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Mature Students?

  • 08-02-2010 9:24am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 22

    Alright, I'm lookin for abit of info on mature students in college and have a few question you's may be able to answer.

    Is the fee usually the standard fee or is it more/less expensive for mature students?

    Are there like seperate classes for mature students and the regular students or is it one big class with different age-groups?

    I'm 21, I do not have my Leaving Cert but when I'm 23 will I be automatically eligible for mature-student status?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,286 ✭✭✭WesternNight

    Mature student simply means anyone aged 23 and over before January of the year of application.

    I've never heard of mature students being separate from the rest, they're doing the same thing as everyone else in their course.

    Have you considered completing your leaving cert? Since you have two years before you're eligible to apply as a mature student? It could open up a lot of doors for you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 13,094 ✭✭✭✭bnt

    Being a mature student is not a free pass in to university. The requirements differ by programme, work experience helps, and Arts students are nor expected to take an MSAP. There are a limited number of reserved places, and competition for them, so anything you can do to improve your chances will help. If you get can get a decent Leaving Cert result, you could get a normal place on that basis.

    You are the type of what the age is searching for, and what it is afraid it has found. I am so glad that you have never done anything, never carved a statue, or painted a picture, or produced anything outside of yourself! Life has been your art. You have set yourself to music. Your days are your sonnets.

    ―Oscar Wilde predicting Social Media, in The Picture of Dorian Gray
