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Irishmen/women in the British Armed Forces



  • Registered Users Posts: 980 ✭✭✭barney 20v

    I will try to break this down for you as you seem to be having real trouble grasping it.
    "Anyone from the Irish Republic joining a foreign army is a just a mercanary - hired guns and soldiers of fortune.
    If and when they are killed in action serving another Country for pay, they should not recieve a military funeral in Ireland or be remembered as a hero"
    Where did i mention anything about the uk?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,798 ✭✭✭Local-womanizer

    Anyone from the Irish Republic joining a foreign army is a just a mercanary - hired guns and soldiers of fortune.
    If and when they are killed in action serving another Country for pay, they should not recieve a military funeral in Ireland or be remembered as a hero.

    Join the French or German army ... at least they don't have troops on Irish soil.

    I asked you what bit you agreed with?! FI,as you can clearly see is contradicting himself! The last time I checked the French and German militaries were foriegn!
    barney 20v wrote: »
    "Where did i mention anything about the uk?

    I assumed that since you agreed 100% with his post,you dont mind joining the French or German forces,but are against joining the Brits. That would be agreeing 100% with his post,which you said you did!

  • Registered Users Posts: 980 ✭✭✭barney 20v

    I asked you what bit you agreed with?! FI,as you can clearly see is contradicting himself! The last time I checked the French and German militaries were foriegn!

    I assumed that since you agreed 100% with his post,you dont mind joining the French or German forces,but are against joining the Brits. That would be agreeing 100% with his post,which you said you did!

    stop jumping to conclusions and stop mis quoting me. i said i agreed 100% with him, not his entire post or post as you said.
    I see no difference joining any military bar that of the Irish Republic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,333 ✭✭✭Zambia

    barney 20v wrote: »
    stop jumping to conclusions and stop mis quoting me.
    I can see his conculsion.
    barney 20v wrote: »
    i said i agreed 100% with him, not his entire post or post as you said.
    I dont see how you can do that without sounding silly.
    barney 20v wrote: »
    I see no difference joining any military bar that of the Irish Republic.
    Who have a recruitment freeze in place.

    Well done on the test 000Blaine000

  • Registered Users Posts: 120 ✭✭mayoman ngalway

    hi barney20,
    I have a question for you

    what if a Irish man joins ... we'll say the us army. now the Irish man in question was born here, and grew up here ,. but his mother was not... again we'll say she was born in the states.
    And there for he could join that army by choice.

    Is he a solider of fortune??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 980 ✭✭✭barney 20v

    hi barney20,
    I have a question for you

    what if a Irish man joins ... we'll say the us army. now the Irish man in question was born here, and grew up here ,. but his mother was not... again we'll say she was born in the states.
    And there for he could join that army by choice.

    Is he a solider of fortune??

    Well the simple answer is he would be entitled to american citizenship and if he felt compelled to fight as a citizen of the USA he could join. Hence it would be wrong to classify him as a "soldier of fortune"
    So you answered your own question...
    anymore trolling questions? or are the mods on this thread going to allow career advice for the uk military to continue unabated even though it is 100 miles off topic?:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 980 ✭✭✭barney 20v

    Zambia232 wrote: »
    I can see his conculsion.

    I dont see how you can do that without sounding silly.

    Who have a recruitment freeze in place.

    Well done on the test 000Blaine000

    I have clarified which part of his post i agreed with 100%. I have stated my position on this particular question in previous posts on this thread.
    I am not anti-british as previously stated and conceded by other posters who tried to shoe horn me into an anti uk position.
    I am against an Irishman taking up arms for ANY foreign power for economic reasons.
    Trying to justify it as "work" is not a plausible excuse imho

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,333 ✭✭✭Zambia

    I agree you have now clarified your position.

    The british army do very good work in areas like disaster relief in several areas around the world.

    So you tell me if an irish person wants to be a soldier should they just wait till the economy picks up? In this life if you sit on your hands long enough you get dead hands and a pain in the arse.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 539 ✭✭✭piby

    Join the French or German army ... at least they don't have troops on Irish soil.

    It's 2010 and the British don't have any troops on Irish soil, at least according to the UN and every other map of the world I've consulted!
    barney 20v wrote: »
    They choose to fight in questionable wars for immoral reasons so they will get what they deserve .

    The soldiers themselves don't choose to fight in questionable wars the politicians do. I get what you're saying in that nobody is forced to join up but if somebody really wants to be a soldier are they suppossed to just sit around and wait until such immoral conflicts are over?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,260 ✭✭✭twinytwo

    Anyone from the Irish Republic joining a foreign army is a just a mercenary - hired guns and soldiers of fortune.
    If and when they are killed in action serving another Country for pay, they should not recieve a military funeral in Ireland or be remembered as a hero.

    Join the French or German army ... at least they don't have troops on Irish soil.

    so its ok for an irish person living in the north to join up?. Dude you need to grow up a little things arnt so black and white any more. Being a soldier is a job and no different than if you go over to england to work as a plumber or an accountant or whatever.

    There are many reason why people join the BA one of the main ones being career advancement especially when it comes to officers when compared to here

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,267 ✭✭✭concussion

    Oh FFS here we go again. Can't we just offload this mercenary stuff into a dedicated thread so don't see every thread about the BA going downhill?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,001 ✭✭✭p1akuw47h5r3it

    concussion wrote: »
    Oh FFS here we go again. Can't we just offload this mercenary stuff into a dedicated thread so don't see every thread about the BA going downhill?

    hahaha...Maybe there should be a sticky outlining what a mercenary is defined as or something like that??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 675 ✭✭✭Dr.Sanchez

    Zambia232 wrote: »
    Well done on the test 000Blaine000

    Thanks alot.
    barney 20v wrote: »
    I see no difference joining any military bar that of the Irish Republic.

    I would much rather join an Army that offers me more opportunities for travel, adventure, qualifications and skills regardless of Country. The Defence Forces doesn't interest me because I don't fancy the idea of standing around Portlaoise prison or in front of a security van for the next 30 years of my life.

    Don't get me wrong, its a great job! I have plenty of friends in the Defence Forces, and some family, my brothers a Corporal. The job itself is just a little.... boring. The money may be great (in-fact it pays better than the British Army) but at the end of the day when you've done your time the chances of coming out of the Defence Forces with a trade/qualification these days is slim unless you went in with one.

    I asked the recruitment sergeant if many people from the south come up and he said loads, mostly people from the Defence Forces.

    All this rubbish about mercenaries and soldiers of fortune... grow up lads!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,723 ✭✭✭empirix

    LIGHTNING wrote: »
    Try telling that to the families of the all the Irish soldiers that fought and died in WW1 and WW2. I have a my officer interview for the Royal Navy next month and I dont care if people have the above attitude.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭fuelinjection

    piby wrote: »
    It's 2010 and the British don't have any troops on Irish soil, at least according to the UN and every other map of the world I've consulted!

    Ha ha ha .. thanks i have not had such a laugh in a while.
    We have 10,000 Britsh squadies in Ireland but I understand if you are 14 years old or just ignorant.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭fuelinjection

    00Blaine00 wrote: »
    All this rubbish about mercenaries and soldiers of fortune... grow up lads!

    All this rubbish about mercenaries and soldiers of fortune...
    read your history children!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,333 ✭✭✭Zambia

    Ha ha ha .. thanks i have not had such a laugh in a while.
    We have 10,000 Britsh squadies in Ireland but I understand if you are 14 years old or just ignorant.

    No there are 10,000 Squadies in Northern Ireland. Should I post a current political map for you?

    Politically as it stands that is the way it is. We are not at war or on bad relations with the UK. Should you have an issue with the political nature of ireland's partition try the politics forum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,204 ✭✭✭elius

    Well done blaine.

    fuelinjection&barney 20v

    I have a friend joining the royal engineering corp hes doing a trade of which when finished he will walk away with city and guilds qualifications..

    Is he

    1: Better of staying on the dole? Has been on 8 Months now?Hanging out in the pub monday to friday like all the other down and outs in this kip of a country.

    2: Going getting a trade and doing something with his life?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭fuelinjection

    Zambia232 wrote: »
    No there are 10,000 Squadies in Northern Ireland. Should I post a current political map for you?

    That would be very interesting to me as the British Army give excuses such as operational secrecy so that they do not quote current military figures in Ireland. But if you know different please let the brits know. Otherwise 10,000 sqaddies are in today as far as we Irish know.
    Zambia232 wrote: »
    Politically as it stands that is the way it is. We are not at war or on bad relations with the UK. Should you have an issue with the political nature of ireland's partition try the politics forum.

    No. I will not do as you say.
    A major part of an Irishman and Irishwomens history is partion, and such a small little minority as yourself will not change that.
    Should you have an issue with the political nature of Ireland's partition try the Unionists forum.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭fuelinjection

    elius wrote: »
    I have a friend joining the royal engineering corp hes doing a trade of which when finished he will walk away with city and guilds qualifications.. Is he
    1: Better of staying on the dole? Has been on 8 Months now?Hanging out in the pub monday to friday like all the other down and outs in this kip of a country.

    This "kip of a country" sure beats the low-life over-crowded under-educated England that exists today. Anyone who holds that english mess of a Country above any other deserves to die by Iraqai roadside bomb.
    As for drinkers you English are the best in Europe at making a shameful show of yourselfs on holidays so please don't lecture foreigners about pub life. Pubs are not what is important in Ireland now ... sorry to dissapoint you Major. If you lived here you would know the truth.
    elius wrote: »
    2: Going getting a trade and doing something with his life?

    Trade = Traitor. Mercenary. Man without a Country. Lowest form of life.
    Getting on with his life = Taking life from innocents that have been made enemies when George Bush 2 was a monkey in charge. Ye are killing people that started no War with ye.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,798 ✭✭✭Local-womanizer

    Taking concussion's view on this,I find it impossible to reason with insanity. Thats what every thread involving any talk of the BA leads too in here.

    To 00Blain00,congrats on the test scores,I hope you have a long and successful carrer in the Army,lord knows it beats sitting around on your arse on the dole.

    At FI,you really are flogging a dead horse with your anti-British ramblings in here. Thankfully the majority of contributors in this forum have formed an educated and realistic understanding of the current situation that exists in our country. People living in the NI have come to realise the situation involving their country,based on experiance. Of the many people I know from the North,all just want to get on with the lives they have,without any interference from those who think they have their best interests at heart!

    Thank christ we live in a democracy in which we are free to make our own choices. No matter how much abuse I would receive if I were to join the Brits,I would say a fcuk you and be giving them the fingers while walking into the Army while all the while knowing I am a better man for doing it.

    Jesus,I hate these threads!!! *rant over*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭fuelinjection

    Ha ha ha.
    Sorry I am having a good old healthy laugh at "our country".
    LOL !!!!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,333 ✭✭✭Zambia

    That would be very interesting to me as the British Army give excuses such as operational secrecy so that they do not quote current military figures in Ireland. But if you know different please let the brits know. Otherwise 10,000 sqaddies are in today as far as we Irish know.

    No. I will not do as you say.
    A major part of an Irishman and Irishwomens history is partion, and such a small little minority as yourself will not change that.
    Should you have an issue with the political nature of Ireland's partition try the Unionists forum.

    Unionists forum?
    [current military figures in Ireland]Squaddies in the South ?

    Are you drunk ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,333 ✭✭✭Zambia

    Ha ha ha.
    Sorry I am having a good old healthy laugh at "our country".
    LOL !!!!!!
    Apology accepted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,204 ✭✭✭elius

    This "kip of a country" sure beats the low-life over-crowded under-educated England that exists today. Anyone who holds that english mess of a Country above any other deserves to die by Iraqai roadside bomb.
    As for drinkers you English are the best in Europe at making a shameful show of yourselfs on holidays so please don't lecture foreigners about pub life. Pubs are not what is important in Ireland now ... sorry to dissapoint you Major. If you lived here you would know the truth.

    Trade = Traitor. Mercenary. Man without a County. Lowest form of life.
    Getting on with his life = Taking life from innocents that have been made enemies when George Bush 2 was a monkey in charge. Ye are killing people that started no War with ye.

    Jesus man your rather angry. Why all this refering you English :confused::confused: who ever said i was from the Uk?

    What about the Irish killed in the states buy Al Quieda during September 11th
    see Did they not hurt are nation as well as anyone else in that disaster did you not stand there looking at sky/Rte like everyone else saying the fooking bastards should be got for this. Its just not a British war there other nations out there as well. Hell even members of the guards are heading out to train people what does this make them. Its just unfortunate innocent people have to die.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭fuelinjection

    situation that exists in our country.

    Ha ha ha !!!! :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,798 ✭✭✭Local-womanizer

    Ha ha ha !!!! :pac:

    Fantastic argument. Have you ever considered a career in Law?

    Yes our country,because thats where most of the cnuts who think they are "liberating" the North come from.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 458 ✭✭fuelinjection

    Zambia232 wrote: »
    Are you drunk ?

    Zambia232 wrote: »
    Apology accepted.

    No apology was offered (or will be offered ever) but you know that you genius you. Oh how I hate to lock horns with idiots. Please use text message spelling if you are more comfortable.
    elius wrote: »
    Jesus man your rather angry. Why all this refering you English :confused::confused: who ever said i was from the Uk?

    Not angry just aware .... it is a far more dangerous thing to be than just stupid angry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,204 ✭✭✭elius


    No apology was offered (or will be offered ever) but you know that you genius you. Oh how I hate to lock horns with idiots. Please use text message spelling if you are more comfortable.

    Not angry just aware .... it is a far more dangerous thing to be than just stupid angry.

    Good enough!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 980 ✭✭✭barney 20v

    elius wrote: »
    Well done blaine.

    fuelinjection&barney 20v

    I have a friend joining the royal engineering corp hes doing a trade of which when finished he will walk away with city and guilds qualifications..

    Is he

    1: Better of staying on the dole? Has been on 8 Months now?Hanging out in the pub monday to friday like all the other down and outs in this kip of a country.

    2: Going getting a trade and doing something with his life?

    hummm,,,,, Have you got a problem with me holding my views ?
    This "kip of a country" as you call it... {i disagree } has not started a war in the last decade which has lead to the death of OVER 1 MILLION civilians if my memory serves me correctly ,the armed forces to which your "down and out friend" is aspiring to join is hardly the first choice to seek training and a trade now is it?
    If your friend has the capacity to forget about morals or human rights then i am sure he will fit right in in the ba.....
    If you consider making the[immoral imho]decision to join an armed forces which in the last 7 yrs has helped erase 1 MILLION PEOPLE is "doing something with his life" then i'd suggest you and your friend have a different code of ethics and morals than many people both here and in the UK.

    Ps , i do not know where you are living old pip but the pubs around here are practically empty monday to friday...
