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Bliain Faoi Thrí



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    A pretty crap 2 week's training, kyboshed by a mixture of travel, laziness and snot-riddled children.

    Wednesday 19 March
    3 x 1600 @ 6:19. I can't even remember doing this workout, so no details :confused:

    6.5 miles done

    Sunday 23 March
    Out and back up Doire Fhearta. Feeling a bit off but stuck with the 7:21 pace.

    7 miles done

    Wednesday 26 March

    Both boys home from school/preschool due to infections/colds/very messy nostrils/sore ears/inflamed throats. This was taper week so an easier week than normal. 6 x 400 at 5:56 pace (I think I need to switch to kilometres soon:o) with 60 sec rest.
    Felt cold sweat after the first interval which isn't always a great sign.

    Didn't bother with Thursday's run as was feeling crap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    I was really humming and hawing over doing this race. The original plan was a 10k in Ennis but when Corrib AC's debut 8k race popped up on the calender, it seemed like a much easier option logistically (and of course distance-wise!).

    I hadn't been feeling too well during the week, and was strongly not considering running the race on Saturday morning as I had felt better on Friday, and wasn't feeling all that great again on race day. But nothing works better as an incentive to race than having pre-paid and wanting to get your money's worth!

    The race was in Killanin and after a quick and efficient race number pickup, I did a brief warm up and felt a cold claminess with heavy legs. I usually like to think out beforehand how the race will go but for this race, for a variety of reasons (doubtful about lack of training, not feeling great, long time since last race), I just headed up to the start line and left it to figure itself out.

    It wasn't the most natural of courses, with the distance made up of turnarounds, and the start up a narrow lane off the main road. It wasn't a flat course either as advertised. Undulating would be a nice description, and a nasty incline just before the 7k mark.

    As always seems to be the case, I ran the first mile way too fast, thinking that something had to be wrong with my watch because it didn't feel too uncomfortable! There was nothing wrong with the watch. Mile One: 6:14

    Usually when I race, I find myself in no-man's land, behind and in front of a group but on my own. This race was different in that there were four of us together early on, which was useful as despite it being a lovely day, there was a headwind for those first two miles. Mile Two: 6:32

    Into mile three, one of the four broke off and the remaining three of us didn't have it in us to follow him. Every now and again, I'd pull up level to the lead guy in the group, sometimes daring to go ahead but I didn't have the confidence in my training or in my body to pull away. It would turn out later that my self-doubt was justified :D. Mile Three: 6:32

    The group splintered on mile four, with one guy pulling ahead and two of us running beside each other for the remaining mile. At 3.5 miles, it felt like my legs were about to buckle and that I was about to be found out for trying to race on very little training but at that stage it was a case of keeping on keeping on. Mile Four: 6:29

    After a nice flat mile four, mile five broke the elastic between myself and remaining guy in the group and I managed to pull ahead. A steep, steep hill at about 4.5 miles sucked the energy and the possibility of a strong finish away but at this stage, I was just happy to be able to consolidate my position. Mile Five: 6:46.

    I finished in 32:32, seventh overall, a bit shattered but over the moon to be back racing. I don't know what my next target will be, but with baby number three on the way in July, it needs to be an early summer target!

    A nicely organised race, with food, tea and chat afterwards. Thanks, Corrib AC!

    Time: 32:32
    Distance: 8k
    Position: 7th out of 64 (10.9%)
    Average Pace: 6:30
    AHR/MHR: 177/183

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    A persistent groin injury that I had begun to forget about resurfaced on Sunday following a particularly boisterous wrestling session with the two young lads. I suspect Saturday’s race had aggravated it but that it was my body slam on the four year old that brought it back to the surface.

    I had a bit of work done on it yesterday and today’s run was a gentle recovery jog. A beautiful day on the bog road. 6.03 miles done in 50:17 (8:20 average pace, 153 ave HR).

    I’ve been thinking about what my next target would be and although I’m still not entirely sure, I suspect it’ll probably be a year of running mostly, with nothing longer than a half marathon. With number three arriving in mid July, long training sessions are probably out for most of the remainder of the year so the focus will probably be on getting a decent half-marathon time in, see if I can get any decent speed back in the legs.

    Maybe then a spring marathon for 2015 and take on some multisport events after that? After the crap few years I’ve had, I’m always afraid that I’ll get carried away with planning only to be scuppered by illness again (not this time though!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    In Cornwall for work. It's warmer, and hillier, than home. 5.1 miles done, about 8:30 min/mile pace, enjoyable focus-free run with some bonus hillwork thrown in for free :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Hmm, the plan was train for a race, slack off for a week and get back on the horse. I trained, raced, slacked off, but forgot to get back on the horse :o.

    4 April
    5 miles in St Ives, Cornwall, around a golf course so as to avoid brutal hills. Spotted a large bird of prey kill a rabbit and fly off with it!

    15 April
    In Sevenoaks in Kent for the week with my family. Six easy miles, running in a lovely park.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Alternative Title: The Race In Which I Was Beaten by a 12 Year Old

    Feeling the need to do something about a total abandonment of training (and realising that I definitely needed to do something after consuming a monster portion of McDonalds), I decided on Friday night that I would do the Orpington Parkrun, 15 minutes up the road from where we were staying in Kent. My theory was that, if nothing else, it would jar me out of complacency and into training.

    The course was a mixture of grass, tarmac and dirt trails on a three-time loop, and as I usually do, I started out way too quickly. I didn't mind, however, as I knew regardless of what pace I'd start out at that I'd be shagged soon enough so I might as well try and get some time off the clock early (this, by the way, is a bullsh*t theory and doesn't work :)).

    Things were going ok, I was in between two bunches early on, with a lead bunch of about eight fragmenting as we closed in on the first mile, some shooting off in front, a few falling back a bit. At about the mile mark, I passed one of those who fell back, a young boy, and as I chortled to myself at him setting off at way too fast a pace, I caringly and patronisingly gave him some verbal encouragment as I overtook him. "Fair play to you, you're goin' well, lad." If he wasn't confused by the accent, I'd imagine he was certainly puzzled by a stream of familiar words put together in a construction not commonly heard in the Garden of England.

    Mile 1: 5:58 min/mile

    Mile two was the realisation that starting out quickly to put some money in the bank was a stupid plan, especially going up one of the dirt track inclines, where I left the life being vaccumed out of my legs and that familiar feeling of going backwards. It didn't help that I was passed at this stage by a bloke who looked remarkably comfortable for a 5k race.

    Mile 2: 6:23 min/mile

    Mile three was a b*tch. It was just about hanging on, and having to react to footsteps that were getting closer wasn't helping. At some stage, I looked back, and lo and behold, it was the patronised boy closing in fast. The last section of the race was up the life-sucking dirt trail and try as I might, I just didn't have the fight or the energy to hold him off. As he passed, I knew I had two choices: encourage him with insincere words so as to not come across as unsporting, or wrestle him to the ground and try and make it to the finish first. It is to my eternal embarrasment that I chose the former. He beat me by four seconds.

    Mile 3: 6:31 min/mile

    All in all, apart from being outsprinted by someone in the 11-14 age category, it wasn't too bad of a day! Two very different courses, but my time of 19:52 was an improvement from the 20:28 in Westport at the start of the year.

    I've also got some training focus back, and have pencilled in a half marathon for July, a week before the baby is to arrive.

    Distance: 5km
    Time: 19:52
    Ave Pace: 6:19
    Ave/Max HR: 177/187
    Position: 10th of 155 (6.5%)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac


    Headed down to the football pitch for some 800m intervals, but with a game on, I turned back and headed towards the relatively flat section by Trá an Dóilín. It was supposed to be 6 x 800m @ 5:50 min/mile pace with 90 sec rest intervals, but it turned out to be 5 x 800m and at considerably slower speed! These intervals were horrible!!!
    6:06, 5:56, 5:59, 5:53, 6:57 (in fairness, the last one was uphill:o).

    All I can say about this session is ughhh...

    Done: 4.6 miles
    Ave/Max HR:158/184


    A cycle!!! Outside!!!

    Nothing more complicated than a spin out to Scríb crossroads and back in (it's relatively flat and the road surface is good, I like this spin as these two factors are very rare where I live!). After a few more spins, I'm going to tap into a training plan for the bike (probably something from a HIM plan) and see where it goes.

    I've abandoned swimming more or less completely, I just can't afford the journeys into Galway to the pool, time-wise, so it'll be openwater this summer (any day now, any day now!).

    Distance: 21.81 miles
    Time: 1:16:48
    Ave Speed: 17 mph
    Ave/Max HR:147/167

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Thursday and Friday were unavoidable washouts for various reasons.

    It was supposed to be an eight miler at 7:20 pace (4:33 km pace), but after staying reasonably close to pace for the first six miles, I fell off badly for the last three (I also misjudged the distance and made a nine miler out of it!).

    With things going so poorly for the last three miles, I didn't bother try and force and just used it as a cool down to get home. Not pretty.
    Distance: 9 miles
    Time: 1:10:43
    Ave pace: 7:52 (4:53 km)
    Ave HR: No HR uploaded to Garmin Connect for some reason :confused:

    A morning from heaven!
    My first group cycle in a long, long time and while it was an inevitable eye-opener, it was just great to be out for the morning, on a beautiful day, ploughing through a beautiful landscape.
    I struggled for a lot of the spin, getting dropped on the flat with alarming ease, especially on the way home. My only saving grace was that the other four were relatively early into their season and that my weight helped me out on the longer climbs! I was comprehensively dropped for the final journey home however, an incentive to get back in the saddle :o.

    Distance: 66.79km
    Time: 2:28:14
    Ave Speed: 27km/h
    Ave Cadence: 80
    Ave HR: 150

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac


    Intervals on the bog road. I wore a pair of Merrell Trail Body Gloves for the first time. I picked them up dirt cheap in the States when I was over there in February but had only worn them around the house. My first time wearing 'barefoot'-type shoes, and although I could feel a few of the sharper stones through the sole, they certainly got me off my heels, even the midfoot, and onto the forefoot. I reckon there's merit in wearing them on occassion, maybe once a week for intervals so as to practise form.

    As for the intervals, they were 3 x 1600m with 60 second rest intervals. I knew going out I wouldn't hit the prescribed pace but it was a case of giving it a lash. Warm day, tough but enjoyable run

    Distance: 8.7km
    Pace: 4:45 / Intervals 6:28, 6:22, 6:25
    Ave HR: 160

    An early session for the first time in an age as I knew that I wouldn't be able to fit in a bike session later. Still doing all of my cycling on the road bike, might switch midweek sessions to the TT bike next week. 7 x 40 sec intervals. Cold and damp, from the house to the mother in law's in Inverin and back.

    Distance: 31km
    Time: 1:04:53
    Speed: 28.7 kmh
    Ave HR: 152
    Ave RPM: 83

    Brought Marcas to his swimming lessons and got to the pool about ten minutes late due to work delays. First time swimming in a long time. 850 metres of straight swimming.

    In Dublin for Thursday and Friday. Staying in the Tara Tower so handy for a straightforward, flat coast run. Tempo run was 1 mile easy, 2 at pace, 1 mile easy, 2 at pace, 1 easy. Out to Dún Laoghaire pier and back. Felt pretty shattered by the end of it.

    Distance: 12km
    Pace: 4:27 / Tempo miles (@ 6:50) 6:58, 6:50, 6:56, 6:41
    Ave HR: 163

    Managed to get out of Dublin by lunch time. In and out the door in jig time! Straightforward cycle out to Scríb and back.

    Distance: 35km
    Time: 1:11:41
    Speed: 29.3 kmh
    Ave HR: 155
    Ave RPM: 91

    Last week's long run was a bit of a disaster and this wasn't much better. I felt wrecked tired once I got up and kept putting the run off. Eventually, Máirín and the kids headed back to Clifden to do the shopping and I reckoned I could no longer keep postponing the inevitable. Last week was a miserable nine miles that was supposed to be eight, and the pace falling apart after five miles. This week was eight miles that was supposed to be nine, but the pace didn't crumble too badly until the usual last uphill mile before home.
    I'm a long way off in terms of endurance but it'll happen... won't it?!

    Distance: 12.9km
    Pace: 4:35
    Ave HR: 163

    Just two of us turned up for the club cycle, out to Maam and back in after the obligatory coffee in Keane's. Heading out I felt good, better than last week, but coming home was a nightmare. We met a solo cyclist on a coffee break himself in Keane's, and trying to keep with him up Máimín na gCearc (the climb between Maam and Maam Cross), with a stiff breeze in our face was tough until he broke the cord, and then it was just sh*te. He turned off at Maam Cross into Galway and Colm and I headed home. About 20km from home, the tank emptied. I was good for nothing and needed a tow all the way to Casla before crawling home to An Cheathrú Rua on my own. I've been bringing nothing more than water with me on the bike spins, I might need to revisit that (or just accept that I am painfully unfit as of yet!).

    Distance: 68.3km
    Time: 2:35:54
    Speed: 26.3 kmh
    Ave HR: 146
    Ave RPM: 86

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Great to see some consistent training return to this log the last few weeks.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    BTH wrote: »
    Great to see some consistent training return to this log the last few weeks.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    That Galway full distance race next year has lit a fire under him ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    catweazle wrote: »
    That Galway full distance race next year has lit a fire under him ;)

    Definitely not. Given my stream of excuses in avoiding the pool, there is no way I would be ready for a June IM in the open water (plus, no more than yourself, if I ever go long, I'll do it in a gentle climate with nicely-surfaced roads and water that doesn't result in instant shrinkage...)

    No, the fire was lit, partly by being beaten by a 12 year old in a race, but mostly by being dropped by every single member of a club spin two weeks ago :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    (Psst...the June IM is NEXT year, so you've got plenty of time to get that swim sorted. :D)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    (Psst...the June IM is NEXT year, so you've got plenty of time to get that swim sorted. :D)

    I know. The answer still stands :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Intervals on Seanamhach bog. 6 x 800m with 90 sec rest. I'd start out with the wind at my back, take a 90 sec walk/jog, and then a horrible 800m into the wind. At the end of the first run into the wind, I felt like it was fantastic to be alive, really invigorating! At the end of second run into the wind, I felt like someone was dancing on my chest. By the time the final run came around, I was hanging on for dear life!
    Afterwards, it felt like someone had removed my calf muscles and replaced them with rod iron...

    Distance: 9.7km
    Pace: Intervals (800m @ 2:56) 2:53, 3:18, 2:59, 3:19, 3:01, 3:15
    Ave/Max HR: 154/179

    I had decided to take out the TT bike for the first time this and had her ready to go over the weekend. I was about a minute down the road, however, when I clipped a sharp piece of gravel, which resulted in a puncture (I thought I hit it with the front wheel at the time, but it was a rear puncture). With my wife leaving the house for work at 7:30, and it already 6:35 by this stage, I hightailed back to the house, left the bike back in the shed and took out the road bike so as to salvage the morning.
    The plan was 3 x 8 minutes full out, with 2 minutes easy. With a strong wind in my face on the way back to Leitir Móir, the first interval was a b*tch, the second was a flyer on the way home, and third was another grind against the wind. Good to get it out of the way, though.

    Distance: 23.8km
    Time: 55:22
    Speed: 26.4 kmh
    Ave/Max HR: 149/172
    Ave RPM: 68

    Brought the older lad into town for his swimming lessons. A bit of swimming to try and regain some pool fitness. Nothing more than five blocks of easy 250m.

    Total: 1250m

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Swimming!! Wow. :eek:

    Next thing you'll tell us you've entered a triathlon......

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    BTH wrote: »
    Swimming!! Wow. :eek:

    Next thing you'll tell us you've entered a triathlon......

    I would define killing time while your five year old gets swimming lessons more as "incidental swimming" rather than actual "swimming", which seems to imply a sort of training-related focus :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    ronanmac wrote: »
    I would define killing time while your five year old gets swimming lessons more as "incidental swimming" rather than actual "swimming", which seems to imply a sort of training-related focus :D

    1250m is nice for "incidental". ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    1250m is nice for "incidental". ;)

    With a few minutes still to go before the end of Marcas's swimming lessons, it could have been 1500. The jacuzzi beckoned at that stage however!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Felt a bit off on Thursday, and after putting a sustained period of training, without getting ill, for the first time since the latter stage of 2011, I wasn't taking any chances :eek:. Unscheduled day off.

    Bike spin back to Tír an Fhia. 6 x (4x 30/30). Stiff wind heading out. Not sure if I was putting the proper effort into the 30/30s as while I was tired at the end of them, I wasn't shagged.

    Distance: 30.6km
    Time: 01:06:04
    Speed: 27.8 kmh
    Ave/Max HR: 143/169
    Ave RPM: 78

    My sister's daughter had her first communion, and all that goes with it, on Saturday so the run had to be put out of the way early. It was a miserable, miserable morning. I seem to be struggling a bit in my run training recently, either with distance or pace, so the object of this session was just to get ten miles under the belt, disregarding pace. It was a long five miles home into sh*te weather.

    Distance: 16.1km
    Pace: 4:51
    Ave/Max HR: 143/169

    Sunday morning was probably the worst morning I've been out in on the bike in a long, long time (as you can see, there's been a pattern recently in the weather!). Coming down the hill in Cladhnach, the crosswinds felt a bit dodgy. Coupled with a strong westerly wind, I decided to stay away from the climb in Maam and head back to Cill Chiaráin so I'd have the wind at my back for the journey home.
    It was a slow, lonely journey back west (it took 56 minutes to cycle the 17km from Scríb to Cill Chiaráin, compared to the 33 minutes it took to do the same distance on the way home :eek:) but dreams of a cup of coffee from the shop at Cill Chiaráin kept me grinding away. When I got there, however, I realised I didn't bring any money with me :(.
    The journey home was nicer though (and although I was soaked to the skin and b*tching about the gale, I have to admit that there was something exhilirating about being out in that kind of weather!).

    Distance: 70.2km
    Time: 02:42:50
    Speed: 25.9 kmh
    Ave/Max HR: 139/158
    Ave RPM: 80

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Massage. The groin perma-injury has definitely eased up, and the strain in my right arm has all disappeared. After loads of localised work on the groin, it seems that work on my back (my shoulders were like pieces of pine, hard and riddled with knots) has made a greater difference. Hurrah!

    My wife and I had a scan (well, she did) early in the day and with all looking well on the baby front, I didn't have time for a lunchtime run when I got back to work. By the time I got home, I was definitely looking at excuses not to go out (I even considered mowing the lawn, goddamit!). In the end, I went down to the pitch but the intervals were cut short by the start of an underage local derby football match. It was supposed to be 12 x 400, it was 5 x 400 on the pitch and another 2 on the way home. Intervals on the pitch are much easier than on the road. Easier underfoot and easier to figure out when your interval is about to finish without looking breathlessly at the Garmin.
    With the run cut short, I had run out of excuses regarding the lawn and it's finally received its first cut of the season :o

    Distance: 5.6km
    Pace: Intervals (1:26) 1:24, 1:21, 1:25, 1:24, 1:27, 1:42, 1:51
    Ave HR: 160

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    ronanmac wrote: »
    With the run cut short, I had run out of excuses regarding the lawn and it's finally received its first cut of the season :o

    You must have had something like this for it


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    catweazle wrote: »
    You must have had something like this for it


    With the lawnmower wheels on their highest settings, it looked more like a monster truck than a mower. Still, I struggled!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Another rainy morning on the bike. What I would give for a warm, sunny start to the day... Once again, left it a bit late leaving the house, having to be back at 7:30 before my wife would head for work. Two 10 minute intervals, as far as TG4 and back.

    Distance: 26km
    Time: 55:21
    Speed: 28.2 kmh
    Ave/Max HR: 143/167
    Ave RPM: 68

    Swimming classes for Marcas, swimming laps for me. Two sets of 750m (I needed the reassurance of doing a block of 750m just in case I'd think of entering any sprint distance races in the future!)
    Done: 1500m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Thursday & Friday
    Wipeouts. Thursday saw early meetings at work and a trip up and down to Dublin for a funeral removal. Friday was a long day of meetings followed by a night out in Galway (where BTH held court with the west's media darlings and luvvies, convincingly nodding when spoken to in Irish and feigning his way as admirably as his neighbouring county's TD, Roscommon's Frank Feighan, who managed to be Fine Gael's Gaeltacht spokesperson a few years ago, despite not speaking a word of Irish :pac:)

    Overcast, windy but surprisingly warm. I was dripping in sweat after two miles. Same route as last week's ten mile run, out and back to Ros a Mhíl crossroads. Pace was off predicted pace, but I was reasonably pleased as the first half went well and the second half was not too bad considering it was into a stiff breeze.

    Distance: 16.1km
    Pace: 4:40km
    Ave/Max HR: 163/177

    The day turned out to be a fantastic one out on the western periphery of the country, but it started sh*te, and was another damp Sunday cycle. I headed back to Cill Chiaráin with Colm, stopped for what seemed like the nicest cup of coffee I ever tasted, had a quick bit of political analysis with the shopkeeper there and headed home.
    I felt fairly cooked by the time I finished, but it was the first cycle so far this year where I felt like I was improving and getting somewhere towards being fit.
    When I got home, my wife had poured a bath. Into the bath with a protein drink, a Creme Egg and a newspaper. Ahhhhh.

    Distance: 70km
    Time: 2:23:05
    Speed: 29.3 kmh
    Ave/Max HR: 148/174
    Ave RPM: 87

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    I'll admit, I hadn't a breeze what was going on during the awards Friday evening. I also didn't get the burlesque dancer than was on after the band. That was quite bizarre. You're an odd folk you westerners!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    A family funeral that none of us saw coming took the focus away from training for the latter part of the week.

    Intervals. Treadmill. Yuck

    Distance: 8km (2 x 1600m, 2 x 800m)
    Time: 41:11
    Pace: 5:09km

    Swim while Marcas was training

    Distance: 1500m

    2 x 12m intervals on bike. Not raining this morning. Shock!

    Distance: 30.8km
    Time: 1:03:46
    Speed: 29 kmh
    Ave/Max HR: 149/171
    Ave RPM: 77

    FTP test. Sweet suffering Jebus. Did the 20 minute Coggan test with 5 minutes flat out in the buildup. The five minutes was useful in that it gave me a better idea of what could realistically be held for 20 minutes. FTP was 242w, a jump from the 198 recorded in November.

    Distance: 38.9km
    Time: 1:19:50
    Speed: 29.3 kmh
    Ave/Max HR: 143/173
    Ave RPM: 83

    5 min: 282w
    20 min: 255w
    FTP: 242w

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Last Wednesday, I did 4 x 1200m intervals. At the end of each interval, I found myself saying to myself that intervals make me feel my age. By the same time the following day, I felt considerably older!
    On Thursday morning, I went out on the bike for 2 x 15min intervals with a cool down and warm that would have brought the session to little over an hour. At about 7:15am, shortly before I was to start the second interval, a car came through a junction without seeing me and caught me smack on the side.
    I recall nothing of the accident, other than some vague recollection of a voice in my head saying “he’s not stopping, is he?”. The next thing I remember is the ambulance crew scooping me up from the road onto a trolley. Apparently, the car hit me, with me breaking its windscreen and rolling up over the roof and onto the road. The bike stayed stuck to the front of the car.
    Going into hospital in the ambulance, I was sure that both my collar bone and rib(s) were broken as the pain was excrutiating. Remarkably, despite the impact on the left hand side of my body, it turns out that no bones were broken. I’ve some fluid in my chest, a shoulder that has very little movement in it and a neck that doesn’t seem to rotate all that much anymore, but no broken bones. I had to go back into hospital on Saturday for a catscan due to headaches and dizziness but it showed up clear, thankfully.
    I haven’t been able to inspect the bike yet but photos show the fork and front wheel to be mangled. I’m not sure what damage has been done to the frame. My cycling clothes had to be cut off in the ambulance, and nobody seems to know where my helmet or my (superfantastic prescription Transition lens Oakley) sunglasses are.
    Speaking of helmets, I shudder to think of the damage if I wasn’t wearing one. The left side of my face was swollen, with some small cuts, but I think I’d have more than headaches to worry about if my head wasn’t encased in polystyrene.
    The accident puts this comeback on hold, and only paves the way for an even more glorious comeback :), although it’s not entirely clear at the moment when that will happen.
    What I do know is, all things considered, I'm a lucky man!
    PS Typing with one hand is a pain!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Jesus, I'm glad you're ok, sounds nasty.
