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I'm a loser, help!



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    Placebo wrote: »
    I think you need to change character btw,
    this Ry Ryu connection you have in your head is not only disturbing but its just not working out for you. Besides everyone knows Ryu's moves inside out, i know what youre gonna do next before even you know it. :eek:

    Also i take complete full fledge responsibility for making Ry feel this way. I assumed a fierce constant day after day beating would make him tough but instead it has resulted in him having a complete breakdown, im sorry pal. My bad. :(

    The Ry Ryu thing is not actually connected at all as you know. Ry is an abbreviation of Ryan (my name obviously) which I've been called since birth thanks.
    The fact I play Ryu is the same reason so many people do. It's the one everyone knows and started with. Secondly I actually hate playing as Ryu because everyone know's how to play against him and everyone uses him too or has done at some stage and I am trying to move away from him to a character I actually like more as a whole rather than just playing him out of circumstance. I'm tired of the mirror matches but he's the only one I can win with which adds to my frustration.

    Yes you did hammer me for a long time but the tables definitely turned on that one and It's been you who's been receiving the beatings and screaming wildly at your HORI 3 as of late iirc ;). I'm definitely trying to move away from Ryu to Viper and I know before people say it. Viper's Execution is x, y and z difficult but to be honest I'm not having too bad a time with her at all pulling off her stuff and I can see that practice will allow me to use her though implementing it into a fight is proving tough but again that's just a matter of repetition of input so that it becomes second nature as so many of Ryu's bread and butter's have become.

    The problem is the rage and dealing with losing not what character to use. I can win if I practice and play more as I've found from playing you Farz but when I lose why can't I accept it and deal with the loss calmly rather than smashing **** or roaring like an idiot!? This is fundamentally what I'm trying to seek info or experience from others who've had similar reactions to it like what Bush was saying about stamping his controller ha!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,333 ✭✭✭Sairus

    Mainly the only times I actually get really frustrated is when I'm being beaten by someone that I know I should be able to beat, and am just going down because I'm not responding intelligently enough. To overcome that sort of anger I find it's very useful to have someone sitting beside you, even if you're not playing against them, just so you can vent to them about what's going on in the match - ie saying stuff like, "man, I shouldn't have jumped there, should have focus attacked". If you dont have anyone you can use as a verbal sparring dummy, open up MSN or whatever and give some random guy a running commentary of what's going on.
    Even if the responses are just 'lol' and 'damn you suck', venting generally helps sort out my frustration.

    Alternatively, if you're losing a long series of matches because of bad playing on your part, you've probably been playing too long and just need a break.

    EDIT: And yet another alternative: Just crank out Dan and have a joke Player Match with some random dude. Even if you lose spectacularly, it doesn't mean anything and can get you back in the mood.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 homemadextc

    yes ajay as you pointed out good players will bait out your teleport and punish it, sure it wont improve your game but as the majority of people online arent good [and these are the people hes losing too] it will work on them unless pc players differ from xbox but anyway

    and sure i was just biggin up akuma mostly there but you cant apply the type off mind games, mix ups, tic throws to poeple online that you want to because they suck for the large part [6 out of ten people you play online will fall under this category] they will play the most random way, not being skillfully unpredictable, just feckin random you need to out scrub them with the abuse of your characters safest moves in akumas case

    and yes ajay akumas vortex is the best wake up game in my opinion, teleport does have recovery but unless your opponent has an ultra they will not reach the furthest edge of the screen after jumping in on you to apply wakeup pressure .........and as for best fireball, in a spam war his will beat everyone elses forcing them to jump first not to mention he can cross up with them, sonic boom is pretty sweet but only because of its recovery the fact akuma will make anyone jump or get knocked down makes them vunerable

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 homemadextc

    joconnell wrote: »
    I quite like your play style - you're waiting for someone else to do something and countering most stages - looks really calm and solid. You on pc or ps3?
    no i assure you its pretty gay and im xbox

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    I think switching to viper is really bad idea. Learning a new character is frustrating, nevermind learning the hardest character to use.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,985 ✭✭✭animaX

    You know, its a real coincidence that you bring this up now because I got really angry myself for the first time EVER last night. Now that I've almost entirely switched to rufus, I'm not as confident with some of the matchups. Which is fine usually but i don't know what I was thinking last nite.

    I wanted to win one more championship before quitting for the night. I got to a final and lost but that was ok. Got to another final and lost. Got annoyed. Lost another final and was enraged! The thing is, I kept playing and I could see that my play was getting a lot worse. I was impatient and wanted a quick finish. Playing with rage is just not good. I vowed never to let that happen again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭bush

    Some of my worst rage moments were learning rufus :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭Sagat06

    My advice is play a long session against bush or azza, you will get so mad you will just break and everything else will be fine after that!!

    agree with bush though picking viper will not help your rage, even trying to do her trials nearly had me punching the tele!

    If I'm getting frustrated with my Blanka I change to a shoto just to mix it up a bit, it's like playing a different game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,606 ✭✭✭Jumpy

    bush wrote: »
    Some of my worst rage moments were learning rufus :pac:

    Gah, I usually want to let people who play Rufus win. That way I dont have to see his belly wobble when he hits the ground on a KO. Blech.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭Cunny-Funt

    There are other options ie the ken scrub, the sagat scrub or the cammy scrub but these all require timing and the ability to block cross ups etc. not with akuma teleport has a 0 frame start up so wakeup pressure is gone

    I think flowchart is the word your looking for rather than scrub :p


    Ry I've spoken to you about this before, I'm not sure what else to add. As a player you've gotta a lot better a lot faster then most but I suppose you'd still lack a lot of experience. I would also say its actually the rage itself thats costing you some loses.

    I think the issue here with Street Fighter is that its a very adrenaline pumping game that has you on the limit of fast reactions and fast thinking. We get into a state of mind that as humans would normally be the equivalent to playing a sport, or just physical activity in general.

    We build up a lot of energy inside, energy that's not going anywhere.

    So when that trigger happens that sets us off , whether its losing, lag, missing inputs etc, that built up energy will flow right into that area. So instead of being miffed or, a little frustrated... we get enraged. Then comes the urge to release that energy by hitting things or letting out a roar of curses or whatever.

    So with that being said, what bush said about some of the american players doing a quick few push ups before the match actually makes sense.

    So maybe you need to find some little thing like that where when you feel the rage come on , you can tackle it early, thus play better. Close your eyes and take 10 deeo breaths or some shit.

    & as for getting better with viper, play close attention her section on SRK, try and find a really good viper player, add them and play them as much as possible to pick up things.

    Since her combos are so important, I'd maybe do some training drills on all her b&b, and so on.

    Anyway that's my advice, has for my own experiences with rage in the game well I've already talked about that with Ry but I'll add here anyway since others have done so, even though this post is too long as it is.

    I'd be most like bush here. I don't mind losing at all. Its missed inputs that drive me up the wall.

    I've no issue with losing at all i've always seen it as a learning experience because well, losing was actually my main way of learning back when I started in 3s. There was no training mode in 3s either.

    With 3s I had this niche of people who were generally on a pretty high level, and I went in head 1st to online play, not even knowing how to cancel or super cancel. Never mind anything about the game. & I was raped constantly. never had a problem with it, why should I? I felt proud of myself looking at their health bars and how close I was to koing them, even if I didnt.

    Cause in my mind, they should be double perfecting me over and over, I knew nothing about the game. 3s was great as after the loss you were straight into the next fight, no messing around, so you'd get LOADS of rounds in, I'd never pay attention to the win loss ratio it wasn't in your face like it is in SF4.

    Anyway I got to the stage where I'd could kick the crap out of people a lot of people, was only then that rage became an issue. As now I could give these guys a high level fight,

    -but wtf is this? Ken didnt do that bad ass move I told him to do, no, instead he's gona and done something retarded, now I've been Koed and made look like a scub who doesnt know how to play the game- and I'd start to lose it.

    It'd build up slowly, but once I got that one bit annoyed, t'was always a slippy slope and the more things that went wrong, even small things, the angrier I'd get.

    When I lose it I get very vocal "FUCK SAKE" and "DO THE FUCKING MOVE I TOLD YOU TO DO" or "what the FUUUUUUUUUUUCK?" as my character does something totally opposite to what I wanted.

    This could be happening and I;d be otherwise really enjoying the fight. & after the fight was over I'd be thinking that was great, the rage would be instantly gone. Other times though I might not have thought it was a GG at all but still, I found the rage would go the second I finished fighting.

    Thing is people in the gaf are not happy with this at all obviously, and can't understand why someone would be so angry just sitting in a chair playing a game, and why they'd continue to play it if it makes them angry, no way could they be having fun.

    Thing is when I used to play football I was the same, if I missed a shot and the ball went wide I'd be vocal and shout FUCK but that's fine cause im on a field running around and so its seen as normal.

    Anyway I'm not as bad as I used to be at all but still let off a few shouts every now and then, on stick its started happening. I don't break things though although I've slammed my stick off my knee a little, its not hard and just pent up energy needing to go somewhere.

    But I do get frustrated easily and this kills my game so I do still need to overcome that.
    bush wrote: »
    I didnt have my stick for ages awhile back and went back to playing on the saturn pad. It made me even madder than before. I would try throw with chun and somehow end up with ex hasan shu. This cost me meter and the match a load of times and sent me wrong.

    this is me on stick so much.

    Anyway sorry this is yet again another long arse post, always happens when I get to a thread late , sigh lol. :p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,257 ✭✭✭SoupyNorman

    RopeDrink wrote: »
    No, you'll be an ArP stacked full Furious Geared Arms Warrior scrub who kill things in 2hits after they Heirloom power levelled to 80 in two days not knowing what to press so they decide to roll their face on the keyboard.

    Keep WoW analogies out of this, dude, WoW PvP will give you nothing regarding SF4 PvP - I've been a dedicated WoW PvP'er for going on 6 years and I've done it all, but no, I can play that all day and not get in the least bit angry but a single session of SF4 can potentially infuriate me.

    I dont agree, some of my post was in jest but WOW PvP is some of the most intense PvP you can engage in. SF4 is PvP, no matter what way you cut it and the key to PvP is being able react to the millisecond...If I knew that a SF4 player was an experienced WoW PvPer then my money would be on the WoWer...of any class.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭Cunny-Funt

    I dunno do you get much mind games an such in wow pvp? I.....can't....believe.....I'm talking about wow....


    For me sf is like an RTS in fast motion. I was playing a lot of rts's before I got into SF properly, not felt the need to play an rts since :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    Appreciate all input so far. I'm reading them all and trying to implement them into my way of thinking or play.

    On this,
    Sagat06 wrote: »
    ...agree with bush though picking viper will not help your rage, even trying to do her trials nearly had me punching the tele!

    If I'm getting frustrated with my Blanka I change to a shoto just to mix it up a bit, it's like playing a different game.

    I'm not as bothered by a missed input or a combo I mess up as I know it's my own fault and I can accept that. I've reached her hard 4th trial without much problem bar hard 2 and the thing holding me back on the 4th is her bread and butter cr.FP to EX Seismo :D Silly I know cuz this is such a basic cornerstone to a large part of her gameplay. I've been reading a lot on SRK and gaining a lot of insight into commands and shortcut commands for a lot of her moves. I'm pretty confident I'll manage with practice. Course I get peeved if I miss a combo or an opening due to failed inputs but I'm usually just aware I ****ed it up and need to practice it.

    The rage comes from decisively losing when I know or believed I had a chance to offer much more of a fight than I might have. I don't know if there's a solution at this stage really.

    I am trying to think more along the lines of "You made a mistake here or there and he took advantage, that's all, move on". Hopefully this will allow me to keep calmer after an irritating loss.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    Ry wrote: »
    Appreciate all input so far. I'm reading them all and trying to implement them into my way of thinking or play.

    I'm not as bothered by a missed input or a combo I mess up as I know it's my own fault and I can accept that.

    No you cant accept that, you rave on about your missed combo link and blame it on the pad / stick or the dog barking outside. Which in turn leads to you losing the match. Quit being a loser and practice more

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    Placebo wrote: »
    ... Quit being a loser and practice more

    Very constructive thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    No problem,I cant tell you how to practice, playing online is always frustration. I remember how it was when i first started playing sf3, youre lucky you can play people at your own level in SF4 using championship mode. Maybe its a psychological issue, see a shrink. We can have a proper sit down when youre over this weekend and il print this thread and we can highlight important points everyones made. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭ayjayirl

    joconnell wrote: »
    I quite like your play style - you're waiting for someone else to do something and countering most stages - looks really calm and solid. You on pc or ps3?
    Ry wrote: »
    Very constructive thanks.

    Don't be listening to scrubs like Farz =p

    I find that its best in a match to keep your concentration, a bit obvious I know, but you get hit or miss something you should immediately thinking about either how to re-group or what to do next. The best thing to try is to starting thinking about zoning - Especially as Ryu. By thinking like this constantly through the match your focus might not linger on any mistake/miss and lead you to be less affected by them

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    ayjayirl wrote: »
    Don't be listening to scrubs like Farz =p

    I find that its best in a match to keep your concentration, a bit obvious I know, but you get hit or miss something you should immediately thinking about either how to re-group or what to do next. The best thing to try is to starting thinking about zoning - Especially as Ryu. By thinking like this constantly through the match your focus might not linger on any mistake/miss and lead you to be less affected by them

    Yeh I'm definitely finding I'm more noticeable of spacing and zoning rather than the all out attack I've been used to which often lands me getting punished if I've been careless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    also btw the stick you were using SFAC arcade had stock parts and those buttons are huge/thick and i always seen that as a disadvantage - sensitivity issue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭Scavenger XIII

    Sagat06 wrote: »
    My advice is play a long session against bush or azza, you will get so mad you will just break and everything else will be fine after that!!

    Ha! I played a handful of matches against Azza the other week and I'm glad he didn't have a headset on or he'd have heard the sheer amount of effing and blinding I was doing because the game just felt wrong and I couldn't get into it at all (never played a lot of SF4 for that very reason).

    But, after a while I kinda passed through the rage into some kind of tranquil fury (like how I usually beat cheap-ass bosses) and started playing pretty decent out of nowhere.

    Will have to do it again sometime.

    On the topic of anger management, having a punchbag or something to vent on helps me out, people tend to think lashing out is bad (depends where you direct it really) a couple minutes hitting it with everything I've got calms me down a hell of a lot. Not all that suitable for between rounds of SF though.

    Having somebody listen to your griping helps too I find. A friend of mine always gets annoyed with my griping and complains or disagrees with me which just pisses me off more, whereas if he'd just stay silent or give a random guesture of agreement (like I do when he complains :)) I'd stay calmer. I kinda noticed this effect not that long ago when he was watching me play ST and I was griping away about the computers cheating, but generally staying calm, after he wandered off though I quickly started to lose the head with it.

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  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Having somebody listen to your griping helps too I find. A friend of mine always gets annoyed with my griping and complains or disagrees with me which just pisses me off more, whereas if he'd just stay silent or give a random guesture of agreement (like I do when he complains :)) I'd stay calmer. I kinda noticed this effect not that long ago when he was watching me play ST and I was griping away about the computers cheating, but generally staying calm, after he wandered off though I quickly started to lose the head with it.

    LOL. This is so true. the amount of times Ayjay AND I have gone off on one while the other is smiling there next to him is unreal.

  • Moderators Posts: 5,558 ✭✭✭Azza

    and I'm glad he didn't have a headset on or he'd have heard the sheer amount of effing and blinding

    I did have a hedset on. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭Scavenger XIII

    Azza wrote: »
    I did have a hedset on. ;)

    Surely you jest, good sir!

    I'd be rather ashamed if ANYBODY heard me that day, was much whinier than my usual baying and snarling iirc.

    Probably sounded like one of those insufferable American 13-year-olds.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,985 ✭✭✭animaX

    Probably sounded like one of those insufferable American 13-year-olds.

    Who, farzad?! :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    animaX wrote: »
    Who, farzad?! :P

    you all love me
    shutup :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    LOL. This is so true. the amount of times Ayjay AND I have gone off on one while the other is smiling there next to him is unreal.

    Yeh I'd definitely relate to this too having someone there to just moan at is actually a really good way to vent it. If I was playing in Farz's I'd do this but Farz is not a good wingman as he'd usually argue back or tell me to shut up which would infuriate me further. My little brother however is an excellent "moan-bag" because he will go so far as to agree :p Without anyone there though I'm lost.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭ayjayirl

    Ry wrote: »
    Yeh I'd definitely relate to this too having someone there to just moan at is actually a really good way to vent it. If I was playing in Farz's I'd do this but Farz is not a good wingman as he'd usually argue back or tell me to shut up which would infuriate me further. My little brother however is an excellent "moan-bag" because he will go so far as to agree :p Without anyone there though I'm lost.

    You do realise that the phrase 'Ry Rage' will now become a thing. Anyone who gets angry when they loose.....

    "Don't be Ry Ragin....." :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,070 ✭✭✭Placebo

    imagine the Ry Rage after he loses 15 euro on Saturday :)

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Ry wrote: »
    Yeh I'd definitely relate to this too having someone there to just moan at is actually a really good way to vent it. If I was playing in Farz's I'd do this but Farz is not a good wingman as he'd usually argue back or tell me to shut up which would infuriate me further. My little brother however is an excellent "moan-bag" because he will go so far as to agree :pWithout anyone there though I'm lost.

    Without wishing to sound too zen again (I'm looking at you jim) what I do in this situation is pick a fresh character to "reset" my mind. Always helps when you don't actually care if you lose or win, and you're just discovering new stuff and thats always fun.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    Without wishing to sound too zen again (I'm looking at you jim) what I do in this situation is pick a fresh character to "reset" my mind. Always helps when you don't actually care if you lose or win, and you're just discovering new stuff and thats always fun.

    I do sometimes switch to Fei Long just to contend with all the Ryu's you find which calms me somewhat but sometimes it doesn't work if I'm too bothered already and still raging from a previous game.

    As for Saturday, as I said I don't mind losing to people in person at the lan's because I know everyone there is pretty decent. Of course I'm disappointed if it's decisive as would anyone be but I don't fly off the handle like I do at home playing online. It's flowchart **** I don't like losing to :)
