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SU Elections



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,584 ✭✭✭Diarmsquid

    It's strange how many of the candidates aren't actively involved in the Union, like being a class rep or something, but now feel they know enough to run for elected positions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,620 ✭✭✭Grudaire

    Right, so for us poor INTRA folk who may wander up to DCU for the polling, we're left out of the loop for info on the candidates.

    I know very few of them, so could be sold by as little as a post here from a candidate (or someone pimping them)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,584 ✭✭✭Diarmsquid

    Don't think they're allowed to start campaigning till 9 AM on Monday. I'd say at 9.01 you can expect a flurry of group invitations on Facebook and all the usual stuff. Emailing class lists are banned this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,269 ✭✭✭cocoa

    Diarmsquid wrote: »
    Don't think they're allowed to start campaigning till 9 AM on Monday. I'd say at 9.01 you can expect a flurry of group invitations on Facebook and all the usual stuff. Emailing class lists are banned this year.

    unless you're running for a convenor role...

    Cliste, what do you mean by left out of the loop? Didn't you get the e-mail with the list of candidates, or is it just that you can't attend hustings? Or won't be receiving campaign information by e-mail?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 60 ✭✭OrionsBelt

    Diarmsquid wrote: »
    It's strange how many of the candidates aren't actively involved in the Union, like being a class rep or something, but now feel they know enough to run for elected positions.

    How strange is it also that those that are class reps aren't running. Would it be better to have no candidates?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 Killer_Cheese

    Manifesto: Cillian Byrne
    Education and Welfare Candidate 2010/11.

    From what I've been told and what I see the role as, there are three main aspects to performing this position.
    There is the Education side of the job, which entails looking after and voicing the fears, misunderstandings and angers that any student or potential student could have regarding their course and their overall learning experience and outcomes.

    There is also the Welfare element. This task is not for the overly emotional. It deals with peoples personal problems, be it financial, relational, family or indeed acedemic. It is, for me the most important role of the Education and Welfare officer. Education and Welfare officer needs to be able to not only listen and sympathise, but must also be able to find the best solution for that individual.

    The third role that I see the Education and Welfare officer having is that of his/her position on the Union and the responsibilities that this carries. Along with working closely with the other officers on events and campaigns the Education and Welfare officer needs to ensure active engagement with the students, through the convenors, class reps and individuals. This active engagement will help the officer to better understand students worries and problems, putting them in a stronger position to be able to absolve and solve these issues.

    If elected;

    As the Education and Welfare officer I have three different roles that carry three different sets of objectives.
    Under the Education role
    • I will strive to ensure that any cuts made to courses are not affecting the core objectives and learning outcomes of students' courses. Budget cuts are set to be implemented; they are inevitable however we need to ensure that the integrity of any and every course is maintained and that the budget cuts do not prejudice the education of any student incoming or current. This will mean that all courses are kept to their highest level.
    • With larger numbers coming into college at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and budget cuts on the horizon we need to ensure that class structures are not compromised and that current standards do not diminish by the introduction of larger classes and tutorial groups. In some cases in the year gone past these standards have not been adhered to. I propose to ensure that these lapses in standards are reversed and prevented from reoccurring.
    • With possible academic structure reform in the near future and the proposed changes to the academic calendar we need to ensure that all changes are implemented in a manner that minimises disruption to both our students and indeed our academic staff. I feel that this will be the biggest issue facing the education structure within the university in the coming year, as this affects not just the next academic year, but will have ramifications for the university for the foreseeable future. These reforms will need to be eased upon our structures and prevented from becoming immediate large scale changes. To introduce these reforms, ensuring minimal confliction, we will need a strong voice as our Education and Welfare officer. Although most would see me as a soft spoken individual, I shall prevail to be the strong leader that this position needs.

    As Welfare is concerned:
    • I feel that this role needs to work closely with the incoming Campaigns & Information Officer, whom ever that may be, in order to educate students about and to help students avail of all the support that the university has to offer. There are people here to help students with every aspect of college life and we need to give students the capacity to utilise these services to their full potential.
    • Also working in conjunction with the various services within DCU, this role can help increase the visibility and approachability of these support services on campus. Simply knowing that the services are there is not enough. We need to actively encourage people to seek assistance when they need it and having the services out and about will encourage people to avail of them.
    • Finally it is my promise to you, to be the one you can count on to be there for any problem or issue that you as a student and a friend may have throughout your year.

    With my role within the Union:
    • Maintaining a strong and active interest in the politics of student affairs is a very important objective of mine. Our Class rep system needs to be more engaging so that more issues that students are having can be brought to light. I plan to introduce professional training and a constant reward program for active class reps.
    • With potential cuts looking imminent, close relationships with the faculty convenors will be of extreme importance. The convenors and class reps are the eyes and ears to what really goes on in DCU and ensuring they have an environment and a person they can come to with any issue, however big or small is what will make my job achievable.
    • As Education and Welfare officer I will be responsible for some of the campaigns run throughout the year. In the past and up until very recently, the union has tried to stretch their events out for an entire week long campaign, sometimes resulting in poor turnouts. My plan for the Education and Welfare campaigns is to run them for a shorter period of time to result in a greater impact. This year's Disability Awareness Day is a prime example of how campaigns can be organised and run for a shorter period.
    • With the return of the bar this year and a major swarm of events, there has been a visible increase of a student filled frenzy, however we still need to ensure that all of our students are catered for. That’s why I hope to be able to push for more events and campaigns aimed towards the post grads and mature students within our ranks. With more and more students seeking postgraduate courses straight after their undergrad the events run already this year were suitable, however we need to take into account those returning to education after a period of time.!/pages/Cillian-Byrne-for-Education-and-Welfare-DCU-2010/112947112050982?v=wall

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18 Foxkehs

    My name is Jackie Fox, a second year Communications student, and I’m running for Humanities and Social Sciences Convenor.


    I’ve been an active class rep for my course for the past year; getting involved fortnightly in Union Council but also in the Programme Board Meeting every Semester. Currently, I’m the Student’s Union Accommodation Officer and have worked with the Education and Welfare Officer to negotiate overnight guests within campus residence during study week. Holding several society committee positions during my two years in DCU has given me the chance to work together with people as a group but also in organising weekly events around campus.


    There needs to be an improvement with the relationship between convenor and class reps. We all know that the current economic climate has affected each of us in different ways and it’s currently affecting the Humanity and Social Sciences Faculty significantly. My intention is to fight, to the best of my ability, these module cuts amongst the different courses. It’s unfortunate that such radical changes are being made, however, it’s vitally important that the students voice is heard in relation to which are the most important, necessary and academically valuable modules. It’s crucial that class reps and convenor stick together during this time to fight for what is right for their course.

    An idea I have for the future of incoming students of Humanities and Social Sciences is an ice-breaker/information session during Orientation Week. My proposal is to have a slot during Orientation Week for students for a period of 2 hours. This will be run by former class reps and the Humanities Convenor. Its aim would be to help the new students interact with each other, to feel more comfortable in their new surroundings and with each other. Also, the former class reps shall give the students a talk on their experiences within their course but also to offer a friendly a familiar face for new students. Another area that would be explored would be the importance grades throughout the year, the necessity of a good and vocal class rep, coping with different assignments and presentations and any other useful contact or other information. I think this would be something that would be very beneficial for future students.

    Finally, I would hope to organise a Humanities Ball for students in the Hub to give students that well deserved break they need from all those assignments!

    I assure you, I’m very dedicated to the work I do and I’d really appreciate it if you voted for me for Humanities Convenor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,448 ✭✭✭Garseys

    shouldn't there be a seperate thread for candidates manifestos?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,354 ✭✭✭Urizen

    Brian McDonald for Clubs & Societies Officer - Vote YES

    Link to the Facebook. The manifesto is in the discussion area.

    Facebook - Brian McDonald for Clubs & Socs Officer

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 237 ✭✭goodgodholmes

    Hey guys, I'm Maeve McQuillan and I'm running for DCUSU Campaigns and Information Officer.

    You can read my full manifesto at:

    Click the link at the bottom to get to the manifesto!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭eagleye7

    All the fun can be found at

    David Doyle No. 1
    for DCU SU President

    A Manifesto for a New Union – 2010 / 2011

    Thank you for taking the time to read my vision of DCU SU going forward into 2010 – 2011. I strongly believe that there are a number of key areas within the Union that desperately need to be addressed, reformed, expanded or created. Below I have listed my six key areas for reform within the Union, all of which I promise that, if elected, I shall address at the first available opportunity.

    I believe that through my experience, dedication and enthusiasm I stand as the best candidate for the position of President. I hope you agree with me, and will consider me for your number 1 vote in the upcoming elections.

    For more information on my campaign or to provide input, suggestions or questions please do not hesitate to visit or to text ‘Doyle’ followed by your question to 51567. Standard network charges apply, and my campaign will not use your number for any purpose other than replying to your questions.

    I hope the manifesto below answers your questions and addresses your concerns as best as possible.

    Remember, for a breath of fresh air, Vote Doyle No.1


    David Doyle.

    1) Massive Union Reforms

    DCUSU has an important responsibility to all students and that is to represent the needs and interests of all of us through academic and extra-curricular representation, through campaigns and events, through collective and individual issues. This is, in my opinion, the main aim of our Union, and it is a goal that has been blurred and weakened in recent years due to a failing and complacent structure within the Union itself. If elected, I promise to reform the SU to ensure, no matter what the situation, that the Union is always there for you when you need it.

    Among my proposed reforms are immediate changes to the role of convenors both within the SU and at faculty level, the running of campaigns regarding student life, the promotion of SU events across campus as well as the availability of help to all students.

    DCU SU’s first line of attack and defence within each faculty is your class representative, with the support of a faculty convenor. Without these tirelessly working across each faculty, the Union has a considerable weakened voice regarding a number of key academic issues. Recognising this, I promise that if elected I will ensure all Convenors place a higher priority on Academic Affairs than on the social and cosmetic side of the Union. In a time of impending budget cuts and the inauguration of a new DCU President, it is essential that our Union plays a strong role in academic affairs and it will be of my highest priority that your voice is heard during these trying times.

    I promise that if elected, I shall ensure that dedicated weekly clinics will be held by members of the SU Executive. These clinics will allow easier access for all students of DCU who may be frightened or intimidated by entering the SU offices.

    While I will reform the approach to academic affairs, I also believe that a reform to the way in which our extra-curricular activities are run is necessary. I will ensure that events and campaigns are run both by sabbatical officers and a dedicated Events Crew with the input of all students through a series of feedback forums.

    In short, I both promise and aim to achieve and create a Union that is more transparent, more open and more available. If, like me, you want to see a Union that actively engages with the issues that affect students; then I would strongly urge you to Vote Doyle Number 1 for SU President.

    I believe it is time for our SU to concentrate on the issues that directly affect all students and to branch out from its current structures.

    2) Hub Refurbishments

    In recent years we have seen a massive expanding of Student Life in DCU, especially in terms of Clubs and Societies. Since the re-opening of the NuBar, we have all been reminded of the potential and importance of the Hub as a social centre for life in DCU.

    If elected, I promise to use the Union voice on the Hub Management Committee to push for a massive refurbishment of the facilities available within the Hub. Our student centre is an excellent facility that we need to properly maintain and improve. Simple maintenance of the Hub is essential to creating a more vibrant atmosphere on campus.

    By working closely with both the Office of Student Life and The Hub Management Committee I promise that, if elected, I shall use the Unions voice, vote and resources to push for as intense a refurbishment as possible. In doing so, I would ensure that we, the students of DCU, get the best value for our money and the highest quality facilities, which we deserve.

    I believe that we deserve the highest quality of facilities and services across the university, especially within our own student center.

    3) Postgraduate and Part-time Student Facilities and Representation

    At present, DCU SU is an under 24 and undergraduate Union, despite a large proportion of students studying post graduate degrees here in DCU. If elected, I promise to make a number of swift reforms to structure and policy that can best be divided into the following categories: Facilities and Representation.

    In terms of facilities, both DCU SU and DCU as a whole have office hours that cater almost exclusively to 9 – 5 Students, and fail to address the needs of evening study students or those studying part-time degrees. If elected, I will immediately ensure that a Sabbatical officer of DCU SU will be available after hours one night of the week to meet with part-time and evening hours students. Also, I will begin to lobby for more inclusive opening hours of departments across DCU.

    Regarding representation, DCU SU has a considerable gap in the needs of Post-Graduate students. Despite two post-graduate officers sitting on executive there is at present no attempts to create a bottom-up grassroots representation structure. If elected, I will reform the way in which post-graduate reps are elected to ensure a fair and practical system of Class Representatives. Lastly, I will strive to create a separate body of Union Council to cater for Post-graduate and Part-time representations.

    I believe that our union should be inclusive of all members and ensure that DCU is a welcoming campus to all students.

    4) Mature Student Representation

    Similar to the gap of representation for post-graduate students, the facilities that cater to the unique needs of Mature Students lack considerably. At present our Union has no elected Mature Student position and I promise to immediately change this.

    A Mature Student Officer of Union Council shall be established at the first UC of the academic year, whilst at Constitutional Review I shall press for the creation of an executive officer for Mature students.

    Similarly, the facilities available within DCU are almost specifically targeted towards students aged 18 – 24. If elected, I will push for the creation of a café bar within the Hub, as well as a regeneration of The Den to create a student centre that caters for the needs and wants of mature students.

    I believe that DCU SU should be open with its services and facilities, ensuring that they all cater for the needs of mature students.

    5) National Presence

    Although the issue of USI is always discussed throughout the course of Union elections, I will not allow it to hijack a more important issue of our voice on a national scale. If elected to the office of President, I shall ensure that the interests of DCU students will be heard and recognized through a number of different channels.

    Currently, our outgoing university President is engaged in numerous discussions with the Minister for Education and Science, as we can easily see from his blog and numerous print articles. I would hope, that in the interest of DCU, our incoming president shall maintain this level of communication with the department.

    If elected President, I shall act upon my strong belief that constant communication with our own University President is essential to a wider representation of DCU Students.

    Similarly, through a series of direct communication with other SU executives across the country, I will ensure that DCU plays a strong part in any national campaigns of immediate interest or relevance to student life. Throughout the ‘Fight the Fee’s’ campaign, it was clearly displayed that DCU students are willing and able to represent themselves on important issues, and if elected, I shall ensure we have the opportunity to do so when needed.

    I believe that we need a greater national presence, and I will ensure that you have the opportunity to make yourself heard.

    6) Visible and Continuous Campaigns & Events

    As president of DCU SU I shall ensure that the campaigns organized by the Union shall increase in length, legitimacy and scope. If elected, the SU shall no longer concentrate solely on ‘themed weeks’ but rather on persistent, year long campaigns on relevant welfare, academic and social matters. This reform of campaign structure shall place more emphasis upon internal DCU campaigns, targeting issues with relevance to the student body. (i.e; Registry, Fees, Finances, Access, Student Support, Health, Careers.)

    I strongly believe that the SU does not need to sell out a ball, print out tickets and hire expensive acts simply to have a party. Using our excellent and experienced events organizer, I shall create a union which concentrates on 5 nights of the week, and not 1 every fortnight. I will ensure that the SU concentrates on regular, student-friendly and entertaining events across multiple nights of the week. This shall be done along side a new feedback facility for our large scale events, such as the Life-Wired Festival.

    Further to this, I believe that in these tough economic times, tickets should be set at a price affordable to all students and that all students receive adequate notice and information on events and ticket sales.

    I believe that SU campaigns and events should be far-reaching, memorable and accessible to all students.

    For faculty specific issues text your faculty name to 51567.

    - Science and Health
    - Nursing
    - Humanities and Social Sciences
    - Engineering and Computing
    - Business

    Want to meet with me to discuss my policies? Text ‘Today’ to 51567.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Yay, it's rhetoric season again!


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,620 ✭✭✭Grudaire

    cocoa wrote: »
    Cliste, what do you mean by left out of the loop? Didn't you get the e-mail with the list of candidates, or is it just that you can't attend hustings? Or won't be receiving campaign information by e-mail?

    Never really went to hustings, more that I don't see any of the stuff that floats about (Even campus isn't about*)

    The one person that I would vote for on the list right now I can't, because they're in Humanities (vote Adam ;) ) Now to read these long chunks of text...

    * I don't like reading Campus on a computer

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,159 ✭✭✭✭phasers

    I'm a first year so don't really know the score, but do some people just run for every position going? I recognise a few of these names from the equality officer election from earlier in the year...

  • Registered Users Posts: 235 ✭✭Carri

    phasers wrote: »
    I'm a first year so don't really know the score, but do some people just run for every position going? I recognise a few of these names from the equality officer election from earlier in the year...

    Some do, I guess...

    Some genuinely want it..

    Some do it for the lulz..

    If you have no idea who to vote for, go to Hustings... :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 60 ✭✭OrionsBelt

    Competition seems to be pretty intense this year. Even to the Convenors and the non contested positions are really pushing their campaigns. The Hub, the Herny G and Business School are covered in posters. May be, it being an election and all, security and the cleaners will turn a blind eye and leave them up. I doubt it though

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,641 ✭✭✭andyman

    I have to say, Cillian Byrnes posters are absolutely quality. The one where he's holding his arms out with the slogan "Here to hug it all away" is one of the funniest, yet cleverest things I've seen this year.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    andyman wrote: »
    I have to say, Cillian Byrnes posters are absolutely quality. The one where he's holding his arms out with the slogan "Here to hug it all away" is one of the funniest, yet cleverest things I've seen this year.

    I too hold illustrative marketing skills in higher regard than the ability to spell correctly. You'd think that someone running for election would at least get a dictionary or a spell-checker.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 Killer_Cheese

    I too hold illustrative marketing skills in higher regard than the ability to spell correctly. You'd think that someone running for election would at least get a dictionary or a spell-checker.

    I agree, but don't the mistakes help with standing out in what is a serious swarm of colorful i'm human.

    Hey 'Lets hug it out'

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,159 ✭✭✭✭phasers

    eww, hugs...

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  • Posts: 0 ✭✭ [Deleted User]

    A sign of the recession maybe? Kind of a strange one seeing last years candidates back again in some cases.

    Regarding the other candidates, Doyle was heavily involved in societies (possible chair of 3+) I think I know where he was planning on heading from Day 1. But, I guess that ain't a bad thing because he seems to have put a lot of thought into policy. Nudie I suppose is Mortimer 10/11 and the other girl seems to be the style/drama/conspiracy society...

    After being fooled for 2 years with election promises, I don't care anymore. The only position that needs to be there is Education and Welfare...although I would like to see a new health warning rap...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3 ciaranhughes

    My name is Ciaran Hughes, but I'm known as Nudie. I'm third year Education & Training student. And I'm hoping to be your next SU President. I'm running for SU President as I feel I can give something back to DCU. DCU has lot of potential and I hope to help it reach it.

    DCU lacks community spirit and a sense of pride that other colleges have, it is my aim to engage all groups and schools and develop a community in DCU, through hosting social events for all throughout the year. Its your college, Enjoy it.

    DCU needs an injection of atmosphere into its campus and its events; this will be my primary aim as president. For the past three years I have been at the forefront of planning successful events such as the GAA Mystery Tour. DCU's largest Mystery Tour. I want the students to have a President that’s main focus is the students happiness and give them a student’s union that hears students voices and gets tangible results.

    If elected as DCU’s next president I would ensure that the student’s union focus remains on its students. I will be a president that stays in tune with what the students want whether this is regarding events or other important issues.

    I also feel that it is important that the students have the chance to voice their opinions on whatever they wish and that these suggestions are not just read, but actively taken on board.

    Here are some of my aims
    • Campus Bar: The bar was a success this year, and I'm going to do my best to keep that going. I've got a lot of contacts in the drinks trade, and I'm going to use these to ensure that the hub keeps the success going. There is also a place for up and coming Bands and DJ's to showcase their talent in the old bar and the new bar can facilitate this.

    • 24 hour lib! A recent survey I took of DCU students, they all suggested a 24 hour lib around exam time, for example trinity college has one and there is no reason why DCU can’t be the same.

    • Recycling, I want to keep recycling to the forefront. A cleaner Healthier DCU is better for us all.

    • Also I feel at the end of semester there should be a kind of end of semester festival, to increase the community spirt in college and create a better atmosphere and it will fill the gap of events left by the departure of the E&S society .

    • Printing/Colour Printers. One thing students mentioned to me was that printing costs are still very high. There is a need for more Colour Printers on campus, there should be seperate colour printers used just for colour printing on their own so anyone who is not printing in colour can’t sit there.

    • Rag Week: DCU rag week has never lived up to its potential, everyone wants to go to Galway's etc. and I want our rag week to be up there with it. I want to make it more attractive and more fun and enjoyable for the students. Our rag week should be a success as it doesn't clash with exams or any other rag week. Rag week is about Charity lets not forget and we should make more than enough for such causes. I can ensure a fun filled rag week.

    It is my aim to try and bring forward the Christmas exams to December. DCU is one of the very few colleges who have exams in January. I feel that this is putting unfair pressure on the students – they are unable to enjoy their holidays.

    I feel most of these aims are very achievable and are not unrealistic and I will do my best to get them.


    Vote Ciaran 'Nudie' Hughes For SU President

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 6,524 Mod ✭✭✭✭dregin

    LOL E&S

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,405 ✭✭✭gizmo

    I was going to reply with what was probably going to end up a rather long winded post going into detail on some of the points from the two Presidential posts above. After thinking about it however, I don't think it's really necessary. The entire thing can be summed up in one short sentence...

    Reading the above manifestos it is clear that one of these candidates knows what the office of the Student's Union President involves, and one does not.

    Hopefully the student body in DCU sees the same thing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 listen to me

    gizmo..? Isnt the office of su president there for students to help voice their opions and problems with the college amoungst other things.?

    The above manifesto has highlighted a few pionts that many students have asked for and many are achievable, bar maybe the 24hr lib, cant see that being done, but going by Meg O Riodrans manifesto,
    Hungry Pay less..? cant see her gettin any prices down, or the parking..? what going to happen, she will build a multi story..?
    Doyle sees the most likley candidate, personaly i would rather see doyle or hughes get it as they look more presidantial, but it will be interesting to say the least,

    whoever gets it please bring a buzz back...e&s will be missed

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,894 ✭✭✭✭phantom_lord

    How am I meant to know who to vote for w/o pics?

  • Registered Users Posts: 694 ✭✭✭douglashyde

    I've so far sent 4 emails to this year’s Campaigns and Information officer.

    She has yet to answer one of my emails.

    So, can this year’s Campaign and Information officer nominees confirm that they are able to reply to student emails?

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 3,807 ✭✭✭castie

    My name is Ciaran Hughes, but I'm known as Nudie. I'm third year Education & Training student. And I'm hoping to be your next SU President. I'm running for SU President as I feel I can give something back to DCU. DCU has lot of potential and I hope to help it reach it.

    DCU lacks community spirit and a sense of pride that other colleges have, it is my aim to engage all groups and schools and develop a community in DCU, through hosting social events for all throughout the year. Its your college, Enjoy it.

    DCU needs an injection of atmosphere into its campus and its events; this will be my primary aim as president. For the past three years I have been at the forefront of planning successful events such as the GAA Mystery Tour. DCU's largest Mystery Tour. I want the students to have a President that’s main focus is the students happiness and give them a student’s union that hears students voices and gets tangible results.

    If elected as DCU’s next president I would ensure that the student’s union focus remains on its students. I will be a president that stays in tune with what the students want whether this is regarding events or other important issues.

    I also feel that it is important that the students have the chance to voice their opinions on whatever they wish and that these suggestions are not just read, but actively taken on board.

    Here are some of my aims
    • Campus Bar: The bar was a success this year, and I'm going to do my best to keep that going. I've got a lot of contacts in the drinks trade, and I'm going to use these to ensure that the hub keeps the success going. There is also a place for up and coming Bands and DJ's to showcase their talent in the old bar and the new bar can facilitate this.

    • 24 hour lib! A recent survey I took of DCU students, they all suggested a 24 hour lib around exam time, for example trinity college has one and there is no reason why DCU can’t be the same.

    • Recycling, I want to keep recycling to the forefront. A cleaner Healthier DCU is better for us all.

    • Also I feel at the end of semester there should be a kind of end of semester festival, to increase the community spirt in college and create a better atmosphere and it will fill the gap of events left by the departure of the E&S society .

    • Printing/Colour Printers. One thing students mentioned to me was that printing costs are still very high. There is a need for more Colour Printers on campus, there should be seperate colour printers used just for colour printing on their own so anyone who is not printing in colour can’t sit there.

    • Rag Week: DCU rag week has never lived up to its potential, everyone wants to go to Galway's etc. and I want our rag week to be up there with it. I want to make it more attractive and more fun and enjoyable for the students. Our rag week should be a success as it doesn't clash with exams or any other rag week. Rag week is about Charity lets not forget and we should make more than enough for such causes. I can ensure a fun filled rag week.

    It is my aim to try and bring forward the Christmas exams to December. DCU is one of the very few colleges who have exams in January. I feel that this is putting unfair pressure on the students – they are unable to enjoy their holidays.

    I feel most of these aims are very achievable and are not unrealistic and I will do my best to get them.


    Vote Ciaran 'Nudie' Hughes For SU President
    gizmo..? Isnt the office of su president there for students to help voice their opions and problems with the college amoungst other things.?

    The above manifesto has highlighted a few pionts that many students have asked for and many are achievable, bar maybe the 24hr lib, cant see that being done, but going by Meg O Riodrans manifesto,
    Hungry Pay less..? cant see her gettin any prices down, or the parking..? what going to happen, she will build a multi story..?
    Doyle sees the most likley candidate, personaly i would rather see doyle or hughes get it as they look more presidantial, but it will be interesting to say the least,

    whoever gets it please bring a buzz back...e&s will be missed

    Hmmm two one post accounts and the second one showing overwhelming support for the first.

    gizmo please enlighten us here and quench my curiosity.

    I propose that these two are in fact one. Too much of a coincidence for my liking. (also had similar happen in the maynooth forum about elections as well)

    Paddypower odds 1/25 :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,628 ✭✭✭Asok

    Stick to one account please if the other is going to be used for sockpuppetry. If I see any more of it both accounts will be sitebanned.

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 3,807 ✭✭✭castie

    Boom HEADSHOT!!

    pity the odds were crap :(
