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My attempt at 'getting fit'



  • Posts: 14,344 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Terrible effort for yesterday, though I knew it was going to be.

    Went to the cinema to see Avatar in 3D in the morning, and went bowling in the evening. Seen as I hadn't been to either in years (last cinema visit was about seven years ago) I decided it'd be OK for me to eat crap for a day and enjoy myself.

    So yesterday, my food intake was;

    Tuesday - 2nd February 2010
    08:10am: 2 Slices Toast – Tea
    11:20am-14:00pm: Popcorn, Coke (Avatar 3D)
    20:00pm: Chips, Hotdog – Coke (Bowling)

    And due to the Cinema (which was part of my FAS course) I had to get into the course earlier than normal, so no gym yesterday either.

    This morning's gym routine looked like this:

    06:30am - Wednesday - 3rd February 2010

    Cross-trainer: 15 mins

    (Machine Weights)
    Pec Deck - 5 x 5 at 75kg
    Shoulder Press - 5 x 5 at 45kg
    Chest Press - 5 x 5 at 45kg
    Lateral Pulldown - 5x5 at 45kg

    (Free Weights)
    Bicep Curl - 5x5 at 9kg
    Tricep Kickback: 5 x 5 at 6kg
    Lateral Raise – 1x10 at 6kg

    Looks like the treadmill hates me. I was enjoying the C25K program, but my right leg wasn't having any of it. After some pain and constant irritance, I assumed I should probably give it a rest. My GP confirmed this, so for now I'm back to the non-impact and dreaded cross-trainer/elliptical.

    I don't know what the crack is with my right leg at all. It's always been giving me hassle and issues. My left leg rarely, if ever, gives me anything to moan about though. I don't get it. I must get an X-Ray done some time to see if there's something dodgy going on in there.

    Anyway. Today, my food intake so far is:

    05:30am: 2 Weetabix (warm Milk)
    08:15am: Half Corned Beef Sandwich (Tea)
    11:30am: Half Corned Beef Sandwich (Water)
    14:00pm: Half Corned Beef Sandwich (Water)
    18:00pm: Pepperoni Pizza (I know!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 393 ✭✭beegirl

    Terrible effort for yesterday, though I knew it was going to be.

    Looks like the treadmill hates me. I was enjoying the C25K program, but my right leg wasn't having any of it. After some pain and constant irritance, I assumed I should probably give it a rest. My GP confirmed this, so for now I'm back to the non-impact and dreaded cross-trainer/elliptical.

    I don't know what the crack is with my right leg at all. It's always been giving me hassle and issues. My left leg rarely, if ever, gives me anything to moan about though. I don't get it. I must get an X-Ray done some time to see if there's something dodgy going on in there.

    Hi there, I've been following your thread! Just wondering about the leg, do you think it could be shin splints? Is the pain in the lower part of your leg? I had shin splints the first time I started running, not fun!

    Well definitely follow your doctor's advice to rest, but when you eventually want to give it another go... what I found worked the best was getting a good pair of runners - I got ones that provide better support for your arches which was supposed to help. If you asked in a good sports shop they should be able to help you.

    The other thing is, I heard that shin splints (if that is your problem!?!) are caused by a muscle imbalance (calves being overdeveloped compared to shins) so it will just take time - build it up very slowly!!!

    Best of luck :)

  • Posts: 14,344 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Hey beegirl,

    I don't think it is shin splints. I used to get those pretty badly before just from an average walk, but haven't had it in years. The pain seems to come from around the back of my leg, around a quarter way in, and on the inside. I only decided to go to my GP because the last time i was on the treadmill, when I started extending my leg as I was running, even though my leg was unlocked and bent in a pretty natural shape, I got a small shock every now and again, as though i had my leg bent back, and straightened it up at a really rapid pace, if you know what I mean? (ie; bend your leg, now kick it out as hard as you can, as though you're trying to bend it the wrong way... that kind of impact on the knee area).

    I'm not completely stupid, so I know that's not supposed to happen. I'm hoping that If i start back on the treadmill tomorrow, but really half ass it, and break into it really slowly, then my leg will hopefully repair itself or get used to the treadmill and I'll try to kick back into Workout 2 from C25K again.

    I'm not too sure about my GP's advice to be honest. I think he was under the impression it was just shin splints, but everytime I go to him he diagnoses me according to what a Google search tells him. Haha (and I'm not even joking!). I suppose that's a good thing though in it's own way.

    I updated the last post with my food intake for today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 393 ✭✭beegirl

    Hey beegirl,

    I don't think it is shin splints. I used to get those pretty badly before just from an average walk, but haven't had it in years. The pain seems to come from around the back of my leg, around a quarter way in, and on the inside. I only decided to go to my GP because the last time i was on the treadmill, when I started extending my leg as I was running, even though my leg was unlocked and bent in a pretty natural shape, I got a small shock every now and again, as though i had my leg bent back, and straightened it up at a really rapid pace, if you know what I mean? (ie; bend your leg, now kick it out as hard as you can, as though you're trying to bend it the wrong way... that kind of impact on the knee area).

    I'm not completely stupid, so I know that's not supposed to happen. I'm hoping that If i start back on the treadmill tomorrow, but really half ass it, and break into it really slowly, then my leg will hopefully repair itself or get used to the treadmill and I'll try to kick back into Workout 2 from C25K again.

    I'm not too sure about my GP's advice to be honest. I think he was under the impression it was just shin splints, but everytime I go to him he diagnoses me according to what a Google search tells him. Haha (and I'm not even joking!). I suppose that's a good thing though in it's own way.

    I updated the last post with my food intake for today.

    Yes that doesn't sound like shin splints after all! I hope you are not serious about the doctor and Google, that's unbelievable :eek: Maybe if it is still bothering you after another while you could try a physio? They might know more than a doctor would in this case...

  • Registered Users Posts: 968 ✭✭✭Chet Zar

    I would do two things:

    1) try and get a gait analysis done (oh and make sure you have good running shoes)

    2) go to a good physio to see if you can get further insight on this.

    It may be that as you lose the extra weight though, the issue will diminish.

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  • Posts: 14,344 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Yeah, I'm kind of just hoping that any weight loss will help. The leg doesn't get aggitated at all whilst on the Cross Trainer so that's a good sign all the same.

    I don't have a proper record of what I ate yesterday, as I was quite busy and honestly can't remember what i had yesterday. I did finish the day with a Packet of Maynard's Wine Gums though! My lunch today was also 'Curry Chips' from the local chipper.

    Needless to say, my willpower/control over my diet is slowly falling apart. I've lost 12lbs since starting this fitness log, which to me, seems pretty good progress. You'd think that alone would be a good enough motivation. I feel retarded even writing this.

    I think my main issue is just boredom (although the chips today were a combination of forgetting my lunch, being hungry and smelling the Curry, but they were lovely and I doubt I'll be able to restrain myself from getting them in future! I SUCK!).

    I need to find some evening activities. My FAS course ends in four weeks, too, so... that'll cause trouble, though with that out of the way, I'll be able to spend more time at the gym (not that it'll make much difference). I'm doing a photography course for beginners from 8:00-9:30 on Wednesdays, but that also ends the same week as the FAS course, which means I'll only have one busy evening in the week (thursday). Not a good sign.

    I need to keep myself occupied with something that requires time and gets me out of the house. :(

  • Posts: 14,344 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    This week so far

    Monday - 8th February 2010
    05:30am: 1 Bowl – Cornflakes
    08:00am: 2 Yogurts
    11:20am: 1 Apple, 1 Banana
    14:00pm: Curry Chips
    17:00pm: 1 Apple, 1 Banana
    21:30pm: 2 Chicken Fillets (With Red Sauce) – Tea

    Tuesday - 9th February 2010
    05:30am: 1 Bowl – Cornflakes
    08:00am: 1 Bowl – Cornflakes
    11:20am: Ham Sandwich (Water)
    14:00pm: Ham Sandwich (Water)
    17:30pm: Spuds, Peas, Chop – Water
    19:30pm: 2 Pears

    Wednesday – 10th February 2010
    05:30am: 1 Bowl – Cornflakes
    11:20am: Ham Sandwich (Water)
    14:00pm: Curry Chips
    18:00pm: Spuds, Chops (Water)

    Not as good as when I started. I think, for next week, what I might do, is look back at my original posts, and try to replicate my food intake.

  • Registered Users Posts: 968 ✭✭✭Chet Zar

    This week so far

    Monday - 8th February 2010
    05:30am: 1 Bowl – Cornflakes
    08:00am: 2 Yogurts
    11:20am: 1 Apple, 1 Banana
    14:00pm: Curry Chips
    17:00pm: 1 Apple, 1 Banana
    21:30pm: 2 Chicken Fillets (With Red Sauce) – Tea

    Tuesday - 9th February 2010
    05:30am: 1 Bowl – Cornflakes
    08:00am: 1 Bowl – Cornflakes
    11:20am: Ham Sandwich (Water)
    14:00pm: Ham Sandwich (Water)
    17:30pm: Spuds, Peas, Chop – Water
    19:30pm: 2 Pears

    Wednesday – 10th February 2010
    05:30am: 1 Bowl – Cornflakes
    11:20am: Ham Sandwich (Water)
    14:00pm: Curry Chips
    18:00pm: Spuds, Chops (Water)

    Not as good as when I started. I think, for next week, what I might do, is look back at my original posts, and try to replicate my food intake.

    Hey dude,

    Seriously do put some more thought into your diet - it is the cornerstone which holds everything together and without getting it right you are shooting yourself in the foot.

  • Posts: 14,344 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Hey Chet Zar,

    I agree with you completely. Though I don't think I've done too badly from thursday onwards. I haven't kept track of it though (haven't been near the computer as much). I just tend to keep going to a chipper or something along those lines lately, as my FAS course is currently outdoors and it's been freezing this week, so my equally freezing cold sandwiches don't seem quite as appealing as hot food. Toasted Rasher & Sausage sandwiches have been my dinners lately. Not overly healthy.

    In saying that though, only four more weeks of the course left and I'm back to being a bum, which means I can go to the gym whenever I want. I'll just have to find something to do to avoid eating out of boredom.

    Was at the gym today and did about half an hour of decent cardio work between the recumbant bike, cross trainer and treadmill. Planned to weigh myself this week aswell to see how I was getting on, but the weighing scale in the gym seems to have just disappeared!?

    I'll take another look again tomorrow.

  • Posts: 14,344 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Found the scales today and weighed myself. Came in at 17 and a half stone.

    That's in and around 9lbs in about a week and a half I believe. Not possible thinks me. I'm gonna weigh myself tomorrow again and see what comes up. Of course I hope it's accurate, but a stone a fortnight? I think this gym has some 'feel-good' weighing scales!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭Agent J

    Found the scales today and weighed myself. Came in at 17 and a half stone.

    That's in and around 9lbs in about a week and a half I believe. Not possible thinks me. I'm gonna weigh myself tomorrow again and see what comes up. Of course I hope it's accurate, but a stone a fortnight? I think this gym has some 'feel-good' weighing scales!

    It is possible to loose that kinda weight in the short term at the begining of a life style change.

    However it is not sustainable and will not continue at that pace. I lost my 1st stone in about 3 weeks or so. Eventually it leveled out and i hit a plateau for a few months about 15stone.

    Its good to be critical of scales. Depending on the time of day etc there can be a variance. From my own experience pick one scales and stick with it. If it is slightly off then over time it still shows a general trend.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 59 ✭✭funlovintapir

    Hi, good luck with your weight loss.

    i empathise with you a lot, your self confidence seems to be pretty low.
    i was living on takeaways until two months ago. i started a private livejournal diary and every day i write in it what time i got up at, what i ate and at what times, what time i went to bed. and every monday morning i weigh myself and put that up. and then every 2 weeks i measure my waist, hips, arms and thighs and put that up. its really good to see it going down.

    if i try cooking some new recipes i write them down as well. a thing i found very helpful was the weightwatchers points system. they give you a little book when you join with a list of all the points values of food, and you can roughly calculate how many calories you're having without going overboard. i think the most important thing is not to starve yourself, because you will get sick of it too. realistically you're not going to want to completely give up chocolate or pizza or nice things like that, so have them but once a week and fit them into your daily allowance. just don't let them become your main meal when you're hungry. have your breakfast always, and try not to eat much for the few hours before you go asleep.

    i've accepted that it takes a long time to lose weight, if you don't want it to come back again. it takes a long time to put it on, so it's going to come off very gradually.

    this link is very good. it helps you to tell how many calories you have to eat just to maintain your current weight.
    and then it tells you how many you actually burn a day just by being alive, without moving.
    remember that 3,500 calories = 1lb in fat. so if you can create a deficit of only around 500 calories per day, you will lose 1lb in a week. It should be easy to lose 2lb a week, and thats what doctors say its the healthiest amount to lose in a week.

    Don't eat below the amount of calories that you need to function, because your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose anything, or you will lose muscle instead of weight.

    Don't be afraid of eating, but eat small portions. I think controlling the size of your portions and eating regularly is very important. Try not to fill up on bulky carbohydrates like bread, rice, pasta, potatoes. Bulk up on vegetables with your dinner so you feel full.

    Also, do weights. The more muscle you build, the better your metabolism will be. Muscles will help burn your fat away, and make you feel and look healthier and stronger.

    You probably don't need to hear all this, and know it because its obvious, because you're doing grand anyway, its just some things to remember that have helped me a lot so far!
