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  • 10-01-2010 11:59pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭

    I promised myself as soon as the New year started i would get back to my normal diet/exercise routine. Right back to the front as it where

    Then i went and promptly got some sort of flu on Jan 1 and am only now getting over it. False start to the year we'll call that....

    94kgs(Approx - The printout machine in the Gym was down and i had to use a manual machine there)
    20.8% Bodyfat

    This is not my starting point. My starting point was about 10 months ago when i weighed 114kgs and running up the stairs would have me heavy breathing.

    Thankfully i'm much more further along then that now and up to last Novemeber i had built up to be able to run 10miles and over the summer i was doing long cycles at the weekend. Unfortunatly i had my bike nicked so that is out of comission for the time being. The weather has also knocked out my run routes for the time being as well.

    I've fallen a little behind thought over Decemeber due to.. well it was christmas and a ton of academic deadlines. Blah blah. I was 91kgs at the end of Novemember and have put a little back on.

    There was a ton of stuff about routine/diet i was going to post but the hell with it. It'll be an update as i go exercise.

    I have the diet... sorta in line. Well being fair to myself during the week during non assignment hell i have very good at sticking a set diet routine and it has worked for me. I'll post more as i go.

    I have read the stickys(probably no harm in a refresh though) and been a long term background lurker on Fitness and other forums on boards trying to soak up information.

    I recognize the importance of a proper weights routine but to be honest i never really understand the terms used and even when explained/glossary it doenst quite sink in. I tend to just end up doing a few sets on various machines and tell myself i'll get back to it.

    My general Aim with a fitness log here is to keep up the progress and keep myself honest.

    Gym - Friday
    10km Cycle - Approx 25mins
    5km run @ 10km/h - 30mins

    No Weights.

    General Observations. Cardio exercise to get back into the swing of things. Weights can wait for the immediate time being. Gods i missed that endorphin rush.....

    Gym - Sunday
    10km cycle - Approx 25mins
    3.5km run @ 11km/h - Approx 20 mins

    No Weights

    Obvervations. Got a stitch about 2.5km in and couldnt run it off.

    Note to self. Actually make a note of times/data from the Gym before i leave instead of trying to remember it later.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Gym -Monday

    10km Cycle - 25 mins
    5km run -32 mins

    Run time was horrible i ended up having to run through a stich though. Its not as if i am drinking a lot of water first though.

    Oh and the electronic weighing machine was working again so i took a print out from that.
    One thing i have learned when weighing oneself is not to trust manual machines.

    Pick one machine, try to weigh yourself at the same time once a week.
    One key thing in the battle with weight loss/fitness is proper metrics to base your information on

    So I'll make mondays my day for now.

    Weight 15st 0lbs / 95.4 kg.

    A little more then i thought however now i have starting point for the year.
    It also makes a little sense considering this time last year i was 18st and my overall target is probably somewhere near 12stone.

    On the plus side i found an extra use for my study notes i use when on the bike. They can cover the displays on the running machine.... :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Gym Wensday

    Note pad and pencil in Gym makes this much easier.

    Bike 10km 28.1 Mins. Although to be fair i am actually reading college notes when i am on the bike.

    Had to skip the run part. Left foot is niggling a bit and didnt want to aggrivate it.

    Did small round of weights. I know i should be looking a free weights and such but for the time being machines are just easier to keep in a routine.

    Turns out i dont even know the name for most of the machines.

    Lat pull down 40kgs 3 x 10 - Probably could have added a bit more to that.

    Abductor?(Thats the name on the machine). Its a seated machine in which you push in with your legs. There is also another version for the reverse.

    Did 85kgs 3x10 with a 5 second hold on the end of each set.

    Backpush? No idea. Machine which has a horizontal bed and you lie on it pushing aganist a plate with your legs.

    109kg 3x 10 with a 5 sec hold.

    Seated row 45kgs 3 * 10
    Rear Delt 130kgs 3 * 10
    Forward push? No name on it. Extending the arms forward in an almost 90 degree angle. 50kgs 3* 10

    I really need to research the terms properly when i have the chance. Also i am faily sure the weights are all in kgs in the gym but now im 2nd guessing myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,462 ✭✭✭cardio,shoot me

    Agent J wrote: »
    Gym Wensday

    Note pad and pencil in Gym makes this much easier.

    you'll never go back from it, a little tip tho, dont just write down the weight and reps, write down how hard it is , how you felt during it and if you felt you could do more, much easier to keep track of and helps when logging it on here :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    You know what really helps with the whole fitness thing.
    A proper nights sleep.

    You know what doesnt help with sleep?

    Wasting so much time on boards at night...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Sunday - Outdoors

    First outside run of the year.

    Dear gods in heaven. I promise to never leave it 7 weeks again without a proper run.

    It was only 3 miles but i felt like hell. Reminds me of what it was like the 1st few times i went running.

    Ah well.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Monday - Outdoors

    Ah thats more like it. Knew there was some base fitness there somewhere. Just need to dig through the christmas excess.

    6.25miles run and didnt die.

    Timing was rubbish but thats not the point at the moment.

    No weight to report today. Havent made it to the gym.

    Tip. Look up your location for the sunset time. You have about 30 mins of usabe light after this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Friday - Gym

    Forgot notepad. Must have left it in work.

    5km on Treadmill @ 10kph 30 Mins.

    About 20 mins on various weight machines. Heart wasnt really in it. I should due the weights first then cardio.

    Note to self. Need to cut out the lattes in work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Tuesday - Out Doors

    Standard Kilcock return run. 10km

    Time still not good but 5 mins off last time 1h5m.

    Assignments all in so excuses just went out the window. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Wensday -Gym

    Started off doing something which i know should always do but never do.


    Did a good while through a variety of weight machines and some free weights. I took down the details, i just need to find my notebook.

    I went to finish off with a 5km run on the tread mill but alas they were all full.

    So i went on one of the.. what the devil are they called? Strider machines?
    Cross thingy? *goes to google*

    Cross training machines.

    Normally i'd just hit a distance on something and go. Hit the intensisty a bit up and leave it static the whole way. This time i just hit the interval button and was going along thinking "This is a little too easy.. maybe i should.."
    Then the intervals set in and that thought went right out the window. I also made the smart choice/mistake of setting the same distance i meant to run.

    It burned off the same amount of calories( Im using it as a measure of work done rather then actual calories burnt if you follow) but it felt like a lot more and by the end i was sorta praying for the "easy" parts again. I also figure i wont count them towards the 1000mile thingy on the other thread because id like to keep that for just running.

    Good day, good session and i feel million times better then when i left work.

    Also Audio book listening to while there...

    Story of the guy who did 50 marathons in 50 days. The guy certifiable in my opinion. Im half way through and it is a really good listen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    I actually forgot to post my print out from the gym last time.

    14st 11lbs.

    The damn thing hasnt worked in 3 weeks. Normally id take a read on the monday but it hasnt been working those days. I'll take another read tomorrow and see what it says.


    10km run. Standard Kilcock return

    Today i engaged in a first. A run while hungover.
    Felt like hell when i started but by the the end felt fine. Timing is still very poor but i just want to hold a constant pace and distance right now.

    Right i think i'll spend the next while doing my home work on nutrition. I dont nesscarily feel the need to keep an exact track of my diet but i do definatly feel the need to boost my knowledge and tactics.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J


    First Judo class in 2 months tonight. I got so out of breath at one point i had to stand off and get some air. And a misplaced foot to the face kinda hurt as well.

    Aside from that it was very good and cant wait for more. I know its a different type of fitness and will take alittle time to get back to speed on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J


    10m Kilcock run.

    Managed to complete it without my normal minute or two drop to walk about half way through.
    However time seemed to remain the same.


    Weights session in the Gym.

    I then prompt went and bought 40 euros worth of meat in a butchers and had to carry it 2km home. Seemed to compliment the gym work. :)

    Evening run for 6km.

    The good news is that my weekly weight read for today shows 14st 9lbs. Looking back means an average of 1.25lbs over the last 4 weeks. This log allows me to keep proper track of things!(And keep myself honest!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J


    Judo class. Ow. The good kinda ow.Still ow though.
    Hell of a workout


    6km evening run

    Ah. I gotta remember those after work evening runs. Great way to pick oneself up after a rough day.

    And i have to update that 1000miles thread...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Havent updated the 1000miles thread but have something good to add.

    Just finished a 16mile run from Connolly station to Maynooth.

    The 1st 20mins was just clearing the city center. Up the Phoneix park and join the canal at castle knock station then west to Maynooth.

    I only meant to get the train into castle knock and run from there. However a delayed Sligo train showed up going direct to connolly and i made the snap call to just give it a shot from connolly.

    Was doing particulary well up until leixlip where i pretty much lost power and couldnt keep up a pace, I ended up doing a walk run thing for the last 30 mins. (Mostly walk if i am honest).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Wanted to go to the Gym today get a decent weight set in.

    However i think i hurt my foot. I possibly over did it yesterday.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 362 ✭✭joconnell

    Fair play to you - you're getting through a **** load of work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    *Comes out with hands up*

    Forgive me fitness forum, for i have sinned....

    The machine the gym reads my current weight is now 14st 12lbs.

    I didnt intend to actually do anything in the gym except use the weighing machine because my foot is still at me. I skipped off Judo as well because i dont want to make it any worse.

    I was hoping to be rewarded for my long stint on Saturday but alas. I seem to have gained 3lbs instead.

    Now i can blame variances of 1lb or two depending on time of the day etc etc however thats not really the cause.

    Training/Exercise. Not a problem.

    Weights- Problem. Not committing enough time for research on what im doing or actually doing it. Im managing maybe one decent session a week if even.

    Diet - *puts hand up sheepishly* Big problem. I know i need to keep record and track of stuff. For the most part i am reasonable good at figuring out what is worth what. Have i been following my own internal advice? No.
    Ive been drinking too many lattes and having scones and stuff for breakfast in work which i know is a no no. I also havent kept a proper check on my food intake at the weekends as well and over indulging in the tasty treats one of my house mates bakes. On top of that i havent kept enough ready to eat snacks and stuff to hand in the house.

    First thing i did on the way home was reload my fruit and veg supplies.2nd thing i guess im going to have to start daily tracking food intake here. Best tip for that i can suggest to people is to keep a notepad on you at all times.

    That being the case and i really wish i hadnt chosen today to have to do this.


    08:00 - Can of V (Im late for work, Its kinda like red bull but nice)

    10:30 - Scone with butter and Latte

    13:30 - Turkey wrap, Light mayo lettuce tomato/ red onion. Lamb Soup. Can of coke Zero

    15:00 - White Coffee

    18:00 - Some sorta Yougurt bar, a pear and bottle diet coke.

    <forgot to add> Oh yeah. Throw in 2 lily o Brien chocolate hearts..

    Havent had dinner yet. Currently planning on Either Chicken soup with brown bread or a Pork Chop with some stir fry.

    I said this recently to someone else and i knew(stated at the time)

    "You cannot out train a bad diet".

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Yeah so much for that keeping track of food thing.

    I do have notes in my notepad about my daily stuff but mainly ive just cut out the morning crap i was eating. Still not good enough but improving.

    Went for my normal 10km this morning and knocked another few minutes off my previous.

    Now at 57mins.

    I know that is not great for a ten k time but its mine damn it and its improving ! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    how are you getting on?

    I'm impressed at the distances you're running with such ease. You posted on my log saying you started with C25k. I'm on week 5 now but I don't see myself running from Dublin to Maynooth ever!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Still alive and moving.

    Havent tried anything as long as Dublin-Maynooth yet.
    Most i've gotten is 9/10 miles.

    Trying to keep a proper food log this week and its mostly working.

    Getting in some decent Judo time and running time little in the way of gym weight time at present.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    A little over 9 miles around Maynooth.
    Time 1h32m.

    I have been clocking up the miles in anticipation of the Connemarathon.I'm down for the half marathon and while the distance itself doesnt worry me but the terrain does. Maynooth is relatively flat.

    Additionally my office has finally gotten around to the bike to work scheme so i can buy a decent road racer. I am so looking forward getting back on the saddle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Ye gods.

    Something must have been wrong with the scale last time.
    I am now reading 13st 10lbs.

    In fairness to myself i have been very good overall over the last month.
    Started to keep a food log, increasing running and judo attendance.
    I am still getting barely any weight sessions in though. This has to be addressed.

    Today i tried something slightly new. A run with a light pack on so i could go to the gym for weights afterwards.(And really to weigh myself because it had been a while).

    A light bag with a few bits was barely noticable. I have to remember to do that in future.

    My problem arose that about 5/6km into it i notice my foot was annoying me a bit. I ran on a little while and eventually stopped. I had made a rookie mistake it seems. My sock wasnt on properly and had created a blister. I had then proceeded to run on said blister. Then fixed the sock.

    A few km later it was getting worse so i had to walk it back. Total run for the day was about 10km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    One of these days i will learn to balance assignment time and exercise and stuff.

    However. Today is not the day.
    Diet and exercise tend to fall to hell for the 2 weeks or so around the deadlines.
    Normal service to be resumed after next wensday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    College assignments finished and week of hell in work over(For note).
    Normal service resumed.

    20km run in 2h06m. I just doubled up my normal 10km run. Seems like i havent totally lost fitness over the last 2 weeks. Which is good because im supposed to doing a half marathon in just over a week. Meep!

    Note to self to update my 1000 miles thing over the A/R/T

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    This is reading more like an A/R/T log at the moment...

    12 miles today is just under 2hrs.

    Difference today was i brought a small pack with me and was able to down some lucozade at the half way point. That made such a difference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    6 K run yesterday evening in 34mins.

    First proper Judo class in 3 weeks as well. It was a little rough and the world hasnt stopped spinning quite yet....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Highlights of the last 2 weeks.

    Completed the Half marathon in Connemara. 2h5m

    Was pleased with that given the conditions. I really just wanted to finish but as the race progress i thought that sub 2 was looking more and more likely.
    Until i hit that last hill.

    Thats my first half out of the way. I have the Kildare half marathon coming up at the start of May. I am so looking forward to the same except on flat terrain.

    I've been to the Gym precisely once over the last 6 weeks. I did a few k on the threadmill and a very light weights round.

    Im must also confess that my diet has been pretty poor. I hit a good weight goal and started to slack off.

    Weight as of Wensday 14/04 is 14st 7lbs with a body fat of 19%(According to one of those machines in the gym anyway.)

    Im happy that i have the running thing down but need to really balance out my other efforts.

    And coming into exam season isnt going to help matters much. Still onwards and upwards. Im considering the Dublin City marathon in October.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Well done on the Connemara. You're doing so well considering you're doing exams and college stuff!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    2 runs in over the weekend.

    Did a 20k on saturday. Ok it was more like 17/18km then walked the rest of it home. It was very warm out there and i just lost power.

    Did what i would consider my normal 10k ( Kilcock and back). That was nice pleasant run which i did in 57m. ( Which is improving)

    Today i did manage to get to the gym. I did 25 mins on the strider machine( What are those ski things called anyway?) and i did a few rounds of various weights. I still need to set a proper pattern down. Total time was just short of an hour in there.

    My general strategy for the next 2 weeks looks like this.

    - Work 9-5
    - Study 5-8
    - Gym 9 -10

    This how its going to look until my exam leave kicks in. I plan to do it at least 3 out of the 5 week days. I'll keep up the long runs on the weekend.

    Incidently i seem to be having a bit of a knock on affect which i have people asking me how i have done c5k and the half marathon etc and have gotten people interested in it. Some of them have started with varying degrees of success. I am trying to help people as much as time allows for.


    Right. Lattes out. Black coffee with a drop of milk.
    Need to get a little shopping in so i have the materials to hand in the house.

    Outlook. Optomistic.

    I weighed myself and im reading 14st 8lbs at present. You know, i probably should be bothered by that but im not. I feel and look a hell of a lot better then i have in a long while. Im interested in Bf% but for the next 4 weeks i just want a holding pattern.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    dolliemix wrote: »
    Well done on the Connemara. You're doing so well considering you're doing exams and college stuff!

    I also have to move over the next month. I never do things by half it seems :D
