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Lets all be anxious/depressed together.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,810 ✭✭✭Seren_

    Good luck! My mood has been overall fine this year once I got my dosage right, but my motivation is still very low! Find it hard to get out of bed and to exercise, but not sure why. I used to exercise more when my mood was low tbh, try and keep my mind off things.

    Been thinking of hypnotherapy myself for my eating disorder, just don't know much about it at all. Hope it goes well for you :)

    Would you think of trying cognitive behavioural therapy for your eating disorder? I've been doing it for the past while to help with mine and it has been pretty helpful! You just have to make sure and put in the work, something which I don't always end up doing >.< That has to change though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Didn't wake up til 3.45pm today and was such a struggle dragging myelf out of bed.I've been avoiding phone calls from work too,this is probably the worst I've felt for a good few months,no energy,no motivation and really,really depressed.I just want to hide away from the world forever.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 340 ✭✭FluffyCat

    Thanks for the replies guys.

    I took my first mitrz last night and im only coming out of the fog now so thats another AD for the bin!!

    Ill just fly solo and tell my doctor to stop bothering me!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,073 ✭✭✭sam34

    FluffyCat wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies guys.

    I took my first mitrz last night and im only coming out of the fog now so thats another AD for the bin!!

    Ill just fly solo and tell my doctor to stop bothering me!!

    stick them out for a few days, the grogginess etc should improve.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,258 ✭✭✭MUSEIST

    FluffyCat wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies guys.

    I took my first mitrz last night and im only coming out of the fog now so thats another AD for the bin!!

    Ill just fly solo and tell my doctor to stop bothering me!!

    FluffyCat, I took mirtazapine for 6 months last year and I gained no weight at all. Its impossible to know how you will react to it unless you give it at least a few months and everybody seems to react differently to it anyway so its impossible to predict.

    That fog you talk of is common with all AD's and should ware off after a few weeks.

    Anyways best of luck:)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 340 ✭✭FluffyCat

    sam34 wrote: »
    stick them out for a few days, the grogginess etc should improve.

    Thats not really an option with work. I have to be able to drive and concentration and today was really hard to get through.

    Ive tired several different ADs and the side effects get me everytime! Im just not suited to them

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 340 ✭✭FluffyCat

    MUSEIST wrote: »
    That fog you talk of is common with all AD's and should ware off after a few weeks.

    Ive never experienced 24hrs of being zoned out before!! I did sleep well with them but never fully woke up! Catch 22. Oh well!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,054 ✭✭✭luckyfrank

    FluffyCat wrote: »
    Ive never experienced 24hrs of being zoned out before!! I did sleep well with them but never fully woke up! Catch 22. Oh well!

    It does get better with time

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,054 ✭✭✭luckyfrank

    Im on 20mg of lexapro has anyone experience with b vitimen complex and lexapro, thinking of starting b vitimen to help with fatigue

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    FluffyCat wrote: »
    Ive never experienced 24hrs of being zoned out before!! I did sleep well with them but never fully woke up! Catch 22. Oh well!

    I was on it for a year and a half, I found the drug helped me with sleep without daylong sedation for nearly all of that time past the first week or two.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 31,887 ✭✭✭✭Mars Bar

    FluffyCat wrote: »
    Ive never experienced 24hrs of being zoned out before!! I did sleep well with them but never fully woke up! Catch 22. Oh well!

    It took me a good two weeks to adjust to mirt and I was only on a half a dose. Had that all day drowsiness and zoned out feeling. Give it time if you can...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 340 ✭✭FluffyCat

    mars bar wrote: »
    It took me a good two weeks to adjust to mirt and I was only on a half a dose. Had that all day drowsiness and zoned out feeling. Give it time if you can...

    It would be unsafe for me to to take it any longer. I drive to work and need to concentrate for my job. I rang my doc to ask for something else and he just said that I had asked for something which helps sleep so what do I expect!!

    No, no, ive binned them already and its been confirmed, again, that the doc doesnt give two hoots!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,698 ✭✭✭✭Princess Peach

    luckyfrank wrote: »
    Im on 20mg of lexapro has anyone experience with b vitimen complex and lexapro, thinking of starting b vitimen to help with fatigue

    I started off on that. Just kinda waited out the fatigue, I always sleep more than regular people but the extreme tiredness went way after a few weeks or so with the rest of the starter symptoms. Have you been on it long?

    I'm on 10mg now and so tired all the time, don't think its anything to do with the medication though, moreso my lifestyle.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,054 ✭✭✭luckyfrank

    I started off on that. Just kinda waited out the fatigue, I always sleep more than regular people but the extreme tiredness went way after a few weeks or so with the rest of the starter symptoms. Have you been on it long?

    I'm on 10mg now and so tired all the time, don't think its anything to do with the medication though, moreso my lifestyle.
    Being on it 9 months still have very very bad fatigue, just basically boloxed tired 24/7, my mood has picked up recently ive started to feel good about life again but the constant tiredness is a kiler

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,240 ✭✭✭HalloweenJack

    Hi guys, I just discovered this thread yesterday.

    First of, I want to say thanks to everyone who's posted so openly and honestly. I know myself it's not an easy thing to publicly open up about your problems and I really appreciate that you've done that. It's re-affirmed for me that a lot of people have problems, more so than you'd think. Again, thanks.

    I'm typing this as I'm reading through the thread in another tab so some of it may seem a bit jumbled. I had to stop reading and focus on this post. I do intend to go back and read through this entire thread. I'm also aware this post is pretty long. I'd really appreciate if you could read through to the end.

    I've gone through heavy depression and social anxiety. I went to therapy and group therapy at my college and thankfully they worked wonders for me. I still get down and have social anxiety but I feel, with the insight I gained from my counsellor, I'm better able to realise what's getting me down and, from there, I have an idea of what to do to make it better.

    In the case of depression where you can find the root, finding them can help you begin to recover. I know not all depression starts that way, some people are just depressed and there's no clear reason and I know that my advice doesn't apply there and I wouldn't dare say it should. I would never wanted to belittle somebodies problems, I know it's a terrible feeling to be on the end of.

    I also suffer from paranoid thoughts, while not as bad as before these haven't gone away completely. I know in my case, this is to do with stuff that happened to me and feeling like people who cared about me were actually deliberately hurting me.

    I don't know what started my problems. There's a billion things I can think of. My parents separated when I was a baby so I grew up without a father. My brother, my father (also bi-polar) and my grandfather (my father's father) are all alcoholics. My uncle (my father's brother) committed suicide at 21. So I guess there's something of a genetic disposition to mental problems in my father's family.

    As a kid, I was bullied at school and by my brother (I hated him at the time but only later I appreciated he had his own problems and wasn't able to deal with them, since he's been sober, we've had no problems). I was something of a loner as a kid. I played with myself alot. I'm the youngest, my older siblings were a good bit older and they'd be in school while I was at home with my grandmother. At times, I had friends in my local area but never really connected too well with them. I was a brainbox/teacher's pet in primary school. My mother valued intelligence so when I went to school I thought it was the same for all people. When I hit puberty, I realised it wasn't. I wanted to hang around with the cool kids so I started messing and getting into trouble to impress them. It wasn't really me but it work in making friends with the people I wanted to. Inside, there was a struggle going on. I guess really I was somewhere in the middle. I loved reading and learning new stuff but I didn't want to be a nerd, I wanted to be cool. This is when I lost a lot of self-confidence.

    When I finished secondary school, I lost touch with a lot of my best friends and that got me down. I had always felt shy and awkward around new people and when I started college, I really had to force myself to interact with people. I'd been used to the same people for nearly 14 years and when you're kids, it's easy to chat with people. But when I was 19 and I guess depression was already creeping in, it was really tough.

    It was in second year of college that I first can pin down feeling depressed. I have to go back a bit to explain it all. I had an on-and-off relationship for about three and a half years with my first girlfriend. We went through a lot together and fairly early on we realised we shouldn't be together 'cause we did each other a lot of emotional damage but at the same time, we couldn't keep away from each other. During our on-and-off time, I had one other girlfriend and that was a great time but she died in an accident. It was weird. At the time, I didn't cry or anything. I didn't know how to feel about it, I was only 18 and it was the first time someone close to me had died.

    So, back to that on-and-off relationship, that finally ended when she met someone else. It killed me. I was depressed for months but wouldn't say anything about it. I remember at one point bursting into tears on the bus home and didn't even know why. I was so embarrassed and I got off miles from home and sat at the stop crying for a while before going home and crawling into bed. I stayed in bed for about two weeks, just feeling ****. At the time, I lived with my mother and my step-father but they were on holiday in South America so I was all alone. I couldn't tell you what got me out of bed but I started feeling better and got back to "normal" (for me).

    After that, things picked up. I got into a serious relationship which was very good for me and even when that ended, it was still good. I did my Erasmus and that was a great experience. It was when I came back from that, in July 2010, that I began to go downhill really quick. Erasmus was a really good experience for me. A bunch of people I didn't know so I felt like I was really able to be myself and made loads of good friends there. However, when it ended, we all went back to our parts of the globe and I was back in my old surroundings. At first, I was great. I felt like I knew who I was but then I started doubting myself. I don't know how it came on but basically, I felt like this wasn't the person that my friends at home were used to and so I felt like I had to revert to the person I was before. That really depressed me and from September 2010 onwards, I started going down and down.

    The warning signals for me were that one day I felt fine and I could interact with people with no bother, the next day, I'd be afraid to even say "morning" to my mother. Thinking back now, this had been happenig to me since I started college. So I went into therapy in November 2010. I went even lower before I got better. Around Christmas last year, I was suicidal. I never attempted but the thoughts were there the whole time. I started to pick up in January and from then onwards it was an upward trajectory. I finished my degree and got a 2:1 and I'm onto the next stage of my life.

    It was only after going through this and having gained an immense amount from my counsellor that I can analyse a lot of the stuff that happened to me in the past. Previously, I would've said it was my own fault for being down, I don't like to blame others but, now, I can't help but acknowledge that the stuff that happened to me definitely affected my happiness.

    Someone mentioned drinking to alleviate social anxiety. I used to do that too. It worked for me. I don't rely on it, though. No matter how hard it seems to be to interact with people, you have to try. I know it's easier said than done and it's a lot easier to just keep quiet but the only way you can feel like you're actually getting better is to do it. I know I used to be afraid to speak because I thought everyone would think what I had to say would be stupid but most of the stuff people say is stupid, so don't worry about it.

    I still have ups and downs/confidence crises. For me, dealing with people depends on my confidence levels. Somedays, I don't want to go to work, I just don't want to deal with the people. To get over it, I tell myself I'm getting paid for it. Although, I may not feel at that time that I value myself in my job, my employers do, or else I wouldn't have the job in the first place. Then when the day is over, I'll crawl into bed and hide there for a time. I know it's not a great idea but sometimes, I just need time out from the world before I can go back to it.

    TL; DR: Thank you for sharing your feelings and I hope you all feel better for it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,805 ✭✭✭jammstarr

    Redundant since yesterday which has thrown the emotions all over the place. Also I wussed out on the final work night out last night. Party of the century apparently, they're all talking about it on FB now :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,240 ✭✭✭HalloweenJack

    I had a date tonight, she's sick and cancelled.

    I was looking forward to this all week. I feel like I'm being punished for looking forward to something. I'm not religious or anything so don't know where that came from.

    I'm just full of self-loathing right now and I know I have no real reason to be. This is depression for me, something bad happens to me and I always blame myself and then start hating myself. I'm just curling into bed for the next few days.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 31 Plumeria

    nesf wrote: »
    I was on it for a year and a half, I found the drug helped me with sleep without daylong sedation for nearly all of that time past the first week or two.

    I've been taking mirtazapine 30mg for 4 months now and find the same -- it helps me to sleep without making me drowsy during the day either. I've gained some weight but not enough to bother me too much.

    I'm seeing my psychiatrist more regularly now, and find that helpful.

    At the moment I have a temp job, which is progress I suppose. But for the first time, it's obvious to me that other people (co-workers, people I used to know before I dropped out of society for 3+ years) are noticing that I have "problems". The way people talk to me has a vaguely sad, head-tilted-to-one-side aspect to it or something.

    Sucks. But anyway, I'm getting by. Best wishes to you all.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm originally from Ballyfermot, went to school there as a child. I was out there just earlier when a couple of young men called my name, which made me wonder how they knew. One of them told me I was in a newspaper. So my anxiety levels have gone up, not knowing what it was about.

    The only logical thing I can piece together is that they knew me from school and were messing with my head. I've blacked out a lot of my primary school life so didn't remember them but they obviously knew me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Another crap few days,I'm out of sick days in work too so after avoiding their phone calls last week I'll have to make an appearance in there on Monday which I'm dreading.

    Am considering asking my doc if she'll put me into hospital for af ew days just so I can get my head together,tried to that this past week by myself but it hasn't worked.

    Am just not cut out for this life I think.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 indeanswift

    don't let them define you, enough damage done go back to work you came to win!

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,698 ✭✭✭✭Princess Peach

    Another crap few days,I'm out of sick days in work too so after avoiding their phone calls last week I'll have to make an appearance in there on Monday which I'm dreading.

    Am considering asking my doc if she'll put me into hospital for af ew days just so I can get my head together,tried to that this past week by myself but it hasn't worked.

    Am just not cut out for this life I think.

    Hope it went ok for you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Half explained to my manager about how I'm feeling and I managed to get another week off mainly because I didn't take any holidays this year.

    Have an appointment with the consultant psych on Thursday and hopefully he'll recommend me going back into hospital for a few days so I can get my head together.My brain has just felt like it's been fried for the last while,pretty similar to last year when I ended up in hospital for the first time after completely going off the rails.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,698 ✭✭✭✭Princess Peach

    luckyfrank wrote: »
    Being on it 9 months still have very very bad fatigue, just basically boloxed tired 24/7, my mood has picked up recently ive started to feel good about life again but the constant tiredness is a kiler

    I'm the same! Mood is much better but so tired and un-energetic all the time. Might be my diet and I've become super unfit lately. Have to go to the doctor's this month so will say it to her. Might just be a case of taking a few vitamins and getting off my ass!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Just had a phone call from my psychologist who's told me that she's going back to America for good in two weeks time.I was just starting to trust her after nearly a year too,perfect.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,762 ✭✭✭✭stupidusername

    Just had a phone call from my psychologist who's told me that she's going back to America for good in two weeks time.I was just starting to trust her after nearly a year too,perfect.

    jeez, it's just one knock back after another for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,116 ✭✭✭starviewadams

    Yeah things have been quite a bit shít lately!seeing the consultant psych tomorrow morning so hopefully he'll have some suggestions for me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,762 ✭✭✭✭stupidusername

    Yeah things have been quite a bit shít lately!seeing the consultant psych tomorrow morning so hopefully he'll have some suggestions for me.

    well done on having the energy to keep going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 martha34

    Hi all,

    I have just gone back on Lustral after being off it for the last 7 months and am having some side effects, the worst being insomnia, at most im getting about 3-4 hours sleep a night and like a zombie next day.
    Did anyone else experience this? and if so did it level out after a few weeks?
    I did have insomnia last time i took it but it only lasted a couple of days and this is going on now for almost a week.
    Im back at my GP next week so will discuss it with him then.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26 mdan

    luckyfrank wrote: »
    Im on 20mg of lexapro has anyone experience with b vitimen complex and lexapro, thinking of starting b vitimen to help with fatigue

    vitamin b stress complex I think really helped me but with citalopram. I also took omegas as these boost your ammune system. I would recommend them defo.......
    one time I had so many vitamins etc in the cupboard I could have opened a shop - I would read or hear about something that would help with anxiety or panic and straight away I would buy it....
    I did hear that flax seed oil capsules are supposed to be good for helping to regulate adrenaline - just a thought - thanks for dancin xxx

    still feelin crap - taking one day at a time and enjoyin the good days xx

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