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DOMS be Gone!



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Warm-up and stretches

    Shadow Boxing

    Sparring drills where we had to connect with our partner's shoulders without getting tagged ourselves.

    Mat-work, sit-ups, leg raises, the plank

    Pad Work

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Up at the crack today for some early morning BJJ, or the Breakfast Roll as we call it.

    Warm-up, skipping and stretches

    Drills of front and back rolling, strained my neck. Painful, carried on training, sore as f*ck now though, might miss tomorrow's training over it. Balls. Tiger Balm FTW.

    Arm-bar drills.

    Triangle drills.

    Guard-pass drills.

    Giant munch in Thai restaurant.

    Grand day of Sunday training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    F*ckin' hell, I only noticed the January rush there tonight, the place was jammers. Waiting for yonks for a power rack to do squats, only to see that one of them had some gobsh*te standing in it doing bicep curls. I never understood why people used to b*tch about this in the annoying behaviour thread, but I bloody do now. After I couldn't get near a bar to do elevated rows I had the brain wave of doing barbell rows, only to find the one lifting platform was taken up by some eejit doing.... bicep curls.


    80kg 3 x 5

    Bench Press
    60kg 3 x 5

    Machine Row (ghey)
    55kg 3 x 5

    Exercise Bike HIIT

    10 rounds of 1 minute at fast pace and 30 seconds belting it all out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 90 mins

    Stretches and warm-up

    Break-fall rolling drills

    Guard passing drills to mount

    Technique practice, gaining a standing rear chokes followed by escapes

    Kimura lock from side control drills

    Rolling with emphasis on passing guard

    Three minute rolling sessions.

    Delighted with this session, managed to gain a full-mount on an experienced MMA fighter; also rolled with my buddy who's 6'6" and 20 stone, while I never got the better of him I managed to hold him to a tie a couple of times with half guard which is a marked improvement to him crushing me repeatedly.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    82.5kg 3 x 5

    Overhead Press
    35kg 3 x 5

    95kg 1 x 5

    3 x 4

    HIIT on Bike
    1 minute fast and 30 seconds all out, 10 rounds.

    Grand session, going to gradually ease into the weights and gradually up the amount of cardio I'm doing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69



    Warm-ups and stretches.

    Sparring-drills where we had to connect with each other's shoulders.

    Jab drills where one partner threw a jab and we had to either deflect it or slip it and throw a body punch back.

    Heavy-bag work.

    Light sparring.

    Heavy sparring.

    Christ above what a hiding, was sparring a 95kg Russian competition fighter and I got battered around the place, what a laugh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Absolutely fantastic session today; our school has moved to a brand new gym. Upstairs we have a big mat and bag area for grappling and striking, as well as the wall of a cage to practice take downs etc, the full cage can be set up if needs be. Downstairs we've got treadmills and enough bikes to do a spinning class; we've got three great power racks with Eleiko bars and tonnes of weights as well as a full set of kettlebells.


    Jumping jack warm-up and stretches


    Shrimping out of side control drills

    Standing throws drills

    Our resident black-belt was showing us some lethal gi chokes from side-control, absolutely brutal.

    Escapes from mount drills


    The rolling was great, lads who were submitting the f*ck out of me on the first day were having a hard time with me tonight, everything was so much clearer. Managed to get mount a couple of times and *almost* achieved a triangle and an armbar. Managed to get a great cross-collar gi choke also while stuck in a fella's guard. Delighted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    85kg 3 x 5


    62.5kg 3 x 5

    Easy also. I hate benching.

    Inverted Rows
    1 x 10, 1 x 9, 1 x 8

    HIIT cardio on bike
    1 minute fast, 30 seconds all out

    10 rounds.

    I was sweating like Tony Soprano on the bike, might take up the dreaded running soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Jesus what a hiding. Cranked the sh*t out of my neck rolling again, found it hard to grasp some of the triangle variations we were doing; can't master break falling backwards either, serious lack of neck flexibility.

    Vicious warm-up, loads of dynamic stretches and break fall alterations followed by hand-stand push-ups. Goosed.

    Headlock escapes, two variations.

    Triangle and around 5 different variations, some of which baffled me to death. Can't seem to lock my legs properly at all in order to apply adequate pressure. I'm forced to grab my own shin.

    Guard pass drills.


    All in all I found it hard to get into this session today, but confusion is a part of any learning process I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Grand session, small bit of a twinge in my neck from last night but no bother.

    87.5kg 3 x 5

    Overhead Press
    37.5kg 3 x 5

    97.5kg 1 x 5

    Pull-ups 2 x 5 1 x 4

    Piece of p*ss


    2 mile run, sopping.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Grand session.

    Warm-up jog and stretches.

    Sparring drills, connecting with each other's shoulders. 5 rounds.

    Pad Work. 3 rounds.

    Technique, parrying jabs and responding with a cross. 3 rounds with one throwing the jab and the other responding.

    Technique, head movement and slipping punches while responding with body shots. 3 rounds.

    Sparring. 3 rounds.

    Floor work - 100 sit-ups.

    Content with today's session, I've an awful habit of leaving my left hand low, a stylistic problem I used to have as well when I first started. I was sparring with another doorman from work who's a stone heavier than me, we were very evenly matched and I gave as good as I got. I need to be more assertive in throwing the jab, while I'm generally a counter-puncher (and got some great shots in today) I need to work on my offensive a bit more, glad I'm not leaning in when throwing the right cross and generally good defensive work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Great session today, I really need to work on my flexibility though, it's actually f*cking awful; I can't comfortably sit on my heels which is vital in BJJ.

    Bit of boxing pad work to warm-up.

    Star jumps and stretches.

    Guard pass drills from standing and from the ground.

    Technique: arm-bars and escapes. Gaining an arm-bar and subsequent escape drills by 1) stacking and 2) quickly using momentum to twist your arm and roll out of it.

    Technique: Kimura locks.

    Rolling - 3 minute rounds.

    I'm well happy with my rolling tonight, gained two submissions on my first partner (albeit a youngfella), an armbar and a cross-collar gi choke from mount. Second partner we held each other to a tie throughout the round (iron guard!). Third roll was with a black belt, he was giving me a lesson on what to do while tying me up in utter knots, it was humbling to say the least. Fourth roll was with the instructor, again got hammered to death.

    Need to work on not giving away a straight arm.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Your log was a great read when you lifted and ate loads of crap/

    Now you've gone all Jackie Chan and ruined it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Your log was a great read when you lifted and ate loads of crap/

    Now you've gone all Jackie Chan and ruined it.


    Hah, it seems to be contagious around here nowadays! I still lift weights, but I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll never be a huge f*cker, so I should concentrate on being a lethal small f*cker instead. :D

    Now, your comment has insulted me so much I'm going to cheer myself up with a low-carb mackerel salad! Ha ha ha

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    90kg 3 x 5

    Bench Press
    65kg 3 x 5

    Bent Over Row
    40kg 1 x 5 50kg 3 x 5

    No cardio due to a BJJ class with a black belt tonight.

    Bearing L's comments in mind about not eating enough crap I then shoved loads of all-you-can-eat Thai into my face.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Unreal class last night with Germán Ventura Vera, one of only two black belts teaching in Ireland. Germán was a direct student of Ricardo De La Riva in Brazil, one of the best BJJ practitioners of all time. It was only myself and one other fella training for two hours with Germán and it didn't cost us a thing either, a real privilege.

    Warm-up jog and stretch positions, most of which I couldn't even attempt due to my sh*t flexibility.

    Technique: gaining a calf crush while your opponent is in the turtle shell, this was followed by the escape from this crush and the subsequent submission that can be gained through a groin stretch of the man attempting the crush.

    Technique: gaining a lethal shoulder lock from side control by pretending to be set up an armbar. Germán stressed the importance of feints and decoy attacks in BJJ and necessity of mastering this in order to progress.

    Technique: gaining a gi choke from side guard, and using one's knee and leverage to complete the choke.

    Rolling: Four ten-minute rounds.

    This was utterly brutal, I was like a wet sponge afterward. Two rounds were with Germán where he submitted me over ten times, he could have easily have done much more had he so chose; perhaps the most humbling rolls I've ever had considering he's only 65kg and around 5'7". I was arm-barred, crucifixed, gi-choked, wrist-locked, shoulder-locked, bicep-crushed and heel-locked. Worst hiding ever.

    When I was rolling with my buddy I gained a gi-choke and almost got a triangle although I'm still having trouble properly locking up in order to submit, I can gain them ok but following them through is difficult. Another flexibility issue I think. Aside from the above I got creamed by my opponent.

    Sore as f*ck today, and another class at half 6.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Battered again, battered to death. My buddy (all 20 stone of him) caught me in a rear-naked choke and now my throat is goosed.

    Warm-up - boxing pad work, stretches.

    Warm-up - jog

    Technique: Take Downs, the basic lift.

    Technique: Take Downs, locking an opponents leg between yours and using your shoulder to push him to the ground. The subsequent escape involves securing the grabbers elbow and armpit, sitting down and doing a back roll to gain full mount.

    Technique: Arm-triangles, gaining them from the sprawl and other variations.

    Guard-pass drill: 3 x 5 minute rounds with one on his back and the others passing guard.

    Free rolling.

    Got f*cking creamed again. Managed to pass the other lads' guard fine and dandy (at times I couldn't) but most of the time they seemed able to pass mine at will. Rolling ended up with me getting squashed to f*cking death by my giant buddy.

    A bit disheartening but much to learn.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Yesterday I was f*cking goosed so I took a rest day, back lifting today.

    92.5kg 3 x 5

    Overhead Press
    40kg 3 x 5

    100kg 1 x 5

    2 x 6 1 x 4

    All very tame. Boxing in three hours, I predict a heart-attack.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Warm-up: Jog, star jumps, jumping jacks, press-ups, running on the spot and stretches.

    Shadow Boxing with 1.5kg weight in hand: 5 rounds of 2 minutes.

    Light Sparring: 5 rounds of 1min 30secs

    Heavy Bag Work: 2 rounds of 2 minutes

    Warm-down: 3 rounds of 3 minutes, star jumps etc.

    Focus Pad work: One 3 minute round with one of the lads.

    Forgot my gumshield so I couldn't do any proper sparring, waste of bloody time as far as I'm concerned. Still, great for the cardio fitness. Next week I'll bag some time with the coach for proper pad work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Was forced into breaking my no-drink rule due to a friend's going away party, got p*ssed out of my brain on Saturday and still felt shook today. My flexibility is an issue that has to be addressed so every day I'm doing Joe DeFranco's "Agile 8" routine.

    Warm-up: Foam rolling, Agile 8 stretches, skipping, jumping-jacks and star-jumps.

    Technique: armbar drills

    Technique: the spider guard, various variations of it including gaining an armbar via a sweep, gaining a triangle and maintaining the guard against a resisting opponent.

    Rolling, six rounds. Went rolling two rounds with the club black belt and got mangled as per usual. Held two other lads to a draw only to concede a submission in the last ten seconds and rolled with the instructor for two rounds. Gained a cheeky sweep on him (he was knackered from a previous class) and was punished severely.

    My biceps are f*cked from the spider drills. Good class.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Last night featured a grueling two and a half hour class with Germán, the club black belt. As a result of last night all the small bruises I have been accumulating have started merging into giant ones. There were only three of us in the class besides the instructor, myself, my buddy and the owner of the school who himself is a very accomplished martial artist. Ipso facto, hidings all around for me.

    Warm-up: Jog, skipping, stretches.

    Technique: Sweeps, loads of them. The main one being from guard, pulling your opponents arm across you and forcing himself back on his own feet so you can take mount.

    Technique: Bicep crushes from side control.

    Technique: the De La Riva guard and a calf crush that can be gained from it. Was confused as f*ck with this one and was really awkward in trying to get it.

    Rolling: Umpteen eight minute rounds. Obviously I got roundly trounced by Germán and the school's owner, I gave my buddy a bit more of a hard time and even wangled an auld armbar from mount as well as coming close to getting a few triangles and a Kimura. I feel like I've been hit by a car today. I've boxing later on, weights can f*ck off until tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Like a handicap I forgot my gumshield again and thus could do no sparring. This was my first midweek class and there were four or five times the numbers at it, the vast, vast majority of whom were along just for the fitness aspect of the circuits. I was at it for over two hours and the only boxing related exercise I did was a round on the bag and a quick round of pads. I may as well have been going to f*cking boxercise.

    2 hours: circuits of jumping jacks, star jumps, running on the spot, shadow boxing, mountain climbers.

    Floor Work: Sit-ups, crunches and leg-raises.

    A tiny bit of pad work.

    Great for fitness, a bloody waste of time for anything else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Foam Rolling and stretches.

    95kg 3 x 5

    Bench Press
    67.5kg 3 x 5

    Machine Row
    65kg 3 x 5

    Felt weak and stiff as a board.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    I'm getting a bit disillusioned with this to be honest, apparently the coaches are no longer coming on a Friday and the club captain will be running the class with an emphasis on cardio. Tonight all we did was an hour of circuits. It was a great cardio workout and the club captain is dead on, but at the end of the day there was no work on technique and no sparring. It was boxercise at the end of the day, I'll see how it pans out with the Wednesday class.

    Circuits: jumping jacks, running on the spot, sit-ups, push-ups, burpees, mountain climbers, groiners.

    15 minutes on the heavy bag

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Went to my buddy's nan's funeral on Sunday and it being the good working-class send off it was I ended up getting putrid drunk before 3pm. The following day saw the beginning of stupid Rag Week here in Cork thus meaning I'm up to my hole in work; in other words I fell off the wagon and started eating sh*t and doing f*ck all. Going getting a few weights and boxing sessions in by the weekend anyway.

    No gym today so did a bit of conditioning in my apartment:

    30 star jumps
    10 burpees
    30 star jumps
    9 burpees
    30 star jumps
    8 burpees
    30 star jumps
    7 burpees
    30 star jumps
    6 burpees
    30 star jumps
    5 burpees
    30 star jumps
    4 burpees
    30 star jumps
    3 burpees
    30 star jumps
    2 burpees
    30 star jumps
    1 burpee

    (probably didn't need to type all of that)

    Shadow Boxing: 14oz gloves on, 3 rounds, trying to nail a few basic combinations.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Got an hour in, training was cancelled so a few of us just banged away

    Agile 8 stretches

    Warm-up: 15 minutes of jumping jacks and star jumps

    Shadow Boxing with weights: 15 minutes

    Heavy Bag: 15 minutes

    Focus Pads: 15 minutes


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Fell off the wagon last week, back with a vengeance!

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Warm-up, Agile 8 stretches etc.

    Break-falls, rolling forwards and backwards.


    Technique: Upside down guard, spinning out of it to gain a triangle.

    Technique: Using the upside down guard to gain a triangle.

    Guard pass rolling.

    Free rolling.

    Grand session, took a while to get the proper spin; even harder to properly secure the triangle. Didn't do too bad in the guard passing drill. Had 3 rounds of rolling, did well in the first, got hammered in the second and utterly creamed in the third round; although I was rolling with the instructor to be fair.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Warm-up, stretches etc.

    Technique: the Kimura from guard

    Technique: countering the defense against the Kimura i.e opponent grabbing his belt, by posting off and rolling backwards.

    Technique: gaining submissions while opponent is in a turtle shell. 1) catching an arm in your leg, front rolling and using your leg to apply a Kimura 2) gaining a hold on the opponent's gi lapel, front rolling and applying a choke.

    Drill: Opponent takes your back, applies hooks and you have to escape. Reverse of this also. (Great craic, my legs are in bits.)

    Rolling; two rounds. One with my 20 stone buddy who flattened me to death, one with a new youngfella, an MMA trainer with a different clinic. He subbed me once via armbar and I managed to sub him with a guillotine.

    Also, picked up a strain in my neck, serious pain in the arse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Boo urns, went to the gym today but I was in a serious rush and the weights room was jammers so did machines.

    Agile 8 and other flexibility work

    200kg 3 x 5

    Shoulder Press
    45kg 3 x 5

    Back Extension
    95kg 3 x 5

    Lat Pull-down
    80kg 3 x 5

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Agile 8, Jog, Warm-up and stretches.

    Shadow Boxing with weights - 3 rounds.

    Sparring drills, connecting to opponents shoulder - 3 rounds.

    Technique: jabs, crosses, uppercuts and hooks; working them into combinations against a moving opponent holding pads - 3 rounds.

    Technique: throwing a jab, feinting moving backwards and then busting forward to launch a double jab and cross.

    Mat-work, 9 million sit-ups and their variations.

