and why you can't/don't want to do the things you did before.

    Thankfully my oh's mother has kicked his ass a few times on things so he's
    learning. We still have our moments though and to his credit I've been an absolute cow on a few ocassions so he's had to put up with me too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 63 ✭✭melsbells

    thanks girls, good to know im not alone!
    i dont know whats gotten into him lately, generally he was pretty good with my moods/hormones but lately he just has no patience with me! im 25 wks and my sickness isnt just as bad as it was so im assuming that when he sees me eating a more varied diet and trying to get a walk in the eve's he must think im back to 'normal':rolleyes:

    like you how strange, i can just about tolerate merry but im liable to tear strips off a drunk person! i find im even starting to get annoyed with the sisters boyfriend for not putting down my toilet seat! he's an absolute gem but it seems no one is safe, and just on the hormones topic does anyone find that they're being over sensitive about even tiny things? hubby told me not to buy baby stuff till he got my car fixed(crashed it at xmas and its a mess) after i told him i reserved it in argos and i didnt speak to him till today, had to lock myself in the bathroom at one stage as i was in convulsions from crying, cant imagine what 15 more weeks of this will be like!!!!!

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    my moan of the day - I have not given birth yet!

    Oh yes the,impatience has set in majorly!!!

    Also getting nervous about the birth because any intervention unless a medical necessity will result in a very upset me!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Time to get jiggy while eating a hot curry and bouncing on a birthing ball, like crazy cat lady tried last year!! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭May79

    lynski wrote: »
    my moan for today is being too emotional. so far today i have teared up when i saw the photo on the front of the indo of Micheala Hartes hubbie,
    Pregnancy hormones are dangerous I am afraid to go out in public!

    You doing any better lynski? I have to say i'm doing grand apart from back ache - I'm nearly afraid that things are going far to wel!
    Squiggler wrote: »
    twinmaker, you're pregnant, you're allowed to moan, and to go to bed whenever you feel like it...
    I'll secnd that!
    melsbells wrote: »
    i need a moan:(

    seriously, am i on my own here or has anyone elses hormones made them want to kill their oh's?!
    i know my last moan was about my husband but he's always at the root of my pain at the min!
    i made the effort to go to the pub with him last nite for his birthday, now he did say he didnt mind if i changed my mind but i felt i should go as i havnt been out since i found out i was pregs. so off i go, was so uncomfy on stupid bar stools, was exhausted as i'd had a busy day at work and on top of all my tummy is doing this weird tightening thing that im sure is normal but im still getting used to it so was dealing with that too. i thought he'd realise this was a big thing for me and appreciate it but oh no, he got really drunk and we ended up not leaving till near 12 after me basically threatening his parental rights to this child, talked crap the whole way home and now today thanks to my night out i dont know which end of me is up, im so sick from being up so late and my ass is sore from the bar stools! and then this morning he wanted to know was he going to get a birthday 'treat'?! my response- your 'treat' is that im not going to divorce you. i've totally gone off sex and that is starting to put a strain on things but god im so close to telling him to go. and now im teary so even thinking about being in the same room as him is making me cry!
    please someone tell me that they have wanted to do some damage to their oh when i normal:D:D

    whew, i feel a bit lighter now!

    It's normal i think. You are in the right place to let loose :rolleyes:
    Moonbeam wrote: »
    my moan of the day - I have not given birth yet!

    Oh yes the,impatience has set in majorly!!!

    Also getting nervous about the birth because any intervention unless a medical necessity will result in a very upset me!!!

    Any joy yet moonbeam???

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭lynski

    May79, no, no better. Watched Toy story 3 again the other day and thought i was over the crying at the end stage, but no, it got me again. also seeing Micheala's funeral on tv last night got me, so teary!
    also panic has now set-in, while I have packed my bag, I still have no babygros for baby, and feel I am no way ready for this one, mentally or physically.
    Other then that it is so weird not going to hospital this time, I was there so much last time, but I have only been in once at 21 wks and not again til week 40, would love a quick peek at the babs.
    but no moans this week ;-)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Hi ladies. How active are your little ones?

    I’m 31 weeks and this little one is keeping me up at night and seems to be kicking, punching and stretching all the time. I laughed when I read in my pregnancy book that I should be checking for at least 10 movements in an hour - sometimes this little wriggler manages that in less than a minute. I had hoped that, as the baby grew, the lack of space would mean that the kicks etc would be less painful, but if anything they are worse. Monday night I hardly got any sleep and yesterday my stomach muscles were so painful I could hardly stand. It’s funny watching my belly erupting, but so sore. The thought of 2 months more of this… :eek:

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    it gets worse!!
    I can see baba punching/kicking above the skin clearly atm esp when I want to sleep.
    It starts to happen less but the pain of it is more.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Moonbeam wrote: »
    it gets worse!!
    I can see baba punching/kicking above the skin clearly atm esp when I want to sleep.

    Haha, yeah, yesterday my tummy was visably moving around like something possessed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭May79

    My moan this week is that i cannot get comfortable. The bump is now resting on my legs when i sit down, i can no longer lie streched on the bed on the flat of my back because it pushes the breath put of me. Just feel so heavy and uncomfortbale. stll have 11 weeks to go and so much more growing to do. :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    May79 wrote: »
    My moan this week is that i cannot get comfortable. The bump is now resting on my legs when i sit down, i can no longer lie streched on the bed on the flat of my back because it pushes the breath put of me. Just feel so heavy and uncomfortbale. stll have 11 weeks to go and so much more growing to do. :(

    You poor thing! That sounds awful.

    I've about 9 weeks to go and am feeling massive, but the bump is still fairly high and doesn't cause too much discomfort. Sleeping is definitely getting to be more of a problem though.

    The contents of the bump are another matter! This little one has me pummelled! Yesterday in work I was trying to move whatever was digging into me and felt a little balled up fist between my fingers and thumb. Incredible feeling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭May79

    Hi squiggler - You are having similar problems! Sleep is an issue but i guess it'll be worth it. The other half announced that we might look into getting a deal in some hotel somewhere with huge baths in the bedroom - at least then i could feel a little less uncomfortable for a few hours haha. Could we do that every day for next 11 weeks please.... I'l be grand - just really grumpy with it :( - I long to be fit say i've 9 weeks left - that way it'll be single figures and pyshcologically it might not seem so bad! I hope you are keeping well otherwise. x.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Hi May79. It definitely starts to feel closer when the weeks are in single digits, but occasionally it still seems like a very long time to go, especially when I think in terms of 9 more weeks of baby growing (and bump increasing in size) and on the bad days when walking is uncomfortable and I struggle to get out of a chair I wonder how I am possibly going to manage closer to the time.

    And as for the sleep, as someone said to me recently, it's going to be like that (or worse) after the birth so we might as well get used to it. At least then sleeping in should be an option, or trying to take naps when the baby does.

    The bath in the bedroom sounds like a great idea :) Hope you do get a chance to take that break!

    Are you working too? I find it great for helping the time to pass, reckon sitting around at home would be really tough.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 63 ✭✭melsbells

    my moan isnt really a bad one and i feel bad complaining but im getting the c**p kicked out of me!
    i cant wait till i too am down to single digits, i've 14 weeks left and it feels like forever! mind you when i think about whats left to get i sometimes think i'll not be ready in 14 weeks:D

    squiggler, i was just thinking the same thing bout sleep, or the lack of it!
    i cant get comfy either, babs kicks the life out of me no matter what way i lie, at 3am dis morning i realised this is mother nature getting me ready for those two hourly feeds, today and yst i have survived on about 3 hours sleep:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭May79

    Squiggler wrote: »
    Hi May79. It definitely starts to feel closer when the weeks are in single digits, but occasionally it still seems like a very long time to go, especially when I think in terms of 9 more weeks of baby growing (and bump increasing in size) and on the bad days when walking is uncomfortable and I struggle to get out of a chair I wonder how I am possibly going to manage closer to the time.

    And as for the sleep, as someone said to me recently, it's going to be like that (or worse) after the birth so we might as well get used to it. At least then sleeping in should be an option, or trying to take naps when the baby does.

    Are you working too? I find it great for helping the time to pass, reckon sitting around at home would be really tough.

    I am working yes. I agree - i think i'd loose the plot if i wasn't kept distracted all day. The weekends are actually quite hard - So many wee things to do around the house that i can't actually get at. God knows what i'll be like when forced to take the obligitory 2 weeks prior to due date off (I am convinced i'll go over by 2 weeks just as mammy did witht he 5 of us)

    I realise it'll be tiring when the baby comes but at least we will be in a position to get comfortable and won't be so heavy and blah!:rolleyes: I shouldn't be so down because baby will be great but god knows i'm so frustrated!!!!!

    Hi mellsbells. We're all moaning here so why not!!!:D Baby moving is a great way to waken - baby moving and causing an urge to run to the loo for the 3rd or 4th time that night..... Not so good haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 229 ✭✭Butterflylove


    Im fed up and its only been 23wks! There always seems to be something that brings me down about been pregnant!

    I had really bad all day sickness up till 14 wks, then got really bad heartburn all throughout Chirstmas, and now Ive low blood pressure which is causing me to faint!! On top of infection I didnt even know I was 'suffering' from :mad:

    Makes it worse is that I cant afford not to go to work so when I fainted on bus this morning I just got off and relaxed for a few min before having to jump on another one to spend 8 hrs in a job I hate ugh roll on April when I can put my feet up and just worry about babs!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Melsbells, it's amazing to discover how little sleep it is possible to function on, but I have to say that the combination of pregnancy hormones and lack of sleep has me feeling sometimes like my skull is full of cotton wool instead of brains. :rolleyes:

    May 79, totally agree with your comment about baby and bathroom urges. My poor husband has been woken a few times to me asking the baby to please remove it's foot/fist or whatever from my bladder. I mostly enjoy the weekends, if only because I don't have to get up when an alarm clock tells me to. But not being able to do things is getting pretty frustrating, I'm just lucky that my husband is happy to take care of a most of the housework.

    Sometimes I think that the mandatory 2 weeks will be great and then others, like you, I start to dread them, and the possibility of them stretching to 3 or even 4 weeks, but that's mostly at the thought of continuing to increase in size and lose mobility.

    Butterflylove, sorry to hear you've been having such a tough time of it :( Hope it all improves for you soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭May79

    Sorry to hear you are having a horrible time butterfly. I can totally sympathise but i generally haven't had a bad run so i can't even compare myself to what you are going through. I hope that fainting thing doesn't continue. Both frightening and dangerous for you. You are in a good place to let of steam so bring it on ! :rolleyes:

    My husband is really good too squiggler. I was pleasently surprised at his ability to hoover with vigour haha. He's working full time too so it's hard to get all fitted in. Grateful for small graces as they say. We had a burst pipe in the house last night.....How the hell did that happen when we surived the -14 temperatures of Christmas!?!??! Anyway, got BIL down this morning to start repairs. Such annoyance but things could be worse haha.

    Baby and the toilet thing - - - - We'll be having words when it's old enough ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 984 ✭✭✭NextSteps

    35 weeks today and so bloody tired. And generally irate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 457 ✭✭Winnie

    I bent over this morning to pet the cat and couldnt stand up back went and had to remain stooped over until my OH came back from the shops!

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭May79

    Oh my god winnie what way are you now?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 945 ✭✭✭Squiggler

    Winnie, that sounds awful. You poor thing! :(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 457 ✭✭Winnie

    ah im not too bad now......leg is a bit sore from sciatica but at least im able to move about again!
