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Wordpess in specific area of website

  • 19-03-2010 2:30am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,764 ✭✭✭

    I'm looking to integrate a Wordpress blog in to my website but am unsure as to how to do the following;

    As you'll see from the link below, my website is split in to 2 main areas - navigation on left and content on the right. What I want to happen is for my blog to appear in the content section when users click on the 'BLOG' link. I've managed to get it working so that the initial blog page will open in this section but anytime I create a new post it changes how/where it opens.


    Is there an advised way to do this?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 41 Freemancon

    Have you considered using an <iframe> tag to embed the blog into your content? It seems like the fastest way, if not the best way, to get this done. You may have to set a default size that will require scrolling on long pages but it's a quick & easy solution.

    I would also consider moving off of and moving to a wordpress install on a subdirectory of your website. This would give you greater theme control and you could even go as far as to make it a seamless part of your website. You'd create a directory called "blog" ( and then install wordpress, import your posts and work on a theme that fits better to the rest of your website. You may still use an iframe but it would be possible to do it without iframes.

    Hope this helps.
