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The end of the road (are we there yet?)



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    That's some serious mileage you've put in! And quality stuff, so well done you! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Monday 4th: 7 miles, Pace 8.23/ HR 140

    Tuesday: 8 miles Pace 8.55 / HR 136
    4 miles Pace 11.15

    Out for an easy run. Arrived home to find Mrs P on her way out so I joined her for her 4 miles walk/run around the local track. To make things interesting I gave the skeltoes minalist shoes their first outing. Not sold on them yet. It's not the lack of a sole that that a problem but I found that they chafed. Possibly I'll get used to it ... but I'm not convinced

    Thursday: 8 miles, 8.22 / HR 145

    Nice to see the pace starting to inch down a little

    Friday: 4 miles, very easy

    Saturday: 16 miles, Pace 8.45, HR 140

    Cool and pleasant. Wanted to keep the HR below 140 for the first 10 miles and then see what happened. So the first 8 miles were easy. 8-12 were the beginning of a stuggle, the last 4 felt disappointly hard.

    Sunday: 4 miles, Pace: 9:55 grass

    A recovery run. My first return to running on grass. Have to be very careful not to jam the left knee on some very uneven patches of ground.

    Tuesday: 6 miles, Pace 7.50 HR 150

    A bit disappointed by how slow my pace is for the perceived effort. Even when the HR is objectively low the effort seems hard. So I decided to to a mini-tempo run. However, I met my Korean buddy within half a mile and so did four miles with him at about 7.30 pace. Again felt a lot harder. He kindly waited for me at the top of each hill :(.

    Wednesday: 4 miles, Pace 8.35, HR 140

    A checkpoint:
    Well the good news is that the hip seems fine.
    Still get siactic nerve problems if I sit for several hours.
    The knee is .... not bad enough to stop me and basically it seems I must just live with it.
    My stamina is slowly returning, although even a short hill leaves me heaving.
    At any given effort my pace is about a minute behind where is was pre injury.

    Have to say while I am pleased that this come back is holding (touch wood) it is more difficult than I had anticipated. I'm finding it strange that even at low HR reading my perception is that I am finding it hard.
    I am planning to adding tempo and track work each week to try to lower the pace a little.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You've made serious progress, and your running has become consistent. You may be too close to the situation to realize how far you've come - you're really doing great. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    You've made serious progress, and your running has become consistent. You may be too close to the situation to realize how far you've come - you're really doing great. :)

    Thank you ! Encouagement is very welcome. You might be right .... but right now it is hard not to spend the time scanning the horizon for signs of progress.

    One other factor is my weight: Still about 158-9 lbs which is a bit disappointing. If I could shed the extra weight and get back to 145 or lower I think everything might become easier. Need to get some disciple back in my diet.

    Thursday: 7 miles w/6*400m

    Ok. Time to start introducing some track work. So headed to the track. 2 miles warmup followed by 400m reps with 400 rest. Times varied between 1.28-1.31. Not fantastic - too lasy to lookup pre injury times.
    Then a warmdown that got a little long as I ran into a few friends and kept them company for a few extra miles.

    Friday: 4 miles, easy, grass & boardwalk.

    Walking to work after this run my hip began to ache again. First time in a while. I wonder if runnng on the uneven surface (the playing field I run around are in rubbish condition) is casuing the problem. It was on this run that my hip problem originally showed up. The irony of an injury triggered by a recovery run !

    Saturday: 16 miles, Pace 8.45, HR 139

    After the hip niggle I was prepared to pull up at the first sign of trouble. Otherwise the plan was to keep the HR below 140 for the first 10 miles and then see what happened. Feeling pretty good at mile 11 so I started to consciously up the pace a bit and threw in a few 8.2* miles. Probably a mistake - by mile 16 the HR was 160+ and it was time to quit!

    Sunday/Monday: Work cut things down to a short eliptical/bike session and stretching.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Tuesday: 7 miles with 6 * 400m.

    400m intervals were between 1.28 and 1.31. Same as before.

    Wednesday: 5 miles

    Friday: 8 miles.

    In California with a Garmin so no no time. Ran one of the bike trails that seem to cover the SF suburb we were staying at. It has a helpful mileage update painted every 0.25 miles. Very runner friendly territory.

    Saturday: 60 minute trail run

    Trail run at the base of Mount Diablo east of Oakland with Mrs P and my brother-in-law, a veteran of many trail marathons who ran the
    Dublin marathon with us in 2010. Went out at 8am as it is advisable to get your running done before the rattle snakes come out to sun themselves on the trails :eek:. Not a problem we have have where I live !!

    Never done this type of running before. It took a little time to get used to paying that amount of attention to where the feet went. Crossing the streams even at their current low levels was not something I could do at a run. We were scorceh out and back by a local high school cross ccountry team - just no respect for the elderly !

    Sunday: 4.5 miles

    Back on the bike trail.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Did you enjoy the trail run?? I totally enjoy the added dimension of the streams and fallen trees and the twists and turns on it can just be so darned gorgeous too! I saw a rattlesnake last Saturday up on Skyline Drive while I was on my bike. It was huge, but it had been hit while crossing the road so other than me almost hurdling it while on my bike, it was of no danger to me.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Did you enjoy the trail run?? I totally enjoy the added dimension of the streams and fallen trees and the twists and turns on it can just be so darned gorgeous too! I saw a rattlesnake last Saturday up on Skyline Drive while I was on my bike. It was huge, but it had been hit while crossing the road so other than me almost hurdling it while on my bike, it was of no danger to me.

    I'd like to try it out but it is not something I have the opportunity to do around here. I found the series of streams a bit of a problem, having to stop and picking my way across stepping stones. Kinda tough to get any kind of rythm. There's a park on Staten Island that is supposed to have some trails. Thats about a 40 minute drive for me - so I might try this out - presumably rattlesnake free !

    It's like a lot of things - I watch the pros run marathons on tv and think - "hey... no reason I couldn't do that" .... :D

    Wait - you've got rattle snakes in Virginia ? Wow - I though they stayed further south. I'd prefer your aquatic bunnies.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Monday: 4.5 miles (no watch)

    Up early for a quick run before flying home.

    Tuesday-Friday: Well really felt wiped out and spend the time on a stationary bike. Feeling guilty I decided to put into practice a new emphasis on strength training based on a talk I saw recently about avoiding injury. Basic theme was : run less, do more strenght training - with an emphasis on excercise where only one leg is engaged at a time - e.g. single leg squats which I have never been able to do wihtout falling over.

    Saturday: 15 miles, Pace 8.47, HR: 149 Max: 165

    Hot. Despite a 7.30am start it was still a sauna when I went out. Again the plan was to keep the HR < 140 for the first 10 miles. By mile three I was at 150+ ! At mile 7 I stopped and took the time to wring out my shirt. By mile 10 the HR was hitting 160+ and I again took a few walk breaks to recover leading to a few 9.30 miles. Around mile 11 I met a friend Joe (more on him later*) on his bike and he stuck with me for a mile which took my mind off things. By mile 14 I was struggling - and reciting the htfu chorus - and worried about loss of salt after hitting every water fountain I stopped again to buy an electrolyte drink. I finished in a local park where I sent and stood in fountain - to the amusment of the natives.
    Temp had hit 90f by the time I was done. A year ago this would have gone better - but after missing a summer of training my heat tolerance seems to have lowered.

    Joe: One of those characters everyone in the running world here knows. I often meet him out doing hill work on a weekday morning - though he prefers to train alone. Mrs P met him when he was out roller blading last week. On Saturday he was on a bike he had found in the garbage and refurbished himself - he was a machinist/tool-maker in a local factory. The small detail about Joe that makes this amazing is .... he's 80 !

    Monday: 5 miles, 8.51 HR: 132

    Easy run.

    Tuesday: 7+ miles w/ 10 * 400m w/400m recovery**

    Finally I survived a track session. Having failed to go past 6 reps I was determined to do at least 8 perferably 10. So I was trying to not go all out on the early reps. However I met a guy I had not seen in a while after 8 so there was a 3-4 minute break between the 8th and 9th. Pretty confident I would have been able to complete the 10. Still not hitting the speed I'd like to see (~1.25), but pretty pleased to have finally completed a session.
    Reps : 1.30, 1.27, 1.29, 1.31, 1.30, 1.32, 1.30, 1.31, 1.32, 1.32
    Recovery pace varied 9-10m/m

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Wednesday: 6 miles, Pace : 8.34
    Thursday: 5 miles,
    My first attempt at a few temp miles. With not recent pace to use I was using HR to guage pace. 2 miles warm up. 2 miles temp: (6.48, 7.08). 1 mile cool down. Well a feeble effort - the HR shot to the max pretty early so obviously the first mile was too fast and the second was a stuggle. Still have to start somewhere ...... Better next week.

    Friday: 5 miles, Pace 8.51, HR: 132
    Saturday: 16 miles ( 7 + 7tm + 2): Road 9 miles, Pace: 8.33 HR: 143
    Heat was due to hit 100 so out at 7.30am. Plan was to run a few miles and then retreat to the gym and do some miles on the gym out of the sun.

    7 miles on the road:
    7 miles on the treadmill progressive pace between 8-8.30m/m
    2 miles from gym back home.

    Sunday: 5+ easy messy miles.
    4 miles on grass, then joined Mrs P for some ultra slow miles and a few strides.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Tuesday 7.5 miles with 10 * 400 w/400m recovery

    Back to the track ... a bit later ( because someone switched the alarm off and retuned to bed :rolleyes: ) so the sun was up. But the heat has broken so it was reasonably comfortable.

    400m | 1 | 2 | 3 |4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
    Time | 1.28 | 1.28 | 1.29 | 1.31 | 1.29 | 1.30? | 1.30 | 1.29 | 1.30 | 1.31
    HR | 151 | 157 | 159 | 160 | 162 | 164 | 164 | 165 | 167 | 167
    Recovery | 2.32 | 2.33 | 2.48 | 2.51 | 2.37 | 2.48 | 2.59 | 2.42 | 2.37

    Happy enough - with that. There was a short break after the 6th to discuss Killians Red as an ex-pat beer ! Not fast but better consistancy and was able to focus a little on running relaxed. Now if I can get my tempo runs down we can start to look at a training plan .... maybe ....

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Wednesday: 6 miles recovery, grass Pace 9.32 HR: 123

    Thursday: 6 miles w/3 @tempo

    Dreading this but I knew I had to get back to tempo run if I am to get back to any form. Last weeks two mile mini-temp attempt did not give much cause for optimism. Don't know why I find these sessions so hard.
    Anyway - focused on keep HR in the 150-160 range and hoping for sub 7.00.

    Miles were :

    Pace: 6.37, 6.57, 6.48
    HR: 154, 162, 169

    Humm .... well that heart rate is a bit alarming. Doubt there was a mile 4 there !

    The P&D schedules call for a 4 mile temp in week 18. That's a good measure of how far off the "pace" my fitness is.**

    Friday: 10.5 miles Pace: 8.36 HR 140.

    With visitors this weekend and a lot of driving ahead there will be little chance for a long this weekend so not ideal but today is it. Had 15 miles in mind when I went out but early on I knew this was not happening. Eventually muscled out 10+ miles. With the HR reaching 160 it was time to call it a day.

    **It is 17 weeks to the NY marathon ... I have not defered yet. I am (re-)thinking about trying it. It would not be a PB attempt - 3.45 might be a realistic target.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    17 weeks is still pretty far away but will be here before you know it so don't defer until you have to defer. From my perspective you are going pretty well, so I think when the weather breaks (September?) you'll have a better idea of where you are. When is the cutoff to defer?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    17 weeks is still pretty far away but will be here before you know it so don't defer until you have to defer. From my perspective you are going pretty well, so I think when the weather breaks (September?) you'll have a better idea of where you are. When is the cutoff to defer?

    To defer or not to defer !? The date for deferral is pretty late. It's a question of whether I can run a 'ok' marathon and if this is a good step on the comeback trail. Not sure .... I know I am nowhere near where I was a year ago - objectively I am still about 14lbs heavier and I am not going to shift that before NY so I have to be realistic (sadly as my fantasy running life is pretty cool :)).

    Monday: 6 miles, grass Pace: 9.19 HR: 125

    Tuesday: 7 miles w 5*800m

    800m Rep|1 |2 |3 |4 |5
    Time |3.02 |3.06 |3.09 |3.09 |3.14
    HR |155 | 158 |159 |162 |162
    Recovery Time |2.58 |3.17 |3.31 |4.42

    Hot and humid morning. Was hoping for 6 reps but the 5th rep told me that the tank was empty. OK-ish session.

    Wednesday: 6 miles, Pace 9.13, HR: 129

    Thursday: 7.5 miles, 4 @tempo

    LT Mile | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
    Pace | 7.05 | 7.07 | 7.13 | 6.57
    HR | 146 | 153 | 153 | 161

    Disappointing. I was hoping for 4 sub 7 miles from keeping HR ~ 155. But it seems I dogged it a bit. Given that an overnight storm cleared the heat and humidity for a morning this was a very disappointing effort. The HR suggests that I wussed out on the session. Must do better. Next week - there is always another week !

    Can I make this an MP run :D ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,049 ✭✭✭Brianderunner

    I have a NY place and I'm 99.9% likely to defer. In a similar boat to yourself as regards lost fitness (probably even worse :mad:)

    Race you in 2013 then? :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    I have a NY place and I'm 99.9% likely to defer. In a similar boat to yourself as regards lost fitness (probably even worse :mad:)

    Race you in 2013 then? :D

    Yes, you've had a hell of a 2012. Your log has gone quiet recently. How are things going ? Have you shaken the virus(?) or is it the return of the earlier injury ? Yes, at this stage I'd say deferring is your best option. You cannot really start to plan until you have your health back under control. Don't do what I did. I wish I had shut things down earlier - I did not recognize how bad my situation when it started.

    Yes, it's stupid but I keep looking back at my old times and getting a bit frustrated that I am not hitting those times again ... not realistic and probably not helpful.

    Having deferred in 2011 I am reluctant to defer again. At some stage I have got to say "scew it" to get back into racing. I seem to be holding up physically. So it's just how much fitness I can regain. Mrs P is doing NY this year which is another reason to go for it.

    Either way I'll see you in 2013 - we're not going anywhere !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,049 ✭✭✭Brianderunner

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    Yes, you've had a hell of a 2012. Your log has gone quiet recently. How are things going ? Have you shaken the virus(?) or is it the return of the earlier injury ? Yes, at this stage I'd say deferring is your best option. You cannot really start to plan until you have your health back under control. Don't do what I did. I wish I had shut things down earlier - I did not recognize how bad my situation when it started.

    Yes, it's stupid but I keep looking back at my old times and getting a bit frustrated that I am not hitting those times again ... not realistic and probably not helpful.

    Having deferred in 2011 I am reluctant to defer again. At some stage I have got to say "scew it" to get back into racing. I seem to be holding up physically. So it's just how much fitness I can regain. Mrs P is doing NY this year which is another reason to go for it.

    Either way I'll see you in 2013 - we're not going anywhere !

    Nah the virus made a return there 2 weeks ago and flattened me for a second time. The log has been quiet cause there hasnt been any running tbh, bar a few easy/recovery ones which leave my legs dead the next day.

    2012 is gone now i think, ah well the olympics start here next week, i'll live.

    Yeah having London and New York in 2013 is serious motivation to get back into it properly over the winter if my body lets me.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Friday: 6 miles, grass, Pace: 9.12

    Saturday: ????

    Well, the wheels came of big time. Nice day, cool. Went out with the idea of pushing to 18 miles. Decided to run a new route along along the port area which has been open to the public (sort of - last time we tried to walk down there a port security guard told us we could not walk - we could drive but not walk:confused:). This time I no one objected. I wish they had !
    In short the wheels fell off after 12 miles. I was cooked. I started to walk home. After a HTFU talk to self and a 1/4 mile recovery walk I managed to run/walk/shuffle to the gym where the plan was to get some water and try to regroup. At the gym - the front desk told me I had cancelled my membership ( yet again!) so rather than debate it I left and resume the death march walk/run. First stop was a kids playground with a sprinkler. Second stop was for a bottle of gatorade. Finished bottle on the run and stopped for another. About 16+ miles covered in total - cannot call this a run.
    What happened ? Well - it might be the sangria consumed the night before or it might be that the strength exercises are taking too much out of me. Either way - a shocker.

    Monday: 4 miles.

    Even after a day's rest the legs are dead.

    There is a training run this weekend. I was considering trying to stick with the 8mm pace group but this may be optimistic.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Thursday: 5 miles w/2 miles hill repeats.

    After two days of low ethusiasm I went back out. With my first 20 mile run in a year on Saturday I wanted to do a hard but not exhausting session. So after three miles, I started on my usual hill repeats.

    Saturday: 6+5+5 @8.30 +...... 4 @a_slow_and_miserable_shuffle

    There are two training runs for the NY marathon. Complete with pace groups, aid stations - these are very useful prep for any marathon. It is a max of 20 miles with four loops of 6+5+5+4 undulating miles. After each loop there was a 2 minute regroup - a switch of pace group leaders and off again.
    In short I decided to stick with the conservative 8.30mm pace (in the light of how things developed, all I can do is blush), and think about a jump to the 8 minute group if things went well.
    It was cool (73f) but very humid at the 7am start time.
    Short story - first 13 miles were ok. I stayed with the 8.30 gro up. By the end of the third loop I was struggling. Start of the 4th loop things fell apart - again, seems to be a pattern developing. Walked, gave up, swore ... but eventually gathered myself and finished off the loop - with a few walk breaks. Absolutely shattered.

    To put some context on this - two years ago I did the 20 miles comfortably with the 7.30 pace group.

    Given - an ultra light running week, a supposedly conservative pace ... this is another disappointing day. Have to think that what I am doing is not working. I've been trying to get by with lower mileage as no one was able to diagnose the injuries other than a vague "overuse". Lower milage with higher intensity sessions and more core/cross/strength trainng is clearly not working.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Just a couple of thoughts....

    This is a very hot summer, and even though you started this run at 7am, as you mentioned, it was humid....and it would have been heating up as you progressed through your miles, which could explain why at 13 miles you started to suffer.....and, it is also very possible that when you did this training run 2 years ago that the weather wasn't this awful.

    I don't know about lower/higher running mileage and how it may affect your speed/endurance as long as what you are doing is quality - fast when it should be fast, and long and slow when it should be long and slow - but one idea if adding more mileage might predispose you to injury is to supplement by riding a bike (or swimming). You'll gain physical benefit without the stress on the body.

    If the next organized training run is in cooler temps, say in September or October, it might really bring much better times for you. I have no doubt you benefited from today's run, and I have no doubt you are benefitting from all your runs, especially in the heat, so don't despair....better running is around the corner! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Wow - away a few days and it seems like the forum has been stripped ..... I guess the tri guys really were fed up hearing about marathons .... miss them already.
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Just a couple of thoughts....

    This is a very hot summer, and even though you started this run at 7am, as you mentioned, it was humid....and it would have been heating up as you progressed through your miles, which could explain why at 13 miles you started to suffer.....and, it is also very possible that when you did this training run 2 years ago that the weather wasn't this awful.

    I don't know about lower/higher running mileage and how it may affect your speed/endurance as long as what you are doing is quality - fast when it should be fast, and long and slow when it should be long and slow - but one idea if adding more mileage might predispose you to injury is to supplement by riding a bike (or swimming). You'll gain physical benefit without the stress on the body.

    If the next organized training run is in cooler temps, say in September or October, it might really bring much better times for you. I have no doubt you benefited from today's run, and I have no doubt you are benefitting from all your runs, especially in the heat, so don't despair....better running is around the corner! :)

    Well ..... in all honesty I don't think I can blame the weather for this one. I think you guys are getting it alot worse than here. So here's the thing : If someone posted here ... "wheels fell off after x miles. ....what should I do ?". The consensus would likely be "run slower". I think the result probably does reflect the difference between my head and body in terms of current fitness:o. I should have gone out the with 9mm group (and the 8mm thinking was just wishful thinking). Next time they have this event (August) I will start with the 9mm group.

    However, I am going to take your advice - I just found a newly opened gym that has a pool. So I'm going to try to swim ( well my dog paddle version of 'swimming') a few times a week and try to build up the cardio fitness from that.

    I am also going to start stretching the mileage out a bit, while easing back on harder stuff which I am not sure is giving me enough for the invested effort right now.

    Sunday: 4 miles easy, grass

    Just about outpaced a thunderstorm.

    Tuesday: 8 miles.

    3 easy miles with Mrs P, and then picked up the pace for the remainder.

    Wednesday: 8 miles, hills.

    Need to start getting some hills in the legs so decided to freshen up my usual run with 5 reps for each hill.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    It's not been but a few hours and I already miss being in this forum. Promise you'll come for a visit every now and again. And I applaud your interest in swimming. Woo hoo!!!! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    And I applaud your interest in swimming.

    You'd change your mind if you saw it - trust me :o.

    Thursday: 6 miles ...3@ tempo-ish

    Ok set off with no real plan. After a mile I noticed that pace was sub 8. What the hell since I'm already almost there so I decided to try for 4 miles at near temp pace. Not quite the 6.* I'd hope for on a temp run but pushing allowing for the weather. So 1 miles warm up followed by four miles at low 7.*mm. Well I clocked the miles up and as I got to the last mile I looked forward to my reward of water fountain. Happy to get there I looked at the Garmin - which showed 4 miles total ! WTF ???? Still don't know how I did this but I must have imagined one extra mile :confused:. Wishful thinking eh. There was not enough to restart can complete the last mile - I'm really need to get motivated.

    Tempo miles: 7.43:o, 7.17, 7.03

    Friday - core + eliptical work.
    Saturday: 18 miles (13+3tm+2)

    Holy s**t - how did I ever train through summers ? Mrs P was running the NY club championship race - but called me at 6am so I could get up and out before the worst of the heat. On my way out the door at 7.30am it was 77f - not so bad - but humidity was 85%. The flags around the neighbourhood were absolutely limp - not even the hint on a breeze off the river. After suffering on my last two efforts I decided to keep this slow - really slow - >9mm and ignore HR. I statched iced water at a point I can loop back to and set off. After 13 slow miles, with serveral stops where I took my tech shirt off and wrang it out (really feels good ) I stopped at the gym and did 3 miles at 9m/m on a thread mill. Restocked with water and headed home. Temp 83f /Humidilty 73% - as I ended. Job done - was tired but it was not the death march of previous weeks.

    Mrs P had a tough time on the hills of Central Park - but clubs get points for produce us .... eh .... "exprienced" runners - so all good.


    Signed the paperwork for the new gym today. Pool is "busy" on Sundays. Not sure whart they think busy is - spent a very happy 45 minutes tootling up and down with my feeble breaststroke. Need to stop every 2nd/3rd lap
    but I'm really hoping that this is going to fast track my fitness. Plan to to try to swim 4 times a week if I can get organize the work schedule for it, and use this rather than increasing my running mileage.

    Still, I need to get the mileage to 50 miles a week .... soon ......

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Nice 18 miles....and I really hope you enjoy and benefit from swimming. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Sunday: 45 swim. First time in a pool since December and needed to take a break after ever second lap.

    Monday: 30 mins bike + core

    Bit of a kit snafu meant no running today.

    Tuesday: 10 miles w/6*800

    Weather had cooled off a bit so this was the morning for the track. The aim was to keep the rep pace even between 3.10-3.15 with 3.
    So .... 4 warmup miles,

    Pace | 3.06 | 3.06 | 3.07 | 3.06 | 3.12 | 3.11
    HR | 153 | 157 | 158 | 158 | 159 | 162
    Recovery | 2.34 | 2.57 | 3.06 | 2.46 | 3.18 | ----

    pm: 30 minute swim.

    Wednesday: 8 miles easy (3 grass) Pace 9.11

    Hotter. The pace on grass dropped to about 9.20.

    pm: 30 minute swim

    Thursday: 9 miles w 2*1m+ @tempo

    Another "better than nothing" session. Planned 4 tempo miles ... but it was just not to be. Legs were a bit heavy but the heat simply did me in and after one loop of my usual tempo route I threw in the towel and took a water break. Resume a slow run and squeezed out another tempo-esque mile later. So this inability to nail a tempo session - even at a much slower pace that than I'd hope for is now a problem. So I'm moving my next tempo attempt to earlier in the week and to a threadmill to take fatigue and weather out of the equation.

    pm: 30 minute swim. Keeping it very easy but I starting to feel a bit better - getting to 6 lengths with interruption - woo hoo.

    Friday: 6 miles easy.

    pm: 30 minutes swim - up to 10 lengths at a time.

    Hopefully the swimming (feeble as it is) will help push my cv fitness a bit. I need to start thinking about some sustained faster work but it is not coming together.

    A nice storm rolled through today cooling things off - please, please, pretty please .... stay cool until my long run tomorrow.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Keep up the swimming and you'll be grand! While some might roll their eyes at the prospect, I think you can get some quality tempo (and interval) sessions done on the treadmill. I actually did my first ever LSR on the treadie today and thought of you many times during those 2 and a half hours I spent on that revolving beast. Not the ideal LSR, I know, but at least it didn't make me sick from heat.

    Oh, and the Scranton Marathon peeps have been sending out weekly marathon tips and general cheerleading emails to get the participants all whipped up for the race. It's nice - and the emails are pretty funny. Just thought you'd be interested in knowing - so far it looks like it will be a pleasurable event. (if you can call 26.2 miles pleasurable). :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Keep up the swimming and you'll be grand! While some might roll their eyes at the prospect, I think you can get some quality tempo (and interval) sessions done on the treadmill. I actually did my first ever LSR on the treadie today and thought of you many times during those 2 and a half hours I spent on that revolving beast. Not the ideal LSR, I know, but at least it didn't make me sick from heat.

    Oh, and the Scranton Marathon peeps have been sending out weekly marathon tips and general cheerleading emails to get the participants all whipped up for the race. It's nice - and the emails are pretty funny. Just thought you'd be interested in knowing - so far it looks like it will be a pleasurable event. (if you can call 26.2 miles pleasurable). :)

    Yes, Scranton has a pretty good reputation. You know - it's got a lot of good info and user reviews on races (although bware, becasue as ever on the auld interweb thingy it's usually people who are APPAULED AND OUTRAGED who bother posting :D )
    By the way remember what Mr Rodgers(!) says about getting in some down hill running. There are an amazing number of people who run Boston and say "Yup, got through the hills ok ... but the quads locked up on the down hills afterwards."

    Yes, even though it is much less humid here today - I'm be trying the tempo on the tm plan this week. My endurance might be starting to show some signs of recovery but the speed just isn't there at all.

    My "swimming" is breaststroke only - I never mastered free style which makes sharing lanes arkward. But I really enjoying the cool of the pool (temperature - not image - cool) and it does seem to really help recovery.

    Saturday: 16 + 2tm + 2 =~ 20 "bitty" miles.

    Back into the sauna. An earlier start helped and I had a few miles in before the sun started to really bear down. Water/wring out the shirt break at 6 miles. At mile 11 stopped before leaving the second park on my route to wring out the shirt again and found to my horror - the dreaded big red stain around the left nipple :eek: - vaseline is no match for humidity. Only if you've experienced this can you know how sore this is. Detoured to the bathroom to wash it out and found a newly repaired water fountain - after four years !!!! Happy days. So I decided to resume shirtless to preserve what was left of my nipple and got to 15 miles beforeI ducked into a kids playground and stuck my head under a sprinkler.
    At mile 16 I arrived at the gym and used the threadmill to put in 2 sub 8mm miles. Got a bit dangerous as they were showing the womens 4*100m on the tv and it's tough not to get carried away. (I've learned not to watch soccer while on a threadmill :o). 2 miles home.

    So 20 miles total - albeit with 5 breaks of several minutes. Pace for the road miles as about 8.30 ... one too many Garmin miscues to be sure. Happy enough to get the miles in. I think I need to decided on my MP in the near future and start getting some MP miles in.

    Sunday:1 hr eliptical
    After watching the men's marathon finish I returned to bed. Could not face the midday heat so settled for an eliptical session.

    My first 50+ mile week in over a year.

    Next weekend is the second NYRR training run. I had forgotton that when I did 20 yesterday (Sat). Need to decide again on a pace group for that run. My head says 9mm, my heart says 8.30.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Monday: 6 miles easy pm: swim

    Tuesday: 9 miles w4 @ tempo

    Ok, so having failed on my two previous tempo sessions this was a new strategy. So: 2 miles warmup to the gym, 4 miles @ 7mm on a threadmill at 1% incline, 3 miles to the house. Not spectacular but happy to actually complete a tempo session for a change. Definately easier on the tm though starting out I was not confident that I was going to last the pace.

    pm: swim + strength

    Wednesday: 4 miles easy pm: Swim

    Weight: 153lbs

    Had to go to the office so limited to 4 miles. Nipped into the gym on my return and was able to outwait some other so sneak into a lane.
    Weight is finally trending in the right direction.

    Thursday: 7 miles w/6*800

    Time | ? | 3.07 | 3.07 | 3.11 | 3.10 | 3.12
    HR Avg | ? | 155 | 158 | 161 | 165 | 164
    Rest | ? | 3.09 | 2.55 | 3.00 | 2.59 |

    Messed up the Garmin on the first interval.

    Friday: 6 miles easy, (3 grass). pm: Swim

    Sunday: 21 miles Pace: 8.31 HR: 138

    The second organized training run for for the NY marathon. Accepted an offer of a lift into the run but we ended up cutting things fine. I had given some thought to going with the 8mm group and seeing how that felt. But the late arrival meant no time for preparation (Mrs P kindly dropped my bag off) and I was just able to squeeze into the first of two 8.30 groups.
    Weather was much, much, much better than the last time (temp was a nice 63F/17C starting off and finished about 68F when we were done - low humidity). Felt pretty comfortable for a while until I developed GI issues ! Ok TMI alert:o. By mile 4 I had to repeatedly drop to the back to the pace group to .... eh .... fart ... loudly :eek::o. Not comfortable. Stopped after the first 6 mile loop and hit a portoloo - no result - wtf. Other than this things were going well but this was becoming a real problem especially on the hills. This continued until mile 13 when I finally had to leave the group and hit the bathroom again. Success - this time but it took quite a few mintues. Resuming I felt so much better but was now running solo and having to weave around a lot of similarly orphaned runners. However it was also somewhat easier not running in such crowded conditions. Ran well for the next loop and while the HR hit 157 on the third climb of Cat Hill it was under control. Actually caught and passed a 9mm group and caught the second 8.30 group around the 18 mile mark. Thanked the PG leader who I recognized from the last run, put the foot down and finshed the last mile in about 7.15 pace. Back out onto the course for a final mile with Mrs P.

    Pretty happy with that - post bathroom break I managed 7 sub 8mm miles on a hilly course.
    The GI issue is a concern. Not sure I can explain this. The late arrival at the run did not help but starting out I had no indication of trouble. The only thing I did different was drink a coconut water prior to the run ... seems unlikely ?
    I also ran without a hat which helped the overheating issue. Problem is .... I am a bit folically challanged (ok, ok bald) and with a family history of melanoma. So I am reluctant to run with no head protection. So I am looking for alternatives.

    First week where I have been able to successfully complete all sessions in a week. A breakthrough ? Let's see how this week goes.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done YOU!! Excellent 21 mile training run with the exception of the emergency potty breaks :o and your confidence should be greatly restored. I really think the heat has been such a factor for you (and hopefully for me). I can't really help you with the hat issue since I am neither follically challenged not a hat wearer. NY is in November, correct?? You've loads of should be grand!!! :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Some of the details of this week are a bit sketchy ... but here goes:

    Monday: 6 miles easy pm: Swim

    Tuesday: 10 miles w/hills

    My usual route but with each hill repeated five times. Tough enough.

    Wednesday: 8 miles, Pace 8.10 HR: 131 pm: Swim

    Thursday: 6 miles easy Pace 9.04 HR: 121

    pm: 30 mins stationary bike.

    Friday: 11 miles w/4.5 @ tempo.

    Given cooler conditions I decided to try the tempo miles outside. Having failed on my last two out door tempo efforts I was no full of confidence. I also turned the watch onto pace - ignoring HR.

    Pace (HR): 6.56 (150) 6.52 (158) 6.56 (161) 6.58 (164) 7.00 (164)

    Heart rate is a bit high ... but happy just to finish this and throw in a another half mile at then end.

    Saturday: 10 miles. Pace: 8.25 HR: 129

    No LSR this week as we have visitors again.

    Sunday: 5 miles easy

    No LSR but another decent week. Slowly pushing the mileage up and starting to nail the tempo sessions.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Really need to start keeping this updated a bit more regularly:

    Monday: Swim 1k + light strength session
    Tuesday: 12 miles w/5 @tempo tm (4.5 + 5tempo+ 2.5), pm: Swim

    A deceptively humid morning almost tempted me to try this on the road. But discretion prevailed and I headed for the gym. Ran to the gym via a loop of the park. Pretty much drenched by the time I arrived. At the gym: five miles at sub 7mm, then run back home. Tough but another step in the right direction.

    Wednesday: 7 miles easy + pm: P&D core
    Thursday: 8.5 miles w/7*800

    Pace | 3.08 | 3.07 | 3.11 | 3.10 | 3.07 | 3.11 | 3.11
    HR | 145 | 149 | 151 | 153 | 156 | 158 | 158
    Recovery | 3.02 | 3.25 | 2.49 | 2.59 | 2.50 | 2.54 | ----

    Slightly longer warm up than usual. When I got the track there was guy already there absolutely scorching the track in 400m reps. Never seen him before and I was reluctant to risk being seem to be lapped and lose my limited credibility - so I did another loop of the park until he headed off :o.

    Friday: 7 miles easy
    Saturday: 17 miles (7+10).

    Seven miles solo. Following this I joined my club run for the first time in a year. Unfortunately I was running with a 2.50 marathoner and with the pace dipping below 7.20 ( and my heart rate > 160) I had to drop off as this is a bit too hot for me these days, and he then confessed he wanted to push the pace.

    Happy to see a few consecutive sub 8 miles in there.

    Sunday: 5 miles easy, grass + pm: Swim
