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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    5k run

    Time of 23 mins 31 secs.
    Was aiming for sub 24 mins so mission accomplished.
    Wondering what a good standard is for 5k for someone not focussing on running?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    For someone not regularily running that's a pretty good time. Before my injury i was hitting 18 and a half and that was with a fair whack of weekly milegae.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    90kg x 4
    95kg x 4
    100kg x 4
    105kg x 3
    110kg x 3
    115kg x 3 (more of a 1 + 1 + 1, about 10 seconds between lifts)
    120kg x 1

    One arm press:
    17.5kg x 8 x 2
    15kg x 8 x 2

    Seated rows:
    45.5kg x 8 x 3
    41kg x 8

    Machine leg curls:
    36.5kg x 10 x 3
    31kg x 10

    Knees to elbows:
    8 reps x 2 Had a niggle in my upper arm/shoulder area all week. Wasn't affecting anything till I did these, so left it at two sets.

    Dumbbell hang cleans:
    12.5kg x 8 x 3

    BB chops:
    25kg x 8
    30kg x 8 x 2

    10 mins of intervals on crosstrainer.

    Also, up to 70kg so up a kilo in a week or so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    make sure you foam roll the shoudler or at least use a tennis ball to roll the rotators in the shoudler just in case

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Wed 28 April

    Sprint/jogging intervals 40secs on 1:20mins off, 5 min warm up and warm down over 5k total.
    Felt very sluggish during this. Looking to switch the running intervals for something else as I'm not really enjoying them much at the moment.

    Thurs 29 April

    Weighted chins:
    BW + 10kg: 3 reps
    BW + 10kg: 2 reps

    Worked down to BW + 5kg, and then just BW. Can't remember rep numbers.

    Crossfit Michael: 400m run, 50 back extensions, 50 crunches x 3 rounds

    17:08 mins

    Slower than my fastest time which I set a while back so not too happy with it. Did the 400m at the end of each round instead of the start, but don't think this should affect the time too much.
    Wasn't shattered at the end which isn't a good sign ie. not enough effort.

    On the plus side, eating is going well. Mmmm eggs.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Front Squat:
    40kg x 5
    45kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    52.5kg x 5
    55kg x 2 (Failed on 3rd rep)
    47.5kg x 5
    Inverted Rows:
    4 x 15

    Dumbbell bench press:
    25kg x 8
    25kg x 8
    25kg x 8
    22.5kg x 8

    Glute Ham Raise:
    4 x 8

    Barbell curls:
    23kg x10 x 2
    20.5kg x 10 x 2

    Weighted crunches:
    20kg x 20 x 4

    Side bends:

    25kg x 12 x 3
    20kg x 12

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Hurt my right shoulder(deltoid) having a kick around on Monday and haven't done anything since then. Gonna hit the weights tomorrow and see how it feels, but not a very productive week so far.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Ok nothing done for the past two weeks due to various reasons (laziness being the main one), so decided to get off my arse and book in a session with Transform.
    It's amazing what a couple of weeks of no exercise and a sub-par diet can do for you as after a couple of short metcons I was saying hello to my lunch for the second time today.

    Taking positives away from it:
    Massive incentive to step it up and keep the consistency going.
    Up to 71kg at around 8% bf so an increase in total weight and lean mass since last time.
    Shoulder seems to be better.

    Watch this space.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    50kg x 8
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    50kg x 12
    50kg x 12
    50kg x 12

    Box hops:
    5 sets x 8 reps

    3 x 500m run, 3 minute breaks between

    Chins (strict):
    9, 5

    Really want to practice kipping pullups, but the bars are a bit two wide apart for my short-arse arms and also angled downwards, which makes it pretty tough.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Light 5k run: 27:30mins

    Push Press
    30kg x 4
    35kg x 4
    35kg x 4
    35kg x 4
    37.5kg x 4
    37.5kg x 4
    40kg x 3
    42.5kg x 3
    42.5kg x 3
    42.5kg x 3

    L-sit holds
    10 second hold x 7

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    One arm snatch 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 reps, 17.5kg dumbbell for first 7 rounds, 15kg for last 3.
    One round of Cindy between rounds.

    Wasn't for time, but did it in just under 40mins. Took a good 7 minute break in between 7th and 8th round.

    Some shoulder rehab/prehab also.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 reps deadlifts 55kg (~80% bw)
    + box hops
    17 or 18 minutes I think.

    Inverted rows 15 x 4
    coupled with
    reverse ab curls 20 x 4.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Mon 24th May

    Swiss ball leg curls
    20 x 5 sets
    Bench Press: (Hate not having a spotter for this)
    50kg x 8 x 5 sets

    Straight legged deadlifts:
    60kg x 10 x 3 sets
    Bench Press(Drop):
    40kg x 12
    40kg x 15
    40kg x 15

    9 x 50m sprints, 30 sec break in between

    Tues 25th May

    Beautiful day today so headed to Glendalough with a couple of mates.

    9k hill walk around the Spinc and Glenealo valley. Done it a couple of times in the past and highly recommend it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Wed 26th May

    Astro football for an hour and a half. Good laugh and a bit of a change of pace.

    Thurs 27th May

    Step lunges:
    12kg dbs x 8 x 2
    10kg dbs x 8 x 4

    Coupled with

    Weighted pressups:
    (BW + 15kg) x 8 x 6 sets

    (10 Overhead squats + 3 mins crosstrainer) x 5 rounds

    First time doing OH squats with any sort of weight above my head. Initially tried the 20kg bar and couldn't get down to a squat position so tried the next smallest bar and it went OK. Not sure of it's weight though.

    Should have been a 500m run instead of the xtrainer, but feet are all blistered up.

    Time: 29 mins 24 secs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Couplet deadlift and dumbell bench press:

    10 reps x 5 sets, 75kg deadlift, 20kg dumbbells for bench

    12 mins 35 secs

    10mins interval on crosstrainer

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Mon 31st May

    Couplet of back squats(80-85kg) + depth jumps
    7 sets of 3 reps

    10 KB swings + 200m sprint. Ten rounds with 1 min break between rounds.

    24 mins 14 secs

    Tue 1st June

    20 min run

    One Arm Snatch(20kg) x 3 reps
    Straight Legged Deadlift(50kg-60kg) x 8 reps

    6 sets

    Thurs 3rd June

    Cleans practice up to max effort of 45kg


    Crossfit Daniel
    50 pull ups, 400m run, 21 thrusters 40kg, 800m run, 400m run, 50 pull ups.

    Disappointed with my performance in this. First 50 pull ups were pretty bad. Had to revert to chins pretty quickly and had to jump onto bar for last ten or so. This took around nine mins.
    Thrusters started off at 40kg, but scaled down to 30kg about 10 in. Last 50 pull ups replaced my inverted rows.

    Time: 35 mins 22 secs

    In conclusion: Lots of work to do, starting with bloody kipping pull ups.

    Missed a couple of training sessions and diet wasn't up to scratch. Still not quite there yet.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    OH squats 10 reps at 15kg or so


    One arm rows 10 reps at 25,25,22.5,22.5,20

    x 5 sets

    Couplet of dips + bicep curls 50,10,40,20,30,30,20,40,10,50 reps

    Did dips on a bench and used 17kg for first 80 curls and 14.5kg for last 70
    Finished off with barbell chops 25kg x 8 x 4

    Also signed up to the oly lifting class in crossfit on sat so looking forward to it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Snatch practice for 15 mins - first time

    Deadlift 72.5kg 8 reps, 25 box jumps x 3 rounds 7 mins 15 secs


    5 min break


    30 burpees, 30 KB swings x 3 rounds 17 mins 2 secs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 92 ✭✭1ceman

    Lazyitis wrote: »
    Also signed up to the oly lifting class in crossfit on sat so looking forward to it.

    Hey I'll be there as well.

    Also, a LOT of the stuff we're doing in our programs is the same :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    1ceman wrote: »
    Hey I'll be there as well.

    Also, a LOT of the stuff we're doing in our programs is the same :)

    Yeah, noticed that from your log, though your consistency is miles ahead of mine. See you tomorrow and keep up the good work.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Have to update this more regularly. Keep on forgetting weights used etc. which is kinda not great in terms of keeping track of progression etc.


    Friday 11th June

    Swiss Ball Leg Curl 20 reps
    Bench Press 8 reps - 52.5kg
    6 sets

    Straight Legged deadlifts 15 reps at 50kg
    Bench Press 10-12 reps at 40kg
    3 sets

    10 x 50m sprints, 30 secs between

    Saturday 12th June

    Olympic Weightlifting class up in Crossfit with Colm.
    Really learnt a lot. Could have done with a pen and paper actually to take a few notes, but I wrote a few things down to remember once I got home and just have to work on them now.

    Great variety of people there and Colm did a great job at making the afternoon enjoyable, so fair play.

    Sunday 13th June

    Light 20 minute run

    Push press, 10 sets of 3-4 reps working up to 45kg
    Ten second L sit hold in between sets. Total of 7 holds.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 92 ✭✭1ceman

    Hey man, in all the learning I forgot to find you and say hi on saturday :rolleyes:

    Anyways just thought I'd ask:
    Lazyitis wrote: »
    Push press, 10 sets of 3-4 reps working up to 45kg

    You using the oly bar for these?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    1ceman wrote: »
    Hey man, in all the learning I forgot to find you and say hi on saturday :rolleyes:

    Anyways just thought I'd ask:

    You using the oly bar for these?

    Did the workout from home so just used my old argos set for it, but would have used an oly bar if in the gym.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Monday 14th June

    Back squats worked up to 85kg
    Box Hops
    5 reps x 8 sets

    Back Squat drop set
    50kg x 10 x 3

    4 x 300m run w 3 min break between sets.

    100 pull ups(kipping) in the park.
    Most I strung together was 8.

    Mega Doms after this session.

    Thurs 17th June

    Cleans practice for 15 mins using dumbbells. Worked up to max effort of 2 x 20kg dumbbells.

    8 min running clock, run 800m then OH squat 20kg for as many reps as possible until time runs out.
    Scaled to a 15kg bar as my OH squat isn't great at the moment.
    Got 33 reps.

    Didn't feel great throughout this session. Got frustrated with my cleans practice trying to remember what I learned on the Sat, but think I got there in the end.

    Having some flexibility issues on basic squats aswell which needs to be sorted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,394 ✭✭✭Transform

    Lazyitis wrote: »
    Monday 14th June

    Back squats worked up to 85kg
    Box Hops
    5 reps x 8 sets

    Back Squat drop set
    50kg x 10 x 3

    4 x 300m run w 3 min break between sets.

    100 pull ups(kipping) in the park.
    Most I strung together was 8.

    Mega Doms after this session.

    Thurs 17th June

    Cleans practice for 15 mins using dumbbells. Worked up to max effort of 2 x 20kg dumbbells.

    8 min running clock, run 800m then OH squat 20kg for as many reps as possible until time runs out.
    Scaled to a 15kg bar as my OH squat isn't great at the moment.
    Got 33 reps.

    Didn't feel great throughout this session. Got frustrated with my cleans practice trying to remember what I learned on the Sat, but think I got there in the end.

    Having some flexibility issues on basic squats aswell which needs to be sorted.
    keep practicing man it does take a good while but keep it light and keep up the foam rolling for the tightness also

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Friday 18th June

    Couplet of
    Chin ups
    Dumbbell Bench Press (25kg)
    5reps each for 7 sets


    3 85kg backsquats, 6 dips, 9 knees to elbows
    x 10 rounds
    Time: 36 mins 2 secs


    Sat 19th June

    Couplet of
    Step lunges (12kg dumbbells)
    Weighted press ups (15kg)
    8 reps each for 6 sets

    Couplet of
    Seated rows (45.5kg)
    Back extensions (BW+10kg)
    8 reps each for 5 sets


    Monday 21st June

    300 workout

    25 pull ups, 50 deadlifts(60kg), 50 pressups, 50 box jumps, 50 situps, 50 KB swings, 25 pullups

    Time: 26 mins 13 secs


    Tuesday 22nd June

    800m run, 9 push press(45kg), 400m run, 15 push press(45kg), 200m run, 21 push press(40kg)

    20 mins 29 secs

    Then some shoulder prehab/rehab

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Wednesday 23rd June

    Split squats (6kg dumbbells)
    Swiss Ball leg curls

    15reps x 5 sets

    10KB swings + 200m sprint x 8. 1 min break in between rounds.

    Time: 17 mins 28 secs

    Threw in a few chins at the end. Got two at bw + 15kg


    Friday 25th June

    7 rounds of 7 squats (60kg) + 7 burpees
    Rest 5 mins
    Then - 15 min light run

    Time: 11 mins 52 secs for the metcon part

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 92 ✭✭1ceman

    What weight Kettlebell are you using?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭Lazyitis

    Gym I'm in only has a 12kg one. Maybe I'd be better just swinging a heavier dumbbell. Should really be using at least 20kg.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 92 ✭✭1ceman

    Lazyitis wrote: »
    Gym I'm in only has a 12kg one. Maybe I'd be better just swinging a heavier dumbbell. Should really be using at least 20kg.

    Ask them to provide men's equipment too (ie a 20KG one!) :D

    The more I use mine the more I grow fond of it :o
