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First Fitness Log



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    8am - cup of oats and water,small tin of tuna, cottage cheese on toast, 2 grilled rashers, green tea

    12.30pm - 1 large tin (185g) on bread (2 brown slices), 1 carrot

    4pm - mackerel sandwich with cottage cheese, green tea

    8pm (post workout) - 2 and a half chicken fillets grilled, mandarin, grapes

    10pm - 2 white bread ham sandwiches (4 slices of ham altogether), glass of FF milk.

    BO Row

    First time, so just did a few set practise with bar only and then

    10 X 5 (narrow grip for lats)
    10 X5 (wide grip for post delt)
    10 X5 narrow
    10 X5 wide

    this video was good (i think) -

    Rom DL

    10 X 35
    8 X 37.2
    6 X 38.2

    (feel a bit jelly-like after that - I believe this was my first REAL DL session)

    Bar curl

    8 X 17.5
    6 X 18.5
    4 X 19.6

    (much better than last week)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Weight (as of yesterday) is still 11st 10lbs.

    Target weight at the back of my mid for the end of this workout period (next Friday) was 12st.

    So, would need to gain 4lbs in 7 days. Don't know if that's possible, as have been eating loads already, but I'll just have to make sure that I don't slack on eating at the weekend, and stop relying on small tins of tuna - need to stick to the big ones, cause I sometimes still feel a little hungry after a small one. And no point having 2-egg scrambled egg - have to make it 5 eggs

    Also, gonna drink as much milk as I can.

    7:30am -small bowl of brown rice, half a chicken fillet, glass of FF milk, glass of Tropicana OJ, green tea

    Protein = 8 +18

    10am - big tin of tuna sandwich, creatine. green tea

    Protein = 30g

    12:15 pm - beans on toast, small bowl of brown rice, 100g of mixed nuts

    Protein = 20g

    2:15pm - cottage cheese sandwich, bowl of porridge

    Protein = 12g

    5:30pm - fillet of mackerel

    Protein = 25g

    8pm - bowl of tomato soup. chicken stir fry

    Protein = 45g

    10pm - 500ml FF milk; 1 slice ham

    Protein= 20g

    (Total protein intake = 178g)

    4am - 500ml FF milk

    been wondering for a while why alot of ppl are so obsessed with squats - so am putting this article here to remind me - seems like a good article

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    9am - Scrambled egg (6 whites,3 yolks) on 2 slices brown toast, bowl porridge

    11:30 am - 1 chicken fillet

    1:15pm - Tuna sandwich (2 small tins), 100g nuts, creatine

    pre-workout - 2 bananas

    6pm (post workout) - sirloin steak and pasta

    8pm - homemade tomato soup, glass of FF milk

    10pm - Treat - Flake bar, club milk and cup of tea

    4am - 500ml FF milk



    Today was my first ever day for squats, lunges and dips

    So, needless to say, I spent most of time trying to get technique right, did some low weight sets (20kg on squat I think, 5kg (each hand) for lunges). For dips I did 3X14, with knees slightly bent


    60 straight situps. 60 side2side, 23 leg raises, 20 leg rotations (actually a pretty good improvised exercise)

    Then with 5kg weight 60 straight situps, 60 side2side

    Looking back over log for last couple weeks - realised that I'm not doing a huge amount of sets

    So, from now on, will do 20 sets altogether in one session (either 5X4 or 4X5). I reckon I can get that done in about 70 mins (not incl warmup) if I set up the weights BEFORE hand - have them ready, and then I can take just 60 -75 sec rests between sets.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Plan for this week (am going away on Friday, so can't workout then)

    Monday- Chest/Tric/ Shoulders

    Bench Press - 5 sets
    Incline Dumbell Press - 5 sets
    Shoulder Press - 5 sets
    Lateral Raise - 5 sets

    *note - if I doesn't look like getting 20 sets done in 75 mins, will do 1 set less of each of last 2 exercises (ie 18 sets in total) - don't wanna get in the habit of spending more than 75 mins in gym, cause I get bored

    Tuesday - Football and Abs

    Bicycle Crunch

    Wednesday - Back/ Biceps

    Deadlift - 5 sets
    BO Row - 5 sets
    Barbell Curl - 5 sets


    9am - 2 ham sandwiches, glass OJ

    11:30am - Pasta w/ homemade tomato sauce, glass FF milk

    1pm - tuna sandwich (big tin)

    5pm - chicken louisiana

    7pm - 2 slices ham, glass milk

    9:30pm - 4 eggs

    4am - glass FF milk

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Monday (got up late, late for work)

    9am - oats and water, chocolate milk, banana, mackerel sandwich

    12 - Barnies chicken caesar salad

    2pm - 100g mixed nuts, cup of green tea

    5pm - sirloin steak, pepper sauce, mashed potatoes, green salad

    8pm - 300g LF yoghurt, some hazelnuts

    Damn, got held up in work. Will be leaving in about 30mins, so defo not gonna be able to do Chest/Triceps/ Shoulders

    So, might try to get a 30min Back/biceps workout done instead

    EDIT : ok, got home at 10pm, wrecked. Really wanted to do w/out but just couldn't

    So, only days I can do lifting are Wed/ Thurs (as Tues is football, Friday I'll be away) - So, plan is to do Chest/ Tri/Shoulder on Wednesday, and combine Back/Biceps/Legs/Abs on Thursday

    Have also been reading about the benefits of Peanut butter. Always thought it was bad for you. Great News! as I love it!



    8 X 42.5kg
    8 X 42.5kg
    6 X 45kg
    6 X 46kg
    4 X 47.5kg


    8 X 20kg
    8 X 20kg
    8 X 21kg
    6 X 22.5kg
    6 X 22.5kg

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    8:30am - bowl of porridge, half a chicken fillet, berocca, 250ml lucozade

    11:30am - small pot of LF yoghurt, 2 slices of toast with crunchy PB, creatine

    1pm - Barnie's CC

    3:30pm - 2 ham sangers, 1 red pepper

    5pm - small LF yoghurt, ham sanger, banana

    7:30pm - 2 chicken fillets, cup of oats and water

    10pm - glass LF milk, 50g nuts/raisins

    5-a-side soccer, then after did 400 skips with rope. 120 crunches, 60 weighted crunches (2.5kg), 23 leg raises.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    8:30am - oats and water, banana, tuna sandwich, cup of coffee, mandarin

    12 - chicken fillet, noodles mixed w/ green and red peppers, bowl of veg soup

    4pm - 2 slices toast w/ PB

    7pm - couple of table spoons brown rice, glass of LF milk

    9:30 - (post workout) - 2 clementines, 2 chicken fillets

    Weight - 12ST good stuff!

    So, have moved Monday's session to tonight (am going to start incorporating weight of bar to make comparisons with other ppl easier - which I'll assume to be 20kg (rather than 15, as 20 is easier to add!)


    Target Actual

    8 X 62.5kg - 6
    8 X 62.5kg - 5
    6 X 65kg - 3
    6 X 66kg - skip
    4 X 67.5kg - 2

    Spotter bailed on me again - bit annoying. Can't really get anyone else either, until I re-open gym membership


    8 X 40kg - 8
    8 X 40kg - 5
    8 X 41kg - 5
    6 X 42.5kg - 3
    6 X 42.5kg - 5

    (ok, so missed most targets on press, but at least got very close with last set - I think I improved on previous set as I took a 120s rest instead of 60s as on previous sets)

    lateral raises

    7 X 4.6kg (each arm)
    7 X 4.6kg
    3 X 5kg
    3 X 5kg

    Incline DB press

    8 X 5
    8 X 5 (just an introduction, new exercise)

    SL Dips
    2 X sets of 15

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    Had to have a late breakfast, as in rush for work

    9:30am - half Chicken Fillet (CF), 500ml LF milk, small bowl brown rice

    12 - chicken curry in Bbakers, cup of coffee

    3pm - tuna sandwich

    5pm - slice of ham

    7pm - steak and pasta, 2 carrots

    Gym - will do Squats, BO Row, Barbell Curl, DL & some chin-ups (got a new doorway chin-up bar the other day - looking forward to trying it out)

    So, have reached target weight - but gonna need to make a big effort (esp this weekend) to keep weight above 12ST, any less and I'm being lazy about eating. By end of Feb, want to be touching 12ST 4lbs.

    K, So, today is when I was supposed to have reached a few targets.

    Target Weight: 12ST - achieved :)
    Bench: 8 reps @67.5kg - not achieved :(. Really need to find a spotter. Don't wanna shift blame elsewhere, but I really think it would help me. I've made improvements on my own, but not enough, and it's getting frustrating
    Press: 8 reps @ 40kg -achieved and exceeded :)
    Bicep Curl - 8 reps @ 30kg (will see tonight....)

    Have introduced a few new exercises (squat, incline DB, BO Row, Dips, Lunges)

    So, gonna continue with this routine until 19 Feb, and then gonna switch things a bit (maybe give bench a rest for a couple of weeks) and introduce a full-body day to supplement the 3 isolation days

    BO Row

    10 X 10 (narrow grip for lats)
    10 X5 (wide grip for post delt)
    10 X5 narrow
    10 X5 wide

    this video was good (i think) -

    Rom DL

    10 X 35
    8 X 37.2
    6 X 38.2

    (feel a bit jelly-like after that - I believe this was my first REAL DL session)

    Bar curl

    8 X 17.5
    6 X 18.5
    4 X 19.6




  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    pretty heavy w/end away. Totally smashed on Friday night, and a bit drunk on Saturday. Felt like **** on Sunday

    But good news is, I kept unhealthy eating to a minimum. Had a chinese for dinner on Saturday though. But had a good breakfast both mornings and drank loads of milk throughout the day. Also, didn't have any post-drinking fast-food. Kept beer comsumption to a minimum also, mostly drank whiskey.

    Not sure what weights I will do tonight. Might do chest/triceps/shoulders but I didn't get a proper legs session in last week, so might do that instead

    9 30am - tuna sandwich, two tomatoes, strawberry milk

    12:30pm - minestrone soup from Brambles with two slices of brown bread (buttered)


    Squat - 45kg X15

    45kg X15


    7.5kg X20
    10kg X15


    4 X 4


    60 straight situps. 60 side2side, 25 leg raises, 25leg rotations (actually a pretty good improvised exercise)

    36 bicycle crunches

    Neck extension - 30 sec

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    8am - 3 poached eggs, small glass LF milk, bowl porridge, creat

    10 45 - bowl of brown rice mixed w/ LF yoghurt, 2 tomatoes

    1pm - brewbaker sandwich, glass of milk

    4pm -cottage cheese sandwich

    7pm - 2 small steaks, pasta brocooli

    10:15pm - half a chicken fillet, some milk, nuts

    4am - nuts

    5-a-side soccer,
    legs were pretty sore after (from leg work yesterday) so didn't do any skipping.

    So, just did some stretching and the windmill exercise below - 5kg weight. 12 reps each side X 2 sets


    this exercise

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    8am - porridge, half chicken fillet, creat, 330ml chocolate milk, banana

    11:15am - tuna sandwich w/ cottage cheese, small LF yoghurt

    1:30pm - BCC salad

    5pm - cottage cheese (CC) sandwich, 2 slices toast w/ PB, banana, nuts

    8pm - chicken fillet w/ CC, brocolli, glass LF milk

    10pm (post workout) - 2 chicken fillets, brocolli


    Target Actual

    30 press-ups done
    40 press-ups approx 25 - arms just collapsed

    6 X 65kg 3
    6 X 65kg dropped weight 6 X 62.5kg
    4 X 67.5kg 4 X 63.5kg
    4 X 68kg 3 X 62.5kg

    (ok, so bench was a bit of a disaster today. No improvement from last week, and don't think i really felt the pump properly on the heavier weights. Defo haven't been overtraining the chest as have had a full 7 day recovery since last time. SOOOOOOOOO I'm gonna take it back a step and won't increase weight at all until I can do a GOOD 8 X 63.5kg and a GOOD 6 X 64.5kg)


    Target Actual
    8 X 40kg done
    8 X 41kg 6
    6 X 41kg 3
    6 X 42.5kg 5X40kg

    ((didn't make any progress here, but felt like a good shoulder workout all the same)

    Incline DB Press

    Target Actual
    8 X 20kg done
    8 X 20kg done
    6 X 30kg 8 x 20kg
    6 X 30kg 10 X 22kg

    (ok, so felt like a pretty good workout. Now I have a good basepoint to work off. Won't increase weight much next week as technique wasn't perfect (arms a bit wobbly), but will increase very slightly and keep same reps)

    French Press

    (have a look at old sheet to see how much used to be able to do)

    didn't do FP in the end, low on time

    so did 2 X 16 dips

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    good site


    8am - porridge, 1/3 chicken fillet, CC sandwich

    11am - creat, PB on toast

    1 30pm - BB sandwich

    REST DAY - very welcome indeed! Chest is quite sore from last night, and legs are still a little bit sore from Mon/Tues

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    chest and shoulders still pretty sore today, so gonna do Legs/Abs tonight, then Back/Biceps tomorrow

    8am - 3 egg scrambled egg on toast, 2 bananas

    10:30am - tuna sandwich

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1





    56 X 12
    58.2 X 10
    60.7 X 8
    62.9 X 5 (FAIL on the 6th)

    BO ROW


    post got deleted

    all i know is i finished on 32.5 X 15


    30 X 15
    25 X 15


    Sit-ups - 130

    Neck extension - 35 sec

    Leg raises - 30
    Leg rotations - 25
    Bicycle crunches - 42

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Gonna give some of these exercises a go this week - don't look easy


    Bench press standards

    k, so according to that, I'm at the lower end of novice. would really like to get to intermediate in the next few months.....

    35 pressups



    Target: a GOOD 8 X 63.5kg and a GOOD 6 X 64.5kg

    62.5 X 6 (FAIL on 7)
    62.5 X6
    62.5 X 4
    62.5 X 4


    Last This
    8 X 40kg same
    6 X 41kg 4 (FAIL on 5)
    3 X 41kg 5
    5 X40kg 5 X 41kg

    Incline DB Press

    Last This
    8 X 20kg 9
    8 X 20kg 10
    8 x 20kg 8 X 25kg
    10 X 22kg 8 X 25kg (FAIL on 9)


    Last This

    2X16 16, 17

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    1 X 5
    4 X 3


    10kg X 20
    15kg X16
    15kg X 16
    15kg X 12


    didn't do any sit-ups - don't feel like i gain much from them

    leg raises - 32
    bicyce crunches - 48
    leg rotations -30

    neck extension - 35 sec

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    Am on a 7 day rest from working out (since last Friday to this Friday).

    Will start again on Saturday. We'll call this "Phase 2".

    Phase 1 officially started on 11th January (though probably a week earlier) and ended on 19th Feb.

    Weight has gone up from 11st 10lbs to 12st 2lbs.

    Have made good improvements on RDL. Decent improvements on shoulders and Bar curl, Abs. But quite disappointing improvements on Bench.

    Have just been learning how to do squats, and lunges, so can't really say I've progressed much.

    I will be able to do squats properly when I re-join my gym in March, as I'll have a rack. Bench should also improve as I'm joining with a friend, so I'll have a spotter.

    Anyway, Phase 2 will be from 27th Feb to 3rd April
    Target weight = 12st 6lbs

    Routine is going to be a bit different
    Instead of 3X splits per week
    I'm gonna do Mon - split, tues -5aside, wed split, thurs, split, saturday, full body


    Mon - 5aside, tues- 5aside, wed split, thurs split, saturday full body

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    Have taken 2 extra days to get back to work.

    Today will be Chest/Shoulder/Triceps


    35 press-ups

    Incline DB press

    20 X 12
    25 X 12
    25 X 12
    30 X 7 (FAIL on 8)

    Shoulder Roll

    30 X 20
    35 X 16
    35 X 16
    37 X 16


    40 X 8
    41 X 8
    42.5 X 6


    20, 20

    Tuesday - 5aside
    Wednesday - Back/ Biceps
    Thursday - Rest
    Friday - Legs/ Abs
    Saturday - combination of Back/Biceps/Chest/Shoulder/Triceps
    Sunday - Rest

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    Pre- soccer did 450 skips (100 of which were one-legged) followed by 30X leg raises.

    5-a-side. Certainly wasn't the most intense game, no-one seemed to be up for it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1



    Last This
    5 6 (FAIL on 7) 60 sec break
    5 5 75 sec break
    4 4 90 sec break
    3 3 90 sec break
    3 3


    Last This
    56 X 12 60 X 9
    58.2 X 10 65 X 4 (FAIL on 5)
    60.7 X 8 65 X 4 (FAIL on 5)
    62.9 X 5 (FAIL on the 6th)

    BO ROW

    32.5 X 15

    32.5 X 15
    35 X 20
    40 X12
    40 X 15

    New exercise for this week (Friday I think)

    - mmmmmmmm she's nice to look at

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Change of plans this week


    Legs - did some presses and curls in the gym

    Abs- 60 bicycle crunches
    Weighted crunches - 2.5kg X 15, 2.5 Kg X 20, 5 kg X 5

    Game of squash

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    Light workout

    15 mins on treadmill

    Some Ab work - bicycle crunches, weighted crunches

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1



    50 X 6
    52.5 X 5
    52.5 X 3
    52.5 X 6 (heavy spot on last)

    Lateral Raise

    14X4 (FAIL on 5)

    Fly Machine

    7 X 5
    6.5 X 6
    6.5 X 4

    Asstd Dips


    Sh rolls

    45 X 18
    14X 18
    45 X16

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    Not a great training session but got something out of the exercises i did, but didn't do many

    Was meant to do RDL, BO Rows and chin-ups BUT put my back out with first set of RDL, didn't wanna risk it going any further - feels fine, but couldn't do any weights


    7,3,4, 5


    Leg raises X 30

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1



    Had some bad DOMS in chest area today and yesterday

    Weight - 12ST 3lbs (gettting there!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


    Introductory session at Crossfit. Was late, so only got to do baseline X 1

    Anyway, time was 8.28

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1


