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In the Play Pen: SarcasticFairy



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,639 ✭✭✭kev_s88

    how awful is it being based up in the arsehole of nowhere in UCD???

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭degausserxo

    What do you like most about yourself?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,148 ✭✭✭✭KnifeWRENCH

    I put it to you that you are neither sarcastic nor a fairy. How does it feel to turn into a house of lies with your misleading username?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,962 ✭✭✭jumpguy

    If you could travel anywhere right now, where'd you like to go?

    Do you like Ireland?

    Favourite type of movie?

    Favourite movie ever?

    Internet or TV?

    Favourite coloured pen?

    Are you an early bird or more or a night owl?

    iTunes or Windows Media Player or other?

    Firefox or Internet Explorer or other?

    Why did you choose to do Law?

    Has the recession impacted your life much, if so, in what way?

    Top 5 favourite lyrics (I gave you 5! Surely you can choose! :P)?

    Favourite/least favourite thing about secondary school?

    Furthest away country you've ever travelled to?

    Ever travelled to any unusual places?

    Are you sarcastic IRL?

    Do you read, if so, any favourite books?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭SarcasticFairy

    kev_s88 wrote: »
    how awful is it being based up in the arsehole of nowhere in UCD??? Me? Attend lectures in Roebuck? Aha. So far away.
    What do you like most about yourself? Ahm... I hate these types of questions... I do like being horribly stubborn and determined. That or being little. Despite the endless jokes about being little (I'm not *actually* that tiny, like... ;_; ).
    I put it to you that you are neither sarcastic nor a fairy. How does it feel to turn into a house of lies with your misleading username? Says the man claiming to be a KnifeWRENCH? At least I'm kinnnda fairy-like. I'm never sarcastic though. Ever.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭hitlersson666

    If boards were to end tomorrow how would you cope?

    Can you fairy me up some moneys as well please?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭SarcasticFairy

    jumpguy wrote: »
    If you could travel anywhere right now, where'd you like to go? London. London is my favourite place in the world. I haven't seen most of the world, but London feels like home. <3

    Do you like Ireland? S'grand. S'no London, but even if I were to live in London, I'd prolly like to come back here eventually, when I'm like... old.

    Favourite type of movie? Comedy, I guess? Don't really watch movies all that much..

    Favourite movie ever? I wrote a blog on this recently, and concluded that I do not, in fact, have a favourite films. I don't even have films that I kinda like. It's all a bit meh. So I reverted to my childhood, and chose Toy Story. I do love Toy Story. Third one is out sooooon. \o/ (I am a big child. :D)

    Internet or TV? Internet. I'm equally meh about tv as I am about films. Though there are a coupld of shows I do watch pretty religiously.

    Favourite coloured pen? I like using pink and orange pens, in alternation, for headings. Also, I'll only use black pen if I reaaalllllyyy have to. I only like writing in blue. (Crazy pen habits.... My notes are amazingly neat, though.)

    Are you an early bird or more or a night owl? Yeah, I don't like mornings. Luckily doing Law means I'm in at 4 most days, meaning I can avoid them for the mostpart \o/

    iTunes or Windows Media Player or other? I really do not like iTunes, but WMP doesn't play whole songs on my laptop, for some reason... So, I rarely use either :)

    Firefox or Internet Explorer or other? Chrome! <3

    Why did you choose to do Law? Meh, just gonna copy this from my blog.
    "Since I was 8 (Ish? Pretty sure I was 8. Whatever. I was about the same height I am now, only I looked even younger. S’all that matters.) I’ve wanted to be a barrister. My uncle from Australia was home, and he asked me if I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I thought for about a nanosecond, and said “A lawyer”. I have no idea why. If I were to go back, and he was to ask me the same thing, I would say, “Eh Paul, I’m 8. My main concerns include how to get off school and still be allowed out to play, and finding a way to have chocolate for dinner. I do not have time to consider what I want to do with the rest of my entire life; I have more important things to attend to, kay?” Anyway. We were in Achill at the time, with various members of my extended family, and we were all having dinner, and he announced I wanted to be a lawyer. An 8 year old who knows what she wants from life is impressive, in fairness. The fact I probably based my decision on the fact that I’d seen Judge Judy the previous day (Achill does not have decent tv. It just doesn’t.) and my fickle little mind just thought, “Ah sure, I’ll shout at people. Good times.”, because really, that’s all she does. She’s all cynical and sarcastic and amazing. And this is clearly how real courtrooms work, duh! Hmm. Then my Nana, bless her, was extremely proud of this, and began questioning me about the whys and hows and whens of this decision. “Er, listen Lady, he asked. I answered. Pretty much the basis of my decision right there… I just want chocolate, and I’ll be off, kay?”." Yeah... that's pretty much how it happened. I do find it interesting though, which is mostly why I decided not to abandon the idea :)

    Has the recession impacted your life much, if so, in what way? Not really. I wanna move out next year, but I have no job, and no real way of getting a job because I'm not very experienced, and well, there are no jobs, which means I can't afford to fund moving out myself. Before the recession I prolly would'a asked my Mam to pay for it, but it's not completely necessary that I leave home, and I don't want to put any kinda unneeded pressure on her now.. So kinda, but not really?

    Top 5 favourite lyrics (I gave you 5! Surely you can choose! :P)? Remind me to come back to this later! I <3 lyrics, but I'm in the library, and this requires thinking and music.

    Favourite/least favourite thing about secondary school? My year were really lovely people, who I mostly got on with... It wasn't all that cliquey, like most years, which was kinda nice! Least favourite would be my LC maths teacher. She ruined my love of maths.

    Furthest away country you've ever travelled to? I haven't been outside Europe! Was supposed to go to San Francisco last Summer, but that didn't go ahead for so many reasons. So, eh, the Canaries? I dunno. I don't like maps.

    Ever travelled to any unusual places? Not really :(

    Are you sarcastic IRL? NEVER. :P

    Do you read, if so, any favourite books? I stopped reading just before the Leaving Cert and I only started reading again in January. I used to love reading, though. Favourite books? MEH. :P


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭SarcasticFairy

    Sorry Kate! Somehow missed your questions >_<
    kateos2 wrote: »
    What would be the first thing you'd buy if you won the lotto? Some kinda place to sleep near UCD? Or a car (A turquoisey blue mini cooper. <3)... or shares in various make-up companies, and lots of dresses. But I'd probably actually do things like pay off my Mam's mortgage and such first...

    If you could only visit one other country in the world where would you go? Dunnooo. Too hard. The world's huge. I've always wanted to go to Australia, even though I'd burn to pieces what with being obscenely pale... There's various parts of America I'd like to wander around... I have no desire to see Asia, really. Oh, and I still haven't been to France, and I like the idea of France, so there too. (This works much like favourites. I don't deal well with choosing :P)

    If your house was on fire, what would the first thing you'd save be (assuming people and pets were out already)? Photos seem like a silly thing to save, but my walls are covered in photos I love, and I couldn't just reprint most of them if they were burned. I could technically replace most of my other stuff... (That, or I'd abandon sentimentality and pile up my laptops, my make-up, and my bed, and run. I love my bed so much.)

    If boards were to end tomorrow how would you cope? Meh. I don't post that much, really. I've met some epic people through it, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if the site itself died. Though, I'd have little to flick through when bored :( (I'd have to like, read actual books. Ew. :P)

    Can you fairy me up some moneys as well please? 'Fraid not. I have very few superpowers/magic-y powers. I just float through life, the airy fairy kinda fairy!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,445 ✭✭✭Jako8

    You get to do Obama's some random celebrity's (Who you absolutely love) make - up for some big party or something.

    What way do you do it and why? Also, who is the celebrity?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,962 ✭✭✭jumpguy

    Paddy's Day: Yey or nay?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,532 ✭✭✭Ginja Ninja

    happiest moment of your life?

    saddest moment of your life?

    so,are you and grace the same person yet?

    describe your OH in one word?

    describe yourself in one word

    did the apostrophe make that much difference?

    are you a self confessed grammer nazi?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,962 ✭✭✭jumpguy

    Quick backround question for anyone to answer: Did Grace with in the Leaving Cert Blog in 2009? :confused:

    Or is that someone else compleeeetely different (y'know, I'm only guessing because bythewoods turned out to be)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,164 ✭✭✭Konata

    Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

    Do you think you made the right decision in attending UCD?

    Was UCD your first choice?

    If you couldn't do Law, what course would you study?

    What is your favourite childhood memory?

    Do you have a favourite photo? Who's in it? Where/When was it taken?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,553 ✭✭✭soccymonster

    Me or deise?

    John or edward?

    What would you order in a chinese?

    And your fave cheeeeese please?!' :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 446 ✭✭msbrightside

    Are you a sporty person?
    Do/Did you play any musical instruments?
    Favourite TV show, if any?
    Daddy or chips?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭SarcasticFairy

    Jako8 wrote: »
    You get to do Obama's some random celebrity's (Who you absolutely love) make - up for some big party or something.

    What way do you do it and why? Also, who is the celebrity?
    Can I use pictures? I'm bad at describing things, and to anyone lacking in interest in make-up, words will mean nothing. Anyway, pictures are prettier! :D

    I would prefer to do stuff like this all day:

    But you can't really do stuff like that on most people cos it'll just make them feel self conscious cos people stare when you put more than one colour on your eyes/get any way dramatic, and also, it's like, a sin to match your clothes to your make-up. Much like over-plucking your eyebrows. I'll get preachy on either of those topics. :P

    With this in mind, I'd stick to greys. And lots of eyeliner. So much eyeliner. I <3 smudgey eyeliner. But, my laptop is failing me, and so is google, so you'll have to use your imaginations... Something along the lines of:
    Only MOAR eyeliner, all smudged up on the lower rim. And liquid liner on the upper lash line, with an understated flick.

    Or this one, cos it's sparkley. (MOAR eyeliner.)

    I have little interest in celebrities, tbh... But I'd probably choose Taylor Momsen, the Olsens, or Audrey Tatou, because I would like to be them all (for no real reason in particular...).

    Glad you asked now? :P

    Also, ooh look thumbnails! Meant to put in proper sized images, but meh to changing them now... You get the idea! :)

    EDIT: Those images are from xsparkage and petrilude, who are like, my make-up heroes. <3

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,962 ✭✭✭jumpguy

    How and when did you discover your eye make-up artistry talent/hobby?

    Ohh and song lyrics...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭SarcasticFairy

    jumpguy wrote: »
    Paddy's Day: Yey or nay? I normally hate Paddy's Day, but this one looks like it's gonna be fuuuun! :D
    happiest moment of your life? Ahm... Ahhhhmmm. Nothing spectacular's ever really happened to me... that I can think of... I dunno, it doesn't take a lot to make me happy, so there are random moments where I think "I could not be happier" but... no stand out best moment EVAR.

    saddest moment of your life? This is sorta random, but the first time I ever really experienced someone I was anyway close to, dying, was when my best friend's Dad died. He used to mind me after school, and was kinda like a Daddy figure man for me (My own Dad isn't a part of my life where I can control it.) so I took that pretty badly. I'm kinda lucky in that that's my only real experience of death... Other than that it's just random sad moments.

    so,are you and grace the same person yet? Not quite. We're working on it, though. If I can just figure out how to grow an inch...... :P

    describe your OH in one word? ...Ew, OH. I wouldn't ever describe him as my OH, anyway! But... um... sarcastic?

    describe yourself in one word Badatansweringquestionslikethese.

    did the apostrophe make that much difference? It really did. *nod* Several people wouldn't join because of it. Something had to be done.

    are you a self confessed grammer nazi? I am. I only point things out when they *really* need to be pointed out/I want to be annoying though.
    jumpguy wrote: »
    Quick backround question for anyone to answer: Did Grace with in the Leaving Cert Blog in 2009? :confused:

    That was indeed Gracie :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭SarcasticFairy

    Hotaru wrote: »
    Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? Originally the plan was to be a barrister by then, but now I'm not so sure. I could do something law-y, or I could go into make-up artistry, or writing of some description would be nice (though, I don't think that'd work professionally because I don't like being told to write, and what to write on :() so now I don't have a plan. I'm too stubborn to drop out of college, so no matter what I'll finish my degree and after that, I'll wander until I find something I'm happy doing :)

    Do you think you made the right decision in attending UCD? Yes. I really do wish it wasn't so far away, but as a college, I do love it. It's also technically supposed to have a better law school, when you look at where its alumni are now, but meh. People are pretty nice, college is grand, I have the McDermotts (Lecturers I love...). And lovely boardsies!

    Was UCD your first choice? Nope. Trinity was!

    If you couldn't do Law, what course would you study? I prolly wouldn't be in University. I had primary teaching down on my CAO as well, but primary teaching would never make me happy... I'd probably have done some kind of make-up course thing (Make up artistry - I'd never want to be a beautician). I played with the idea of running to London, and doing a course there (Spent so many careers classes looking at some course in some kinda art college there, and trying to convince my careers teacher that Make-Up Artistry > Law, but he told me I was too clever for that :/

    What is your favourite childhood memory? One of my cousins is also one of my best friends. There's only about 6 months between us and we spent almost our entire childhoods together. Pretty much anything involving her is a gooood memory. :)

    Do you have a favourite photo? Who's in it? Where/When was it taken? I love my photos from when I was little... and the one's from when I went to Barcelona on an exchange... and there's a photo from my graduation with a load of the girls in it, which I love... So many photos I love! Don't make me choose!
    Me or deise? Deisemonster *nod*

    John or edward? Edward. I'm not really sure why.

    What would you order in a chinese? The least chinese-y thing I could find. I don't like chinese food :( I'm a horribly picky eater in general...

    And your fave cheeeeese please?!' :DMELTED cheese. :D (White cheddar? I don't really like cheese very much, and I really don't like strong cheeses...)
    Are you a sporty person? No... but I used to run, and was on a tag-rugby team... and I used to swim. But I don't *like* sports.
    Do/Did you play any musical instruments? Nope :( I'd love to be able to play the piano, but am too lazy to go about learning... One day!
    Favourite TV show, if any? Grey's Anatomy (Though, Glee and Gossip Girl are also made of win...)
    Daddy or chips? Pfffft. That's not even a choice. Chips :D


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,111 ✭✭✭Jesus Juice

    On a scale of Pi to 39, whats your favourite food?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 929 ✭✭✭TheCardHolder

    Not a question but I just read through most of the thread. It's really interesting to get this kind of insight into a person. Great answers so far! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,882 ✭✭✭phlegms

    Favourite historical event/period in History?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,383 ✭✭✭Aoibheann

    Do you ever think that you don't dance enough (I know I don't ;_; )?

    Favourite shiny things (can be multiple as I understand the difficulties in choosing one!)?

    Most irritating characteristic in a person?

    Best childhood games/toys?

    Do you hold grudges or do you find it easy to forgive people?

    More when I think of them. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭SarcasticFairy

    jumpguy wrote: »
    How and when did you discover your eye make-up artistry talent/hobby? It took me *ages* to remember how this all started. This one time, at bandcamp*, I got a free sample of some new foundation. Up until then, I had no interest whatsoever in makeup (I was in 5th year, so, about 16?). I tried it. I liked it. I boughtededed it. Life was good. Well, for a short period of time. I then decided to buy some really (REALLY) cheap eyeshadows in the beautiful shades of cornflower blue and dark, dark green (don't ask why, I have no idea. Every girl seems to start with blue - it's baffling). These shades flatter no one, in any capacity - you just look like someone punched you. And you, I dunno, added glitter to distract from the bruising. I, however, went around looking like I was constantly in the wars for a good, four days. Then, on The Style Bitches, someone linked me to xsparkage's youtube, and I learned from there how not to look like I had a vicious enemy. I also bought better eye-make-up. All was right in the world again :) (Sorry you asked? :P)

    Ohh and song lyrics... I was listening to my iPod the other night trying to find lyrics I like, and discovered I like some lyric in almost every song. And you know I don't have favourites! So, I just chose some random lyrics I do like. None of them are my *favourite* but mehhh. I also forgot how to count to compensate for the fact I can't choose. Saahhhrrryyy.

    "Tell me that you want to dance, I want to feel your pulse on mine
    Just treat me like a stolen glance to yourself"

    "I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned"

    "I climb the fence, the one that you’ve been sitting on"

    "To think I might not see those eyes, makes it so hard not to cry, and as we say our long goodbyes... I nearly do".

    "Everyone's life ends but no one ever completes it, dry or wet ice, they both melt and you're equally cheated"

    "Dr. Jekyll Is Wrestling Hyde, For My Pride…"

    "...and said "good luck, for your sake I hope heaven and hell
    are really there, but I wouldn't hold my breath,
    you wasted life, why wouldn't you waste death"

    "If you feel discouraged, When there's a lack of colour here, Please don't worry lover, It's really bursting at the seams, From absorbing everything, The spectrum’s A to Z."

    "It stung like a violent wind that our memories depend
    On a faulty camera in our minds"

    "When you look at me with your cinematic eyes
    I wanna play the part but I'm messing up the lines"

    I know I'm missing some lyrics that I really, really love, but can't remember them off hand, and amn't arsed listening to every song on my iPod to find 'em... So many lyrics <3
    On a scale of Pi to 39, whats your favourite food? Magic?
    phlegms wrote: »
    Favourite historical event/period in History? Sorry phlegms, really, really don't like history :(. Did it for the junior cert, and the only part of it I liked was my Michaelangelo essay, so um... the Renaissance? :)

    *I've never been to bandcamp. My inability to play an instrument is the reason for this, I assume.

    MOAR questions plz :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭SarcasticFairy

    Aoibheann wrote: »
    Do you ever think that you don't dance enough (I know I don't ;_; )?

    "Dancing makes you brave. People don’t dance enough." - I love this quote, and I have no idea why. Your question just reminded me of it :D

    But to actually answer what you asked, I definitely don't dance enough. I blame you *nod* I mean, wasn't it you who chose to sit in the tiniest corner downstairs in Doyles? For shame, Aoibheann. :P (<3 dancing so much) We need to dance until our legs hurt soon *moar nods*

    Favourite shiny things (can be multiple as I understand the difficulties in choosing one!)? Glitter-y makeup. And sequined bags. :D

    Most irritating characteristic in a person? Probably arrogance/pretentiousness (Is that a word? It is now!)

    Best childhood games/toys? I used to really, really love monopoly. Twister is also good. And I remember being amused for hours by Guess Who (It is such a difficult game......). Never did like the Game of Life though.

    Also, that thing, with the ropes around people's legs and you jump over them to that "England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales....." rhyme-y thing, and you move the ropes higher until it's impossible for your 8 year old legs to jump over them? Yep. That game. (Anyone know what I'm on about?)

    Do you hold grudges or do you find it easy to forgive people? I'll let most things slide reasonably easily, but if you seriously hurt me, or one of my best friends, I'll hate you forever.

    More when I think of them. :)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭Extrasupervery

    Modest Mouse, Death Cab AND The Postal Service?!?!

    Aoifers, I truly truly truly love you.

    1. Why do you always smell of awesome?

    2. Are you really Mary Poppins?

    3. Why don't you drink tea?


    4. You should've taken that pizza with you. It's gone all weird now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭SarcasticFairy

    Modest Mouse, Death Cab AND The Postal Service?!?!

    Aoifers, I truly truly truly love you.

    1. Why do you always smell of awesome? Because I love perfume far, far too much :)

    2. Are you really Mary Poppins? I don't carry around furniture, but I do have chocolate, nail varnish, and q-tips. Oh and tights. Pretty sure that makes me Mary Poppins. NOD.

    3. Why don't you drink tea? I don't like it :( It's all hot and tasteless. And Green tea is worse (has a taste, but distinctly worse than tasteless). Sowwee Gracie :(


    4. You should've taken that pizza with you. It's gone all weird now. Why do you think I wouldn't put it in my bag? It was wrapped beautifully, if nothing else :)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭Extrasupervery

    5. Why do vegan pancakes fail at life? Or not at life. Lollerz. I made a funny.

    6. If you had gotten law at Trinners would the universe have imploded?

    7. What's your favourite...uh oh. I said favourite. Which Girls Aloud songs do you like?

    8. If you could see any artist/band/whateverthe**** live who would it/they be? Living or dead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭SarcasticFairy

    5. Why do vegan pancakes fail at life? Or not at life. Lollerz. I made a funny. Maybe we fail at life? Maybe powdered eggs weren't the way to go? Still, they may have looked like smoker's lungs, but they tasted grand! :D

    6. If you had gotten law at Trinners would the universe have imploded? Pretty sure it would. I mean, who wants to get two super quick trains a day when you can get four buses? That, and I would have no Gracie to mooch with/generally live with. :)

    7. What's your favourite...uh oh. I said favourite. Which Girls Aloud songs do you like? The Promise, The Show, Sound of The Underground, Untouchable, annnnddd Biology........ (And Love Machine and Something Kinda Oooh :D)

    8. If you could see any artist/band/whateverthe**** live who would it/they be? Living or dead. Ahm. Ahhhhm. Can I mush together Girls Aloud and Snow Patrol? Chances I'll see Girls Aloud live again are slim (Nadine's performing her first solo single for the first time this week. SOB. You're all useless alone. Get it the fúck back together.) but Snow Patrol live make me so happy (and they'll make me happier now I know the songs :P). I could choose someone I've never seen before, but those two make me happy, and ahm, them mushed together would be.... interesting. Also, I'm tired, and don't want to think too hard. >_>

    Also also, random thought. Gary Lightbody and Cheryl Cole would have beautiful troll babies. That is a very strange thought. I'm not wholly sure why I'm putting it here, but it follows on from the idea of mushing Girls Aloud and Snow Patrol together. :D

    When I start spewing random thoughts it's probably a sign I should sleep and not contemplate writing an essay I really need to write. :(

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,768 ✭✭✭almostnever

    What's the best piece of advice you were ever given?

    Favourite website (apart from Boards,of course)? ;)

    Best compliment you've ever received?

    5 things you like about yourself?

    Languages you'd love to learn to speak?

    Any fears/phobias?

    Any interest in politics?

    Are you ticklish?

    What do you do when you need cheering up?

    Favourite girls name/girls names you like?

    Favourite boys name/boys names you like?

    Pet peeves?

    Guilty pleasures?

    Bottled water,yay or nay?

    Proudest achievements?

    Best "mistake" you've ever made?

    I'll leave it at that for now. :p

This discussion has been closed.