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The Pregnant Womans Moan Thread.



  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    well see, it's already been paid for, and we asked them to hold it for a day or two as we had no way of getting it into the car. They were ok with that, but we havent been able to get up there because of all the ice. I called yesterday and thye were ok with that, they didn't tell me what the deal with it was, just too kmy number, but I am assuming it's all ok. They did write "paid" in large letters accross the box along with my name and the receipt. I don't think they have a choice but to hold it under the circumstances.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Ah that's grand then! They'll have to keep hold of it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Seriously...please please please please this weather can't last for another week!! !I can't do it!!!! :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Hang on in there hun, I am stuck with you!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Das Kitty wrote: »
    I had a wee cry for myself because I am smelly. :o

    Me too :D I freak out if I can't have a shower every morning, this morning was my second day without one so there was nothing for it but to brave the roads and stay in my sisters place.
    The simple bliss of hot water and not having greasy hair anymore was so good!
    What was not so good is the doors on her shower cubicle aren't that wide so wasn't too sure if I'd fit out through the doors once I got in :eek:

    @Hacked, I know how you feel I was seriously agitated when I seen on the news they're giving this weather for the next 10 days :mad:

    @Targetwidow, mine's the same, though I had the GTT and they said all was fine and I'm not registering too much protein in it either.

    I am looking so forward to having my body back to (nearly!) the way it was before! Too many odd things happening to it of late :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Cap...I had a good cry about it!! The mother is being a bit of an unmentionable pain, and being locked up in my family home for the last two weeks and locked out of the flat has taken its toll!!

    I can't really complain though...those of you with frozen pipes and no heating have it much worse than I do. Any news on when thye can get that fixed for you?

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    Just give them a call,they will understand due to the weather conditions:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Moonbeam wrote: »
    Just give them a call,they will understand due to the weather conditions:)

    Well, my mom and I discussed it today. I already got the free changng bag out of them, and all my mom could say to my worry of them doing something silly with it was that if that happens...they owe me an upgrade. :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    No moan today.... just happy happy happy.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    Hard day today. Supposed to be going for much anticipated first scan on Monday, so had booked someone to run the office for me. Said someone phoned today to say she wasn't going to drive the 7 miles on Monday because of the weather forecast. So, do the public need their postoffice more than me and my baba need this scan (on a freezing cold Monday where there will probably only be two customers all day)? Hell-No! I'm gonna drive DD to creche, let the postman in and give him keys to lock up when he leaves, go get my scan and try (yes only TRY) to be back in time to get the outgoing post out for the last time of posting. I could technically be taken to court for it. It has been known to happen. I have no other option though. Cried a little after the phone call and then thought, sod it. I'm going. Please everyone cross fingers eyes and toes for me on Monday, now for LOTS of reasons!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    Hey Target
    Hope everything goes ok for you ..
    Im sure seeing the lil baby on the scan will make the risk seem worthwhile :)

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Target, if I could sit in that Post Office for you I would.

    Fourth day here with no running water and the central heating (which feeds off the mains) is running low and a lot of the radiators aren't working. The pipe leading up to the house is frozen so we have to wait for a thaw. :(

    Going for a swim today so I can have a shower (or 2!) hopefully I have some swim gear that fits!

    Capri, you still without water?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    TargetWidow, I'd go to work for you if I could.

    No moan here today. Addison got two top teeth last night which brings it to to a total of four :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Das Kitty -- My heart goes out to you!

    Target -- Will be praying your little detour to work gets overlooked. I am so sorry, that must be so dissapointing!

    Adrieanne -- Yay!!

    Not much to complain about really, the difference in my mood since I've been able to get out a bit is astronomical.
    Still stuck up in my parents house due to ice and snow though. Dying to get home!! Someone tell me I;m not crazy. I am nesting so strongly as of last night. My cousin sent me a couple of bags of baby things I haven't been able to go through yet, my pram is still sitting in mother care, went to Ikea and bought the matching changing table to my cot along with bedding and accessories...all froggie themed. :D

    Started nesting like mad last night, and am actually ready to scratch my eyes out. Dying to get home to clean and sterilise and declutter and set up!! I've even gone so far as flat hunting online! My small two room flat isn't going ot cut it for long. :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    @Target Widow - you poor thing last thing you need is the added stress of work when you've a scan to go to.
    Sod it, it'd be different if you were taking the time off to go dossing you're going for a medically necessary appointment I don't think there's a court in the land that'd dare argue that one with you!
    I'm sure your customers will understand too. I know there are loads of businesses going to be closed tomorrow in Kilkenny due to the weather.

    @ Das Kitty - yes still without water and heating! we moved over with the inlaws and my jinx of no water has followed us over here, we're filling water canisters from the local river to fill the cistern for the loo. very Ray Mears/Bear Grylls :D
    Hubbie got a lift over in a jeep to check on our house and all is ok so at least we've a bit of peace of mind, I was worried we might so back to leaks/burst pipes but so far so good :)

    I had to do that when I was renting before go to a local swimming pool to get a shower, thankfully my sister works in a hotel so we can pop in there to grab a shower. I think if I dived into the local pool they'd think a whale had beached itself there :D:o

    Hopefully the pipes will thaw soon and you'll have your rads & water back working

    @ Hacked - I know the feeling, I was starting to nest nicely on Wednesday, scrubbed the cot, got the nursery ready but pulled the presses in our room apart to reorganise them.
    Only got half way through doing that when hubbie told me we had to leave the house so house is like a tip and I'm itching to tidy it! So frustrating not being able to get near it!
    The nursery stuff in Ikea is only gorgeous I love all their themed bedding.

    @ Adrienne x - so cute, I love the little gummy grins when they have a few teeth :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    DK and Cap..I know how ye feel ..Have had no water for a few days now.And im down in Cork.We dont have central heating (Old old old house ) but we cant even put down a big fire becoz of the water tanks bursting ..I was looking forward to the snow but i take it back now..I just want my water back :(:(

    Back ache is being a nightmare today and tryin to get comfortable is just not happening to me ...Makes me wonder if i can handle what the next 5 months will bring :(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Swizzles... I feel your pain! 32 weeks here, and baby is lying in the weirdest positions. Kicking and leaning on my spine and's fun. And don't worry, I felt like that too, but it doesn't last comes and goes. Just remember to take it easy, and if your having a bad back day...don't be a hero!

    Cap -- I know, IKEA has some gorgeous stuff in. They don't have much choice in the way of cot bedding though! I got a gorgeous cot and changing table from the same set, and the colour scheme is a base colour of green. They've got some really cute little cot accessories at the moment. Also I didn't notice too many themes going on...but they had frogs everywhere. Works well just in case baby decides to accidently come out with a penis. :rolleyes: You can't tell I'm excited, can you??
    Sorry you had to leave half way! that's the worst feeling!
    Dying to get home now. All I need to get now are some wicker baskets lined with fabric....preferably white. If anyone knows where thye sell cheap ones, I would be much obliged :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    Try a pound/Euro shop Hacked they might have some there.
    Just did a quick google there and storage solutions in Dublin have them...Quite expensive though:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Everything seems ot be overpriced eh? They have a load of nice baskets in IKEA, but none suitable for baby clothes, kinda scratchy and they'd snag everything.

    Saw some in Dunnes yesterday actually..I think they were meant to be for bathrooms, but they only had certain sizes, so I don't know about the dimensions.

    Adrieanne thinks I'm crazy...I think I must be an obsessive nester!! :o

    How is everyone feeling today??

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    Evening ladies. Feeling much better today. Braved the roads with DH and DD to get to local Supervalu and bought a weeks worth of meat for the freezer! (So sick of rubbish food from the shops nearby!) After that we met his mam in Ballyb for lunch and while there it started snowing properly. I was glad DH was with me as he is much more confident driving in it than me. We hit Lidl in Listowel on the way home to replenish our much needed ice-cream stocks and got DD a CD player for her new room to be! My postman has volunteered to take the kingsize bed which has been cluttering up DDs room and preventing me from moving her in there and came and took half of the base (I know!) away, thank goodness. He will move the rest over the next day or two and I am thrilled to see it go. Now I must go shopping for a nice cot bed. Saw a Disney Princess canopy toddler bed that wowed me for a second and is so utterly out of character for me that it shocked me that I was even looking. I normally go for the clean lines and white or natural looking wood. I always think, can I pass this onto the next one if its a boy. They often have that habit of popping out with a willy attached that a previous poster mentioned! ~Disney princesses tend not to impress them.:rolleyes:

    Anyway when we got home we took the shopping in but DD was having none of it and wanted to stay out playing in the snow so we joined her and the other kids on the estate having snowball fights and building my first ever snowman (I originally come from the seaside where it never used to snow like this!). Lovely dinner made by DH, changed the sheets and put on my fab Northern Nites ones, bowl of lidl vanilla ice-cream and herself panned out in her little cot. Gonna hit the shower now and then the sack. A good day by all accounts.

    Thank you all for your support. I reached out to a few family members yesterday and got more dysfunction than I was ready for. Going to the hardware shop for bread!:rolleyes: When will I learn.:D

    My heart goes out to all of you with frozen water pipes. I am sending warm thoughts to you and your pipes tonight. My washing machine in the shed is frozen again and I am about to run out of stuff to wear for all of us tomorrow. I will throw myself on the mercy of some good friends and trust and see what happens. Someone should invent a device that prevents water systems from freezing up when the temp hits a certain low level. They would make a fortune. Thinking of you all. Mwah! xxx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Swizzles wrote: »

    Back ache is being a nightmare today and tryin to get comfortable is just not happening to me ...Makes me wonder if i can handle what the next 5 months will bring :(:(

    Did you try one of the big sausage shaped Maternity pillows? I can't recommend them enough, I started getting really bad back pains from about 14 weeks on and the only relief I got was when I got one of them.
    The bed in the in lawswhere we're staying is really soft and is giving me a sore back, typical I forgot to ask the hubbie to pick up my maternity pillow when he went over to check the house today :rolleyes:

    @ Hacked, I had a 4D scan at 24 weeks where we were told we were having a girl, but in the past few weeks (after buying loads of pink stuff!) I'm now freaking about whether it will be a boy.
    Obviously I'll be delighted once baby is healthy but I'm worried about giving junior a complex if it is a boy and I have to dress him in pink for the first few weeks/months of his life :D
    The nursery I had only decorated a few months previous in black and white and the furniture is neutral, I'll be leaving it as it so it'll suit whether its a girl or boy.

    I was in a home wares shop in Skerries recently (can't think fo the name sorry!), its near 'The Raven' pub & they do loads of wicker baskets really good prices but I don't think you're over that side of the city?
    I think Woodies might do them too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    @ TW. Glad the spirits are staying up there! Fair play to you. Just remember to ignore that family drama!! Keep us posted, fingers crossed for your scan!

    @Cap...oh wow, I didn't even think of that! I've told everyone I'm having a girl, so the problem might come in when I start getting gifts of frilly dresses. But no, it was definately a girl judging by my scan!!
    Love the sound of the black and white nursery...I'm dying to get into a more permanant place where I can have artistic liscense!

    I actually never thought of woodies...good idea, will have to head over when the weather clears up!

    Cap, remind me when you're due again. Are you next on our list or is Adrieanne?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    hacked wrote: »
    Everything seems ot be overpriced eh? They have a load of nice baskets in IKEA, but none suitable for baby clothes, kinda scratchy and they'd snag everything.

    Saw some in Dunnes yesterday actually..I think they were meant to be for bathrooms, but they only had certain sizes, so I don't know about the dimensions.

    Adrieanne thinks I'm crazy...I think I must be an obsessive nester!! :o

    How is everyone feeling today??

    You are crazy!! But in the good way :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious


    I'm due 21st February (scarey 6 weeks today :eek:)

    When are you and Adrienne due?

    I'm planning to finish up in work a fortnight beforehand, I'm looking at it with equal measures of dread and delight.
    Delight because its been so busy in the run up to xmas and I'm starting to get knackered but I'm dreading the fortnight beforehand just the sitting around waiting for things to happen.

    If I go overdue I know I'll crack up!

    Do you reckon you'll be able to get back into your apartment soon or do you have to wait for the thaw first?
    It'll be lovely to get your cot/buggy & all the bits in!

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    oh wow! I think Adrieanne is due the week after you? I'm due beginning of march is rather unclear! They told me the 12th, but i think it;s come forward.

    Oh I can completely understand! I really envy all of you who are working! I was working in a small shop before I got pregnant, but there wasn't much for me to do after a certain point. My boss wouldn't let me lift anything, and then I couldn't bend easily. My job was not food for a pregnant woman, ended up being more a liability, and i've been bored out of mind. I got offered a job the other day though, so delighted!!

    Don't know when I'll get home. The ice is really bad by my flat, and the road is a dangerous one. I also don't live incredibly close to supermarket, and so if it got really bad I'm worried I'd get stranded with no one able to drive out to me. Driving me mental as I have a lot I'd like to do, but I've fallen twice already, and my hip has taken a beating, so I don't want to try and be a hero! Afraid I'd do damage to baby.

    How is it where you are? Any thaw today?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    I am due 23rd Feb!

    cap, I gave up work two weeks before I had Addison and the sitting around for two weeks drove me absolutely crazy! I had no one to meet up with for coffee as everyone I knew was either in college or working! I sat watching day time telly and napping most of the time! I went to Charlestown one of the days and spent nearly three hours walking around the shops (and it's a crap shopping centre :( ) I was that bored!!

    I didn't go overdue though, gave birth on my EDD so it was all good :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    I am due 23rd Feb!

    cap, I gave up work two weeks before I had Addison and the sitting around for two weeks drove me absolutely crazy! I had no one to meet up with for coffee as everyone I knew was either in college or working! I sat watching day time telly and napping most of the time! I went to Charlestown one of the days and spent nearly three hours walking around the shops (and it's a crap shopping centre :( ) I was that bored!!

    I didn't go overdue though, gave birth on my EDD so it was all good :D

    Just as well I didn't guess the date, I thought it was the 26th! :P

    Oh you lucky girl!! And this time you'll know exactly when it is too. I just found out last night that my mom never really went over due. I think only once, and that was only by three days. Apparently on the rest of us it was either on her due date or the day after. Hope i take after her in that respect!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    @ Adrienne - I am now taking that as advice that shopping will ensure baby will arrive on time, must try convince other half of that one :D

    Does Addison understand that she's getting a little brother/sister soon or is she still a bit young? such a gorgeous name :)

    @ Hacked - sounds like you're much better off staying where you are til after the thaw. You poor thing hurting your hip, you need that like a hole in the head I'm sure. I ventured into town today and was inching along in case I'd fall over. I'm sure I had other shoppers behind me driven mad by going so slow!

    Fair play to you getting a job offer when you're pregnant, are you going to take up on the offer to keep you occupied til babs arrives?

    No thaw here yet but its raining tonight instead of snowing so even though I know that'll freeze over and make the roads dodgy for a few days, I'm hoping it might be the start of the big thaw.

    I'm looking forward to getting back to my own bed!
    Although its good practice, at home I have a habit of putting the electric blanket on every night and having the bed toasty warm, but I've recently starting to freak at the notion of my waters breaking while I'm in bed electrocuting hubbie & me :eek: so I'm better off getting used to the cold bed :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    hacked wrote: »
    I just found out last night that my mom never really went over due. I think only once, and that was only by three days. Apparently on the rest of us it was either on her due date or the day after. Hope i take after her in that respect!

    My mum went overdue by a fortnight on my sister and I, sooo hope it doesn't run in the family :rolleyes:

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Swim was grand today apart from horse-playing kids nearly kicking me in the belly, I went Mammy on their asses and told them to be considerate of other people. LOL. So nice having clean hair!

    No central heating now but we're lucky to have a leccy heater, going to need a plumber when the water returns as there seems to be a problem with the heating system losing water. TBH I'm actually slightly glad this is going on so I have something else to concentrate on other than every sensation in my body!

    Hacked, Argos do things for storage, got quite a few when we moved here. Also got Ikea Cot and drawers, very happy with them.
