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Raising the bar a little...



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    sorry to hear about the job worries. Hope it sorts itself out soon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Balls Joe, I hope everything works out ok with the job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭Seres

    Very stressful week for you on the job front , hope things start looking up soon .

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Not great news Joe. Keep fighting the good fight. It'll all work out in the long run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Thanks folks. You running tomorrow - have an enjoyable one

    I won't be sitting on my arse anyway. An excuse possibly for full time training ;) and that IM attempt on my mind for so long. Dont mention to OH
    Regards the hip pain, I've had it myself in the past. Do some stretches daily now and it's not an issue anymore. I'll pm you some stretch pics when I get a chance. My issue was tight flexors. Could be something similar for yourself. Trip to the Physio might be on the cards to make sure. By the way any lower back pain?

    Please send pics on. Decided against a run tonight due to acheness there again.
    Physio:rolleyes:;) .No shortage of beauties with professional hands over here. (Sorry ladies) Will book one anyway for early noon tomorrow after a morning run so she will know there are no other agendas. :)
    Not sure how I am going to specify the massage (sorry physio) in the hip area though.......

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭ultraman1

    Abhainn wrote: »
    .No shortage of beauties with professional hands over here..

    sorry bout the job news............just make sure she doesnt have langer-like foam roller in her jocks

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Catching Up
    Sleep has been my biggest problem here. Thankfully last night was my 2nd good sleep of the trip. Feeling better today so that is why I’m back reporting.
    The early morning running conditions outside are just getting more favourable in the last few days so hopefully that will continue.
    4 more lads arrived last night from our place, which makes 11 people in total from our CEM (UK) and ours. The Irish population has almost doubled here from its 5 permanent residents.

    No running. Partial reason was that my hip was still tight. But week has really caught up with me. Feeling very tired and wrecked.
    Anyways other stuff: There is a new little Irish pub in town run by two Galway lads, Mary’s Aul Sod. There are two other “Irish” pubs in Zhuhai (pronounced (Dew high) one run by a sound Chinese guy “Michaels”. The other “The Blarney Stone” located in the big Holiday Inn. They claim they sell Guinness (I declined when it was offered). Utterly crap place, annoyed at this place using our Irishness to try and make a buck.
    In the evening I ate a good Italien on my own and would you believe it by total chance I bumped into an on of these Galway lads. So I make it my purpose to check out the Ire v Oz game next day

    Sat: Better
    Got almost 12 hrs sleep last night. Probably the best sleep in many a year. Off to the gym and got in 8.3 miles @06:49 pace. HR 146
    A progression run from 13kph in 0.2 increments to 16.0kph (which was max) for last 1km. Hip held out ok
    After went for a massage, sorry some physio:). Somehow she got really into the area of the soreness and which was deep in the glute.
    Found Mary’s Aul Sod a little later and together with the black stuff and the great game everything seemed much better.

    Sunday – Two run day
    AM : Indoors again, just up too late to run outside.
    7.5 miles @ 06:45. HR 142 Legs feeling ok
    PM: Outdoors . 7.75 miles @07:15 pace
    Oh what humidity. I was hoping for an easy run. But I was never as drenched coming back from a run as this. Soaking. I aimed for 6 - 7 miles but took a left instead of a right at one point and ended up been a little longer. More than a bit of an effort in the end.

    Total for the day = 15.8 miles
    Total for the week = 42.3 miles

    No run. An evening run planned but held up at work and felt like carp anyway

    Tues: AM run.
    7.2 miles @06:55 pace. HR 144.
    Poor enough sleep again. A little cooler this morning and more easier but still not a doddle.
    Similar run to Sunday evening but took the correct turn this time.
    Just about managed to get back before some relief, as my insides were in bits. Hip feels good though.

    PM. 7.5 miles @06:45. HR138
    This run had been postponed from am so into the gym again. Progression run again up to 6min miles.

    AM: 7.2 miles @06:52 pace. HR 141.
    (or was it 8.23 miles @ 06:01 pace?
    Same run as Tues and conditions continue to improve but body still not flying. The air here isn’t great. But all not too bad though hip tightened up later

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    The one advantage of all this high humidity training is that running back home will feel easy by comparison. Those Chinese massages are incredible, aren't they? I miss the trips to China for this reason alone (once you can sort out which one gives you a professional service, from the servicing professional).

    Galway-Irish pub sounds deadly. Tsing Tao?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    The one advantage of all this high humidity training is that running back home will feel easy by comparison. Those Chinese massages are incredible, aren't they? I miss the trips to China for this reason alone (once you can sort out which one gives you a professional service, from the servicing professional).

    Galway-Irish pub sounds deadly. Tsing Tao?

    Yes very true about the massages above

    Pub is small but has loads of character.
    Haven't seen Tsing Tao on draft over here, pub has Asahi, Guinness which isn't bad and Carlsberg.
    Hangzhou is the biggest beer around here and only in larfger bottles. It comes in a number of different % strengths. Most are only just over 3%. Only one or 2 are over 4%.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Indoors again
    Fri: AM
    6.2 miles @ 07:04 pace. HR 137
    Hit the treadmill once again. Easy enough run. Was out late enough last night and didn't feel great today.

    Nothing. Feeling crap. Hip tight also.

    Sun: Run of two halves.
    11.2 miles @ 06:54. HR 137
    There are many Chinese food restaurants that specialise in their regions here. Last night a fine spread from north of Peking was chosen. Chairman Moa’s restaurant food was very spicy but so excellent. This was our 2nd occasion here during this trip. Total bill for a party of 10 that contained 18 dishes and 20 large beers (640ml)? All in for €55. Now that’s something.
    Even after that I slept poorly again even though lights out by 11pm. I’ll have to lay off the chillies for a bit.
    This morning had planned on a 10 miler out doors. But by mile 2 the stomach wasn’t feeling well. So back to hotel having covered 5 miles. A few mins later I was back on the treadmill getting in 10k. Didn’t want to chance the outdoors again

    Weekly total a huge 39.3 miles. I’ll be flying on the 31st Oct:rolleyes:

    Monday. Getting back in it and its getting hot again.
    Am: 7.2 miles @06:49 pace. HR 144.
    I thought things were cooling down over here. Well that was a false alarm this morning.
    Decided on a loop of the area again which is starting to become familiar. I am beginning see the same faces each time. Legs were feeling a bit dead though. Must be all that pollution I’m breathing.

    Tues: Hardening up – Progression run
    AM 7.2 miles @06:41 pace. HR 150. Progression Run
    I slept better last night and so was somewhat fresher this morning, that is until I stepped outside.
    Conditions were even worse than the day before. I had intended on adding another 1-1.5 miles onto my loop but decided against this.
    First mile was 7min pace and increased effort by 5 secs for each one after. Last one was 06:25. Every bit of running clothing on me was fully soaked when I finished.
    Hip feeling good these days

    Wed: Inside again
    6.2 miles @ 06:50. Progression run from 13.2kph to 16.0kph max. HR138
    After yesterday I decided on getting inside again. Typhoon Nesat will skirt the area tonight and tomorrow so hopefully that will allow me to get in some decent early outdoor miles in better temps on Thurs
    Anyway this workout was boring until the last mile when I hit 6 min pace. Felt good. It was great to let the legs off the bridle.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,080 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    When are you back Joe?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    When are you back Joe?

    Back Sat morning.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    You will be glad to get back to the wind and rainy running conditions. I remember being in Vegas for a week during marathon training in crazy temps/humidity and trying to run in those conditions, not my idea of fun but character building:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    You will be glad to get back to the wind and rainy running conditions. I remember being in Vegas for a week during marathon training in crazy temps/humidity and trying to run in those conditions, not my idea of fun but character building:)

    Rain yes , no wind:)

    Thurs: Running with (against) Typhoon Nesat
    Loads of rain and high winds last night meaning I slept better.
    Never been in typhoon before but this area is only getting the edge of it. It wasn’t forecast as bad though. Thankfully the storm arrived last night / today and not tonight/ tomorrow as there would be no ferries across to HK and my flight home
    Heat was till there and a warm 28c with heat index been 32.C
    Took the usual route hoping to add on an extra bit but by the turn point and facing the into the storm wind I feared I would be walking soon as I seen my pace had slowed to almost 8 min pace. By mile 4 I was ok again as the route had some shelter but by then to mile 5.5. it was tough again. See here for example of conditions at 18 secs in.
    I remembered to keep my mouth closed though!;)

    After this had shelter but left nipple got badly chafed. Got many looks as I looked a drenched injured rat
    Happy with pace and effort overall
    Summary: 8 miles @ 06:59 pace. HR 145

    Marathon goal revised
    Been almost 3 weeks here and probably 1 one more to follow mid Oct means my sub 2:40 is well and truly gone now. I’m hoping that I might be able to savage something and a 2:45 or close might be possible. Sleeping badly, drinking too much beer and eating too much (but weight fairly steady mind you) has put that goal out the window for now. Next time I attempt it I will have moved an age group
    But here’s to 2 weeks of solid sessions to get me into some sort of form.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Rest – no running.
    Evening enjoyed some of the fantastic establishments in Hong Kong before the midnight flight home. Unlike some of my colleagues who decided to wait 24hrs longer and hammer the party

    Sat: Home at last
    6.2miles @ 06:44 pace. HR140
    After 13+ hrs flying I was eventually home for 10:30am. Grabbed in the region of 4-5hrs sleep on the flights and a couple more in the afternoon. Since a long run was planned on Sun I thought it was important to get some sort of a run Sat evening
    An enjoyable run though HR was high. Head was in a bit of a mush and body felt good apart from chest feeling tight. All that recycled air on the flights I assume.

    Sun: Finally in the ZONE

    I was really nervous about this one. Last time I was this nervous about a long run was 51 weeks before – both had same outcome.
    Hadn’t a clue how the body would stand up to 20 + miles after the 3 weeks efforts and less than 24hrs since the flight home and also another poor sleep night before.
    I took my usual route was to Newtown and I planned to make the 10 mile turn at 70min or slightly slower. I just wanted to run on feel. My mushy head was over the pace till 4 dogs ran after me at mile 5. Then I awoke and noticed I was just cruising along. Hit 10 miles at 06:50 pace. By 12 miles I was literally gliding along. I had to control pace for I was concerned the wheels may fall off soon. I don’t usually takes gels in LR’s but I took one with about 8 miles left just in case. From there to the end it was a pleasure with almost each mile quicker than the first. Finished off last 2 at 06:06 pace. I only found the last mile hard but that one is a bxstard one nearly all uphill.
    Here is s hoping it won’t be another 51 weeks till the next.:)
    HR was high in this but again I am not worried about that.

    21miles @ 06:35. HR 151. Last 9 @ 06:17 pace which happened to be my new MP goal.

    Weekly mileage = 55.6

    Recovery 6.3miles @ 07:12 pace. HR 133
    Early morning session. I actually hate running the dark. I may have to get used to it.

    8.1 miles @ 06:49 pace. HR 137
    If there had been no wind this would have been very enjoyable

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,762 ✭✭✭✭ecoli

    Super Running. Looks like the tough conditions over in China really didnt affect you in fact I say all it did was hid you from how good shape you are in. Sometimes tat can be a great benefit as you are faster than you think so when you returned to normal conditions it boosted the moral big time exactly what you want coming up to big race

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    ecoli wrote: »
    Super Running. Looks like the tough conditions over in China really didnt affect you in fact I say all it did was hid you from how good shape you are in. Sometimes tat can be a great benefit as you are faster than you think so when you returned to normal conditions it boosted the moral big time exactly what you want coming up to big race

    Ecoli I think there is a definate truth in that. For the most part even hough the paces I was running at over there was slower than here the overall effort was more.

    5 x 1mile intervals

    Lunch session. The wind was very blustery.
    Planned pace was 10 mile (05:45) with 0.5 mile recovery at 07:30-55
    I didn’t expect this would be as hard. Reps 1-3 were ok but especially no. 4 was very tough, up long drags and mostly into the wind. HR was well up

    Total miles 8.1. HR 154
    Reps: 5:46,5:37,5:44,5:50,5:43

    Thurs: Enjoyable run in the wind
    Lunch: 8 miles @07:10. HR 130
    Tried out my new Nike Pegasus 28’s that arrived today. I thought my Pegasus 27’s were still in good shape but walking around with a Pegasus 27 on one foot and new 28 on the other the old seemed old.
    Very windy out there today but this was an enjoyable run, legs felt good after yesterday.

    I am on child-care duty from tomorrow evening until Sunday evening as OH is away.
    So no MP session on Sat. That probably means a visit to the cinema with the little people!:)
    So I will attempt to bring forward that session to tomorrow lunch time. I doubt I can fit in 12 miles at MP so 10 will have to be the aim.
    Long run Sunday will be put back to that evening which I am dreading.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Today: A little unforeseen but a nice surprise
    A key MP session today. The aim was 10 miles @ 06:15 pace. Usually Fri is a rest day and MP takes place on Sat. But as explained I needed to pull this forward to lunch time today. I was unsure how this would go after an unusually hard session on Wed and lively 21 mile last Sunday, so I was going to do this on feel with little pressure.
    It was bloody very breezy out there again today but it didn’t really affect me. First mile @ 7 min pace. Then into the quicker ones. First 2 felt very easy in low 6’s but profile and breeze was in places favourable for these.
    After that the miles were just controlled and legs felt good and strong. Some testing sharp hills and drags into the wind but I felt strong throughout and could have done a couple if needed but I needed to get back to my desk before herself returned.
    Happy with HR figures too.

    Summary: 11.6 miles with 10.6 @ 06:06 pace. HR 156

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    great running in that poxy wind today. Just looked at your route as well, you're right it's not the easiest in the world. Things coming together nicely despite recent hassles

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭Seres

    Some good runs for you recently , great to read :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Pronator

    Magic work Joe. Keep it going.;)
    Abhainn wrote: »
    Today: A little unforeseen but a nice surprise
    A key MP session today. The aim was 10 miles @ 06:15 pace. Usually Fri is a rest day and MP takes place on Sat. But as explained I needed to pull this forward to lunch time today. I was unsure how this would go after an unusually hard session on Wed and lively 21 mile last Sunday, so I was going to do this on feel with little pressure.
    It was bloody very breezy out there again today but it didn’t really affect me. First mile @ 7 min pace. Then into the quicker ones. First 2 felt very easy in low 6’s but profile and breeze was in places favourable for these.
    After that the miles were just controlled and legs felt good and strong. Some testing sharp hills and drags into the wind but I felt strong throughout and could have done a couple if needed but I needed to get back to my desk before herself returned.
    Happy with HR figures too.

    Summary: 11.6 miles with 10.6 @ 06:06 pace. HR 156

  • Registered Users Posts: 85 ✭✭pre

    Abhainn wrote: »
    Today: A little unforeseen but a nice surprise
    A key MP session today. The aim was 10 miles @ 06:15 pace. Usually Fri is a rest day and MP takes place on Sat. But as explained I needed to pull this forward to lunch time today. I was unsure how this would go after an unusually hard session on Wed and lively 21 mile last Sunday, so I was going to do this on feel with little pressure.
    It was bloody very breezy out there again today but it didn’t really affect me. First mile @ 7 min pace. Then into the quicker ones. First 2 felt very easy in low 6’s but profile and breeze was in places favourable for these.
    After that the miles were just controlled and legs felt good and strong. Some testing sharp hills and drags into the wind but I felt strong throughout and could have done a couple if needed but I needed to get back to my desk before herself returned.
    Happy with HR figures too.

    Summary: 11.6 miles with 10.6 @ 06:06 pace. HR 156
    Can i get a lift off u and Pronator in the marathon

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    pre wrote: »
    Can i get a lift off u and Pronator in the marathon

    Ya no problem with me Speedy Gonzales:)

    God this And v Ire game is total shxte.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    I still think you'd be good for 2:39 Joe. 80min first half would be no bother to you then a 79 second half is well within your capabilities.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    tunguska wrote: »
    I still think you'd be good for 2:39 Joe. 80min first half would be no bother to you then a 79 second half is well within your capabilities.

    Dude you make that sound so easy , I almost believed you for a moment:rolleyes:.
    Whats your target?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I have to agree with Tungaska Joe i think that trip dented the confidence a good bit but you got to factor in those conditions you were running in, its bloody tough.
    It is clear you are back to form from the sessions you have put in since you got back, don't rule out anything just yet;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Last evening
    22 miles@ 06:44. HR 148

    Didn’t start this until 6pm when OH arrived home. Felt lethargic all day so it wasn’t a good omen for my last long run. Was up till 2:30am watching IM Kona, I just couldn’t pull myself away until Crowie and then Wellington won. Was lucky with the two winkers and even though they hopped into the bed after 6 and the 2nd by 7am they fell asleep again until 8:15.
    I wasn’t firing until mile 5 and by then daylight was fading fast. So this made-up- route consisted of two laps of the Killeskey area of Ashford from home, then toward home and back out again to make up 8 miles and back.
    This was the first time I ran any kind of long run in the evening and darkness. At the start 22 miles just seemed an aspiration more than anything. I would have been happy with18 @7min pace. I wasn’t firing until mile 4 and by then daylight was fading fast. But I found a good, steady rhythm and let the legs roll from then till the end. Conditions were very kind apart from the breeze at times
    All in all another solid session even though HR stats says it wasn’t as efficient as similar one same time last year.

    Afterwards my legs were in bits especially my left where I overpronate slightly. Not sure why. Pegasus 28’s had their 2nd outing and I thought they were bed in. Maybe one runs differently in poor light?

    Mileage for week = 64.1

    Today lunch:
    Slow recovery of 6 miles @ 07:24. HR 126
    The wheels were certainly heavy early in this.

    Looks like I’m heading back in chin chon China on Sat for a week.
    At least it’s cooling down over there so the first week of taper should go to plan. Hopefully arrive back with 9 days to race day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭Seres

    sunday evening runs are the toughest of the week , had to do one yesterday , felt sluggish and unmotivated

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    Abhainn wrote: »
    Dude you make that sound so easy , I almost believed you for a moment:rolleyes:.
    Whats your target?

    Its there Joe I know it is. I think the important thing is to get in with a group who are going at a decent clip. Theres always that group so all you gotta do is stick with them. I think trying to run it on your own would be difficult but getting in with a few other lads and letting them do the pace setting would work. Just dont allow yourself to get caught in no mans land, that'd be fatal.
    Im gonna shoot for sub 2:35. First half in 77mins then take it from there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    A tough back end to the last week before taper but so far so good.

    Tues: Lunch
    7.1 miles with 6 x 100m strides. Pace 06:58. HR 135
    Fair enough run but breeze still nasty

    Wed: 5 x 1 Mile Intervals Again
    This was a repeat of the same session as last week. But conditions were more favourable this time. 1 mile WU then repeats at goal pace 05:45 / mile, with 0.5 mile recovery between at 07:30 pace approx.
    This was not as hard as last week. The pace slightly quicker than planned at around 05:42
    (10k pace) .
    Reps: 5:42, 5:40, 5:43, 5:44,5:40. . HR 154

    Thurs: Body feeling tired.
    Just barely getting 7 hrs sleep these nights. Can’t wait for 2011 to be over. Good riddance to it.
    Lunch: 7.3 miles @ 07:05. HR 132
    Just easy recovery after yesterday reps. Pace felt very slow, which is good.

    Fri: Last MP tester

    Again this was a repeat of last Fri session. Tomorrow at 4pm I’m flying back to Tsing Thong China for a week so I needed to bring this forward. Last longish planned run is down for early am Sat.
    I hope my seat 67H down the back will allow me some recovery on the 12hrs flight
    To make matters worse (or better) was informed that 30th Dec is down as my last day in my present work establishment. I’ll be one of the last to leave so my head isn’t very clear right now.:(
    Right the aim today was 10 miles at around 06:10 pace but after 5 testing sessions in 11 days I didn’t know how this would turn out. But as conditions were good it made it “easier”. I hit 06:07’s with relative ease – 3 times and those were my slowest splits. The effort was a little more than last week but then my average was 06:02 / mile so not bad
    Summary: 11.6 miles with 10.6 at 06:02. HR 160
