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Lets all be anxious/depressed together.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,596 ✭✭✭RubyXI

    I don't feel like talking to anyone. Probably just as well coz I have no-one to talk to. Don't feel like doing anything either. Which isn't so good coz I'm at work. Not a lot to be done though so I have to look busy. Ugh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Another bad day today,made worse by the fact that I only got about an hours sleep lastnite and feel absolutely wrecked,brain was in overdrive and I just couldn't nod off,and it was too late to take my diazepam cos I wouldn't be able to wake up in time for work.

    Plan on dragging myself out for a long walk later to tire myself out so that I'll actually sleep tonight!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21 14qgrctp8yfv60

    Is anyone using the anti depressant Lexapro I have just started taking it as I have been trying to deal with alot myself and it has come to the stage where I need to take mediciation.

    Just wondering if anyone knows some of the side effects especially how it affects someone when exercising and taking part in competitive sport...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    My dad found out I had depression when he found a box of my meds in the bathroom and read the leaflet,was expecting him to flip out,but he's actually been surprisingly supportive,which I didn't expect at all because he's from the country and always had a real macho attitude towards anything like that.

    I wish I had brought it up sooner instead of hiding it and feeling ashamed.I'd just say try to sit down with your Mum and explain to her how you have been feeling and what the doctor said when he/she prescribed you your meds,she's your Mum and she cares about you,so I'm sure that she will understand and support you in getting better.

    If you can't stand the idea of telling her face to face,then maybe write down how you're feeling and leave it somewhere only she will be able to find it.

    Best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 142 ✭✭,mnb

    Ye Ive been on it for a few years. Absolutely no problem playing sports with it. It worked well for me for years only now Im going through a bad spell and we might have to change to a different SSRI.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I only seem to post here when things are bad, so I'll break this cycle :P

    Been doing really well lately. Think my last counselor was the best I've seen and really did help me to put a lot of things into perspective. Stopped seeing her about a month ago cause there wasn't much left to say, and have really taken on board what we worked on. My motivation is still low, can't seem to get things done, but I'm starting to think thats more due to laziness than mood.

    Mood has been pretty steady lately too. Only had a few bad days, and I think maybe I make dramatics out of these days. One little thing goes wrong and I take to my bed. I know its easy to say now that I'm in a good mood and we'll see what happens the next little hiccup, but I do let things drag me down a lot more than they should, and there's no real reason for me to react as badly as I do. But even my bad days are a lot better than they used to be, and I recover a lot faster too.

    Thinking a lot more rationally too, if that makes sense. Pretty embarrassed by a lot of my crazy behavior during my meltdowns over the past year or so. But sure can't change what happened so just trying to deal with it and move on. Lost a few people in my life, not sure if things can be fixed there but trying to focus on other people. Still a few worries on my mind, but trying not to dwell on them.

    Pretty hopeful about the future, if I could get the motivation to get a few important things done! Haven't been thinking about coming off my meds, doctor said to give it till early next year before we discuss it again. Was a disaster the last time so just gonna stick with it and try not to think much, cause I know it will upset me.

    Long post over!

    Well done Princess Peach! I felt like that too when I finished up with my counsellor - just ran out of things to say. I understand you're more rational thinking - my mind was the same. It's like you find your balance again, your brain snaps back and starts thinking "normally"'s not stressed and blowing things out of proportion, and stressing more, etc,etc,etc.

    Working on the bad days is ongoing. I find I tend to be at my most emotional around that time of the month, or coming up to it (sorry guys!). But at least it's recurring - at least I can say to myself that I feel bad because that's the time, and it'll be ok again in a couple of days. After that you just have to let it go and get on with it.

    When you're used to being hypersensitive to how you feel all the time, it's hard to switch that off and it's an ongoing thing. But you sound like things are good for you and right now is all that matters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7 summermemories

    once or twice iv forgotten to take my antidepressants and i was really sick from it (dizzy spells, exhaustion, feeling sick etc).. Last weekend I ran out of them (had such a busy week i lost track) and as the chemist was closed I couldnt go to get any..Sunday and Monday I was just so sick, never been so dizzy or tired..was so emotional etc..The lady in chemist said I shouldnt feel that sick just because I only missed one, but Im just wondering has anyone ever had those side effects from forgetting to take one?im on venex xl..

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,887 ✭✭✭✭Mars Bar

    once or twice iv forgotten to take my antidepressants and i was really sick from it (dizzy spells, exhaustion, feeling sick etc).. Last weekend I ran out of them (had such a busy week i lost track) and as the chemist was closed I couldnt go to get any..Sunday and Monday I was just so sick, never been so dizzy or tired..was so emotional etc..The lady in chemist said I shouldnt feel that sick just because I only missed one, but Im just wondering has anyone ever had those side effects from forgetting to take one?im on venex xl..

    Well she's clearly ill informed. I forgot to take mine one saturday and felt dizzy by saturday night and was sick and an emotional wreck by sunday! Took my sunday tablet and I was perfect again on Sunday night.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,148 ✭✭✭✭KnifeWRENCH

    Lexapro affects different people different ways. Like any other medication, really.

    I haven't been taking mine at all recently; I know it's stupid to off them but I haven't really noticed a whole lot of difference. I had a mini meltdown about 2 weeks ago....and reflecting on that episode has kind of put everything in perspective a bit. I never want something like that to happen again; in a sense, it sort of scared me into concentrating more on getting better and I've been doing a lot better since. Yet I haven't taken my Lexapro for a few weeks now; bit of a contradiction, I know.

    I'm definitely gonna start taking the medication again, because I'm wise enough to know that stopping medication suddenly like that isn't a good idea. I got out of the habit when I was sick in April and got distracted by having to take other medication for a while. Then, when May came, I got so distracted by exams that I almost forgot I was supposed to be taking meds and just neglected them completely.

    I'm gonna talk to my doctor about all this when I see her next but in my experience I've never gotten the feeling nauseous or dizzy or any other side effects from not taking Lexapro.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,698 ✭✭✭✭Princess Peach

    once or twice iv forgotten to take my antidepressants and i was really sick from it (dizzy spells, exhaustion, feeling sick etc).. Last weekend I ran out of them (had such a busy week i lost track) and as the chemist was closed I couldnt go to get any..Sunday and Monday I was just so sick, never been so dizzy or tired..was so emotional etc..The lady in chemist said I shouldnt feel that sick just because I only missed one, but Im just wondering has anyone ever had those side effects from forgetting to take one?im on venex xl..

    I take Lexapro and if I forget to take it a few days I get these awful headaches, like my head is going to explode. Dizzy and tired too. I tried to come off it last year and was lowering my dose very slowly, the only way to do it my doctor said. I would be a little sick for a day or 2 coming on the lower dose.

    You're chemist is an idiot. My doctor warned me not to stop taking it suddenly the first day she gave me the prescription. Even missing one can do that to you if you're on a high dose.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,148 ✭✭✭✭KnifeWRENCH

    I just did two online self-assessment thingy's that told me it's quite possible I may be bipolar. I know those things aren't definitive or anything, but it's something I often wonder. In one way it would make a lot of sense. But then I worry I'm just trying to exaggerate my problems and pin myself with an illness I don't have just to make excuses for myself or something.

    The definitive characteristic of bipolar seems to be "manic" episodes; I don't think I've ever had one, which would suggest I'm not bipolar. Then again, I convinced myself for ages I wasn't depressed before I went to a doctor, so maybe I have and just didn't recognise it?

    How the hell do you, or your doctor, truly know where the line between unipolar and bipolar lies? I've finished counselling (because college is over) but have a therapist appointment Wednesday. I figure I should mention all this but I'm afraid I won't get taken seriously or just get dismissed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 mdan

    Hate going away from the normal routine incase something happens (the usual mad thoughts!!) but have to say went for walk on the beach and it really did help - I actually forgot about things for a few hours :)
    going again today - please sun stay it makes life a bit clearer

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,564 ✭✭✭Naikon

    How the hell do you, or your doctor, truly know where the line between unipolar and bipolar lies?

    Simple. They can't. At least not in a scientific manner. Doctors are prescribing medications based on unproven chemical assumptions about what causes Depression. The data is flaky.

    Research the "chemical imbalance" theory by pouring over some real academic jorunals like the New England Journal of Medicine. I am sorry, but they know far less than what they claim to know about what causes Depression. Still, Depression is a major problem these days.

    There is interesting research out there to assert that these drugs work only marginally better than a placebo substance for the most part. Mind yourself, but don't place too much faith into these Doctors. Not that they can't help, but drugs tend not to be as effective as claimed. Take a look at the mean weighted overall effect size in figure 3B: Doctoring of results.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    In recent weeks I've reverted to just ticking over, not doing anything except working, eating and sleeping. Got a slap of reality that pubs and clubs really aren't my thing, a Peruvian acquaintance of mine even suggested I should emigrate as a result!

    On another forum I saw a thread titled "What is your opinion of YOU?" Which got me thinking...

    Not particularly good, I consider myself uninteresting to others, in fact I think a lot about what I believe others think of me. I'm also terribly ashamed of my own creativity. I used to think I was unattractive but at least I don't think that anymore.

    On a brighter note, last night I was walking home and crossing O'Connell Bridge when I tripped on the footpath and fell over. Any other time I would have been terribly embarrassed and upset but I just brushed myself off and carried on. I think the difference was that I was listening to music so couldn't hear if anyone laughed or passed judgement.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Plumeria

    Naikon wrote: »
    Simple. They can't. At least not in a scientific manner. Doctors are prescribing medications based on unproven chemical assumptions about what causes Depression. The data is flaky.

    Research the "chemical imbalance" theory by pouring over some real academic jorunals like the New England Journal of Medicine. I am sorry, but they know far less than what they claim to know about what causes Depression. Still, Depression is a major problem these days.

    There is interesting research out there to assert that these drugs work only marginally better than a placebo substance for the most part. Mind yourself, but don't place too much faith into these Doctors. Not that they can't help, but drugs tend not to be as effective as claimed. Take a look at the mean weighted overall effect size in figure 3B: Doctoring of results.

    Coming onto a thread where some people may be very unwell, and may be at their lowest point, and telling them not to put much faith in their doctors, is reckless imo.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 i_feel???

    Apparently I'm Bipolar. Really finding it hard to comes to terms with it.
    My Ex even dumped me when I went through my first Manic phase in February/March. Of course, it freaked him out. So the heartbreak on top of this is crappy.

    At the moment, I've been in a really low phase. Well, for the past 6 days. No motivation. No positivity. Just wanna sleep my days away. Feel terrible really.

    One of the reasons is, I've been on Olanzapine 5mg(Zyprexa) for the last 7-8 weeks. I needed it for the mania. However, I've gained 2 suddenly :-(
    So I just dont want anyone to see me so heavy, and I'm feeling lethargic.

    Is Lithium a better option for less weight gain? I just want to hear other peoples personal experiences on Lithium and/or Olanzapine(Zyprexa). I'm hoping that if I change to Lithium, that my weight won't be such an issue.
    I've tried to loose weight the past 3-4weeks, and I haven't lost a pound at all. Very disheartening.

    Anything would be nice, I'm feeling so down about everything. Tearful a lot.
    I'm female and 25. Not working since February. I think being on benefits and not working is also bringing me down.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,073 ✭✭✭sam34

    naikon, this is not the thread for that type of post. please don't post here in that manner again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    I gained about a stone when I started on Lithium before Christmas,I was tired and really hungry and thirsty all the time and I was just constantly snacking on junk food and drinking sugary drinks,told doc about the weight gain and he said to drink lots of water instead when I feel hungry,and to just watch what I eat a bit more closely,which I've been doing since January and I haven't gained any more.

    I also try to get out of the house everyday and go for a walk in the park or somewhere and I find that helps too,even when I dont feel like going I force myself out the door and I usually feel much better after it.

    Hope this helps,took me a while to get used to the idea that I'm bi-polar too!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,762 ✭✭✭✭stupidusername

    Having a very down day. seems to be happening more and more often. maybe the meds were doing something. or...maybe not.

    back in bed for the night now. the thoughts of going to work tomorrow is the most uncomfortable feeling. but i can't take it off. i wish i could just leave.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,564 ✭✭✭Naikon

    sam34 wrote: »
    naikon, this is not the thread for that type of post. please don't post here in that manner again.

    Feel free to have it removed if you deem it wholly unacceptable. I thought it would be an interesting reference point for people who find the drugs aren't working.

    I will not post here again.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 i_feel???

    Thanks Starviewadams

    Anything helps.
    I'm just so afraid of switching to lithium from olanzapine.
    I'm only really doing it to help my weight gain.
    I heard staying on olanzapine long term is not a great idea. And lithium is better for longer term.

    It's good to hear it from someone with bipolar. I just find that there's not many out there with bipolar. I could be wrong. But i really like to hear other peoples experiences with bipolar. Helps me feel good or a bit better.

    Starviewadams, just a u hold down a job okay with ur diagnosis? I'm curious. I had to stop working in February cuz of it.
    And how long have you been diagnosed?

    I was doing okay until 6 days i feel constantly blue and dont wanna leave the house. And i'd hate to think that i need to add an antidepressant to lithium. Taking a struggle for me. Even pain killers, let alone, anti psychotic/mood stabilisers..

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Makes me feel slightly better that somebody else in my age group has the same diagnosis too for some reason,nearly all the people in the clinic that I go to are at least in their forty's!

    I was diagnosed in November or December last year after I ended up in hospital during a bad manic episode that I don't remember too much about that apart from being freaked being in the hospital,I just about hold down a job but it's a huge struggle for me being honest,and it's not hard work either,just filing and doing invoices and stuff,I just feel really drained most of the time.

    I'm on Lithium and a small dose of Citalopram and seem to be doing okay on it,I felt really down last week but I had a good chat with my psychologist on Friday which kinda cheered me up a bit,and I haven't had a manic episode in age's either but they always come when I least expect it,but I do feel a bit dopey for a few hours after I take the tablets,that and I'm always really thirsty too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26 mdan

    does anyone have this problem - as well as the panic attacks I am constantly thinking there is something wrong with me - like pain in the head is brain tumour - pain in arm - Im going to have a heart attack - constantly checking myself for lumps and bumps and thinking I have cancer - it is so draining I swear and I am starting to feel that my doctor is throwing his eyes up to heaven when he sees me. I got another blood count done the other day (to try and help me stop) and it was normal again thank god - but it didnt help me stop....
    anyway just glad to be able to post here to talk to you guys who understand
    thanks for that

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    mdan wrote: »
    does anyone have this problem - as well as the panic attacks I am constantly thinking there is something wrong with me - like pain in the head is brain tumour - pain in arm - Im going to have a heart attack - constantly checking myself for lumps and bumps and thinking I have cancer - it is so draining I swear and I am starting to feel that my doctor is throwing his eyes up to heaven when he sees me. I got another blood count done the other day (to try and help me stop) and it was normal again thank god - but it didnt help me stop....
    anyway just glad to be able to post here to talk to you guys who understand
    thanks for that

    I can be the same and often have to force myself not to worry about them. About 2 years ago I was experiencing occasional skipped heartbeats and was really worried I had a heart problem, yet an ECG came back normal.

    Even now, I've had a feeling inside my throat for the last week or two that's making me think there's something dodgy in there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,762 ✭✭✭✭stupidusername

    i'm not sure if this online support group is a good thing for me. it's like focussing on what i'm thinking and how i'm feeling, and hearing other peoples stories gets to me. i think i'm going to try force myself to go to an aware group therapy thing soon.

    i hate work, i hate it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Hearing other peoples story's on it is pretty difficult for me too,especially if they are really bad ones,ends up making me feel guilty about feeling so bad about myself without having as legitimate a reason as they do,if that makes any sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I've suffered depression, panic attacks and social anxiety for about ten years now. Lately my GP referred me to the local day hospital as she feels a psychiatrist would be better able to tweak my meds for me etc. Today I met with the consultant psychiatrist there. He told me I had atypical depression and that it can be a predictor of bipolar disorder. (That was a bit scary as my aunt has manic depression.) When I went home and read up about atypical depression, I couldn't believe what I was reading. The psych was right on the money! In a funny way I feel relieved that I have a definite diagnosis, even though I'm a bit cagey about being pigeon-holed. I was amazed by the connection with thyroid function as I also have hypothyroidism. Interesting too the suggestion about taking chromium to stave off cravings for carbs, which is a big problem for me!

    Anyways he wants me to change my meds from anti-depressants to mood-stabilisers. He recommended Lamotrigine (Lamictal) or lithium. I thought that was a bit radical and a lot to take in so I'll make the decision when I meet him again in a month. Reading up about lithium proved scary. But the Lamictal might not be so bad. Anyone else taking Lamictal?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,148 ✭✭✭✭KnifeWRENCH

    Naikon wrote: »
    Feel free to have it removed if you deem it wholly unacceptable. I thought it would be an interesting reference point for people who find the drugs aren't working.

    I will not post here again.

    Hey, just wanted to say I didn't have any issue with your post (since it was a reply to me), I actually did find it quite interesting but the whole "time and a place" rule applies, I guess.

    Anyway sorry if that was off-topic, I just wanted to clarify that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭superbad50

    hi guys,

    have been suffering from anxiety/depression for as long as i remember.just wondering to what extent do taking anti-depressants effect your memory and learning ability. I went back to college last year as i could not find employment , to be honest i was trying for jobs but in the back of my head i was thinking how can i get a job feeling like this. i was afraid and felt so worthless in myself , my confidence was gone and really felt incapable of working. i have a mortgage etc etc. these thoughts i know are a big part of anxiety in general but really take a lot of effort to control . i have just finished the maher social anxiety group and in the process of putting what i learned in place.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Superbad I had the same worries as you as regards taking anti-depressants and mental sharpness. I definitely found over the years that I hadn't the same mental acuity on the drugs than off. But then this year I returned to college and against all my expectations, I found that actually I could study and concentrate very well, and aced my exams! I was delighted! Partly it's a question of getting back into it; the more you study, the more your concentration and ability to retain info will improve. By the time exams/assignments come along you'll be well in the swing of it. I found fish oil capsules helped me enormously - I'm definitely a lot sharper for taking them every day.

    Think of it this way too - if you weren't on the meds, you wouldn't be able to do the course, most likely. So they're enabling you to get out there and do it. And even if you don't do as well on the course as you would have before your diagnosis, well feckit, the fact you are doing the course and getting through it is kudos to you. :)

    Hope this helps xx

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