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The Clerical Child Abuse Thread (merged)



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,126 ✭✭✭ironingbored

    ISAW wrote: »
    Well you might start by suggesting an actual law he broke???

    Well, under section 5 of the Criminal Law Act 1967 (Norther Ireland), failure to report a crime is an offence.

    Therefore, if we take Brendan Boland's testimony that he made Brady aware of the offences committed by Smyth against the "Belfast" boy as correct, then Brady has indeed committed a criminal offence.

    I'm still looking for clarification whether it is a criminal offence in the Republic of Ireland, to interview/interrogate a minor withough parent/guardian, solicitor present.

  • Moderators Posts: 51,791 ✭✭✭✭Delirium

    ISAW wrote: »
    But he was not in charge! the local bishop was in charge. it isnt for a garda to contact all the victims of an abuser; He investigates the one reported to him on instruction froml the local inspector or superintendant and he files the report and he leaves his superiors get on with it.
    Actually if a garda has been appointed to investigate accusations of a crime against someone, I would have thought they would follow up all leads.
    If brady was the local bishop at that tile then you have a point.

    People are saying Brady may have suspected wrongdoing and should have told about it. But if so should Gilmore or Adams anot have told about wrongdoing too? and if you are calling on Brady to resign on the basis of what he might have done then why dont you apply the same principle to Adams or Gilmore?
    Brady was involved in an investigation in allegations of child abuse. He didn't do a comprehensive investigation, not contacting the parents of other victims being a prime example.

    so if it is obvious why are you saying he should inform people who were already informed when Brady got to hear about them?
    I've done no such thing.
    Yes and the gardai who eventyually handled the case and the DPP might have not confirmed over a hundred other cases but taken say thirty counts against Smyth. and individual gardai might onluy have take the statement of one or two victims and not have anything to do with other victims.
    But they would still have to investigate if there was any substance to each allegation so as they could get an idea of the scope of the crime.

    They have but they do not have a role in the processing or judgement in criminal law.
    they can make mlegally binding decisions under contract law maybe but that is a different matter.
    What we are discussing here is in Ireland in criminal cases. the church do not decide on legal criminal guilt or punishment.
    Good. so we're agreed then.
    the church had no locus standing the victims were minors. so it would be for the parents to go to the police. the church has as you say above no standing or authority in taking deciding on or processing criminal child abuse cases.
    Brady, as any other person that would have known about the abuse, was perfectly entitled to report the abuse to the police. I've no idea how you could suggest that an adult who knows about abuse is not allowed report it to the police:confused:
    and it is up to the DPP not the police;
    Agreed, once the police have investigated the claim of a crime.

    Parents were not informed by Brady; Parents were informed by other people. Some parenbts were not informed at all . but in those latter cases they were not informed by the person in charge who is the o,ne in charge. To attribute to Brady the informing about all victims of smyth is ludicrous; He only knew about two cases for a fact. Hr was aware of suspicion of four more but that was hearsay. The only reason peoplke are bringing this up ois because today Brady is a cardinal. But they dont apply the same principle to the President of Sinn féin or to the Taniste Gilmore.
    The child that Brady investigated would have been hearsay until the interview occurred. Why would he complete the investigation and follow up with the other children?

    Which is not your later point! a different point. "The prosecution had investigated the other murder and decided not to prosecute. The family would have been informed at that stage as they would have had to identify the body"
    Fine, you're right, I'm wrong. The police still had to investigate the murder, which is the opposite of what you claimed.
    the family was not informed at that stage. any investigation if it took place on the murder in Naas happened AFTER identification. Mac Arthur think is the case and it is part of the grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre and unprecedented. GUBU events.

    he was not tried for Dunne's murder as the state entered a plea of nolle prosequi AFTER the body was identified.

    It is not a case of "could you identify this body as your son. thank you now you have identified Im informing you by the way he was murdered and we are not prosecuting"

    Im pointing that out because you asked "Why would the gardai not investigate all accusations of child abuse?" it could be they did investigate all smyth cases or they didnt but in either case they dint do anything about the vast majority of them.
    He was sentenced for abusing 20 children. It is believed he had over a hundred victims.

    They followed all leads that they had, it's quite likely that they couldn't identify any other children that Symth abused.

    If you can read this, you're too close!

  • Registered Users Posts: 786 ✭✭✭qrrgprgua

    koth wrote: »
    Brady was involved in an investigation in allegations of child abuse. He didn't do a comprehensive investigation, not contacting the parents of other victims being a prime example.

    Actually today if an allegation is made by a Child about abuse of a priests they Bishop can't contact the parents..

    No point judging the actions of 1975 with 2012 standards.

    But I do think he should go. He did know about abuse. And Morally he could have done more. A lot of People knew about B.Smyths crimes..Brady one of them, and while not in a position of authority at the time he could have chosen personally to follow-up (i.e. letting bishops know about the priest when he was moved to other dioceses)

    I am sure in Hindsight he knows he could have done more.. and at present he is doing nothing positive for the Church staying put. The Best thing would be to go on TV, Tell the facts as they were, apologise and resign.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,980 ✭✭✭wolfsbane

    ISAW said:
    Originally Posted by wolfsbane
    It was not a suspected theft. It was a series of child rapes. If I was a garda and had seen what Brady saw, I would have made sure I knew what was done in follow-up. If I didn't, then when I became Garda Commissioner and the facts came out, I would expect I would have to resign. Especially when I knew the rapist had been allowed to continue his abuse for many years afterwards.

    We know eamon gilmore had connections with Ofiicial sinn Fein who killed people.
    why then dont you call for him to resign?
    Because he was fighting a war he thought was just. I'm prepared to forgive my former enemies when we come to an acceptable resolution to our differences.

    I don't extent that to priests and others who served no idea of justice, only the welfare of their institution. They were not fighting what they sincerely regarded as a just war against their enemies. They were fighting against children, to protect their reputation.

    Matthew 23:23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. 24 Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,325 ✭✭✭true

    Mr.Wemmick wrote: »

    If a single Gardai had at the time been involved in the decision making to hush up the child abuse and keep it secret, and had passed the final decision making up to his superiors, to in later years become one of the top heads of the Gardai Siochana and the very same written proof came out regarding his involvement, he would be long gone by now.

    +1. The protectors of child rapists - the hierarchy of the RCC - go by different moral standards to the rest of the population. Its fitty that Brady should stay as the figurehead, so the Irish RCC can be the laughing stock of the world.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,267 ✭✭✭gimmebroadband

    wolfsbane wrote: »
    ISAW said:

    Because he was fighting a war he thought was just. I'm prepared to forgive my former enemies when we come to an acceptable resolution to our differences.

    I don't extent that to priests and others who served no idea of justice, only the welfare of their institution. They were not fighting what they sincerely regarded as a just war against their enemies. They were fighting against children, to protect their reputation.

    Matthew 23:23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. 24 Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!

    Who are they?? Surely you are not tarring the 97% innocent hard-working clergy with the same brush? 3% of evil sinners who were clerics, are not representative of the principles of the CC. I would agree with you if the percentages were reversed!

    John 8:7 "If anyone among you who is without sin, let him cast the first stone."

  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭celticcrash

    For 3 men to bring a child into a room without a parent presant and ask him did he get an erection, did he seed himself and at the end get the child to sign an oath of secrecy is itself an act of child abuse.
    Just for that alone the Gardi should be called in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 602 ✭✭✭philiporeilly

    ISAW wrote: »
    The RCC have NO criminal legal jurisdiction whatsoever. they dont claim to. They follow local law.

    If the RCC in Ireland had followed local laws they wouldn't be in all this mess with coverups and facilitating abusers to commit crimes by moving them from parish to parish.
    ISAW wrote: »
    first of all there was not decades of further abuse. This was in 1975. Smyth was arrested in 1991.

    Well if we are just talking about Smyth it was the 70s, 80s and early 90s. If you want to be precise about it yes 1975 - 1991 is still more than one decade. Now I can't believe you are arguing that point, it's like you're saying sure it was ONLY 1975 to 1991 where he was allow to get away with it.
    ISAW wrote: »
    You dont have any such role if you are not in their constituency.
    And the question of cardinals not being elected by the people is a silly point really.
    The commissioner of the gardai , army generals , Secretaries of government departments, Heads of Semi state bodies, the governor f the central bank etc. are not elected ; in fact they are appointed by the people who dont accoujnt for their pals from 1975 arent they?

    The are not elected officials but they do have responsibility and can be removed from their positions much easier than some of the incompetent leaders of the RCC.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    true wrote: »
    Most laws which are broken are considerably less serious than the child abuse carried out and covered up by the RCC.

    1. you allege cover up without providing evidence
    2. you provide a subjective standard or "serious"
    Leave him head of the Irish RCC, its very fitting that such a person with that track record is at the head of that despicable organisation. I know people who have gone to the grave because they were afraid to report on the Priests - it was not the done thing in them days.

    But i dont see you complaining about the head of the Labour Party or the Head of Sinn Fein pon the basis of what they knew in 1975!

    Raiser wrote: »
    I'll give you a patent fact Saint Spin - The accusations will grow fuller, the baskets will grow ever emptier, the tainted churches will continue to be converted into galleries and office spaces, until soon your friends profiteering, horrible, evil empire is just an embarrassing memory to the decent and just amongst us.

    - You should choose your moral compass a little more wisely next time.

    A daniel! a daniel! We have a Daniel among us! Not aloner can you predice the future you can advise us all on our morals?

    F12 wrote: »
    If you have religious beliefs then they do influence your prejudices, and if you don't then you can still be prejudiced but against inquiring non-god ideas and opinions.

    This isnt about MY bemliefs . please leave my personal beliefs out of it! when you personalise it it ids ad hominem.
    'Agnostics' can't make up their minds as to what is or is not, but they can be just as biased as anyone in their personal opinions, so it's not ad-hominem if you create statitical escapery for a priesthood who has been caught in flagrente delicto abandonment of the very core creods of right thinking they so loudly trumpet at every occasion. There's no need to feel that you are being attacked, but the very fact that you feel that you are, would appear to be symptomatic of an obvious need for self reassurance and comfort for your beliefs. Just keep calm, and don't get excited.

    Please stop personalising this.

    Mr.Wemmick wrote: »

    If a single Gardai had at the time been involved in the decision making to hush up the child abuse and keep it secret, and had passed the final decision making up to his superiors, to in later years become one of the top heads of the Gardai Siochana and the very same written proof came out regarding his involvement, he would be long gone by now.

    If a prisoner who was flown out of prison and brought to wesqtminister to negotiate on behalf of the IRA HINT: Gerry Adams whom it happens also knew about sexual abuse or if it was another leader linked to the Official IRA and their people Hint: Eamon Gilmore they should not be long gone?
    Whether Brady is fully responsible or not, it doesn't matter - he was there as an investigator and versed in canon law, not just a note taker, as he lightly put it.
    Canon law which said take noted and report them to your boss?
    He now presides over a Church that failed to protect children, he needs to move on and allow to Church to set things right. The fact that he is not prepared to resign is shameful and is an insult to all the Catholic children who suffered who continue to suffer as adults.. but he cares very little for them: then and now.

    But Gilmore and Adams preside over parties now and in their ast they were linked to the IRA ; so why should they not also resign?
    I don't think it is only Brady who should resign; there are plenty more. He should, however, go now.
    But Gilmore and Adams preside over parties now and in their ast they were linked to the IRA ; so why should they not also go now?
    I hope that we will soon have a whistle blower leaving the RCC with clear indisputable proof from within the church of the systematic failure to protect the many other children in Ireland.. and all the lies will be laid bare.

    It's only a matter of time..

    Maybe the unicorns and space aliens are to blame?
    It is only a matter of conspiracy theory lynch law and assumption of guilt.
    yo sound like an atheistic fundamentalist who believe sit is only a mmatter of timle when religion collapses and the few percent atheists run things.

    Well, under section 5 of the Criminal Law Act 1967 (Norther Ireland), failure to report a crime is an offence.

    Therefore, if we take Brendan Boland's testimony that he made Brady aware of the offences committed by Smyth against the "Belfast" boy as correct, then Brady has indeed committed a criminal offence.

    No! Boland was not in the North so the 1967 act does not apply and evidence about the Belfast boy was hearsay unless given by the Belfast boy to the RUC.
    I'm still looking for clarification whether it is a criminal offence in the Republic of Ireland, to interview/interrogate a minor withough parent/guardian, solicitor present.

    for a criminal offence? But the church have no hand act or part in investigating a crime.
    Was it illegal for them to interview the boy? No oit wasnt! If it was they would be charged with their illegal act. Bu it was not criminal not illegal.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    For 3 men to bring a child into a room without a parent presant and ask him did he get an erection, did he seed himself and at the end get the child to sign an oath of secrecy is itself an act of child abuse.
    Just for that alone the Gardi should be called in.

    By whom?

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    wolfsbane wrote: »
    ISAW said:

    Because he was fighting a war he thought was just. I'm prepared to forgive my former enemies when we come to an acceptable resolution to our differences.

    but Brady was not doing what he thought was just?
    Investigating what he was told to investigate and passing on the report on it?
    I don't extent that to priests and others who served no idea of justice, only the welfare of their institution.

    so you trust in the IRA judgement buit not in men who spent seven years in study and several more in formation? Obviously you think the priesthood is a brainwashing exercise.
    They were not fighting what they sincerely regarded as a just war against their enemies. They were fighting against children, to protect their reputation.

    so you are claiming Brady and the other priests involved in taking the statements were trying only to protest their reputation; In spite of the evidence that a priest who was present at the interview had already immediately gone to the parents?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    If the RCC in Ireland had followed local laws they wouldn't be in all this mess with coverups and facilitating abusers to commit crimes by moving them from parish to parish.

    What laws did they break? If they brode any they should be prosecuted for that.
    Well if we are just talking about Smyth it was the 70s, 80s and early 90s. If you want to be precise about it yes 1975 - 1991 is still more than one decade. Now I can't believe you are arguing that point, it's like you're saying sure it was ONLY 1975 to 1991 where he was allow to get away with it.

    Nope Im saying it was not decades later. the Brady incidents were 1975 and the h was prosecuted in 1991 mind you AFTER the 1987 Extradition Act.
    The are not elected officials but they do have responsibility and can be removed from their positions much easier than some of the incompetent leaders of the RCC.

    1. How many were removed?
    2. How many do you call to be removed by name?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,325 ✭✭✭true

    ISAW wrote: »
    Nope Im saying it was not decades later. the Brady incidents were 1975 and the h was prosecuted in 1991 mind you AFTER the 1987 Extradition Act.

    He forfeited his position as a moral authority figure when he failed to tell parents that their children had been raped. As someone else said / most people think, that would have been the decent thing to do. He can hide behind the Eichmann-esque ''I just did my duty'' line all he wants, but in his heart of hearts, he must know that withholding this information was immoral, dangerous and an affront to any decent god. I suppose what else would you expect from the church which historically hads abused so much, and deals with this abuse by cover-ups, transfering priests to other parishes and the missions etc. Why should Brady resign at a boy being forced to swear on the bible in a room with 3 men priests and told not to tell anyone except certain priests about the abuse - not even his parents. The questions the boy was asked by the men Priests was disgusting. Obviously Brady thought this kind of carry on is normal.
    Its only a matter of time before he resigns.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,325 ✭✭✭true

    ISAW wrote: »
    But Gilmore and Adams preside over parties now and in their ast they were linked to the IRA ; so why should they not also resign?

    But Gilmore and Adams preside over parties now and in their ast they were linked to the IRA ; so why should they not also go now?

    set up a different thread on Gilmore and Adams if you want. Two or three wrongs do not make a right. Church leaders are supposed to be moral authority figures - not people who failed to tell parents that their children had been raped

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,325 ✭✭✭true

    ISAW wrote: »
    But Gilmore and Adams preside over parties now and in their ast they were linked to the IRA ; so why should they not also resign?

    But Gilmore and Adams preside over parties now and in their ast they were linked to the IRA ; so why should they not also go now?

    set up a different thread on Gilmore and Adams if you want. Two or three wrongs do not make a right. Church leaders are supposed to be moral authority figures - not people who failed to tell parents that their children had been raped....which could have prevented the rape of others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    I just want to quickly comment on ISAW's repeated use of the term locus standi. Whilst it is a valid legal term and can have some relevance to whether or not a person can bring legal proceedings, it has absolutly no relevance at all, whatsoever, in respect to reporting crimes.

    I think ISAW is being, at best, slightly disingenuous with his feeble attempt to conflate bringing legal proceedings with reporting a crime.

    If one required locus standin to report a crime now would crimes ever be reported?


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    true wrote: »
    set up a different thread on Gilmore and Adams if you want. Two or three wrongs do not make a right. Church leaders are supposed to be moral authority figures - not people who failed to tell parents that their children had been raped....which could have prevented the rape of others.

    so you agree in principle that if not priests did the same thing or if non priests knew about illegal activities then they should resign?
    If not why do you restrict your principles of wrongdoing only to priests and not apply it to anyone else?

  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭gimme5minutes

    I am hoping Brady stays. The damage he doing to the church's reputation while staying on is massive. He is totally compromised and every day he stays more people are saying they've had enough of the church.

    Everyone in the country knows the score, Brady knew of multiple children being abused, he even interviewed some of them, and then he did nothing to stop Brendan Smyth when Smyth went on for the next 10+ years to abuse numerous other children. He knew Smyth was still at large and he didn't do a thing. He knew the church were covering it up, as they have ALWAYS done. Show me one case where the church reported one of the priests to the garda? And not only did Brady know it was being covered up, as was the standard procedure, he took an active part in the cover-up.

    So keep him on as leader, he is a perfect symbol of what the catholic church is all about.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    MrPudding wrote: »
    I just want to quickly comment on ISAW's repeated use of the term locus standi. Whilst it is a valid legal term and can have some relevance to whether or not a person can bring legal proceedings, it has absolutly no relevance at all, whatsoever, in respect to reporting crimes.

    but it constitutes hearsay!
    It is nnly the victim who could take the case. given the victiml is a minor it is only the parents; the priests have no standing in a case. the gardai would have to go to the victims and press charges based on what the victims state.
    In many cases the victims dint want to press charges just as they dont oin many adult cases of rape.
    It could be they went to a priest or even to a non priest and told about rape and said dont tell anyone else . Should the other person betray their confidence and contact the police in all probability they will deny the rape and lose the friend for betraying their trust as well.

    should the police bully or badger the victim into taking charges the other person (priest or non priest) would have no part in the case because their evidence is hearsay; they were not present to witness the act and only heard about it.

    in all likelihood a case would collapse. especially if the perpetrator claims people have been spreading rumors.
    I think ISAW is being, at best, slightly disingenuous with his feeble attempt to conflate bringing legal proceedings with reporting a crime.

    what ios the pointin reporting a crime if the case would collapse and the victim lose friends.

    sililar cases happened in hospitals , particularly mental institutions , where patients raped other patients. Nurses did not call in the gardai; they informed their superior and left it at that. If they were called in to an investigation they gave their evidence and left it at that. they did not go to the gardai and in must cases nobody was charged with a criminal offence. Had someone been charged i dont know what their role would be if they just heard about the rape from another nurse or patient. If they later became matron it isnt a resigning matter is it?

    to go back to you legal point. a similar case has been made about confession namely that priests should provide reorts to the police should pedophiles confess to them. In the unlikely event a pedophile confessess to a priest and suppose the priest gave up his vocation and tolfd the gardai what would happen? Nothing! The police cant use the priests evidence at all as it is hearsay. the priest cant identify the pedophile except by voice maybe has no name, address, description maybe does not even know if they are male or female.

    Now today when a priest is given information their first reaction should be "please take this to the gardai. i have no role in criminal cases. " A psychatarist should also probably say the same. But even after the church had it for ten years One in Four didnt have a policy
    of manditory reporting of rape. does hte rape cricis Centre have it? I dont know but i doubt they report all victims coming in to them to the gardai.
    If one required locus standin to report a crime now would crimes ever be reported?

    Maybe maybe not; My point isnt about reporting or convicting. It is about helping victims and possible prevention of further victims. To be honest would this have helped in the smyth case or in a similar non priest pedophile abuser case ? Id hgave to say yes it probably would. doe it mean Cardinal Brady hospital matrons garda commissioners etc. should resign . i dont think so . Should Adams or Gilmore resign because they knew about
    botched assassinations where the wrong person was killed or where children died and didnt inform on the people they were told were responsible?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,325 ✭✭✭true

    ISAW wrote: »
    so you agree in principle that if not priests did the same thing or if non priests knew about illegal activities then they should resign?

    In this country some politicians are of very low quality in moral terms, and are tainted with republican violence. Set up a seperate thread on that in politics if you want ( oh wait - I forgot you are banned from the politics forum). This is the thread on child abuse. If Adams or Gilmore took part in the same child abuse and cover up of child abuse as the RCC did, then they would have questions to answer.

    Brady did not just "know" about illegial activities. Many people in Ireland knew about illegial activities of the RCC. Some even, like you (as you said earlier in this thread ) suffered. Brady's involvement went much further than just "knowing", as many frightened boys on the streets did ( friends of the abused). Brady is supposed to give moral guidance. As said before, he forfeited his position as a moral authority figure when he failed to tell parents that their children had been raped. As someone else said / most people think, that would have been the decent thing to do. He can hide behind the Eichmann-esque ''I just did my duty'' line all he wants, but in his heart of hearts, he must know that withholding this information was immoral, dangerous and an affront to any decent god.

    Did you not see the programme on the BBC during the week? Brady not resigning is holding this country up to ridicule worldwide, and the Irish RCC deserves to be ridiculed as long as Brady does not resign.

    A recent survey found that 97% of Irish people thought Brady should resign. I wonder of the 3% who thought otherwise , what percentage were abused / are suffering from stockholm syndrome?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭gimme5minutes

    true wrote: »
    He can hide behind the Eichmann-esque ''I just did my duty'' line all he wants, but in his heart of hearts, he must know that withholding this information was immoral, dangerous and an affront to any decent god.

    "His duty"? I would like to hear him expand on his duty. Considering that the standard procedure for the church was to never report paedophile priests to the gardai, and instead cover-up the abuse and move the priest to another parish where they were free to abuse again, I would really like to hear Brady explain exactly what he meant by doing 'his duty' here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    ISAW wrote: »
    but it constitutes hearsay!
    So what? Many witness statements, or reports of a crime are hearsay. it would then be up to the civil authorities to establish the veracity of the claims and then collect non-hearsay evidence.

    ISAW wrote: »
    It is nnly the victim who could take the case. given the victiml is a minor it is only the parents;
    here you go again. We aren't talking about taking a case, we are talking about reporting suspicion of abuse of children. There is no standing required to report a suspicion of abuse to the civil authorities.
    ISAW wrote: »
    the priests have no standing in a case. the gardai would have to go to the victims and press charges based on what the victims state.
    What case? We are talking about reporting! Stop with the "taking a case" already. It would work something like this, the suspicion of abuse would be reported, there would be an investigation, if the suspicion proved to be true, or at least likely to be true a case would be built. At that point the priest may be involved as a witness, but at no point would he be required to have standing.
    ISAW wrote: »
    In many cases the victims dint want to press charges just as they dont oin many adult cases of rape.
    This may well be the case, but from what we have heard so far, this was a choice that was removed from them by the actions, of lack of them, from those in the church with knowledge or reasonable suspicion of the abuse.

    ISAW wrote: »
    It could be they went to a priest or even to a non priest and told about rape and said dont tell anyone else .
    I am guessing this is pure speculation on your part. Do you have anything to suggest that this is the case? We have evidence that the children were sworn to secrecy. Now, I know you are going to argue that that secrecy was only relative to the internal church investigation, but I call bull on that. Are you familiar with the term "mental reservation?" It is a phrase the church uses when it say something ambiguous, knowing that a person is likely to take the wrong meaning from it, but choosing not to clarify the meaning. Given that the church has admitting to using "mental reservation" do you think it is more likely that a) None of the children abused who reported the abuse to the church authorities wanted to take it further or, b) the church, when swearing the children to secrecy, took advantage of their mental reservation trick and choose not to tell them the secrecy only related to the church investigation. See. I can speculate too, though I think my speculation, given the church's behaviour in this matter seems somewhat more likely.
    ISAW wrote: »
    Should the other person betray their confidence and contact the police in all probability they will deny the rape and lose the friend for betraying their trust as well.
    That will depend on the circumstances. First of all, you are again speculating that the child, and remember we are talking about children here, did not want to press charges. Secondly, you are conveniently ignoring the fact that we are talking about children here. Person who legally cannot vote, drink alcohol, refuse medical treatment or consent to sex. If they aren't allowed to do these things because they are not considered mature enough to be able to deal with them, why should they be considered mature enough to decide that they don't want the fact that they have been raped or sexually abused to be reported to the civil authorities or even their parents?
    ISAW wrote: »
    should the police bully or badger the victim into taking charges the other person (priest or non priest) would have no part in the case because their evidence is hearsay; they were not present to witness the act and only heard about it.
    The police should have been made aware, as should the parents. At that point the children would have received the support they needed which may have enabled them to, or convince them that, a complaint should be made. There is no need for a victim to be bullied or badgered. I am getting quite tired of the hearsay argument, it is very poor. Much evidence collected in the first instance is hearsay, it points the authorities in the direction it needs to go in to collect evidence that is not hearsay.
    ISAW wrote: »
    in all likelihood a case would collapse. especially if the perpetrator claims people have been spreading rumors.
    You simply can't know that. Had the allegations been reported, which would NOT require standing, an investigation could have been carried out. Primary evidence and witness statements could have been gathered.
    ISAW wrote: »
    what ios the pointin reporting a crime if the case would collapse and the victim lose friends.
    Really? How about because it is the right thing to do? You don't know the case would collapse, nor do you know the victim would lose friends.
    ISAW wrote: »
    sililar cases happened in hospitals , particularly mental institutions , where patients raped other patients. Nurses did not call in the gardai; they informed their superior and left it at that. If they were called in to an investigation they gave their evidence and left it at that. they did not go to the gardai and in must cases nobody was charged with a criminal offence. Had someone been charged i dont know what their role would be if they just heard about the rape from another nurse or patient. If they later became matron it isnt a resigning matter is it?
    I am not aware of that type of case, so I can't comment. I would be interesting in reading more about them, however. Perhaps you would be kind enough to point me at some sources.
    ISAW wrote: »
    to go back to you legal point. a similar case has been made about confession namely that priests should provide reorts to the police should pedophiles confess to them. In the unlikely event a pedophile confessess to a priest and suppose the priest gave up his vocation and tolfd the gardai what would happen? Nothing! The police cant use the priests evidence at all as it is hearsay. the priest cant identify the pedophile except by voice maybe has no name, address, description maybe does not even know if they are male or female.
    A couple of points. First of all, hearsay evidence is admissible in some circumstances, so please stop acting like it can never be used. Secondly, even if the confession cannot be used in a legal proceeding, evidence gathered, as a result of the confession can be used. So, to take your priestly confession, a man goes to confession and confesses to raping a child. The priest, being a decent human being reports this to the police. He, like most priests in the confessional, knows who the confessor is. The police begin an investigation to establish the credibility of the confession. They find that it is credible and find other evidence proving the crime and the rapist is successfully prosecuted.

    The confession does not have to be used, the hearsay evidence does not have to be used. Both can be valuable simply for providing some direction for an investigation.

    I reckon you are a fairly bright person, you seem to have a reasonable grasp of the law, but I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not trying to be intentionally misleading, even though that seems the most likely scenario here.
    ISAW wrote: »
    Now today when a priest is given information their first reaction should be "please take this to the gardai. i have no role in criminal cases. " A psychatarist should also probably say the same. But even after the church had it for ten years One in Four didnt have a policy
    of manditory reporting of rape. does hte rape cricis Centre have it? I dont know but i doubt they report all victims coming in to them to the gardai.
    You are being disingenuous again. We are not talking about an adult making an informed decision not to press charged and having those wished honoured. We are talking about children, who are not considered competent to make those decisions.

    I know medical staff have a positive duty to report suspected child abuse. I was involved with victim support a long time ago, and even then we were told in training that any suspicion of child abuse we came across had to be reported.

    I don't understand how anyone could seriously argue that suspected child abuse should not be reported. :(
    ISAW wrote: »
    Maybe maybe not; My point isnt about reporting or convicting. It is about helping victims and possible prevention of further victims.
    Really? First of all, very few witnesses to crimes have what you call standing. I have witnessed, and reported several crimes. I can assure you I was never asked what business it was of mine to report the crime.

    And how would you suggest not reporting a crime helps prevent further victims?
    ISAW wrote: »
    To be honest would this have helped in the smyth case or in a similar non priest pedophile abuser case ? Id hgave to say yes it probably would. doe it mean Cardinal Brady hospital matrons garda commissioners etc. should resign . i dont think so . Should Adams or Gilmore resign because they knew about
    botched assassinations where the wrong person was killed or where children died and didnt inform on the people they were told were responsible?
    I understand that whatabouttery is what you do best, and that without whatabouttery the church really doesn't have an argument, but seriously ISAW, no one is buying it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,980 ✭✭✭wolfsbane

    Who are they?? Surely you are not tarring the 97% innocent hard-working clergy with the same brush? 3% of evil sinners who were clerics, are not representative of the principles of the CC. I would agree with you if the percentages were reversed!

    John 8:7 "If anyone among you who is without sin, let him cast the first stone."

    The 'they' was specifically stated: priests and others who served no idea of justice, only the welfare of their institution.

    No all priests and others - just those who engaged in the cover-up. If that was unclear to you, my apologies.

    Matthew 23:23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. 24 Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,980 ✭✭✭wolfsbane

    ISAW said:
    Originally Posted by wolfsbane
    Because he was fighting a war he thought was just. I'm prepared to forgive my former enemies when we come to an acceptable resolution to our differences.

    but Brady was not doing what he thought was just?
    Investigating what he was told to investigate and passing on the report on it?
    I'm sure he was. It's just that he was terribly mistaken in surrendering his conscience to the institution. Had he reflected for a moment about the buggering of the children, he would have seen it must be stopped and that he had to make sure it was. The terrorist who thinks he is fighting a just war against the Brits has many valid grievances to support his mistaken thinking. Brady & Co had not.
    I don't extent that to priests and others who served no idea of justice, only the welfare of their institution.

    so you trust in the IRA judgement buit not in men who spent seven years in study and several more in formation?
    No, the IRA judgement was mistaken - but had at least several grounds that appeared to support their reasoning - the Six counties not under Irish rule; discrimination against Nationalists, etc. Brady & Co had no moral reason, mistaken or otherwise, to offer to justify their actions. It was entirely down to protecting the institution at the expense of the children.
    Obviously you think the priesthood is a brainwashing exercise.
    It certainly seemed to inculcate unquestioning obedience in many.
    They were not fighting what they sincerely regarded as a just war against their enemies. They were fighting against children, to protect their reputation.

    so you are claiming Brady and the other priests involved in taking the statements were trying only to protest their reputation; In spite of the evidence that a priest who was present at the interview had already immediately gone to the parents?
    Yes, that is my claim. But I'm not aware that the parents had been informed - was this with the consent of Brady & Co? Did the priest inform all the parents?

    Sounds very strange to me - how come Smyth was able to molest several of their family relations for years afterwards? Did the parents ignore it? That's not the picture I have gained from the accounts.

    Matthew 23:23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. 24 Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 532 ✭✭✭Keylem

    As one poster already pointed out, the Church and State were one BIG instsitution in this Country!

    Close to 40 new cases have been uncovered of women as young as 14 years old having been committed to Magdalene laundries by the State.

    As the Justice for Magdalenes (JFM) group awaits the final report by the inter-departmental group set up to "clarify" any state involvement, it has provided concrete examples of 38 cases of women, some as young as 14, sent to Magdalene laundries by courts, often for years at a time, between 1926 and 1983.

    The move comes just a month after Justice Minister Alan Shatter appeared to backtrack on the question of state involvement in the Magdalene laundries, despite saying in opposition there was irrefutable evidence the State was "directly complicit" in such collusion.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    I am hoping Brady stays. The damage he doing to the church's reputation while staying on is massive. He is totally compromised and every day he stays more people are saying they've had enough of the church.

    and in stating this you clearly expose you anti Catholic church agenda.
    You are clearly not interested in victims so much as anything that damages the church.

  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭gimme5minutes

    ISAW wrote: »
    and in stating this you clearly expose you anti Catholic church agenda.
    You are clearly not interested in victims so much as anything that damages the church.

    Of course Im anti RCC. Im anti any organisation that rapes and abuses children and covers it up.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,142 ✭✭✭ISAW

    MrPudding wrote: »
    So what? Many witness statements, or reports of a crime are hearsay. it would then be up to the civil authorities to establish the veracity of the claims and then collect non-hearsay evidence.

    no it wouldnt! the civil authorities can use this as evidence nr can they rely on it as having any legal standing.

    All it is doing is saying "maybe a crime happened here". And I havez already stated that Brady has to answer as to why he didnt inform the PARENTS not the "authorities" but the PARENTS who had standing. Now the PARENTS dint decide to take a case. Should they resign too?
    here you go again. We aren't talking about taking a case, we are talking about reporting suspicion of abuse of children. There is no standing required to report a suspicion of abuse to the civil authorities.

    the whole issue is about a case being taken against Smyth and who was responsible that it was not taken sooner!
    There is no point in informing the authorities unless you expect the authorities to decide to act on wrongdoing!
    What case? We are talking about reporting! Stop with the "taking a case" already. It would work something like this, the suspicion of abuse would be reported, there would be an investigation, if the suspicion proved to be true, or at least likely to be true a case would be built.
    There is no point in informing the authorities unless you expect the authorities to decide to act on wrongdoing!
    If the reporter is leaving it up to authorities to decide then Brady repôrted to his superiour just as a nurse might and he left it to them to decide. You can criticise him for that if you want but is not reporting rape toi the police a matter to resign? If so the Rape crisis centre One in Four and all sorts of other people should resign. Do you think they should, Or that Gilmore or Adams should resign?
    At that point the priest may be involved as a witness, but at no point would he be required to have standing.
    You cant be a witness to something you did not witness.
    This may well be the case, but from what we have heard so far, this was a choice that was removed from them by the actions, of lack of them, from those in the church with knowledge or reasonable suspicion of the abuse.

    From what we have heard so far in the cases we dont know about . We dont know the full facts. But in the case we do know about Bomlands the pârents did not report the crime to the Gardai as far as i know. I dont think we should attack the poarents for that. do you?
    I am guessing this is pure speculation on your part. Do you have anything to suggest that this is the case?

    so you dont knw the actual facts. Rather then assemble innocence you assume guilt. i dont have to prove my speculation. If you alleged guilt it is for you to provide evidence to prove it.
    We have evidence that the children were sworn to secrecy.

    that TWO were sworn to secrecy about the Church process.

    If the church didnt process the other four how d you know someone else never learned of it and decided also not to go to the RUC or gardai?
    you dont know. All you know is the church people who know about the first two didnt contact the pother four. This includes not just Brady. But only Brady is being targeted. why ? clearly because he is a Cardinal. Posters have on this thread admitted their hatred of the church and their interest not in the victims but in attacking the Church.
    Now, I know you are going to argue that that secrecy was only relative to the internal church investigation, but I call bull on that. Are you familiar with the term "mental reservation?"

    i have not made that secrecy argument above. In addition I have heard of "mental reservation". It does not apply in the above investigation. If you can show where it sdid apply please do so. Can you?
    Given that the church has admitting to using "mental reservation" do you think it is more likely that a) None of the children abused who reported the abuse to the church authorities wanted to take it further or, b) the church, when swearing the children to secrecy, took advantage of their mental reservation trick and choose not to tell them the secrecy only related to the church investigation. See. I can speculate too, though I think my speculation, given the church's behaviour in this matter seems somewhat more likely.

    Given you have at least one set of parents who were informed where does that leave them in your "it is a trick" scenario?
    That will depend on the circumstances. First of all, you are again speculating that the child, and remember we are talking about children here, did not want to press charges.

    no that the parents having being informed of the crime didnt want to. In cases of criminality it isnt for them to decide. charges have to be taken. But they wont hold if the parents are not co operating with the gardai. i have no intention of replacing the Bishop with the pârents and attacking them for not reporting it either.
    Secondly, you are conveniently ignoring the fact that we are talking about children here. Person who legally cannot vote, drink alcohol, refuse medical treatment or consent to sex.

    just as unborn children cant but I many dont regard they as having a right to life.
    If they aren't allowed to do these things because they are not considered mature enough to be able to deal with them, why should they be considered mature enough to decide that they don't want the fact that they have been raped or sexually abused to be reported to the civil authorities or even their parents?

    Again if the parents OR the victim refuses to co operate with the gardai then N0 case will stand up in court.
    The police should have been made aware, as should the parents. At that point the children would have received the support they needed which may have enabled them to, or convince them that, a complaint should be made.

    I dont disagree with that BUT

    when the parents wer made aware they didnt act -what have you to say about them?
    When Rape cricis centre or One oin four were made aware IN 2005 for exapmle -they didnt report it - what have you to say about them?
    There is no need for a victim to be bullied or badgered. I am getting quite tired of the hearsay argument, it is very poor.

    If the victim of rape or the parents in the case of rape of a minor wont co operate do you suggest the case be dropped? If not how do the gardai get the victims t co operate? and if the rape crisis centre or One in Four dont report rapes should the gardai go after them?

    Really? How about because it is the right thing to do? You don't know the case would collapse, nor do you know the victim would lose friends.
    And if the rape crisis centre or One in Four dont report rapes?
    I am not aware of that type of case, so I can't comment. I would be interesting in reading more about them, however. Perhaps you would be kind enough to point me at some sources.

    Not to cases because such cases would not happen.
    Funny how people want law against openly gay teachers in ethos schools changed in spite of the fact that no teacher has ever been sacked for being homosexual isnt it?
    so dont play the "no cases" card on me!
    section 34
    It should also be provided that a person is not guilty of the offence if at the time the offence is alleged to have been committed, he did not know, and had no reason to suspect, that the complainant was suffering from mental handicap or mental illness as defined.
    Every hospital has its own policy on rape. There are some hospitals which are required to report any rape, regardless of patient confidentiality. Other hospitals are not allowed to report a rape to the police until the patient agrees to it. Patient confidentiality is becoming more common, but there are still hospitals which do not follow this procedure. According to the Rape Crisis Center of Syracuse University, some hospitals may call the police if the rapist used a gun or knife in the attack. The only way to really know for sure whether or not the rape will be reported is to have an understanding of what the specific hospital's policies are on rape.
    A couple of points. First of all, hearsay evidence is admissible in some circumstances, so please stop acting like it can never be used.

    I accept it could sometimes be admitted. NOT in proving a rape however!
    Secondly, even if the confession cannot be used in a legal proceeding, evidence gathered, as a result of the confession can be used.

    Yes but why should the church the gardai or you assume guilt?
    In fact the church procedure does assume guilt and immediately suspends any accused priest.
    So, to take your priestly confession, a man goes to confession and confesses to raping a child. The priest, being a decent human being reports this to the police. He, like most priests in the confessional, knows who the confessor is.

    1. he doesnt report it
    2. he does not know who the person is

    We cant have priests or even non priests running around saying "i think Mrs x might be a pedophile"
    The police begin an investigation to establish the credibility of the confession. They find that it is credible and find other evidence proving the crime and the rapist is successfully prosecuted.

    nonsense. they would have nothing to go by! If a priest or a non priest suspected someone then they would have to go by what they witness outside a confession box. Unless they actually witness abuse by seeing it themselves it is all circumstantial.
    the idea of a big police "confession squad" arresting loads of pedophiles is nonsense!
    The confession does not have to be used, the hearsay evidence does not have to be used. Both can be valuable simply for providing some direction for an investigation.

    WHAT direction? No description of the crimlial or victim, evidence, address, crime scene, time of crime, date of crime
    I reckon you are a fairly bright person, you seem to have a reasonable grasp of the law, but I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not trying to be intentionally misleading, even though that seems the most likely scenario here.

    Im not! I cant see any relevance to a priest reporting a rape to gardai. Nor a psycharitrist or solicitor or any one else privileged . Al thought in the latter cases they might have an actual description or address.
    You are being disingenuous again. We are not talking about an adult making an informed decision not to press charged and having those wished honoured. We are talking about children, who are not considered competent to make those decisions.

    And their ADULT parents on hearing of the crime deciding NOT to go any further.
    I know medical staff have a positive duty to report suspected child abuse.

    1. Not to the gardai
    2. In 1975? to the gardai?
    I was involved with victim support a long time ago, and even then we were told in training that any suspicion of child abuse we came across had to be reported.

    victims support dint exist in 1975! And if the suspiscion was reported by yu did you follow it up and investigate all other cases of suspected abuse by the same person? If the person lect your area did you check the gardai in the new area were investigating the pêrson or did you cntact the victimls support in that area? If not should you resign?
    I don't understand how anyone could seriously argue that suspected child abuse should not be reported. :(

    TO THE GARDAI. Brady reported it . judst not to the gardai or the parents. He assumed the system would deal with it just as you assumed the victims support system would.
    Really? First of all, very few witnesses to crimes have what you call standing. I have witnessed, and reported several crimes. I can assure you I was never asked what business it was of mine to report the crime.

    Yes. but if you dint report it and assumed another person had done so should you now resign?
    And how would you suggest not reporting a crime helps prevent further victims?
    I didnt suggest that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,495 ✭✭✭StudentDad

    It really is disturbing to see the idea mooted that it's okay for ordinary citizens of the State (namely clerics) to decide the severity of a criminal act. That is not their job. It is the job of the police to investigate crime and the job of the Director of Public Prosecutions to decide if a criminal trial is warranted. It is not the job of a cleric to decide if evidence of child abuse (or other crimes) is important enough to report to the police.

    Mr. Brady was in the position where he had evidence of child abuse. Rather than pass this information onto the police he chose to conceal it. To my mind this makes him an accessory to the crimes that were committed after he became aware of the ongoing abuse.

    His behaviour has been frankly disgusting and cowardly.
    His continuing in office is an affront to decency and the rule of law.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 387 ✭✭gimme5minutes

    ISAW wrote: »
    Blah, blah, blah...Martin Mcguinness, Eamonn Gilmore...blah, phones in 1975, etc....

    I dont know why you're bothering to defend Brady. He has come out himself and and said what he did was wrong and apologised for it, and that he should've reported the abuse back then. And no-one else from the church is saying that what he did was alright. You are the ONLY person who sees nothing wrong with Brady did, he himself says he was wrong. One of his excuses is that he didnt 'understand the impact' it was having on the children. What absolute nonsense, it doesnt take a genius to know that rape is an extremely serious crime. Raping children is about as bad you get, yet he 'didnt understand the impact'...shows what an absolute scumbag this man is, he is not fit to lead anything, he must have no empathy at all.

    The fact of the matter is that the church have always covered up child abuse and moved priests on to other parishes where they abuse again, that was their standard procedure, so when Brady says he was just following orders he is admitting he facilitated paedophiles priests to commit more abuse. He knew the catholic church never reports their priests to the gardai, preferring instead to silence the victims and move the priest to another parish...and he actually took part in this process. He should be up in court for facilitating paedophile priests. He should be done for aiding and abetting a crime or perverting the course of justice because that is what this scumbag is guilty of.

    I just hope his massive ego wins out and he stays on in his position as head of the church in ireland as if any good can come out of all this its that Brady will serve as a perfect reminder of what a disgrace of an organisation the RCC is.
