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MMA League 2010: Registration Open

  • 11-01-2010 3:41pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,084 ✭✭✭

    It gives me great pleasure to announce the first round of MMA League 2010 will be on the 6th of March in the Kingfisher Sports Center, NUI, Galway.

    Log on to the MMA League Website and get yourself registered to compete.

    To win the League this year you have three rounds to get yourself into the top 4, then these 4 will face off in Dublin to decide the winner of each division overall.

    FightLord are our sponsors once again this year, and they will have a stand at this event with the usual top quality products on sale, so don't forget to pad your wallet with a little extra cash.

