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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    This evening

    Diesel Crew Shoulder Prehab: 2kg DB

    Bench Press:
    90kg x4,4,3 +1 assisted

    Neutral Grip Chin up
    Chain (10kg?) x6,6,5
    BW x4

    Incline BP:

    Close Grip BP:
    42.5kgx 8,10,12

    BW x3x8

    Scap push-up:

    Face pull
    40 x15,15,20

    EZ Curl
    30kg x3x10

    Nothing spectaclur. Chins felt solid enough. I took it handy enough on the incline and CGBP. Nothing to report.

    I have ordered a pair of adidas power perfects, just waiting for them to arrive to ironside. Looking forward to it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 221 ✭✭daveyc21

    Sangre wrote: »

    I have ordered a pair of adidas power perfects, just waiting for them to arrive to ironside. Looking forward to it!

    Should be here before weeks end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    daveyc21 wrote: »
    Sangre wrote: »

    I have ordered a pair of adidas power perfects, just waiting for them to arrive to ironside. Looking forward to it!

    Should be here before weeks end.
    Good to hear! Can only really get them at weekend so will be nice to have a new toy to play with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    Foam roll 10 minutes IT band

    1 hour tip rugby

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    Back and biceps.


    137.5kg x3,3,4

    140kg x3
    145kgx 3,4

    Glute Ham Raise:
    BW x4x5

    Barbell Hip thrust:
    30kg x10,10,20

    Russian Twist:
    10kg x3x20

    Hanging leg raise:
    BW x5,5,4

    Solid enough session today. Had to combine squats/DL today as I missed a leg session during week. Squats have been solid enough lately, the 1rm calculator tells me I should be able to beat my last PR (145kg). Might give it a try.

    Couldn't remember back session and don't have journal to hand.

    General thoughts:
    Started weighing and calorie counting last week, to give myself a better idea of my intake. Bit of an eye opener in terms of weight. Using myfitness apps which is pretty good.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    Bench Press
    87.5kg x2 (one side was too heavy)
    85kg x5,5,7

    DC Shoulder prehab
    2kg DB

    10kg x3x5

    Overhead Press:
    40kg x3x5

    47.5 x38

    Face pull:
    40 x3x15

    Bit rushed this evening. DIdn't have time for warm-up or warm-down. No stretching as a result. Still can't seem to get hang of OHP. Front shoulder keeps popping forward on movement up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    Squat: (no belt)
    120kg x3,3,5
    100Kg x10

    Bicep Curl:
    12.5kg x3x10

    Leg Curl:
    8 x3x10

    Side Bend

    5kg x60s
    BW x60s

    Leg Raise:

    Face pull:
    4 x3x12

    Not feel it today, was stiff and had Doms thanks to squat and dl session on Sunday. Have tip tomorrow so took it relatively easy. Didn't feel strong so probably couldn't have done much. Also forgot all my gym stuff. Hope I don't regret those 10 reps at the end.

    Still trying to get hang of logging. Myfitness app is great but its tough to estimate portions if I haven't weighed them. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it though. Has opened eyes a bit though, particulary in relation to my macros. Trying to improve protein ratio, particularly with reduced calories. Specifically, will be eating a lot more protein for breakfast. I seem to be hitting 1800 calorie mark most days although thats probably slightly underestimated. Will see how I get on. Don't want to lose weight too much.

    When cutting I should be aiming for 1g of protein per lean lb bodyweight? Is that correct? If so, how can you calculate LBM without a bf%?

    Also, what formula do people recommend to calculate base metabolic rate?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Found Gems post setting out how to calculate RMR and then add on expenditure.

    Taking my weight (84kg) and age I get a RMR of 1940 calories.

    Then I multiply by 1.4 because of sedantry work to get 2750 calories.

    Then I take into account my average daily calorie expenditure (4 1 hour gym sessions, c/50km on bike and then tip rugby once a week) I can add on approx. 250 calories a day to get average calories of 3000.

    Then to lose weight I multiply by .85 to get 2550. Now, it seems by watching weight and cutting calories I'm way under that. Obviously I don't want to lose muscle mass. Unless I've calculated wrongly, what I'll try and do is up my protein intake, through shakes or otherwise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Thursday morning:

    DC shoulder prehab 2kg

    BW 3x8

    80kg x8,8,10 w/ drop sets

    Bent over row:
    75kg x3x8 w/ drop sets

    Inverted Row:
    BW x7,7,5

    DB Bicep Curl:
    17.5kg x3x5
    12.5kg x4

    Face pull:
    40 x15,12,15


    140kg x5,5,6

    60kg x3x10

    Glute Bridge:
    40kg x10,10,20

    Glute ham raise:
    BW x4x5

    Leg Curl:
    8 x8
    7 x2x8

    Russian Twist:
    10kg x3x20

    Leg Raise:
    5kg x3x8

    Face pulls

    Pretty sure that 140 is a PR for sets of 5. Not 100% sure. Haven't been DLing much in last while so can't complain too much. Have videos. Will upload shortly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    First two deadlift sets from today. Didn't get 3rd set because memory card filled up during set.

    All comments welcome. Haven't videoed my form in a long time so I'm interested to hear any criticisms.

    1st set:

    2nd set:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    DC Shoulder Prehab
    2kg DB

    DB BP:
    32.5kg x8,8,2

    Incline DB BP:
    25kg x10,2

    Chain (10kg?) x3x6

    Chest Press:

    50kg x3x8

    Face pull:
    3 x3x10

    Very poor session. Right thumb got very painful during DB pressing so had to cut both short. Get the odd pain there now and again if back new to DB pressing but not quite this sore.

    Picked up some milk protein so going to start taking that the odd night. Still loggin calories. Weekend wasn't perfect but better than normal. Cut out usual carb fest during the day, which was particulary good after Friday night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    140kg x2,2,3
    120kg x5
    100kg x10


    3 x3x10

    Ham Curl:
    7 x10,10,9

    Hanging Leg Raise:
    3x5 (ROM decreased)

    Leg Raise:

    In rush today as I was busy in work so that, coupled with weather, I was glad I dragged myself up to gym. Was meant to be playing tip rugby so glad to be doing something else. Squats were solid enough. PR for a double I believe which is good considering carbs are way down lately. Hopefully more in the tank.

    Weight this morning was 82.9kg. Weight seems to be dropping up quick enough. Note sure if it is water/bloat or what. Im still using creatine so assume I'm not losing too much water.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    BW x8,8,9

    DC prehab 2kg (thanks for offer of spot COH)

    w/ drop sets

    75kg x3x8
    w/ drop sets

    Inverted Row:
    BW 3x8





    142.5kg x5,5,6

    60kg x3x10

    Glute Bridge
    45kg x10,10,12

    Ham Curl:
    8x 10,9,5
    7x 5
    5x 5

    Hanging Leg raise:

    Leg Raise:

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    DC shoulder prehab 2kg

    Bench press:
    87.5kg x3x5
    80kg x3
    70kg x4

    10kg x3x6

    52.5kg x3x8

    Bicep Curl:
    15kg x9,9,7

    10kg x3x6

    Face pull:
    3 x3x10

    Bench felt solid but weak if that makes sense. Think I might be feeling the first effects of the weight loss.

    Myfitnesspal says I've had about 1550 calories today (167g of protein). Thats seem quite low as I didn't each much. Might grab around milk protein shake now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    20kg DB 3x10 each leg

    Split Squat
    17.5kg x3x10

    GHR (on lat machine)

    Standing leg press:
    80kg x8,8,15

    Hamstring Curl:
    Plate 7 x3x10

    Hanging leg raise:
    BW 3x5

    Leg raise:

    Didn't go too mad today as I'm not used to much single leg work and don't want to cripple myself with DOMS. Fairly wrecked as well. Will up the ante if I have to do this session again. Glad to have gotten the session in though.

    The leg press was much tougher than I thought. Thought I'd be banging on the weight but I was exerting enough energy at 80kg...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,863 ✭✭✭kevpants

    Bar is moving nice and fast on the pulls but you're fairly rounded right down to your lower back. I know rounded back pulling is kind of fashionable right now but at heavier weights it might just result in a stiff leg deadlift and a back like a question mark.

    If you look at guys with big round back deadlifts their lower back is flat whereas yours is actually rounded. Learning to round your upper back whilst maintaiing a neutral lower back is a pretty tough skill and not for everyone, despite what Konstantin Konstaninovs might tell you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Been disrupted lately with long weekend away and demanding work hours, very quick update.

    Wednesday, 8 May

    1 hour tip rugby

    Friday, 9 May
    From memory
    BW x8,8,9

    82.5kg x3x8
    w/ drop sets

    w/drop sets

    Inverted Rows:
    BW x8,7,5


    Face pulls

    Saturday, 12 May

    Finally got my new adidas power perfects so went to test them.

    Worked up in triples and doubles to 140kg. Also got spotter assist 145kg but not sure I would have got out of hole, gotta watch it in new shoes. Although they feel great.

    Weight: 82kg

    Today AM, 14 May 2012

    DC Shoulder prehab 2.5kg

    87.5kg x5,5,4 (+1 spotter touched bar)

    10kgx 6,6,7

    Incline Bench:
    55kg x10,10,9

    52.5kg x8,7,5 (died a death her)

    Face pulls


    Thoughts: No major drop off in strenght notice with weight loss. Although with work hours lately I'm more in maintenance mode and not really pushing myself. Benching does feel heavier though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    kevpants wrote: »
    Bar is moving nice and fast on the pulls but you're fairly rounded right down to your lower back. I know rounded back pulling is kind of fashionable right now but at heavier weights it might just result in a stiff leg deadlift and a back like a question mark.

    If you look at guys with big round back deadlifts their lower back is flat whereas yours is actually rounded. Learning to round your upper back whilst maintaiing a neutral lower back is a pretty tough skill and not for everyone, despite what Konstantin Konstaninovs might tell you!

    Thanks for feedback Kev. Mobility is probably a factor, sitting at a desk for 10+ hr a day with limited time (and to be honest desire) to get mobility work in. Will see if I can keep back more neutral on pulls.

    Used to start off lower in pulls, which probably had a straight back, but that just resulted in hips popping anyway up at any sort of reasonable weight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    40 minutes tag rugby

    Thursday morning
    Diesel Crew shoulder prehab - 2.5kg dumbbell

    5kg x6,6,7

    82.5kg x8,8,9
    w/ drop sets

    77.5kg x7,7,8
    w/ drop sets

    Inverted Row (feet off ground);
    BW x8,7,6 (or so)

    DB Curl:
    17.5kg x3x7

    Face pulls


    Work has been absolutely crazy lately, late night and in on Sunday etc., Just trying to squeeze in work-outs where I can before work. Doesn't help I was away for bank holiday and I'm off this weekend to HC final.

    Weight: 81.5kg (this morning)

    This weight losing malarky is pretty easy! I think 80kg will be the lowest I'll go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Last Tuesday

    DC shoulder prehab 2.5kg

    6.25kg x6,6,5

    82.5kg x3x8
    w/ drop sets

    77.5kg x3x7
    w/ drop sets

    Raised Inverted Row

    17.5kg x3x7


    Seated Row:
    5 x3x10

    Last Thursday AM

    DC Shoulder preahb 2.5kg

    Bench press:
    82.5kg x6,6,5 (tough)

    Chain (10kg?) x6,5,4

    Incline BP:
    52.5kg x 10,8,6

    52.5kg x5,6,7

    Face pulls


    Squat (no belt)
    110kg x3x5

    Front squat:
    60kg x4x5


    Leg Curl:
    6 x3x10

    Hanging Leg Raise:

    5kg x 60s

    Side planks
    BW x60s (each side)


    DC Shoulder prehab 2.5kg

    6.25kg x3x6

    85kg x3x8 (again - ROM decreased)
    w/ drop sets

    76.25kg x3x7 (lop sided and didn't realise)
    no drop sets

    Inverted Row:

    17.5kg x7,7,5 (died)

    Seated Row:
    6 x 10,10,8

    General thoughts

    Since being at HC final training has been a bit off. Got a bad throat/ear infection a few days after turning. Probably due to the cold (which I rarely get) that I had been nursing for 1.5 weeks that was made worse by Kinsale/London. Anyway, was on a 10 day course of antibiotics that finish today. The above is the training I've done in the interim. Didn't go made but haven't felt strong at all.


    Lowest weight I've been in a long, long time I think. People have commented I've lost weight, which is nearly a stone at this stage. Hard to believe personally, I don't notice much difference. No specific weight loss at any point, just overall. Wasn't eating great while on antibiotics as they caused 'transient nausea' in me which meant I couldn't stomach stuff. Obviously still didn't eat enough as I lost weight in the end.

    Only apparent drop off in strength seems to be pressing which is obviously common enough.

    Got an 'assessment' done in work for free using height, weight and electronic BMI. My bf% was 21% or 15% depending on whether they used normal or athletic setting. Not sure which one is more accurate...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Back after a week's holiday in the Algarve. Did plenty of eating and drinking however as holidays go it was tame enough. Was with the gf so didn't go mad with drink and ate a lot of fish and veg. Still plenty of food, bread in particular!

    Managed to get 3 half decent sessions while I was away between the hotel gym and a work-out session beside one of the beach. Didn't do much leg work other than some lunges/GHRs.


    115kg x 5,5,10

    Front squats - not worth mentiong - ****.


    Leg Curl:
    6 x10,10,12

    Hanging Leg Raise:
    3x5 (to eye level)

    Russian Twist:
    10kg x3x20

    6kg x60s

    Tame enough session after holidays. Just getting some blood back into legs

    General thoughts
    Started back taking creatine again today. Haven't used it in a good while. Will mix up routine shortly as well. I have also started timing stretches to force myself to do them for a decent enough time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    DC shoulder prehab 2.5kg

    82.5kg x5,5,7

    10kg x3x6

    Seated DB OHP:
    20kg x3x8 - up reps

    52.5kgx 6,6,8




    Grand ole session. Nothing major. Benching felt more solid/tighter than in recent sessions. Was going to give it a miss as I tweak neck yesterday but glad I pushed through. Neck gets very stiff if I'm sitting still or lying down but fine once I'm moving and it loosens up. Made trying to sleep last night a pain in the hole though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    Back and bicep work in the gym in gf's apartment block.

    Today AM

    DC prehab 2.5kg

    85kgx 3x5

    11.25kg x5,5,7 - up weight

    Seated Neutral Grip DB OHP
    15kg x3x5
    7.5g x8

    52.5kgx 8,8,10

    0 - shoulder hurt on first two

    Face pull:


    Benching was tough but solid. Setup was much better for last set. Will keep plugging away.

    NG DB OHP felt very strange on my left shoulder. It felt very weak and all over place. Also seemed to highlight some mobility issues. In short, it felt like it was working stuff barbell pressing and normal DB OHP presses were missing due to an imbalance in shoulders or my left shoulder not tracking properly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Didn't get into gym over weekend as I was in the office. Squeezed in a quick session after work today.


    120kg x5,5,7

    Front Squat:
    40kg x8,10,10

    Ab Wheel:


    3x5 (pretty deep)

    Had to finish up there.

    General thoughts
    Work is so busy late its hard to set goals and get my decent routine going. I think I might just try and shed a few more pounds of fat until I get quite lean. I'll try to maintain strength as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Haven't had time to update lately - quick recap

    Friday 29 June

    Chest and tris - main life
    85kgx5,4,3 (+2 spotter) - spotted too early though.


    20km cycle up to Ticknock

    Tuesday AM

    Kettlebell class

    Wednesday AM

    Back session

    Main lift:
    pull-ups: 5kg x5,5,7

    Not doing another work out this week as I'm doing Ring of Kerry cycle on Saturday - 110 miles/180km and I don't want to be in anyway stiff. Wish me luck! Have done basically zero training for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    180kg cycle at the Ring of Kerry.

    Great day out, I'd highly recommend it. Got around it on the bike in 6.5 hours not including breaks. Stops were longer than ideal because of size of group and one or two incidents. Went around it at a fairly decent clip though. Still tired though! Ate like nothing else on Friday and Saturday as well - serious carb loadin!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Going to start a new routine. Back to basics with the goal of just getting stronger and bigger. Limited workouts to three days a week. This will help me focus on basics and fits in with work which has been bananas lately.

    Planned sessions are as follows:

    Tuesday PM

    Squats light - 3x10
    Deadlift heavy - 3x5
    Pull-ups weighted - ~3x6
    BOR - 3x8
    Inverted row - ~3x7
    Bench press light - 3x8+
    Bicep curls - 3x8
    Seated row - 3x10

    Friday AM
    Bench press heavy - 3x2-6
    Chin-ups weight - 3x7+
    Seated dumbbell neutral grip - 3x10+
    Close grip BP - 3x8
    Tricep pulldown/dips
    Face pulls - 3x12


    Bicep curls light - 3x12
    Squat heavy - 3x 3-6
    Glute Ham Raise - 3x6
    Ham Curl - 3x10+
    Calf raise - 3x10+
    Core work (Ab wheel, planks, hanging leg raises, side raises etc.,)

    All work will be proceed with mobility work and/or DC shoulder prehab where applicable.

    A lot going on Tuesday it seems and a back exercise or so will be dropped if time is tight. I'm planning on squating, benching, curling and doing chins/pull-ups twice a week as a bit mixed of heavy/light seems to work well for me gains wise.

    I'm also logging my calories from a weight gain perspective for the first time with a view to eating enough, particularly on training days to avoid recent plateaus.

    All thoughts on above welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭Pavel66

    Sangre wrote: »
    Going to start a new routine. Back to basics with the goal of just getting stronger and bigger. Limited workouts to three days a week. This will help me focus on basics and fits in with work which has been bananas lately.

    Planned sessions are as follows:

    Tuesday PM

    Squats light - 3x10
    Deadlift heavy - 3x5
    Pull-ups weighted - ~3x6
    BOR - 3x8
    Inverted row - ~3x7
    Bench press light - 3x8+
    Bicep curls - 3x8
    Seated row - 3x10

    Friday AM
    Bench press heavy - 3x2-6
    Chin-ups weight - 3x7+
    Seated dumbbell neutral grip - 3x10+
    Close grip BP - 3x8
    Tricep pulldown/dips
    Face pulls - 3x12


    Bicep curls light - 3x12
    Squat heavy - 3x 3-6
    Glute Ham Raise - 3x6
    Ham Curl - 3x10+
    Calf raise - 3x10+
    Core work (Ab wheel, planks, hanging leg raises, side raises etc.,)

    All work will be proceed with mobility work and/or DC shoulder prehab where applicable.

    A lot going on Tuesday it seems and a back exercise or so will be dropped if time is tight. I'm planning on squating, benching, curling and doing chins/pull-ups twice a week as a bit mixed of heavy/light seems to work well for me gains wise.

    I'm also logging my calories from a weight gain perspective for the first time with a view to eating enough, particularly on training days to avoid recent plateaus.

    All thoughts on above welcome.

    Looks good to me - but as you note Tuesday will be a tough one :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    As usual, training but not logging.

    Before work

    mobility warm-up
    DC shoulder perhab

    Bench press:
    87.5 3x4

    Chin up:
    13.75 x3x5

    Seated NG DB OHP:
    7.5kg x3x10 (my left lat does not like these)

    57.5kg x8,8,10

    Tricep pulldown s/s facepull
    60 x10,10,15 s/s 30x3x10

    Also did the Sean Kelly 100km heritgae cycle in Waterford on Saturday just gone. Highly recommended.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Yesterday evening

    From memory:


    Bench press:


    Seated neutral DB OHP:
    7.5kg x12,12,12 (I have seriously bad mobility with these)

    62.5kg x8,7,6 (maybe?)

    Tricep pulldown s/s face pull
    60 x3x10






    75kgx8,6,5 (just died)

    Seated row:

    17.5kg x3x7 or so

    Love the texas power bar in Raw. No one ever seems to use it either. On to 100kg for light squats next week. I assume that will be a rep pr but not arsed to check!
