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Social Welfare payments - leaving home



  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭Tiddlers

    The full JSA for people under the age of 21 is €100, as far as I know.I wouldn't be surprised if you think that's ridiculous. That's what was announced in the budget anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 mcgalway1

    hmm thats fairly rough alrite.. would that include rent allowance i wonder

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭Tiddlers

    No,you apply for rent allowance through the HSE.It's separate. It's shocking that the government decided that there should be three different rates for JSA (under 21,under 24 and 25+).And by the look of things people seem pretty happy to accept it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9 mcgalway1

    What are the benefits for a person under 25 leaving home , looking to rent an appartment and in search of work?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,978 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    While i appreciate there maybe personal reasons for leaving home, you are taking an enormous gamble. JSA at your age will be no more than €100 and this is assuming you will get it. There is an enormous waiting list at the moment, depending on what part of the country you are in. In addition you have a catch 22, you need to be actually renting an apartment before applying for rent allowance and again there are many different rates of this allowance being paid. Its a big bad world out there not helped with very few jobs out there, particularly if you have no experience. Good luck with your decision.

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,597 ✭✭✭WIZE

    Why are you leaving home if you cant finance somewhere to live ?

    Or are you moving closer to a city to find work

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭Tiddlers

    True,I meant to mention that you need to have been renting for at least 6 months before you are entitled to rent allowance and,as far as I know,it's discretionary e.g.,no fixed rate. Also, the landlord/lady has to be willing to accept it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,978 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    Tiddlers wrote: »
    True,I meant to mention that you need to have been renting for at least 6 months before you are entitled to rent allowance and,as far as I know,it's discretionary e.g.,no fixed rate. Also, the landlord/lady has to be willing to accept it.

    Hi there, i did not actually realize the 6 month rule but makes sense alright! I think a spot of reality check maybe required in this situation!

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭Tiddlers

    Dempo1 wrote: »
    Hi there, i did not actually realize the 6 month rule but makes sense alright! I think a spot of reality check maybe required in this situation!

    Yeah, last year I moved out of home while I was on the dole and that was what I was told.I don't think moving out from your parents' home while you're on the dole is always a bad decision. I moved because of a combination of wanting to be with my partner , living at home was doing nothing for my motivation or esteem and because I felt I had a better chance of finding a job in a different location. The new dole payments for under 25s are really are awful and anyone who believes that moving out of home is there best chance of finding work is screwed. You could call it inequality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,978 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    I certainly admire your motivations Tiddlers and i hope the decision paid off for you. So many young people leave home without fully appreciating the challenges ahead, especially with no Jobs. I am a little older, Mortgage holder (small thank god), living with my girlfriend. I was made redundant recently, girlfriend not working either so i have learned a lot about the welfare system and its pitfalls over the past few months. This said, there are many, many people in worse situations than i am. Just hope this country gets back on its feet soon!:D

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 amgoodw



    I have a Question about claiming the Dole...

    I have to leave my job due to Job Stress/experience bullying...I've been stressing out, have interpersonal issues due to all these issues at work...

    Yes I'm married but I cant stay at my job due to poor issues at work...I dont know what else to do but leave my job??

    These issues have been going on for almost 6months and my 3 bosses & 2 CEO's of the company all know about what is going on but still nothing has changed...So in 7 days I will no long have a job...

    I'm been looking for a new job since Nov '09, but still I have not found another job...

    If anyone knows what I would be entitled(Dole) to that would really help me as I have never claimed Dole before...

    Thanks for your help!

  • Registered Users Posts: 286 ✭✭eyesofvenus

    amgoodw wrote: »


    I have a Question about claiming the Dole...

    I have to leave my job due to Job Stress/experience bullying...I've been stressing out, have interpersonal issues due to all these issues at work...

    Yes I'm married but I cant stay at my job due to poor issues at work...I dont know what else to do but leave my job??

    These issues have been going on for almost 6months and my 3 bosses & 2 CEO's of the company all know about what is going on but still nothing has changed...So in 7 days I will no long have a job...

    I'm been looking for a new job since Nov '09, but still I have not found another job...

    If anyone knows what I would be entitled(Dole) to that would really help me as I have never claimed Dole before...

    Thanks for your help!
    Depending on how much PRSI contributions you have paid in you may be entitled up to the full amount of Benefit of €196 p/w. Depending on how long you have been paying them(i think?) will determine whether you get it for 9 or 12 months, after that its Jobseekers allowance(means tested)

    Its really horrible this day and age people are being forced out of their jobs. Have you spoken to Citizens Information or maybe some form of Union as to what is going on with you in your job? Depending on how much you're earning and if you're actually willing to take such a small amount to live on with SW id reconsider my options

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,978 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    You may be in the wrong forum, this appears to be a serious case of harassment and or bullying. Have you considered legal advice and i would certainly not be advising you resign although i appreciate this must be a difficult position. Firstly you need to document everything, of you feel strongly about resigning you need to state clearly to your employers the reasons why you have made this decision and perhaps put them on notice you intend to seek legal advice on constructive dismissal.

    My immediate concern is you may be penalized by the social welfare for leaving your job albeit under difficult circumstances, this could lead to up the 9 weeks waiting before you are even considered for JSB.

    My strongest advice is to check numerous websites particularly the NERA site and citizens information for any and all information dealing with unfair dismissal but be advised, you must document everything about your experiences. You don't state how long you were employed by this company but you should be aware you need at least 13 months continuous employment to be covered by the unfair dismissals act.

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 amgoodw


    Hello Dempo1,

    Thank you for your reply on this issue/matter...

    Yes I have written documentation of all issues at work, I have also kept All emails to My Bosses including the woman in HR and the 2 CEO's of this company...They all had Full Knowledge of what what going on...I had 5 Meetings with one of my Bosses and after the 3rd meeting about it in December 2009 she told me "I should be Lucky to have a job"
    When I told My Boss I did not want to work with the person that was causing these issues and really effecting my Quality of Life, and I'm just not happy with what is going on at the moment...
    **In response My Boss said "that I should thinking it over, this weekend and let her know if that is my decision, if so it could be not good for me....(I think she was kind of saying that The company would let me go, as they dont need a full-time person working in my Department"

    I've been considering going to a solicitor about all the issues that happened at work and this lead up to me putting in my notice as it was way too much stress on myself... But I just not sure who to talk with about all this??

    I'm happy about leaving my job but I felt that there was nothing else to do as None of the Managers were dealing with the issue... I was told by 2 of the Managers (one including the woman in HR) "told us to Sort out the issues our Selves" which It is Unacceptable to me that A Manager Would tell the Employee to Sort out the Issue themselves!

    I really feel that i have been cheated out of a job, and money that I would be making if the managers could of just sorted out this issue... But alas they all looked away, and acted as if nothing was going on...How sick is that...??

    Totally sad!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,978 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    You really do need to speak to a solicitor who specializes in Employment law, your own solicitor may have the experience but if not, point you in the right direction. Nera (Do a goggle search) will take on your case if it meets the right criteria. It will be a protracted case so be warned but experience tells me, companies will avoid a full hearing if a settlement can be reached.

    One thing that strikes me in your posting is the highlighting of the fact the HR person is a women, can i surmise your problems were with a female member of staff? i only inquire as conflicts between genders does arise but gender can not be brought into this as its not appropriate. Certainly instances of sexism, sexual harassment, Bias towards pregnancy and marriage status as well as sexual orientation are serious matters but personal differences are a big NO NO, your treatment as an employee is all that counts.

    Do you mind me asking what Sector your in?

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 amgoodw


    Hello Dempo1,

    Thanks for getting back to me...I work in the Public Sector...

    The HR woman is best-friends with the woman who is giving me a hard time at work...

    Since Jan 2009 I've been helping out in reception area and doing my own job (a totally different job all together)...But since Nov 2009 there have been issues with the person who should be helping me out in reception area...Every time there is an issue she goes and has a long chat with HR woman and then I seem to get the sort end of the stick...

    Since Nov 2009 things have escalated, this woman who should be helping me out was getting in my face about not helping out enough, not flexible enough, etc...Which is totally untrue, one day I was left out in reception from 9am to 6pm with No Lunch break and break...None of the upper management seemed to care that I dont get a break, or that when I was working out in reception area that I have to do my other job as well...

    I had no one to go to...No one was helping me...I had two choices either just keep on working like that or hand in my notice...

    I told one of my bosses that I did not want to work in reception area back in Dec 2009 and my job was threatened, saying that I should really think about this as if I did I would not be need in my other job (full time) as they only need a Part-time person for this etc...So I thought about it and told her that I would keep working reception area and my other job...I did not want to get let go be for Christmas...

    So this is just one of many issues that I have been dealing with...I'm not sure if this would be bullying a person into something they did not want to do, and the issues with the woman that should be helping me out in reception area, and her best-friend HR woman, plus there are two other managers that knew of this issue and both said to resolve the issue yourselves...

    I have not spoke to a solicitor, I'm not sure how much it would be just to talk with them about it all...

    I know my treatment by all was very very poor, and totally unfair...

    This is another weird twist about my notice, My Boss and the HR woman told the CEO of the company that I was leaving (handed in my notice) and told him that I had another job to go to, that I was Happy to leave my job...Which was total bull...When the CEO came to talk with me about it, he was a bit confused by it all and said that he will have to have a chat with the HR woman as she told him anther story of why I was leaving...
    After that I made a written complaint to the 2 CEO's of the company about all the issue:
    **The Issues I’ve been dealing with revolves around either: holidays, weekly Lunch breaks, flexibility, and helping out cover an evening shift or two when I’m unable to cover…I’m always flexible for anyone else who asks for my help. I too also need someone to be able to help me out and be just as Flexible for me as well…I cant be the Only One Able to Work in Reception area if Lisa is not here, Or I can’t be here due to Holidays, Doctor/Dentist Appointments, or sick days, etc...

    I have google solicitor's and have a few websites to ck out about this all...

    It really upsets me to think I've been working for this company for almost 2 years and have to leave b/c they could not sort out this issue, very Poor Management of Reception...Leaving the responsibility on one person, that is too much pressure/stress...

    Totally sad!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,978 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    Public Sector? and here's me thinking it was near impossible to get fired or loose a job in this area. I am just amazed this situation is not being taken seriously and perhaps if you had considered taking stress leave before handing in notice, more would have been done to address your problems.

    As you have handed in notice, time is of the essence here and you need to file a complaint ASAP with NERA there is no costs involved here but you need to file quickly. As this is a public sector Job, i am also surprised there has been no union involvement. I do note you mentioned a CEO and assume from this you work for a company / organization which is under the umbrella of a department belonging to the public sector. The CEO has taken the time to converse with you and does appear to be concerned, i would also formally (in writing) request a final meeting with Him/Her prior to departure, in this letter lay out the facts and advise you are taking further advice on the way you have been treated and that your departure has been forced upon you due, insure the letter is pleasant but direct and keep a copy. All communications to your employer will be relevant at a later stage.

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 286 ✭✭eyesofvenus

    Dempo1 wrote: »
    Public Sector? and here's me thinking it was near impossible to get fired or loose a job in this area. I am just amazed this situation is not being taken seriously and perhaps if you had considered taking stress leave before handing in notice, more would have been done to address your problems.

    As you have handed in notice, time is of the essence here and you need to file a complaint ASAP with NERA there is no costs involved here but you need to file quickly. As this is a public sector Job, i am also surprised there has been no union involvement. I do note you mentioned a CEO and assume from this you work for a company / organization which is under the umbrella of a department belonging to the public sector. The CEO has taken the time to converse with you and does appear to be concerned, i would also formally (in writing) request a final meeting with Him/Her prior to departure, in this letter lay out the facts and advise you are taking further advice on the way you have been treated and that your departure has been forced upon you due, insure the letter is pleasant but direct and keep a copy. All communications to your employer will be relevant at a later stage.
    Maybe i misread but did the OP not mention that he/she could subtract the notice of resignation by next week? If so maybe this is more viable option, it will be easier to deal with this while still employed by company

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,978 ✭✭✭✭Dempo1

    Maybe i misread but did the OP not mention that he/she could subtract the notice of resignation by next week? If so maybe this is more viable option, it will be easier to deal with this while still employed by company

    Sorry, i must have missed that, yes i agree, this is not a good situation and not helped by handing in Notice, there may however be a difficulty retracting written notice?

    Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 286 ✭✭eyesofvenus

    amgoodw wrote: »

    Hello Dempo1,

    Thank you for your reply on this issue/matter...

    Yes I have written documentation of all issues at work, I have also kept All emails to My Bosses including the woman in HR and the 2 CEO's of this company...They all had Full Knowledge of what what going on...I had 5 Meetings with one of my Bosses and after the 3rd meeting about it in December 2009 she told me "I should be Lucky to have a job"
    When I told My Boss I did not want to work with the person that was causing these issues and really effecting my Quality of Life, and I'm just not happy with what is going on at the moment...
    **In response My Boss said "that I should thinking it over, this weekend and let her know if that is my decision, if so it could be not good for me....(I think she was kind of saying that The company would let me go, as they dont need a full-time person working in my Department"

    I've been considering going to a solicitor about all the issues that happened at work and this lead up to me putting in my notice as it was way too much stress on myself... But I just not sure who to talk with about all this??

    I'm happy about leaving my job but I felt that there was nothing else to do as None of the Managers were dealing with the issue... I was told by 2 of the Managers (one including the woman in HR) "told us to Sort out the issues our Selves" which It is Unacceptable to me that A Manager Would tell the Employee to Sort out the Issue themselves!

    I really feel that i have been cheated out of a job, and money that I would be making if the managers could of just sorted out this issue... But alas they all looked away, and acted as if nothing was going on...How sick is that...??

    Totally sad!
    This is what i read. Is this maybe an indication that they are willing to allow the OP to subtract the letter??

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