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Who cares if overpricing pubs with silly door policies go bust?



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,606 ✭✭✭Jumpy

    It's descrimination... simply put.

    Attract your clientele another way.

    I would rather they didnt.

    I avoid clubs with a scum element like the plague. Are you saying you would rather have these guys in the club with you causing problems that have the bouncer stop them at the door?

    I am not good looking by any means, think Simon Cowell without the surgery, I dont wear super expensive clothes, I look normal, I dont get drunk and have never been refused entry to a club in Ireland. Ever.

    I dont believe that you would be refused entry based on "Where you are from" they only way to tell that would be to talk to you, and personally I have never had to speak to a bouncer apart from idle banter on a smoke break.

    If you look normal, you will be treated normally. My definition of normal here is cleanly dressed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,970 ✭✭✭Degag

    The last time excise duty on beer was increased was 1994 since then it has either stayed the same or gone down.
    in 1994 a average pint cost €2.34

    TBH the 17c sounds like the way the music industry work out their profits, dodgy accounting. Publicans have huge control over their costs, changing the decor every few years is a obvious one.

    IMHO overheads like SKY and Music seem to be there to stop people talking so they drink more , and if the LVA can't organise a campaign against SKY prices ...

    Yes, but while excise duty may have stayed the same, how much have wages, light and heat, entertainment, insurance costs etc. increased?

    I'm not defending publicans who charge ridiculous prices in excess of €5 for drink but there are alot of publicans who charge very reasonable prices while providing other services such as driving people home and free food.

    I understand exactly where Rabies is coming from, i don't like it, i doubt i'd get into his clubs but that is the industry for you and if you don't like it go elsewhere.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,258 ✭✭✭✭Rabies

    coyle wrote: »
    Well heaven forfend that someone might want to drink a bit on the cheap before payin a tenner in and 6 quid a pint! Every student ive ever know has drunk on the streets and whatnot before headin into a club, and most are not troublemakers or scum or anything of the sort.

    Now don't take anything im sayin personally, cos it's aimed at publicans/niteclub owners in general, but jaysus the state of the whole situation is appalling.

    You say you have a VIP area with bouncers that keep a good ratio of girl/boys...why? So that every youngfella in the area will come thinkin the place is great for women, only to be told "not tonight son" because lettin them in would upset the male/female ratio? Then Johnny Scumbag comes in with his slacks/waistcoat combo, sh1tty mohawk and diamond earring and gets in no bother because he has nice clothes?

    Also, can i recommend to the industry in general: find the fcuking volume control of your sound system!...jesus the sheer loudness in most places is just headwreckin, its entirely possible and very easily done to have the music relatively loud near the dancefloor, and audible, but much quieter in other places.

    By the way, before anyone jumps to any conclusions im not and never was a big club-goer, and rarely if ever get refused from places, so i can guarantee i dont have some chip on my shoulder.
    The drinking on the street bit is very important if spotted. That person could have knocked back a bottle of wine, loads of spirits. I've seen it before. Intoxication laws are very tough here. Not as relaxed as Ireland. You won't find as many drunk or wasted people in bars/clubs.

    Male/female ration. Ya, I've got one area where there will always be a higher amount of girls to guys and better looking people. Ya its shallow and self centred but it serves a purpose. Its very common for clubs to do this with the main floor too. Stop allowing groups of guys in, tell the guys if they want to come in to bring girls. Girls feel safer in a place that is not fully male dominated, guys spend more money in a place that has girls, longer retention of male customers that spend money if there is a nice ven balance of girls and guys

    Sound levels are very important. Too loud and people walk out. Big issue, along with playing the right music at the right time. People like an area that is a little bit quieter than the rest. Place to go and chat, especially with that girl or guy you've just met. Sound and lighting are really important.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭opinion guy

    Rabies wrote: »
    I charge $5 a night to enter the two clubs I run.

    Its nothing. Works out at about E2.5.
    The reason is, people come to dance. Not to drink. You might think we're making loads of money every night. But we don't
    The $5 charge is paying for the privilege to dance in my club. If you can't afford it, then there is a high chance you won't buy a drink. Then you are taking up space for valued customers that want to spend.
    Now saying that, loads of regulars (at least 50) will get in for free on the night. These are people who we recognise and spend money. They will never pay entry fee.
    The rest. Pay up, or don't come in.
    Wed-Fri is free entry to both clubs. Only Saturday has a charge.

    Staff costs, security, stock, a large office team to support, rent, over heads, promo, advertising.... This isn't as free!

    Rabies wrote: »
    People are shallow creatures. They like beautiful people, go where the hot girls are.
    I have huge queues to get in a weekends to both places.
    The nature of the music is what keeps my takings lower than I'd like. If I changed it, and re worked it all I would make more. But that is starting from scratch. Not yet.
    Do your parents run a 'locals bar'? Completely different if they do.
    I've ran a locals bar before. Knew everyone's names, drinks. Would chat to people every day. Made some good friends and still have them. Free food on fridays. Always free entry, the bar made loads of money. Different people, massive difference in the age group and spend.

    I spend $100-$250 a night.
    Its the market the venue is aimed at, different spend per head, its expected. We're very busy, but the take is smaller compared to other places of less capacity. We still make money, but not what it could possible make. We do different things here and there to make it special and it works. Get the little extra injection of cash.... plus we do put on drink specials. Not everything is full price always.

    But why do you run your business like that ? I mean thats your choice isn't it ? And seeing as it is a dance venue i tihnk it fair enouhg to charge int - but its not really a "pub" then is it ? It's a dance club no ? I don't mind playing a reasonable cover (5 - 10 EUR) in to a dance club that stays open late. Fair enouhg

    but stephens night in dublin pubs were charging in ? Eh hello ? Recession ? You want my business or not ? The other thing I couldn't figure is lots of them were closed. Wasn't stephens night one of the biggest of the year previously ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭opinion guy

    SeaFields wrote: »
    He jacks up the price by 50c at midnight (which only came to light recently) and charges €10 for his range of cocktails.

    Didn't they make that illegal a few years back ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,417 ✭✭✭The Pontiac

    I don't go to the pub as much as I used to, but I could never see myself giving it up completely.

    The government are mostly to blame for the demise of the pub though. We've got the highest excise rates in Europe on wine and the second-highest for beer and spirits and cider.

    Beer can be bought very cheap now too (Aldi, Tesco etc.), and I'm sure this hasn't helped the publican.

    'Staying in is the new going out' as they say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,378 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Unfortunately Publicans are intelligent enough to know that a lot of people have a drinking problem, or a strong desire to drink, or nothing better to do.

    So like the OP: You put up with 3 bouncers, and lies, and 5 euro door charges, because you want to drink. You want something to do you want to go someplace.

    You could just stop going, you know. Its kinda sad to watch people sit here and complain while they are doling out money to these barmen. Im sorry, but when someone tries to charge me 8 euro for a pint or something else exhorbant my first thought is not to Drink the pint and complain later, its Leave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,258 ✭✭✭✭Rabies

    But why do you run your business like that ? I mean thats your choice isn't it ? And seeing as it is a dance venue i tihnk it fair enouhg to charge int - but its not really a "pub" then is it ? It's a dance club no ? I don't mind playing a reasonable cover (5 - 10 EUR) in to a dance club that stays open late. Fair enouhg

    Only at weekends.
    Rest of the week it is a big bar.
    Same rules apply but slightly relaxed. I've still asked people to leave based on their clothing or normally enough intoxication.

    I've ran a very successful bar too. Increased turn over by 30% during winter in the recession when everyone else around me was going down. Broke the venue's records for winter and was assistant manager in its biggest summer ever too. Brought in some big nights and removed the aspects of the bar that were brining it down and gave it a bad name.

    People have ranted before that they pay my wages, and if that group leaves then I've lost loads of money. To be honest, if you've a standard to keep. Do it. Don't fully bend in the middle of the week because those people come back again at the weekend expecting to get in. I still get paid.

    We are a normal looking bar middle of the week with a average crowd. We don't market our mid week trade to students or backpaclers so don't get too many of them, weekends are fine. Then night time from wed-sat we turn in to a club.

    Some people mightn't like what is done, but I'm one of the busiest places at the weekend in the city so more people like the policy than hate it.

    Boards constantly has people posting about not allowed access to a bar or club. They post in a manner as talking to a cop at times and so professional and every detail is drawn in. Rant and rave about the doormen. Granted some are not the best, but that is where the manger is to make sure his best door men at dealing with people is out front. You can get so much from people asking one or two simple questions. Watch the body movements, eyes and everything along the queue.

    I'm trying to explain how it works for me and many other clubs. I don't think its been done here before. Only complaining for one side.

    Drunk people have a habit of trying to act very sober before coming to a front door. Couple of random questions can catch them out :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,986 ✭✭✭✭mikemac

    Fair play Rabies you did a bit of research, took some decisons and found what works for you

    Many Irish publicans sit back and never try anything and blame everything on things they can't control like drink driving and the smoking ban.
    However, a smart businessman will turn every problem into a solution.

    If you're the only pub in your rural area who can drop your best customers home you're gonna get business. If you invest in the best smoking area in town, hey why not even a beer garden and a small fountain you'll get business. Perfect for sipping a pint of ice cold Bulmers on a sunny day, aaaaahh!
    Now nobody can say they'll save your business but you got to distingusih yourself. Sitting back moaning and talking the same action will get the same results.

    I sound like a business studies teacher :o
    But I mean every word in the post and Rabies proved a lot of it

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 91,219 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    <Ollie> wrote: »
    The government are mostly to blame for the demise of the pub though. We've got the highest excise rates in Europe on wine and the second-highest for beer and spirits and cider.

    Beer can be bought very cheap now too (Aldi, Tesco etc.), and I'm sure this hasn't helped the publican.
    How many times do I have to repeat this. :rolleyes:
    Excise on Beer hasn't increased since 1994, in fact it's come down twice

    THIS is the reason why beer is cheap in super markets,

    If you don't mind going for a brand which doesn't spend a huge amount per capita on advertising ( IIRC our drinks industry spends more on advertising than almost any other country ) €2 per Litre is not uncommon , specials mean it's down to less than €1 per pint Retail

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,417 ✭✭✭The Pontiac

    How many times do I have to repeat this. :rolleyes:
    Excise on Beer hasn't increased since 1994, in fact it's come down twice

    THIS is the reason why beer is cheap in super markets,

    So you're denying the fact that we have the highest excise rates in Europe. It doesn't matter if it hasn't increased, as it's a percentage of the price. When a publican sells a pint, it's roughly split three ways between the publican, the brewery and the government.

    That's not the reason it's so cheap in the Supermarkets. There was a deal in Tesco recently for 24 bottles of Stella Artois for €15. I can absolutely guarantee you the publicans can't even get it at this price. It's to lure people into the supermarkets..

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,258 ✭✭✭✭Rabies

    <Ollie> wrote: »
    That's not the reason it's so cheap in the Supermarkets. There was a deal in Tesco recently for 24 bottles of Stella Artois for €15. I can absolutely guarantee you the publicans can't even get it at this price. It's to lure people into the supermarkets..

    A brewery will often do special deals for bulk purchases at cheap prices. I've seen them offer buy a pallet get one free deals. Other stuff like buy a pallet get x amount of $ off per case. Put our drink on special for a night and we'll give you a free keg.
    Doesn't happen much, but it does.
    Laws on supermarkets offering very cheap alcohol are getting stricter, it leads to excessive consumption

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,001 ✭✭✭✭opinion guy

    <Ollie> wrote: »
    That's not the reason it's so cheap in the Supermarkets. There was a deal in Tesco recently for 24 bottles of Stella Artois for €15. I can absolutely guarantee you the publicans can't even get it at this price. It's to lure people into the supermarkets..

    Well thats called Loss leading. Supermarkets been doing that for years. I mean thats why your local shops have dissappeard. Sell a hot product below cost to get people in the door where they'll also buy stuff at markup. But I can't see the day when your local Tesco's has a bar inside :P People go to the pub for more than just drink

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,417 ✭✭✭The Pontiac

    Well thats called Loss leading. Supermarkets been doing that for years. I mean thats why your local shops have dissappeard. Sell a hot product below cost to get people in the door where they'll also buy stuff at markup. But I can't see the day when your local Tesco's has a bar inside :P People go to the pub for more than just drink

    They could still be making a tiny profit on it though (to keep it legal) e.g. the Tesco group making a deal with a brewery to buy x amount of their product for x amount of money. This can also favour the drinks manufacturer as it can introduce new customers to their products. The big off-licence groups (Barry Group, O'Donovans, O'Briens etc.) also have the advantage of getting these deals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82 ✭✭redorblack

    Odd... I got into Quinlans after 10.

    Maybe it was just regulars they were letting in?

    Tends to be what happens in most places around Christmas / New Years.

    Anyhow, you didnt miss much, was out of there within an hour.

    - Drav!

    Regulars? I have been in these places many times, I do have to work so im not there 24/7, So sick of these door people, in other countries they pay people to get people into pubs not to keep them out. All we wanted was a few pints together.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,417 ✭✭✭The Pontiac

    redorblack wrote: »
    So sick of these door people, in other countries they pay people to get people into pubs not to keep them out. All we wanted was a few pints together.

    In fairness, they don't have the same level of drunkenness in other countries though. Ireland and the UK would be far worse than other countries for this. Sometimes the Paddy just doesn't know when to stop drinking.

    I'm not denying there's doormen that are complete dicks, but there's plenty of pubs where the doormen are totally cool too. I tend to stick to these spots.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 285 ✭✭sold

    Pubs in the Republic are a total waste of money. Its the rip-off cartel the really gets me. I stopped going to pubs about 2 years ago, only go the odd time now when work has a getogether. There seems to be no competition at all in Pubs, very strange how they all seem to have the SAME prices.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,803 ✭✭✭El Siglo

    sold wrote: »
    Pubs in the Republic are a total waste of money. Its the rip-off cartel the really gets me. I stopped going to pubs about 2 years ago, only go the odd time now when work has a getogether. There seems to be no competition at all in Pubs, very strange how they all seem to have the SAME prices.

    This is what the VFI is, it's a cartel just like OPEC! It's a legalised cartel, however cartels are destined to fail, and I suspect the VFI and publicans to go the same way.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,390 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    15 euro will easily get all 3 that is if you know how to shop, buying the crate of Corrs mentioned earlier down here and then splitting them over a number of nights will go a long way.

    All well and good until there's only Jim left.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,258 ✭✭✭✭Rabies

    I would like to troll this thread and say thank you to all the people that came to vist my venue on NYE. The place made loads of money.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 72 ✭✭loglogbarkbark

    Where is your bar?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,258 ✭✭✭✭Rabies


  • Registered Users Posts: 436 ✭✭Spiritofthekop

    Pubs in Dublin are still a complete rip off yet they complain about everything else...
