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DOMS be Gone!

  • 03-03-2010 12:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭

    I've enjoyed reading people's fitness logs on this site for a while now, and some of the gains made by people here have been quite inspiring; similarly it's good to have a detailed log for motivation as well as to track your progress; it's also handy having one available for criticism where needs be, and there's plenty people on here who provide excellent advice.

    I've been lifting on and off for a number of years, and my weight has often fluctuated. However in the past year and a half I've had two lay-offs, one of three months due to an injured trap muscle and one recently of two months due to my gym shutting down and me entering the "lazy gluttonous b*stard" cycle around Christmas. Upon discovering I had become weak as a kitten I resolved to get back into weight training again with a vengeance.

    So stats:

    Age: 22
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 80kg
    Body-Fat: I've never had it measured but there's no sign of a six pack! I'd estimate about 15% odd.
    Goals: Increase in strength

    So I'll start with my workout yesterday 2/3/10:

    Squat - 77.5kg 3x6
    This felt ok to be honest, minimal stress and very little DOMS the next day; I'm trying to ease myself back into the weights and am concentrating on form.

    Bench - 65kg 2x6 1x5
    This is the lift I've always struggled on to be honest, felt really exerted on the last set but had no spot so I capped it at five reps.

    Bent-over One-Armed Row - 32kg 2x7
    No problems here, struggled on the last reps and had a grand ache today.

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 40kg 3x7
    Same as above.

    Pull-ups - 2x4
    I'd like to get to a stage where I can do two sets of eight, proper reps but am really struggling on them at the moment.



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Went for a spot of very light cardio today because I'd nothing else to do.

    5km on exercise bike
    2km on treadmill
    1km on rowing machine

    I was bored off my box, cardio training outside of sports is no fun I've decided.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    I was a bit disappointed today, I was hoping to improve on the bench as I've been stuck on the same weight for almost two weeks now, I also struggled on my shoulder press falling a rep behind on what I achieved on Tuesday. That having been said I was training on an empty stomach today. However, I was reasonably contented with my deadlift and feel I could go a good bit higher.

    65kg 2x6 1x5

    Bent Over One Armed Row
    32kg 1x8 1x7

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    40kg 2x7 1x6

    85kg 2x5

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Missed my workout there on Saturday as I'd to do a pot work, still it was ten hours of cutting down ash trees and dragging them out of a wood, I was bate and was still aching all over this morning when I went to the gym. Still, felt great and managed to sweat out the booze.

    Bench Press
    65kg 3x6

    This was a doddle which surprised me, will be moving up the weight there now on Wednesday.

    80kg 3x6

    Again, piece of p*ss, I'm hoping to hit 90kg within the next couple of weeks.

    Dumbell Press
    40kg 2x8 1x7

    Bent Over One Armed Row
    32kg 2x8


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    More cardio, I need to improve this substantially as I'm an unfit b*stard.

    2km run
    5km on excercise bike

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,844 ✭✭✭shootermacg

    FTA69 wrote: »
    I was a bit disappointed today, I was hoping to improve on the bench as I've been stuck on the same weight for almost two weeks now, I also struggled on my shoulder press falling a rep behind on what I achieved on Tuesday.

    I'm a big fan of a cheat day to recharge the energy stores myself.
    I have an all you can eat saturday and I mean all you can eat ^ ^.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,844 ✭✭✭shootermacg

    Also I would maybe mix up my workout mate.
    Benching every other day is OK, but some people may find this is over training, depends on the person.
    I'm currently on Doug's four day split and if you're honest it'll do the job!
    I'm going to do that for 2 months then change, I hear the best thing you can do is shake up the workout.

    The chins will come, I was in fat bastardville last year and could only manage 4 reps. got to 10 pretty fast. Funny thing I haven't done eleven yet lol weird!

    I was on here looking for advice about that recently and I was told do lots of sets of half your maximum reps (2 for you) per day. Then try it again after a few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    I've never really had problems benching three times a week, it never gave me any real problems. That having been said I think the three sets as opposed to five is less taxing. I'll stick with the current exercises for a couple of weeks I think.

    Now I could be talking complete sh*t, I'm not an expert by any means and there are plenty of people on this site who are MUCH more qualified than me to speak about it, and I'm open to all advice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,844 ✭✭✭shootermacg

    FTA69 wrote: »
    I've never really had problems benching three times a week, it never gave me any real problems. That having been said I think the three sets as opposed to five is less taxing. I'll stick with the current exercises for a couple of weeks I think.

    Now I could be talking complete sh*t, I'm not an expert by any means and there are plenty of people on this site who are MUCH more qualified than me to speak about it, and I'm open to all advice.

    You could try the chin ups before the one arm row, I find when I'm doing back day I alway do chins 1st, then bent over BB row then 1 arm bent over row then pull downs to finish.
    Rep range is
    10, 8, 6, 6 for chins, trying to get to 12, 10, 8, 6.
    12, 10, 8, 6 for the others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    I'll give that a go definitely, thanks lad.

    Anyway, had a great session today.

    Bench Press
    67.5kg 1x6 1x5 1x4

    I was well happy with this because normally when I move up weight on my bench press I struggle to make three sets of four reps.

    One Armed Bent Over Row
    34kg 2x6

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    40kg 3x8

    Happy with this too, up to 44kg on Friday

    90kg 2x5

    I moved up 5kg from last week, it was tough but I think I'll manage 95kg next week, although I managed to drop the c*nting bar on my toes while de-racking it. The auld motor functions generally aren't too sharp immediately after a deadlift.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    2km run
    5km cycle

    My lower back was bate with DOMS after the deadlift yesterday, also the shoes I'm running in are crap and I find myself getting pains along my shins before I'm getting out of breath.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Grand session today, steadily moving up the weights one rep at a time.

    Bench Press
    67.5kg 1x6 2x5

    Should be up to 70kg soon.

    82.5kg 3x6

    Piece of p*ss.

    One Armed Bent Over Row
    34kg 1x7 1x6

    This is starting to get noticeably heavier, my form is ok I think but the auld DOMS next day are getting fairly brutal.

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    44kg 3x6

    Pull ups

    1x3 1x4 1x4

    Absolutely f*cking bate I was after this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,844 ✭✭✭shootermacg

    FTA69 wrote: »
    Grand session today, steadily moving up the weights one rep at a time.

    Bench Press
    67.5kg 1x6 2x5

    Should be up to 70kg soon.

    82.5kg 3x6

    Piece of p*ss.

    One Armed Bent Over Row
    34kg 1x7 1x6

    This is starting to get noticeably heavier, my form is ok I think but the auld DOMS next day are getting fairly brutal.

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    44kg 3x6

    Pull ups

    1x3 1x4 1x4

    Absolutely f*cking bate I was after this.

    good job ^ ^.
    Why are you on 2 sets? Are you maxing your weights? To me the rep range also seems a bit low. I don't know mate, I'd be either looking at 5*5s or 10/8/6s on arms and 12/10/8/6s on compound, but I guess it depends on what you're trying to acheive. Although 6 would be my min reps if i was doing 3/4 sets.

    I was doing my 1 arm rows last night (legs night tonight ^ ^) with 35s, it's tough (really gets you sweating) but it's still a compound move so it needs more reps IMO.

    Nice job on the squats!! May as well do some standing calf raises while your set up ^ ^. BTW are you doing anything to balance out the squats(leg extension etc)?

    The reason I prefer a higher rep range is because it gives your tendons more time to get used to the weight increases as you go up the weights. I also throw in drop sets 1 week every 2 months just to fire up the different muscle fibres. Just my opinion bud to be taken with a pinch of salt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Why are you on 2 sets?

    I'm not; on squat, bench, press etc I do three sets. When doing the squat and bench I aim for between 4-6 reps, when I can do three sets of six I move up.
    To me the rep range also seems a bit low.

    It depends on what you're training for really; I'm no expert by any means but I've been led to believe that a lower rep range is better for pure strength gains while a higher rep range is more concerned with hypertrophy.
    BTW are you doing anything to balance out the squats(leg extension etc)?

    Don't they work the same muscle?
    Just my opinion bud to be taken with a pinch of salt.

    No bother lad, I'm open to all suggestions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Grand session again today.

    Bench Press
    67.5kg 3x6

    Surprisingly easy this, up to 70kg now on Wednesday. I'm delighted at the progress I'm making on the bench.

    85kg 3x6

    Was absolutely flaad there by the second set but squeezed out the reps with much eye-bulging and grunting.

    One-Armed Bent Over Row
    34kg 2x7

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    44kg 1x7 2x6

    Pull ups

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Nice job on the squats!! May as well do some standing calf raises while your set up ^ ^. BTW are you doing anything to balance out the squats(leg extension etc)?

    I really wouldn't bother with calf raises (at this stage anyway). If the OP is looking to balance the squats he should try good mornings or straight-leg deadlifts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Light cardio today.

    2km run
    5.5km cycle

    My runners are crap so my shins and ankles start to hurt on the treadmill before I even get out of breath.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Worst hangover of all time, throwing up all over the place; serves me right for drinking all day and losing my cock on the horses. Anyways, went in early on Paddy's Day, grand session.

    Bench Press
    70kg 2x5 1x4

    One Armed Bent Over Row
    34kg 1x8 1x7

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    44kg 3x7

    95kg 2x5

    Well happy with the deadlift, might chance 100kg next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Still felt the effects of the drink from Wednesday, also had a niggle in my upper back and wrists; grand session nevertheless.

    Bench Press
    70kg 3x5

    87.5kg 3x6

    Up to 90kg there now on Monday.

    One Armed Bent Over Row
    34kg 2x8

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    44kg 1x8 2x7


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Alright session today, had a tad bit of a hangover so felt the energy levels flagging a good bit; still did okay on the major lifts. I'm now lifting heavier than I ever have before so everything from now on will be PR.

    Bench Press
    70kg 1x6 2x5

    90kg 3x5

    This was f*cking tough.

    One Armed Row
    36kg 2x6

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    44kg 1x8 2x7

    No pull-ups, I was too wrecked. I'll do them tomorrow after cardio.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    10km cycle
    1km row

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Felt a bit weak today to be honest, I think I'll have to eat more before heading to the gym.

    Bench Press
    70kg 2x6 1x4

    Balls, only achieved the same amount of reps the last time.

    Bent Over One Armed Row
    36kg 1x7 1x6

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    44kg 2x8 1x6

    Same as the last day, flagged completely on the the last set.

    100kg 2x5

    This was tough, nearly threw up on my last rep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    10km cycle
    1km row

    F*cked up my shoulder there too yesterday arsing around at home. Today isn't a good week for the training methinks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Christ I don't know what's wrong with me this week, I've the energy of an infirm old man, I'm always too shagged to do my pull-ups. I might do them on my cardio days instead to get a better crack at them. Still, aside from that I'm reasonably happy with my session today.

    Bench Press
    70kg 3x6 PR

    Ideal, up to 72.5 now.

    90kg 3x6

    Had to do this in a Smith machine as I'm of to Barcelona in a few hours and didn't have time to queue. I'm not counting this really though.

    Back Row
    36kg 2x7

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    44kg 2x8 1x7

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    First entry in a while, I was off on a school trip to Barcelona for one week and was out sick for the next. I'm still f*cking dying but decided to head back to the gym and do the best I can.

    Bench Press
    72.5kg 3x4

    90kg 3x5

    One Armed Row
    36kg 2x7

    Shoulder Press
    44kg 1x8 1x7

    That's all I could manage as I was coughing my lungs up, still, better than f*ck all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Christ, I'm still sick and to top it off I've got an infection in my foot. This fitness log is increasingly looking like a f*cking hypochondriac's diary.

    Bench Press
    72.5kg 1x5 2x4

    One Armed Row
    36kg 1x8 1x7

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    44kg 2x8 1x6

    102.5kg 2x5


    I switched to a mixed grip for the first time, much handier.

    Right, off to the bloody doctor I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Just looking over my first couple of entries there and examining the progress I'm making.

    In 5 weeks (with one and a half of no lifting) I have now added:

    4kg to my row
    4kg to my press
    7.5kg to my Bench Press
    12.5kg to my Squat
    17.5kg to my Deadlift

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Whoop, dacent session yesterday, finally mastered the current weights; time to move up on a few lifts. Well happy with finally conquering 44kg on the press and 90kg on the squat.

    Bench Press
    72.5kg 2x5 1x4

    90kg 3x6

    One Armed Row
    36kg 2x8

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    44kg 3x8 About f*cking time too!


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Grand session today

    Bench Press
    72.5kg 3x5

    92.5kg 3x6

    This was very tough, had to really concentrate on maintaining some sort of form.

    One Armed Row
    38kg 2x6

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    48kg 3x6


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Bench Press
    72.5kg 1x6 2x5

    One Armed Row
    38kg 1x7 1x6

    Upright Row
    Oly Bar x 6
    30kg 3x6

    Thought I'd include this on my deadlift day instead of doing the dumbell press three times a week.

    105kg 2x5

    This was quite good, much easier than a lighter weight last week. I'm going moving up to 110kg next Wednesday.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Great session again today, I'm delighted at my progress with the squats.

    Bench Press
    72.5kg 2x6 1x5

    95kg 3x6

    This was surprisingly easy, looking forward to moving up again on Monday.

    One Armed Row
    38kg 2x7

    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    48kg 1x7 2x6


    I'm well happy with my progress on these, ever since I started using the bar I have at home every time I passed it I've found my ability to do these much increased.
