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Match Up Advice Thread.

  • 04-01-2010 4:31pm
    Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭

    Hey guys I was thinking about starting a thread for discussing match ups in SF IV. Been playing a good few Irish players recently across all the formats recently and while player skill is variable few people seem to appraoch the match ups correctly.

    I've seen in several interviews from both the American and Japanese scene that one of the big differences is players in Japan share information on match ups where as the Americans where more relunctant to share secrets. Both scenes reckon its one of the reasons why the Japanese are better.

    Being a Bison player I'd be happy to offer my advice on how to play against him. I can also offer an opinion on good or bad habits I have observed players doing in match ups against me.

    Other people who play other characters can also offer advice on there match ups.

    So any questions, fire away.



  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Great idea. I'm also up for it :)

    Guile vs Bison :D

  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    Is that a request for advice on that match up :(

    Because if it is I'll have to give you the wrong advice :P

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    If you tell me one thing I'll tell you how to mess up every single Guile's advantage on you :D

    I have real trouble when Bison gets into block string on me. Especially on cross up. Other than that risky back jump throw I do, any ideas on how to stop it? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,067 ✭✭✭L31mr0d

    Akuma v Bison

    So far all I know is walk back, attempt something, eat 3 head stomps, KO. Any additional tips on how to die slower would be appreciated :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭Sagat06

    Well the headstomp for me is only really effective if Bison has you in a corner. Other than that its just a matter of walking backwards or backdash and throw him.

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  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    The problem is you let him get a block string going in the first place. Your in 50/50 territory here.

    At range Guile owns Bisons soul. Up close and personal its pretty much even.

    Breaking it down into the two sections.

    Ranged (including mid range) and up close.


    Obviously Guile wants to keep Bison out and of all the characters has the tools best suited to do that.

    Keep throwing jab booms. Bison can't really jump at you. As you know you Guile's air throw is evil. Best air throw in the game as of the 5 characters in the game with an air throw Guiles has the most range. But even worse he has crouching hard punch. This is your go to anti air normal. It doesn't need charge and Bisons floaty jump gives you plenty of time to hit him.

    Kills nearly everything Bison does in the air. It beats all Bisons jumping normals any range includng Bisons jumping mk cross up. It also beats normal headstomp and devils reverse as well.

    At some angles it will even trade with Bison's jumping fierce but it doesn't let Bison in and Guiles still at no major disadvantage. It will also loose to deep cross jumping hard kick (thanks Blag) and ex.stomp. Also a correctly spaced empty jump could allow Bison to sneak in.

    Bison can't use Headstomp, its not quick enough to hit Guile after he Booms and leaves him open to punishment. Simply walk back and punish or air throw or c.hp.

    Bisons other options for getting in are ex.psycho crusher and ex.scissors, but he has to be very close (a third of the screen away to punish Guile) so they are not as effective against Guile as they are against shoto's. Of course he needs meter to do them which he can't build too effectively against Guile.

    That leaves Bison with focus attack dashing through the Booms. Guile merely need spam any number of normals to hit Bison out of it once he gets close. Medium Kick, back + hard punch, foward + hard punch.

    So what if Bison decides to spam devils reverse at full screen to build meter.
    Time a slow sonic boom so Bison has to land less than full screen away between the boom and Guile, Guile can dash foward and sweep him out of his recovery phase. He can also time an ex.sonic boom when Bison is landing from the devils reverse. If Bison tries to hit Guile with the DP, c.hp or focus attack it.

    Finally Bison starts neutral jumping the Booms, obviously mixing up the speed of the Booms can mess him up. But if he does a close neutral jump dash under him and c.hp to stuff him out of it.

    Close Range.
    If Bison gets in on you did something wrong, you have lost your advantage but your at no major disadvantage. Bison needs to keep Guile on his back. Cross him up, mix up the block strings and tick throws and look to bait flash kicks.

    Guile doesn't have an answer to cross ups outside Bison being tardy with one of his cross up or direct jump ins and Guile landing an ultra. You basically have to work on your close range game and learn to sit through block strings and tech correctly.

    Bisons c.short comes in 3 frames as opposed to Guiles 4 frames of start up. Its +1 on block so it does leave a very small window (2 frames) for Guile to flash kick Bison out of the string. Bison can miss links on purpose and just stop his string in an effort to bait out a flash kick and punish though.

    Bisons close lp gives Bison the most frame advantage on block +4. He normall uses that after a cross up for tick throwing. You can't do too much against that.

    Flash kick comes out in 4 frames and has a few invunrability frames. The EX version has better invunrability frames. They beat Bisons scissors kick so you just need a lucky guess to knock Bison out of his scissor pressure or one of his pokes. It is of course a risk, miss and your going eat xx hk scissors. Also after blocking a light scissors kick where Bison can't tick into Guile can throw a light Boom to beat any of Bisons pokes or scissors.

    If Bison tries headstomp mix up in the corner dash foward out of it. If you knock Bison down, he probably won't ex.psycho out of pressure as he normally does as that would merely reset the screen for you.

    You can also gamble after blocking a scissors that Bison will jump in or do another scissors in which case you can do a risky jump to counter it. A neutral jump could catch Bisons scissors and set you up a combo into xx flash kick. Jumping is risky as Bison might simply hit you out of it with his roundhouse or worse j.mpx2 into ultra.

    If Bison walks directly up for a meaty attack or tries to bait a flash kick or he just wants to throw you and you have 2 bars of meter, flash kick FADC for a safe wake up option.

    General Info

    Finally as a general rule of thumb don't use Guile sweep outside of combo's its horrid and will get you in alot of trouble. You can be ultra out of the second sweep or ex.scissors or or or focused attacked.

    If Bison attempts to ex.psycho through you and he wasn't point back range when he attempted it, flash kick to punish. Bisons Ultra is punishable with flashkick always.

    Guile has a very skinny hitbox meaning Bison can normally only do xx scissors as opposed to 4x.clk unless he lands a non cross up jumping mk.

    Bison can only really turtle if he has a massive health lead. In which case he can run down the clock by neutral jumping booms and blocking.

    The long and the short of it is at close range its pretty even. You just need practise at defending cross ups and tech throws and being patient and learn to read you opponent.

    Here are some good example matchs of how to approach this match. Featuring some of the best if not the best Bison (TUC the highest rated Bison player in Japan) failing badly at this match.

    English commentary with the match up explained :D

  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    Leimr0d wrote:
    Akuma v Bison

    So far all I know is walk back, attempt something, eat 3 head stomps, KO. Any additional tips on how to die slower would be appreciated

    As Sagat06 said. When in corner walk back or dash back, when he lands let rip with, c.lp, lk,tatsu, hp dragon punch and if you have meter fadc into red fireball for a pretty massive punish.

    Basically you have to be weary when Bison is charging down back a full screen away. You need to be carefull when throwing fireballs. Red fireballs are a liability as they take too long and get you stomped. Normal and ex fireballs should allow you to dash back or jump back hp if Bison does a headstomp on reaction to the fireball. Bison has to headstomp pre-emptively to be sure of a hit. He gets this this pre-emptive hit which he gets from players who just throw fireballs in a pattern or got suckered into a pattern.

    Remember if Bison is standing he can't headstomp you, so you know its safe at full screen to throw a fireball.

    If Bison is devils reversing between the fireballs he won't have time to pre-empt your fireball with a headstomp.

    But a sneaky Bison can switch to backwards teleport with buffered charge after a devils reverse to allow a fireball to pass through him and change the timing enough to give him the time needed to pre-empt a fire ball with headstomp.

    If your worried about full screen Devils Reverse and Headstomp mix up don't be. Remeber at full screen away jump back hard puch/kick even when you in the corner will beat any of his options. You will hit a headstomp even an ex version and set up a combo and his devils reverse can't hit you as it only travels 4/5th of the screen at max range. Do not attempt to DP in this situation. You can also backwards teleport into the corner to makes his stomp whiff and punish the recovery frames with a combo of your choice.

    Its more dangerous when Bison is close and your in the corner. If he attempts to stomp you on wake up either block it or if you have time teleport out or dash out. Neutral jump and jump back here doesn't work on headstomp because the angle of the headstomp has changed although it can still miss and leave Bison open. Watch out for empty devils reverse mix ups.

    Finally while the headstomp particularly the ex.verion is godly in an air to air situation beating most normal air moves its not a dedicated anti air move. And its only godly against forward jumping opponents not neutral jumping or backwards jumping opponent. Usually when a stomp knocks you out of a foward jump its merely a coincidence that you happened to jump when he wanted to headstomp not that he was planing to anti air you with it. Air tatsu will normally but not always beat both versions of headstomp.

    General info
    Akuma has several garunteed Demons.

    Blocked close slide = Super or Ultra
    Blocked far slide = Super
    Blocked Psycho Crusher = Super or Ultra *(small chance ex.pyscho crusher at full screen can be safe and a correctly spaced light psycho crusher can be safe but 99/100 they won't be)
    Incorrectly spaced medium hard, or ex.scissors = Super or Ultra
    Devils Reverse whiff (anywhere on screen) = Ultra
    Either normal or ex Headstomp = back dash Ultra
    Blocked close ex.pyscho crusher = Ultra (free ultra after he crosses to the other side)
    Wake up teleport = Ultra

    Once Akuma gets ultra all Bisons specials bar light scissors kick are unsafe and highly risk.
    Apply cross ups, and vortex pressure to Bison on his wake up. Mix it up.
    Bison is totally and utterly garbage on wake up without meter, go nuts on him if you get the chance.
    Don't leave the barn door open. Correctly time your air firballs after the apex of your jump to avoid leaving a gap and getting ex.psycho crushered.
    Use the block stun your air fireballs to mix up between your and as well as your overhead.
    Blocked and whiff slides are good way to land your roundhouse and set up a high damaging combo. xx fireball is a decent counter poke.
    Do not get predictable with flip kicks, they are possibly Bisons best opportunity in the whole game to land j.mpx2 into ultra.
    Teleport can get you out of cross ups, Bison can keep up the pressure though as his dash is pretty good.
    Normally shoto zoning game of ground fireballs and dp works but watch out for neutral jumping players who buffer charge to ex.scissors through the next fireball.
    Bison takes a big risk if he tries to meaty attack Akuma with an ultra. Where as Akuma has several safe meaty attacks (c.lp or regardless of what Bison has with either meter.

    Like against Guile once Bison gets in he doesn't really want to let Akuma get way. Like the other shoto's Bison wants to put you in a corner where his superior footsies dominate. Against Akuma he doesn't have to fear a DP setting up an ultra so he can be quite offensive.

    Both characters are pretty good at running away if they have a life lead though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 599 ✭✭✭FoamyMushroom

    L31mr0d wrote: »
    Akuma v Bison

    So far all I know is walk back, attempt something, eat 3 head stomps, KO. Any additional tips on how to die slower would be appreciated :D

    Ya gotta try bait the ex stomps out...Cause it wastes meter..

    With akuma v Bison

    ya dont wana get very fireball happy cause the head stomp will just own you!!!

    If you time it right after a stomp a bison player will realized its not gonna hit then do that purple hand thingy (Dont know the name of it lol sorry xD). Once you seen them do that, you try and EX demon flip in over that so when he hits the ground you'll be there trying to get him on finishing frames. With bison its all baiting tatics with Akuma you wana keep your distance aswell. If you manage to get toe to toe with him wana keep all your links perfect because Bisons light kick has range and can be easily linked into a EX scissors kick which is a knock down and thats something you wana avoid is getting knocked down by Bison.. Theres no ways of landing an Ultra on him cause most bison players wont normally jump in unless its a cross-up knee..

    Good way to get around him is to keep linking into combo's even if blocked, throw a random Fadc here and there because after nearly every shoto's combos is a fireball, a fadc after a fireball with catch them off guard, where you can do the combo with a Akuma to standing hard kick etc etc... Thers alot more to add but if ya really wana know pm me xD

    Plus im up for sharing anything with Akuma :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭Owwmykneecap

    Vega vs Blanka: don't use any special moves. cry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,006 ✭✭✭Ramza

    Hey Azza, what do you think of the Ken - Bison matchup? I think it's a matchup I need work on plus I don't get to face many good Bisons at all. So yeah I know we only played once but maybe we can play more in the future! I know you're having troubling adapting on Xbox though :(

    Anyway, I realised that the SJ/ambiguous j.RH/fierce seemed to work a lot on Bison (or maybe I was just getting lucky?). I tried kara throwing after a blocked scissor kick attempt since nothing else is really useful in that situation, but my kara throw got beaten a lot so I take it after a blocked scissor kick the best thing is to sit there? And for the devils reverse I got the message that SRKing is a big no no?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Ken B

    Vega vs Blanka: don't use any special moves. cry.
    Nah, Blanka's OK. As long as you aren't fighting an elite player.....

  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    Ramza wrote:
    Hey Azza, what do you think of the Ken - Bison matchup? I think it's a matchup I need work on plus I don't get to face many good Bisons at all. So yeah I know we only played once but maybe we can play more in the future! I know you're having troubling adapting on Xbox though

    Anyway, I realised that the SJ/ambiguous j.RH/fierce seemed to work a lot on Bison (or maybe I was just getting lucky?). I tried kara throwing after a blocked scissor kick attempt since nothing else is really useful in that situation, but my kara throw got beaten a lot so I take it after a blocked scissor kick the best thing is to sit there? And for the devils reverse I got the message that SRKing is a big no no?

    To me the match up looks fairly even.

    Generally speaking Kens zoning game is weaker than Ryu's.

    His fireball is slower to recover.
    His DP while doing more damage if it fully connects does less when its used as anti air as it does not fully connect.
    Anti air Light DP doesn't set up an ultra or even a full ex.fireball.
    He can still zone if wants to and its still a viable option, it just doesn't pay the same dividends that it does for Ryu. Against Bison he is probably better served going on the offensive and trying to out footsie Bison on the ground.

    Ken's got too great pokes xx fireball and forward mk are good tools to play footsies with Bison.

    The pressure game.

    Score a known down and pressure Bison with safe jumps and ambigious cross ups. If Ken lands a jump in or cross up he is inline to score alot of damage off his combo. If the jump is blocked mix up your block strings and kara throw to keep the pressure on.

    Know Bisons wake up options and learn Kens option select.

    Bisons wake up options are as follows.
    Ex.Psycho Crusher.
    Ex.Scissors Kick.
    Ex.Devils Deverse
    Backwards teleport.
    Forwards teleport.

    If he blocks then mix up a block string and kara throw or attempt to cross him up again.

    An option select Ex.Shoryuken should stuff all of Bisons reversal attempts bar teleport. Bisons teleport will leave Bison safe if you use option select ex.shoryuken and he can potentially punish you. If you do a option select tatsu you will beat his backwards teleport. If Bison does forwards teleport to Kens option select tatsu then both players are safe. An option select tatsu can be beaten by an ex.devil reverse though. Of course if you simply don't do an option select and Bison forward teleports you can own him for free and if he does a backwards teleport you can dash after him and pressure him.

    Knockdown are critical for both characters and Bison has a safe jump for Ken too. Learn to spot it so you know how to react accordingly (block it).

    General info
    Forward + medium kick is a good poke for Ken use it to get in. It can be hard to punish or even force a block from Ken if its used at max range. Its only -2 on block. Bison doesn't have anything quick enough to punish it. He will probably throw out his 3 frame c.lp, this will beat Ken if he does anything other than block or shoryuken. This assumes Bison is in range to use his c.lp.

    Normal tatsu's are unsafe on block but ex.tatsu is only -3 on block which means Bison has to be on point to punish it.

    This starts a guessing game for both players.
    Bison does a perfectly timed, beats all options.
    Bison does a imperfectly timed which will probably beat all Kens options bar 2, Ken either blocks and Bisons starts a blocks string or does a shoryuken beating Bison clean.
    Bison does ex.psycho crusher. This passes safely through Ken on block, beats any normal move or throw attempts. Looses to ex.shoryuken.
    Bison blocks. Baits shoryuken and punishes. But if Ken goes for a throw he gets Bison.
    Bison teleports. Safe option but if Ken does another tatsu he can nail Bison.

    In anwser to your question about trying to DP a Devils Reverse, don't the Devils Reverse is designed to counter a DP.

    Scissor Kick Pressure
    As for what to do after blocking a scissors. Remember a light scissors is 0 frames on block and Bison has a crouching light kick out in 3 frames and 2 standing pokes out in 6. Since throws take 3 frames it would be very difficult to beat out Bisons

    After a scissors Bison like to tick into a another scissors kick. But after he does this second scissors kick he isn't in range to do the tick again. So again its back to the extended game of rock paper scissors.

    Bison can straight away do another scissors which you can stuff with or shoryuken.
    Bison can walk back a bit and then do a scissors kick to stuff Kens or Still looses to a random shoryuken.
    You can neutral jump either scissors kick and set up a big combo and potentially his ultra.
    You could jump out over the scissors kick.
    Bison can use his pokes ( or Thesey loose to a shoryuken but also xx fireball should beat them as well. These will stuff most other pokes and kills any neutral jumps or attempted jump outs or attempted jumping attacks.
    If Ken neutral jumps and Bisons sees it coming its into ultra.
    Kens looses to scissors kick (it goes over it).
    Bison can ex.scissors to stuff any counter pokes from Ken but it still looses to shoryuken and is unsafe on block.
    Bisons dashes in for a block string or throw. Ken can do any number of things here.
    Bison does nothing and attempts to bait a shoryuken and punish accordingly.
    Jump in at Ken or attempt to cross him up. Another wealth of options open for Ken to counter that.
    Ken can attempt to air tatsu out and reset the screen.

    With Bisons block strings into scissors Ken can or course attempt a reversal DP during the block string, but if the Bison player know you like to attempt such a reversal he could be baiting Ken into the reversal by missing links on purpose.

    Bison likes nothing better than putting a shoto in a corner and applying some "Offical Bison Pressure right here!". Ken is no different but Ken can give as good as he takes in this match.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,006 ✭✭✭Ramza

    Great post Azza, lemme get to work on it! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 836 ✭✭✭Leprekaun

    Anyone I use Vs. Azza's Bison please? I got destroyed last night. I think the win ratio was 1:10 (Me:Azza)


    And for anyone else, anyone know of any my obvious weakpoints?

    @Azza: I thought I'd chip in saying that I noticed that about 8 or 9 times out of 10, after I would do a, hadouken, you would do a move so I could counter it easily with a LP DP.

    Oh and whats the story with the "xx" between combos? Does it stand for a soft porn break in between moves? :) (or would that be mediumcore? Meh, I go xxx so I don't care)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,006 ✭✭✭Ramza

    "xx" means cancel so xx hadoken is crouching forward into hadoken

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 541 ✭✭✭lazlo

    Great idea. I'm also up for it :)

    Guile vs Bison :D

    lol I'd only read the thread title and this was the first matchup that sprang to mind!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭Cunny-Funt

    I've not a clue about match ups and planned to get into learning them to up my game but learning stick has stopped all that and now I'm stuck trying to catch up to the level I used to be. :(

    Fantastic idea for a thread and imo this should be stickied. :cool:

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    lazlo wrote: »
    lol I'd only read the thread title and this was the first matchup that sprang to mind!!!

    From which point of view?

    I'd be fairly successful with the Guile/ Bison fight. Azza's covered most of it though, worryingly enough as he's bison, not a Guile player :D

  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    Leprekaun wrote:
    Anyone I use Vs. Azza's Bison please? I got destroyed last night. I think the win ratio was 1:10 (Me:Azza)

    And for anyone else, anyone know of any my obvious weakpoints?

    Stop spamming tatsu's for a start. Bison can for free or roundhouse them. Ryu's regular ground tatsu should not be used outside of combo's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,229 ✭✭✭Dreddybajs

    Cunny-Funt wrote: »
    I've not a clue about match ups and planned to get into learning them to up my game but learning stick has stopped all that and now I'm stuck trying to catch up to the level I used to be. :(

    The two are in no way mutually exclusive man, if anything most of my matchup knowledge comes from watching match videos and reading. Obviously the basic matchup strategy is pretty easy to figure out from playing though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 319 ✭✭DarkTalant

    Any one got any tips re what to do against dhalsim as boxer?
    Kirby demolished me at the last ranbat...

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    Only things I can think of:
    • Focus the limbs, not the fireballs.
    • Watch for cross-up teleport. I think you can headbutt for free if he does it.
    • Use your superior Jabs & Sweep.
    Eh, I don't play Boxer anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭Sagat06

    I know it seems silly but block opposite side to Sim on his crossup not whichever his fireball is on... took me too long to figure that one out :rolleyes:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 541 ✭✭✭lazlo

    From which point of view?

    I'd be fairly successful with the Guile/ Bison fight. Azza's covered most of it though, worryingly enough as he's bison, not a Guile player :D

    From the point of view of a bruised dictator :P I tend to just try rushing him down and crossing up with a flurry of LKs, MKs, LPs and L Scissors when possible. It has a low success rate though

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭Cunny-Funt

    Dreddybajs wrote: »
    The two are in no way mutually exclusive man, if anything most of my matchup knowledge comes from watching match videos and reading. Obviously the basic matchup strategy is pretty easy to figure out from playing though.

    Didnt wanna clutter this v. good thread, so I replied (and bitched :p) here

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    lazlo wrote: »
    From the point of view of a bruised dictator :P I tend to just try rushing him down and crossing up with a flurry of LKs, MKs, LPs and L Scissors when possible. It has a low success rate though

    I'll give you a few hints tonight when I can sit down and construct it properly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 531 ✭✭✭BanjoB

    Anyone got advice on the chun vs balrog match. It's the one that hurts me the most!!.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Ok Azza covered nearly everything so here's my advice for a Bison fighting Guile.

    1) Don't get trapped in a corner with no EX. Whatever you do. Guile's got an awesome high low throw game and if you don't have an Ultra or EX scissors you're playing a 1 in 3 guessing game.

    2) Be aware of Bison's jump. It's 40 frames which makes it even easier than usual for Guile to pop up and catch you out of the air. Also Guile's cr FP is good AA. Be unpredictable in when you jump and your timing for attacks while doing it because if you stuff the airthrow a couple of times the Guile player will switch to CrFP. This is probably the most imprtant thing for fighting Guile- don't let him zone you.

    3) Keep Guile in block string if you can. He'll be looking for an opening (usually for EX flash, or cr mp xx flash). Keep it mixed up and unpredicatable.

    4) Whatever you do DON'T rely on head stomp.

    The Sonic boom is not like other projectiles. It's 29 frames from when it leaves Guile's hand til he can move again, and that's plenty of time for him to walk back and punish with a sweep. This is not good. Also if he predicts he can Air throw you out of the stomp.

    EX stomp is alot harder to handly but still throwable.

    5) If Guile backs off 2 or so paces and booms, he is suckering you in. Don't do a scissors kick or you will eat flash.

    Here's a playlist of myself and a certain dictator kicking the cack out each for for around ten fights.

    It was a while ago so we've both learned alot but it could be useful as he finds loads of ways around Guiles usual stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭A-Trak


    If either of you want to spill your guts on the Guile/Bison vs. Honda matchup as both characters give me a hard time & have knocked me out of tournies lately, (And by both characters, I mean you two)

    Oh and if anyone wants a low down on Honda gimmicks let me know.

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  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    Honda is bad match for Bison. Its also one of the worst matches in the game to spectate if the two players play it correctly. Total and utter turtle fest.

    So why is not a good match for Bison.

    Honda Advantages
    The Fatman has 100 more health than Bison.
    The Fatman general damage output is higher than Bisons.
    The Fatmans Headbutt trades win against all versions of Scissor Kick and Psycho Crusher.
    The Fatmans c.jab shuts down Bisons Scissors Kick at close range.
    The Fatman has 2 safe Headbutts light punch and the ex version.
    The Fatman has much better anti air options than Bison. Standing hard punch, neutral jumping hard punch, and ex.headbutt.
    The Fatman prevents Bison building meter with devil reverse spam as he can hard punch headbutt Bison every time when he is landing from his Devils Revsere.
    The Fatmans foward jumping hard punch trade wins against Bisons anti air.
    The Fatmans options are much more powerful when he gets in than Bisons. Ticks into Ochi, HHS into, xx hard punch headbutt.

    Bison Advantages
    On the bright side for Bison he has emmmm superior mobility.
    With meter he has a better answer for cross ups than Honda.
    Slightly better pokes.

    The Match Up
    General plan for both players is too play turtle style, look for some safe pokes get a life lead and then turtle up even more. The more offensive you are in this match the more an advantage you give the opponent, overall though when both characters are standing, Honda's offense and defense are better than Bisons. Since neither character has a fireball neither character can force the other to move, so its going be a case of looking for a safe poke and hoping you can provoke the wrong response for you opponent and punish more. Get a knock down and pressure your opponent.

    Honda Offense
    Honda will want to use his safe headbutts to try and knock Bison down for good damage. If Bisons blocks the worst he can do is chip you back with lk scissors. A trade against anything Bison has is in Honda's favor. Honda can try directly jumping at Bison to land one of his jumping hard punch and hard kicks into HHS into hard kick or a mix up into Ochio. Its a calculated risk as Bison can potentially anti air you with roundhouse. If you score a knockdown, pressure Bison on his wake up with cross ups or direct jump ins. Bison is very bad waking up without meter so you can also try meaty attacking him if he doesn't have any. Bison with meter does have access to alot of reversal though so you need to know what he can do. Generally speaking Buttslams are not that good for Honda on Offense, while they are all safe on block (bar the hard to punish hard punch version) they are not hard to see coming and punishable with focus attack. If you get a reasonable life lead back off and turtle. Bison without meter in the corner has no options on wake up to anything you can do but block.

    Honda Defense
    If Bison is turtling, use ochio throw and light hhs to build meter. But be careful if he is setting down back as the long recovery times could get you headstomped. Best to do this if you know Bison has committed to doing his own meter building or doesn't have charge.
    Bison will try to poke and chip you for an opening. Again your looking to counter his pokes and stuff with your safe headbutts and c.jab. If Bison attempts to build meter with devils reverse at full screen fire off hard punch headbutt to hit on his recovery. Bison has better pokes but honda is a good poke of its own.

    Bisons jump is floaty so its pretty easy to anti air. You have 3 options, standing hard punch. Neutral jumping Hard Punch or the godly ex.headbutt. Use these to keep his jumps at bay. Neutral jump hard punch beats all Bisons normal air options.

    Its easy to Honda to deal with Bisons headstomp both the normal and regular versions. At full screen neutral jump hard punch or jump back hard punch will beat both versions of stomp everytime. The only way the headstomp will beat neutral jumping hard punch is if Bison does the move very close to you and the angel of attack is from above Honda. In any event Honda can always use a timed ex.headbutt to beat the headstomp clean, including on wake up. He also has the option of ex. butt slam to beat ex.stomp on wake up (regular butt slam will loose). Basically ex.headbutt is godly anti air for Honda and will beat any direct jump in or non cross up attack Bison has. The worst case scenario is that he forces a safe block from Bison. Its also a bulletproof options to deal with ground pressure on wake up, as it will either stuff any meaty or throw attempts or force a block which is safe. Honda has always a way of dealing with meaty attacks as his regular butt slam has invunrability frames meaning he can use it to counter any meaty attack and force a safe block. However if the oppnent sees it coming he could focus attack the butt slam.

    Hondas one area of weakness in defense is cross ups. The cross up will break the charge for ex.headbutt unless its late and I believe both normal and ex.versions of butt slam will get Honda out of the cross up but leave him open to punishment when he lands. So he can only really stay and block and look to tech the throw or get a reversal out during a missed linked.

    If Bison corners you and you don't have meter or you don't have charge and he tries to stomp you or particularly ex.stomp you, just block and take the chip damage.

    Bison Offense
    Bison wants to stay at max poking range. At this range he can out poke Honda's normals and stuff normal headbutts on start up. Its also the right range to knock Honda's jump ins out at start up with
    He needs to get a knock down somewhere to start some cross up pressure. Direct jump ins are bad against Honda but once you get the knockdown cross up and pressure.
    If Honda is neutral jump hard punch happy he can dash and roundhouse him.
    If Bison gets a life lead he should turtle and look to punish mistakes.

    Bison Defense
    Bison has to be careful how he builds meter. Light Kick scissors is only option but that isn't totally safe. Everything else is very unsafe.
    Bison really only has to deal with jump ins and he needs to be correctly positioned to avoid a trade. Either hit them out of the start up of the jump or be at the 11 o clock position (if your on the left hand side of the screen) to tag the rear end of Honda's jump to knock him back. Bison has a lot of ways out of a knockdown, namely ex.psycho (for direct jumps in and meaty attacks) and teleport (for cross ups assuming he is not in a corner). Again he can use these for safe-ish wake up options assuming he has meter. If Honda does land a move to start a block string then Bison has to be alert for Ochio throws. If Honda does a regular butt slam on Bison as he wakes ex.stomp can counter it but generally Bison doesn't want to use ex.devils reverse, ex.stomp or ex.scissors on wake up as they are not safe.

    General Notes
    Neither character has much chance of landing their ultra.
    Bison can punish Honda's super with xx whatever. 1 Frame link.
    He can punish Honda's ultra with his own ultra.
    Honda can only punish Bisons ultra with his own ultra when Bison crosses him up very late during the block stun. Honda's ultra will auto correct if this happens. Ex.Butt slam is a good punish for Bisons ultra on block.
    If Bison perfroms ex.psycho crusher point blank beside Honda its safe on block. But if Honda blocks it further back he can Ex.Butt Slam Bison back.
    MP and HP headbutts are punishable on block. But the link is quite tight again.
    The tip of Devils Reverse beats Headbutt but its very rare that this scenario will occur.
    Bisons Jump back hard punch is good to deal with Headbutts but it doesn't set up a combo, it merely does a reset.
