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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Saturday (from memory only)




    Bench press:
    75kgx8,6,4 (strength absolutely died here)

    Seated Row:
    80kgx3x10 (or something)


    Today in Raw


    s/s Curls


    70kgx3x10 (girp struggling here in right arm after curls)

    DB Split squat
    20kg (each leg): 3x10 (tiring!)

    Calf raise:

    Leg Raise:

    Plank (while squeezing glute)
    10kg x2x40s

    Dying with a cold today and delighted I focred myself out.

    Training is going well these imo. It was a good decision to cut back to 3 days as ensures there is a consistency to training and I'm not missing sessions here and there. Squatting and benching twice a week also seems to be helping. Was collapsing forward a bit in last set but I think thats remediable and the strength is there. Need to video myself soon on squats as I haven't done that in a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Friday morning before work

    90kgx4,3,4 (I think?)

    Neutral Grip Chin:
    BW +15kg x3x5 (PR)

    Seated NG DB OHP
    7.5kgx3x12 (or so)

    CG BP:
    65kgx3x8 (I think?)

    Tricep pulldown s/s face pull
    6x3x10 s/s 3x3x10

    Saturday afternoon (today)


    100kgx10,10,12 (PR)

    140x3x5 (equal PR)



    Inverted Row:
    3x5 or something




    Ate an ungodly amount of sugar between Friday's session and today's. Sessions felt solid enough, although may have hit a bit of plateau bench. Will try 90kg again next week and then move up to 92kg. Squatting felt really solid today. Technique seems good, would love a video of it. Actually thought I had more in the tank in the last set but seemed to die a death towards end, I think I mentally gave up once I went over 10. Deadlift equals a rep PR, not impressive as I've never really focused on the deadlift but I'll take it consider how little I've deadlifted in the last year and how I'm not focusing on it. It was all strength and not technique though in last set so might back off for a while. I'm having trouble recruiting hams/glutes off the floor. I'm not sure if its a mobility or strength issue. Or both. As above, must video. Benching today was pathetic, had nothing in the tank for them although its only been a day since last benching.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    mobility warm-up

    Left ham was quite tight so foamrolled that as well.


    Second work set below:


    Single leg split squat
    20kg KB x3x11

    Calf Raise:

    Hanging leg raise:

    10kg x2x40s


    Squats felt solid. No fear of missing any. I think that might be a rep PR at that weight, with previous one being 125x3x5. Think there is sitll more in me as well. Mobility seems to be coming on (that is from no mobility). Still lots of work to do but tough to find the time with work. Just focus on one problem area at a time.

    Not quite sure if I'm right on SLDL. Trying to work on hamstring strength for DLs. Seems to be conflicting thoughts on whether to bend back to increase ROM or keep back flat. I'm keeping back flat at moment. Not a huge ROM with my hamstrings though!

    All comments on squat above are welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Yesterday before work:

    warm-up - shoulders felt very stiff on dislocates


    BW +15kg - 5,4,3 (poor, last week got 3x5)

    Seated DB NG OHP:


    Tricep pulldown s/s face pull
    6x3x10 s/s 3x3x10


    Poor session. Elbows were very sore during bench. It was kind of a dull pain that was worse where triceps inserted into elbows but caused a general dull achy pain thoughout arm. Really sapped energy from grip strength and rest of exercies. From talking to JOE he suggested it could be bar position is to far back in grip and not above forearms allowing forearms to bear pressure. Rather hand is being extended back causing pressure on wrist and elbow. Makes sense to me and will consider it when benching next.

    Will probably miss last session of week, have a few very busy/boozy days ahead of me. Liquid bulk is on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Haven't trained in a week due to a 3 day bender over weekend for various events. Little sleep was had. Anyway, back to it.

    127.5kgx3x5 (PR)


    Split leg squat:
    20kg KBs 3x10

    Calf Raise:

    Hanging leg raise:

    10kg x2x40s

    Squats started out grim. Everything felt heavy, flexibility was weak and hip flexors were screaming at me. However, warm-up and stretching during warm-up sets eased the pain. 3rd set was by far the strongest, all reps solid. Could have got at least another rep but left it where it was. Might stay at this weight next week as form could have been better on other sets, although depth was fine.

    Rest of session was standard enough.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Friday AM


    Neutral Grip Chin-up:

    Seated NG DB OHP
    7.5kg x3x10


    Tricep pulldown s/s face pull

    6x3x10 s/s 3x3x10



    Inverted Row:
    3x5 (or something crap)




    100kgx3x10 (PR)

    Today was a serious bitch session until squats at end. Was rushing in the gym so dropped deadlifts and put squats at end as I didn't want squats to take up whole sessions. Squats were pretty tough as was still catching breath starting each set because I was so tight for time.

    Bench hasn't felt very strong last week or two. Will drop weight on heavy session and work up again. Benching is also tough after back though, shows how much you incorporate it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    127.5kgx5,5,6 (PR)


    Bench s/s Calf Raise:
    70kgx3x8 s/s 6x3x8,8,11

    Split squat KB:

    Hanging leg raise:


    Squats were tough but solid. Depth felt nice and deep. Only flaw was upper back was a bit loose on first set. Will move up to 130kg next week.

    Decided to light bench after squats instead of at weekend session of squat/deadlift/back because (1) it cuts down on length of other session, (2) its better spread out from heavy bench and (3) I'm not knackered from back exercises. Bench still felt crazy heavy though for some reason. Really focued on squeezing scaps and engaging lates.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Quick update

    Friday AM

    82.5kg x3x6 (I think, not sure)


    Seated DB OHP


    Tricep pulldown s/s face pull



    100kgx10,10,12 (PR)

    Seated Row

    Chins/pull ups



    Squats s/s Curls
    130kgx5,5,6 (PR) s/s 15kgx3x20


    Split KB Squat:
    20kgx3x10 (each leg)

    Calf Raise s/s Hanging leg raise
    6x3x10 s/s BWx6,5,5 (lost grip on HLR)


    Very happy with squats today. I was a bit apprehensive on weight but was very solid, even got an extra rep at end as I wasn't sure on number of reps (but someone else confirmed it was 6). Depth was very good on all reps. Had some randomer complimenting squats after first set which is usually a good sign. This see-food diet is working out well!

    Should be on course to hit 150 next test which give me 1.75 BW squat with room to spare.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Haven't logged one or two sessions and didn't train from last Thursday until today as was away travelling.



    Squats (s/s Curls - 17.5kgx3x8)
    warm up
    145kgx1 (2.5 kg PR)
    150kgx1 (7.5 kg PR) (1.75 BW squat)


    Calf Raise s/s Leg Raise
    6x3x8 s/s BWx3x6

    After boozy few days, had no appetite for rep work so decided to try a few singles. Knew I was in PR territory based on 3x5 numbers but happy to get it all the same. 145kg rep was very solid. Depth on 150 was good but I almost lost it forward but managed to recover, I think I have a better rep in me on 150 but will drop weights and continue looking to move up. 150 also represents a nice milestone in terms of BW percentages.

    Not much time for anything after that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    This evening


    *belt* - if you could call it that.
    130kgx4,3,2 (+1 spotter assist)


    Split Squat KB:
    20kgx3x10 (lost balance few times on last set so not great)

    Hanging Leg Raise s/s Seated Calf Raise
    BW x3x6 s/s 40kgx3x10


    Fairly soft on the squats. Was just not feeling it. Forgot my belt so had to resort to using one of RAW's communal "belts". Belt is the right word, would be more appropriate holding up my jeans and couldn't even get tight enough. May have contributed to crap squats but can't blame them really, intensity on squats has fallen off last 2 weeks and I haven't been doing my "high rep" session because crap has got in way. Need to man up.

    Anyway, over last few while have been eating a fair bit and bulk up, have fallen into bad food habits that I'm going to kick so going "cut" for until early December (as much as I can with NY at end of November). Will weigh myself tomorrow and figure out my calories. Might look into intermittent fasting but may not fit in with my work schedule as I'll often be in work for the duration of my eating window.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Haven't logged in a while but still training away and its going reasonably well. Posting deadlift video for future reference (and any comments).

    I have deadlifted very little in the last 18 months but have started doing it again. Form was a bit soft last time but I've tighten it up I think. Only thing to watch now is I have tendency to favour right side when fatiguing which causes a niggle in lower back. As long as I lift evenly that is avoided.

    Still fairly light weights at the moment, particulary as I train in morning. Video is only 120KGx5 (BW 1.5) so is still quite light (doesn't feelt that light though!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    I'm just logging occassional deadlift videos as I gradually get back into weight. I'm adding 2.5kg each week. I'm trying to maintain reasonable strict form without a belt.

    Tuesday AM:

    Deadlift 130kg x5,5,6 - Second two sets are below.

    Any comments welcome. My only thoughts are that weight might be shifting onto balls a bit much. Heels are still on the ground though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Just bumping this as I want to start logging again for the next 2 months work permitting while I try a reasonably strict bulk. More detailed posts to follow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Still in work so update will have to wait. I suspect this will be a feature of the log!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    The following is from memory.


    Box squat into box jump

    Red box: 8x5 (30s rest)

    Elevated DB Bulgarian Split Squat

    14kg x 10,10,15


    Plate 31 - 15,15, 20

    DB Side bend:

    22kg x 3x15

    Lying Leg Curl:

    Plate 35 - 20,15,20

    Protein - 178g


    Scap circuit

    A1 - Barbell bench:

    60kg - 15,15,12

    B1 - Lat Pulldown

    40 - 12,12,12,20

    B2 - DB Scarecrows
    2kg -4x10

    No rest between sets

    C1 - Behind next barbell Shurg
    60kg 3x12

    C2 - DB Curl
    12kg 3x10

    No rest between sets

    D1 - L-Raises
    4kg - 10,10,8,8

    E1 - BB Fat Grip
    30kg x45s,45s,45s

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Gym was closed on Saturday due to plumbing issues and couldn't make it to next nearest gym before Ireland game. Was annoyed to miss my usual Saturday morning session.

    10 February, Sunday Evening – Max Effort Lower Body

    155Kg x 6 (increase by 5kg next week)

    Reverse Lunge:
    70kg x 3x10

    GHR (lat machine):

    Ab circuit:
    Sprint sit-ups
    Toe touches
    3x14 reps each (2 minute rest)

    Will try and film deadlift's next week to check on form. Was very annoyed to miss gym on Saturday which is a good sign.
    Was meant to go gym this morning as well but had alarm difficulties, not too busy in work so should be able to make it in the evening.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Monday, 10 February - Max Effort Upper Body


    95kgx4(+1 assisted)

    Neutral Grip Chin-up

    BWx 17,10 - 180s rest, dead hang etc

    Seated Cable Row s/s Band pull apart

    27kg e/s x10,10,8 s/s Band 1 3x10

    Barbell Shrug

    EZ Curl
    EZ Bar + 17.5kg x12,12,10


    Good, strong session. Great the difference extra calories are making. Bench is going well. Went for a second bench set as felt I held back on first as I was benching in squat rack without safety bars (pin height doesn't work for me). Chins are solid too, 20 reps may be on the cards soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Tuesday 11 February 2014 - Dynamic Lower Body

    Seated Box Jump on Boxes

    Green and blue box: 8x3 +2

    Elevated Split Squat

    16kg DB 3x10

    Pull through

    Plate 31 - 12, 12, 20

    Side DB Bend

    22kg 3x15

    Leg Curl

    Plate 35 20, 17, 12




    Decent session once I got in the gym. Not sure how benefical dynamic pylo stuff is but the rest of work-out is getting pretty tough. Split squats have me in bits afterwards. Leg curls are my own addition as my hamstrings could use some focus.

    Threw in some pull-ups randomly to see where I was. Probably not a good idea the day after max effort chin ups but good return.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Thursday, 13 February: Repitition Upper Body

    Shoulder and Scap warm-up

    A1) Bench

    60kg x15,15,14

    B2) L Lateral Raise

    4kg x10,10,10,12

    C1) Straight Arm pull down

    plate 18 x 12,12,12,20

    C2) Band pull apart

    Red band 4x10

    D1) Behind the neck Shurg

    62.5kg x10,10,8

    D2) DB Curl

    12kg 3x10

    E1) Fat Grip Hold

    30kg x 50s, 40s, 40s


    Substituted straight arm pulldown for lat machine as the latter was occupied. Never tried them before but enjoyed them, might sub them in for a few weeks. The Shurg/Curl combo is an absolute killer on grip - serious pump.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Saturday - Max Effor Lower Body



    Reverse Lunge

    70kg x 3x10



    Ab Circuit
    3x10 1:45 rest in between

    Will throw video of deadlift up later. Filmed it for a form check as I haven't done so in a while.

    Reverse lunges are pretty brutal. Always knackered by the end.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,602 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Just curious...why do you go for the reverse lunges ahead of forward lunges?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Because westside doesn't give a forward lunge option afaik. I do split squats on other days though.

    I really like them though, they hit the glutes like nothing else I've found.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,602 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    I would've thought the forward lunges hit the glutes harder. But just the mechanics suggest forwards work you harder with the deceleration portion and pushing back up off the front leg. Then again, I've never tried the reverse version..

    Lunges are great a masochistic kinda way. Last time I did them after a long break from them, I tried to jog across the road after the workout and almost collapsed with glutitis horribilis.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    I think the difference is ascribed to the fact that you push off your front foot with forward lunges but with your back foot on reverse lunges.

    I'm already feeling glute DOMS.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,602 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Ugh. Enjoy that :-D

    Enjoying the log, not least 'cause I'm considering WS4SB as the post-Madcow programme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Thanks, good to know I'm not the only one who read this. How much longer those Madcow run for? I'll be running WS4SB until at least the end of March and possibly longer given there is so much scope to mix things up in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,602 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Madcow is 12wks but if i'm progressing, I'll stay at it. That said, the OHP is stalling. Partly because something isn't right with my shoulders but nothing was picked up when I went to sort it out although an MRI was suggested. It eases up when I avoid OHPs so I might sub something in and keep going. We'll see. But deadlift, squat, bench and barbell rows are going nicely after 7 wks so there's scope to improve a lot or scope to feel a lot of pain and failure by week 12. Time will tell. But I like the layout of WS4SB so keep the gainz making and I'll consider it properly :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    Scap warm-up

    A1) Bench Press
    97.5kgx5 (all tainted with spotter assistance)

    B1) Chin-up

    BW x18,10 (180s rest)

    C1) Seated Chest Supported Row


    C2) Black Band pull apart


    D1) BB Shrug

    75kgx 12,12,10,10

    E1) EZ Curl

    Bar + 20kg x12,12,8

    Didn't feel great before work-out and still feel dodgy so think I have a touch of something mild. Bench was a complete disaster. Bar path on first set/rep was completely off so knackered myself just trying to get one rep as I had no spotter or pins. Did another set with a spotter who wouldn't take his hand off the bar. Got maybe three clean reps in the middle when he realised I could actually lift the weight but not going to count any of them. Will go for same weight again next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Tuesday, 18 February: Dynamic Lower Body

    Box Jump

    Red + Green Box - 8x3 30s

    Bulgarian Split Squat - front foot elevated

    18kg DB - 10, 10, 8

    Pull through

    Plate 38 - 12,12,15

    DB side Bend

    24kg x15,15,12

    Back Extension

    BW x20,20,15


    Popped out this evening to gym before heading back into work. Just finished now. Serious pump session. The split squats gave me the worse pump of my life, of any body part. Was seriously dodgy walking around after them and genuine risk of buckled leg. Manged 3x10 on right but only got to 8 reps on last set of left leg.

    Side bends were tough but good. Nice to have a core work-out that takes a bit out of you.

    Finished up with the back extensions randomly which also gave a serious pump. Tried to do them nice and slow but they still gave more pump than expected. Although I shouldn't be surprised as I haven't done them in yonks. What was intersting was that I had a tendency to favour right side on last few reps on ascent which also presents with deadlift. I thought that this was a compensation thing due to heavy weights but given it shows up on BW back extensions, it could be a motor pattern or mobility issue. Something to note and may try and work exetnsions into programme more to ingrain better movement pattersn.

    Will try and get session in in the morning if I can drag myself out of bed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Didn't go to gym this but will go later this evening.

    Found heights of plyo boxes I used: Small (green) 900 x 750 x 300mm, medium (blue) 900 x 750 x 450mm, large (red) 900 x 750 x 600mm.

    Therefore box jumps last night were 35".
