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Raising the bar a little...



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,080 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Fantastic - looks like you nailed the swim and T1 and everything else went according to plan - well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 25th July 10 Part II

    Thurs: Cont’d
    Early am run in Hampshire: 4 miles at 07:11 pace. HR 133.
    The first 10 mins I felt very uncomfortable. I think I was actually running offset to one side because of the discomfort. Not good.
    A visit to the spa afterwards was postponed as a burglary last night decided to rob the keys.
    Its not really my week is it?

    Evening: Ibuprophen does work
    I was supposed to go home tonight but had to re schedule to Fri morning due work stuff.
    Checked into same hotel as the one I checked out of this morning. Popped a couple of Ibuprophen for my continuing discomfort and before you know it I was skipping down the road on a 5 miler. Oh to run with no pain. I can even sneeze with ease. (Thanks Macari) Nice lively run.
    Popped to the Spa (locks changed!) after and did 10 easy mins in the 10m pool. Felt ok.
    Summary: 5 miles at 06:39 pace. HR141

    Back in Eire by lunch and popped out for an OW swim in the evening. I got odd looks from the OH as she wondered how I could swim with pain.
    A 25 min swim was refreshing but it did ache

    A 30 min bike morning bike around the area just to ensure all was well with the machine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Humbert Challenge Half distance triathlon Race Report

    Lately I seem to be taking part in more of these inaugural events. First off events like this are a bit risky in that there can be fundamental issues. However the very first Humbert Challenge half distance triathlon just seemed to operate effortlessly. I’ve done BOTE twice and those guys set the standard in arranging triathlon races. Now these guys in Swinford Tri have raised the standard. The organisation, marshalling, the range of food and hydration at the aid station were really impressive.

    Callow lake a few miles from Foxford was the setting for the swim start. I recognised a few hard-core triathlon athletics together with their super sexy machine bikes. I was a little embarrassed by my entry-level road bike, “someday maybe” I hear myself mutter. I briefly met Catweazle before the start who was looking keen to get
    started. Early heavy drizzle and mist had just cleared before start time and I took my third pain killer tablet of the morning. My ribs felt ok for now.

    The swim started from deep water as the 100+ souls tackled the 10 buoys around the lake. The first buoy was perhaps 300 metres away and then we swam right and headed towards the Crannog in the middle of the lake and circumnavigate the island and return to the start point.
    The buoys + flags weren’t the easiest to sight (my only gripe of the day) but I was very happy with my sightings with exception of line from buoys 4 to 5 where I strayed off a little. I quickly got into a good steady rhythm concentrating on long and full pull. I think one of the reasons for my slow pace recently was that my arms were exiting the water too early thus not performing the full follow through.
    My only real other problem was avoiding one guy who was straying all over the shop for a good portion of the course. The water was calm and warm and by 38:20 mins I was out of the lake. Transition was busy – thankfully. A sub 1:20 3.8k may be a realistic possibility one day.
    Position 59th. HR 149, this is much higher than any OW session this year.

    Wasn’t quick at 1:57 but under target .I had trouble putting one of my socks and even noticed it was on the wrong way just after mounting the bike.

    The roads were greasy to start off with but they dried quickly. I had only 4 rides of 80k and more done in training up to this so I didn’t want to push it too hard early especially as the Windy Gap climb was rumoured to be tough. I consumed a gel and settled into the undulating course. The course for the first 25k is picture some with varying quality of road surfaces. The road was busy ahead with cyclists by the time we tackled the Windy Gap 2k climb. The climb itself had some very steep sections up to the half way point, but I found myself at the top soon overtaking between 10-15 riders.
    The next 23k were grand, nice views with a bit of a tail wind. I was aiming to get my average speed over 32kph. The section between 50k and 60k was uninteresting and hard as a head wind was very noticeable. During the bike I kept eye on HR and happy that is stays with Z3 (<150BPM)
    Soon thankfully the N5 was here and with a tail wind and a chance to get down on the aero-bars (if I had any)! So, instead it was the drops for me. At 75k close to the when changing one of my bottles I lost my pump. Decision time .. well, decided not to bother stopping and collecting it. I yelled to the water station to hold onto to it and Id see them “in a hour and a half “. Luckily I entered T2 without incident at 2hr 50min having moved up 25 places or so.
    HR 148. Bike rank 29th. Position 32nd.
    Food taken on route: 2 gels, 1 Power bar (yuk). 500ml of Powerade, 750ml of water & two painkillers.

    I fumbled with my sock that was on the wrong way and lost some seconds. I should have done better than the 1:48. Grabbed two gels and off I went.

    Thankfully I have no problem running off the bike. The legs felt fine but I was aware of the steep climb that started just before the 1km mark.
    Before I know it I hit the hill and 1km in 03:48, which is quicker than planned. The steep hill goes on for 500m or so before I settle into a steady run. The early km’s are through some very nice quite narrow roads, which I really enjoy. I reach 5k in 19:57 and continue to average just over 4min k pace until 7k or so. I get encouragement along the way as I overtake my competitors in succession. I am glad of the water station at 8k and take a gel. This is needed as I was now having to work, and the hills are noticeable. I go through 10 in 41 flat and from there to 12k the route is on a busier road, which isn’t very appealing.
    I decide to walk through the water and food station after 12k where I take on water and the very welcome wet sponge. This has a positive effect and I get my second wind. The route is now along the main N5 but contains long drags but has the benefit of been able to see the competitors in the distance ahead. I continue to move up the field having brief chats along the way including Nomadic who I didn’t know at the time. I mentioned to him the 3 guys in the distance ahead were my target. I did overtake 2 but could before the end but never quite got close enough to the third.
    I again walked through the food station at around 17k and picked up my bike pump that had fallen off earlier. :)
    My pace was gradually slowing in the final km’s but I wanted to reach 21.1k in sub 1:30 which I just managed. The finish line a further 300m up and a very welcome sight. Half Ironman Man at last.
    Run: 13.3 miles 1:31:18. Run Rank 6th. HR 162. Food - 2 gels.

    Finish time: 5:04:06. Position 14th. (10th Individual

    Overall I’m happy enough with the result. Swim and bike went well but I was slightly disappointed with the run as I slightly overcooked it in the first 5k. My nutrition and hydration went very well. Considering my preparation was not ideal and with a rib injury (it still hurts like hell to sneeze) I think in the future a 4:50 or thereabouts on a similar course is within my reach.

    Well done Swinford Tri club

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    good job abhainn, 4:50 is within your reach by the sounds of it. and with very bad prep also due to the injury, the rib would surly take energy from the body just by repairing itself??? not to mention to discomfort and physicological protection you would have towards it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Abhainn wrote: »
    My only real other problem was avoiding one guy who was straying all over the shop for a good portion of the course.

    Ha that might have been been me I was swimming great but I was all over the shop on the way home :o.

    Well done on the race, fantastic run, I can only imagine what time you would get if you did the run alone and tapered for it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 1st August

    Mon – Wed
    I thought 3 days rest was in order. A 5hr race does take it out on the body whether you know it or not.
    The body felt fine actually on the Monday apart from my ribs, which continued to be very sore.

    Lunch: Easy 6 mile run around Tymon Park at 07:09 pace. HR 133

    Lunch: 7.1 mile run around Tymon Park at 06:58 pace. HR 138
    This run felt better than yesterday.

    During the run I was thinking about the rest of the year aims. My next A race will be the Dublin marathon once again. But with the race been 12 weeks out I am just not ready to go into mad marathon training. Last year I didn’t start the serious marathon stuff until the 2nd week Sept and with the 5 solid weeks I did for it I still did a nice PB of 2:47. So the goal this year is a sub 2:45.
    But before then I will do the Mourne Olympic Tri on the 7th Aug which will be my first tri in another country:). I will then start the marathon stuff.


    Easy bike of 41 k at 26kph. HR 121. Just sussing out some potential hilly run routes around the area and measuring them on the bike.

    40 min approx OW in Wicklow harbour. HR 121
    Felt a bit soft arse with my wet suite. It was an hour before the big swim race in Wicklow and a few of the swimmers were starting to arrive.
    My time for this swim route has been reducing which is good.

    IM UK thoughts:
    I’ve been thinking about IM UK for 2011. It ticks a few boxes for me.
    But the bike course seems to be a bit of a brut.
    No man or woman under 5hrs for the bike, only 4 under 5:15, 11 under 5:30. Unless the standard is seriously low (which I doubt) but this bike course seems to be more challenging than Lanzorate. Food for thought. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 8th August

    Lunch Bike 58km. HR 130. Speed 30.6kph
    Route – Wicklow to Bray exit via Ashford and return
    The breeze was nasty breeze on the outbound route and could only averaged over 27kph. Return was grand and averaged mid 30’s kph.

    Lunch: 6 mile run around Tymon Park at 06:57 pace. HR 136
    First run in 4 days and the legs felt rusty early in this run
    Swim OW 40 min. HR 120. Route :Wicklow Harbour and outside the north pier.
    This was grand.

    Evening: Bike 52km. HR 128. Speed 30.5kph
    Route – Wicklow to Kilmac via Ashford and return
    Fresh head wind on outbound section didn’t make pace very easy.


    Lunch: 4.5 mile run with some 30 sec pick ups. Pace 07:00, HR 135.

    Mourne Olympic Triathlon. See race report


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Mourne Olympic Triathlon

    This was my first triathlon up north. Race start was 10am and with registration also on race morning I travelled up with my aid “Pops”.
    The location for this race is in the Castlewellan Forest Par, which is spectacular. About 200 athletics squeezed into a rather small transition, which was surprising considering the setting vicinity.

    The lake in the centre of the park was the swim location. Two large buoys marked the outline for the 1.5k swim loop that didn’t appear that long.
    The water was favourable and before you know it we were off. I settled into the swim and it went off without major issue. I exited the water in 26:20 about half way down the field. I now suspect the swim wasn’t the full distance but can’t understand why the organisers didn’t ensure it was the full length as the lake was long enough.

    Swim to bike went well. I didn’t bother with socks and was on the bike in 1:04, which was up there with the best of the day.

    The route consisted of 2 laps and took us on a closed road towards Banbridge. The road was wet in places and the fresh westerly breeze made the outward 10k challenging. Just after the start a testing 2.5k climb soon tested the legs. Thereafter the course was undulating. I started to make my way through the field.
    At the turnaround and to my disappointment I counted I was only in 73rd position. I had loads to do get to my target finish of 20th –25 overall on the day.
    Lap 2 was just as testing but it was quicker than the first as I overtook a number who seemed to be suffering somewhat.
    Coming into transition I estimated I was in about 59th position. The 42k bike was done in 1:20:40, (48th best) and was about 10mins behind the best bike on the day.


    Wasn’t as good as the first at 1:03. I had trouble finding my spot and shoes and stuff were thrown everywhere.

    The run consisted of 2 laps of woodland path surrounding the lake. At the far end of the lake a steep section of hill was added to make up the full 10k. I got into my running quickly. Without km markers it wasn’t easy estimating what pace I was doing. I had only passed on runner in the first 4 mins so things didn’t look great in moving up the field. At the far end of the lake the first encounter of the long hill was met. Jaysus it was energy sapping but at least I encountered loads of runners here. By the end of lap one I had moved up 14 places and I was moving along well. During lap 2 I lost count of the runners I overtook as some were on their first lap. I was hoping I did enough to get into the top 30. Lap 2 was slightly quicker though and I crossed the line in 2:25:58 with the run done in 36:37, which was about 7th best including relay runners for the day. (I think the run wasn’t quite 10k though).
    Overall position 30th and 25th individual.

    Race impression:
    The race was well organised and support was really good. The course was definitely challenging especially the bike while the run was enjoyable apart from that bloody hill you had to run up twice.
    I am becoming used to fine goodie bags, after race massage and hearty food post race but sadly all 3 were missing here.

    Tri season is finished.
    Now it seems the tri season is finished for 2010. I took part in 2 olympic and 1 half distance races and I can say I have seen an improvement over last year. My swim seems to be improving and the bike is gradually getting better. I think if I had gotten one extra swim and bike in per week improvement would have been more noticeable. I think a top 30% swim and top 20% placing in the bike may be good future targets for next years races.

    Onwards Dublin marathon:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Compact but impressive and rewarding season. Well done. Really really looking forward to following next season to see what kind of marathon you can do off the bike!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,120 ✭✭✭El Director

    Very solid there dude. Like shotgun I would be interested how your marathon would be in an IM event. You would surely have fun catching loads on the longer run. Well done again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Fantastic 10k (ish) off the swim and bike and on a tough route too. Very impressive. In contrast to the other two lads, I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on in DCM. Are you going to shoot for a PB? Back to back long runs like earlier this year or something a little more humanly achievable? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Well done Abhainn. Sounds like a tough course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Compact but impressive and rewarding season. Well done. Really really looking forward to following next season to see what kind of marathon you can do off the bike!
    Very solid there dude. Like shotgun I would be interested how your marathon would be in an IM event. You would surely have fun catching loads on the longer run. Well done again.

    Cheers boys. As long as keeping the bike section in control Id like to be chasing a 3:30 marathon. Id like to think Id be capable of that
    Fantastic 10k (ish) off the swim and bike and on a tough route too. Very impressive. In contrast to the other two lads, I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on in DCM. Are you going to shoot for a PB? Back to back long runs like earlier this year or something a little more humanly achievable? :)

    Ah yes a sub 2:45 is the aim. I have keep ahead of your best KC. I'm secretly hoping you don't go any quicker than 2:48 in Berlin:)

    Those back to back long runs are killers on the brain. But I'll be sticking with previous plans i.e. weekend will consist of building up MP run to 12 miles and long run day after.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 15th August

    This wasn’t going to be a hard week. I needed a little time to start planning my Dublin marathon sessions. :rolleyes:
    There was a good bit happening and I also would be eating drinking too much this week. So it seemed a this week would be a good time to ease back before the next 10 weeks efforts :)


    Lunch: 6 mile run around Tymon Park at 07:24 pace. HR 132
    With two days rest after the Mourne triathlon this was not as efficient as I would have liked. The breeze wasn’t very pleasant

    Lunch: 6 mile run Tymon Park at 07:15 pace. HR 132
    Same route as yesterday. Felt a bit. Same HR

    Lunch: 7.1 mile run Tymon Park at 07:14 pace. HR 132
    Same HR again as last two days. My joints are starting to ache somewhat. I ran out of my glucosamine and chondroitin supplements some weeks back and have been a bit delinquent in getting more.


    11.7 mile run at 07:05 pace. HR140.
    A few pints, wine, and too much food last night equals “run next day will probably not be great”. I had no hangover mind you but this didn't feel the best

    More sins yesterday.:) BBQ started early, was very enjoyable but today I felt overweight and unfit.
    Decided on a bike of 35k just to rid the system of some of the toxins. Pace 28.5kph. HR 117

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Training summary Dublin marathon 2009
    There were 9 weeks between Eireman and the marathon. 9 weeks to prepare. Well I really didn’t have 9 weeks. I had just 5. That’s all the time I had the hard stuff done.
    2 weeks were spent on holiday while the last 2 would be taper.
    Prior to this I was averaging early to mid 20’s on the road since the ultra which wasn’t alot. I was getting in two good bikes rides in most weeks though and together with the swimming I was in good form physically.
    The first two weeks were spent on holiday. I used the first as a recovery week with a few easy runs and the second week I managed to get the milage into the 30’s. It wasn’t easy rising early to that you could get your run done by 8am or so.
    The 5 weeks of proper training looked like this:
    Long runs = 18, 20, 22, 20.
    I was very happy with the long runs. Average pace worked out at low 7’s and well within the aerobic zone. This was usually done after a pace run or race the day before.
    Pace runs = 5. Built up from 5 to 11 miles
    These were ok. I was unsure of what my race pace was actually going to be on the day. So they ended up going from a goal 06:40 to just under 06:30 pace.
    Races = 2 (Used these as VO2 / Tempo sessions)
    The 10k PB at 36:10 would seem a bit slow now but then I was chuffed.
    The DHM best was something I was not expecting. I bursted my arse to achieve a PB by min at 1:23 in late June and to reduce this to 1:18 and finish before all the ladies I was real happy about.
    Speed / Intervals sessions = 2.
    Weekly milage = 47, 52, 46, 59, 52
    Seems a bit low now. I did 7 weeks of similar average in preparation for Berlin the year before

    Plan DM 2010. Goal sub 2:45
    mmm..and that got me a 2:47:rolleyes:. I suppose looking back now on that the marathon preparation appears very light. But each session had quality, controlled and went to plan. And everything went better than expected on the day.
    I didn’t bother with high milage weeks and I only did a couple of VO2 max sessions. But I suppose I was fortunate in that I was coming from a good base from the summer triathlons and that training associated with it. .
    The plan for DM 2010 is more of the same really. The overall effort will be increased slightly i.e.
    · MP runs will max at 12 miles at around 06:15 pace.
    · Long longs will increase to 5. Aiming of an average sub 7min pace
    · Overall weekly milage will be up slightly
    · Plan is for 3 races and PB’s in each. 10K on the 11th Sept , half on the 18th Sept and hoping to find a 10k on 3rd Oct
    · Increase interval sessions from 2 to 4.

    I think introducing something radical into the training plan would be risky and why change something that isn’t broken?
    My weight on race day 2009 was 75.0kg. I am about a half kilo lighter now but hope to get to low 73’s. Reaching that would probably mean 3 mins better off if everything was equal as last year.
    Anyway attached is my 10 week plan. Hopefully it won't deviate too much

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,514 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Wow, you'll definitely deserve your taper after Sat: 12 pace / Sunday: 21.
    Best of luck with the plan. Not terribly dissimilar to my own, just quicker!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,080 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    Good luck with the plan and give me a shout if you want to hit Charlesland for those reps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Wow, you'll definitely deserve your taper after Sat: 12 pace / Sunday: 21.
    Best of luck with the plan. Not terribly dissimilar to my own, just quicker!

    Not much but I have just to keep ahead of you. If I'm satisfied with that week I will be happy.
    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    Good luck with the plan and give me a shout if you want to hit Charlesland for those reps.

    No probs. Ya 10 x400 on the 31st Aug in Charlesland at 5pm.
    Next weeks will be during lunch

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 22nd August

    Evening: 4.6 miles at 06:43 pace. HR140
    Originally I was going to take this day off but because of weekends excesses I just needed to get out and feel a bit better about myself.
    And I did just that.
    A hilly route on the new Wicklow access and port road did the trick.
    Job done. Feeling a bit better.

    Lunch: 6 mile run Tymon Park at 06:48 pace. HR 138
    Planned at 7 min pace but felt ok


    Lunch: 8.1 mile run around Tymon Park at 06:23 pace. HR 154.
    Ok intention was to introduce my legs for a quicker before a MP session at the weekend.
    So 1 mile a 7 min pace and then 7.1 miles at 06:30 was my plan. It turned out:
    1st mile 06:50 then 06:21,06:23,06:16, 06:28,06:21,06:19,06:09. Average for 7.1 06:20 which is just outside MP
    A very heavy shower from the end and a very stiff breeze made the last two miles miserable.

    Lunch: 7.1 mile run Tymon Park (again!) at 07:04 pace. HR 133
    Legs a bit achy from yesterdays efforts so tried to keep it around 07:15 pace. But I was relaxed and happy with efficiency.


    Marathon Pace Run
    10 mile run with first 5 at 7 min pace and last 5 at 06:15 pace
    It was quite warm on Sat morning and even though I had a great sleep I wasn’t bouncing around during this one.
    The first 5 miles turned out to be 06:49 pace and the 5 at MP turned out to be 5.7 mile at 06:08.
    The MP miles were a bit all over the shop. Ranged from 05:56 to 06:17. The slower miles were “hilly miles” and the second to last took in that tough drag up the new port road that I decided to add into the session.
    Happy I got through did the session ok but I was an arse on the pacing front (don’t own a garmin). Last 1.5 miles were tough.
    Overall 10.7 miles at 06:27 pace. HR 155.

    14 miles at 06:56 pace, HR 138
    Legs a bit achy after yesterday and not really looking forward to this one. But this was an enjoyable early morning run and stuck fairly close to my planned pace of 7min miles.

    Week ahead.
    Heading to Sligo at the weekend so may switch long run to Sat and MP run may just be at normal pace on the Sunday.
    2.5 weeks to next race. Haven’t decided on Firhouse or Adamstwon 10k yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 29th August

    Recovery 4.5 mile run at 07:20 pace. HR monitor is giving unreliable readings again.
    Joints still ache, this was not very enjoyable.

    Lunch: 6 mile at 06:57 pace. HR 133
    Planned at 7 min pace and this felt ok.

    First interval session in ages. Circular loop consisted of 2/3 on path & 1/3 on grass.
    1 mile warm up then aiming for around 1:37 / 500m x 8 with 250m jog between. First one was 1:38 and slowest then 1:38, 1:36, 1:37, 1:37, 1:35, 1:34, 1:35, 1:34 last been the quickest.
    The last 2 were tough alright but I felt I was motoring well. Average 1:35.9. HR monitor still giving intermittent reading but max was seemed correct
    Total miles 6.6.

    8.1 mile run at 06:52 pace. HR137
    Legs felt good after yesterday and aches in joints seem to have ceased. Enjoyable run


    Long Run
    18.1 miles at 06:50 pace, HR 145
    It been a while since I was in Sligo for a long run.
    As I knew I would be having a few pints of the black stuff tonight I brought forward the long from Sunday as this was more important that the scheduled pace session.
    The conditions were cool and fresh and yes this was grand. Just started to feel the distance at 16 miles.

    10.2 miles at 06:44 pace, HR 140
    After the half dozen Arthurs and later night than usual I delayed this till midday. A similar route to yesterday the conditions were windy. I wasn’t feeling very fresh and the legs were a bit sore but happy enough to see this one out

    Weekly milage: 53.5

    Week ahead.

    The intensity will be increased further in the coming week. The first tough week.
    An interval planned is down for Tues, 8-9 pace miles for Sat and then 20 miler Sun.

    Looking forward to the crack at the 10k Sat week. Still not decided on Firhouse or Adamstown

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  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭jaymack75

    Great to catch up on your log and see the training is going well - hope to see u on the start in dcm

    Abhainn wrote: »
    HR monitor is giving unreliable readings again.

    When this happened on my Polar, I replaced the battery in the chest strap and it cured the problem :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    jaymack75 wrote: »
    Great to catch up on your log and see the training is going well - hope to see u on the start in dcm

    Good man. Any time in mind? Seems ages ago since we lined up in Conn
    jaymack75 wrote: »
    When this happened on my Polar, I replaced the battery in the chest strap and it cured the problem :)

    I have two straps and two transmiters. I've been alternating betweeen both and re placed batteries in each. I'm going to try a different battery manufacturer tomorrow. If that fails maybe the watch is on the way out

  • Registered Users Posts: 253 ✭✭jaymack75

    Abhainn wrote: »
    Any time in mind?

    I'm thinking I should be good for around 2:50, but it will depend on how I feel on the day. Really struggled round the Frank Duffy last week in 62mins (was planning on about 59), so we'll just have to see :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 5th September

    Recovery 4.5 mile run at 07:13 pace. HR 127
    Joints continue to ache especially my feet.

    400’s Intervals
    My right foot scared me today. I was almost limping around the place. Horror thoughts like stress fractures were going through my mind.
    But I hooked up with Beepbeep 67 at Charlesland track and the foot felt better. 10 x 400 with 200m recovery was the plan. I added one extra for luck at the end. Wouldn’t mind getting this up to 14 reps or so before I tackle 800’s.
    74, 78, 75, 76, 73, 76, 75, 74, 76, 73, 74.
    These felt good and legs felt light. Ta BB67 for company
    Total milage 6.6


    7.1 mile at 06:59. HR 135
    My legs felt good until I went out running. They did not feel fresh at all and took it easy first 3 miles. HR still not stable even after changing to a Duracell battery.

    8.1 mile run at 06:57 pace. HR140
    The warm conditions made this a little bit of an effort. HR reading seems more stable. I decided to wash the strap in the machine last night.


    Marathon Pace Run
    11.7 mile run with first 3 at 7:05 min pace and 8.7 miles at 06:15 pace
    My 2nd MP run in recent weeks and this one was run over a hillier route.
    First 3 miles at MP were in the rain and a was little bit of an effort. By mile 5 I had gotten my 2nd wind. The HR readings were also lower on pace miles than last pace session. Ya I’m happy with this. Good progress. Pace miles average 06:11. HR162.
    Overall pace 06:25 / mile. HR 154

    20.7 miles at 06:53 pace, HR 142
    It was little bit of a late one last night. Small anniversary celebrating was had.
    Didn’t feel fresh at all and the first 3 miles weren’t pleasant especially as there were 17 more after that. It was challenging mental stuff. I was hoping to meet some other runner on outward route but met plenty coming the other way.
    Things picked up though and at turnaround the pace was 07:01 for first 10 miles and HR nice an low. The return against the wind but I felt strong. It was at around mile 17 when I began to long for pepsi and ice cream. Brekkie was 2 toast and jam so I knew I was getting low on sugar. I don’t carry gels on long runs. I managed to keep pace constant until home though and boy did the sugar taste good.
    These kind of runs make you tougher

    Return 10.7 at 06:44 pace.

    Weekly miles = 59.3

    I am happy with last weeks progress. Weight is down to 73.5kg and I would love to shave another 1 kilo off that.
    I may do intervals (400’s) on Tues but I want to be fairly fresh for Sat as I have the Adamstown 10k pencilled in. The course is fast and I hope to take a chunk off my 10k best of 35:54. That was set in a very cold and hilly Clitheroe in UK 10k which was 2 days after Christmas Day 2009.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Just catching up on your log...serious result at the Swinford 1/2. Chapeau!

    Are you looking at an IM for 2011?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Izoard wrote: »
    Just catching up on your log...serious result at the Swinford 1/2. Chapeau!

    Are you looking at an IM for 2011?

    Cheers Izoard. See you in Brittas Bay on Sat. Tough luck. I totally forgot that was on, it been so close to me

    2011? Yes. Got the thumbs up from the OH at the weekend :).
    Might be asking you for a few tips in the coming months

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Abhainn wrote: »
    2011? Yes. Got the thumbs up from the OH at the weekend :).

    Nice...based on your efforts so far, you'll kill it.

    Any thoughts on which event?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Izoard wrote: »
    Nice...based on your efforts so far, you'll kill it.

    Any thoughts on which event?

    Looks like IM UK. I have to weigh up the pros and cons and right now this one comes out on top.
    It is definately not as glamorous as some of european ones but hopefully one day they may come my way

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Week ending 12th September

    Recovery 4.5 mile run at 07:20 pace. HR 125
    This was a fairly pleasant run in unpleasant conditions.

    400’s Intervals
    Didn't feel fresh for this as the weekends’ sessions seemed to be still in my legs
    This evening it was just the track to myself. I hadn’t originally planned in the 400 intervals but I wanted another go at doing these as last weeks were good.
    I was hoping for 12 reps but would have taken 10 after I had just 2 completed!
    In the end my thickness stood, and I managed to complete all 12 and in under 75 secs each. The quickest 72.8 & slowest 74.9. Average 74.0. I was shattered at the end.
    1.2km warm down.
    Total milage 5.5

    7.1 mile at 06:56. HR 135
    Easy first mile with two work colleagues then steady thereafter. I could feel the muscle in my quads from yesterday.


    Early 6 mile run at 07:04 pace. HR 135
    19C at 07:30am! Humid. I started ok and included some strides. But by mile 3 it went a bit downhill. Legs weren’t responding and it felt as if it were weeks since my last run
    Run was just crap and got worse as continued.
    Hardly a great feeling before a 10k race the day after.

    Adamstown 10K race. See report

    20.7 miles at 06:49 pace, HR n/a
    This was good. Yes this was good. There were no apparent ill effects after yesterdays race, and legs felt fine.
    Out 10 miles at 7:00 pace and the return 10.7 were at 06:39.
    I was very relaxed in this especially the return home leg. The legs seemed to be on cruise control.
    This was a good confidence booster after yesterday

    Weekly miles = 50.0


    Overall this was a very satisfactory week. Looking back at my training log detail from this time last year I can see that I am definitely ahead of that. Ok the 10k race was a disappointment but that was a tough race.
    The next big test is the half marathon in the park on Sat. There are no tough sessions in for this week in preparation for that. This is a recovery and step back week

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Adamstown 10k Race Report

    For any race I set myself 3 targets. For this tune up race I set myself the following:
    · Happy enough – Beat my PB which is 35:54
    · Very happy – Low 35’s
    · Extremely happy sub 35

    A little less than 300 lined up and I noticed a few speed merchants among them. Linda Byrne was also taking part and I knew she has gone sub 35 min in a few races this year. I was secretly hoping she was on form today and I could tag on?! :rolleyes:
    My aim was keep the pace between 03:25 – 03:30 per km
    We were off and the first km was into a stiff breeze and slightly uphill. A group of 5 runners formed and started to pull away gradually. I was in the next group back in which there were 3 of us. I managed to draft behind two runners. We hit 1km in 03:27 - Perfect. I wasn’t happy with the group though and I just felt it was somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be. I purged ahead as the second km was downhill and the wind on my back. Little did I know I would be soon returning on this section facing into a stiff head wind!
    At 2km split was 03:18. Too quick? Well seconds in the bag suppose. There were a number of bends and turns during the third km but it was flat and I continued with a solid pace (03:25). So I went though 3k in 10:10.
    The 4th km was not pretty scenery and pace wise (03:42). A long, long drag against the stiff breeze made this very hard. I could see about 40 meters behind two runners including the leading lady who was Kerry Harty.
    Should I slow up so we could share pacing? I was feeling the going increasingly tough now. My HR was high, too high at this race stage. Through 5km in 17:42 (last km 03:44). I knew my sub 35 had gone now but I was confident if I could hold it together a mid 35 might be possible.
    The course now brings me the opposite side of the finish line. I see the family and they know I am suffering. I can hear the leading lady just behind. I wonder is she going to go straight by? No, she draws level and I find reassured strength. Without words we agree to share the pace.
    From 5k to 8km the course is slightly downhill and wind is from behind. I know we have to return the same route against those elements. 6 and 7 km splits were 03:31 & 03:37.
    We turn for home and attempt to keep the pace up. The going is still tough but marginally easier than 3 or 4km ago. We run together until 9k when I see 32:11 on my watch. Pace for last 2k was 03:42 but I need to increase pace just to make sure of my PB.
    I push on gradually but my companion doesn’t seem to respond. I come up to the final turn and see the 100m sign but it actually reads 200m. I look at my watch in disgust 35:30. Blast. They is no way I can cover those last meters for a PB.
    I manage a smile as I cross the finish line but it is not a happy one.
    Time 36:03. 6th position

    I was pissed off at the finish. Ok 6th position was good but a quicker time was more important.
    For once I didn't manage any of my pre race targets but from a positive point I worked bloody hard in this race. My HR average over the last 4 km was higher than ever so at least this race turned out to be a great VO2 max session!
