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I'm Free! (so far)

  • 25-01-2010 5:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 726 ✭✭✭

    Hi All

    Finally bit the bullet and stopped smoking last Friday night. So it's day 3 now and I can't believe how well it's going.

    I started takin the Champix about 3 weeks ago but it didn't make me cut down on the cigs at all so I was really dissappointed. I was also reading good ole Allen Carr "The only way to stop smoking" (basically an extended version of easyway)

    Really got it into my head that I wanted and needed to stop. I have been smoking 20+ a day for 20 years!! Am 34 now and figured I couldn't cope with 35 and still a smoker :-)

    Don't know whether it's the Champix, Allen Carr or both that is working out so well but believe me I have tried to quit cold turkey before and gone through hell not sleeping and obsessing about smoking. I also used the gum before but i really think that just keeps the craving for nicotene going...

    Anyhow I have read peoples accounts before when they said they were finding it not too tough and have alway thought well they mustn't be "proper smokers" then. But I swear this feels really do-able!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭martingore

    Well done .I quit smoking on Friday too for the same reason as you did, Im 35 next month and could'nt go on like this anymore.Im trying the new nicorette invisi patchs and they are work well so far.I've been down this road before so its always one day at a time.

    What works for me was that I told myself once I quit I was going to do as much sport as possible so I've been getting my arse out playing football most evenings and this is a huge incentive becasue I would feel extra bad if I put a fag in my mouth now.Plus its something to distract me and take my mind of them.I would advise everybody to have a plan like this , if it was even to go out for a stroll for 30 minutes .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 369 ✭✭Michael B

    Well done. I quit last year but had a few hiccups along the way, properly gave up at the end of May with an ultimatum from my girlfriend, it was her or the cigarettes. Nothing like an angry woman standing there with her bags packed to finally give me the kick up the hole I needed. I still need the patches when I go out drinking but apart from that I'm doing okay. It's not easy, especially when the majority of my friends are smokers but I'm glad I did it. Best of luck, I hope you keep it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 726 ✭✭✭dubsgirl

    Yeah good plan with the excercise - I really need to get that into my head as well. Have definitely been eating above and beyond since last Friday ;)

    I will make a solemn promise tomorrow I will get myself out for proper walk/jog/crawl...

    Michael - yes angry women can be the best motivator in the world!

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    Keep it positive and you ll make ,am going into my fourth month now and I cant believe am still of them I have money I didn't have before, so am taking the family for a holiday I never could have afforded before I DON'T COUGH AT NIGHT TIME use to wake the whole house up,I have more time for myself ( hobbies) because I am not rushing to make time to have a smoke.
    Its not easy but gave your best shot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭martingore

    Im hitting my 5th day tomorrow ,well today, having a few drinks tonight and delighted with meself that Im only having a few cravings .Best bit of advice I learnt is that the cravings only last a few minutes and this gives me so much comfort.And its true.!!

    I d'ont often post much on loads of different forums I frequent so please indulge me here .And naturally I'll support you guys 100 % here too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 726 ✭✭✭dubsgirl

    Fair play Terence great to hear from other's on the long term - 4 months is great

    Martin - Best of luck with having the beer tonight be on your guard that just 1 will put you right back to the start :-)

    I'm too afraid to drink - gonna wait for another 3 weeks or so...:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,807 ✭✭✭✭Orion

    good stuff dubsgirl. One day at a time, then it'll be one week at a time. Then one day at a time again :D It's not easy and you will have ups and downs - at least I am - but it's worth it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Oh wow!

    I'm turning 35 in March!!! Thats three people on this thread turning 35 this year. What a coincidence.

    Wanted to give up before I was 30 so I'm only starting 4 years too late :o

    I had my last cigarette on January the 1st. The left overs from New Years Eve.
    I'm feeling great now. Cravings have been cut down to when I'm feeling stressed or when I'm out drinking. But the will to not smoke is just so strong in me at the moment that I haven't given in. It's great when you get through all the 'firsts'. Like the first long car journey, or the first smoking break in the night class I do, or the first Saturday night out etc without a cigarette. I've done them all now really and I know I can do it. (Except the first holiday! Hopefully I'll have forgotten cigareetes exist by the time I go on my next holiday so it won't be a problem)

    I'd advise you just to take each moment at a time. Just try and get through all the 'firsts' and see how you feel after. I can assure you'll feel so proud of yourself. And then suddenly the time builds up. I can't believe I'm over three weeks now.

    It's really uplifting to know there are other 'eejits' like me, who've kept smoking till 34, and have decided to be a non-smoker at 35!! :D Most of my friends don't smoke anymore so I've been feeling like I'm having my own little battle here, but so quietly proud of myself) I really hope everyone does it. I gave myself a target of three weeks initially, and now I've turned that into a month.

    It's the sense of achievement that makes it easier at this stage.

    Hopefully we'll be checking in on our birthdays saying we're still smoke free whatever age we are :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    I'm too afraid to drink - gonna wait for another 3 weeks or so...:D[/QUOTE]

    Don't get to hung up on not having a drink I had similar feelings over having a drink and when I went out for a drink I was very aware that this was one dangerous spot to be but I seem to be able control the urge a lot easier then lets say been at home and relaxed or just chilling out.
    I am having a bottle of bud now and it tastes absolutely fantastic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,807 ✭✭✭✭Orion

    terenc wrote: »

    That's one of my problems. Taste buds working = tasting bud :eek: Quitting smoking has nearly turned me off Bud - now that I can taste it! Nearly. Not totally :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Rogersmith123

    I've been smoking for about 11 years, but I'm gonna have a baby, my wife said, if you don't stop smoking, I won't have a child with you. :eek:
    And I think I should give up smoking from now on.
    Smoking is the 1st thing I do every morning, and today I didn't smoke, feeling not good at all.
    And I found that I will deadly need suger or coke when I lack of nicotene.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭martingore

    Roger , try and find a balance for yourself , what helps you through it .You have made the first step , fair play but dont beat yourself up about it .If you even took this week to find out if cold turkey works , patches , the alan carr boook etc etc .You have been smoking 11 years , if it took you a small bit of time to get a system that works for you , its only all good.

    This is my 6 th day so far so good .I repainted my apartment , washed every bit of clothes I have and its amazing how fresh the place is now compared to being honking off smoke last week.Im getting my sense of smell back and as someone else mentioned I can smell a cigarrette from 2 miles now lol.I was drinking on monday night, 5 or six bottles and I swear to god , I didnt know I had a drink tuesday morning , its the fags that fry your brain .

    Anyway , everyday Im not smoking , Im delighted with myself and you guys should feel the same !!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    Well done on quitting! ive just quit also. Im off them three days now and remarkably (so far) im not too bad. doing it cold turkey. have been chewing normal gum when i crave a cig and the minty taste reminds me how much fresher my breath smells! Monday i was quite on edge (1st day off). which is understandable, and i thought to myself many times "oh ill just go for a smoke now" just forgetting! But every day is getting easier. Monday night i was pretty restless that night but in the morning I already felt more rested and less tired. I have been working hard on not eating more than usual because I really dont want to gain weight so i feel like i have added pressure, but fingers crossed. I think the major risk will be when i go out socially, as that has always been my down fall in the past. Any tips for dealing with this part of the process??! Keep it up everyone. Maybe we can all support each other to help and suport each other to keep away from these horrible sticks once and for all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 726 ✭✭✭dubsgirl

    Well done everyone we're all still hanging in there thats the main thing :-)

    especially all of us 34 year olds :D

    Roger don't put yourself under too much pressure as Martin said you need to find what works for you. You also need to really want to stop yourself...

    Day 5 for me now - have to say found today a little harder, not in anyway tempted to smoke but am kind of thinking ah would be good to have a smoke now... Have to just remind myself thats the addiction talking not my real brain :)

    And drumroll......yes I'm still too afraid to drink
    Might get a little taster bottle of wine tomo for when I'm home alone and can't go to shops or get someone to go for me :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 726 ✭✭✭dubsgirl

    yungwan - how are you not eating more?? I feel like all my willpower is being used up with not smoking and I have none left for eating sensibly :D

    Should really get some healthy snacks in and get rid of the junk - what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't want and all that???

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    dubs girl wrote: »
    yungwan - how are you not eating more?? I feel like all my willpower is being used up with not smoking and I have none left for eating sensibly :D

    Should really get some healthy snacks in and get rid of the junk - what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't want and all that???
    Hi dubgirl ,
    TRY having some fruit handy and and keep it small , grapes, small pears, plums and this might help you with the snacking .:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    dubsgirl wrote: »
    yungwan - how are you not eating more?? I feel like all my willpower is being used up with not smoking and I have none left for eating sensibly :D

    Should really get some healthy snacks in and get rid of the junk - what the eye doesn't see the heart doesn't want and all that???

    First two weeks I ate more chocolate than Charlie's factory. Now my skin is a mess! The thing is I know I look really unhealthy with the big spotty face but I know on the inside I'm healthier and it will show in a few I'm not really too worried. A few spots on my face will clear but a collapsed lung or clogged up arteries are more serious. I've also taken into account that I may put on weight, but again, I see that as a short term thing. I can lose it, when the time is right. If I can give up smoking I can do anything- right?And as a non-smoker I'l find the exercise easier. I read somewhere that some people get bad skin, awful coughs etc when they give up smoking for a few weeks at first, as all the toxins leave the body and everything clears out. As far as I'm concerned, if all these side effects are awful and I come through it, I'll be more unlikely to not smoke again, cos I'll be thinking 'do I really want to go through all that again?'

    So my awful skin and possible weight gain are my scars from the little battles I've been facing for the last three weeks. And I'm surviving!!!

    By the way - I'm really not eating as much chocolate now, week three. I've less cravings, and I can almost anticipate when they'll be coming, so the need for replacement food is not as strong. It's like my insides have naturally found a balance. Funny when I read your post I thought - oh that was how I felt two weeks ago. But I haven't felt like eating chocolate in a few days now - and I've only just realised that. I would say, don't deny yourself anything right now. You'll begin to resent the giving-up part and possibly give in. Your taste for food should pass in a week or two. You won't have done that much damage by then

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭martingore

    Dolliemix , I know Im telling you what you already know but if you have the determination to knock the smokes on the head , a bit of choclate shouldnt bother you in the slightest.I have to admit I m eating everything in sight but Im buying fruit to beat the band , specially those mandarins , eating 10 a day.And at least 5 bananas !!!

    Had a few beers tonight watching the man utd match , still no major craving for a fag while drinking , just an odd one , would'nt be to scared of that temptation .

    Going to join another football club tomorrow night , its actually an over 35 team and the irony is Im too young for a week and a half , hope they accept me haha.

    To everyone , keep up the good work , heading to bed now and must remember to take of the patch , you think you're having mad dreams , try sleeping with a patch on ........mental

  • Registered Users Posts: 726 ✭✭✭dubsgirl

    thanks Terence for suggestion :-)

    Dollie your so right great post! I'm net even normally a chocolate person but you should see what I have put away this last week! For the moment I should forget about what I look like and just think "yeah well my lungs are hot:P"

    Martin hope the team let you in even if you are only a youngfella maybe you could just clean up after them for a week:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Another Good Story!

    I had an exam this evening. The minute I left I had that - I deserve a drink and I'd love a cigarette now - feeling. God I really wanted a cigarette! I felt I so deserved it. And I did actually deserve it!!! This was like a different craving. Not that I needed one, but that I deserved one as a reward.

    Thank God I wasn't near a shop!

    So, I'm just back - six white wines later and no cigarettes! Go me ! :D

    At one point I put on my coat to go the bank, and one of my friends started saying 'oh you're going for a smoke aren't you'. And I could genuinely answer 'no, I'd no intention".

    I have so much faith in myself, when others don't, it was like 'I'll f**king show you". "Watch me, in a year from now, I'll still be here not smoking". I didn't actually say that, but I hope I hope I hope it's true.

    Day 28 - if it was February, I'd be off them a month!!! :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    dubsgirl - i dont know how im managing it so far but i havent really upped my eating. I do have a low fat biscuit in the eve which I wouldnt usually have, but apart from that I am trying really hard not to increase it. Mainly because if i do put on weight my self esteem will plummet. And this may tempt me to start smoking again. And before anyone tells me that its better for my health to give up more than to put on weightis, i know all that! but good body image is important to me too. I am going to increase my exercise from next week once i feel i have successfully got thru a week without cigs. Also even excessive amounts of eating fruit is not a good idea. As when you think about it, fruit is good for you but it is also full of natural sugar and calories (even if lower than many other foods) so any more than your five a day is not good for you either. Also eating even 100 calories more every day will lead to a lot of weight gain in the long run so try not to subsitute one with the other. Drink water instead or chew gum.
    I am currently on day 5 and to be honest in stead of getting easier I have found today the hardest! Any advise anyone on how to get thru this? I feel full of nervous energy and stress. Maybe its because i am not busy at work today. I dont physically want a cig because the taste would make me feel sick and woozy etc but i cant shake off my feeling of ill ease. I feel frustrated, irritable and generally fed up. can anyone relate to this?! Maybe i simply need to get some exercise etc. Also tonight will be my firs night with wine and no cigs. Hopefully i dont eat all around me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    Yungwan - You're probably anxious today because you know you'll be faced with a very tough test this evening. Drinking and not smoking. It's what I miss most tbh. I felt very fidgety the first time I did it. I was just terrified I was going to have one. I left early and made it home 'safely'. I did two drinks the first time I went out, three the 2nd night, and just built up that way.

    I also miss the banter of smokers together outside!

    But it does get easier. And that sense of achievement the following day is such a high! I wake up and I almost can't believe myself that I hadn't smoked the night before. It's almost surreal. I kind of feel like this couldn't possibly be. It's like a dream. But sure enough the evidence is there...

    - no wheezing when breathing.
    - no cough
    - no rancid breath
    - no smelly hair and pillow
    - I can wear the same cardigan again, even after being out the night before in it
    - No empty cigarette boxes in my pockets
    - no lighters here there and everywhere
    -no cigarettes hanging around tempting me to start again
    - no hangover :eek:
    - more money in my purse
    - no more wasting the day after the night before

    ....and thats just the stuff on the outside!

    Can't imagine just how much my insides are thanking me

    I hope your evening went well. It will get easier

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭martingore

    8th full day here , had to buy more patches this morning but to be honest, today was a hard day .Was a bit unexpected but sure , you're going to have that.Tomorrow will be easier, heading west to see my little nephews and they are football mad so that will take my mind of the fags for the weekend .I'll be in the garden for two days.

    Joined a new team last night , really enjoyed it , playing footie sunday mornings , tuesday evenings, thursday evenings and now saturday afternoons.This will be my routine for the next month or so until my appetite settles down , Im sure you all know , its not that Im hungry , just need something in my mouth out of habit ( no rude jokes please ) haha.

    Regarding these new invisi patches , its really a big scam.They have increased the dosage up to 25 mg and they suggest you use them for 8 weeks , then decrease to 15 mg for 2 weeks and then 10 mg for a further 2 weeks .An obvious 3 month programme.These cost me at the mo , 24 euros , up north 13 euros.

    Before these new patches came out , it was 15 mg ...4 weeks ...10 mg ...2 weeks and then 5 mg ... 2 weeks .It wouldnt make sense for this company for you to actually wean yourself off them.I'm going to do 4 weeks in total and thats it , end off.

    Rant over

    keep going everyone !!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    dolliemix wrote: »
    Yungwan - You're probably anxious today because you know you'll be faced with a very tough test this evening. Drinking and not smoking.

    But it does get easier. And that sense of achievement the following day is such a high!

    I hope your evening went well. It will get easier

    Thanks Dolliemix!!! And yes my friday evening went well, no cigs, and it didnt bother me. But the best part of the weekend was that i went out last night and didnt smoke!!! it was great and you are right - it feels amazing to have achieved this step. i already feel more like i can do this. ANd today it barely crossed my mind that i dont smoke anymore. So hopefully it all continues!! One question - i have a sore throat and chest is abit off today - and i am dreading the awful cough associated with quitting! What stage does this happen, if at all, or did u experience this? Thanks for your advise!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 726 ✭✭✭dubsgirl

    can't wait to be out and not smoking!!

    All is still good with me, really think its getting easier everyday now.
    I'm on day 9 now :-) very happy...

    Really trying this week to curb the eating at night time, I am off the chocolate has to be done or I'll develop another addiction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭martingore

    This is my 12th day and Im finding it so much easier.Still have odd moments but the habit at reaching for the box of cigs at certain times is no gone , after dinner , cup of coffee etc etc.Eating habits have gotten pretty much back to normal, went a bit haywire last week.Mood swings have calmed down too good

  • Registered Users Posts: 384 ✭✭terenc

    Well done martingore, how are the patches going for you?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭yungwan

    My eating pattern is getting back to normal too. Although i am eating more fruit and stuff, which cant be bad! I agree - every day it gets a little easier and I think every day I seem to have less and less thoughts about "them"!! Plus I dont feel like I need to visit here so often! My first few days I was on a few times a day. But it has been such a help! Yipeeeeee - keep it up everyone!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 493 ✭✭trustno1

    I am now a month off them.. I'm 36 and felt like some of the rest of you that enough was enough.. I did try last year but my heart wasn't in it and I failed.. but this time I didn't 'pick a day' to stop, didn't have any build up at all and just never bought 'the next packet' and that was it!!.. no cravings, no over eating, no missing it, had a drink within a few days of stopping and didn't miss them - I honestly feel like I have never smoked before.

    The last time when I had picked a time to give them up I felt angry about it before I had even stopped!.. so I think thats why it was much harder.

    Best of luck to everyone who has quit or is thinking about it.. 'just do it'!!... :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,048 ✭✭✭dolliemix

    How's everyone doing?

    Only one more month till I'm 35. I really feel I'll still be a non-smoker then.

    It's definitely getting easier. I took out a jacket from the boot of my car today that I hadn't worn since before Christmas and I could smell stale smoke from it - ugh! Don't want to smell like that again.

    When I do get the odd craving though its hard cos I know I can never ever even have a drag again. But I guess there's a lot of things in life I'd like but can't have so I'll just add this to the list.

    Hope you're all getting through this....and finding it easier as time goes on! :)
