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World Game Cup: How Was It For You?

  • 09-03-2010 12:36am
    Registered Users Posts: 7,499 ✭✭✭


    Wanted to split this off from the discussion thread as I wanted to do a feature on get all of you to write it for me :pac: Of course, I have kept up with the main thread and it sounds like it was a blast! Congrats to all who participated. So, without further ado:

    Hello; who are you and who do you main?

    What were you playing and where did you finish?

    Highlight(s) of the tournament?

    Highlight(s) of the trip?

    Enjoy the food?

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?

    Have you attracted any fans?

    Any final words?

    Probably left out some interesting questions but let's move with that :) Thanks all! Next step, EVO! Get hype!



  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭fake_roogle

    I'm not much of a writer but I threw something up so you have something to post :-P

    Hello; who are you and who do you main?
    I'm fake_roogle (although everyone just calls me Roogle), am part of the N. Ireland and I play Balrog.

    What were you playing and where did you finish?
    I played in the SFIV Masters tournament which was a qualifier for EVO and the SFIV 1v1 Main Event for a cash prize. I came out of groups in the Masters group and unfortunately had to face one of France's top players, Yamazaki93. I managed to win the second set but he clutched it out in the end to knock me out. In the Main Event, I came 3rd in my group with 2 losses and unfortunately two players only had one with two to qualify, so I was out.

    Highlight(s) of the tournament?
    Meeting a lot of new players from the UK and mainland Europe, playing a lot of games, watching high level games being played.

    Luffy086 beating Daigo in the 1v1 Main Event to knock him into losers. Even if Daigo didn't know the matchup, he still had to work really hard to get that win and I think it's awesome that he can bust up one of the best players with what is really not a great character.

    Cobelcog perfecting Desora. Even if he plays Gouken which for all intents and purposes is not a great character, it was still cool to watch him take down a Japanese player just like that.

    Highlight(s) of the trip?
    On the first night, Ryan Hart and a few londoners came into our room for a big session. We had 3 setups, one in the living room, one on the balcony and one in the bedroom. We had a 5v5 between us and we narrowly missed out, Ryan clutching it for them. It was a good laugh though and they're nice guys.

    Aside from that, it was fun playing a whole myriad of guys. We had some random guests including KDZ (East Coast Abel/Rufus player) who probably realised he was at the wrong room by the time he got there but was still nice enough to play with us for like 2-3 hours and generally anyone we could find who was decent and could play SFIV.

    Enjoy the food?
    Our diet was something like hotel pizza, takeaway pizza and McDonalds. We ate baguettes and pasta like once, that was nice, but other than that we just got what we could to keep going.

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?
    Out of a group of about 20 of us when we got off the bus, only one of us had a map or any sort of address of how to get to our hotels, so what should have been either a 5 minute bus trip or a 30 minute walk turned into something like an hour and something adventure. At least Cannes is a nice place to look around!

    In the main event finals, Daigo and Fuudo played rock/paper/scissors to see who had to sit beside the seriously irritating commentator.

    Have you attracted any fans?
    No, they were all too busy loving Cobelcog :-P it was funny to hear a lot of people ask "Irish Cammy???". A lot of players play Balrog in such a similar style that it's hard to seem innovative with him, but I don't mind.

    Any final words?
    Ireland (and I speak for both parts, not just the North) really do have the potential to have a chance at placing in tournaments. If someone who comes from what is essentially an hour away from any sort of decent offline comp can come top 16 at his first international event, anyone can do it if they work hard enough, but people need to actually want to improve and play the game. I feel like some people treated Cannes more like a holiday than a tournament--and that's fine, in some ways it was a 4 day getaway, but when you're asked to play at a session and you don't want to because you're "afraid to lose" or "too tired" even though you've been backseat commentating for a while (which is annoying if it's not informative for others or constructive for the players), I think you really need to ask yourself if you're playing the right game. You don't get better by being afraid to lose, you get better by wanting to win and finding out why or how you lost when you do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,971 ✭✭✭Orim

    Hello; who are you and who do you main?
    Orim, previously HMUYA (Name changed for pronounceability) and I main Chun Li

    What were you playing and where did you finish?
    I played in the team and solo Street Fighter 4 competitions. Unfortunately did not get out of groups but had the distinction of playing the eventual runner up team (Team aAa) and standing up to them respectably.

    Highlight(s) of the tournament?
    Watching Malek OCV the entire italian with a mighty Ivy performance in the international Soul Calibur 4 event. I'm not a huge fan of the game but it was to watch. All of the Soul Calibur finals were really good to watch.

    In SFIV it was when Luffy beat Daigo in the solo tournament. The crowd went nuts and it was great to be there.

    Highlight(s) of the trip?
    Meeting and playing some of the worlds best players. A lot of these people are relatively famous and yet were really cool and willing to have a chat or a game with everyone.

    Enjoy the food?
    Mostly we ate the usual kind of junk food - pizzas/McDonalds and the like. A couple of us went to a nice restaurant one night and the food was great (stories will forever be told of a certain banana spilt). I wish I could have tried more restaurants and food outside of the comfort zone but time and money did not permit it.

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?
    A couple of us were having dinner in our hotel and we put the telly on. We flicked around and we found the simpsons on one of the channels. Spent a couple of minutes trying to put the telly into english but it wasn't happening. Cue the four (five?:confused:) of us sitting there translating the show into English based on memory. Great fun.

    Have you attracted any fans?
    Oh yes plenty. Lots of people want me to be in their groups in any future events. Although they were sniggering at the time :(

    Any final words?
    This event has given me a massive desire to improve my own game and to improve the community. Walking around the arena at times I was blown away by how large it was. I would love to see something similar that could attract international players. Hopefully the collabration with Vaticon at the end month will go well and we can further get fighting games involved with the big gaming conventions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,005 ✭✭✭✭chopperbyrne

    Hello; who are you and who do you main?

    Hello. I'm ChopperByrne and I'm a Honda mainer (for now).

    What were you playing and where did you finish?

    I played SF IV Solo and 2v2 with Orim as the mighty Team Discovery Channel, but the French organisers didn't see it that way!

    Our group ended up being AAA, Team Tigre ???, Team Discovery and Channel.

    Our ref was very confused and went looking for Channel before I pointed out to her that we were both teams.

    So we finished both third and fourth in our group. Would have been nice if they had let us play both teams again.

    In solos I was in a group with a Rufus, Ryu, Ken, Honda (Coungster), Akuma and Balrog. Unfortunately I only beat the Ken, but had close games against everyone else except the Akuma who hammered me. He went on to finish somewhere in the top 16.

    Highlight(s) of the tournament?
    Fuudo vs Daigo. Not for one second did I ever think a Ryu mirror match could be that exciting.

    Highlight(s) of the trip?
    Being able to see and play against some of Europes finest players.

    Enjoy the food?
    That Banana Split was AMAZING!!!!!

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?
    Myself, Chunkis, Jim, Doom and Ryan Hart get in a lift looking for the elusive 7th floor. Ryan sees Tin walk past and says "Hey there's that guy who OCV'd my team! Come on in, come on in." Just as Tin got to the lift the doors closed. The look on his face when they opened again was priceless!

    Have you attracted any fans?
    Coungster said my Honda was sick. He may have meant unwell though :pac:

    Any final words?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,587 ✭✭✭Xinkai

    Hello; who are you and who do you main?

    'm Xinkai, for BlazBlue I main Nu (V-13) And in SF4 I main Ryu & Sakura

    What were you playing and where did you finish?

    I played in BlazBlue, where i got to the quarter finals, and SF4, which i lost all my matches because i played as Sakura :P

    Highlight(s) of the tournament?

    Getting to meet Daigo, been a dream for a few years now, & ended up hanging out with him, along with Eita & Fuudo in McDonalds.

    Just being there, the tournament scene is always a huge one, and you can feel the electricity in the crowd when something happens.

    Highlight(s) of the trip?

    Meeting alot of sound new people, hanging out with tournament winners, Champions, & consistant, high level players.

    The trek to the hotel, walking along the coastline for an hour, was a lovely sight.

    Casual sessions, just being able to go to any room & watch a match was really cool. Though those halls were really intimidating.

    OH FK OH FK OH FKFKFK OH FK!!! Hilairious.

    Enjoy the food?

    We just had stuff to keep us ticking over. But that pizza i got from Mister Pizza with Ham Mushroom & Sweetcorn was a dominoes beater anyday.

    In the venue i was feeling peckish so i got a fruit tart, had some blackberries, Strawberries, Kiwi, Grapes & a slice of apple, on a hard crust bun, and it was massive!!!

    Also the bread that they served at dinner in the hotel was S+ Tier.

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?

    On the friday the 3 Japanese players were standing in a circle talking to each other, & me being a fanboy wanted to get a pic. So i whip out my iPhone camera, and see Daigo looking at me, & i say 'Excuse me Daigo' & he just turned his back on me... SHUUUUUUNNNNNNNNah

    Trying to take a couple of pics outside the pub on monday, everytime a vehicle appeared on the road everyone, i mean 10+ people just screaming 'CCCAAAAAAARRRRRR' and that crazy moped driver everyone there 'DIVE FOR THE SAFE GROUND THERES A MANIAC ON THE ROAD'

    Everyone trying to get Chopper to do his Chunkis & Newtype impressions was savage too haha. CHUNKIS DOESN'T CAYOH IF YOU HAVE MASHMALLOHS IN YOR CEREAL, HE DOESN'T CAYOH!!!!'

    On the plane home during the safety demonstrations, Dreddy & Ryan breaking thier ballix laughing at LE CARCHON, LE CARCHON & the other french word haha.

    Have you attracted any fans?

    Zero No Shana said my Nu was pretty sick & said i well could have won it if i didn't make a mistake. Also 2 French guys wanted a pic with me after whooping all comers in Windjammers ^_^ Also when i got the 1st pic with Eita he asked the chap taking the pic to take one on EITA's phone too, so i dunno if he's a fan? :pac:

    Any final words?

    Suck A Dick

    On a serious note, only getting Quarter Finals this time has re-ignited the fire to build my game up, learn new stuff & get better, if i want to be 'THE GUY' on BlazBlue, then i have to start being LIKE the guy first. I don't want a simple goal like 'Qualify from group stages' next time, i have the passion to want the only goal to be 'WIN IT'. This should be the goal of all future players too, if we want to make a bang & put Ireland on the map, we need to sit down, show we do have the desire to be THE GUY who has the skill, the drive & the passion to win tournaments, to be consistant as players like Daigo & Ryan Hart. Cobelcog has won fans such as Ryan Hart, Aliyoune, Kenpachi among others for his Cammy, so why can't we have fans such as them for our Fuerte's, our Chun's, our Rufus's (Or Rufi in Plural). The only way we can achieve this is to shape up & get to work. Our next oppertunity is Stunfest, if we can improve that much in 3 months (Or there abouts) we can make a name for ourselves.

    We've seen the level of play.

    We need to pass that level.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    Hello; who are you and who do you main?

    I'm Ry and I main Butt with a little Dong Hwan on the side.

    What were you playing and where did you finish?#

    I played Street Fighter 4 and finished nowhere as I got whipped pretty cleanly by all but this Gen player.
    I played Garoux and laid the smack down with the legend that is Butt!

    Highlight(s) of the tournament?

    Daigo vs Fuudo Grand final in the Solo tournament. Best fight I've ever seen. People said it didn't even seem like they were playing SF4 they were playing it so well. Each of them were raising the bar over and over and the stuff they were doing was incredible under so much pressure. They lost track of games and scores and just played to win every round until told to stop. They were totally engrossed in the game and ignored the set scores or any of that stuff.

    Highlight(s) of the trip?

    Hotel sessions with people from other countries. Hanging out with the best Soul Calibur, Tekken, SF4, 3rd Strike players from Europe and having a laugh with them all in the hotels after the day's tournament.

    Enjoy the food?

    When I ate properly yes. French Restaurants are funny because on the outside they look "mad sketch" but when you try the food it's superb. Best meal was a tagliatelli carbonara followed by an authentic chocolate mousse.

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?

    "Far2 is Punch" :

    I decided we should get a T-shirt saying Farz is gay to give to Farz on our return as a joke. We commission the T-shirt dude to make one saying that and Doom asks also for one saying "Back, Forward, Punch". He messes them up completely thinking the "z" in farz is a 2 and then mixes up the last words of each so he comes back with a T-shirt saying "Far2 is Punch" and "Back, Forward, Gay". Hilarious cuz he spent so long at them and had to re do them. Suffice to say we couldn't stop laughing at this for the whole trip.

    Once we got the t-shirt I thought hmm wouldn't it be good to get a picture of us all with Umehara Daigo holding up the t-shirt saying "Farz is gay". I went to Daigo while he was talking to Eita and thankfully they both agreed to get in the picture with us all and it turned out really well.

    Have you attracted any fans?

    If I did it wasn't for my Gameplay I can say that! :)

    Any final words?

    All in all the trip was great. You'd meet loads of really skilled players and chat and play with them at the tournament and in the hotel. Every night there were tournaments back at the hotel also. You'd walk around the hotel and all you could hear is tapping from buttons behind closed doors. Some doors would be open with crowds of people in them cheering at games going on.

    The legendary room 569 with it's Projector and 10 v 10 tournaments with full commentary (albeit in french). France vs Everyone else one night. UK vs France another night. It was hectic to say the least but so enjoyable. Made lots of new friends and really look forward to meeting them all again at the next location.

    **Also. It was I who drank your Vanilla coke HMUYA but Doom was so drunk he thought he had drank it when infact only 30 minutes before hand I had seen it and said "OMG VANILLA COKE WHO'S IS THAT?" and Doom handed it to me and said I dunno you can have it now though. When you came in and went crazy and he owned up to drinking it himself I was totally confused but equally pleased and I let him take the blame MWUAHHAHA.


    What I enjoyed most about this was how even after you scolded him I even managed to get another glass from you after you'd blamed him for it LOLOL. I can't tell you how good that final glass tasted. :cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,985 ✭✭✭animaX

    For gods sake lads, start letting us in on the in--jokes!!!

    You have to explain:

    Suck a dick
    Le conchon, le conchon
    The ammedment bill thing

    Just realised that OCV is one character victory?
    Thankfully Ry just explained Far2 is punch!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    animaX wrote: »
    For gods sake lads, start letting us in on the in--jokes!!!

    You have to explain:

    Suck a dick
    Le conchon, le conchon
    The ammedment bill thing

    Just realised that OCV is one character victory?
    Thankfully Ry just explained Far2 is punch!

    I was going to explain more but some are explainable and some suck as "you'd have to be there" moments.

    Le Cochon Le Cochon can be seen here

    and here

    Suck a dick was this hilarious moment in the N.Ireland lads' room where Cobelcog had stolen Newtype's taunt as Ryu and Newtype wasn't pleased and shouted you DICK! at him which in it'self was funny because of how much he cared but then we were discussing taunts and I mentioned how I don't like any of Ryu's taunts especially the stupid one where he raises his arm up and clenches one fist.
    To this Newtype calls out while gesturing the same taunt "SUCK A DICK, SUCK...A DICK" and we all fell apart laughing at how accurate it was and how it made the taunt WAY cooler now to use.

    Hard to explain but it was really funny.

    The Ammendment bill song was funny because the lads were all watching the simpsons but the **** thing was it was all in french. Then THAT song comes on and it's NOT in french so it was the one bit the lads could understand and then it got stuck in everyones head from them singing it and for most of the trip we were going around singing it.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Hello; who are you and who do you main?

    Hello, I am Doctor DooM and I main the family man, boomer himself, azza's favourite character in the history of SF, Guile.

    What were you playing and where did you finish?

    I played the single SF4 tournament and didn't get past the group stages.

    Was kind of heart breaking as I won 4 fights in a group with a sponsored (female!) pro and Killivan, one of the best players in Europe, so I did ok. The reduction of the group stages from 3 to 1 fights hit me bad too as long drawn out fights are where I tend to win.

    Highlight(s) of the tournament?

    The tournament itself.

    Seeing fighting games on such a large, legitimate scale. Makes me want to make it work in Ireland even more.

    Highlight(s) of the trip?

    Seeing Ryan Hart laugh at his "team" getting slowly disassembled by Cobelcog.

    Seeing the full intro for Super and then seeing the Capcom guy rush to DC the xbox as I think we weren't supposed to :)

    Soul Calibur finals were great to watch as the French love it and as it was based by nationality there was alot of emotion (The big cheer in my v log is from the soul cal finals)

    Enjoy the food?

    Hells yes. Although I didn't get the time or the energy to explore the culinary delights that were on offer fully.

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?

    My third tournament fight was against a 10 year old.

    He was playing Bison and he was pretty good- was working his way through the hard trials while we were waiting- but Guile is built to basically destroy Bison in SF4.

    Now I can be a cold git at times but the kids mother was behind me and every time I hit him she let out this little yelp like I was actually hitting her child. That was NOT pleasant!

    Have you attracted any fans?

    LOL. I think I might have scared people away with my mass alcohol consumption on Monday night. Had to be done though.

    The last couple of nights we were really getting on with the English lads, to the point where the piss was being ripped either way, cos they were proper safe, innit. It'd be really cool if we could start back and forthing between London and Dublin. Deiminion said he might pop over too.

    Any final words?

    There was alot of skill on show but I don't think getting Ireland to their level is an unassailable wall. I think, as we don't have arcades, we should try to train smarter as well as train more. We need to be generous in character match up training, and people with advanced skills could take time to help out those who are weaker in the standard stuff.

    We can easily get there I think with a little will, when you consider how far we've come with 9 months of organisation, we'd be unstoppable if we put our hearts in it, tbh!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,229 ✭✭✭Dreddybajs

    Hello; who are you and who do you main?

    Dreddy, I main Gief.

    What were you playing and where did you finish?

    SF4 Master series (Friday qualifiers): Top 32
    SF4 Teams: Out in pools
    SF4 Solo: Out in pools

    Highlight(s) of the tournament?

    Beating one of the Japanese players, Desora, though I quickly realised the guy didn't know SF4 at all. Still made me feel pretty confident for a while afterwards. Had a great fight with Evans' Fei after that too which made me realise I still have tons to learn about footsies.

    Highlight(s) of the trip?

    Pretty much everything has already been mentioned, I think. Just want to reiterate again how class the NI guys were though, was awesome to get to know them a bit better and chill at their hotel room for unreasonable periods of time. :pac:

    Enjoy the food?

    Not really, was mostly sticking to cheap/fast food the whole time though. Hotel pizza place was quality on the first night, though.

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?

    Everything's already been said, I think!

    Have you attracted any fans?

    A few people came up to me after my Master Series fights and said "Zangief?" and stuff like that. One Blanka player was telling me there was a fair crowd watching my game with Evans, I hadn't noticed at all. Cobelcog was the Irish lad that all the Europeans fell in love with. :pac:

    Any final words?

    Bring on the next one - hopefully we'll have an even stronger presence at it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 238 ✭✭Cobelcog

    Irish Cammy reporting in...

    Hello; who are you and who do you main?

    I'm Cobelcog and I main Cammy.

    What were you playing and where did you finish?

    I played in both the Friday Master Series and the main solo tournaments of SFIV. I intended to enter the 2v2 with Newtype but we never got registered. In the Master Series I came 1st in my group and then went on to place Top 32 after being put out by Luffy's Rose. In the Solo I came 2nd in my group and made Top 16. I was put into Loser's by a French Ryu EZO and I was put out by an Italian Akuma Kurosaki. Overall, I'm pleased.

    Highlight(s) of the tournament?

    The tournament was a lot of fun; intense matches and a great atmosphere. I'll try not to repeat what others have said here and think of a less obvious match. I can't remember when it was in the Master Series but I really enjoyed watching Ryan Hart Vs Daigo when it happened.

    Highlight(s) of the trip?

    The rest of it. The hotel room sessions were very enjoyable; getting to meet and play against a lot of skilled players I normally couldn't play against and getting to know everyone.

    Enjoy the food?

    "Enjoy the pizza?" would probably be a bit more appropriate!

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?


    Have you attracted any fans?

    Apparently so. I received a brief stint of popularity for the first day or so. I thought that was really cool even if it made me feel a bit pressured whilst playing :p Especially if those big names Xinkai mentioned were indeed included. I wouldn't call the following fans but I did meet quite a few people who knew me from XBL and a few that wanted my Gamertag.

    Any final words?

    It was an absolutely fantastic trip which I wouldn't hesitate to recreate. Except Stunfest which I'm hesitant to go to since it's dangerously close to exam time :pac: But funds and time permitting, I will try to visit a lot of big events like this one. It's a lot of fun just meeting and talking to lots of people from all over who all share an interest. It's also a great experience playing some of the most skilled players there are. I am thrilled that there are people who will remember my name and I aim to make an even bigger impact next time! It's also very good to see that the experience has given already-solid players from here the motivation to up their game even further, myself included. Let's go put ourselves on the map!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    Cobelcog wrote: »
    Irish Cammy reporting in...

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?

    Yes...I told Ry that Blag would "fill me up"

    Don't for a second think that that one will be forgotten any time soon :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 238 ✭✭Cobelcog

    Ry wrote: »
    Don't for a second think that that one will be forgotten any time soon :)



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    No, you didn't which is why the rest of us took a second and then realised what you really said.

    Man I crack up laughing about it whenever I think about it lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 238 ✭✭Cobelcog

    Ry wrote: »
    No, you didn't which is why the rest of us took a second and then realised what you really said.

    Man I crack up laughing about it whenever I think about it lol.

    Lol, good stuff. I loved the late night hotel sessions. Everyone was tired to the point where everything was hilarious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    Yeh man it was fantastic. You ripping the piss out of me for being enthusiastic about something was hilarious.
    I know it was purely because it was all you actually heard of the conversation so you just mimicked it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 238 ✭✭Cobelcog

    Haha, good times. Though you did get your revenge by being too observant at the way I was standing/moving whilst talking!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,229 ✭✭✭Dreddybajs

    Niftycog! Who the **** says nifty?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,020 ✭✭✭Ry

    Cobelcog wrote: »
    Haha, good times. Though you did get your revenge by being too observant at the way I was standing/moving whilst talking!

    Man it just confused me so I had to ask wtf you were doing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,229 ✭✭✭Dreddybajs

    cobelcog teapot dance ftw

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,748 ✭✭✭Cunny-Funt

    I hate you guys.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 238 ✭✭Cobelcog

    I lol'd. Nice work, guys.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko

    Cogster, I demand you perform this legendary teapot dance at the next event over here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 238 ✭✭Cobelcog

    Sisko wrote: »
    Cogster, I demand you perform this legendary teapot dance at the next event over here.

    Only if you rig it so that I win!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Sisko



  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Liquidswords

    Hello; who are you and who do you main?

    My handle is Liquidswords (XBL GT:SuperGuerilla) and I main Fei Long.

    What were you playing and where did you finish?

    I was playing in the SF4 masters where I made it out of groups into the top 64 before being knocked out by a knowledgable French Ryu player named EZO. I also entered the SF solo on Sunday and got put out with 2 wins and 2 losses (5 man group FTL).

    Highlight(s) of the tournament?

    Playing lots and lots of Street Fighter, I swear I played more while there than I have in the last three months. The main highlight though was watching the top European heads take out the Japanese players, mainly the victories scored by Louffy, Lord DVD and Ryan Hart. Also seeing Starnab and Evans beat fools down with my man Bruce was pretty fun to watch.

    Highlight(s) of the trip?

    Probably the sessions up in the room after the event closed with all sorts from the Dublin and UK heads to the Disciple of Justin Wong but my personal favourite player was a certain flamethrower wielding Frenchman.

    Enjoy the food?

    J'adore les Bagette.

    Any interesting stories / anecdotes?


    Have you attracted any fans?

    If you count the two six year olds going crazy when I was ploughing through randomer after randomer on the vewlix cab with my feeble Gouki then yes... yes I did bitches :cool:

    Any final words?

    You must defeat Tiger Wah to stand a chance!
