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360 Game Updates after restoring SecData.bin

  • 09-02-2010 8:46pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,584 ✭✭✭

    I've successfully managed to restore "trusted content privileges" to two banned consoles so I can install games to the hard drive again - a big issue considering they are two Toshiba/Samsung drives :D

    I'll obviously never use it for transferring profiles or game saves - risking a gamertag ban there :P

    What I'd like to know is can I install updates from game discs now? Will I have to rewrite the nand each time I do a game update?

    I've RJ45'd the two consoles just in case, but if somebody has a definite answer that'd be great, I don't want to run a game update unless I know it wont' revoke my privileges permanantly ;)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭docentore

    I've successfully managed to restore "trusted content privileges" to two banned consoles so I can install games to the hard drive again - a big issue considering they are two Toshiba/Samsung drives :D

    I'll obviously never use it for transferring profiles or game saves - risking a gamertag ban there :P

    What I'd like to know is can I install updates from game discs now? Will I have to rewrite the nand each time I do a game update?

    I've RJ45'd the two consoles just in case, but if somebody has a definite answer that'd be great, I don't want to run a game update unless I know it wont' revoke my privileges permanantly ;)

    As far as I know the only way to loose the install functionality etc is to connect the xbox to live. I don't think MS is listing all banned consoles by serial numbers in updates.

  • Posts: 2,001 [Deleted User]

    You could do the Nand write protect mod seens as your now a soldering pro :D


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,584 ✭✭✭TouchingVirus

    Cheers docentore, if they're using crl.bin to list the banned consoles they could be a while. I've disabled Live! access via the Console/Family Settings menu so that should stop Live altogether but I'm not hooking it up to a network anyways to be safe.

    @cisk: Haha, I'm not soldering anything straight to the NAND, nowhere near that good yet :p Besides, even the system/dashboard updates won't take if the WP is enabled so I'll just be in an endless cycle of "Please update...updating....Please update...." :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    Where the hell are you getting all these jtag'able consoles damn you!! :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,584 ✭✭✭TouchingVirus

    These consoles aren't JTAGable, they've been banned since November 2009 for using iXtreme firmware. I needed to install the LPT reader to read the nand and patch it so I could regain the "Install to hard drive" feature and stop the corrupting of gamesaves and profiles :D

    I wish I had more than 1 jtagabble box :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 33,733 ✭✭✭✭Myrddin

    These consoles aren't JTAGable, they've been banned since November 2009 for using iXtreme firmware. I needed to install the LPT reader to read the nand and patch it so I could regain the "Install to hard drive" feature and stop the corrupting of gamesaves and profiles :D

    I wish I had more than 1 jtagabble box :D

    Ah I see, I didnt realise that was possible with any 360. I thought it was only available after a jtag - but handy to know!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,584 ✭✭✭TouchingVirus

    It's not quite possibly with just any 360 ...criteria apply, and so does luck.

    Secdata.bin changes it's location when it does stuff. If it changes too many times then you will eventually lose the "good" secdata.bin (the pre-ban one) that allows you to sign content (and thus create game installs, have valid gamesaves etc).

    Neither of these banned consoles have been updated since the ban (no MW2, no AC2, no Darksiders etc), I didn't want to run a system update off a game disc just in case. I didn't power on the console with no DVD drive either, because that triggers a secdata.bin move too.

    There are lots of folks who have done these things and found the only copies of secdata.bin they had left were bad and so they'll never get back that install to hard drive feature unless they worked some magic pre-ban and happen to have their CPU Key, even then I wouldn't know how to re-enable Install to HDD.
