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Humanitas Tournament.



  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Steve Rogers has Bruce Wayne's number I think.

    People think way too little of cap.

  • Moderators Posts: 51,840 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    I'm going with Batman mainly because never tripped over his cape and let a purse snatcher escape. Which Cap did do when he was in his Nomad phase.


    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 44,501 ✭✭✭✭Deki

    This not going to be long (i don't feel so terrific- so can't do it justice)- I think that they wouldn't stay in the maze. Both acrobatic enough to get on top of it. From that point they can easily see the way to the castle and each other. Easy enough to fight each other . Captain throwing shield, Batman using Any thing he has. In the end I say Batman wins. Only because someone has to, Fight would be well matched I think- but I give it to Batman.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    Batman stands tall over his broken foe. As the captain draws his final breath the labyrinth disappears replaced by
    254137-93018-danger-room_large.jpg(X-Men's Danger Room). While Batman processes this change in environment the doors open and a bald gent in a wheelchair enters.
    "Who are you, and why did you just kill Captain America?"

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    New York- Frank Castle has been flushed from one of his many hiding places by forces under the command of Amanda Waller. After a prolonged pursuit he is brought down sedated and hauled off for "retraining"
    3 months later-Batman has arrived in San Francisco to check in on Robin and his fellow Teen Titans. While there he intercepts a boradcast that Alcatraz island which has been closed for rennovations has been taken over by a deranged madman who is proclaiming the rise of a punishment state. With automatic emplacements capable of shooting down any hero who flies to close he is demanding all criminals be delivered to him or he will come looking himself and will not accept responsibility for any who cross his path or are injured during his quest for punishment.
    Edit: The automatic emplacements are designed to target metahuman energy signatures and unknown aircraft only. Aircraft can still pass relatively safely

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,905 ✭✭✭✭Handsome Bob

    Bruce Wayne's curiosity gets the better of him, instead of initiating combat with the Punisher, he asks him why he believes in a punishment state. Bruce sits down with his kindred spirit in Frank Castle. Both men talk about their tragic past. Frank having lost his wife and child. Bruce having lost his parents as well as Jason Todd. Bruce talks to Frank about the Punisher's willingness to kill, he asks Frank if he thinks this makes him any different than the criminals that he hunts. Frank responds that he isn't concerned with having the moral high ground when it comes to the murderers, gangsters and rapists of the world.

    Bruce then brings up his friend, Jim Gordon. Bruce talks about how Jim Gordon witnessed his daughter being shot and crippled by a madman known as The Joker. About how that same madman murdered his wife. About how that same madman tortured Jim Gordon with the images of what he had done to his daughter, Barbara Gordon. About how that madman was driven by a bloody thirsty obsession to prove that even the sanest of men can be driven to insanity and to violence if he is pushed hard enough. However, Jim never broke, and always wanted things to be done by the book. The reason Jim refused to break is because he knew that if he was going to stop the horrific behaviour of such madmen, that he needed to show them that his "way" works. Bruce points out that this is exactly what madmen want, for you to come down to their level. They want chaos, it's what makes them keep coming back for more and more, getting more twisted as each scheme is thrwarted. Bruce asks Frank if he ever asks himself why the population of sick individuals never seems to subside. Frank begins to wilt.

    Bruce says that Frank needs to hand himself over to the proper authorities, that if he truly wants to make a difference then he has to put his hands up and admit that his way of doing things was wrong. Frank counters with the point that it will leave New York open to chaos if he is behind bars. Bruce points out that he's not the only superhero who is currently residing in New York and that if anything, it will make their job easier if there isn't someone seemingly on the same side of them murdering people. Bruce asks Frank if he truly feels his way of doing things helps his fellow superheroes in reaching their common goal; making the streets safer. Frank thinks back to the beating he received at the hands of one of the few men he looks up to, Steve Rogers. Frank remembers the disgust in the eyes of Captain America. In that moment, Frank realises that he has failed in his mission to make the streets safer.

    The Punisher makes his location known to S.H.I.E.L.D. Upon being arrested, an agent asks Frank what has finally made him come to his senses. Frank simply says "A man that I should have been."

    Batman wins.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Two vigilantes with very similar back stories. Both amazing combatants. Both highly skilled in a multitude of weapons and gizmos. The Punisher, forged in the hell that was Vietnam. Batman, forged among some of the world's deadliest ninjas. Both of them not to be messed with.
    Both would no doubt have a file a metre thick about the other guy, just in case they would ever have to take them down. There's no room for surprises here. They've both done their homework. A series of elaborate traps and gizmos results in a stalemate.

    So how do you seperate the two? Has one of them got something the other lacks?
    The Punisher has one thing Batman lacks, the will to kill. Batman, while one of the most skilled combatants in existence, will always try to go for capture/containment. He will not break his 'one rule' for the Punisher. As a result, he must hold back that little bit. He knows Frank Castle is a good man and as such cannot kill him.
    The Punisher will have no qualms about killing Batman if he needs to. That, for me, is teh deciding factor. The Punisher won't hold back. Batman will die.

    The Punisher wins

  • Moderators Posts: 51,840 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    Night has come to San Francisco and with the events that fate has set in motion it will be a truly dark one.

    The sound of a busy city fills the air, so much that any sound that might be made by the shadowy form gliding out from the city would be almost inaudible.

    As we look closer at this mysterious object, it resolves into the shape of batman in his bat-glider. The glider continues it silent flight out to the ominious island overlooking the city.

    Alcatraz, former prison island for villains of days past, now a fortress for the punisher to create his punishment state.

    As the glider approaches the island, batman engages his infra-red visor. "It looks like he has a small army spread throughout the island."

    With that, batman descends to part of the fortress that looks to be with possible sentries.

    Batman enters the fortress but is unaware of a thin layer of metallic powder on the entrance. With the fair charge disrupted in the powder a signal is activated on a console somewhere on the island.

    Punisher steps forward and activates a monitor, he manages to catch a glimpse of a form moving out of the range of the camera. "So now it begins." He collects a variety of weaponary from a table in the centre of the room and continues into the centre of the island.

    Batman meanwhile has discovered the true identity of the 'army'. Punisher had set up piles of heated biological material in an attempt to confuse anyone who hoped to navigate the island by infra-red. "Clever."

    The PA system slowly crackles to life. "Hello 911? I need help, theres some in my house. I think he has a weapon" *sound of door breaking open followed by sounds of gunfire*"

    Punishers voice comes onto the speaker, "the scum that killed that woman didn't even serve time, due to compromised evidence. Justice seems to have no time for the families that are left behind. I, on the other hand. have time to kill."

    PA crackles and then goes silent.

    "so much for the element of surprise."

    A explosion rips through the room that batman just left. "I guess he isn't down that way."

    Batman makes his way down the unexplored hallway. The end of the hallway leads into an open area with a large number of cells on either side. "Going to be exposed if I enter through this door."

    He opts to use the open in the roof to exit the hallway and make his way onto the roof above the cells.

    From that vantage point he spots that the punisher has set up a snipers nest above the top row of cells. Batman fires a batarang to remove the threat of the sniper rifle and quickly follows to tackle punisher.

    The few seconds of an interval between projectile and the thrower gives punisher enough time to unholster his handgun. Luckily for batman that didn't include getting a shot out.

    punishers experience enables him to avoid being defeated instantly by the momentum of batmans attack. Punisher justs the force of the attack to throw batman past him.

    "You can't do this Frank. It's not up to you to decide the punishment that is measured out to criminals. You broke a mans arm for steal a mobile phone."

    "At least that way he won't be stealing any more phones for a while.", punisher retorts.

    punisher presses a button on a small remote control.

    The PA crackles back into life and a young boys voice comes across the speakers. "Hello? I need help, my parents have been hurt and they're losing a lot of blood."

    In the moment that batman is distracted, punisher launches himself at batman. The two engage in battle. A fluid fight containing many styles of combat ensues.

    "It looks like I'm not the only one to suffer a loss due to criminals. But for some reason you seem unwilling to commit yourself entirely to ridding the world of the problem."

    batman connects with punishers ribs, "but then how would I be any different from them? how are you any different from them?"

    Punisher repays batman with a kick to the chest. "I can't afford to show restraint, because thats when they'll take me out of the fight."

    Punisher connects with another kick, which causes batman to break yet another thin layer of the metallic powder. This time though the charge causes a series of micro-explosions in the part of the platform under batman.
    Unfortunately for batman, punisher had anticpated exactly that response. he throws himself at batman as he is thrown through the air and manages to connect with a hay-maker to the head. And just to be totally sure, he uses batmans body as a landing pad.

    As punisher stands over his fallen foe, he is unable to take a killing shot.

    "Lucky for you. I only punish the guilty."


    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 44,501 ✭✭✭✭Deki

    I'm going to have to agree with LZ. His explanation is terrific and I couldn't
    make a better case for The Batman;)
    So Batman wins.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    2-2 tie with 23 hours left to go on voting

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,746 ✭✭✭✭FewFew

    Frank Castle looks out over the water towards San Francisco and then surveys his high-powered gun emplacements, the hum of their standby mode just audible between each wave breaking against the solid stone of Alcatraz.
    The night seems to grow darker as a black cloud grows over the city. The Punisher uses a sniper-rifle scope to get a better view, but all he can see is a moving darkness in the distance. As he takes the scope from his eye he sees a dark shape cut silently through the clouds. Frank looks at the gun emplacements but as he suspected they stay motionless as the shape gained ground. Frank moves off the wall and backs into the shadows as the aircraft lands on the East shore. The Punisher knows the night is about to get a whole lot darker, and he cracks a slight smile in anticipation.

    The Punisher knows not to rush into a trap, but when none of his sensors are triggered he moves along a planned route in the prison to a vantage point in the East. With an endoscope pushed through a drilled hole no bigger than a dime the Punisher surveys the landing zone below the East wall. There was no movement around the aircraft as it sat on the heli-pad. The endoscope moved around 360degrees. No sign of an intruder. Frank flips open a touchscreen pad attached to his arm. He double taps the screen. The helipad explodes at multiple points and collapses into the sea, the black winged aircraft disappears under the water without a sound. Disconcerted, the Punisher checks his status screen: nothing tripped. He pauses for a moment until an explosion on the other side of the prison shakes the stone walls and causes the Punisher to break into a sprint, knocking the safety off an assault rifle as he runs.

    From the second floor The Punisher sees a hole blasted through the outer west wall and as he looks on a projectile flies through the breach and destroys an inner wall, punching a hole into an inner courtyard. Now that the Punisher knew where his enemy was he was more comfortable and withdrew to a northwest corner stairwell and made his way up to a pre-prepared sniper's vantage point.

    He moves slowly in the prone position and cocks his rifle before looking in the scope. A quick scan of the water and he finds his prey, a sleek black boat lying low in the water, a launcher protruding from a rear slot. As he looked another projectile launched, punching a hole into another inner wall. There was no sign of a pilot and the whole boat looked bullet proof. With a grunt the Punisher takes his eye from the scope and reaches for a long cylinder. With a quick click of a button in the middle a rear section comes away, a handle folds down and a scope flicks out. Appearing just above the turret Frank looks down the scope as the infrared beam lights up the craft. A press of a red button and a rocket jets out of the launcher towards the craft. As the rocket flares from the muzzle the craft launches a small pod in the direction of the heat signature. The Punisher dives backwards from the front of the tower and falls into the stairwell, tumbling down a few flights only to steady himself. He's prepared for a boom but nothing happens. He counts to 30 and moves cautiously back up the tower.

    There's no flaming wreckage in the water, the craft has completely disappeared, but without warning there's a flash and Frank is blinded. From the top of the tower a black shape swings down and kicks The Punisher off the tower. Blinded, Frank falls onto the cage covering the inner courtyard and as trained he rolls with the fall to lessen the impact. His armor takes much of the force but he's completely disorientated. As his vision slowly returns he sees four black images slowly resolve into one figure gliding towards the cage top. Frank pulls a pistol and gets off a shot, but the figure in black dives to one side, the bullet ripping through a cape. The Punisher gets to his feet, unsteady on the creaking cage top. The black figure is nowhere to be seen.

    The Punisher looks around trying to figure his next move. From the darkness below he hears a sinister voice "How many men have you killed Frank?!" The Punisher tries to place the location. From the opposite corner the voice continued "Your crimes outweigh those you seek to kill!" The Punisher lets shot off into the darkness below. The voice returns "Who made you judge jury and executioner?!" Two more shots as the Punisher spins around. The darkness gives up nothing. A high pitched noise begins and the voice begins again, louder this time "You've gone wrong Frank, you've become no better than the criminals you hunt!" The high pitched noise continues, and another growing noise causes The Punisher to look up and see a dark cloud descending on him from the sky. Thousands of bats, every single creature for a hundred miles, marshalled over San Fransisco to be unleashed at a call.

    The Punisher starts to run for cover, desperate to get off the cage and down to his enemy, but with a pop the supports of the cage explode and give way, sending Frank tumbling down into the darkness. "NOW YOU'RE MINE FRANK!" shouts the voice as utter confusion follows as thousands of bats dive into the dark courtyard with Frank and the figure in black.

    "HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU MURDERED FRANK!?!" shouted the voice, coming from everywhere in the madness. The Punisher, covering his face from the bats while holding his weapon waiting for a target, shouts back into the darkness "THEY ALL DESERVED TO DIE!"
    The Punisher regains some control. He's faced worse than this before. He pulls out two flares and throws them down. He sees a shape disappear into the shadows as bats continue to fly through the air, now frantic to escape the bright green light of the flares. "COME OUT AND FIGHT ME YOU COWARD!" This shadow was as much a criminal as anyone Frank had come across before, he deserved to die, they all deserve to die. From his combat webbing he pulls out an explosive charge and rolls it into the shadows. The explosion lights up the corner of the courtyard where the figure had disappeared but all it destroyed were some old benches and some scaffolding. The Punisher lets loose a burst of semi automatic fire into the darkness around the room. He hears nothing but the burning flares and the screeching bats.

    A stabbing pain cuts into his hand and he drops his guns, a bat shaped blade dug into his gloved hand. The Punisher rips it out as a black shape descends into the eerie green glow. There are no words this time, only ninja fast movements. Frank tries to counter but he's too slow and outclassed, the punches come hard and fast, a punch thrown by the Punisher is caught and an arm broken in two places. A sweep to the legs and Frank is on his back but with a combat knife gripped in his bleeding hand. He lashes out with animal speed and draws blood from the darkness. Frank is on his own again. He stands ready to fight, legs spread apart and knees bent, his broken arm lying limp by his side and his other hand gripping the bloody combat knife tight. He moves around in a circle, staring into the darkness, waiting for the next attack. He considers changing his weapon, taking out his gun. He knows his enemy is too fast and skilled for him, but he's never met a better shot. He drops the knife and takes a powerful handgun from a holster.

    "Your first mistake was always relying on guns... I hate guns" again the direction of the voice was deflected by the screeching bats. "BRING IT!" shouted the Punisher and as if in one motion the darkness came to life, disarmed him in one motion, jerked his hands hard behind his back, the pain of the broken arm tearing through Frank, his arms cuffed he suddenly feels his legs fly out from under him as he's jerked skywards.

    As the blood rushes to his head he finds hard to focus, the bats are dispersing and the glow of the flares is dimming. Out of the darkness comes the shape of something nearly human but more than human. Frank tries to focus on the shape but a head wound makes it hard "Who are you?! " he shouts, blood spluttering down his mouth from a burst lip. As Frank begins to faint and the lights begin to dim he hears the voice of the darkness...

    "I'm Batman"

    + 1 Batman

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM


    The beast inside him which helped him survive 'Nam would push him through this incredibly tough battle.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 71 ✭✭FishFood

    Has to be Batman, he has the ability to avoid all of Punishers long range capabilities and when it comes to close combat it doesn't really matter how well trained Punisher is etc, Batman simply outclasses people in this department. He's a trained ninja!!!

    Firstly as LZ says he will attempt to break Frank down mentally but if that fails he can and will take him down.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77


    Thanks for playing folks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,730 ✭✭✭✭entropi

    Well i'd like to say congratulations to Batman, and a big Thank You to cyberwolf for running this tourney...has been fun and interesting to post and read about the battles.

    Here's to another one in the future!! :)

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 47,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭cyberwolf77

    Thanks MoN. I had a great time running it.
