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how would germany rule if...

  • 23-02-2010 3:17pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 905 ✭✭✭

    they won world war 2?i mean what way would it work with the populations in these countries?would they be made work for buttons and live in poverty?and how did germany expect to have an economy after the war was finished?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,539 ✭✭✭jimmmy

    they won world war 2?i mean what way would it work with the populations in these countries?would they be made work for buttons and live in poverty?and how did germany expect to have an economy after the war was finished?

    Read the link in the thread below on "Irish born merchant seamen prisoners of Gestapo ww2 ". Given how they treated people while they had not yet won the war, do you think their treatment would have improved once they won / became accumustomed to their excesses ?
    I remember reading before in a history book ( cannot remember the name of it, and no doubt Hitlers intentions after the war can be debated ) about how the Nazis had a plan after the war, if they won the war, to use slave labour to build an autobahn to the far east ie useful extermination. The Japanese had already built a railway (in whats now know as Thailand ) where an allied prisoner died for every wooden railway sleeper laid. There is a very interesting museum and war cemetery at Kanchababuri ( not sure about the spelling ), near the Burmese border in western Thailand. Its amazing the huge number of young Dutch soldiers who died there too, in dreadful conditions as prisoners / forced slave labour, as well as British + Australian prisoners etc etc.
    Had the axis powers won the war, shock horror yes people in some countries may "be made work for buttons and live in poverty". Those who ever read accounts of how the axis powers sometimes treated their prisoners can indeed be grateful they did not win the war.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10 PS3 HERO

    i learnt that the other day that germany had offered ireland, nothern ireland back if they had leaked information about britain but ireland refused and said they were neutral

    back to the point i believe if germany didnt open a second front
    we would be speakin german but thats jus my point of view

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 61 ✭✭BullyBeef

    Depends on a number of factors regarding at what point the war had finished, in further relation is the time span from 1947 to where we are now.
    Any empire can find it very difficult to maintain its aims & the grip it has, often large numbers of military or strict policing are used to enforce the empires laws & quell any uprisings . The logistics of running a empire are obviously considerable in comparison to that of a nation & I think via one way or another they eventually loose control, come tumbling down .How long & in what manner the Germans would have run a empire can only be a guess possibly some people can make a good educated guess .
    However I think if the basics of the Hitler & the Reich were maintained & the progress of science then perhaps much DNA/Genetic testing of the Empires population would be a part & parcel of life by now.
    Here follows a few passages from Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" to hopefully give a very small window into the man & ideas he held. The book itself holds a vast wealth of information but I found it no easy read & as many years have since passed perhaps its soon time I read it again.

    Only in France there exists today more than ever before a profound accord between the views of the stock- exchange, controlled by the Jews, and the chauvinistic policy pursued by French statesmen. This identity of views constitutes an immense, danger for Germany. And it is just for this reason that France is and will remain by far the most dangerous enemy. The French people. who are becoming more and more obsessed by negroid ideas, represent a threatening menace to the existence of the white race in Europe, because they are bound up with the Jewish campaign for world-domination. For the contamination caused by the influx of negroid blood on the Rhine, in the very heart of Europe, is in accord with the sadist and perverse lust for vengeance on the part of the hereditary enemy of our people, just as it suits the purpose of the cool calculating Jew who would use this means of introducing a process of bastardization in the very centre of the European Continent and, by infecting the white race with the blood of an inferior stock, would destroy the foundations of its independent existence.
    The fight which Fascist Italy waged against Jewry's three principal weapons, the profound reasons for which may not have been consciously understood (though I do not believe this myself) furnishes the best proof that the poison fangs of that Power which transcends all State boundaries are being drawn, even though in an indirect way.
    The prohibition of Freemasonry and secret societies, the suppression of the supemational Press and the definite abolition of Marxism, together with the steadily increasing consolidation of the Fascist concept of the State - all this will enable the Italian Government, in the course of some years, to advance more and more the interests of the Italian people without paying any attention to the hissing of the Jewish world-hydra.

    Finally, we must be quite clear on the following point: France is and will remain the implacable enemy of Germany. It does not matter what Governments have ruled or will rule in France, whether Bourbon or Jacobin, Napoleonic or Bourgeois-Democratic, Clerical Republican or Red Bolshevik, their foreign policy will always be directed towards acquiring possession of the Rhine frontier and consolidating France's position on this river by disuniting and dismembering Germany.

    Look at the ravages from which our people are suffering daily as a result of being contaminated with Jewish blood. Bear in mind the fact that this poisonous contamination can be eliminated from the national body only after centuries, or perhaps never. Think further of how the process of racial decomposition is debasing and in some cases even destroying the fundamental Aryan qualities of our German people, so that our cultural creativeness as a nation is gradually becoming impotent and we are running the danger, at least in our great cities, of falling to the level where Southern Italy is today. This pestilential adulteration of the blood, of which hundreds of thousands of our people take no account, is being systematically practised by the Jew today. Systematically these negroid parasites in our national body corrupt our innocent fair-haired girls and thus desfroy something which can no longer be replaced in this world.

    Everything on this Earth is capable of improvement. Every defeat can become the father of a subsequent victory, every lost war the cause of a later resurgence, every hardship the fertilization of human energy; and from every oppression the forces for a new spiritual rebirth can come — as long as the blood is kept pure.
    The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to become master of the same; he will remain master as long as he does not fall victim to defilement of the blood.

    A racial state must therefore begin by raising marriage from the level of a continuous defilement of the race, and give it the consecration of an institution which is called upon to produce images of the Lord and not monstrosities halfway between man and ape.
    The question of instilling national pride in a people is, among other things, primarily a question of creating healthy social conditions as a basis for the possibility of educating the individual. For only those who through school and upbringing learn to know the cultural, economic, but above all the political greatness of their own fatherland can and will acquire inner pride in the privilege of belonging to such a people.
    The Aryan is greatest not in his mental qualities as such, but in the extent of his willingness to put all his abilities in the service of the community. In him the instinct for self-preservation has reached its noblest form, since he willingly subordinates his own ego to the life of the greater whole and, if the hour demands, even sacrifices it.
    The racial question gives the key not only to world history, but to all human culture as well.
    Everything we admire on this Earth today — science and art, technology and invention — is solely the creative product of a few peoples, and perhaps originally, of one race. On them depends the existence of this entire culture. If they perish, the beauty of this Earth will sink into the grave with them.
    All the human culture, all the results of art, science and technology which we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan.

    All great cultures of the past perished only because the original creative race died out from blood poisoning.
    The mightiest counterpart to the Aryan is represented by the Jew.
    He is and remains the perpetual parasite, a sponger who like a noxious bacillus keeps spreading as soon as a favorable medium invites him. And the effect of his presence is also like unto that of all spongers: wherever he appears, the host people dies out after a shorter or longer time.
    Existence impels the Jew to lie, and to lie perpetually, just as it compels the inhabitants of northern lands to wear warm clothing.
    Was there any form of filth or shamelessness, particularly in cultual life, without at least one Jew involved in it? If you cut even cautiously into such an abcess, you found — like a maggot in a rotting body often dazzled by the sudden light— a little Jew.
    Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will if the Almighty Creator: by resisting the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.
    For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards alone.
    No one can doubt that this world will one day be exposed to the severest struggles for the existence of mankind. In the end, only the urge for self- preservation will triumph. Beneath it so-called humanity — that expression of a mixture of stupidity, cowardice and know-it-all conceit — will melt like snow in the March sun. Mankind has grown great in eternal struggle, and only in eternal peace will it perish.
    The highest aim of human existence is not preservation of a state, let alone a government, but the preservation of the race.
    Yet assuredly this world is moving toward a great revolution. And the question can only be whether it will redound to the benefit of Aryan mankind or to the advantage of the perennial Jew. The racial state will have to make sure that by proper education of youth, it will one day obtain a race ripe for the last and greatest decisions on this Earth.
    In the racial state, the racialist philosophy must finally succeed in bringing about that nobler age in which men no longer are concerned with breeding dogs, horses and cats, but in elevating man himself — an age in which the one knowingly and silently renounces, the other joyfully sacrifices and gives.
    A state which in this age of racial contamination dedicates itself to the care of its best racial elements must one day become master of the Earth. May the adherents of our Movement never forget this if ever the magnitude of the sacrifices should beguile them into anxious comparison with the possible results.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 905 ✭✭✭FUNKY LOVER

    interasting replies,but i still am a little hazey about my question.

    im trying to find out how the german economy would work and the world economy if germany had won.would lets say australia or neutral countries do business with them?was hitlers ultimate goal to rule every country in the world eventually?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,030 ✭✭✭Lockstep

    I'm not sure how the economy would work. Germany had a decent economy but it was based on seizure of foreign resources, liebensraum, Polish Gold, Romanian oil etc.

    I don't think it would be sustainable in the long term.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,539 ✭✭✭jimmmy

    im trying to find out how the german economy would work and the world economy if germany had won.would lets say australia or neutral countries do business with them?was hitlers ultimate goal to rule every country in the world eventually?

    Germay was one of the Axis powers along with Japan etc. Some japanese bombs fell on Australia during ww2 ( on Darwin ) and many thousands of Australians died fighting ( and in the captivity of ) the axis powers during WW2. Hitler + the Japanese would not have thought twice about invading Australia or anywhere else if it suited them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 47 killer_cain

    jimmmy wrote: »
    Germay was one of the Axis powers along with Japan etc. Some japanese bombs fell on Australia during ww2 ( on Darwin ) and many thousands of Australians died fighting ( and in the captivity of ) the axis powers during WW2. Hitler + the Japanese would not have thought twice about invading Australia or anywhere else if it suited them.

    I've read where Germany considered a land invasion of Oz but abandoned the idea knowing they wouldn,t get more than a few miles inland similar to what Italy did in WWI ın Libya
