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Raising the bar a little...



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Sat am – Last medium run
    15.2 miles@ 06:43 pace. HR 143
    The legs were heavy from the week the sessions so planned this at 7 min pace. So got head on to the job and worked put fairly well with last 6 miles at a decent pace - 06:31.

    So the last two weeks has worked out well and better than I expected. Now just the small matter of a tiring long trip and hard week ahead.
    Was on the plane to London by 4pm and from there I got the Cathay Pacific flight to HK.

    Mileage for week = 55.3

    Taper begins or the way not to taper
    Sunday: Rest day though still travelling

    3pm landing and only managed 2hrs sleep on the overnight flight. I need to get my hands on some sleeping drugs for the return journey. I am a bit hesitant on taking anything like that, never took it before.
    Got a ferry a 5pm and was in hotel for 6:30pm. Then off with the lads for a big Muslin Chinese meal which was great as usual.:D

    Had half planned on an early morning run but put it back to later. Crap sleep again
    Managed a 5 mile progression in doors in the evening. Pace 06:49. Legs feeling good.
    Out then for some pints in order to get carbed up for the big one in 14 days time. ;)

    Tues: Dawn
    7.2 miles at 06:38 pace. Progression with 7 x 100m strides. HR 146
    At least I bailed out by 12am unlike others. Feeling guilty I suppose from the consumed Asahi’s the night before this session turned into a mile progression run from 07:10 to 06:19 pace.
    It started off at a beautiful dawn and conditions were not bad here for once.
    This was a sort of an enjoyable run. That is if you can in some way understand it from someone with major depleted sleep and dehydrated levels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Evening run in the city 6.3 miles at 06:54 pace. HR 139
    The run started off ok. After 2 miles the legs and in particular joints started to feel sore and battered. It all became somewhat uncomfortable. By 5 miles I had to stop as a sharp pain shot up from my ankle.
    Stopped had a bit of a stretch and massage the area and got going again. Not good.

    Postponed an 8 miler with 3 @ MP.
    Ankle was somewhat sore, though no swelling. Rest instead

    Fri. 8 predawn miles @ 07:03 pace. HR135
    Awoke at 4:45. Had about 6 hrs sleep but felt fresh. No point lying in bed. So faffed about a bit, finished out my packing as homeward bound this evening.
    Planned an easy run just to test the ankle. The city seems to turn off the street lightening at 3am so I ran the first mile or so in almost pitch black. Lucky I didn’t run into dogs, poles or the last of the hookers making their way home from a nights work.
    Started off first mile easy, and from there just eased into a nice steady rhythm. Ankle felt good. Nice run taking in the surroundings for probably my last ever run here.

    Conditions pleasant, temp 22C.

    Weekend plan:

    Sat will try 6-7 miles and depending on how I feel maybe a few at MP
    Sun up to 13 miles with some strides

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    As usual a bit behind on this.

    Sat: Evening 6.2 miles at 06:41 pace. HR 138
    I got home 11:30am and managed 5-6 hrs sleep on the flights.
    I also got 2 hrs sleep of a sort that afternoon. I wasn’t too enthusiastic about a run that with the state of the weather. The wind was cat and the rain wet by the end. All in all not a bad run I suppose

    Sun AM:
    I didn’t want to feel guilty about missing some MP miles on Sat so I deferred them to the Sunday
    So after a good sleep the first 6 were a little nippy at 06:48. The last 6.85 were faster than MP too but it felt good
    Summary: 12.85 miles with last 6.85 @ 06:00. HR150

    Weight in:
    Put on 1kg in a week which means I am 1kg over weight I was this time last year. :mad:

    Weekly mileage = 45.6


    Was half thinking of a very early run as that would be my only opportunity for the day but thought rest day was a better option.
    Pretty much wrecked all day. Bloody rain didn’t help

    Tues: Lunch
    6.3 miles @ 06:48 pace. HR 138.
    Great sleep last night, 8 divine hrs.
    Included 5 x 100m strides in this. Legs weren’t on fire or anything.

    Wed: Last MP miles

    7.1 miles at 06:28 pace. HR 142
    2 @ 06:50, 3 @ 06:07, 2.1 @ 06:37.
    Again not totally fantastic or anything like holding back on the turbo. Though felt good at the end

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Best of luck on Monday Joe give it socks!! Might catch you for a pint afterwards although i reckon you will need to wait about an hour and 20 mins before i finish pacing duties:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Final run in…

    4.5 miles @ 07:03 pace. HR129
    Pleasant run, feeling good

    Today:3.4 miles @ 06:50 pace. HR130
    Easy run with some 100m strides.

    So that’s it, well almost for my 12th marathon / ultra.
    A nice rest day tomorrow and then a couple of miles Sunday
    Best of luck on Monday Joe give it socks!! Might catch you for a pint afterwards although i reckon you will need to wait about an hour and 20 mins before i finish pacing duties:)

    Oh sir don't think I'll be be hitting 2:40hrs this time, may have to wait till London 2012:)
    But I would be very satisfied of just bettering the 2:43:33 in April.

    Yes planning pint(s) afterwards. Make sure you have that phone well charged up this time unlike it going dead in the Red Lion in London!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    Good luck Joe! Great training in difficult circumstances at times. Look forward to the report

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    Best wishes for Monday Joe.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Sent you a pm there before having a look at your log. Best of luck, hope all goes well

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Thanks folks. Plan is to enjoy Monday like the past 4 yrs, hoping, praying it won't let me down

    Today is a big day for Abhainn:D:D
    The ballooons, banner, buntings are all up. The little people are very excited for me
    Now officiially a middle aged nut. Hopefully not heading into a mid life crises. Don't worry I won't be out buying a Harley or anything like that.

    No running today. Rather a 20 miler than the shopping ahead of me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,492 ✭✭✭Woddle

    Happy birthday and best of luck Monday, I'll give you a good shout coming up Milltown :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Happy birthday Joe. Didn't realize you were that old. Makes all your performances almost respectable. ;) Best of luck on Monday. Hope you have a cracking race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭Seres

    hope morrro goes well , you deserve a good race :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Dublin Marathon 2011 Report

    My goal had to be realistic. There was really no way I was going to go 2:39 unless a force 10 gale was pushing my arse around the whole course. With no race in 8 weeks to assess where I was, been unable fit in key sessions in 4of those, and finally slightly over last year’s weight (but probably 3-5kg over an ideal race weight) it was always a bit beyond reach. Even though hitting big 40 was now a reality the fastest marathon of my life would have to wait for another day.

    However I wasn’t in bad shape considering all the life stuff that had gone on in the last weeks. If I could better the 2:43:33 in London all wouldn’t be bad.

    The early wind was light and sky bright as I warmed up with the elites on Fitzwilliam Square. :) The club had a house arranged for the marathoners close to the start. The 6 or 7 of us (incl Pronator and Pre) & the club volunteers discussed the food and agreed food points on the course. A great relaxed way to prep for the start.
    My strategy for the race was to take it easy in first 5 miles and hit 10m miles in 62:00 – 62:30. Unlike all my races this year in which I went out too hard and then tried to hold on, the uncertainly of my form forced me into that plan. I wanted to run one good race this year.

    I got into a nice rhythm early. I wore two watches again - the Polar for my HR and Gramin just to keep eye on my pace (and as it turned out I rarely looked at it for the race).
    I soon found out that the latter mile split did not tie in with markers. When I reached the north Circular rd I started to look out for runners of my own pace. However many runners pace was bit erratic and I decided to reach mile 5 and take things from there. I got a great shout of encouragement at mile 5 from very friendly face at the split 31:22 (watch) / 06:16 pace. The wind was noticeable but in this section but I didn’t seem to be putting any extra effort. I knew I’d speed up because of the profile over the next 3 miles. I gradually moved from runner to runner ahead. Just before the gate at mile 8, I grabbed my first fuel bottle from Richard. This is the first time I experimented with this in a marathon and first time trying a new product on race day. That is thanks to an accidental meeting with Heffarmy at the Expo on Saturday it worked extremely well.
    With the first 1/3 of the race almost complete the focus was to catch onto a group as the next 5 miles were the hardest of the route. I was running very alone and the nearest group was perhaps 80-90 meters ahead. Mile 9 turned out to be the quickest of the race (05:52) as I caught the group of 10 half way up the hill on St Laurance rd. That climb seemed to be the end of most of those as they soon fell behind.
    I hit mile 10 in 61:53. Last 5 miles 30:30 or 06:06 /mile.

    I feared the next 3 miles to half way most of all but I thought onditions were very good and the miles flew by. The HR average was also steady so things looked good for the 2nd half. Hit halfway in 1:21:20 odd.
    Conditions turned for the worse during the route towards Kimmage. I was overdue some fuel.
    I should have taken on a gel at last water station at mile 12 and now, I was concerned that mile 15 might not come quick enough. And it just came in time. Mile 15 was not very enjoyable. I had the same issue 1 year previous. I slowed slightly for the sugar to take effect and got myself together again going down the nice new road surface to Templeogue. Last 5 miles 31:16.
    This Belguim dude and myself had been running kind of close since mile 5. He kept me on my toes, the distraction was good, he seemed strong and then…. he was gone. No he fell behind! :D
    I was handed my 2nd fuel bottle at mile 18 and before I knew it I was running over the mile 20 mat -2:04:20. Just 10 secs outside my target. Those 5 miles 31:12. Up to now I was running on feel. I rarely looked at the Garmin pace. Everything was going to plan. The support on route mainly thanks to my Sli Cualainn singlet was unreal. It seemed to be seen by everyone. Donothoponpop was literally popping up everywhere too!

    Moving on I knew a half decent last 10k would get me into the 2:42’s but instead of pushing on I decided to hold back until the Stillorgan Road and then up the pace a little. Feeling strong down Nutley lane I come along side a slowing runner. He had been that ahead of me for most of the race. Turns out he lived about a mile from me in Sligo and was in the same national school as me (about 4 years behind). He ran a number of 1:15 halfs and this was his first marathon. I immediately call his name and try and get him moving again. I slowed up for 100-200 meters allowing him to get back his rhythm. I offer him my 3rd fuel bottle that I picked up at mile 23. He declines and stops to stretch. I had to go on. (He did get going again and finished in 2:45, well done lad).
    I was still going well heading into the last two miles though the effort was more. Miles 20-25 in 31:12 again. Coming round by TCD I really started to come under real pressure. Two runners pass me there. I can’t recall anyone overtaking me from maybe mile 5.
    That green carpet was a welcome sight. A 2:43:17 achieved. Very respectable. Not bad for an aulder lad
    Can’t wait for London 2012 now

    HR 165. Position 72nd . Same as 2010

    1 x High 5 gel at mile 15
    3 x 1.5 sachets (50g sachet,total consumed 75g) of High 5 Extreme mixed with 250ml water at mile 8, 18 & 23
    Water : every station

    Shoes: Lunar Glides 2.
    These felt really good up until mile 25. Then the wet insole slid up the side of the shoe, a little uncomfortable.
    The legs and body felt very good just mins after the race. Actually the best I’ve felt after any marathon.

    Finally well done to the sound club mates Pronator who had a 6 min PB and finished in 2:40 and PRE who managed a 2:52 after very few runs in the last 4 weeks because injury.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Well done again Joe. Not bad for an M40! My Chicago split for the half-way mark was within 5 seconds of your (1:21:25). After that, we went in completely different directions! Nice little arm rotation at the finish line. Very composed. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Cracking report of life at the sharp end!

    Well done and all the best with London and beyond.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭Seres

    Really positive report , great performance . That was a really nice gesture in the closing part of the race , helping your school buddy along . There wouldnt be too many out there at your level that would do that .

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Great report and a super race. Very well paced too. Well done.

    All the best in London and Barca! Barca is a cracking event. You'll love it :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    +1 on what seres said, fair play. Super run Joe I was quite inspired by your super pacing. Good job and your log also just became a whole lot more interesting :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    Well done again Joe. You looked fresh as a daisy after. I've no doubt you'll absolutely hammer 2.40 when you a get a bit of luck on your side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    +1 on what seres said, fair play. Super run Joe I was quite inspired by your super pacing. Good job and your log also just became a whole lot more interesting :)

    Your sub 3 mate is just waiting to happen
    Well done again Joe. Not bad for an M40! My Chicago split for the half-way mark was within 5 seconds of your (1:21:25). After that, we went in completely different directions! Nice little arm rotation at the finish line. Very composed. :)

    If the temp had stayed low for you it would have been a different story.

    Not sure why I did the one arm rotation. Maybe TRR Berlins celebrations that were in the back of my mind suddenly jumped out. He had more energy than me at the end. Anyway I didn't want to look too much like a tool. ;)
    Seres wrote: »
    Really positive report , great performance . That was a really nice gesture in the closing part of the race , helping your school buddy along . There wouldnt be too many out there at your level that would do that .

    Id say 99% of people here would have done the same
    pgibbo wrote: »

    All the best in London and Barca! Barca is a cracking event. You'll love it :cool:

    London - I honestly can't wait for it. Chomping at the bit already.
    Your brilliant Barca report made my decision on that. Thanks man
    Well done again Joe. You looked fresh as a daisy after. I've no doubt you'll absolutely hammer 2.40 when you a get a bit of luck on your side.

    Just as well I had to leave after downing only the second Guinno. If the young lad was asleep and not going nuts in the pub I wouldn't have been fresh for many more.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Well done Joe, great running as always. Looking forward to following your goals in 2012.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Pronator

    Joe to run 2:43 after the training you have had is incredible. I've no doubt you will go sub 2:40 in London after seeing the pints ye had on Monday night:D Great job, a pleasure to be your team mate;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Great report Joe and a good insight at the pointy end of the race. No doubt you will smash up London even for an aul lad:).
    Looking forward to following your training for Barca as well and may even join you over there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    Great stuff Joe, after the year you've had you really pulled it out of the bag on the day. Whats this I hear about you doing barcelona? I was thinking about a spring marathon myself but that would just be going from one marathon cycle to another.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    great run and report abhainn. You manage to get the results no matter what

  • Registered Users Posts: 85 ✭✭pre

    Ur the man Joe fair play ill look forward to seeing u and pronator smash 2.40 next year. Top men

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Pronator wrote: »
    Joe to run 2:43 after the training you have had is incredible. I've no doubt you will go sub 2:40 in London after seeing the pints ye had on Monday night:D Great job, a pleasure to be your team mate;)

    Same here buck. More pints tonight and also next weekend in Sligeach, ah well has to be done. But then back on the roads again.
    You enjoy the easy one tomorrow morning
    tunguska wrote: »
    Great stuff Joe, after the year you've had you really pulled it out of the bag on the day. Whats this I hear about you doing barcelona? I was thinking about a spring marathon myself but that would just be going from one marathon cycle to another.

    Eoin not the spring Barca marathon but the longer event in late Sept:)
    pre wrote: »
    Ur the man Joe fair play ill look forward to seeing u and pronator smash 2.40 next year. Top men

    Your forgetting someone aren't you:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,080 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Well done Joe - we'll sniff out a nice craft beer in Wicklow town tonight (my treat), even if it means the offy and a brown bag ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    Well done Joe - we'll sniff out a nice craft beer in Wicklow town tonight (my treat), even if it means the offy and a brown bag ;)

    Good man can't wait then. All we need then is Krusty to give it a review like only he can

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,441 ✭✭✭Slogger Jogger

    Another great race and report Joe. If only you could bottle that and sell it you'd be a rich man. Congrats and best of luck with your next target, for the moment enjoy it.
