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Banned - discrimination against newbies

  • 19-02-2010 1:59am
    Registered Users Posts: 54 ✭✭

    I was banned from Taxation, I put my hands up.. I did tell the Mod that his head was up his ass, but only in retaliation to his rudeness. Am I correct in thinking that the mods are entitled to ban you just because they may realise that you are in fact right about their heads being in their asses.

    I know I'm new and should have read all the T&C's of the site first but I asked a genuine question in the tax forum, was given a one word answer and told to "Pop Off" because I was a "one post wonder". Then when I replied, with manners but giving a few home truths the mod deleted some posts that would obviously show him being a dick and gave me 2 ban points.

    Honestly how is that supposed to encourage newcomers, I didn't even get a warning and I can't even show you the posts to back my story up cos he deleted them.

    Is that what this really is... all pigs are equal but some are more equal than others.

    I don't mean to have a whinge about it, I'm a big girl I can handle myself, I'm not even requesting you lift the ban, I was rude to him - in retaliation, but man oh man is there anything that can be done about power hungry A-hole mods.... how goes it that they can be dicks but pity the fool who dares call them up on it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    Good lord.

    Right, from the outset, the mod's tone in that particular case could be rather better. It was dismissive and not helpful. Having said that, you didn't read the charter, asked the question in the worst possible place on the forum and told the mod to shove his advice up his ass like his head, before calling him a "dick" (I can see all deleted posts). I assume you also didn't read anything from the site FAQ and just drove on in there with the up yours style. What did you think was going to happen...

    I'd say both of you need to work out something by PM between you ideally. I'm happy to act as mini-facilitator but you'd be doing well for yourself if you never told anyone on this site (mod or not) to shove their advice up his ass like their head:) If I were you, I'd start by sending a PM to the mod involved. There's also the dispute resolution procedure which I'd also suggest you give an eye to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 54 ✭✭Arkmar

    Thanks for the dig out... I agree, I lost the run of myself and shouldn't have told him to take a sniff of his own bum... I did pm him and honestly wasn't rude to him I basically told him that he didn't have to reply if that was his attitude but he just told me to take it up with feedback if I didn't like it. I thought it was a little harsh considering his attitude to me in the first place. I'll accept that if you think I should just grin an bear it, I will do just that, but in the interest of fairness... does anyone agree that his condescending attitude was uncalled for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,798 ✭✭✭Mr. Incognito

    Here is the forum charter which the OP probably still has not read even though persons are encouraged to read it before they post.
    What this Forum is For:


    That includes

    Personal Tax Info- claiming credits/ refund on taxes/ structure of Revenue/ annual budget changes

    Corporation Taxation- R&D Credits/ Deductions / Compliance Issues

    VRT / Customs / Excise Duties- Importing Vehicles VRT

    Stamp Duty and Construction / Rental Income / Rent a room scheme


    This is intended to be a tax hub with stickies and links to the relevant Tax Briefings. What I want is somewhere that people can turn to for basic knowledge and references on a host of things tax related.

    This is NOT a free advice shop or for people to get nixers. Specific queries are to go to professionals and I have a track record of shunting people along. Please don't even try.

    Here is the timeline of the above posters posts and my replies.

    Posted not in a new thread, but a thread that was set up to allow members of the taxation forum the oopportunity to implement a minimum post count. They voted no, so I respected that. This is where Akmar decided to post.

    Great, I was hoping someone could help me out. I was trying to find out if money received from an insurance claim is taxable, It was money received from the destruction of an asset due to weather. I couldn't really find anything online, maybe I wasn't looking in the right places.

    Mr. Incognito:

    Wow, seriously. wow. Don't even bother to start a thread anyway, just post in the most inappropriate spot on the thread that is meant to discourage one post wonders like yours.

    Where monies is recieved for the destruction of assets a system of balancing charges comes in depending on how much depreciation was claimed on the lifetime of the asset. Speak to your accountant.

    I could have deleted the post on the spot, but I gave him an answer to her question. This was not good enough.
    Are you for real??? Did you even consider the possibility that maybe... just maybe I didn't know that I was to start something called a "thread"... are you so far up your own hole that you don't even realise that people don't just log on to these things looking for help and know exactly how the damn thing works. Wow you really are a nice guy... when you are lying in bed at night you must really feel great about yourself... Shove your "advice" up the same place your head is wedged.

    Akmar was subsequently banned for ten days for the obvious, before he was banned he posted this and I soft deleted it.
    ell I would really have appreciated some advice, I only got to this spot in the first place cos I did a search on Google and was directed here, but if this is the kind of "advice" given then why bother have this forum. By the way the answer posted above was not the original answer I received in my email inbox so he must have changed his mind about giving me some "advice" after because the original advice was "Insurance claims are not taxable. Off you pop." I mean seriously, just because I haven't sat here being a dick to everyone for 3 yrs and made a genuine rookie mistake by not starting a new thread, does not give some condescending ****wit the right to speak to anyone in that tone... What a dick... seriously man don't bother your hole replying if thats your contribution.

    Akmar is suffering under the illusion that because google directed her here she is somehow magically entitled to free advice and seems to think that I am discriminating because she is new. I am not. She does not understand what the forum is for because she has not read the charter. To clarify I have posted this in the thread.
    As stated in the forum charter this is a forum for discussion of tax affairs etc.

    It was never intended to be a "free advice shop". Anyone that comes here thinking the are entitled to a free service from professionals that have spent many years studying to acquire this knowledge is mistaken.

    This poll was set up to discourage this type of abuse of the forum.

    If people want to answer questions out of their own time that's fine and it learning goes both ways but we're not here to facilitate one post wonders. If one is looking for help, come on in. If one is looking for advice that I charge money for in my professional life they can take or leave whatever advice that is given.

    Anything that is legally compromising will be deleted.

    I'll stand by that.

    Akmar replied with the following
    irst of all... don't reply if you have a problem with me asking questions - YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER THEM -

    Secondly... "one post wonders" were you born having posted over 2,000 replies to an online thread... you've got to start somewhere... thats encouraging for newcomers.

    Thirdly... Is it in your powers to keep deleting replies I have posted because surely that is an abuse of power as moderator as you can just delete it if it doesn't paint you in a good light. Your exact reply to me initially before you "revised" was "Insurance is not taxable. Pop off". Please don't reply, I don't want you to reply if thats your attitude... honestly why bother if only to get your two pence.

    And as regards getting me a ten day ban from the forum... we're not on the school playground... grow a pair, it's pityful.

    But thank you very much for the advice... send me a bill won't ya.

    She's lucky I didn't ban her for a further ten days imo.

    Here is the pm reply which she considers "harsh"
    Originally Posted by Arkmar (sent via pm)
    Just in case you decide you don't like this either and delete it from the main....

    First of all... don't reply if you have a problem with me asking questions - YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER THEM -

    Secondly... "one post wonders" were you born having posted over 2,000 replies to an online thread... you've got to start somewhere... thats encouraging for newcomers.

    Thirdly... Is it in your powers to keep deleting replies I have posted because surely that is an abuse of power as moderator as you can just delete it if it doesn't paint you in a good light. Your exact reply to me initially before you "revised" was "Insurance is not taxable. Pop off". Please don't reply, I don't want you to reply if thats your attitude... honestly why bother if only to get your two pence.

    And as regards getting me a ten day ban from the forum... we're not on the school playground... grow a pair, it's pityful.

    But thank you very much for the advice... send me a bill won't ya.

    If you have a problem with Mod functions take it to feedback.

    Questioning mod functions is an automatic ban on every fora here

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    Hackles tend to get raised far too easily on the Internet as tone carries pretty badly through text. I think you were both at fault to some degree to be honest throughout the event, we can all get narky at times (I know I do but somehow I mostly manage not to type it to members:)) Fact is though that a read of the charter and this wouldn't have happened, I really advise reading them.

    I'm going to send both of you a group PM (and only to both of you) to see if we cant just move on as happy people.
    edit: That's been sent, I suggest reading that first.
