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Jaggie's 5/3/1



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C3W1D4 - Squat
    1 x 5 35kg
    1 x 5 45kg
    1 x 5 55kg

    1 x 5 60kg
    1 x 5 67.5kg
    1 x 10 77.5kg -- was chuffed with this after hardly squatting for the past 2 months.

    5 x 10 55kg -- not nearly as tough as last week but i used my rest better i think.

    Leg Curls
    5 x 10 31.5kg -- decided to skip down some weight as it had been a while - thank god i did!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C3W2D1- Press

    1 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 22.5kg
    1 x 5 27.5kg


    1 x 3 32.5kg
    1 x 3 37.5kg
    1 x 7 42.5kg - really annoyed i only managed this.

    1 x 50kg
    1 x 52.5kg PB - only tried these coz i was so pissed off at the reps on work set :)

    5 x 10 27.5kg

    5 x 5
    last 2 sets were broken up as i had to rest, but decided i had to at least finish the 5.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Another deadlift day, another day feeling like least I know the reason this time. Football killed me last night, woke up with all manner of muscles screaming in pain at having to move from stiff to active. Neck (more my left trap I guess) in bits again, barely able for moving my head. Wasn't going to go but thought I would at least try and get some stretching done to loosen up.

    C3W2D2- Deadlift

    Did about 3 times as much stretching as normal and did some light running to really shake out the body.

    1 x 5 45
    1 x 5 55
    1 x 5 65


    1 x 3 77.5kg
    1 x 3 87.5kg
    1 x 7 97.5kg -- literally lost my grip on last rep was holding on by tips of my fingers on my left hand, same side as my neck is sore.

    That was it, the extra stretching and running kind of ate anytime I had left but I had nothing more to give to be honest, I was beat. The stretching did help though, as did the power (well more power than mine at home) shower afterwards. Neck is still sore but not as bad. Need to do some more stretching tonight.

    So question for you out there, what kind of post stretching do you do, specifically on cardio intensive work outs like footie - I never stretched after or before anything up until i hit 35 and even now it is has all been strictly pre workout. Really need to start going the extra to make sure I am in good shape for the next work out - any foam rolling tips for the neck area?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C3W2D3 - Bench

    1 x 5 30kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 5 47.5kg


    1 x 3 55kg
    1 x 3 62.5kg
    1 x 8 70g <--very poor might have had another one in me but I dunno..

    5 x 10 47.5kg

    BBB was very easy today

    Dumbbell Row
    5 x 10 30kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    wrong time of day, not prepared properly, feeling queasy...lots of other excuses for why I just plain couldn't give it a proper lash today including having to rush back for a meeting!

    C3W2D4 - Squat
    1 x 5 35kg
    1 x 5 45kg
    1 x 5 55kg

    1 x 3 65kg
    1 x 3 72.5kg
    1 x 6 82.5kg :(

    5 x 10 55kg

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C3W3D1- Press

    Going to miss deload week next week as i have to go away for work for a week and if i miss deload then the week i am away will coincide perfectly when i am away (and hopefully not stranded!)

    1 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 22.5kg
    1 x 5 27.5kg


    1 x 5 35kg
    1 x 3 40kg
    1 x 9 42.5kg - Better than last week! Think it is a PB too. Need to keep note of these things!

    5 x 10 27.5kg

    Chins & Dips
    Decided to go 3 sets of weighted chins and dips. Found it really hard to get my feet around the 6kg dumbbell, I guess it will get easier the more i do it and if i move up weights as the bell end (ahem) gets bigger and my feet can wrap it better.

    3 x 5 chins + 6kg - dropped the dumbbell on the last one of 1st set and had to stop after 3 on both of the other sets and then restart to finish

    3 x 5 dips + 6kg - not as bad as the chins but man so much harder than i thought it would be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C3W3D2- Deadlift

    1 x 5 45
    1 x 5 55
    1 x 5 65


    1 x 5 82.5kg
    1 x 3 92.5kg
    1 x 10 105kg -- without doubt a PB - real happy with this, had to change my grips a couple of times but felt good on all reps.


    5 x 10 65kg - tough especially last 2 sets, felt my forming getting wobbly.

    Leg Raise
    3 x 8

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C3W3D4- Squat

    Missed Bench due to house signing issues - now that contracts are done I imagine over the next 2 months I am going to struggle to keep my program every week but I shall endeavour to try!

    Warm Up
    5 x 37.5kg
    5 x 47.5kg
    5 x 55kg


    5 x 67.5kg
    3 x 77.5kg
    6 x 87.5kg (pretty poor i think - got a copy of me on the phone and i think i went camera shy and woosed out :D still at least the form looked decent.)

    5 x 10 @ 55kg

    Nothing else, had to get back to work, coz on top of house I am mad busy for at least the next 6 weeks :|

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C4W1D1 - Press
    Already lost a day this week to the house...i imagine it will continue in similar vein.

    Warm up
    5 x 20kg
    5 x 25kg
    5 x 30kg

    5 x 32.5kg
    5 x 37.5kg
    7 x 42.5kg - poor showing after last week but man it was tough

    5 x 10 @ 30kg - Weight has increased and my arms were in bits, really struggled last two sets and had to take breaks after 7 reps...still i am sure it is going to help ;)

    again, no time for anything else today..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C4W1D2- Deadlift
    5 x 47.5kg
    5 x 57.5kg
    5 x 67.5kg


    5 x 75kg
    5 x 87.5kg
    8 x 97.5kg -- had more in me but my form was going out the window
    1 x 120kg
    1 x 130kg
    1 x 135kg
    0 x 140kg -- had this hips and legs were good, half way up grip failed me, don't know if it was sweat, the different bar or just coz my grip sucks but it failed me.
    0 x 140kg -- not even off the ground..

    5 x 10 X 67.5kg

    Was really worried about my form all through my sessions, not because i was feeling pain just a paranoia I guess. Was able to watch myself from the side on my last BBB set and I thought my form was much better than I expected, back was totally straight - thank the maker!

    Weight and body fat down, 79kg and 12.8%, not accurate methinks but still going in the downwards direction.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C4W1D3 - Bench

    5 x 32.5kg
    5 x 40kg
    5 x 50kg


    5 x 52.5kg
    5 x 60kg
    10 x 67.5kg <-- PB not great but everything felt so heavy today
    3 x 75kg <-- was going to work up to some singles but this felt ridiculously heavy and so i wouldn't have had anything left for BBB.

    5 x 10 50kg -- tough but to think this time last year i would have struggled with 3 x 5 @ 50kg!

    Dumbbell Row

    5 x 10 30kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C4W2D1- Press

    1 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 25kg
    1 x 5 30kg


    1 x 3 32.5kg
    1 x 3 37.5kg
    1 x 9 42.5kg

    5 x 10 30kg - destroyed today..

    3 x 5 - done in....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C4W2D2- Deadlift


    6x102.5kg - unhappy i know i had another in me but didn't do it so no point moaning about it.

    5 x 10 67.5kg - form was decent although started to falter again on final 2 sets.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C4W2D3 - Bench

    5 x 32.5kg
    5 x 40kg
    5 x 50kg


    5 x 52.5kg
    5 x 60kg
    6 x 72.5kg <-- Man I just don't think I am getting better here...crap really crap..

    5 x 10 50kg -- felt easy and just made the 6 @ 72.5 more annoying.

    Dumbbell Row

    5 x 10 30kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Yeah, bench can be a cruel, frustrating mistress. Keep up the good work, especially if you're increasing while losing weight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Well that was a pain in the arse 3 weeks, 1 week sick, 1 week away and last week moving house which has still not completed...don't get me started...

    anyhoo, had enough of the inactivity and forced myself to the gym this morning, which is tough enough at my best of times.

    Back to C4W1D1, which i may repeat next week again as it was tough enough..

    C4W1D1 - Press

    5 x 20kg
    5 x 25kg
    5 x 30kg
    5 x 32.5kg
    5 x 35 kg
    8 x 40kg -- it hurts it hurts !!

    5 x 10 @ 30kg

    Chins - 3 x 5

    Not a fantastic session but more solid than I had expected, especially with it being the morning shift.....loads of crap to sort on house so i expect this week to be flaky with time but intend to get the training done. good to be back into it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C4W1D2 - Deadlift

    5 x 45kg
    5 x 57.5kg
    5 x 67.5kg
    5 x 75kg
    5 x 85kg
    10 x 97.5kg

    My form was getting bad, not sure why, rounded back too much, strength was ok just didn't click right, hands were sore, all calluses have gone and now have baby hands again and to top it all the liquid chalk i had got was left sitting in the office - doh!

    Didn't have time for BBB as had to go see builder but managed 5 x 5 hanging leg raises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    C4W1D3 - Bench
    This has to be the hardest bench day I can arms are wasted and I was struggling big time with the BBB got through it only just but man...

    5 x 32.5kg
    5 x 42.5kg
    5 x 50kg
    7 x 52.5kg (last 2 were making sure of my position)
    5 x 62.5kg
    10 x 67.5kg (equal to last time i did it but tuff )
    5 x 10 @ 50kg - real hard this time...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    another week least fully in the house now it should settle down a bit and i can get back at on hols in 2 weeks so not doing 5/3/1 for the next fortnight, just a bit of this and that, check where i am, my fitness etc...

    going to keep with the exercise for that day though, will setup a new schedule after the hols


    1 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 25kg
    1 x 5 35kg -- mistake but sure woke me up..need to pay attention!
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 5 45kg
    1 x 3 -- very short break --
    1 x 2 47.5kg -- still i think the 1 x 3 @ 47.5 is PB so cool
    1 x 1 50kg
    1 x 1 52.5kg
    1 x 0 55kg -- thought i had it and then nope, no i didn't :)

    3 x 5 chins
    1 x 3 pull ups...good to see i haven't progressed on these since the last time i did them :)

    did the 2000m on the rowing machine, just to finish off, man i need to do more cardio! 9:27:6 mins. Probably really embarrassing but need to know the time i did so i can beat it next time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    managed to get in early this morning again....might be something to look at long term .. it will all depend on many many things :)

    5 x 60kg
    5 x 80kg
    5 x 90kg
    5 x 100kg
    5 x 110kg
    1 x 120kg
    1 x 130kg
    0 x 140kg -- had the fecker up at my hips nearly, grip started to go on one hand so had to lower it incase i dropped it, just before i could get my knees locked, but was surprised that it came up so easily, once i got it moving!
    0 x 140kg -- this time I couldn't get it moving :)

    6mins HIIT..

    not a long session but was happy that the body was up for deadlifts first thing in the morning...cos the mind definitely didn't think it was!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    early doors again..getting used to this...good weather helps does the kids waking me up early :)


    5 x 30kg
    5 x 40kg
    5 x 50kg
    5 x 60kg
    5 x 70kg
    1 x 75kg
    1 x 80kg
    1 x 82.5kg
    0 x 85k -- shows me where i am at, 7.5kg down from my pb but seeing as i only ever did that once...this week and next will be good to get the figures right for an updated round of 5/3/1 interestingly i think my bench suffered from 5/3/1 not sure why tho.

    3 x 5 bw dips

    1 x 1 bw pull up...haha

    6 mins hiit

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    so much for early doors - holiday lie ins soon kill the ability to get up early :)

    back to the grind stone yesterday, no gym had stuff to do and i had 5 asides anyway

    easing myself back into it so i have recent kg marks to feed into the new program...mind didn't want to go today, body was aching to get in...and glad it won!


    5 x 30kg
    5 x 35kg
    5 x 37.5kg
    5 x 40kg
    5 x 42.5kg
    5 x 45kg
    2 x 50kg PB for reps
    2 x 52kg PB for reps
    0 x 55kg right arm was willing but the left wasn't able :)

    5 x 70kg
    5 x 100kg
    5 x 120kg
    1 x 130kg
    1 x 135kg
    1 x 137.5kg
    1 x 140kg PB
    1 x 142.5kg PB

    3 x 5 dips

    Well chuffed with the PB's think I need to go on holiday more often!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    more seeking of current personal ability...wasn't looking forward to squat, a long time since i tried to go high on that..


    5 x 20kg
    5 x 50kg
    5 x 60kg
    5 x 70kg
    5 x 80kg
    1 x 90kg
    1 x 95kg
    1 x 100kg
    1 x 102.5kg
    0 x 105kg (missed my pb, jelly legs totally, but reasonably happy with that, been neglecting the squats so no real surprise)


    5 x 40kg
    5 x 50kg
    5 x 60kg
    5 x 65kg
    5 x 70kg
    1 x 72.5kg
    1 x 75kg
    1 x 77.5kg
    1 x 80kg
    1 x 82.5kg
    1 x 85kg

    Stopped there, no one for spotting and i didn't feel confident short of 90kg my pb but again ok.. both are higher than the original figures i put into 5/3/1 so we will see how it goes.

    new job starting, promotion at the end of the month so time will be tight, add into that a new baby next month too and i am really going to be juggling my time to get to the gym...thankfully 5/3/1 can be flexible...let's hope i am too !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭Magic Eight Ball

    Well done with the deadlift PB's man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    cheers ! getting there on my 2 x body weight before the end of the year...only trouble is my body weight keeps going up :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    new job already destroyed my gym time yesterday and i haven't even started it yet! so had to squash day 1 and 2 together today



    5 x 20kg
    5 x 25kg
    5 x 27.5kg
    5 x 30kg
    5 x 35kg
    10 x 40kg (might be a PB but not too worried if not)

    5 x 40kg
    5 x 65kg
    5 x 77.5kg
    5 x 82.5kg
    5 x 95kg
    6 x 110kg

    That was it, quick and cheerful, no time for anything else...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Work messing with my schedule again...quick in and out today to do the squats and bench:



    5 x 30kg
    5 x 40kg
    5 x 47.5kg
    5 x 50kg
    5 x 57.5kg
    10 or 11 x 65kg


    5 x 37.5kg
    5 x 45kg
    5 x 52.5kg
    5 x 60kg
    5 x 65kg
    6 x 77.5kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet

    Another double up today as I missed yesterday session. Good stuff though, quite like the press and deads together.


    5 x 20kg
    5 x 25kg
    5 x 27.5kg
    5 x 32.5kg
    5 x 37.5kg
    11 x 42.5kg PB for reps - quite chuffed at that one.

    5 x 40kg
    5 x 65kg
    5 x 77.5kg
    3 x 90kg
    3 x 102.5kg
    7 x 110kg (some auld fella started yapping to me when i was loading the bar and I never noticed I was 5kg under my target weight till after the lifts...still 1 rep more than last week).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet


    5 x 30kg
    5 x 37.5kg
    5 x 47.5kg

    3 x 55kg
    3 x 60kg
    10 x 70kg -- pretty sure a pb for reps

    5 x 10 x 50kg

    Went down to do some dips afterwards...lack of BBB was evident tho and I could barely get one so I decided a shower would be the best course of action!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,358 ✭✭✭jaggiebunnet



    Knee I jarred on Monday @ football was really at me today so managed to do bare bones before left in pain...hopefully laying off the ball for the next few weeks will sort it.

    5 x 37.5kg
    5 x 45kg
    5 x 55kg
    3 x 65kg
    3 x 75kg
    8 x 82.5kg

    felt like i could have got another couple out on the last set but was worried about my knee...
