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Girls Clan [G!RL]



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 160 ✭✭Caoimhin

    I do know if this tread is still active, but here we go. Firstly I am male, but dont worry I wont be looking for a friend request as I know this is a females only clan. I have been gaming for a while now and have a few really good female players on PS3 who I used to play game battles with.
    Throughout all my time on the ps3 I've ran into very little female players but have noticed since switching over to the PS4 , there seems to be a lot more girls playing this console and I have ran into most of them playing in the eSports rules playlist, if you have made the switch to ps4, give this playlist a go and make some friends. Generally its full of good people, hope this helps someone.
