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*Limerick GAA news/discussion thread*



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭thinkstoomuch1

    Its not a dig,when I said it ,just harsh reality ,that yes it will be comical to watch,as limerick will blame everything bar themselves and tj will be out of hes depth.

    A lot of limerick lads here said the same .
    I geuinely dont want to offend geuine fans ,but you must call a spade a spade,and people know I always do that.

    Of course its a mess as they had a fine coach with expierence that had a chance against tipp.Ye have no chance now.I feel for geuine fans as cork have been in yere boat
    Cork had a weak panel without several lads year before ,drew and beat clare last year.

    Limerick had a stronger panel ,and couldnt beat them.In truth,clare were all over ye as many acknowleded after that game .People have a view limerick against clare were unlucky last year,and all ifs and buts.

    If ,that if this,ah come on in truth lads.All ifs and buts.For limerick to move forward,must stop making excuses,and blame everything bar look within,must take ownership and responibilty,two traits limerick dont do well at times.

    If clare had taken the other wides and played 70 mintues ye beaten out the gate.Truth is clare took the foot of the gas.

    Limerick were beaten at half time,after even 20 minutes in that game.
    To say it was due to poxy poal,missed frees is inadequate reading of that game and dissrespectful to a great clare win

    Explain the league defeat 2013 to dublin and the defeal to clare league final??under Allen
    Why was that ??
    What exactly was limericks game plan ??

    It was hit it long to hard working half forwards,55 minutes bring on better lads
    My apologies ,it is a game plan,severly stale and lethargic though with little thought in the processs.

    Ireland under jack charlton had a game plan,up the jumper and put them under pressure .Howerer credit to him,he had success ,a euro and two w cups final ,beat england to justify it with limited rescources.

    Limerick were conserative and allen lacked real belief in players by playing a low risk game .He lost two league finals.Not a whisper of discontent from the board leading in to last year,despite carey questioning the training and walking.

    O grady had such a beilef ,in the talents and how great ye could be he took risk with possesion game on.
    He was brave and embraced change open arms.One of limerick problems has always been afraid of change and to go outstide a comfort zone .

    Munster embraced Penney new ways and evolved as a result.
    Limerick hurling is stuck in tradionalist view we have be 1973,style direct .Despite the fans criticism ,they stuck at it.Yes now they have gone in key games to there old game,however they can now play to the full width of the ptich something they hadnt done before.And thats give them a varied approach for Sunday .It has not taken away the heart ,and passion .Limerick would do well to role model themselves on Munster rubgy.

    Ye need to believe ye have talents to play a modern game.
    Wallis has that style with the minors ,he mix and matches thats why they are so hard to beat .
    Tj will go old style ,and yere as predictable as night follows day .
    When he launches ball after ball to tipp,who will play maher as a sweeper ,how will ye adapt ????

    As cork found out to there cost its not as easy as telling your half forward line win the 50:50 ball when tipp be swarming over ye like around bees around honey

    Tipp are adapting to the new way
    Tj ,its well known is against short game .Cork have shown ,it will be there downfall against the sweeper.

    Remember ,ye drew 14 men against us in cork,wouldnt came close but for the sweeper ye had.
    O grady by many was a genuis then .How fickle ye are now.
    That game was a work in progress and I guarantee people it would have worked in june

    As stated here some players resisted the new game plan so you cant blame o grady.Again afraid to go outside the comfort zone.You wont win anything with those type of players.

    However I have zero sympathy for what happens with tj in charge and that board .Zero and some of the players living of a Munster title that was overblown.Clare hadnt as much as hype and they won the all ireland.

    The email point I wouldnt worry bout as every player has nearly smart phones or phones set up email ,an also email notification ,that they would be notifed when it came to them ,and when they saw email,was High importance ,surely it would be read.

    Up to players whether they read or not read them .Same as you can ring someone ,up them to answer
    Also a text was sent to the panel a group text .
    It wasnt practical to ring every player at that time.
    O grady had a long journey home to make.

    What I heard ,if it is true ,O grady had no choice but to go ,and certainly doesnt owe ,some ,Not All player respect when they didnt show him that courtsey .And other posters have touched on it,disharmony amongst a few in the camp apparatenly.

    Just my opinion, but some got too big for there boots ,and used a flawed Munster win last year as a kind of foothold,were untouchable ,our way our no way .
    They couldnt do that in 2011 as they had the backs to the wall.

    O grady had to go media asap ,as if he didnt strike ist ,chances are the board would have ran to the leader and gave a one sided version .They gave them two weeks to retract orginal statement they didnt .They ran to the media,so o grady dead right to play them at there own game and go to the Examiner Beatufially played by o grady.

    They were naive to believe they could outwit a shrewd man like o grady .They bit of more than they could chew .

    Fireball your the heart and soul of the thread ,so I aint going to get in tit for tat,i'll agree to disagree if it comes to it,but,i mentioned the Fun part in training.No ones doubt commitment as ,in training turning up togging etc.Im saying it is questionable if some lads really put there shoulder to the wheel in terms being 100 per cent commited to a new way just cause they dont agree with it ,like o grady short passing game .

    Allens management had a real lack of intensity,i watched limerick twice last year train ,the minors had better organistion and intesity .
    Did you ever watch clare train ul??
    Minors?they have real ,real organisiton, a method,a purpose an intensity .Fantastic set up.I said it all year since october.Easy to speak the truth.

    Laois hurling in ul?

    If you did you would understand my thoughts.Ul is close to ye,you should watch top teams train,ye were miles of it last year .
    If ye were so well prepared why did clare beat ye have 20 minutes,and why did ye stumble against 14 man cork for an hour??
    Youre a Munster fan.I watched Munster train many times,always edge to there training days before a big game,they like it that way.

    Your close to the limerick lads .Can you honesty hand on heart say not all,but some players had issues with o grady style and ways.Is it true???some werent happy at a meeting.

    Feel for the players you are kidding me.They didnt back o grady ,and they could have. IF They backed o Grady and threatened to walk ,and tj and them stood by o grady ,and refused to go back til it was all sorted ,just 5 weeks to go to june,the board had to back down.
    They showed disgraceful lack of respect and courtsey to the man.

    Tj statement is so hypercital to be frank.I said here two days ago he would speak a simalar tune.Praising o grady left hand,and dishonuring him the other hand .
    And this horse manure,i doing it limerick,my heart is in it ,and couldnt walk now ,wow hes a hero.
    Take a bow Tj .What does he want a medal .

    Do ye honesty beleive Tj is an angel,snowwhite in all of this.I have seen so many strikes in cork,you can sense the lads speak the pr battle ,but behind closed doors wouldnt trust them as far you would throw them .

    If he was that upset ,with treatement,why stay .He could went ,and forced there hand .If he doesnt trust them now ,then how he can trust them not to do same down line.Why stay when theres no trust ,and breakdown cummunicaiton.

    Reason is there is not much if all of a problem with tj,thats just white smoke to create a diversion ,it was all about o grady-and tj wanted the job himself and the board and some players.

    He has no principle or loyalty to o grady .He roars discontent,and yes you Donal you take them on ,I'm with you lad,yet O grady walks,and tj stays .How noble.

    Reminds me of a workplace,you have loads of by standers ,giving out by a and b at work,and oh we nominate mr x ,to lead the protest .Oh there full of encouragement and praise.

    Then you go the get them sign form trade union and its ah ,i dunno,and not sure there that bad.
    Or they cross the picket line.There two types of people in todays world.I know which type I would want to be with .

    Tj had chance with o grady to put real pressure on board.The board now fully back tj,they say .Yet it was meant to be a two man critiscim at the outset ,yet only casualty .Any decent gaa person can see it doesnt add up at all.

    People ,i think are wrong in that take board words that tj just stays for a year.They playing a blinder.They cant say now that tj is there for two years,it would look very bad.So its frank murphy style.Live in the moment,bide your time.Ride out the storm,and it blows over.Classic as I said it would be a Public relations exercise.Thats where these battles like General elections are won and lost.Who wins the pr battle .Its on the field what should matter.

    After cork last strike,frank was meant to be gone in the end of the term.He was gone.He didnt say a word.Then ,nice and smoothly,He Is the Man behind the Pairc.
    We need frank to organise it.
    Pr game started.?He played it beautifully all credit due at the end of the day.

    He is still there and no intention of leaving.A load of rubbish it was.Cork doesnt need frank to build a new stadium.Juding by the recent delays,and I knew and said it wouldnt be short drama,then cleary these guys should be no where near it.

    Same with tj ryan.Loose and it is a case, we cant blame tj as its o grady departue affected it ,and then wait it ,a player comes out were happy tj,we want tj ,we respect him etc.

    Then tom ryan ,and ex limerck gaa men be out to laud tj .Hes our man .Board will say,we had turbelence,were taken back by how tj has taken to the role ,driven the team and then name amount training sessions done etc .wait for those numbers,always classical spoof to try and get credence.Shouldnt have to name numbers,match games show if training is up to it.

    And they will say they need ,contiunity now more than ever,and tj gets second year .

    Its a waiting game.
    Same here ,tj be pushed through .
    All this rubbish people say limerick have one style and the short passing style isnt there game,if players had any real belief ,they would challenge that theroy ,as most teams adapt to possesion game.Its harder ,teams that style to become direct,not the other way around.

    If limericks up the jumper ,direct style is so good why havent they won a title since 73 and been in just 4 finals .
    Clare evolved ,cork did ,tipp etc ,kilkenny down the years that why they won.
    Limericks refusal to embrace,accept change new ways ,is why there always behind and will be behind the rest .Evoulotion is evident in man kind .Man years ago were stone age,now technology is cornerstone in the world.Life evolves.Limerick hurling must evolve,to do that ,must accept new ways and be brave and go outside there comforts zone .
    Adapt munster phiosphy nothing is impossible to the brave and faithful .Thats why they have every chance Sunday.Have better chance winning against all the odds than the hurlers to beat tipp in my opinion.

    O grady had to do short game ,and get them play that ,as they know how to play the long game .

    They need a plan a and plan b .
    o grady would mix it up accordingly .O grady brought that newtown game to cork,and he had to change corks mindset and philosphy as that was testatement to him.

    Rememeber it was just 3 lads from that club with Cork starting,pat mul didnt in 2004,and he had to get 13 other players to buy in to it,And unlike limerick ,Cork had won the All Ireland in 99 with a direct style.Cork had believed and listened to an unproven manager then and paid dividends.Limerick failed to learn from him and they will be the worse for it .O grady is and was a brave ,manager .

    People in this thread ,said limerick were fine after drawing in cork in the league ,and that it great to see them play it short and they had to have it mixed up .Now its case short game ,isnt good .How fickle and naive.

    Limerick are miles off an all ireland,farther than they have ever been .
    I hope the board are just as ruthless to tj as they were to Donal league defeat ,when tj looses two championship games this year .
    The appointment of a coach ,if they even manage to do that should be interesting.

    Requirments for the job,are basic anyhow it seems,just be a yes man for board and tj ,and you must be old school.
    People say limerick must have a limerick man ??
    Bar paul kinnerk and ger cunningham ,who are both with laois and clare ,the limerick candiates ,some resemeble a set up I wouldnt let near a junior county team in honesty .

    Tom ryan-creates noise and drama where ever he goes,it resembles footprints in the snow,i have been here,i made my mark.Lost 94 and 96 all ireland finals(hes fans still glorify that as a truimph,when lets real they were a dissaster,those finals, all ireland club final ballybrown lost,and then at westmeath was a shambles .Left Mike Galligan,warm hes arse on the bench against wexford,game was made for him against 14 men.
    Bound to be a drama with u21,wait and see.

    Brian ryan-selector 2010,is out of hes depth as a main man.Anyone think different,just watch minors train ,wallis and cregan main man.
    Ryan is fine to talk to tg4 and smile at the cameras and let on he is the conductor of the orchestra at minor ,more like a singer miming words to a great song.Go with the flow,but completly out of tune.He does good now,and he is lets the other lads run it.Thats whats hes good at .If he takes on more ,then minors wont do much.

    He Isnt the main man ,wouldnt be up to it.That probably makes him up to it for the county board,however,a real real contender.

    Ciaran Carey-temparament is questionable ,and how can he handle the pressure ??very much old school hurling.Is intelligent hurling man ,but too stuck in old traditions.Has princple and honesty however ,i admire that.And a great hurling man .

    Cregan-would be an option but he wouldnt them id say .

    I geuinely believe limerick managers as shown by the last 40 years are no good for ye,as too much player power and poltics.Limerick players are a different mentailty than Munster rubgy,they want it all there own way .You need a manager that takes no S**te and o Grady was the man .Munster players,gave 100 per cent to penney despite he going against there traditions.

    There has never been many standout home grown coaches in limerick.
    The reason o grady allen and ger cunningham couldnt get top job is Frank wouldnt give it them to now.
    Just to clear up a point also.All 3 cork lads never canvassed for the job,limerick went after them.

    Ger cunningham,i broke news ist in cork thread ,after castletroy v Ag mhuire harty cup ,that he was with cusack certainty a a for the job .Limerick chased them,not the other way around.

    O grady was chased ,after saying no orignally ,so limerick done the chasing to get him as manager.
    I do agree with fireball and I said it here,shane fitzgibbon or joe quaid as an interim manager be much better than some names menionted here and try and get Daly next year(hardly go now) ,theres hope at least with then ,you know what you will get with others .55 minutes of hell and fury and passion from limerick,backs to the wall in thurles against tipp .
    Then tipp just pick ye off.
    Tippeary want revenge ,and will match yere intensity from last year.And tippeary were beatable this year .

    Dublin,Galway ,waterford maybee,cork etc ye will struggle against.Kilkenny and clare beat ye out the gate.Question would be by how much.
    Laois ,would have a real chance,and wexford if they got ye at home to beat ye .

    Ye will get a reaction in chareville saturday with the players in the game ,and beat cork and it be hailed as ,yes great stuff tj lad .Cork wont have any intensity .
    But ryan and hes fans ,enjoy that moment while it lasts as there will be mork dark clouds than sunshine
    From youghal to ballymartle you name many a club in cork,never any negativiy with o Grady .Limerick you just could not script this shambles in truth.In fairness,real gaa astute men in limerick can realise that .

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭glasagusban

    Peaople seem to be suggesting that all DOG is, is a one trick pony and that trick is redundant and out-dated, I think that is well wide of the mark and pretty disrespectfull tbh.
    There is merit in both views. There have been other all Ireland winning coaches who have done more than O'Grady that have come back to management after a break and found that the game had moved on and they were out of their depth, Babs, Loughnane, McCarthy -great records all but didn't work out second time around. Even Loughnane who I still consider a great found that certain techniques that worked with one group of players in Clare did not work for another in Galway. I don't think O'Grady has displayed anything to show he has moved on or developed since 2005. His last stint with limerick was a qualified success which it could hardly have been otherwise given the two years before. He may prove me wrong yet with some other county. I have my doubts.

    Anecdotes I have heard from limerick training this year would suggest he was out of touch to some degree.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,706 ✭✭✭premierstone

    There is merit in both views. There have been other all Ireland winning coaches who have done more than O'Grady that have come back to management after a break and found that the game had moved on and they were out of their depth, Babs, Loughnane, McCarthy -great records all but didn't work out second time around. Even Loughnane who I still consider a great found that certain techniques that worked with one group of players in Clare did not work for another in Galway. I don't think O'Grady has displayed anything to show he has moved on or developed since 2005. His last stint with limerick was a qualified success which it could hardly have been otherwise given the two years before. He may prove me wrong yet with some other county. I have my doubts.

    Anecdotes I have heard from limerick training this year would suggest he was out of touch to some degree.

    To be fair and Im not trying to be flamatory or rising anyone but the anecdotes coming from Limerick training have been the same since Cregan left in 2002, 8 management teams in 12 years, about time the players walked the walk imo, the board obviously have alot to answer for aswell, as they have far too much say, if they have the courage of their conviction and a man is appointed on a fixed term contract then step back shut up and let the man do his job without interfering and playing games in the media.

    PS A large number of Tipp supporters wouldn't have such a high opinion on Bab's first era either, that team should have won a hell of alot more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,264 ✭✭✭✭Fireball07

    shockframe wrote: »
    Before anyone gives out anymore about O'Grady think back to the end of 2010.Limerick were an absolute joke of a county. Within 4 months we were division 2 league champions and we almost pulled off a surprise win against waterford. We had the guidance of one of the best figureheads in hurling and were the most committed and organized we had been since the mid to late 90s.

    O Grady was the best thing to happen Limerick in years.You can point to his style all you like but the 'traditional' Limerick style we have so long raved about has been a dismal failure for the most part of 40 years. Why the f''' shouldnt we try a different approach?

    That we lost the game against Dublin in 2011 had little to do with the handpass style. We fell behind early and after getting close try as we might we just couldn't get even or ahead.You cant say it was from lack of effort either. It certainly wasnt this stalinist-like revisionism that we were a failure under DOG in 2011 because I can assure you compared to the jokeshop setups of a decade previous we were nothing of the sort.

    It was a significant progression. 2 other ones happened that year-Donegal and Mayo. They came back much stronger the following year. Like any lifespan of a team there is a lot of patience required to succeed in sport.It can sometimes take a lot longer than you had hoped. Limerick fans dont seem to know the meaning of patience and want instant success.

    2014 wasn't the greatest league from a Limerick point of view but neither were 2012 or 2013 but we still gave good championship performances in both.Who's to say we wouldn't have done so in 2014.

    Donal O grady was correct to walk away from Limerick. The County Board didnt know what they were up against. The man has a serious record in sport, as an analyst and as a principal (The work he did for the North Mon was meant to be incredible).You dont undermine a man who has worked extremely hard to make a success of himself in several walks of life like that. What the f''' has anyone in the LCB to come anywhere close to that. Then they start telling him what they expect and how it should be done.

    I wont even bother to discuss that imposter TJ but anyone at the 21s last year will tell you we were light years behind tipp tactically.Expect more of the same in 5 1/2 weeks.Anyone who expects us to abandon the short passing game and for the traditional Limerick style to work is in for a rude awakening.

    I agree with 95% of what you say.

    I do agree that it wasn't the short handpassing that killed us against Dublin that time. As I've said a million times before, I have no problem with a short game... intelligent hurling is the way forward. Although we weren't afraid to mix-and-match then, short balls out of defence, pulling out an inside man and leaving space for Downes was a tactic that worked well.

    We did lose to Dublin because of selections though, I agree with glas in that. Hickey and Geary at 3 & 6 were exposed, and it had been threatening to happen last year. Much like Wayne Mac this year, and stuff like not giving Dempsey more of a run-out or trying anyone else in the half-back line. It cost us last year, and I don't see it changing.

    I do think calling TJ an impostor is harsh, but yeah, I don't expect much from him, as I've said before. 21s were disappointing last year considering the talent and I reckon if that new hurling coach isn't someone seriously talented, we're in trouble. But I hope, I always do... nothing else we can do from the outside. Wait till the next county board meeting and encourage our representatives to make a stand?

    shockframe wrote: »
    Are you for real buddy.

    A no nonsense regime like O'Grady was of the utmost importance after the appointment of so many yes men, guided by the most incompetent and at times spiteful bunch of gombeens you could ever imagine that led to utter chaos in the county.

    You go on about some of the great underage coaches in Limerick. Dont make me laugh, look at some of our great 'passionate hurling man' coaches of the last couple of years. I wouldnt let some of them anywhere near any team.

    I got news for you.Many of the hurling legends of the 90's don't have the first clue of how to approach the game nowadays.Many of them are around if they have a couple of sons involved and wouldn't be too bothered about getting involved only for that.Give me O'Grady, Allen, Cusack, or Cunningham any day of the week.

    We have a handful of good coaches that hardly anyone no-one knows about because they are not from the traditional heartlands and are ignored almost instantly because they are from unfashionable clubs or don't play the political game.

    Politics is at the heart of almost every appointment you could think of in Limerick.Look no further than the 2013/2014 minor management or proof or indeed the appointment of the 2014 joint management at senior.

    Again, I agree with all of that, but would again point out that O'Grady in 2011 isn't the same as O'Grady in 2014. I would like a manager who was really interested in the job, to bring Limerick to the next level.

    I was talking to a former Clare minor hurler today about Paul Kinnerk, and he couldn't speak highly enough about him- he reckons, knowing a few of the senior panel this year, that he is the real reason Clare won the All-Ireland last year... his coaching techniques are what have made them what they are.

    The fact that he wasn't a great hurler himself, just shows that you don't have to have been a great hurler to either be a good coach or a good tactician in hurling. But as you say, as he's not from a traditional hurling area, he was unlikely to be given a chance with us.

    In comparison to TJ Ryan, Tom Ryan, Richie Bennis and all the rest that have been mentioned here its excellent.

    Jaysus you would swear Limerick had AI medals falling out of their back pockets the way some are going on here, and I emphasis some as obviously there are a few here who actually know what they are talking about.

    We have lads claiming that DOG's blueprint is outdated and that he has no ability to evolve it but in the next breath they claim Limerick should go back to the hurl to the hip, blood and guts style that was last effective when JP was in short pants. You couldn't make it up!

    I have been somewhat critical of O'Grady this year, but I certainly don't want a return to caveman hurling. My problem with O'Grady is that he's not very flexible, that's all.

    Anyway, obviously he's more successful and proven than those mentioned and I wouldn't want those in charge. We'd be better with O'Grady than without... all I'm saying is that from what I've seen in the league, and from what I've heard from within the camp from before, I really don't think we were going to do better than last year anyway. We're going to do worse now.

    I just don't think the co-managers were ever the right idea. And TJ or O'Grady on their own wasn't the right idea. That's all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭paddy no 11

    The latest

    The reason Richie was dropped is that he refused to play in the forwards - that's right the all star full back in the forwards, be interesting who starts at 3 on sat

    The reason the kilmallock lads walked out of training the other night is because TJ brought one of his siblings along to training!!!!!!

    There's more but i'll leave it

    Look forward to reading the reports from saturday

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,264 ✭✭✭✭Fireball07

    The latest

    The reason Richie was dropped is that he refused to play in the forwards - that's right the all star full back in the forwards, be interesting who starts at 3 on sat

    The reason the kilmallock lads walked out of training the other night is because TJ brought one of his siblings along to training!!!!!!

    There's more but i'll leave it

    Look forward to reading the reports from saturday


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭paddy no 11

    Yeah, I hope there just rumours smoke and all that

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,264 ✭✭✭✭Fireball07

    If that's true, that's just embarrassing beyond words. Surely not though.

    First of all, Richie Mc isn't even the relation of an intercounty-standard forward. He was poor in 2011 and while he does a job for Blackrock, that's at intermediate level and he doesn't standout that much for them even at that.

    Now, if you were to play him as a defensive half-forward as Allen employed Hickey, Ryan and Breen; he'd probably do okay, but he's at his best as a proper full-back, dominating his area.

    As for the other bit, that's just stupid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭thinkstoomuch1

    Fireball07 wrote: »
    If that's true, that's just embarrassing beyond words. Surely not though.

    First of all, Richie Mc isn't even the relation of an intercounty-standard forward. He was poor in 2011 and while he does a job for Blackrock, that's at intermediate level and he doesn't standout that much for them even at that.

    Now, if you were to play him as a defensive half-forward as Allen employed Hickey, Ryan and Breen; he'd probably do okay, but he's at his best as a proper full-back, dominating his area.

    As for the other bit, that's just stupid.
    Why didnt players back o grady so?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 215 ✭✭Hanalei

    That ain't true about Richie McCarthy. I've heard that is a rumour put out there by particular people in a bid to discredit O'Grady.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭paddy no 11

    OK, I cant be sure don't know anyone close to the squad will take hanaleis version

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 215 ✭✭Hanalei

    We could hear all sorts over the coming days/weeks, going to be difficult to know what we can believe. Best to take most of it with a large pinch of salt.

    All I know for certain is there was dissent from particular players regarding the style of play and that caused issues...

    Also, I know O'Grady was not entirely satisfied with the physical condition of a few players. I was at the WCC game v Clare in Sixmilebridge, one player who didn't start looked a little out of shape on the sideline, nothing major, nothing a few weeks of training wouldn't have put straight. However I noticed this player chewing his way through a bag of wine gums in the first half. I found that a little odd but I didn't make anything at the time. Then you hear things in subsequent weeks which make you wonder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭thinkstoomuch1

    Hanalei wrote: »
    We could hear all sorts over the coming days/weeks, going to be difficult to know what we can believe. Best to take most of it with a large pinch of salt.

    All I know for certain is there was dissent from particular players regarding the style of play and that caused issues...

    Also, I know O'Grady was not entirely satisfied with the physical condition of a few players. I was at the WCC game v Clare in Sixmilebridge, one player who didn't start looked a little out of shape on the sideline, nothing major, nothing a few weeks of training wouldn't have put straight. However I noticed this player chewing his way through a bag of wine gums in the first half. I found that a little odd but I didn't make anything at the time. Then you hear things in subsequent weeks which make you wonder.

    Heard similar if true

    Wine gums are fine
    They have sugar and great energy short bursts

    Cork under jerry wallis used to eat fruit pastilles in hot weather also

    Runners use them.I have myself

    No bother in that score

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 215 ✭✭Hanalei

    Heard similar if true

    Wine gums are fine
    They have sugar and great energy short bursts

    Cork under jerry wallis used to eat fruit pastilles in hot weather also

    Runners use them.I have myself

    No bother in that score
    Well that's good to know at least! To add a bit of context, I had been speaking to one of the stewards that day before the game and he was telling me about one of the Clare lads going out with a few friends after his exams in either UCC or CIT. The group of friends go into a shop and all buy ice creams except for the Clare panelist who refused as he was afraid it would get back to Davy that he had an ice cream!

    No idea just how true that story was but I remember thinking at the time; "There's one of the Limerick lads scoffing down a bag of wine gums in front of the management while the Clare lads over there are afraid of their lives that Davy will hear they had an ice cream on a hot day a hundred kilometres away in Cork!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭thinkstoomuch1

    Hanalei wrote: »
    Well that's good to know at least! To add a bit of context, I had been speaking to one of the stewards that day before the game and he was telling me about one of the Clare lads going out with a few friends after his exams in either UCC or CIT. The group of friends go into a shop and all buy ice creams except for the Clare panelist who refused as he was afraid it would get back to Davy that he had an ice cream!

    No idea just how true that story was but I remember thinking at the time; "There's one of the Limerick lads scoffing down a bag of wine gums in front of the management while the Clare lads over there are afraid of their lives that Davy will hear they had an ice cream on a hot day a hundred kilometres away in Cork!"

    gaa is a small world and davy has more contacts than specsavers id say

    Ice creams I would have a problem with

    Satruated fat ,but im sure odd one be okay

    A lot cyclist use pastilles

    Like hard eat banna n a ptich,pastilles fine u hit that wall and sugar is a must .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 215 ✭✭Hanalei

    The clubs need to do something about this board because we all know they won't resign.

    Three horrendous major screw ups in the last 7 months; made a mess of hiring a management team for the seniors, made a right mess of installing the intermediate management team and now this PR horror show which backfired horribly.

    A law unto themselves, whatever anyone may say or think about Tom Ryan I don't think anyone can argue with his assessment of the county board.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,684 ✭✭✭flutered

    People telling stories about their encounters with the board at club level. You couldnt make it up. JP withdraw all money and send 2 or 3 business people in their and sort it out, appoint right people to the board would be worth so much more than any monies. Good luck to the players involved saturday, hopefully a decent limerick crowd turns out to support the players at least.
    is not jps money man declan moylan a former co board member, treasurer i think. is there some quote on facebook by one of the nashes, i do not have it so i cannot quote.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,264 ✭✭✭✭Fireball07

    Why didnt players back o grady so?

    I have no idea why the players didn't back him.

    However, in the final situation, backed by the players or not; he wasn't going to stay after being discredited in that way. Whether the players gave their all for him, I can't be certain, but it's their own prospects their harming if they didn't.
    Hanalei wrote: »
    That ain't true about Richie McCarthy. I've heard that is a rumour put out there by particular people in a bid to discredit O'Grady.

    There was some sort of tension between O'Grady and Richie Mc though, I'm glad that we weren't turning time back though.

    If the TJ rumour is true, it's hard to see how the players would back him either, so I'd have doubts over that one aswell.

    What a mess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,684 ✭✭✭flutered

    limerick hurling do messes excelently.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,810 ✭✭✭dzilla

    flutered wrote: »
    limerick hurling do messes excelently.

    Always good for the entertainment value.

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭glasagusban

    For what it's worth paddy I don't believe either of those rumours. They're just a stretch too far I think.

    What's this talk of the players backing O'Grady about? Why would they? That's nuts!

    5 weeks to championship and it is what it is now. TJ may not be Pep Guardiola but he has two decent selectors and a bunch of players with some decent experience and a point to prove. If TJ has to sense to sit with the players and have them air everything, and allow them leadership in how the team plays from here then the season could be salvaged. I don't see us winning anything but not imploding and maybe making a semi is not beyond us. Guys like GOM and DOG have massive experience and knowledge of the game and should be given a big input into how we go from here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭francozola

    Senior football Championship begins tonight with Casey's versus Newcastle and Ballysteen versus Galbally.
    Standout tie of the round of fixtures is St. Pats versus Drom/Broadford.

    Other fixtures include: St.Kierans vs Adare, Ballylanders vs Monaleen, Pallasgreen vs Rathkeale.

    Hopefully we are treated to good open, physical & attacking football. It needs a boost around the county after some disappointing underage results.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭thinkstoomuch1

    For what it's worth paddy I don't believe either of those rumours. They're just a stretch too far I think.

    What's this talk of the players backing O'Grady about? Why would they? That's nuts!

    5 weeks to championship and it is what it is now. TJ may not be Pep Guardiola but he has two decent selectors and a bunch of players with some decent experience and a point to prove. If TJ has to sense to sit with the players and have them air everything, and allow them leadership in how the team plays from here then the season could be salvaged. I don't see us winning anything but not imploding and maybe making a semi is not beyond us. Guys like GOM and DOG have massive experience and knowledge of the game and should be given a big input into how we go from here.
    Dodge yes to a point

    Gavin o mahony you kidding me,he is a player ,get real,what management expierence he have
    And how he read game he playing
    This gets better every day
    Do keep entertaining me

    Thats problem ,too many limerick players want to say how they play

    Too many chefs spoil the broth.
    Same in limerick ,all voices,no chief

    Loyalty and respect ,that why should back them.

    I cant wait to see your views as year unfolds.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭Vanolder

    Dodge yes to a point

    Gavin o mahony you kidding me,he is a player ,get real,what management expierence he have
    And how he read game he playing
    This gets better every day
    Do keep entertaining me

    Thats problem ,too many limerick players want to say how they play

    Too many chefs spoil the broth.
    Same in limerick ,all voices,no chief

    Loyalty and respect ,that why should back them.

    I cant wait to see your views as year unfolds.

    I'm not necessarily agreeing with the last post, but GOM is a development officer in Limerick, has had huge involvement with Limerick college teams, particulalry Mary I last year when they got to the Fitz final- It was more or less him running the show. Now that's all different to intercounty but he has leadership qualities, to say any different is pure ignorance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭thinkstoomuch1

    He had the fitnes side of it,but Cregan ,had the tactical side and picking team.I know all about mary I ,and had jamie wall and luke playing with them .
    Your wrong to say Gavin ran the show .Cregan is hes own man,doesnt take orders anyone.
    He works with wallis ,minors,both huge inputs,doesnt take orders.
    The odd one out is brian ryan there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 819 ✭✭✭glasagusban

    Vanolder wrote: »
    I'm not necessarily agreeing with the last post, but GOM is a development officer in Limerick, has had huge involvement with Limerick college teams, particulalry Mary I last year when they got to the Fitz final- It was more or less him running the show. Now that's all different to intercounty but he has leadership qualities, to say any different is pure ignorance.
    Vanolder wrote: »
    I'm not necessarily agreeing with the last post, but GOM is a development officer in Limerick, has had huge involvement with Limerick college teams, particulalry Mary I last year when they got to the Fitz final- It was more or less him running the show. Now that's all different to intercounty but he has leadership qualities, to say any different is pure ignorance.

    There before me.

    TTM, I've said before I find a lot of your posts very informative. But you're clearly very bitter about this situation. I've already called you on come contradictory comments you've made, I find the sarky comments unnecessary and there's no use replying to you any more.

    If we are any good this year (which given the first half of the season I would consider being competitive and maybe reaching a semi through the back door) it will be down to the players leadership.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭Vanolder

    He had the fitnes side of it,but Cregan ,had the tactical side and picking team.I know all about mary I ,and had jamie wall and luke playing with them .
    Your wrong to say Gavin ran the show .Cregan is hes own man,doesnt take orders anyone.
    He works with wallis ,minors,both huge inputs,doesnt take orders.
    The odd one out is brian ryan there.

    Cregan?? Ah now... Cregan was looking for milk for his tea while Gav was giving the haltime team talks. That's fact. Go back and ask Jamie the real story, you wum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭thinkstoomuch1

    Im not bitter,i just call it straight and have unlike some ,no agenda.
    You havent called me on any contrdaictions.Name them,i answer every post,you pick and choose ,when you dont like what you read.

    Your the one running with the hare ,and chasing with the hound when it suits .
    You said here o grady way was outdated and against him,you then mellowed a bit ,and saying two sides to it.Then you change tact again.

    Many not just me have said what I said .Are they all bitter ??

    No there real,gaa men,know what there talking about and arent naive our fickle enough to think limerick can win with out tactial nous,and tj is clearly lacking in that.

    Please explain what have selectors done prove there up to it???
    Please dont spout jibberish,i want real fact,like what they won.
    Now please dont say cork junior hurling title is quantifable .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,276 ✭✭✭thinkstoomuch1

    A wum ,yes good lad.Wow.
    Im hardly a wum,now go so many matches while you have blisters stuck up your arse sitting down and not going any id say .If you did,you know what cregan has.

    I saw mary I train many times ,even played limerick minors in ul,o mahony wasnt there .Check back ,i posted here in december.

    Your clueless,cregan had nothing do with ,Mary I .
    You say same re minors ,i bet,still I bet ,you never wattch them train.

    Take your head out the sands ffs ,Cregan had huge input in mary I .

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