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Raising the bar a little...



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭nomadic

    Best of luck tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Humbert Challenge Half distance triathlon Race Report 2011

    “You know Joe if we were this fit when we were playing football we would have been stars” -
    A comment from an old county club mate also doing Humbert.
    I wasn’t sure if that may have been true but indeed looking around on this damp morning we weren’t the only ex GAA players lining up for what would be for most a 5hr+ race. My aim was sub 5. I was confident and eager.

    It was good to meet a relaxed looking Catweazle early. He had been working on his swim for the past year and judging by his swim time that day it seemed to have worked.
    I was pleased at the early morning conditions. Calm conditions, about 17C and the heavy drizzle and fog meant the air was perfect for maximum update of oxygen. Though the roads would be greasy thankfully the bike course wasn’t technical. I wasn’t too nervous.

    I had done a 36min 1.9k in training so I was positive of a 37:xx in the race.
    The swim course was one lap of Callow Lake and it was well laid out with red and yellow buoys.
    Catweazle mentioned the loop a year earlier was 50m short so I assumed it would be right this time.
    I got into a good rhythm and was enjoying the water. Half way along to the second yellow buoy which indicated a right turn I failed to spot a red buoy to my left and thus ended up doing perhaps 20-30 meters to get on course again. After this I made sure my sighting was on the ball. I did manage to get onto feet a few times but they never seemed to swim in a straight line.
    When I exited the water I checked my watch and I wasn’t too pleased at seeing 38:5x. and by the time I was over the timing mat it was 39:04.
    I was placed 81st in the swim out of 135. Pretty ****e by all accounts.:mad:
    HR 145

    A 2:01 split wasn’t the quickest as I fumbled putting on my Garmin.

    My plan on the bike was keep it steady and come home in 2:45 or better. Year previous I did a 2:50:30.
    So my Garmin pace was 1:52/km, (32kph) though I rarely checked this until well in the bike.
    I was joined by a GAA club mate who was part of a relay for the first few km’s on the bike. A good footballer now turning to running this was his first triathlon bike attempt. We chatted a bit as the drizzle turned to light rain. The road was very wet as the first 10km passed in about 17 mins as I took my first gel. The profile was favourable though.
    The heavy drizzle / light rain felt great, I loved it, I was not overheating but however it probably was the main reason for a problem later in the race.
    The bike course is one loop with the one major climb coming after 24km. All junctions were expertly manned with marshals. The road surface was generally good apart from some sections in particular on the secondary roads. The scenery is something else (on a bright day)
    By the time I met the Windy gap climb I had made up about 21 places without too much effort. The climb to top of the Windy gap was about 2km and the top was invisible die to the precipitation. The first km of the climb was fine but the second the gradient really kicks in. Out of the saddle and the back wheel spun a number of times due to the wet. I was overtaken by the one and only rider here, on the course he was on a lovely white Planet X time trial bike with all the in all matching white gear – cool. He turned out to be my hare.
    He gapped me but I managed to catch up on the decent, which was a little hairy in places due to oncoming traffic.
    Time wise I was still on target and HR in the mid 140’s. I took an energy bar at 40k and continued to sip on water and carb drink. All was going well apart from fewer bikes to chase and then large gaps that were visible.
    The course swings from primary to secondary roads undulating in places but nothing too serious. By 50k I had gradually caught up to 5 riders including PX guy. Instead of overtaking all I decided to sit at the back and tag along (legally). I felt the pace was adequate and I was just happy for them to do the pacing for now. At this point last year (from 50-60k) I didn’t enjoy but I was feeling great now and according to my watch a 2:42 – 2:43 was on the cards I do all my training bikes on my own so even though I wasn’t communicating with anyone it was good for me.
    Gradually each rider dropped off and PX guy and me pressed on catching up and picking off some more. At 60k the course meets the main N5. The roads were dry at this stage as the sky brightened up.
    I expected the pace to increase a little but the bloody drags for the next 20k were somewhat draining. My bladder was filling up and I managed my first ever slash on the bike, Christ it was hot.
    Entering Swinford and 7 km to go some family welcomed me. The course profile is mostly down then to T2 and I get off the bike with 2:44:23 on the Garmin. Happy goal meet. I overtook 35 riders, overtaken by 1.
    Hydration & fuel on bike: 1 gel, 1 energy bar, 1 carb drink 750ml and only 750ml water.

    Bike summary: 2:44:23. 87.7km. HR 145. 32KPH

    T2 -
    From bike dismount it was perhaps 100m to the timing mat, I was guided my spot by my bro. The fumbled slightly again resetting the Garmin, grabbed a gel and a packed of bike shots. I yell to him “target run 1:27 “

    During the bike I regularly stretched as my back ached. While my legs felt perfect just off the bike my back was in bits again on the climb up to 2km. It eased after this. I checked and seen that a 1:32 half would see me under 5hrs.
    But this time I was conscious not to go as hard in the first 5-6 km as the year previous when I found things hard from half way. So I kept constant check of HR and pace. The run course were marked every 1km but they seemed to be out by 150 m in the end. I went through 5km in about 20min flat according to the Garmin, HR 155 and feeling in control. Just keeping a good rhythm and totally focused.
    The aid stations were great, water, flat coke, energy drink oranges, and cold sponges. Things were starting to get harder from about 8km. I walked through aid station at 9km having taken a gel. Conditions now were humid, as my pace began to slow on the long drags. I didn’t know it at the time but it was probably due to dehydration no having taken enough fluids on the bike. What an elementary error.
    I manage a slash at 12k and soon after I was told my position was 26th
    I had overtaken 7 runners at this point but wasn’t too pleased at my overall placing.
    I struggled on to 13k aid station. What a relief. Cold sponge water, some bike shots I was flying again. I was homeward bound as the long N5 drags come into the fore again.
    I can see a good distance ahead now and there are a number of runners in view. Some more aid at 17k and things are getting hard again. I put the head down and count down the running targets ahead. At 19k there was a nasty hill that sucked the life out of me but I perked up when I seen a couple more strugglers ahead.
    I vowed that I would never do this again. This was getting too painful.
    That last click was so long but I seen 1:28:4x as I moved past 21.1km as I ran around the last bend for home.
    I do manage to pick things up a bit. The finish line is so, so welcome and 4:57 on the clock said it all

    Run Summary: 1:30:01. 21.4km. HR 164. Max 180 (2010 - 1:31:18)

    Overall: 4:57:34. HR 151. 13th position. (12th Individual)

    Overall I’m happy with the result. Swim was disappointing, though even if I went 5min quicker I would only have caught one more place, that been last year’s winner.
    The bike went well considering the bike I have but my error of not taking on more water was silly. Also the painful back concerns me.
    The run, well I have slightly mixed feelings. A 1:27 would have been nice.

    Another great race put on by Swinford Tri club. The organisation and safety standards were exceptional. The aid stations were well equipped and the marshalling faultless.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Good racing sir and well done on the sub 5. I would say it is great feeling running by all those people and making up places its probably the only advantage of having a slow swim. You're run time must have had you top three for that split?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    I think the distance was 21.4k, I think i saw it on the race pack which of course I only looked at after, I was surprised myself when I saw the 21k marker and said thank christ for that only to see no sign of the finishing gantry and the spire of the church a fair bit down the road.

    First out of the water this year who is no slouch in the water was a full 4 minutes behind last years winner so I am assuming it was right this year.

    An upgrade of a shiny new TT bike and a few minutes off your swim would have you in the top ten ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 49 d.runs

    Hi Joe

    That was me on the white planet x. I was a minute faster last year on a road bike so not sure of the benefits of the tri bike! Anwyway you got me in transition (never my strongest) and and I finished 1 minute behind you. Well done.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Nice work!

    Reading through your log, this tri nonsense seems to be secondary to the marathon goals - if you ever do get around to doing an IM, you'll blow the doors off it...

    Great result and seems like a good race to stick on the wish list.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,080 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Great performance Joe - back to Marathon training now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Good racing sir and well done on the sub 5. I would say it is great feeling running by all those people and making up places its probably the only advantage of having a slow swim. You're run time must have had you top three for that split?

    Only 6th fastest run Jackyback. I was hoping a top 3 . Another 50 secs would have gotten me that

    catweazle wrote: »
    First out of the water this year who is no slouch in the water was a full 4 minutes behind last years winner so I am assuming it was right this year.

    I was hoping it was long :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    d.runs wrote: »
    Hi Joe

    That was me on the white planet x. I was a minute faster last year on a road bike so not sure of the benefits of the tri bike! Anwyway you got me in transition (never my strongest) and and I finished 1 minute behind you. Well done.

    You pulled away from me on the N5, thanks probably to PX ;)
    Yes I did notice your transitions weren't super fast, having a coffee or something? :D
    Strong running though, I can't recall overtaking you on the run, not sure how I missed you. Company on the run would have been welcome and may have improved our times. At least you finished a few seconds quicker than last year
    Izoard wrote: »
    Nice work!

    Reading through your log, this tri nonsense seems to be secondary to the marathon goals - if you ever do get around to doing an IM, you'll blow the doors off it...

    Great result and seems like a good race to stick on the wish list.

    Challenge Barcelona 2012 seems inviting. Got talking to a chap after who did it in 2010 in a good time. Pgibbo - take note but I bet you know anyway. Seems like a great event on a favourable course.
    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    Great performance Joe - back to Marathon training now?

    Oh yes BB67. Sleeping like a log this week so far so taking loads of rest days and easy runs. Will be gradually building it up from next week.

    Next race is 10m in the park. Hoping for a sub 58

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    I took this week easy. I didn’t think there was any point in doing too much in the days after Sunday.
    My thoughts on Dublin 2:39 goal later

    Mon - Wed

    Lunch : 6 miles @ 07:04. HR132
    Just an easy run to get things going again. Body felt good, and legs also.

    AM 7.1 miles @ 06:54. HR135
    The system was down at work, so an opportunity to bring forward my lunch-time trot. Greeted by the heavy drizzle that turning into rain near the end. Felt good apart from heavy wet feet.

    Though hardly as I spent 8hrs of hard labour in the garden. Only about 6 hrs of slog left :rolleyes:

    Sun: AM. 11.7 miles @ 06:53. HR 139
    My nromal loop around Wicklow Ashford
    Planned these at 7min pace. Felt good and fresh. Nice one

    Weekly milage 24.8
    Next week will be more than double that

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    The Challenge “2:39” Dublin Marathon – some thoughts

    Ya it starts here. Off I go again on another challenge.
    In theory I’ve given myself about 4 extra weeks preparation to achieve 2:39 in my favourite marathon. But even with those extra weeks right now it will be some ask. And see below too.
    So my plan? Well I won’t be re-inventing the wheel or anything like that. This is my 2nd attempt at sub 2:40. Things didn’t go fully according to plan in London but that was down to a few factors.
    It was partially down to conditions on the day. It warmed up a good bit and that definitely slowed things up, work and family life was hectic in the last week so I think I was physically tired also.
    But there are a few things I hope to correct in my training also

    · Interval speed work. Will be ensuring I get in more 400’s, 800’s and milers in.
    · More races. Only did two in lead to London. Hope to get in 4 this time.
    · More disciplined taper – I think I slightly overdid it in the 10 days up to London

    I averaged 53 miles / week in the last 9 weeks to the 2010 Dublin marathon – finish 2:41. That increased slightly to 56 miles for London peaking at 65 miles for those 10 weeks. To be honest I don’t intend to do much more than London.

    I have a small problem of been in China for up to 2.5 weeks during September. Ok I will be running almost every day but keys sessions will be at a minimum. With temp in the 30’s and very high humidity anything over 8 miles will be torture, and I can’t see many tempo / intervals sessions either. I could run on the dread mill but that will send me loo la.

    So I intend to get into some form of good shape for the National half on Sept 3rd. The 10 miler in the park will help me get there I hope. On return for my travels I will hope to get in a 10k and possibly another half 3 weeks before Dublin.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Not a great start to my goal

    I was quite bold at the weekend on the food and especially the alcohol front. Didn’t have any hangovers or anything but I wasn’t happy with the indulgences

    Lunch: Got in 7 hilly miles around the area at 06:52 pace. HR 139
    Threw in 4 more hard hrs in the garden after and then finished off with a few cold beers while admiring my work. It was a bank holiday weekend and I thought I deserved it.

    Tues: Sorry for my sins
    Lunch : 6.6 miles @ 06:38. HR143
    This run was supposed to be easy, it felt somewhat uncomfortable. A stupid run really
    I wanted to get rid of some of those toxins from the previous 4 days. Fcuk me 26.2 @ 6:05 is going to be torture

    Wed: Mile Intervals. Better
    I find mile intervals a great session. However they are usually bloody hard especially since it was ages since I did them last. And it was warm today.
    I have a loop of 8 miles and the planned pace was about 10k (05:38) x 4 with recovery mile between each rep.
    05:28 (hardest profile) &
    Recovery miles were 07:00. I got the HR nice and high at 179 but I felt strong in these. I am a fecker for not sticking to my preplanned pace though
    The water was bubbling out of me for some time after

    Hopefully back to 400’s next Tues on the track.

    Plan for the rest of the week is and an easy run tomorrow, some MP miles thrown in Sat and 17 miler Sunday

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Not a problem to you J, sub 2.40 would be a savage achievement.
    I will be looking for plenty of tips from you when i target a fast mara next year:).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Lunch : 6 miles @ 06:57. HR134
    I was hoping this would be a nice enjoyable run in the sun and warmth but it was far from that, in fact it wasn’t very nice at all.


    Sat: Back to MP miles
    I was slightly nervous going into this one as it’s the first of the program.
    Marathon pace is 06:05/mile so I was trying to fit the miles between 06:00-06:05 window.
    The first 5 miles out were steady at 06:52. The first MP mile was quick at 05:51 but that downhill. Remaining 4.7 were a little quick also but they felt good.
    Summary 10.7 @ 06:23/mile with last 5.7 at 05:58 /mile. HR149.

    Sun. Back to Long Runs
    Hooked up with Pronator for half of this run, who is part of the race winners club. He had a nice IMRA race win on Wed.
    He was on a 20 miler coming from Newtown and met me at his turn point in Wicklow. With a similar goal for Dublin it was great to have company on this one. The first 8 miles flew by as we ticked over at a nice pace of around 07:05 /mile. Been my first long run I turned 2 miles from Newtown. The legs felt great with no soreness from yesterday and I picked up the pace unconsciously.
    Last 9.2 miles averaged 06:33.
    No water , no gels, conditions perfect
    Summary: 17.2 miles @ 06:48 / mile. HR140

    Weekly review: Happy with the key 3 sessions. All turned out better than expected.
    My right calf is a bit tight and I noticed this first at the end of the Sat session. This is something that has never affected me before. So I will keep an eye on that
    Mileage for week 55.6.

    Plan for the week.

    I may add a tempo session to this week but that will then mean 4 hard sessions. With the weekend increasing MP miles and also a 20 miler long run I will see how things turn out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    6 easy miles at 07:09 pace.

    Was originally intending this to be 400 rep track day but the legs haven’t recovered enough from the weekends efforts.
    So instead it was 7.1 miles at 06:53 /mile. HR 132

    Wed: Track 800’s
    This was a late afternoon session, and the second time only to the track this year. Even worse according to my log it seems its 23 months since I did track 800’s. I thought the longer reps would be better than the 400’s that I originally intended.
    I felt good before the start even though it was humid and it started raining on the warm up. But the rain quickly stopped to my dissapointment.
    Plan was 6-8 x 800 off 2:35 with 400 recovery. 1st one was a little too quick at 2:33 and all ok till midway through rep 5 when I found the going tough. I spent partial time of the 5th recovery in the bushes, luckily no one was around.
    Decided on a 6th rep and after this 2 x 400’s. I was pretty pissed off with the way thsi was turning out. I had a bit of a talk with myself and hardened up a bit and the 2 x 400’s turned into an 800 off 2:37.
    Average rep = 2:35. WU & WD both 2.6km. Total 13.4km
    I was surprised I found the going as hard as it was. Hopefully just one of those days

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    yesterday was tough - windy and 95% humidity. I went out to do a LT session and trotted back 8 aerobic miles later with my tail between my legs.

    You did well i reckon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,080 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Abhainn wrote: »

    Sun. Back to Long Runs
    Hooked up with Pronator for half of this run, who is part of the race winners club. He had a nice IMRA race win on Wed.
    He was on a 20 miler coming from Newtown and met me at his turn point in Wicklow. With a similar goal for Dublin it was great to have company on this one. The first 8 miles flew by as we ticked over at a nice pace of around 07:05 /mile. Been my first long run I turned 2 miles from Newtown. The legs felt great with no soreness from yesterday and I picked up the pace unconsciously.
    Last 9.2 miles averaged 06:33.
    No water , no gels, conditions perfect
    Summary: 17.2 miles @ 06:48 / mile.

    Knew there was a reason I missed you on Sun morning - nice pace!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn


    Lunch: 7.1 @ 06:45. HR137
    After rest day yesterday this was an enjoyable run in the light rain. Legs felt good and feeling fit again and a little trimmer

    Sat: More MP miles
    This week I increased this sessiom to 11.7miles with 8.7 @ MP over an undulating route. Plan was to just to hold at MP pace at 06:05 / mile
    Gladly the rain started just as I started on the MP miles. The 1.5 mile drag from Ashford to Killesky wasn’t easy but I got into a good rhythm. Last 0.5 mile drag home was tough. Happy I held 06:05 pace over the hilly sections.
    In the end the pace average was exactly the same at previous weeks 5.7 MP session. But I found this weeks easier even with the longer distance covered.

    Summary 11.7 @ 06:12 / mile with 8.7 @ 05:58. HR 157

    Then spent 5 hard hrs in the garden – a bit wrecked after

    Again hooked with Pronator for half of this run. We met at 07:15am, him having run 10 miles already!
    Perfect morning, no traffic and outbound pace a bit quicker than previous week
    The first 10 averaged 06:57 pace thanks to a strong Pronator. Back home by myself at a nice clip and HR steady and all fine till mile 14. Then from no-where there was an urgency for my emergency gel. I got that into me but by mile 19 I was getting very low again. Funny mile 20 was almost my quickest mile but so happy to reach home.
    Last 10.7 @ 06:35 pace.
    Lesson learned, take it easier in the garden day before long run.
    Summary : 20.7 miles at 06:46 pace. HR 144

    Weekly mileage 61.6.

    Mon: Lunch
    Easy 7.1 miles at 07:21 pace
    I’m starting to dislike these easy recovery session. Legs heavy and feeling tired.

    Tues: Lunch
    Steady 8.1 miles @ 06:51 pace. HR 135
    This felt better. Legs sore at the start but fine at the end

    Weigh In
    My weekly weigh in at me slightly over 74kg. That’s almost 1.5kg down in 3 weeks. And just 0.5kg over Dublin 10 marathon weight.
    The last few weeks I’ve abstained from my Fri night beers.:( Maybe that has something to do with it. But I still have my few on Sat and a couple Sun too:)
    This weekend will see that turn on its arse though.

    The in-laws are over from Thurs but I’ll be good until after the 10 miler on Sat.
    On Sunday it’s all begin again at a big doo at 1pm in the big smoke and finish? well don’t know when. I’ll be in the park though 10.30am Sun for a 12 miler so I can drink and eat with less guilt.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    Solid Running Abhainn. Looking through your log I am amazed at the ability cope with the mileage with the more steady pace of all your runs rather than the usual easy running principles of most runners. Just goes to show there is no one size fits all training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    ecoli wrote: »
    Solid Running Abhainn. Looking through your log I am amazed at the ability cope with the mileage with the more steady pace of all your runs rather than the usual easy running principles of most runners. Just goes to show there is no one size fits all training.

    Thanks Ecoli. A flaw? Yes possibly
    I was sore yesterday and fully intended to some miles at 07:30 pace. I don't know but my leg turnover just doesn't find that pace comfortable. It still recovery mode though as at even at 07:20 pace I barely leave Z2 HR.

    You around to hook up next week some lunch time?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    Abhainn wrote: »
    Thanks Ecoli. A flaw? Yes possibly
    I was sore yesterday and fully intended to some miles at 07:30 pace. I don't know but my leg turnover just doesn't find that pace comfortable. It still recovery mode though as at even at 07:20 pace I barely leave Z2 HR.

    You around to hook up next week some lunch time?

    Should be around Tuesday and Thursday if they suit?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    I was saying to myself, whos this fit looking bugger coming towards me. You're in good nick Joe, 2:39 is definitely on the cards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    ecoli wrote: »
    Should be around Tuesday and Thursday if they suit?

    Either is good. I'll PM you
    tunguska wrote: »
    I was saying to myself, whos this fit looking bugger coming towards me. You're in good nick Joe, 2:39 is definitely on the cards.

    Ha wasn't feeling like I was on fire or anything when I met you
    Did your experiment go ok? Was that a girlie watch I seen you with?:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Abhainn wrote: »

    Ha wasn't feeling like I was on fire or anything when I met you
    Did your experiment go ok? Was that a girlie watch I seen you with?:)

    What was he experimenting with this week? The last 3 runs I've ran with him have involved odd shoes and multiple gamins :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    What was he experimenting with this week? The last 3 runs I've ran with him have involved odd shoes and multiple gamins :)

    Ya something like that. I wonder what all this research is about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭jaymack75

    alright abhainn
    looks like your training's going well. what target you got in mind for sat?
    i'll keep an eye out for you - if i don't see you at the start, i should only be couple of minutes behind you to the goody bags :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    Abhainn wrote: »
    Ha wasn't feeling like I was on fire or anything when I met you
    Did your experiment go ok? Was that a girlie watch I seen you with?:)

    Yeah thats the infamous yellow Garmin, just cant seem to shake the bastard off.
    What was he experimenting with this week? The last 3 runs I've ran with him have involved odd shoes and multiple gamins :)

    The experiments are ongoing lads. This time it was another double Garmin test. I still think the replacement I was sent is bogey, test results so far have been inconclusive. So if I go off in the 10miler like a scalded cat it'll be the Garmin telling me I'm doing 8minute miles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    tunguska wrote: »
    Yeah thats the infamous yellow Garmin, just cant seem to shake the bastard off.

    The experiments are ongoing lads. This time it was another double Garmin test. I still think the replacement I was sent is bogey, test results so far have been inconclusive. So if I go off in the 10miler like a scalded cat it'll be the Garmin telling me I'm doing 8minute miles.

    Can see it now Eoin you lining up for DCM 2 garmins on each arm, a new pair of racers at each water station (though you will only take one shoe per stop;)) and requesting a second chip timing company just to make sure everything is right:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Wed: Pyramid session
    Had originally planned a progression 8 miler –10 secs to 05:45 pace. But as I wanted the legs to be relatively fresh for the 10 miler on Sat I thought that may be over doing it
    So with the want to get some 10 mile race pace (05:45/mile) into my legs a pyramid session was selected i.e. 1(min), 2, 3, 3, 2, 1,1.
    I upped the pace to the at the start of each mile starting from mile 2
    The 1 and 2 mins were closer to 05:35 pace while the 3’s were at 05:40’s. Remaining pace for the miles were 06:50 or so
    All in all not a bad session but it felt harder than it should be. It was warm out there though
    Summary: 8.1miles @ 06:35 HR 144


    Lunch: 5.4 miles @ 06:49. HR134
    Easy miles with 30 secs pick up’s. Breeze nasty out there. Hope it improves before 10am tomorrow.
    Felt really good on the WD. Looking forward to the race.
    Seems there will be many familiar faces taking part.
    jaymack75 wrote: »
    alright abhainn
    looks like your training's going well. what target you got in mind for sat?
    i'll keep an eye out for you - if i don't see you at the start, i should only be couple of minutes behind you to the goody bags :)

    Good man jaymack hope you get close to 59:59

    My PB is 58:19 from Dungarvan 2010. I hit 58:25 for 10 miles during the Park half last year and I think my form is ahead of that effort now.
    I will be aiming for 57:30 (05:45). If I can get close to holding that pace on the hillier sections you never know. There are some favourable miles in there and I'd love to think I could get under that if everything goes well.

    Realistically Id need to get into the 56's if I want to run fast on Oct 31st

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Sat: Frank Duffy 10 miler
    I made a bit of a balls of this race. During the week I was told by a wise man to take the first miles cruising even slower than planned pace. Well that didn’t happen. Equalling my 5 mile best was not part of the master plan
    My intention was to go out 05:40-45 mile pace. Pronator was aiming for this pace too but he blasted off from the gun so I decided against running with him. Still I hit mile 1 in Garmin 05:26, which is almost my 5k pace. I knew I would be facing into some pain later as I seen Roadrunner pass gradually by me then.
    Mile 2 was better at 05:40 but the downhill mile 3 was quicker again at 05:34. I ran briefly with Tunguska but he seemed to speed up on this quicker section as I decided to focus just on my own run.
    I hit mile 5 equalling my 28:14 best for that distance. The hill in that mile wasn’t bad but I didn’t expect that long drag Chesterfield road to be so energy sapping. I was coming under real pressure and was really starting to suffer.
    My HR was very high and my legs like lead heavy. That slow mile there was hard to take. Heading around the roundabout for the 2nd loop I actually contemplated for a second or two to step off the road.
    Some how I managed to pull myself through mile 7 and caught up to a lad who was also looking forward to these next 2 easier miles. The legs started to feel better again as we shared the pace.
    My minimum target time was a sub 58 and I knew as I checked my time at the start of mile 9 that unless I totally blew up with mile slower than 06:10 that was in the bag. By the time that bloody hill was behind my I seen my pace was at 06:10. As the last half-mile levelled off I managed to speed up somewhat attempting to push hard the last 400m, which didn’t really happen
    I was at what it felt like max effort as I crossed the line. Probably the hardest race I ever ran.
    HR 173 says it all. 10 miles in 57:43 PB by 31 secs. 05:46 /mile pace


    1. 05:26
    2. 05:40
    3. 05:34
    4. 05:43
    5. 05:47
    6. 06:03
    7. 05:58
    8. 05:51
    9. 05:36
    10. 05:54
    0.03 0.08

    At the start of the race I wouldn’t have been overjoyed at a 57:43. But with just two solid weeks of running behind and with the combination of going off too quickly and underestimating the tough course that result isn’t that bad.
    Longer distances races suite me better than shorter stuff and I know a race of this effort will bring me on by a good amount.
    With 90 runners going sub 60 this was probably the strongest field ever in an Irish 10 miler. 49th position says it all.
    Looking forward to the national half on Sat week. I’ll be hoping a 75:XX might be on the cards.

    Great meeting so many familar board faces and some new ones.
