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DOMS be Gone!



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    MMA - Submission Wrestling

    Brilliant class this morning, was on the doors last night so only got four hours sleep but felt much better after getting on the mats.

    Stretches, wrestler knee drops, bullying (30 seconds alternating with a partner of pushing each other around the gym as hard as you can)

    Technique: Single leg take downs, falling to one knee, securing an opponent's leg and then lifting the other to secure the take down. Also, securing one opponent's legs between your arms and thrusting which your shoulder to secure take down.

    Technique: Double leg take-down with aim of getting a slam

    Technique: Shooting for the opponent's ankle and using leverage between your arm and shoulder to knock them. (Like Couture did to James Toney)

    Technique: North-South chokes.

    Drills: Trying to escape from side control into half-guard and ultimately, full-guard.

    Rolling: 3 rounds. Got mangled by my giant buddy, got equally mangled by a seasoned MMA fighter and then rolled with another novice where I got two RNCs and my first armbar from guard. Very happy with my rolling today, while losing to the two other lads I managed to tie them up and get a transition twice. Also felt very comfortable with the take-downs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Class with a black belt yesterday, utter train wreck.

    Warm-up: jog, sprints, stretches and neck bridges.

    Half-guard and it's variants, starting off with how to position yourself on your side and grab the opponent's belt.

    Technique: calf-crush from half-guard. Escaping this by rolling forward and pushing your opponent's foot away to secure groin stretch.

    Technique: switching your legs in the guard hauling yourself up to take the back.

    Technique: sweeps from half-guard

    Drills: One had to hold half-guard the other on top, emphasis on either sweeping or passing the guard.


    I really didn't get into this class at all. The only other fella there was my 20 stone buddy so I was just getting repeatedly battered roll after roll and drill after drill. All the stuff I spent learning throughout the class seemed to go out the window when I was rolling, I couldn't hold your man's belt and neither could I stay up on my hips, nor was there ever a hope of me getting the better of him at any stage, bar one sweep in the drills. It was really disheartening to be honest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Warm-up, jogging, stretches, jumping jacks.

    Circuits: 50 minutes of skipping and running on the spot, intensity alternated every few seconds.

    Sparring: 3 rounds.

    I was sparring with a super-heavyweight and a heavyweight, (I'm 80kg exactly) and thank god the lads took it somewhat handy elsewise I'd be on the f*cking floor within 20 seconds. Still, landed a couple of sweet hooks on the heavyweight (he's stocky so has a tendency to bull in) and my style is becoming more refined i.e. keeping the hands up, working the jab and better footwork. It was a welcome class to get over the hammering of last night.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,144 ✭✭✭Parsley

    FTA69 wrote: »

    Warm-up, jogging, stretches, jumping jacks.

    Circuits: 50 minutes of skipping and running on the spot, intensity alternated every few seconds.

    Sparring: 3 rounds.

    I was sparring with a super-heavyweight and a heavyweight, (I'm 80kg exactly) and thank god the lads took it somewhat handy elsewise I'd be on the f*cking floor within 20 seconds. Still, landed a couple of sweet hooks on the heavyweight (he's stocky so has a tendency to bull in) and my style is becoming more refined i.e. keeping the hands up, working the jab and better footwork. It was a welcome class to get over the hammering of last night.

    you in the UCC boxin club?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    I am indeed! Come down there some time, it's a whale of a time getting your face pummeled. A perfect warm-up for door work!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,144 ✭✭✭Parsley

    FTA69 wrote: »
    I am indeed! Come down there some time, it's a whale of a time getting your face pummeled. A perfect warm-up for door work!

    i went along there for a few months back in 1st year, twas enjoyable alright!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    95kg 3 x 5

    65kg 2 x 5, 1 x 4

    Machine Row
    67.5kg 3 x 5

    2km run

    Weak, weak, weak. I've been neglecting this way too long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Great class, plenty of time with the coach due to a small turnout.

    Warm-up jog and stretches

    Shadow Boxing - 1 round

    Shadow Boxing with weights in hands - 2 rounds

    Pad Work - 1 round

    Heavy Bag work - 3 rounds, holding the bag for someone else for the other 3

    Mat Work - varieties of crunches

    Sparring - One 2 minute rounds, two 1 minute rounds.

    Your man initially underestimated me because I cracked him three or four jabs and banged him with a cross before he started upping his game. Stylistic problems are beginning to address themselves, my left is remaining firmly by my headguard and my hands in general are snapping back into position after a punch. The cross is coming along nicely, shoulders are rolling properly etc. My left hook is p*ss weak and needs work. I'm delighted how my fitness is coming along as well since I started concentrating on martial arts. All in all, a grand session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    97.5kg 3 x 5

    Overhead Press
    40kg 3 x 5

    100kg 1 x 5

    Pull-ups 2 x 5


    Had no real difficulty in the above lifts but I need to stop neglecting this and make a solid commitment to lift at least twice a week. The funny thing is that going to the gym bores me to tears nowadays, and I find it hard to get excited about lifting weights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Went training with an absolutely unmerciful hangover, delighted I went anyway, caked in sweat and feeling on top of the world.

    Warm-up: Jumping Jacks, stretches etc.

    Drills: Transitioning side control

    Technique - Sweeps:

    Sweeps from guard into mount; grabbing the opponent's gi and hopping on to him (á la flying armbar) before dropping and securing an ankle then rolling into mount.

    Sweep from guard: posting off one's leg, reaching over and grabbing opponent's belt before hauling him over your knee and getting side control.

    Sweep from guard: Kimura sweep

    Sweep from guard: scissor sweep.

    Guard-Pass rolling - multiple rounds

    Rolling - two 5 minute rounds.

    I utterly gassed during the first round, possibly due to the face-melting hang over I had. Still, gave away two subs but also got a sweet transition into north-south (sprang off my head) and got the choke. Also set up a triangle when my partner tried to stack me while in my guard. Against my giant buddy the half-guard drills I did last week made much more sense, I stayed up on my hips and held his belt; only gave away two subs in the five minutes against him so I'm delighted. Also got him a great scissor sweep in the last few seconds, it feels good to actually implement something you've been learning.

    Throughout the roll I gave away some stupid sh*t, not following up on transitions and forgetting to post after mounting a much bigger guy; but aside from that I'm pretty happy.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Another great class with Germán the black-belt, again only myself and my buddy at it. I might put a notice on the martial arts section; it's a crying shame that one of only two blackbelts in the entire country can't get a few more students to a class.

    Warm-up; jog, sprints, neck-bridges and stretches. Drills - bridging on to one's shoulders, push-ups and set-ups.

    Escaping Side Control - push your hand down by your side (like putting your hand in your pocket) grab the opponent's leg and work your knee under it to secure half-guard, the hips and ass need to be worked from side to side to achieve it.

    The second technique involved bridging, thrusting your hand behind your back and flipping out of side control on to your knees.

    Knee On Belly - from side control secure the gi collar and grab the pants on the outside of the knee. Spring off a straight arm securing the collar and in one movement land your knee across the belly.

    When opponent tries to push your knees off slip your hand through the crook of his elbow, shift around to his other side locking his head under your leg, pivot and drop to an armbar.

    When someone has you in KOB grab the cuff of his gi pants, then grab his sleeve, invert your knee under his arm and send him flying for the sweep. I did this effortlessly to my partner who's 20 stone.

    Rolling - two rounds of 3 minutes.

    First round was with my buddy, the usual crushing out of him. Managed to get half-guard once with a sniped shot of my legs through his, held this until he managed to pass. Couldn't for the life of me get my hands down to my side, out of this carry on I managed to secure half-guard once more. Tapped twice due to cross-face agony.

    Second round was with Germán, managed to tie him up in half-guard for a while and then got mutilated.

    All in all, was never in any danger of submitting any of them, or passing, or getting a transition. But I managed to hang on a bit against a black-belt and someone who outweighs me by 7 stone and has 8 inches on me. Also while the stuff I'd learned came to nought by and large I managed to pull it off once, which is a start, and hopefully something I can manage to do more regularly in training against fellas who aren't massive mongo giants.

    Also, left ear has gone black, deformed and in intense pain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Warm-up circuit, jumping jacks, stretches etc.

    Shadow Boxing - 5 rounds, sometimes in the mirror, sometimes opposite a partner

    Drills - throwing the jab at an open glove while someone opposite does the same at the same time.

    One throws a hard jab to the face while the other parries.

    Aerobic Circuits - 2 rounds

    Pad Work - 3 rounds

    Mat Work - various ab circuits and leg raises.

    Not a bad two hour class, grand sweat worked up. Nobody was really up for sparring but got a good time on the pads, got a few good raps to the face to remind me to keep the right up when throwing a jab. Was absolutely wrecked after the pads though, which is somewhat unusual. Anyways, onwards and upwards.

    Grand class, good

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    100kg 3 x 5

    65kg 3 x 5

    Machine Row
    70kg 3 x 5

    2.5km run in 14mins 33secs

    The above was easy enough, the run was also grand although my f*cking shins are killing me. My running gait is terrible I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Warm-up: jog, stretches.

    Shadow Boxing - 2 rounds x 2 mins

    Shadow Boxing holding 1.5kg weights - 2 rounds x 2 mins

    Heavy Bag work - Four 2 minute rounds

    Pad Work - 1 round x 2 minutes

    Technique - Parrying the jab and returning with a jab

    Slipping the left/right and returning the relevant body punch and hook

    Ducking the left/right and banging two shots to the body

    Light sparring - 2 rounds x 2 mins

    Ab circuit of crunches, bicycle crunches and leg raises.

    Warm- down.

    Today felt ok, felt a lot quicker than most of my partners and my technique is coming along. I'm trying to do a lot of work with my left hook i.e. raising my elbow more when throwing it, the power in my jabs and crosses and right hook is getting much better and I need to bring the left hook up to speed with it. During sparring one round with the coach he said I was being too apprehensive still, it's all well and good to counter punch but I need to show initiative. He said I'm good at working my way inside (which suits my body type) but I need to commit far more to the body punches when I get there. Cardio-wise I felt great, didn't gas once really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Warm-up circuit, jumping jacks and stretches.

    Shadow Boxing - 5 rounds

    Skipping circuits - 2 rounds of 3 minutes

    Sparring - 4 two minute rounds.

    Christ above what a f*cking hiding. I had two opponents, a heavier lad from a kickboxing background and a talented youngfella who competes in the intermediates. I did two round with them both. The youngfella was only 65kg and I swear to God I've never been hit harder in my life, inside a ring or outside (and I've been in enough rows.) I walked into a right cross that caught me flush on the nose, such was the slap the coach took me aside to see if it was broken. I finished out the round with my eyes streaming and covered up for dear life. After a quick recess to blow the blood out of my nose I jumped in with the big fella, I had the measure of him for two rounds; got in a few good stiff jabs and didn't get tagged bar a jab to the body. Back in with the young dude where I did a small bit better but got another ferocious right into the teeth.

    All in all, I neglected my ringcraft at times, it went out the window for a bit to be honest which led me moving into your man's right hand. So, reasonably content but in extreme pain.

    Great evening of boxing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Bad feeling my nose has been slightly fractured, it's swollen as f*ck and looks a bit gammy at the bridge. We'll see how things pan out.

    102.5kg 3 x 5

    Overhead Press
    42.5kg 3 x 5

    105kg 1 x 5

    1x7 1 x 6

    1000m row in 4mins 17secs

    Felt much stronger today, flew through everything above. The row was a right laugh, only started remembering the "1000m row" thread about 200m in and decided to belt through it. I'll revisit this at some stage and see if I can break 3min 30secs. I do hope my nose isn't broken though, I'll lay off the grappling until it's better because the thought of getting my face mashed is even too much to bear.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Don't wait with nose, trust me. Have it looked at as soon as you can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Went to the doctor, have a broken nose and in the midst of the festivities overlooked the fact I also have a broken little finger on my right hand.

    I'm taking up golf and ditching this fighting nonsense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Last night went to an advanced spinning class lasting 50 minutes and the meter said I cycled over 22km so fairly content with that. I'm going to boxing later and doing the circuits, I can't go near BJJ until my nose is healed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Grand session last night, can't spar though due to the face but did a bit of bag work and a few drills. During one of them I got a slight tap on the nose which was excruciating.

    Warm-up jog, stretches.

    Shadow Boxing - 2 rounds

    Shadow Boxing with weights - 2 rounds

    Heavy Bag work - 2 rounds

    Shoulder hitting drills - 3 rounds

    Bob and weave drills - 1 round, got smacked on the nose and retired.

    Press-up circuit

    Ab Circuit

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Good session yesterday evening, I'm coming along a lot according to the coach.

    Warm-up jog, stretches.

    Shadow Boxing with weights - 3 rounds

    Heavy Bag work - 2 rounds

    Pad Work - 1 round

    Skipping - 3 rounds

    Ab circuit

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69


    Warm-up circuit

    Shadow Boxing - 3 rounds

    Shadow Boxing with weights - 3 rounds

    Knee Slap Drill - 3 rounds

    Shoulder Touching drill - 2 rounds

    Skipping - 3 rounds

    Mat work

    I can't wait for my nose to heal so I can get back to some proper training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    MMA Grappling

    This was my first grappling class since I broke my nose a few weeks ago and what a hammering I got. Last month I was rolling with a youngfella and I submitted him nine times out of ten, last night I got utterly cleaned out by him and everyone else I rolled with.

    Warm-up: none really, it's one of the biggest draw backs of the class.

    Arm-bar drills.

    Technique: when opponent grabs your neck to set up guillotine etc, "wax-off" and arm-drag opponent so you end up holding him from behind. From this build to grabbing his leg and slam-spinning him to the ground.

    Technique: from half guard get a lockdown on his calf and stretch it out for a crush. Follwing this flip him forward with your legs and push into groin stretch. If this fails pass into side control. This p*ssed me off to no end because like a retard I just couldn't apply the f*cking crush for the life of me.

    Guard-pass rolling with opponent starting off in half-guard calf lock. He submitted me twice from this position alone much to my initial embarassment, although he submitted everyone else with it as well.

    Rolling 3 x 5 minute rounds. Got cleaned out by above youngfella, giant 20 stone buddy (with rancidly stinking gi) and competitive MMA fighter. I managed to hold on for a while with the latter two for a while but I feel like I've gone back to square one really. Pretty disheartening.

    Today my cauliflower ear is killing me, my big toe is f*cked, my broken finger is also hurting and I'm covered in bruises, scrapes and mat-burns. Gentle art my balls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Muay Thai

    Went to my first Muay Thai class under the encouragement of a fella I work with and discovered my fitness has degenerated horribly due to the fact I wasn't training every day with my nose. Merciful hour, I was utterly bate to death. Got paired off with some giant German dude and got kicked around the gym while holding pads. It was the first time I ever threw a kick in my life and needless to say the result was pathetic! While the boxing pad work presented no problems at all the kicking really drained the f*ck out of me, bad enough being unfit but swinging my legs arund the gaff caused me to get nauseous, gawked my dinner all over the jacks after half an hour. Since my boxing club has closed I'm thinking of sticking with this gaff for the summer.

    Warm-up, skipping and stretches.

    Pad Work - (seemingly) infinite rounds of various combinations at 3 minutes each:

    jab, cross, left hook, right kick

    jab, cross, left hook, left kick

    right hand lead, left hook, knee

    random combinations all of the above finishing with 20 kicks.

    Holding the pads for the same.

    Heavy Bag Work - 3 x 3 minute rounds

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Muay Thai

    Grand session today, discovered they have a full free weights zone in the gym so have no excuse not to avail of that now. This kicking lark will take months of getting used to I'd say, some of the lads in there look like they could break bats with their shins.

    Warm-up: jumping jacks, mountain climbers, burpees etc.

    Knee drills: Clinching and trying to turn opponent away to neutralise knees to the ribs.

    The above followed up with breaking the clinch and elbowing to the head followed by knee to the ribs.

    Pushing incoming knee away with left knee and pulling opponent over outsretched leg.

    Pad Work: 6 x 3 minute rounds of various punch, kick and knee combinations followed by holding the pads for the same.

    Ab Circuit

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Muay Thai

    Goosed, came an hour early and hit the weights before I went on the mats; no excuse for neglecting weights considering it's adjacent the MT area and is included in the price.

    105kg 3 x 5

    Piece of urine.

    65kg 1 x 5 62.5kg 2 x 5

    Inverted Rows
    3 x 10

    Muay Thai

    Warm-up: skipping, stretches, jumping jacks, shadow boxing

    Kicking drills, checking mid kick and responding with right cross and low kick.

    Pads: 5 x 3 minutes featuring a variety of combos

    Holding Pads for above.

    Light Boxing Sparring: 3 x 3 minutes.

    I'm delighted with the way I held myself together for this session, I didn't gas once and pushed through a few pain barriers. My shins felt like they were on fire but it was bearable. I held my own in sparring and was well able for my three opponents (probably more used to boxing than they are) although I got caught once on the nose and that wasn't fun at all, hasn't healed as fast as I thought.

    Also, on a completely seperate note I saw an otter on the way to training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Muay Thai

    My shin is black as a motherf*cker, however the bruise is in the sweet spot of the shin so I'm happy with that! Great class today, didn't come close to gassing again and maintained a reasonable degree of power in my punches until the very end. Kicks remain an absolute joke though, getting a small bit more power in my knees now that I know to lean in and "stab" with the shin so to speak.

    Warm-up: skipping, stretches.

    Shadow Boxing: 3 x 3 minute rounds interspersed with push-ups, burpees and mountain climbers.

    Pad Work: 4 x 2 minute rounds w/10 seconds rest in between. Combinations of jabs, crosses, hooks, low kicks and knees.

    Holding pads for the same.

    Pad Work: 3 x 1 minute rounds consisting of 15 seconds of punches, 15 seconds of kicks alternated.

    Holding pads for the same.

    Ab Circuit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    MMA - Muay Thai and Wrestling

    Warm-up: stretches, mountain climbers, jumping jacks etc

    Pad Work - 4 x 2 minute rounds w/10 seconds rest, combos of kicks, knees, hooks, crosses and elbows.

    Holding Pads for the same.

    Take-downs from the standing clinch

    Pad Work - 4 x 2 minute rounds w/10 seconds rest.

    Practicing mount and grounds and pound, person on the bottom holding pads while person on top concentrates on maintaining posture and delivering strikes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    First class of this in a while, doing sh*t-all during the week due to college commitments, exams etc but I'll tip away as best I can and hopefully knuckle down over the summer. To be honest to get any development in my grappling I'd want to be there three times a week minimum.

    Warm-up: jog, stretches, roll-overs, neck bridges, press-ups, ab circuit.

    Technique: the scissor sweep from guard, when that failed shoot through and grab his leg followed by rolling forward to put him on his back and go knee on belly.

    Technique: another scissor sweep from guard, popping on to your hand forcing yourself into your opponent and either re-close the guard or go for the sweep.

    Rolling 3 x 6 minute rounds.

    Rolled with Gérman the black belt and got crucified as usual, when rolling with him I'm trying to use as much technique as possible and not spaz out. There's no point anyway and a slow roll results in me not getting tied up in a ball.

    Rolled with two other lads who had a lot of weight on me; I'm actually very content with my performance. Normally with lads a lot better/bigger than me I pop into guard and try and hold it for as long as possible. This is a negative style and not one conductive to learning. Instead I tried to implement a couple of the sweeps I'd learned and this payed off resulting in me getting an arm-bar from mount. By playing a more open guard game as well I managed to hit a couple of triangles but I couldn't get them on properly.

    All in all a good roll.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭FTA69

    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

    Warm-up: jog, press-ups, ab circuit, rollovers, bridging, stretching and neck bridges.

    Technique: breaking the closed guard and passing.

    1) Rising to one knee and pushing the opponent's leg down opening guard, quick pass into side control.

    2) rise to both feet while pushing down on opponent's biceps pinning him to the floor, then dropping to one knee with the other breaching his guard which then pushes to the side to open.

    3) rise to both feet and lean in to cross-collar choke, circle in one direction thus forcing opponent to tap or release guard.

    Technique: sweep from rubber guard, reach over and grab belt before rolling sharply sideways thus passing to side control.

    Back control drills: One takes the back and secures gi while putting the hooks in and then the other has to try and escape.

    Rolling starting from closed guard: 3 rounds of 3 minutes.

    Rolling: 3 rounds of 3 minutes.

    Had a grand class yesterday, had no bother grasping any of the positions outlined above and also managed to implement them during rolling and while stuck in the guard of much bigger, stronger opponents. I enjoyed the back control drills and managed to escape twice by calming down, working on position and neutralising the underhooks by passing my arms underneath. The rolling was good and instead of trying to hang on to bigger dudes in half guard I constantly tried to apply sweeps and work on shrimping and bridging, which paid off on a couple of occasions.
