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Bliain Faoi Thrí



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Cadence workout from Man, it's difficult to get back into the early-morning training groove again!

    Route: Turbo
    HR (Ave/Max): 131/179
    Cadence: 88

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hey Ronán, best of luck for the year ahead....tús maith leath na hoibre!

    Any plans to do early season road races or duathlons?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Hey Ronán, best of luck for the year ahead....tús maith leath na hoibre!

    Any plans to do early season road races or duathlons?

    No road races for a while, I have done Tuam for the past two years but am so far behind this year that there is little point. I'd like to get a few duathlons in, though.
    Frustrating return of hip/groin niggle after swim kick session on Saturday, despite the fact that it had disappeared entirely. Will have to get that looked at again asap. Good to be back in a training routine, though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Friday Lunchtime:
    30 minute core work

    Swimming. Tough but satisfying. Annoying return of hip/groin problem following kick drills though.
    Done: 1750m

    Gentle run with little purpose

    Route: Doire Fhearta, Gleann Mór, Tismeáin loop
    Distance: 11km
    Time: 55 min ish
    Weather: Warm, dry

    AM today:
    1 hour yoga strength session from Athlete's Guide to Yoga. I am seriously inflexible!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Yesterday PM
    Swim session using a the pull buoy a lot, trying to take care of the groin until I find out exactly what's going on...

    Done: 1200m

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    ronanmac wrote: »
    .... 1 hour yoga strength session from Athlete's Guide to Yoga. I am seriously inflexible!

    Really hope you sort this latest set back out dude sooner rather than later.

    The above book, any good??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    I went for a run yesterday. 5.5km. I was shattered afterwards. An improvement, however, on the 4.2km I managed on Tuesday!
    I'd never been so primed and looking forward to a season as I had been coming into 2012. I'd set some lofty goals, looking forward to great times and challenges. It hasn't turned out that way, however!
    Basically, I've been hit by a series of recurring kidney infections, and other infections arising from that, since the end of November. In hindsight, a series of changes in my life conspired against me, and not realising that, I failed to give my body the opportunity to recover.
    I'm now at the stage where I've finally managed to clear up the illnesses, without them constant reoccurring (this was my big worry!), but I don't think I've been this unfit since I've started logging on boards. I've put on a bit of weight, not much though, and have lost an awful lot of cardiovascular and muscular strength, from what I can gather from my limited outings on the bike and run so far.
    My biggest problem at the moment is motivation. Going for a run is no longer going for a run, but a short and challenging crawl! I went for a club bike spin last Sunday for the first time since, I think, November. I cycled home from our meet-up spot in Doire an Fhéich at the end of the spin, and was barely advancing past basic forward propulsion for some of that final 3 miles (nine km an hour at one stage on a shallow incline).
    What I need is a target but I haven't figured it out yet. I'm signed up to do Galway 70.3 but am strongly considering deferring it. At the moment, I feel like it's hanging over me. I had a 20 week training plan that was to start at the beginning of this month, but at this stage, I know that I won't do better than I did last year, and therein lies the lack of motivation.
    Trying to figure out any race target is difficult at the moment, as I can't imagine racing when I can barely finish a 5k training run. Perhaps I just need to focus firstly on getting fit, and then on a target.
    Whatever about a race motivation, I certainly have no triathlon motivation. Work changes mean that it's going to be extremely difficult to fit in pool swims, I really don't think I can afford to take the guts of three hours out of my day for a trip to the pool and back.
    Maybe a marathon at the end of the year, maybe an adventure race or two? I've no idea yet.
    If anyone has any good ideas regarding getting one's fitness (and training mojo!) back, I'd be delighted to hear from you :)


    PS I've read no-one elses' logs, I've stayed away from boards totally. In a fantastically selfish outlook on life, I don't think I could read up on everyone elses' advancements, when I was going backwards! (I look forward to tuning in again though!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Hey Ronan,

    Good to see you back. I had been wondering where you were. I'm in almost the same situation as you - maybe a week or two ahead. No running since November, new work setup eating into time, been away from ART completely as reading everyone's logs was doing my head in.

    My first run this year was three weeks ago. It lasted 1.8 miles ! I was totally shattered and had to walk home. Yesterday I did 11 miles, my high for the year - woohoo !

    I found it hard not to try to pick up where I left off - and it just doesn't work like that.

    As a practical suggestion : I'm looking only at heart rate on the run - forget pace, etc, etc. You'll be tempted to return to the old rythems but you have to fight that.

    The mojo is starting to come back. There have been a few times when I have started to feel like my old self again. After missing two marathons and a bunch of target races I was feeling pretty low. But after a few weeks of dragging myself out of bed the mojo is starting to come back. The simply fact of starting to train alone effects the way you feel about things. So even if I don't feel like it I am still trying to get out there.

    You know yourself how you respond to targets ans targets. Personally I have no illusions about what I can expect. Not even sure the hip/knee will suvive a return to my old training. So make the target realistic - but forget about PBs for a while. The first aim is to get back to where you
    were. Could you do Galway 70.3 with a "give it a shot"/see where I am mindset and build from there ?

    The good news is - it does come back - ( even if it is like tempting a frightened kitten out from under the sofa ).

    best of luck. I'll be very interested to read you progress.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,832 ✭✭✭littlebug

    Good to see you back Ronan!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    pgmcpq, thanks very much for the reassuring words. Helpful starting out again!

    I definitely feel an improvement over the last two runs, like I can eek out an extra kilometre (but not yet without taking a breather at some stage).
    Anyway, back to logging...

    Bike on the trainer
    Distance: 28km
    Time: 48 min
    Cadence: 88rpm
    Ave Speed: 35.7 kmh
    Ave/Max HR: 149/170

    1 hour

    A day in the office in Dublin, head needed clearance when I got home
    Route: Dóilín/An Rinn
    Distance: 7.3km
    Time: 36:01 min
    Ave Pace: 4:46 min/km
    Ave/Max HR: 167/182

    20 min core work

    Lunch time
    Route: Work to Ros Muc and back
    Distance: 33.18km
    Time: 1:13:49 min
    Cadence: 85rpm
    Ave Speed: 27 kmh
    Ave/Max HR: 159/178

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    And heres me deliberately fueling my efforts into the red zone by thinking the man is training so much he hasn't even got time to update his log :D

    Welcome back!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    catweazle wrote: »
    And heres me deliberately fueling my efforts into the red zone by thinking the man is training so much he hasn't even got time to update his log :D

    Welcome back!

    Thanks (belatedly!). I laughed when I read your post, I think you could start tapering now until the end of the year and still destroy me at any given race!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Between a slight return of illness, busy work schedule, some personal stuff and a short trip to Spain to see my new nephew, my return to training hasn't had a consistent, settled pattern. Things have improved over the past two week, though, and although I'm doing no swimming, the running and biking are keeping me ticking over.

    Summary from last post up to last Sunday week:
    Run: 93.75 kilometres
    Bike: 201.25
    Swim: 500m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    The Dublin half marathon last September was my last race, and having not run 10k without stopping for a break in an awful long time, I felt a bit anxious about this race. The purpose of the race was to get things going in my head again, if nothing else. Be it good or bad, I've never done a race that hasn't gotten me foccused on what need to be done, training-wise.
    It was a cracking day in Ballybrit for the inaugural Great Race Galway 10k, and my self and Bren, who had also been away from racing for a good while, lined up together. The plan on my part was to stay comfortably enough that I would be able to complete the race without stopping but to push myself enough to give me a test.
    It was a tough course, plenty of drags and two tough climbs. I got through it okay, no earth-shattering time but still faster than I had expected. Good to be back.

    Position: 40th of 285 (14%)

    Route: Great Race Galway
    Time: 42:44
    Distance: 10km (+ 1.5km warmup)
    Ave Pace: 4:18
    Ave/Max HR: 181/190

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Training this week was interrupted by work trips to Cork and Kerry, which only reinforces the need for a focussed plan. With 70.3 Galway out the window, I'm toying with DCM, I'll see how things are shaping up over the next few weeks.

    Lunchtime interval bike session from work. Short but tiring!

    Route: Work to Scríb and back
    Distance: 25.26km
    Time: 53:24
    Ave/Max Speed: 28.4 kph/ 49.5kph
    Ave/Max HR: 160/177
    Ave Cadence: 84

    Another lunchtime session. A run with a few intervals thrown in. Warm day
    Route: Work to Tuairín
    Time: 34:17
    Distance: 7.57km
    Ave Pace: 4:32
    Ave/Max HR: 167/182

    Nothing Wednesday, Thursday or Friday

    My first run into double figures, mile-wise, in aaagggeeesss! Tired but happy at the end, my first indication that a comeback of sorts is in someway possible! Belting rain but not cold.

    Route: Tismeáin/Gleann Mór/Cladhnach/Doire Fhearta Loop
    Time: 1:23:49
    Distance: 16.9km
    Ave Pace: 4:58
    Ave/Max HR: 160/173

    A club spin with plenty of bursts and plenty of sitting in! A very civil coffee and scones at Zetland House in Cashel half-way through!
    Route: An Cheathrú Rua to Cashel and back
    Distance: 74.44km
    Time: 2:36:46
    Ave/Max Speed: 28.5 kph/ 57.1kph
    Ave/Max HR: 150/180
    Ave Cadence: 76

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Great to see you back racing. Good time too all things considered. I guess when you have, you have it! :cool:

    Failte ar ais, aris :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    ronanmac wrote: »
    The Dublin half marathon last September was my last race, and having not run 10k without stopping for a break in an awful long time, I felt a bit anxious about this race. The purpose of the race was to get things going in my head again, if nothing else. Be it good or bad, I've never done a race that hasn't gotten me foccused on what need to be done, training-wise.
    It was a cracking day in Ballybrit for the inaugural Great Race Galway 10k, and my self and Bren, who had also been away from racing for a good while, lined up together. The plan on my part was to stay comfortably enough that I would be able to complete the race without stopping but to push myself enough to give me a test.
    It was a tough course, plenty of drags and two tough climbs. I got through it okay, no earth-shattering time but still faster than I had expected. Good to be back.

    Position: 40th of 285 (14%)

    Route: Great Race Galway
    Time: 42:44
    Distance: 10km (+ 1.5km warmup)
    Ave Pace: 4:18
    Ave/Max HR: 181/190

    Great to see you return and that's a more than respectable first step back.

    Interesting thinking on this ... I've been thinking that maybe I should try a 10k race this summer to at least checkpoint where I am and so set some reaonsable training goals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    pgmcpq wrote: »

    Interesting thinking on this ... I've been thinking that maybe I should try a 10k race this summer to at least checkpoint where I am and so set some reaonsable training goals.

    Yeah, I reckon I'll do another 10k in a few weeks as a progress measure.
    Typically, however, no sooner have I returned to logging on boards, I'm down again with illness, a mild infection this time. My immune system has definitely taken a kicking and I suspect what would normally have been an easy weekend's training took its toll. I'm busily reading about the immune system today, however, and I'll be an expert on the topic soon!
    I wouldn't mind, but a new set of wheels have arrived for the tri bike, and I was looking forward to giving them a spin this week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    I transferred my Galway 70.3 entry today to Austria St Polten 70.3 next May (hopefully, I'll have started back training by then :o).

    It's been another week of no training due to illness. I went to the doc on Saturday (this whole saga has turned me into a hypochondriac, no doubt), and we established that it wasn't the return of the previous problem, more likely a virus and that I just had to let it pass through the system. My immune system is in bits, any decent effort has the end result of some sort of illness :(.

    Anyway, a 16 week marathon programme would have me starting next week, I was going to start tomorrow to give myself a week's emergency leeway. Will give it a shot tomorrow, but am not going to enter DCM until the last minute just in case. I hadn't planned on attempting another marathon until I was reasonably confident of at least attempting a sub-3 effort. There will be no sub-3 effort in October, indeed difficult to see myself PBing at this stage.

    In a sense, I wonder if there's a point to it, should I just focus on upping 10k speed and coming back to longer distances at another time, but I sense that the focus of marathon training (immune system allowing) will help me get back into shape.

    The worst thing about all of this is that there is still a set of lovely race wheels on my tri bike that haven't even been tried out yet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    After the repeated illnesses, I decided I'd start the Furman marathon programme this week, but without any other activity on the non-running days so as to give the immune system a chance to recover. I had planned to give myself a week's flexability, starting the marathon programme a week early, but after the way the week went, I think I'll do the first week over again, starting tomorrow.

    Intervals on Páirc an Chathanaigh

    A mile down to the pitch, 3 x 1 mile intervals, and a mile home. I felt like an old man after this run, and like an even older man the following day. So as to judge where I was fitness-wise, I started off with a sub-6 min/mile pace attempt, that quickly fell apart after the first .5 mile so it was a case of keep on keeping on, and with ever-lengthening stopwatch pauses between intervals :o
    Distance: 8.13km
    Time: 38:26
    Pace: 4:44 min/km (3:56, 4:11, 4:09)
    HR(ave/max): 171/191

    Tempo to Cladhnach and back

    Two miles warmup, two cooldown, with a two miles tempo in the middle. Again, a stopwatch pause in the middle to get my heart/lungs/head into a manageable position before turning for home. The second tempo mile felt easier than the second.
    Distance: 9.65km
    Time: 45:32
    Pace: 4:43 min/km (4:12, 4:00)
    HR(ave/max): 169/186

    LSR to Ros an Mhíl and back

    Saturday's LSR was postponed to Sunday due to the eldest lad's fourth birthday party. We bought him a bike, and he spent a large chunk of Sunday doing run/bike/run races around the house (more races, so, than this father this weather!). They say you can learn something from everybody, and certainly, not removing your helmet all day speeds up transitions no end!
    This was the longest run I've done in quite a while, and although the distance was doable, there was a predictably long fade as the run went on. I'll try it again next weekend!
    Distance: 20.92km
    Time: 1:45:45
    Pace: 5:03 min/km
    HR(ave/max): 157/172

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    A quick recap of recent tottering about. Seeing as any attempt to add intensity to training has led to illness, I've given up for the time being on doing anything over 150bpm. Unscientific but interesting. It means really slow running, but the upside is that I haven't been ill for the past month (and that's a bonus!). It also means no DCM this year.
    In other news, I signed up for Ironman Sweden yesterday. Surely to god I'll have sorted myself out within a year!

    Runs since last post: 83.51km
    Bike since last post: 215.64
    Swim since last post: 0m

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    ronanmac wrote: »
    I signed up for Ironman Sweden yesterday. Surely to god I'll have sorted myself out within a year!

    Bastard - thats one I had an eye on as well but not till 2014!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    catweazle wrote: »
    Bastard - thats one I had an eye on as well but not till 2014!

    You know, at your age, you really shouldn't be putting things off another year :)
    When I saw this race being announced last year, I kept a close eye on how it would turn out as there are not many Ironman races where you can be reasonably sure of sub-30 degree temperatures and I prefer my skin tone to not match my hair colour! (I know there's Bolton and Wales, but I hadn't a notion of doing them...)

    Anyway, I was bounced into signing up on Monday through a matrix of fear. Fear of it being sold out (which it did later that evening) and fear of signing up to something I swore a number of years ago that I would never be stupid enough to do. Here's to stupid!

    I suspect they'll reopen some slots later on if you change your mind about a 2013 Scandinavian holiday, catweazle!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Good to hear you've signed up. Looks like a great race and one that will probably be my next long distance race. Just a case of deciding when!!!

    What's the prognosis with your health? It's been dragging on a long time. I hope you get sorted soon. Might see you in watching on Sunday?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Good to hear you've signed up. Looks like a great race and one that will probably be my next long distance race. Just a case of deciding when!!!

    What's the prognosis with your health? It's been dragging on a long time. I hope you get sorted soon. Might see you in watching on Sunday?

    Basically, P, it was a long drawn out series of kidney/ecoli infections, with no obvious source, and after being floored a few times by it, I think that my body wasn't up to much after that. Work stress didn't help things. Sometimes, things that are blindingly obvious to everyone else can be invisible to you, and it took me a while to cop on and take the foot off the gas.

    Looking forward to dropping in on Sunday as a spectator, might see you there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    That all sounds encouraging from the point of view that you seem to have it sussed - ar fheabhas!!! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    ronanmac wrote: »
    I suspect they'll reopen some slots later on if you change your mind about a 2013 Scandinavian holiday, catweazle!

    Hmmm we shall see, perhaps if family circumstances change before xmas ;) But the current plan is to go back to focusing on sprint and Olympic and do a good few of the local ones.

    I am also waiting on pgibbo to get the green card which could be between 2013 and 2020

    Certainly the no going over 150 bpm for the next while will do you no harm for Sweden as base training, impressive selling out already although i suspect that they do that on all of them for optics and release more entries liberally throughout the year

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    I realised on New Year's Day that 2013 was the first year in 11 years in which I hadn't raced (and that followed a 2012 in which I only raced once). Today, to make sure 2014 wasn't going to turn out the same, I headed up to Westport for the 5k Parkrun.
    It was very wheezy, very ungraceful at the end but it got done. It's a lovely race but the second half is a b*tch. The second half of any 5k tends to be nasty but this particulary one is starts out with a nice slope before turning back on itself for the second half. That said, it was a beautiful day for racing, no wind, cool temperature and dry.

    Time: 20:28
    Position: 8th from 49

    After a few crappy years of illness and busyness and stress, I've decided that I don't have the time at the moment for dedicated triathlon training. My mornings are spent writings, work can be all-consuming and I've two great kids and a great wife whom I like coming home to and staying home with. I also miss racing and my triathlon experience was lots of training with not too much racing payoff.
    For 2014, I'm returning to running and the Furman FIRST training plan. This gives me the opportunity to keep ticking over with the cycling and if I stick in the occasional swimming session (!), I'll give a sprint triathlon or two a shot over the summer.
    For now, I start a 10k training programme on Monday to try and get some speed back in the legs. That brings me to the end of March and after that, I'll see what happens. I wouldn't mind going back to Westport, though, and taking 29 seconds off that time :).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,137 ✭✭✭El Director

    ronanmac wrote: »
    I realised on New Year's Day that 2013 was the first year in 11 years in which I hadn't raced (and that followed a 2012 in which I only raced once). Today, to make sure 2014 wasn't going to turn out the same, I headed up to Westport for the 5k Parkrun.
    It was very wheezy, very ungraceful at the end but it got done. It's a lovely race but the second half is a b*tch. The second half of any 5k tends to be nasty but this particulary one is starts out with a nice slope before turning back on itself for the second half. That said, it was a beautiful day for racing, no wind, cool temperature and dry.

    Time: 20:28
    Position: 8th from 49

    After a few crappy years of illness and busyness and stress, I've decided that I don't have the time at the moment for dedicated triathlon training. My mornings are spent writings, work can be all-consuming and I've two great kids and a great wife whom I like coming home to and staying home with. I also miss racing and my triathlon experience was lots of training with not too much racing payoff.
    For 2014, I'm returning to running and the Furman FIRST training plan. This gives me the opportunity to keep ticking over with the cycling and if I stick in the occasional swimming session (!), I'll give a sprint triathlon or two a shot over the summer.
    For now, I start a 10k training programme on Monday to try and get some speed back in the legs. That brings me to the end of March and after that, I'll see what happens. I wouldn't mind going back to Westport, though, and taking 29 seconds off that time :).

    Good man Ronan, delighted to see you back. The very best of luck with 2014, you certainly deserve a good break. There is a nice, fairly flat 10k in Kilmovee, Co. Mayo on April the 18/19th BTW....wouldn't mind a go at myself indeed!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I knew I recognised the name of the log :). Best of luck for 2014.
