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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,025 ✭✭✭d'Oracle

    Sangre wrote: »
    • any tips to prevent elbows splaying front squatting?
    • how close should my fingers be to neck when front squatting (right at shoulders or slightly wider?)
    • during SLDL should I keep an arched back? This obviously limits ROM due to my crap flexibility.

    I presume you are talking about a clean grip/ Rack position.

    Your fingers should be outside your shoulders out of the way because the bar should effectively be resting on your delts cos your elbows are shoved right up creating a shelf for the bar to sit on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Sangre wrote: »

    • any tips to prevent elbows splaying front squatting?

    Presuming it's a clean grip / rack position as assumed above.

    I've found tightening my lats works. It normally happens with me when my posture is incorrect (chest is shallow and elbows aren't fully parallel) and I end up compensating for the loss of balance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Thanks for tips lads. Yes, as assumed I'm using using a clean/rack grip. Noted on the hand positioning, just wondering if I had them in too close. Image doesn't seem to be displaying for my though d'orcale.

    Generally I've no problem racking the bar and standing up vertically with the bar in the correct position. Problems arise during sets though as bar moves/chest dips and elbows splay occasionally. Will try tightening lats and really forcing my elbows up.

    Any tips on the push press as well? Should the bar rest as high up on the delts as during the front squat?

    1 June 2011

    Tag rugby

    2 June 2011

    Squeezed glutes during this but didn't bend legs. Seemed to help. Finding pressing tough last few weeks. Might mix it up with another lift to shock the system a bit.

    As above, these aren't great lately. Must starting pull ups at home again.

    Push Press:

    DB BOR:
    Just a change from barbell, kept it light. Bit of an alien movement. Up next session

    DB Shrug:
    Not sure if these should be in front or at sides. Will Google later.

    Inverted Rows:
    I'm so crap at these! Thought they'd be really easy pull ups!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,025 ✭✭✭d'Oracle

    Sangre wrote: »
    Thanks for tips lads. Yes, as assumed I'm using using a clean/rack grip. Noted on the hand positioning, just wondering if I had them in too close. Image doesn't seem to be displaying for my though d'orcale.

    Its a Youtube.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Ah right grand, in work and youtube is blocked. I'll check it out at home, thanks.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Seriously lazy and food filled weekend. Lower back was seriously acting up on Friday/Saturday. Was getting a sharp, shooting spasm in right extreme lower back/glute/upper hamstring if I moved in a weird way. Typically happened if I had weight only on right foot and rotate or moved. Don't know what it was.

    7 June

    130kgx5,5,7 - belt
    110kgx10 - no belt

    Good morning:

    Rack Pull:

    Leg Curl:
    Plate 13x8,8,10

    Back extension
    20 kg plate - 10,12,15

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Some very wet and muddy tag tonight. Wish I was fit. We had no subs and I was useless in attack towards end. We had to play the first half with a man down. Still only lost 11-6.

    Been offered oly shoes for my birthday. Do people think there is any point in them at my level of lifting? Wouldn't minding doing a more front squatting and starting OH squatting.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭Molly

    They do help quite a bit. It doesn't matte what level of lifting you're at they help. I'd question why you would do overhead squats though. I'm not sure what carryover they would have to anything you seem to be doing and they are awkward enough to load if you don't have bumpers and somewhere decent to bail. I'd definitely get the shoes though :p

    Edit: I'm not saying don't do them, I just think that your time might be better spent on other things?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    My thinking on front squats was "they look hard...I want to do that". No training reason really! Point taken on bailing - I would have just put rack pins on high enough and avoid going to failure.

    Wish I had a pair to try out first. Unfortunately, don't know anyone who has them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Suppose I should update this. Wasn't a great week last for training - going out on a work night etc.,

    11 June 2011

    Decided to work out at home on Saturday as I didn't have car. Should have been a bench session.


    OHP:50kgish (didn't count) 5,5,6

    Pendlay Row

    NG Chins:


    Pull-ups/chins felt stronger. My setup allows me to grip closer together which I prefer. Don't have longest arms. Random session really, was more of a "better do something".

    13 June 2011 - today


    Front Squat:


    Goblet Squats:

    Ghetto GHR (negatives)

    Sidesx30s each

    Thoughts: not a great day for squats, felt very tough. Setup was all over place, realised to let rack pins were slightly too high. Last set of 125 was poor form, had depth though. Front squat are improving, can hold rack position a lot longer during sets. Squeezing lats helps. Definitely a lot of room for improvement.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Took evening off. Going to go to gym before work tomorrow instead. Felt odd having evening at home. If I ever miss gym its because I'm doing something else, not lazing about. Did some lower body foam rolling instead - insanely tight/painful. Hopefully can work on this over next few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    15 June 2011

    Not a great workout this morning. I don't know what it was. The terrible sleep, the early start, insufficient warm-up, lack of spotter or the lack of fuel (only ate immediately before I began working out).

    70kgx2x5 (not sure reps here - probably more)

    Seated DB OHP:

    DB BP:

    YTW - 3kg


    Cable Curls:
    20kg - various and dropsets

    Tricep Curls:
    27kg - various and dropsets

    I don't know what it was but the bench just felt heavy as hell. After warming-up with 80kg I know I hadn't a hope in hell of getting 85kgx3x5 (which is standard). Hopefully the reason is one of the above. Felt fairly taxing on my elbows as well for some reason. Never experienced a drop off in strength for a while. Maybe a factor is, for various reasons, I haven't barbell benched in a while.

    For DB OHP, I need to focus on keep a consistent lifting path. Tendency to move path further as it gets hard. Focued on pushing up in straight line which helped.

    Dips - always feel like first rep is toughest until get into the grove. Using mirror to judge I'm not going past parallel. Used to go much deeper.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    15 June 2011
    Tag rugby session

    16 June 2011 - today

    Another morning session today. Never seem to sleep great the night before a morning workout, always waking up as if I'm afraid I'll miss the alarm. Thankfully was in bed early enough and not tired yet.


    Good morning:

    Rack Pull:
    Warm-up sets

    Leg Curl:
    Plate 13x8,8,11
    Plate 10x5

    Back Extension:

    Deads were ok, fairly tough though which was good. Haven't had a nice tough heavy DL in a while owing to form issues. Will move up weights very slowly for next while. Couldn't do any dropsets because of time constraints.

    I'm still not great on GM or SLDLs. I'm not sure how deep I should go - until I feel a stretch is the approach I'm taking. I keep needing to remind myself to take sets slowly and focus on sticking ass out. Will work on flexibility independently of this.

    Rest was fine, if rush. Rack pulls were ok, grip was a bit shaky at end. Really need to squeeze bar to hang on.

    Still debating getting oly shoes as a present. Might be a nice fun toy for a while. Anyone recommend a brand to get? Maybe around 100e mark? Definitely not looking at adistars!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    What would people's recommendation for gym in the Ranelagh area be? I'm moving very shortly and there is no point staying with WW.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    You could try Raw. It's beside the harcourt Luas stop and about a 20 minute walk from Ranelagh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Dathai wrote: »
    You could try Raw. It's beside the harcourt Luas stop and about a 20 minute walk from Ranelagh.

    I'm almost 95% I'll join RAW. Just need to find out about prices now.






    DB Shrug:

    Inverted Rows

    Fairly easy sunday session.

    OHP felt like they were back to themselves finally. Had a ropey last 2/3 weeks on them. Will up weight on them. Pushpress still feeling heavier than they should but I improved my bar path today which helped. Don't like DB shrugs, feel awkward and I'll stick to bar in future.

    Finally, had a very small world moment last Friday where real life and fitness collided. Just glad I didn't lie about my lifts before it was revealed they had read my log!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Haven't been to gym in last few days as I've moved and can't get to WW anymore. I joined RAW last night though and hope to start using it in next day or so once I'm settled in place. Might not be until weekend though unfortunately.

    If anyone recognises me please do say hello.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Just a lunch time log update. Moved to Rathmines recently so I've switched to RAW. Took about a week off from gym as I was busy most evenings as a result of the move. Hopefully back too it now. Haven't gone too wild in gym yet.

    Saturday 25 June


    Front Squat:


    Tuesday 28 June
    BP DB:

    Seated DB OHP:

    1.25kg each side


    Cable Curl:
    Random drop sets - start at 60 for 3x8 next time

    Wednesday 29 June
    *no belt*

    Good morning:

    Rack Pull:


    Thursday 30 June - today before work
    Ring NGPU:
    Bar NGPU
    3 or 4



    Push Press
    55kgx3x3 - up small


    Plate 3 3x10

    General thoughts:Squats don't feel great lately. Just feel quite tight and setup is wrong. Getting tightness at front of hip flexors. I know this can be the sign of something but the name escapes me know. I do know that stretching hip flexors could be a bad idea! Also, it feels like my left glute is working a lot more on the lifts. I wonder if its time to introduce some unilateral leg work.

    Working out in morning is very doable. 4 minute cycle to RAW and then another 10 to work. Getting up at 7 would leave me with plenty of time. Will try 1/2 morning sessions a week.

    RAW is great. Got a great deal from COH. Even got a free bottle of water during my first session as I'd no bottle with me. Aside from the obvious benefit of all the types of equipment there is a load of small things that you don't notice until you have them. Examples would be thick rubber flooring for dropping certain lifts as well as racks bolted to ground to stop them moving around. Only downsides are I'd prefer if it was open slightly later on a week night and the 2 benches seem to be quite busy most evenings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Saturday 2 July

    *no belt*


    Front Squat


    Ab wheel (knees)

    Hanging Leg Raise

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Tuesday 5 July 2011 - morning
    DB BP:

    Seated DB OHP:

    2.5kg per hand (should drop weight, get better ROM)

    DB Incline Chest Fly
    7.5kgx8,8,12 (easy - up weight)


    Cable Curl:

    Seems to be a lot of classes on in RAW in the mornings. Lots of shouting which tbh is pretty annoying first thing before work.

    Busy this week so might head up to gym again this evening to DL rather than try and do it tomorrow morning.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    I'm still alive in case anyone was wondering and I'm still training. I just haven't been logging much since I've joined RAW. I've started doing a lot of my upper body work in the mornings before work now.

    Still training at the moment but I've absolutely no goals in mind so it feels like I'm fapping about a lot. I really should try and think of some this weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Still haven't got back into the habit of logging.

    Two things of note happened in training last night.

    Deadlift: 180kgx1 PR (haven't gone near a max deadlift in months though)

    I also spotted someone going for a max squat and let him get absolutely buried by it. Felt pretty bad! He managed to get out of the hole and slow down trying to straight up. I thought he had it, and when I realised he didn't I thought it would be enough to get him under elbows - it wasn't! He lost it forward - thank god for safety bars!

    My upper shoulder/upper back training has been meh lately (done this morning). Need to switch it around. I'm going to focus on back more as well as shoulder prehab/rehab. Left shoulder is feeling dodgy lately (always has being honest). Want to do a lot more unilateral shoulder work. My pressing strength has also been stalled for a while now.

    At the moment I'm training 4x a week and have cleaned up my diet a bit. I havne't weighed myself lately but I suspect I'm losing weight at the moment. Might keep that up until I'm under 85 at the very least anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Started working on my shoulders a bit more. Realised today that the external rotation is extremely weak (in comparison to my right). Also certainly cause of the tweak I'd get in it every now again when pressing. Felt the "burn" in the exact same spot. Need to work on this. Shoulders have been feeling tight and hunched lately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Must start updating this again. Have been training away in raw. Hard to find the time though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Finished at a reasonable hour for once so had an hour or so to myself this evening. Used it to do some shoulder/lat work.

    Shoulder dislocates
    Wall slides
    Foam rolling upper back and lats.

    Feel much better for it.

    Going to try and log mobility/flexibility work more to force myself to get into a routine of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    This evening:

    Bench press:
    82.5kg x 7, 7, 11

    8.25kgx 6, 6, 5

    Overhead Press:
    20kg x2x5
    30kg x3x5

    10kg x3x8

    Face Pull:
    3 x3x15

    Scap Push up w/ full push up
    3x8 (or so)

    Foam rolling:
    Upper back and lats

    DB Curls
    12.5kg x3x10

    Thoughts on work out:

    Bench was fine. Last set was very strong with good rhythm.
    Chins are stalling a bit. Always tougher after bench I find.
    OHP is still back to square one. Focusing on squeezing blades during movement to keep shoulders tracking together. Hard to move weight using it though.
    Dips didn't feel too comfortable on shoulders.
    Foam rolling really shows how tight my left lat is. I very tight band running around mid-rift of ribs. Will keep trying to work on it.

    General thoughts:
    Going to start playing tip rugby every Wednesday so I'm going to shift to a 3 day split. Need to figure out what will work for me best.

    This morning 85.1kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    This evening:

    135kg x4x3

    2 high/1 deep 5kg x3X8

    Face pull:
    40 x3x15

    Squats were solid enough but tough. Was trying to work on thumbless grip a bit which was awkward at times but seem to settle at the end. Used to use it but stop for last while.

    GHR were tough. Don't seem to be really progressing on these so will add weight for a while.

    Got a bit caught for time so couldn't do any more hamstring or core work.

    Foam roll:
    5-10 of quads/upper back. IT band is very tight, particulary on the left.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    20 minutes foam folling

    1 hour 7-a-side tip/football.

    My arms around my elbows are killing me. The triceps/foreamrs are in absolute bits afterwards and not in a DOMS way. Just very achey and weak feeling. Whatever way I was adjusting the grip on squat last night has killed my arms and was made much worse by running around this evening. Definitely couldn't have this on a regular basis.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    This evening


    80kg x3x8
    w/ dropsets

    Bent over Row:
    75kg x8,8,9+
    w/ drop sets

    Inverted Row (smith machine) elevated:
    BW x3x7

    DB Curl
    18kgx 6,6,5

    Rope Curl:
    4 x3x12
    w/ drop sets

    Seated Row:
    40kg x3x12

    Not a great session but glad to go in and get it done. Pull-ups and chin-ups seem to be going backwards. I'm trying to tell myself that its my new beefcake status. Making sure I'm not doing squirrel pull-ups and getting myself as high to bar as possible which certainly makes it tougher.

    Was 89.5kg after food and water in shorts and runners. Fat-tastic.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,154 ✭✭✭✭Sangre


    130kg x5,5,5,5,8 (no belt)

    60kg x3x10

    Russian Twists
    7kg x5x20

    5kg x60s

    Leg Raise:
    BW x3x8

    5kg x8,8,6 (2 heigh, 1 length)

    Back Extension:
    20kgx 12,12,15

    Face pull:
    3 x3x15

    GHR machine actually slipped off its hook while working on it. Pin came out and it dropped from top to bottom while I was coming back from the bottom of a rep. Could have properly injured myself but thankfully no scratches on me.

    Aside, I hate core work.
