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The Pregnant Womans Moan Thread.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    @ Adrienne - I am now taking that as advice that shopping will ensure baby will arrive on time, must try convince other half of that one :D

    Does Addison understand that she's getting a little brother/sister soon or is she still a bit young? such a gorgeous name :)

    I wouldn't take that as advice, believe me, there are other reasons why baby came on her EDD... and I would not recommend it to anyone after the birth I had!! :(

    I don't know if she understands or not... It'd be lovely if she did, she sometimes puts her hands on my tummy and I go "aww the little baby in mammys tummy" and then she starts 'patting' it with both hands. So maybe!! She's started to get really clingy lately too so I'm not sure whether to take that as a sign that she knows something is on the way!

    Also, she's starting to pull down my top to try and get to the aul air bags which is hilarious, especially when there is company present! Even though she wasn't breastfed!

    I love her name haha! Had it picked since very early on in the pregnancy and never got bored of it. I don't have a girls name picked this time! hacked has been helping me with that one!! Still haven't decided haha!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    @ Adrienne - I am now taking that as advice that shopping will ensure baby will arrive on time, must try convince other half of that one :D

    Does Addison understand that she's getting a little brother/sister soon or is she still a bit young? such a gorgeous name :)

    @ Hacked - sounds like you're much better off staying where you are til after the thaw. You poor thing hurting your hip, you need that like a hole in the head I'm sure. I ventured into town today and was inching along in case I'd fall over. I'm sure I had other shoppers behind me driven mad by going so slow!

    Fair play to you getting a job offer when you're pregnant, are you going to take up on the offer to keep you occupied til babs arrives?

    No thaw here yet but its raining tonight instead of snowing so even though I know that'll freeze over and make the roads dodgy for a few days, I'm hoping it might be the start of the big thaw.

    I'm looking forward to getting back to my own bed!
    Although its good practice, at home I have a habit of putting the electric blanket on every night and having the bed toasty warm, but I've recently starting to freak at the notion of my waters breaking while I'm in bed electrocuting hubbie & me :eek: so I'm better off getting used to the cold bed :D

    Yeah, as much as I want to get rolling, I think it's safer for me to stay put for now!

    Really hoping the thaw comes soon. Really feel for you being stuck out of the house. I miss my bed too! Haha, I know it's not funny, but I never would have thought of that! I'm sure waters breaking on an electric blanket wouldnt be the best idea. Get yourself one of those super thick warm winter duvets. I end up using them in the summer too as they arej ust so cuddly! :)

    Thanks! Delighted with the job offer. Don't have a clear role yet. Will be some kind of manager, but as it's a new company will have my finger dipped in most aspects of the company. It's in the fashion industry (something I've not really done before!) so in the future will be designing and making my own clothes and jewelry, possibly doing some personal shopper stuff possibly including make up. The girl running it liked my creative eye and asked me to consider joining, in the future I might be let loose on running a line for pregnant women :D. For the mean time I'll be doing a good bit of admin work...all those years as a librarian, ya know! It will just be a lot of meetings for the next while.

    @Das-- thanks for smack over the head! Never thought to check argos :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Stupid tummy bug :( Getting horrible cramps from it all day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    @ Adrienne - that's so cute her patting your tummy, hopefully she'll take well to her new brother/sister :)

    I actually don't think I'd be able for shopping up to the last few weeks, Thank God for online shopping!

    Here's hoping you'll have a much easier birth this time :)
    Sorry to hear about your tummy bug, hopefully it'll only be a 24 hour one

    @ Hacked - I'm v jealous of your new job it sounds fantastic! Great having that to look forward to as well as babs. So exciting starting in a new company too :)

    @ Das Kitty, I'm v jealous of you being able to have a shower, not sure if I can brave the local swimming pool but might just have to, my hair is looking a little too 'lived in' for my liking :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    Hello all.

    Had scan yesterday and have one lovely leggy little 4 inch baba. Wheee. theres a little baby in there! And (s)he is fine! 15 weeks tomorrow. Got into office yesterday to let postman in and tap had been left on in kitchennette causing minor flood! Wohoo! this was perfect excuse to mop up, fone head office and bugger off for scan! The universe works in strange ways! Bought cot bed for DD and postman took away the kingsize bed that was taking up her room. Just waiting for delivery of cotbed now for next week or so. also washing machine started working today. So excellent day all around!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    Hey Target
    Glad everything worked out for you in the end ..Least you know what to do now if you need more time off:p

    Weve got water :D:D:D I never thought id be sooo happy to have a shower I spent about an hour in it ...

    Cap and Kitty..Any sign of the pipes thawing??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    TargetWidow, sooo happy for you :D Are you going to find out if it's a little girl or a little boy??

    Swizzles, wohoo running water! I'd be the same, nothing I love more than a nice hot shower to relax me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Congrats Target Widow, so glad it all worked out for you with your scan and babs is happy'n'healthy in there :)

    Still haven't made it back home, hubbie is working nights so can't get at the pipes to that them out, he's going over tomorrow morning 6am after work so fingers crossed we'll have heat and water!

    Out of desperation I had to go to the hotel where my lil sis works to have a shower, aw the bliss of being able to wash my hair! :D

    In the spirit of this being the moan thread though I do have to give out.
    I got chatting to a woman in the hotel when I was waiting for my sis, she asked me to join her and her friends for a few drinks, I politely declined and said better not, baby wouldn't like it.
    To which she replies 'ah don't mind that, sure I'm pregnant too' (this after she told me she'd drank 5 bottles of wine today and was on her second southern comfort :eek:)
    Sorry I know each to their own and if someone decides to drink during their pregnancy its their own business but I couldn't help being disgusted at how drunk she was while being pregnany, poor baby :mad:

    Rant over :o

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    5 bottles!!

    LOL, even if she wasn't pregnant I'd think she was a div! I've felt I've had to justify not drinking to a lot of people actually, this country's attitude stinks. People don't trust you if you're sober, even when pregnant!

    No water here yet and most of the attic tank has disappeared even though we haven't used it, that was my emergency bath water! Going out to the Mammy's later for a shower because I have a hospital appointment on Thursday morning.

    Also note the time of this post, wide awake!

  • Registered Users Posts: 157 ✭✭fi1979

    saw some in Penneys the other day! a 3 box set, can't remember the price tho, heads like a sive!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,174 ✭✭✭bulmersgal

    5 bottles omg, been reading ur thread for the past few days. Had nothing to moan about so this my first post.

    Jesus i had a glass or two of west coast cooler with loads of ice and i felt so guilty. I'd be locked on one and a half bottles before i was preg. Couldn't imagine drinkin that much.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Water's back! We did the water dance this morning!

    After doing do much cleaning now that my pelvis and legs are in
    bits! LOL, had to add a moan to stay on topic!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Das Kitty wrote: »
    I've felt I've had to justify not drinking to a lot of people actually, this country's attitude stinks. People don't trust you if you're sober, even when pregnant!

    I know what you mean, I don't normally drink when I go out (live in the middle of nowhere/can be impossible/expensive to get taxi's so handier just to stick to minerals and drive) and it drives me mad how much people try to push drink on you, like there's something wrong with you if you don't drink :rolleyes:

    @Bulmersgal - I'm the same, actually a fortnight before I discovered I was pregnant I had been out for a work night and had about 5 glasses of west coast cooler, the guilt I felt when I did find out I was pregnany was unreal.

    I know that probably sounds a bit OTT as a lot of women do drink moderately during pregnancy without problem, but I had a bleed a week later and was so paranoid that I had somehow caused it I haven't been able to touch a drop since.

    Its one of the two things I'm really looking forward to after I have babs, getting my own body back and being able to have a nice cold bottle of west coast cooler mmmmmmm :)

    @ Das Kitty & Swizzles - you must be delighted to have your water back! We have our heating and water back but I can't get over to our house til tomorrow night!
    My car is over in the house and hubbie is working nights so have to wait for my sis to drive me over tomorrow.
    I can not wait, a few parcels of clothes and the cot mattress I ordered online arrived over the past few days so my sis can't wait to come over and help put babies stuff in the nursery. I know sad, we're like a pair of kids with a new doll!:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    @Das how much a a relief is that water dance :D

    @Cap least you have it back ..Another worry you could have done without but hopefully all over with now:DYou must be so excited to have the stuff delivered..It must be like Christmas again lol Thats what i cant wait for buying stuff and setting it all up Oh and baby of course :D..We have already said my brother will put the cot together ..Ive seen the ohs handywork lol:rolleyes:

    In the mood of the moan thread my temper and moods have been something else the last few days..I have to sit there biting my tongue incase i say something i know ill regret the min it leaves my mouth ..Oh and still no better with the back pain :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    Evening ladies!

    Great to see the thread still going strong. I got my washing machine going again today..... it turns out it has a DEFROST function and I only find it last night!!!!:eek:

    I am not going to find out if it's a boy or girl this time either because I just love the mystery of it. There is so little mystery left in any of the birthing process anymore and I love this one last surprise.

    I am online because if I don't stay here I will do my DH an injury tonight before he leaves for work (hey Cap, hubbies who work nights!). Going to visit his mam for last two days on way home from creche has caused casserole to be undercooked last night (tough tough beef!) and reheated tonight instead of a fresh dinner. And he was farting around the house today instead of doing anything useful! I could swing for him. DD was put into timeout twice today at creche but I couldn't find out why. I'm not one of those mammies who swears her darling "would never do that". I just want to know what the issue is so I can make sure we are reacting appropriately to that behaviour here too and reinforcing the discipline. Anyway! Car slid and skidded about 5 times on the way home from creche today and it was scary because it looked perfect and was so deceptively dangerous. And the bloody till was down €138 tonight and I had to put the cash in. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :mad:
    There. I am fine now.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Target Widow - I know its terrible to say but sometimes I'm glad when he's on nights. Mainly because he hates the soaps and when he works nights I get to watch all of them :D I know, I'm such a lovely wife :rolleyes:
    Ah no I do miss him but its only every second week so not too bad.

    Thats bad form that the nursery didn't explain to you clearly why your little one was put in 'time out' dont blame you for being peeved!

    Sounds like you're having a crappy day, here's hoping today will be better :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Oh my god...good and bad moan in one here!

    OK, remember how I told you I managed to get the free 50 quid changing bag out of Mothercare when I bought my buggy because of false advertising?
    And remember I was worried about mothercare being idiots?

    Well they were. I arrived up there this afternoon, handed them my gurantee and receipts and explined the situation. Girl went back to get it. Gone too long. Came back and said they had got rid of it....whatever that means?! It did have my name and paid in full written across it in big letters...with my receipt and phone number!!!!
    I stayed calm and polite, but very angry. I said that wasn't good enough as I had called twice in the last two weeks to explain the situation and ask if said buggy was still ok, they took my number 3 and 4 more times!!

    She just told me they didn't have any more in the shop, except for the display model which I was welcome to. I said that that wasn't good enough...I had paid for a brand new prodcut, not a second hand one.
    Manager came down and said she'd call home office. Grand. She called, said they had one left in stock at head office and that they would home deliver it on friday if that was ok with me. I said as long as I didn't have to pay for the service....of course not says she!

    I asked her what buggy came with, just to make sure I was getting the same deal. She said everything....INCLUDING raincover, change bag and car seat base. I Was told i had to buy rain cover and car seat base seperately, so I bought a rain cover worth 42 euro. Manager said she'd give me a full refund for it so i ended up getting a travel cot for 8 euro, 2 free changing bags and 2 free raincovers.
    Also didn't want the raincover back, so i can go and exchange it for something i need. :rolleyes:

    They are a pain in the bum, but mothercare is throwing money at me!!! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    I found I had a similar experience with MC. Asked them about a bouncer in their catalog to be told we can get that into stock for you. Now this particular bouncer is only suitable for a fairly limited range of ages and weights but it would have suited DD at the time and I only wanted it for work to keep her amused as it had tonnes of cool features. About 4 phonecalls and 3 personal visits later several chats with manager who took my number and "wrote it into the book" I still had no bouncer. After about 10 weeks I finally decided to go in and cancel the order alltogether only to be told "it has arrived in Dublin and will be here within the week". I said thanks but no thanks, she is now too big for it! I only ever go in there for their herbal wipes, their long-sleeved bibs, and once for the Anabel Karmel ice-pop set. Regetted every stitch of clothing I bought there but I adore her rosebud fitted sheets. My favourites. Wash like hankies and so lovely and soft and not a bobble in sight after nearly two years. I shop from them online now. Got the hairwashing jug and it does the trick but cost a bomb to have delivered. The difficulties of a 44 hr working week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    Yeah, can't say I'm too impressed. And it has been a lot of hassle and stress...but kinda worth it now after all this free stuff! Good to know about the it any particular brand??

  • Registered Users Posts: 559 ✭✭✭TargetWidow

    MC's own ones. Really lovely bedding in the rosebud range of co-ordinated bedding. Online shopping at...... then head over to the bedding section and from there to "co-ordinated range - Rosebud".

    Thats me for the night. I need my 7 and three quarter hours (wait and see that 15 minutes less will crucify me tomorrow!):D

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Acid feels like it's burning a hole in my back! Have appointment in the morning and need to bring a fasting sample so rennies and their sugary goodness are out of bounds. :( dunno how I'm going to sleep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 157 ✭✭fi1979

    I am getting so forgetful, told OH I'd ring when I got to work, was in over a half hour, having left home an hour before, when he rang worried, as roads still icy, and I still hadn't called him!
    Have also noticed when typing I am forgetting letters in words!!! very strange...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    The pressure, the presssuurrreeee :( Oh God it's so bad when I'm standing up that I can't do it for very long.

    Wonder does this mean babies head has dropped!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    Hacked -Ouch on the buggy but think of the free stuff :D
    Just aswell you didnt wait until longer to collect it though :mad:

    Adrieanne and Das Kitty -Hope ye are ok ...
    Dont think i can do this thread anymore ..Scares me whats to come lol

    Is it normal for my skin to be itchy??Its soo itchy :o i think ppl think i have fleas of something lol

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Swizzles, is it just your bump or elsewhere? Keep an eye on it as it can be a sign of a medical condition (OC Obstetric Cholestatis(?)).
    Try oiling your skin because it gets itchy when stretching, sorted my itch out anyway!

    Well I did sleep a little last night but I kept dreaming of being sick, one dream it was raining blood and I couldn't help swallowing it, ugh! It was worth it though, no glucose in my sample this time.

    The doc checked baby's engagement today pushing him down, yeow! Still killing me now when I walk. :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    No its my lower back aswell and sides..Will defo say it to the docs at the next appointment then ..Thanks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked

    swizzles...try moisturising first! I get itchy those places all of the time, and it's just stretching. Still mention it to your doctor though.

    Adrieanne-- hope you are feeling better lovie!!

    Ugh! I've reached the uncomftorable stage. 33 weeks is it. I can no longer get comftorable and can't sleep well at night. I dislike this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,937 ✭✭✭implausible

    fi1979 wrote: »
    I am getting so forgetful, told OH I'd ring when I got to work, was in over a half hour, having left home an hour before, when he rang worried, as roads still icy, and I still hadn't called him

    Me too, I mean I'm bad at the best of times, completely reliant on post-its, but now I can't even keep track of them. I keep leaving the stuff I need in the staffroom in the classroom and vice-versa, I'm covering serious mileage at work picking up stuff I forgot and I'm meant to be taking it a bit easier! The other day I bought chocolate peanuts in the shop, thinking they were choc raisins, I mean, the sign said they were peanuts, I hate f**king peanuts!

    I started taking iron and despite the dodgy side effects, it has made me a bit hyper - anyone else get this?:eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 179 ✭✭Swizzles

    Yup yup gona lash on that body cream :D thanks

    Omg im in such emotional overdrive..I like to describe my moods as being like the weather now..Totally and utterly unpredictable :rolleyes: I mean i started typing all happy now im misty eyed coz i have a thread where i can biatch and moan...Wth!!lol

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  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭hacked just described me!!! :eek:
