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Raising the bar a little...

  • 13-01-2010 10:10am
    Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭

    As the title suggests that’s my plan, well it’s the immediate one anyway.
    I thought my previous log Ultra marathon down …just Half Ironman and Sub 3 Marathon to go was going my last here but I’ve changed my mind for now.

    2009 was a very satisfying year. I improved with every road race and triathlon and got PB’s at every distance. I thoroughly enjoyed pushing myself to new limits so that is what has me coming back for more.
    And what’s my plan for 2010? Well more of the same really. I hope I have still a bit more improvement in me. Like 2009, this year will be broken down into three sections again.
    The first 4 months it mostly geared towards my strongest ability – running marathons. The Cyprus marathon in March will be followed by the Connemara Ultra 4 weeks later.
    During the summer months I will be trying my hand in the triathlon scene again. So far I’m looking at a sprint , maybe a couple of Olympics and possibly two Half-Ironman distances - The Humbert Challenge in Swinford and maybe the Ireman in Groomsport.
    Finally to end the year another marathon beckons. If I have the financial means I would love to do New York in November. If not there is Dublin and that has always been good to me. We’ll see.

    Hopefully these entries will motivate some of you and in doing so help motivate me during the no so easy times.

    I’ll be following a similar reporting format to the previous log.

    Summary from Dublin marathon to end 2009
    After my 14 min PB of 2:47 in Dublin in October I took two weeks rest. I slowly got back into swing of things and averaged 4 runs and one bike ride most weeks. The mileage was early to mid 30’s. I built up my weekend long run to a 22 miler on 31st Dec which was a nice way to end the year.
    I had one race during this period, which was the Ribble Valley 10k in England on the 27th Dec. On a raw bitterly cold day with snow everywhere apart from the road on a very hilly course I managed to lower my best for this distance to 35:54.



  • Registered Users Posts: 911 ✭✭✭heffsarmy

    Good luck with the Goals, it will be good to see how much you improve this year. Good Luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 3rd January 10

    Here we go again!

    Rest. Always the best way to start off the week. Actually travelling back from UK

    8 miles at 07:05 pace. HR 141.
    Legs felt good after Sunday’s race.

    6.2 miles at 06:58 pace. HR 143
    Horrible conditions. Just wanted to do 7 min miles

    22.1 miles at 07:05 pace. HR 144
    Plan was 20.5 miles at 07:15 pace. Well first 10 miles were at that pace but weather turned nasty at 8 miles to go so upped the speed a little. Hands freezing towards the end but strong run overall.

    Fri: Rest.

    6 miles at 07:14 pace. HR 139
    Ice, hail underfoot made running tricky. This was a harder effort than expected. 22 miler effects? Or the two person party on New Years eve?

    12 miles at 07:04 pace. HR 139
    This is more like it though felt as if I was in a daze for first 3 miles for some reason

    Weekly miles total = 54.3

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Welcome back Abhainn,
    I look forward to seeing what you have instore for us this time round.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 10th January 10


    7.1 miles at 07:06 pace. HR 143.
    Difficult running underfoot due to ice and snow. Found this run uncomfortable. Felt overweight and the shoes I wore seem to have no bounce. They have probably 450 miles on them now. Not a pleasant run at all.

    6 miles at 07:12 pace. HR 142
    Had to cancel planned lunch-time run at work and left work early due to heavy snow. But the nut I am when I eventually arrived home I set off in the unfavourable conditions. Two words – tough & mad.

    10 miles at 06:47 pace. HR 146
    Enforced day off work due to ice. Though I managed another mad run. Hopping between road and footpath as lattter very icy and the road was not great either. Planned 7 min / mile on out 5 and return 06:34 / mile. Not bad.

    Fri: Rest.

    18.5 miles at 06:50 pace. HR 147
    Again this was mostly run on the road as I could not really run on paths due to ice, snow. Intending 07:15 pace, well first 10 miles at 06:59 pace and last 8.5 at 06:40. About 4 miles run in snow and ice and hands got cold 4 miles from finish.
    Good run.

    14 miles at 07:08 pace. HR 139
    Ohh legs felt the effects of yesterday. Running through snow does take an effect! So took this easy in low HR Z3 under 150BPM. I planned 10 miles before I set out, but ended up doing the 14 originally planned a few days prior.
    Thaw had set in but mostly run on roads that were fairly clear. Controlled run but last 2 miles were a bit cold

    Weekly miles total = 55.6

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,051 ✭✭✭MCOS

    Welcome back Abhainn, busy year ahead I see. Looking forward to following your progress :) Oh how I'd love to have your run speed and endurance :cool: Best if luck man, no doubt you will smash every target in sight again...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    great to see you back abhainn, always enjoy your logs. super 10k time over xmas by the way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    kennyb3 wrote: »
    great to see you back abhainn, always enjoy your logs.
    Kennyb3 -Are you Gillian McKeith in disguise?? :eek:

    Abhainn - As a fellow UMer this year I'll be keeping a close eye on your progress and then trying to haul my ass upto 50% of your performance!
    Best of luck with it all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭aero2k

    Abhainn wrote: »
    18.5 miles at 06:50 pace. HR 147
    I reckon my HR is over 147 just reading that!
    Best of luck in 2010, I'm looking forward to reading more great race reports.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 17th January 10


    Tues: Small steps, small steps
    7.1 miles at 07:10 pace. HR 143.
    The bad ice around the Tymon Park route made it very difficult to stay upright in places. In ice-skating I would have awarded myself a 10!

    Wed: 4 x 1mile intervals
    8.1miles in 52:46. HR 157
    Interval session at 05:45 pace (10K). When are intervals ever easy? Well they are not supposed to be and this was my first session of this type interval in 4 weeks. Ok the 10k at Christmas was the last lung buster which would have stood to me.
    Back to the miles then. Ice was bad in intervals 2 &3 - tough and this slowed me down a bit. Interval splits were 05:54, 05:51, 05:50 & 05:47 that weren’t fantastic but they’ll do. "Recovery" miles were 07:10 average.

    7.1miles at 07:06 pace. HR 139
    Hoping to do 8 but stuck for time so did 7. Lovely out today but there was still icy in sections. I did not feel great in this session and it felt a bit laboured, I was just trying to keep HR under 150

    Fri: Long run
    16.25 miles at 07:04 pace. HR 146
    Normally my rest day I had to pull forward one of my longer weekend runs, as I will not get out for one on Sunday.
    Included in this were two very tough climbs at miles 9 and 10. Didn’t slow much for these.
    Again trying to keep HR below 150BPM (outside the difficult hills) and keeping things efficient.
    Long drive to Sligo then.

    Sat: Long Run - OX mountain route
    21 miles at 07:04. HR 146. Same overall pace and HR as yesterday.
    Didn’t believe when I checked my log but it was Oct 2008 since I last ran this particular route. The first 8 miles or so are all up hill climbing into the windy gap of the OX Mts. There are some down hills but it is lovely stuff. However a few early showers, cold and some extremely icy sections and spongy roads! :(made the first 45 mins mind over matter stuff. My legs were tired and they ached, particularly my quads. I found this unusual but it was my fifth consecutive day running – I don’t normally run this many in row compared to my other logs friend here.
    Aiming for pace to average 07:15 / mile overall and held this well. Even though legs ached for full session I speeded up in last 10. The purpose of the session is to run on tired legs and this was definitely achieved.

    Enjoyed my few pints of the black stuff Sat night. Yum.


    Weekly miles total = 59.6

    More of the same this week. Have guests around all next weekend so really looking forward to the long runs again! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭jaymack75

    Nice to see you back at the logs abhainn - looks like you've held a decent level of fitness from last year (nice 10k btw) the training is looking good as usual :)

    Couple of questions, if ye don't mind - do you have a plan or a target time in mind for connemara? also, what's your 'A' race going to be?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3


    Wondering if i could pick your brains re (your) intervals. i see you did a mile on a mile off, although your recovery miles were still quite quick.

    basically i did a few intervals a good few weeks back but didnt complete a full set using a recovery jog time of approx 65% of the interval time. some would suggest my recovery time is even too much, but would you recommend a longer recovery time such as you ve used above and ensure you get the session done and thus spend more time running in and around the interval pace.

    just wondering what your thoughts are. like i was trying to chose between doing

    1. 4*1k reps (@ 3:50per km), with 2:30 recovery in between.

    2. 6 to 8*1k reps but with a longer recovery say 4mins or even 5.

    I know your training for an ultra so that might be in your mind but just wondering what your thoughts are.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭ultraman1

    Does reading abhainn's log constitute as a cross trainin session....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    jaymack75 wrote: »
    Couple of questions, if ye don't mind - do you have a plan or a target time in mind for connemara? also, what's your 'A' race going to be?

    Heh jaymack75 just because I overtook you in the last few miles in the Ultra last year, you think I will now let you in on my strategy for this years race? Ha ha good try bud. ;)
    But I will say this - this I am planning on going a bit quicker than 4:52.
    While I'm here what's your target time??

    'A' race - you mean Cyprus or Ultra? Probably the latter.

    See you at the start:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    kennyb3 wrote: »

    Wondering if i could pick your brains re (your) intervals. i see you did a mile on a mile off, although your recovery miles were still quite quick.

    basically i did a few intervals a good few weeks back but didnt complete a full set using a recovery jog time of approx 65% of the interval time. some would suggest my recovery time is even too much, but would you recommend a longer recovery time such as you ve used above and ensure you get the session done and thus spend more time running in and around the interval pace.

    just wondering what your thoughts are. like i was trying to chose between doing

    1. 4*1k reps (@ 3:50per km), with 2:30 recovery in between.

    2. 6 to 8*1k reps but with a longer recovery say 4mins or even 5.

    I know your training for an ultra so that might be in your mind but just wondering what your thoughts are.


    Hi kenny b
    Firstly your well recently.
    When I do intervals my aim is always to complete the last one as fast as the 2nd. Then I know I've done well.
    (Why the 2nd? For some reason my first is always the slowest but thats' just me. Others may find the first is their fastest.)

    But I think you are concentrating on shorter distance races now <10k? If so you should be thinking about 400's to maybe 600's. Doing up to 10-12 of these will improve speed for those shorter distances. Actually some marathoners just stick to 400's intervals and that's it.
    But answering below:
    kennyb3 wrote: »

    1. 4*1k reps (@ 3:50per km), with 2:30 recovery in between.
    Most would say this is too little recovery. You are building more stamina into your workout rather than speed. If you want to concentrate on speed increase you recovery time and also no. of reps. If its stamina your looking for, then good going.

    I haven't done 1k reps in ages but when I do 800's I aim for 6-8 with 2:15-2:30 recovery and If I'm shattered at the finish its job well done. Again I'm not really looking for speed but instead stamina.
    kennyb3 wrote: »
    2. 6 to 8*1k reps but with a longer recovery say 4mins or even 5.

    Yes probably answered above. If you can do 6-8 of these at your 5k pace
    with that recovery it would be seen as a good speed session, and again will benefit you in longer distance races.

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭jaymack75

    Heh jaymack75 just because I overtook you in the last few miles in the Ultra last year, you think I will now let you in on my strategy for this years race? Ha ha good try bud. ;)
    But I will say this - this I am planning on going a bit quicker than 4:52.
    While I'm here what's your target time??

    ok - you sussed my thinly veiled attempt to get your plan? haha! I suppose l can see that given your dcm time and the times you're doing in training, I was wondering if you'd be looking at a 4:30? I think you'd be well able for it.

    It's a bit early for a target time for me as I'm only really getting back in the swing of things after our new arrival in december and I'm probably a bit behind where I was this time last year. Having said that - strategically, I would love to get to the start of the half before the 3hr mark and then have the open road ahead for the last 13. I found last year that weaving through all the crowds of half marathoners took it's toll. If I get my aerobic pace down to 6:50 or lower in training, I'll go for it.......and just hang in there for the final third......hoping not to get overtaken of course :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    thanks for the detailed reply, much appreciated. can i ask you 2 quick questions, what pace would you do the 400's or 600's at and what sort of recovery would you take.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    jaymack75 wrote: »
    ok - you sussed my thinly veiled attempt to get your plan? haha! I suppose l can see that given your dcm time and the times you're doing in training, I was wondering if you'd be looking at a 4:30? I think you'd be well able for it.
    4:30 may be a little too fast for me now but sure we'll see how I feel on the day

    jaymack75 wrote: »
    It's a bit early for a target time for me as I'm only really getting back in the swing of things after our new arrival in december and I'm probably a bit behind where I was this time last year. Having said that - strategically, I would love to get to the start of the half before the 3hr mark and then have the open road ahead for the last 13. I found last year that weaving through all the crowds of half marathoners took it's toll. If I get my aerobic pace down to 6:50 or lower in training, I'll go for it.......and just hang in there for the final third......hoping not to get overtaken of course :D

    I had actually forgotten about the congestion at Leenaun. Same thing happened me in 2008 during the full though I was not fully fit coming into that. Last year the cingestion was fine as I was a few mins behind you.
    Worth considering tough

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    kennyb3 wrote: »
    thanks for the detailed reply, much appreciated. can i ask you 2 quick questions, what pace would you do the 400's or 600's at and what sort of recovery would you take.

    Try the mcmillan calculator "speed workout" section for those times. It doesn't give you the 600's but you can estimate from the 800 time also. I was quite found of the 500's too. Recovery? Well Id be giving myself maybe 90'secs + at the start anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 24th January 10

    Mon: Recovery Run!
    6.5 miles at 07:29 pace. HR 132.
    I haven’t run at this pace in ions. Tried out new my new Vomero 4 runners in this evening run. Legs were not perfect though, but nice and relaxed outing all the same.

    Tues: Tits
    7 miles at 07:08 pace. HR 137.
    This was another night run that I do not like much. Legs ache (still affects of LSR's last week?) and unsure if new shoes best suited for my feet. My left ankle and foot are a bit sore due to turning on it on a larger pebble on the bad roads on Sat last.
    Encountered two females walking in the opposite direction taking in all the footpath. They clearly see me. They failed to let me pass and forced me onto the road. I let out a shout at my annoyance, they yelled back. I nearly turned around to confront them. I vow if I met more footpath hoggers on my route I would not be the one steeping off the path. Luckily I didn’t meet any more.
    Fxcking hate that though.

    Wed: 4 x 1mile intervals
    8.1miles in 52:36. HR 152
    4 x 1 mile interval session at 05:45 pace (10K). I was unsure before session if I should do these intervals as the legs were still not feeling 100%. But this session when well. Legs felt strong and lively all through.
    1. 05:46,
    2. 05:34,
    3. 05:41
    4. 05:42.
    "Recovery" miles were 07:17 average. This was slightly better than a similar session in early Oct before the before Dublin marathon.

    7.1miles at 07:07 pace. HR 135
    Not a bad run after yesterdays' efforts.

    Fri: Rest

    22.3 miles at 07:01 pace. HR 145
    This was an odd run. Don't know what to make of it. Mind and body weren’t communicating the best.
    Wore the Vomero 4 again and I am still unsure of them. I don't know if they are giving me adequate support. Left achilles still tender especially on downhill parts. Last 10.3 miles were completed at 06:55 pace, which was very respectable over three tough hills on route home.

    Sun: Bacon and black pudding sandwich or alcohol night before??
    18 miles at 07:04 pace. HR 142
    I won't be forgetting forget this run for a long while.
    Guests over on Sat. Was out for a while watching the Leinster game and then some wine for dinner followed by a few beers. Remembered to keep hydrated though. Not a late night but hardly great preparation before an 18 miler.
    Next morning I remember the Top Gear episode where a marathon runner beats a car around the 26.2 miles in London. He had a big fry up before the run. I decide a yummy bacon and black pudding sandwich won’t do any harm.
    Off I go an hour later. By mile 3 I was in bad shape. My legs were fine but my head and stomach were in bits. I contemplated walking for a while but kept plugging away. I was going to finish this 18 miler run or walk. Things gradually got better after this. By mile 10 I was averaging 07:14 pace, legs were fine. Last 8 averaged 06:50 pace.
    Job done and never will be forgotten

    Weekly miles total = 68.5

    This is a step back week with Dungarvan 10 mile on Sunday. Would be trilled with a 58:XX in that. Weight now just over 74kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Solid week there Abhainn, B2B LSRs as consistent as last year only faster, good work! Is 74kg on the light or heavy side for you? How do you find managing your weight with that kind of mileage?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Solid week there Abhainn, B2B LSRs as consistent as last year only faster, good work!
    Cheers shotgunmcos. Yes doing these faster than last year is the plan

    Is 74kg on the light or heavy side for you? How do you find managing your weight with that kind of mileage?

    This is from Tunney which I always smile at
    Definition of Race Weight

    The trick is to keep losing weight until your friends and family ask you if you've been sick. Then you know you're within 10 pounds. If they start whispering to each other, wondering if you've got cancer or aids, you're within 5. When they actually do an intervention, you're at race weight.

    I'm still quite a distance from ideal race weight if the above is true. The Christmas excess kg's are gone now thankfully.
    Last weekend my Dad said I look stronger this year compared to last even though I'm slightly lighter than then. But BMI is 24 :rolleyes: which seems way out.
    I'd love to get into the 72's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,656 ✭✭✭village runner

    Wednesdays spped session what do you find the benits are ??
    Best of luck in dungarvan. Hope to be 59.59 but i reckon i am a month away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Wednesdays spped session what do you find the benits are ??
    Best of luck in dungarvan. Hope to be 59.59 but i reckon i am a month away.

    VR it definately increases my stamina. It's a good VO2 max workout and I need more than just getting used the running on tired legs when preparing for this 39.3 race. I also want to give the March marathon a good go also so I need some speed sessions in the overall plan
    If I was just concentrating on the 26.2 distance I would be gearing more towards 500's to 800's.

    Best of luck on Sunday. Hopefully will bump into you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭jaymack75

    Hi Abhainn, congrats on achieving a great time in the 10miler yesterday.....well below the sub-60.....raising the bar a little indeed :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    jaymack75 wrote: »
    Hi Abhainn, congrats on achieving a great time in the 10miler yesterday.....well below the sub-60.....raising the bar a little indeed :)

    Cheers buddy. Yes a very satisfactory outing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 31st January 10


    Tues: Nice run
    7.1 miles at 07:02 pace. HR 136.
    Nice run, legs felt good, relaxed.

    Wed: MP run
    8.1 miles at 06:19. HR 160
    Planned at around 06:30 pace (MP) effort. It ended up quicker than that with a last mile at 06:00. But this was not easy. Breeze was difficult and my HR was higher than expected.
    Unsure how I'm going to maintain a 05:50-55 pace for Dungarvan 10 miler on Sunday. Will be happy with a sub 60 just!

    7.1miles at 07:07 pace. HR 137
    Bit of a boring run, breeze not very nice.

    Fri: Rest

    4.4 miles run around the block with some strides.

    Dungarvan Race 10 miles

    Weekly miles total = 36.7 (only)

    I enter the last block of 4 weeks hard training ahead. This weekend sees back to back long runs again with probably a 22 and a 20. Lovely

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Dungarvan 10 mile Race Report

    McMillan had me at 58:45 for 10 miles based on my 1:18 result at the Dublin Half last Sept. During that race I went through 10 miles in 59:15. But now, it been Jan and with just some mile interval speed work behind me it was going to be a bit of a challenge going sub 59. However my goal was to aim for 05:50-05:55 per mile.
    Anyway off we go and the first half-mile of this race is uphill and it certainly gets the HR up. I go through mile 1 in 05:44 and this is perfect, as the first mile is always a bit of a gallop. Mile 2 (05:38) is mostly downhill and during this period I am on the look out to try and link up with another runner around my pace. I make my way up to a couple of groups but none quite suite my pace. Anyway mile 3 is down through a nice side road that partially shelters us from the NW breeze. A chap with a hat then sprints by me around this time and I wonder what all that is about.
    Still running on my own I make my way up to 2 guys. I move on but one of them just sits on my arse for perhaps a mile which is a bit annoying. Eventually he drops back and the second lad comes along side. We chat a little and as we go by half way (29:05) I see the last mile is slow at 06:00. I’m surprised a little at this and also a little annoyed at this possible lack of concentration. My pal wants to go sub 60, I say why not sub 59?
    I move on my own and mile 6 is a little quicker at 05:57 and HR is steady at 171
    The next 2 miles of the course are lovely. Narrow roads surrounded by bushes and trees. On a fast downhill section a chap from no where then thunders past me and I decide to stick with him. This is good and immediately my legs feel fresh and lively. We alternate the lead every 200m or so and push each other on. We do mile 7 in 05:46 as we pass 2 runners, one of them with the hat that sprinted by me in mile 3. Mile 8 is completed in 05:47 as we come onto the main road we enter out toughest mile. This is slower (05:57) but we continue to push each other on. Going into the last mile the pace is increased again as we motivate each other.. Each time now I lead the pace I think my companion falls behind too far but my goal now is on a runner 100 m ahead. With 200 meters to go, I overtake the runner just ahead now but also overtaken by my fast finishing friend.

    Finish time 58:19. HR 171.

    Happy with my time I am on the look out for boardies, among them Sosa, Village Runner and Gringo 78 but somehow don’t see their bib no’s anywhere. After a couple of mins I decide the best option is a shower and the fine spread of food that awaits back in the centre before my long drive home.

    Mile splits:
    1. 05:44
    2. 05:38
    3. 05:48
    4. 05:53
    5. 06:00
    6. 05:57
    7. 05:46
    8. 05:47
    9. 05:57
    10. 05:49

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Well done yesterday abhainn.
    More or less straight away after i finished i jogged up to the car to get my jacket/hat and tracksuit bottoms on,also to get a bit of clothing for some of my friends that were coming in around the 70 mark,so i was back up around there for a while after but did not go in for the food as i was in a hurry to get back home.
    I was looking for you at the start,i mvillage runner and showry alright but no-one else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Super running and good report Abhainn. You just keep raising the bar for yourself... who knows how much more speed is there!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    Great running Abhainn. Excellent splits throughout.
