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Getting a rent reduction due to a series of problems.

  • 31-12-2009 12:13am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 563 ✭✭✭

    Currently renting a 2 bed apartment with a friend. Love the apartment, especially the location, good relationship with the landlord etc. and are half way through a 12 month lease.

    When we moved in the place was perfect, no obvious problems. Since September a few issues have arised. Washer/Dryer broke down 4 times, was fixed each time. Broken shower head/toilet seat, was reimbursed for the cost of new parts. Mould began to grow in the bedrooms/living rooms and destroyed some personal belongings, a problem that the landlord is taking seriously and has begun work to fix the problem (installing vents in the windows, treating the problem etc.) Tonight water began to leak from one of the windows in the living room due to the heavy rainfall, has flooded the windowsill and is beginning to run down the walls.

    As previosuly stated we like living here, the landlord is more than willing to correct problems etc. but its all becoming a bit of a nuisance. Neither of us want to move out, especially as I may be moving to the U.K soon after our lease is up,so dont want the hassle of moving, signing a new lease etc. as I know I wont be around for much longer.

    My question is due to the inconveniences we have experienced over the past few months would we be able to request a rent reduction for all the hassle we have gone through? If so how would we go about it and I am wondering if anyone has had experience with doing this? I know that the landlord has had nightmare tennants previous to us (know some people who used to live in this apartment, not the most desirable tennants, told me that mould was a problem about 3 months after I signed my lease, they were too lazy to say anything to the landlord) so hoping that they will be understanding if we request a rent reduction as he likes that we take such good care of the place etc.

    Sorry for the long post, just hoping someone has some advice on the matter!


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,800 ✭✭✭Senna

    If he's fixing every problem when they arise you dont have much to "bargain with", but if some personal belongings have been destroyed has he replaced them?
    It might be easier to ask for a week or two off paying the rent due to the problems you have had, but its really at his discretion. It never hurts to ask for a reduction for problems experienced but its down to him seen you in the middle of a contract.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 563 ✭✭✭save_our_socks

    Well he called out today to look at the window, didnt seem overly happy about being here. His tune has clearly changed, a builder suggested that we have a cold bridging problem as it is only the outside walls that are effected by the mould/damp. But LL is now saying we dont air the apartment enough, which is untrue, we do not dry clothes inside, leave all doors open during the day and the windows open when its not abosolutely freezing.

    He also said that the vents in our windows are unfinished, was suprised at this and on closer inspection all that has been done is 6 holes drilled in the window and a plastic slat placed over them, vents cannot be closed and you can pretty much stick your finger through the holes and out to the other side, no wonder theres been a dramatic temp drop in the bedrooms. Sigh!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 563 ✭✭✭save_our_socks

    Update on the situation....well they pulled out half our bedroom walls, filled them, replastered them. Only gave us 24 hours notice on this, both of us had to spend the night in our boyfriends apartments as the mess was unreal, they never layed dust sheets and were insisting on starting work the next morning at 8.30 am.

    Since then weve had the builders call twice completely unannounced. First time not too bad, bit annoyed at being dragged out of bed at 9.30 am in the morning as we didnt have college until 12. But yesterday took the biscuit arrive again, unannounced, tap lightly at our front door (did not press the buzzer) were both pretty heavy sleepers, thought I heard a knock, so get out of bed to put some clothes on, hear the front door open (am half naked naked at this stage trying to battle with a hoodie) run to my bedroom door open it to find two builders standing in my hallway going hello! They had let themselves in, now I admit I didnt handle myself in the most appropriate manner and screamed at them to get out and if they want to come in to press the buzzer.

    This is not on, no one, regardless of what needs to be done is allowed enter our apartment without our premission. I got the fright of my life, if I had not woken they would have just waltz into our bedrooms. Rang the landlord and gave her hell, she apologised, but this is not the first time, someone or the landlord has shown up unannounced. At my wits ends with it all at this stage.

    Came home from college early today as Ive been vomitting on and off all day, just get into bed, and theres a knock at the door, another builder standing there asking if the vinyl was peeling off the wardrobes as it was upstairs, and that he was here to fix it!! Once again no notice! So now Im sitting on my couch in the freezing living room as the heating wasnt on in my PJ's with some strange man attacking my wardrobes.

    Sorry for the long post just really frustrated and sick.
    Rant over.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,477 ✭✭✭Kipperhell

    Welcome to the reality of getting any repair work done. I have had workmen who completely annoyed tenants no matter what they agree to. You make plans with any workman and they will agree but when it comes to doing anything they do what ever they want.

    I have had tenants go mental at me about tradesman arriving unannounced. You give the guy the number of the tenant let the tenant know the plan and think all is fine. Then the tenant rings saying they arrived the following day no notice let themselves in and they are not impressed.

    It is pretty difficult for a landlord to get the tradesman to actually do everything in a perfect consumer friendly manner. Sometimes it can be the landlord disregarding you but try to get work done yourself and you will learn that it is not straight forward as it should be.
