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First Fitness Log



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    friday 26th

    back & biceps

    Did a short 30mins intense session

    Alternating between BO ROWS and chin-ups for the first while

    Can now do 9 chin-ups, so bit of an improvement.

    Also, was doing 20kg + bar on bicep curls - and was doing well, keeping good technique, so looks like an improvement there to

    then did RDL

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    gavney1 wrote: »
    Weight (as of yesterday) is still 11st 10lbs.

    Target weight at the back of my mid for the end of this workout period (next Friday) was 12st.

    So, would need to gain 4lbs in 7 days. Don't know if that's possible, as have been eating loads already, but I'll just have to make sure that I don't slack on eating at the weekend, and stop relying on small tins of tuna - need to stick to the big ones, cause I sometimes still feel a little hungry after a small one. And no point having 2-egg scrambled egg - have to make it 5 eggs

    Also, gonna drink as much milk as I can.

    7:30am -small bowl of brown rice, half a chicken fillet, glass of FF milk, glass of Tropicana OJ, green tea

    Protein = 8 +18

    10am - big tin of tuna sandwich, creatine. green tea

    Protein = 30g

    12:15 pm - beans on toast, small bowl of brown rice, 100g of mixed nuts

    Protein = 20g

    2:15pm - cottage cheese sandwich, bowl of porridge

    Protein = 12g

    5:30pm - fillet of mackerel

    Protein = 25g

    8pm - bowl of tomato soup. chicken stir fry

    Protein = 45g

    10pm - 500ml FF milk; 1 slice ham

    Protein= 20g

    (Total protein intake = 178g)

    4am - 500ml FF milk

    been wondering for a while why alot of ppl are so obsessed with squats - so am putting this article here to remind me - seems like a good article

    JESUS - can't believe I've gained so much weight

    I'm now 13st 4lbs. Gained 18-22lbs since January (at least half of it in the last 2 months!)

    Haven't posted here for a long time

    Basically, was following same program, very much on and off, still not 100% sure what I was doing.

    Then about 8 weeks ago, went for a training session with my friend who seems to know what he's talking about. I hadn't seem him since about christmas, and he's gained massive amounts of muscle since i saw him last

    He's a big mark rippetoe fan, and he's got me on the starting strength programme. I'm sticking to it like glue. Taking plenty rest. Only training Monday, Wednesday, Friday (and NOTHING else). I've also started squatting and I'm realising the benefits. I had heard them recommended over and over, but had always been afraid to do them without being properly instructed in case i ****d up my back.

    Have to say I've made more progress in terms of size and strength in the past two months than I have in nearly two years of training on and off without knowing what i was doing

    Am also enjoying weight training. It's now something I really look forward to.

    This week was

    Squats (100%)
    Pull ups

    Squats (80%)
    Dead lift


    Squats (100%)

    Thanks to guys on this forum for their advice. I only wish I'd listened to their advice about squatting earlier

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    more or less missed the december period in terms of training because gym was often closed cause of snow and over christmas and i had flu for a week. so only got 3 sessions in December. Was a bit disheartening.

    but anyway, been training hard last two week.

    weight is now 13st 12 lbs

    on monday - did 110kg X3 on deadlift (best yet(

    friday squatted 102.5 X 5 X 3, and 107.5 X 3 X1

    bench - 65 X 4, X3 X 2

    power cleans - just learning how to do them on friday. jesus, they're harder than they look. nearly fainted a couple of times

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Wednesday 18th Feb


    67.5 X2
    67.5X 4 (over-spotting on 3 and 4)
    67.5 X 4


    90X 5

    Leg raises

    KB crunches, 8kg X 12, 12X10, 16 X12

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Friday 18th Feb


    115X 5X3


    42.5 X 3
    42.5 X 4
    45 X 2

    Measured bench grip width. By putting my little finger just inside ring and having forarm perpendicular am 60cm between index fingers, which is well within guidelines, so probably was having too narrow a grip.


    Asstd, 15X 5, 5X5, 0 X3


    117.5X 4 (mixed grip)
    120X 4 (mixed grip)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    still struggling to get bench to 67.5X 3X 5. But am gonna try next time to get it to 65X3X5 (as I never actually got there). Then gonna start micro-loading. Bought some 0.5kg plates on ebay, which should arrive next week.

    squat and DL still going up. Press stalling though also - so gonna try with the microloading.

    My short term targets are as follows (if I don't get these by end of March then im a wimp)


    130 X 5 X 1


    122.5 X 5 X 3


    45 X 5 X 3


    70 X 5 X 3

    Once I hit these goals, I'm happy to take a short break from SS, and mix things up with some other exercises/ routines, just to try them out. Maybe a couple days a week of weightlifting with crossfit stuff for met con

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    belly is getting bigger. need to start doing a proper met con on the weekend and some running during the week.

    So, sunday, gonna do following for time

    Warmup with squats (bar)

    Row X 500m

    8 chin-ups for time

    Row X 500m

    70 sit-ups for time

    Gonna guess that should take 7/8 mins. Then do 20 min jog

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    gavney1 wrote: »
    belly is getting bigger. need to start doing a proper met con on the weekend and some running during the week.

    So, sunday, gonna do following for time

    Warmup with squats (bar)

    Row X 500m

    8 chin-ups for time

    Row X 500m

    70 sit-ups for time

    Gonna guess that should take 7/8 mins. Then do 20 min jog

    copped out on this a bit, but was still a good workout. The first half decent met-con i've done in months

    Did as follows

    500m row
    6 chin-ups BW; 2 chinups asstd
    35 situps
    500m row

    Time: 11:50.

    Next Sunday will try

    50 KB swings (will decide on day what is a decent weight)
    50 free standing squats
    20 dips on bench
    40 pushups

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Monday 28th Feb

    120 X 5 X 3

    Press (reset)
    40 X 5 X 3

    Pendelay Rows
    50 X 5 X 3

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    pretty pissed off with todays session

    started with 80% squats. But after warming up with the bar, my elbow started at me again. It had been fine for a couple weeks.

    I got through all my squats. But at the end, my arms were absolutely killing me.

    So, went on to bench (which I was supposed to be resetting at 60 due to plateau)

    Tried three warmup sets, during which my arm felt fine throughout the exercise, but was killing me in between sets. I then tried one set at 60, but it was so painful, I had to give up.

    Deadlifts had to be abandoned also.

    From reading some starting strength forums and various other things on the subject, I think my problem could be due to one of the following

    1. Squat. Perhaps I am letting the bar move too much, causing strain on my elbows.
    It seems logical, seeing as anytime I've had the problem, it's started straight after squats. HOWEVER, that could just be cause squats are always the exercise I do first, and once I put any sort of pressure on my arms, they're going to react badly

    2. I haven't fully recovered from Pressing on Monday. My arms were a little sore today BEFORE working out, but only a little.

    3. A couple of people have noted that I've very flexible shoulders when I'm pressing, so that I'm able to keep my elbows quite high when I'm pressing. Perhaps this, while good for my press & shoulders, puts too much strain on my elbows, as they're too tightly squeezed when pressing?

    4. I need to do some stretches??

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dave80

    Try some curls for elbow health, works wonders for mine

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    dave80 wrote: »
    Try some curls for elbow health, works wonders for mine

    thanks, I'm gonna see if it's the squats first though. Just so I'm not doing extra exercises needlessly.

    I do curls from time to time, but they're not part of my routine currently

    Were your elbows at you after doing squats also? Or from different exercises?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,032 ✭✭✭dave80

    gavney1 wrote: »
    thanks, I'm gonna see if it's the squats first though. Just so I'm not doing extra exercises needlessly.

    I do curls from time to time, but they're not part of my routine currently

    Were your elbows at you after doing squats also? Or from different exercises?

    ye it was from the squats, try 3 sets of 10 before you squat yo should notice the difference right away, I do them before bench too

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    dave80 wrote: »
    ye it was from the squats, try 3 sets of 10 before you squat yo should notice the difference right away, I do them before bench too

    so you just do them to warm up your elbows for squats?

    I'd be surprised if it's a warming up problem. Cause my elbows are sore even after just warming up with the bar.

    I'll see tomorrow if squats are the problem anyway. If they are, I'll look at my form, and do some curls as you said

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Sunday - Met con

    50Kb swings X12 Kg
    DL 60kg X 20
    Bench dips X 20
    Pushups X 30

    13mins 10 sec

    Started with KB swings, then did everything else in a mix i.e. was switching between pushups and DLs

    Pretty knackered after, but not exactly dead

    Played 5-a-side in the evening. Really showed that I've not been doing any running for the past few months

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    received my 0.5kg plates in the post yesterday and got good use out of them today, encouraging.

    Completely avoided squats today again, just in case. And sure enough, no elbow problems....


    WS - 120 X 5
    125 X 3

    seemed a bit easier than expected...


    WS 41 X 5 X 3 - happy with that, was unable to do 42.5 X 5 previously

    Pendelay row

    WS 60 X 5 X 3 - need to look at form. Not sure if i've got it right.

    KB swings 12 X 55

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    had a session with SMASH yesterday (sunday) in UCD.

    All in all a good session, but disappointed with Press, failed to complete 5 reps at 42.5kg on any set.

    Also, squat - got squashed like a bug on the 4th rep of 1st set @ 120kg. Had made that weight easily enough 2 weeks ago, so disappointed, but may have had something to do with widening the grip.

    Anyway, good news was that my elbows weren't a problem at any stage of the workout

    Did power cleans/ clean pulls. Need to sort out breathing, as am feeling dizzy too easily. Really really hate power cleans, I hope they die. They made me hate SMASH also, which is wrong, cause SMASH is nice

    Finished off with 4X 3 sets of chins and 20 pressups

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Sunday Met-Con

    KB swings 50 X 16KG
    Press 25kg X 35
    situps X 45
    16kg KB crunches
    Goblet squat 12kg X 20

    13min 39 sec

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 537 ✭✭✭gavney1

    Jeez, been a long time since I posted here

    am trying to mix things up, as am getting bored with same aul SS routine

    This week will do following

    Monday - Morning Swim - 10 lengths

    Squats - 112.5 X 5 X 3

    Bench - 55 X 8 X 3

    Chins - X 5 X 3

    Torso Twists X 3 sets


    Squats - 100 X 5 X 3

    DL - 120X5X1



    KB Swings 50 X 16kg

    50 situps



    going to try get back on a cleaner diet again this week

    Monday -
    1. half chicken fillet; bowl of porridge; berocca
    2. 2 small tuna tins
    3. Sandwich
    4. Ham + Milk
    5. Steak Sandwich
