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Lets all be anxious/depressed together.



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Have been on Lustral before for a few months before and they definitely helped my mood but they didn't really help my anxiety,they also affected my sleep a bit too so was put onto Seroquel instead.

    Anti-depressants effect everybody differently so you might not experience any side effects on them at all OP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 430 ✭✭margarite

    Off to see the psych again,hopefully will be able to persuade her to give me different meds because the ones I was given on friday to calm me down just make me feel dopey and nauseous.Will probably just ignore whatever I say though as usual.

    Good luck on that one, I really do hope that she changes your meds. Good luck, thinking of you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 430 ✭✭margarite

    MUSEIST wrote: »
    Has anyone else on here always had problems with anxiety and depression or is it a new thing for ye. My psychiatrist once said 'we will soon have you back to your old self' which I thought was weird because I am always this way and have always been like this. So basically there is no hope for me if this is 'normal' for me. How can I hope to be functional if I have never been functional as myself. I wish I could just be a completely different person for a while instead of this constant struggle with the complete pointlessness of everything, its all complete nonsense, it really is.:(
    Yes I have suffered from both anxiety and depression for a long time, 'back to your old self,' to get back to that we all need help, time, and learning how to deal with the different things that are making us depressed. I have found some ways but they do not always work, most of the time they do. But they might not work for everyone. Take care.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    MUSEIST wrote: »
    Has anyone else on here always had problems with anxiety and depression or is it a new thing for ye. My psychiatrist once said 'we will soon have you back to your old self' which I thought was weird because I am always this way and have always been like this. So basically there is no hope for me if this is 'normal' for me. How can I hope to be functional if I have never been functional as myself. I wish I could just be a completely different person for a while instead of this constant struggle with the complete pointlessness of everything, its all complete nonsense, it really is.:(

    It's simply, they expect you to be a product of social conditioning. You do not yet meet their "criteria". You simply deviate from an arbitrary definition of "normal", whatever that is. Normal functioning is the product of social conditioning, it does not make it a more valid lifestyle than one of insanity.

  • Registered Users Posts: 430 ✭✭margarite

    Off to see the psych again,hopefully will be able to persuade her to give me different meds because the ones I was given on friday to calm me down just make me feel dopey and nauseous.Will probably just ignore whatever I say though as usual.
    Well how did the visit to your psych so? Were u listened to? I really hope so.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    margarite wrote: »
    Well how did the visit to your psych so? Were u listened to? I really hope so.

    Not really,was given the same meds again,the ones that make me feel like I'm on a boat in a storm(dizzy,neuseous and generally out of it.)
    Seeing a new doc in April so hopefully he'll listen to me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 430 ✭✭margarite

    Not really,was given the same meds again,the ones that make me feel like I'm on a boat in a storm(dizzy,neuseous and generally out of it.)
    Seeing a new doc in April so hopefully he'll listen to me!
    I hope so to. How did you arrange to see a new Dr.? and where?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    margarite wrote: »
    I hope so to. How did you arrange to see a new Dr.? and where?

    Current one is leaving,so my next appointment in April is with the replacement.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,285 ✭✭✭BanzaiBk

    Just cannot gather my thoughts today at all. There's so many things rushing around my head I can almost see them in front of my eyes. A new week, a new minefield.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,596 ✭✭✭RubyXI

    Can't seem to get out of this bout of depression at all. It's been going on for a few weeks now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    MUSEIST wrote: »
    Has anyone else on here always had problems with anxiety and depression or is it a new thing for ye. My psychiatrist once said 'we will soon have you back to your old self' which I thought was weird because I am always this way and have always been like this. So basically there is no hope for me if this is 'normal' for me. How can I hope to be functional if I have never been functional as myself. I wish I could just be a completely different person for a while instead of this constant struggle with the complete pointlessness of everything, its all complete nonsense, it really is.:(

    (I'm a board member; just paranoid about this issue, so posting as a guest.)

    Museist, I think I'm similar. I've always been overly anxious, and I assume I always will be. As a child I used to absolutely dread the birthday parties of other kids. I hated PE at school and would cry from the sheer anxiety of it.

    As an adult I have one proper friend, no job, no ambitions, no real interests, despite having earned good grades in college. I can't even claim the dole because the idea of being questioned about my "job seeking" freaks me out. I can't seek jobs. So I'm living off my savings (I managed one unhappy year of work) which are very quickly running out.

    Last year I decided to seek help, and went to the doctor who prescribed Lustral, then Lexapro and then Cymbalta for me (I tried each for approx 3 to 4 months). Not a single one of them helped me, so she referred me to a psychiatrist, who I have seen 5 times now. It seems she can't help me either, and I'm starting to lose hope. What else can I do?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Plumeria wrote: »
    (I'm a board member; just paranoid about this issue, so posting as a guest.)

    I've always been overly anxious, and I assume I always will be.

    As an adult I have one proper friend, no job, no ambitions, no real interests, despite having earned good grades in college. I can't even claim the dole because the idea of being questioned about my "job seeking" freaks me out. I can't seek jobs. So I'm living off my savings (I managed one unhappy year of work) which are very quickly running out.

    Last year I decided to seek help, and went to the doctor who prescribed Lustral, then Lexapro and then Cymbalta for me (I tried each for approx 3 to 4 months). Not a single one of them helped me, so she referred me to a psychiatrist, who I have seen 5 times now. It seems she can't help me either, and I'm starting to lose hope. What else can I do?

    Hi there, i'm the same (boards user) just prefer to stay private on this topic. I can really relate to what you've posted about your anxiety. I've always been an anxious person but always put the extra nervousness & symptoms down to an unstable childhood. Managed to sail along through life with some semblance of normality until just after my leaving cert, then i just fell apart. Out if nowhere, i started to become worried about how i looked & smelled until it completely took over my life.

    I starting dreading going to work, out shopping, anything social (which i had enjoyed to some extent before). I had a lovely boyfriend of a few years but couldn't take the pressure of pretending everything was okay anymore and broke up with him. Struggled through for another while after that until one day i had a panic attack in work & went home & took an overdose as that was the last straw for me. Unfortunately for me at that time i was discovered & survived.

    Since then i've been given great support by extended family, we've spent a fortune seeing experts all over the country but to no avail. I've been diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) (anorexia is a good example of it as the person sees themselves as overweight even though everyone else can see that they're not) but it's a very difficult condition to treat.

    After coming out of hospital a few years ago i was prescribed fluoxetine (prozac) which made me feel quite nauseous but didn't help. Have seen several psychiatrists since then who've mainly recommended talking therapies but have seen several counsellors & psychotherapists again with very little improvement. I've had holistic therapies (IET, Reiki, Kineisiology, Acupuncture, Plexus energy healing, Faith healers, you name it, i've tried it.) I just wanted to let medication be a last resort. I've been virtually housebound for the past four years (i'm 25) as i can really only go out with someone else. When i go out on my own i feel like there's a spotlight on me & i may aswell be naked. Im lucky that i've a few great friends who've been unbelievable to me through everything & make sure i get out for nights out, days out etc & i'd never have got through without them.

    Anyway to make a very long story not very short, i've recently decided to try medication to see if i can get some kind of quality of life. Went to see a new psychiatrist & he prescribed lustral for 2 months which although didn't have any great side effects, it didn't work for me. So now he suggested trying Lyrica which i'll be starting next week so fingers crossed.

    I've been on this the past few weeks without posting but i've found other peoples sharing of what they're going through very insightful & helped me to realise that i'm not the only one going through something like this, which is why i decided to post my experience with what i suppose is mental illness.

    To Plumeria, i haven't got a job either (similar to you i have a degree & hope to use it one day) but if things are as bad as you describe, maybe instead of using your savings you can qualify for disability benefit. While it's not ideal & i'm not happy claiming benefits i know that i need it now to get me through. You just fill out a form explaining how you feel & send it away, you have to go for a meeting where they ask you a few questions but nothing awkward & the lady was lovely to me. You may have to go for a medical too, i didn't as my problem is quite complex but i doubt you'd have to either as it's generally only physical conditions that they can assess like that. I'd really recommend you to go for that if you can.

    If anybody else has, or knows anyone with BDD, i'd love to hear your experiences.

    The main thing to everyone is don't give up hope & if you've any questions i'd be happy to help if i can.

    All the best. xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I starting dreading going to work, out shopping, anything social (which i had enjoyed to some extent before). I had a lovely boyfriend of a few years but couldn't take the pressure of pretending everything was okay anymore and broke up with him. Struggled through for another while after that until one day i had a panic attack in work & went home & took an overdose as that was the last straw for me. Unfortunately for me at that time i was discovered & survived.

    Sorry that you ended up at such a low point. Do you still consider your survival unfortunate? :( I hope not.

    I'm OK going shopping as long as I'm solitary or with my friend/parents.
    Social events and work are extra hard. Being asked questions about myself makes me hugely anxious (unless I get to be anonynous online, obviously), so I avoid all kinds of get-togethers, interviews, work, and anywhere else that people will ask me about myself.

    I've lost nearly every friendship I ever had through my constant excuses not to go out. I'm really grateful that I have one brilliant friend who never gave up on me; he helps me more than he knows. Glad to hear you have some great friends -- makes a massive difference.

    You've tried a ton of different things... Did you find any of those treatments even slightly beneficial?

    Thank you so much for the info about applying for disability. I will look into it.
    My psychiatrist seems to think I just need to get a minimum wage, low-pressure job and I'll be OK (despite the fact that I did this before and sank into depression). I have a habit of putting on a smiley face for doctors, and actually replying "Grand" when they ask how I am. I could kick myself for that, but it's almost an instinctive/defensive response to being asked how I am. I am seeing the psych again next week, and will try to tell the truth :S

    Best of luck with the Lyrica; hope you'll report back on how it works for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Have felt very depressed over the past few days,was persuaded to go out with my friend and some of his friends for his birthday on Saturday and it just basically reminded me of how far I am from being a normal person for my age (24).

    Everybody else seemed so at ease and happy and were all talking about their jobs,girlfreinds and plans for the summer and when somebody attempted to talk to me I'd panic and mumble out a one word answer and pretend that I needed the toilet or go to the bar just to escape.

    Feel like my life is slipping away from me and that there's nothing that anybody can do to help me(doctors,psychiatrists,psychologists,tonnes of different meds haven't been much help at all)Have been back cutting myself(which I'm extremely ashamed and embarassed about)just for some relief.Just feel pretty hopeless at the moment.Sorry for the rant.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,596 ✭✭✭RubyXI

    Have felt very depressed over the past few days,was persuaded to go out with my friend and some of his friends for his birthday on Saturday and it just basically reminded me of how far I am from being a normal person for my age (24).

    Everybody else seemed so at ease and happy and were all talking about their jobs,girlfreinds and plans for the summer and when somebody attempted to talk to me I'd panic and mumble out a one word answer and pretend that I needed the toilet or go to the bar just to escape.

    Feel like my life is slipping away from me and that there's nothing that anybody can do to help me(doctors,psychiatrists,psychologists,tonnes of different meds haven't been much help at all)Have been back cutting myself(which I'm extremely ashamed and embarassed about)just for some relief.Just feel pretty hopeless at the moment.Sorry for the rant.

    You're in the right place for a rant. We're all at it. :D
    Know exactly how you feel about everyone else seeming so normal and not being able to talk to people. I can't even bring myself to go out so at least you went and showed your face which in my book is a pretty big achievement all on it's own.
    I would say try not to do the cutting yourself thing. Can't be good. So if it's possible for you not to do it then i think it would be worth a try.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Plumeria wrote: »
    Sorry that you ended up at such a low point. Do you still consider your survival unfortunate? :( I hope not.

    I'm OK going shopping as long as I'm solitary or with my friend/parents.
    Social events and work are extra hard. Being asked questions about myself makes me hugely anxious (unless I get to be anonynous online, obviously), so I avoid all kinds of get-togethers, interviews, work, and anywhere else that people will ask me about myself.

    I've lost nearly every friendship I ever had through my constant excuses not to go out. I'm really grateful that I have one brilliant friend who never gave up on me; he helps me more than he knows. Glad to hear you have some great friends -- makes a massive difference.

    You've tried a ton of different things... Did you find any of those treatments even slightly beneficial?

    Thank you so much for the info about applying for disability. I will look into it.
    My psychiatrist seems to think I just need to get a minimum wage, low-pressure job and I'll be OK (despite the fact that I did this before and sank into depression). I have a habit of putting on a smiley face for doctors, and actually replying "Grand" when they ask how I am. I could kick myself for that, but it's almost an instinctive/defensive response to being asked how I am. I am seeing the psych again next week, and will try to tell the truth :S

    Best of luck with the Lyrica; hope you'll report back on how it works for you.

    Well i still always think of suicide as a way out if everything gets too much, kinda like a coping mechanism i guess. It's funny though yesterday was the first day that i thought "oh my God i could have been dead" even though it happened almost four years ago so maybe the lustral has made a difference to my mood after all!

    It's great that you can go out by yourself, gives you some independence. Do u find that when you're out, you're just passing time until you're back home? Do u know why you dread people asking about you? i'm just wondering, you don't have to answer if you feel it's too intrusive. Maybe you could try some counselling, or some CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) where you challenge your own thinking. Like you think an anxious thought, so then you feel anxious & you behave anxiously even though you caused it in yourself. I've tried all these things & they make perfect sense when you think about it but i just can't relate the theory to practice.

    Counselling has definately helped in the way that talking about things does, i still go fortnightly & find it helpful. It's not cheap though & the free psychologist through the hospital was a joke.

    I actually found IET (integrated energy therapy) good. It's a therapy that works with your angels (like i said i'll try anything but understandably it's not for everyone!). I came out of the appointment feeling like i was floating on air, was able to go shopping by myself, felt so relaxed, it only lasted the day but it was wonderful. Have been again since but haven't felt as good afterwards.

    As for your work situation, i understand completely. My doctor said that too but i know it's not an option at the moment, hopefully at some stage. My relatives that i'm living with have a business so i've tried working there for a few hours but it was a nightmare. You have to remember that doctors are experts but YOU'RE an expert on you so you know what your limits are better than they do.

    Your friend must be amazing & my aunt always says if you have one friend in your life you're so lucky as most people have friends but no real FRIENDS so actually there's something that you have that most people probably don't. I know it's hard to keep up friendships when you have to make excuses, did they know how you were feeling?

    Also in relation to the disability benefit, you'll more than likely qualify for a medical card. I have VHI but also applied for the medical card so that it'll cover the cost of the medication & got it last week so there's lots out there to help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Feel like my life is slipping away from me and that there's nothing that anybody can do to help me(doctors,psychiatrists,psychologists,tonnes of different meds haven't been much help at all)Have been back cutting myself(which I'm extremely ashamed and embarassed about)just for some relief.Just feel pretty hopeless at the moment.Sorry for the rant.

    I feel the same - that my life is passing me by, and I'm missing out. I didn't go to my debs; I didn't have a 21st birthday party. That stuff might be pretty minor in the grand scheme of things, but it adds up.

    It's bad that you're hurting yourself; I wouldn't condemn you for it, but do value your body. It's one thing in this world that you 100% own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    It's great that you can go out by yourself, gives you some independence. Do u find that when you're out, you're just passing time until you're back home? Do u know why you dread people asking about you? i'm just wondering, you don't have to answer if you feel it's too intrusive. Maybe you could try some counselling, or some CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) where you challenge your own thinking. Like you think an anxious thought, so then you feel anxious & you behave anxiously even though you caused it in yourself. I've tried all these things & they make perfect sense when you think about it but i just can't relate the theory to practice.

    Counselling has definately helped in the way that talking about things does, i still go fortnightly & find it helpful. It's not cheap though & the free psychologist through the hospital was a joke.

    I actually found IET (integrated energy therapy) good. It's a therapy that works with your angels (like i said i'll try anything but understandably it's not for everyone!). I came out of the appointment feeling like i was floating on air, was able to go shopping by myself, felt so relaxed, it only lasted the day but it was wonderful. Have been again since but haven't felt as good afterwards.

    I'm not sure exactly why I'm so hyper-private. I had an unusual/sad childhood in some respects, so as a child I got very good at keeping secrets, and keeping myself private. I hated the feeling that people would judge me. I suppose I've just stayed that way...

    I've never tried a counsellor, and I'll consider it seriously if the psychiatrist really can't help me soon. I really would love to find a medication that lifts me a bit, but I've tried 3 and it was honestly as useful as popping a couple of smarties a day. No effects aside from slight weight-gain.
    I will probably have to hope that just talking will be enough for me.

    My psychiatrist is costing me 125 euro for each 45-min session. I still reel a bit when I think about it, and how it's draining my savings. I can't keep it up long-term, for sure.

    IET sounds kind of cool, even if I wouldn't be able to truly believe in it. If they're ever giving out free samples, I'll have a go :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Everybody else seemed so at ease and happy and were all talking about their jobs,girlfreinds and plans for the summer and when somebody attempted to talk to me I'd panic and mumble out a one word answer and pretend that I needed the toilet or go to the bar just to escape.

    Feel like my life is slipping away from me and that there's nothing that anybody can do to help me(doctors,psychiatrists,psychologists,tonnes of different meds haven't been much help at all)Have been back cutting myself(which I'm extremely ashamed and embarassed about)just for some relief.Just feel pretty hopeless at the moment.Sorry for the rant.

    You only need to look at this thread to see that you're not alone in feeling like that. I'm 25 & i'd be ok in that situation once it was friends but if it was a different group of people i didn't know, i'd be the exact same as you, not knowing what to say, i'd be feeling inferior, thinking that everyone is wonderful & i'm not. I'd just be knocking back drinks. What i do now is only go places where i know i'll know at least a few people, i wouldn't go out with just one person where there's even the most remote chance that i could be left with a group i don't know. College tutorials were the worst.

    Your friends obviously value you or they wouldn't have bothered to convince you to go out. Do any of them know how you feel?

    I know it's frustrating when nothing seems to work, i'm the same, we just have to keep going in the hope that we'll eventually stumble across the right thing. It's so sad to think of anyone hurting themselves, i hope something/someone will be able to help soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    I know that I shouldn't be cutting myself and I feel terrible for doing it,it's hard to explain why I do it,probably the only thing that I have control over in my life I suppose, and I feel a tremendous release imediately after I've done it which lasts for a minute or two and then the guilt kicks in.

    I've had to tell lots of lies to my family and friends too about why my arms are covered in bandages which makes me feel even worse.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Plumeria wrote: »
    I'm not sure exactly why I'm so hyper-private. I had an unusual/sad childhood in some respects, so as a child I got very good at keeping secrets, and keeping myself private. I hated the feeling that people would judge me. I suppose I've just stayed that way...

    I've never tried a counsellor, and I'll consider it seriously if the psychiatrist really can't help me soon. I really would love to find a medication that lifts me a bit, but I've tried 3 and it was honestly as useful as popping a couple of smarties a day. No effects aside from slight weight-gain.
    I will probably have to hope that just talking will be enough for me.

    My psychiatrist is costing me 125 euro for each 45-min session. I still reel a bit when I think about it, and how it's draining my savings. I can't keep it up long-term, for sure.

    IET sounds kind of cool, even if I wouldn't be able to truly believe in it. If they're ever giving out free samples, I'll have a go :)

    I really think a traumatic childhood has a lifelong impact on a person since they're the formative years. I grew up with domestic violence, think i was probably born anxious but my home environment certainly didn't help. I think we can get past it though. :)

    My psychiatrist said that if i presented to him without having been to counselling that that's what he'd recommend first & seen as how you haven't tried that yet it might be an idea. Also most psychiatrists recommend a combination of both meds & counselling as being the most successful.

    I know they cost a fortune, my doctor sent a referral letter for a private apt but they made a mistake & gave me a public appointment, i can't believe the standard of help, he's brilliant to talk to & i don't know what he could improve on if i was paying privately so im steeped really.

    If there's ever a spiritual/holistic fair in your area (usually held in hotels) you should go along, they always have loads of info about keeping positive & they do demonstrations of different techniques.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Starviewadams, I think I can understand the need to feel a sense of control, and also the issue of having to lie to people :(

    This isn't a current problem for me, but I used to throw up due to my anxiety. About 2 years ago I went to dinner and then the pub with an old friend. I ate almost nothing and could barely drink. My anxiety was dreadful, getting worse by the minute, and I eventually felt so nauseous that I went to the pub toilets to throw up.

    Came back to the table, trying to act normal, but a few minutes later I needed to be sick again. I panicked about how to explain my long absence, so I ended up telling this friend a stupid lie about how I had been stopped by another friend on my way back from the loo... and was stuck chatting, which is why I'd been gone for 15 mins. So, instead of revealing that I'm an anxious weirdo, I instead came across as an inconsiderate nob who abandons a friend in the pub just to chat to someone else. Ugh.

    QUOTE=housebound sally;71278068]
    I know they cost a fortune, my doctor sent a referral letter for a private apt but they made a mistake & gave me a public appointment, i can't believe the standard of help, he's brilliant to talk to & i don't know what he could improve on if i was paying privately so im steeped really.

    If there's ever a spiritual/holistic fair in your area (usually held in hotels) you should go along, they always have loads of info about keeping positive & they do demonstrations of different techniques.[/QUOTE]

    I should have gone public. The reason I went private is partly because my GP recommended this specific psychiatrist to me, and also because I was/am paranoid about privacy. Obviously there are good public ones out there :)

    My psychiatrist is very nice, friendly, easy enough to talk to. I just have no feeling that I'm getting any better at all. I will keep the counsellor option in mind definitely...

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Ah, messed up the Quote thing in my last post... and managed to put the Captcha words as my post title... lol. The joys of not being allowed to edit.

    I was wondering if anyone here has gotten an actual diagnosis from their psychiatrist? And if so, how many appointments did it take to reach that stage?

    I'm curious because my psychiatrist hasn't told me that I "have" anything. I guess I had assumed she would tell me whether I have an anxiety disorder, or depression, or neither, or something else. Maybe I was wrong to assume that? I've seen her 5 times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 430 ✭✭margarite

    phi3 wrote: »
    Can't seem to get out of this bout of depression at all. It's been going on for a few weeks now.
    Excuse nosey question but what exactly are you doing? staying in bed or just doing nothing, have nothing to look forward to? If you want to p m me please go ahead. I m in a good space at the moment and am able to listen.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Plumeria wrote: »
    Ah, messed up the Quote thing in my last post... and managed to put the Captcha words as my post title... lol. The joys of not being allowed to edit.

    I was wondering if anyone here has gotten an actual diagnosis from their psychiatrist? And if so, how many appointments did it take to reach that stage?

    I'm curious because my psychiatrist hasn't told me that I "have" anything. I guess I had assumed she would tell me whether I have an anxiety disorder, or depression, or neither, or something else. Maybe I was wrong to assume that? I've seen her 5 times.

    Psychiatrist reckoned I had bi-polar after about 2 appointments (cos of family history) now she thinks it's depression and social anxiety disorder,psychologist just thinks I just have social phobia which is making me depressed.Old psychiatrist is leaving in April so no doubt her replacement will diagnose me with something else!I'm seeing public doctors cos I couldn't afford private.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Psychiatrist reckoned I had bi-polar after about 2 appointments (cos of family history) now she thinks it's depression and social anxiety disorder,psychologist just thinks I just have social phobia which is making me depressed.Old psychiatrist is leaving in April so no doubt her replacement will diagnose me with something else!I'm seeing public doctors cos I couldn't afford private.

    Thanks Starview. I hope your new psychiatrist is nice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,596 ✭✭✭RubyXI

    margarite wrote: »
    Excuse nosey question but what exactly are you doing? staying in bed or just doing nothing, have nothing to look forward to? If you want to p m me please go ahead. I m in a good space at the moment and am able to listen.:)

    No get up every morning and go to work.Things are actually fairly hectic just don't involve many other people. I mean there's people at work but I don't really talk to them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Plumeria wrote: »
    My psychiatrist is costing me 125 euro for each 45-min session. I still reel a bit when I think about it, and how it's draining my savings. I can't keep it up long-term, for sure.

    That is a huge amount of money, especially if you're not working.....I visited a psychologist before Christmas, her rates were 70eur for 50 mins, and she dropped to 50eur because I was unemployed.I've spoken to a couple of mental health professionals and a lot are offering what they call "sliding scales" ie, reducing their prices for those who are unemployed.Presumably because there are so many people who are coming looking for help at the moment.

    Can you look into finding another one? By the way, I moved on to a counsellor and found her excellent - but then, that might just have been the kind of help I was looking for.The psychologist wasn't doing much good, as my childhood was totally normal and my problems were anxiety and panic based, which I wanted to learn to deal with in the here and now as I knew they were completely irrational. And by the way, I'm quite a private person myself. I do have a habit of saying "fine" when asked how I am - you actually have to practice saying "well I'm ok, but I've had an anxious week". That in itself would be a step forward.

    Why do you feel you're getting no better? Is your psychiatrist offering you any suggestions? Have you tried asking them where they are going with this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    That is a huge amount of money, especially if you're not working.....I visited a psychologist before Christmas, her rates were 70eur for 50 mins, and she dropped to 50eur because I was unemployed.I've spoken to a couple of mental health professionals and a lot are offering what they call "sliding scales" ie, reducing their prices for those who are unemployed.Presumably because there are so many people who are coming looking for help at the moment.

    Can you look into finding another one? By the way, I moved on to a counsellor and found her excellent - but then, that might just have been the kind of help I was looking for.The psychologist wasn't doing much good, as my childhood was totally normal and my problems were anxiety and panic based, which I wanted to learn to deal with in the here and now as I knew they were completely irrational. And by the way, I'm quite a private person myself. I do have a habit of saying "fine" when asked how I am - you actually have to practice saying "well I'm ok, but I've had an anxious week". That in itself would be a step forward.

    Why do you feel you're getting no better? Is your psychiatrist offering you any suggestions? Have you tried asking them where they are going with this?

    Regarding the cost, I did say to her the last time I was there, that I am struggling to afford it. She didn't offer a reduced rate, but she said I could pay at a later date. Was nice of her, but tbh I don't know when I could ever pay her back, and I don't want a debt hanging over me on top of my other anxieties.

    Her plan of action for me is that I should get a job. I had told her that my lack of ambition or work is one of my biggest worries, so she's focussing on that I guess.
    I just can't cope with what she wants from me right now. I don't know how to tell her that, and I fear she'll respond by just pushing me harder.

    One thing that confuses me about her, is that she never talks about meds at all. I was already on Cymbalta for about 2 months when I started seeing her. She asked me on my first visit if the meds were helping me, I said no. A month later I told her I'd like to stop taking Cymbalta; she said OK, so I stopped Cymbalta. And that's the full extent of her dealings with me in terms of medication. She has never written me a prescription.

    I'm making her sound harsher than she is, I'm sure. She's quite warm when speaking to me. I just never come out of there feeling like I'm going to be OK.

    Thanks for the advice about looking for someone else. I am going to see the psychiatrist next Monday, and I guess it might be my last visit.
    It's good to hear from other people about this; including about the money side of it. It's not something I can discuss with anyone in 'real life'.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,285 ✭✭✭BanzaiBk

    This is probably the lowest I've been in nearly a year. Going to see my psych on Monday too. Today in work I found myself close to having an anxiety attack while I was surrounded by my ultra-confident, do-anything colleagues. Even now my bitterness is driving me round the bend. Ugh :(

    I know exactly how you feel Plumeria with regards work and ambition and I too find it difficult to talk to my psych/nurse care about this as they seem to think it's a minor issue.

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